The old thread
>>310462 → hit the bump limit.
Post Corona-Chan stuff here.
>Coroner Concludes That BBC Radio Host Lisa Shaw Died Due To Vaccine Complications>Shaw died after developing blood clots in her brain, a side effect officials described as "rare." is a follow up of
>>309226 →
Selfishness of those who are Vaccinated.
I find it funny people are still even calling this a "vaccine" sounds to me like a treatment. I mean honestly the way Pfizer is getting money from the government, would you want this to stop?
>FRED CORBIN - EXPOSES ALL OF THE CORONAVIRUS LIES>In a town hall meeting in Barbados, a professional race car engineer with a background in nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons, marine biology, and civil and aerospace engineering, educates the people in attendance on what he says is the source of COVID, and why it is, in fact, a biological weapon along with the vaccines being administered.>He says he has leaked Pfizer jab documents & access to the Wuhan labs “deleted” database! >Yet the “board” doesn’t want to know?>WHY???>There IS only ONE answer!! They are all in on the scam!!!!>Every single one of these vaccines contains 15 billion nanoparticles of graphene oxide. [Embed]
>Irish Medical Doctor: The Shots are Killing People! We need to Stop This! >Her Medical License was Just Suspended>An Irish medical doctor who had just worked all night in the hospital took time to give an impassioned plea to stop the COVID-19 injections. She states that other than the children, for whom the shots are not yet authorized, almost everyone she treated had two doses of COVID-19 shots.>She states that she is seeing things that in all her years of practice she has never seen before, such as blood clots in the arm of a young girl in her 20s. Nobody is linking these injuries to the vaccines.>She states that the hospitals are short staffed because nurses are quitting, as they do not want to get the jab. [Embed]
Grant M.D. deleted his entire account after his post went viral.
>WARNING !! >Graphene Oxide in Nestle's "San Pellegrino" water. [Embed]The jews have control of the food chain.
>Daughter of an experienced Australian Aged Care Registered Nurse released a video showcasing some shocking insider facts that have been hidden away from the public. [Embed]
Be careful anons lots of people are pretty dumb, and people make mistakes and misjudgments.
One other thing is that (((they))) love to poison the water, by mixing just enough truth in with bullshit.
Fe3O4 would kill you. A very tiny amount your body tries to break it down into the stuff that carries oxygen.
If they give the wrong names to things when people look into it further it looks not right. That something is wrong.
[YouTube] Magnetic graphene oxide debunked & Synthesis of graphene oxide via Modified Hummer’s Method
Ivermectin goes on Prime Time TV - in Japan.
>Dr. Kazuhiro Nagao on Japanese TV saying he's used #ivermectin as early treatment for over 500 covid patients with practically 100% success rate. Asks for nationwide use.>Dr. Nagao is director of the Nagao Clinic and a university professor. [Embed]
>still no ivermarectine horse paste oc(now with apple flavor!)
Ok I have literally found out the profile of the people taking these injections. My mom and older brother have had severe brain injury due to stroke(mom) and swelling of the brain from alcoholism(brother) They also watch 24/7 fear porn of the mainstream media. The biggest factor is Facebook. That site is fucking awful.
BTW how long until these fuckers die? mom got her's in March and brother last month. Or is ADE really a meme?
$9000 incentive to put Covid-19 on death certificates. (28/8/2021)
>If this doesn’t wake you up- I don’t know what will
Albert Bourla. Pfizer Chairman & CEO
"I am 59 years old, in good health, my type is not recommended to get vaccination".
COVID is not about a virus. It's an IQ test.
>>318168>>318167San Pellegrino is mineral water.
Mineral water is conductive.
And he threw an electrolysis device in it.
Vid related
[YouTube] Ionic foot detox electrode scam. How it works.
>>318220Sure, but the point is the magnetism present in the precipitate, that's not normal and it matches the magnetism found in supermarket's meat and poultry.
>Famous Doctor Exposes FDA Ivermectin Lies>Robert W. Malone, MD, the inventor of mRNA Vaccines, slammed the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for discouraging the use of ivermectin as a potential treatment or prophylaxis for the coronavirus.>A viral Tweet from the FDA condescendingly portrayed Ivermectin only as a drug for animals, and therefore unacceptable for human consumption. “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it,” read the Tweet, which linked to a completely unsourced article posted at the FDA’s website. [Embed] [Embed]
>>318221Iron is the precipitate caused by iron containing electrodes on the san pellegrino side.
Iron is magnetic.
This is further indicated by the red tint in the san pellegrino.
>Two Top Virologists’ Frightening Warnings About COVID Injections: Ignored by Government and Big Media>When two great minds come to similar conclusions about the current global push to vaccinate everyone with the COVID experimental vaccines, we should pay close attention. Both highly experienced scientists have a totally negative view of the vaccination effort. Worse than being ineffective, they point to negative health outcomes for the global population. These two truth-telling acclaimed medical researchers make Fauci look as inept, deceitful and dangerous as he is.>Dr. Luc Montagnier>Dr. Vanden Bossche
>'Ultra-vaxxed' Israel sees huge surge in Covid as 'experts' avoid the only logical conclusion>Israel is one of the most vaccinated nations in the world. 80% of their eligible population is vaccinated, far beyond what was once being touted as a "herd immunity" level necessary for life to return to normal. Despite their success in getting their population to have experimental drugs injected into their bodies, the country is suffering through a huge spike in cases. Tuesday had nearly the highest new case total the nation has seen since the pandemic began. >"huge spike in cases">Notice how they try to throw lipstick on the pig by calling the Pfizer injections the "gold standard for the prevention of severe illness due to the coronavirus." This is what we're faced with, but there's a silver lining to their new rhetoric. If the "vaccines" are good for preventing serious illness and not effective at preventing infection, shouldn't that make vaccine mandates unnecessary? It comes down to personal choice if the vaccinated are just as contagious as the unvaccinated, which clearly seems to be the case.>Logic is unlikely to sway the vaccine pushers. They want mandates and it will take the combined efforts of those who love freedom to prevent America from becoming like Australia... or worse. "casedemic" of the fraudulent PCR test with high amplification cycles to justify another round of vaccination.
>>318294Are the jews really poisoning themselves in Pissrael or just the poor ones?
[YouTube] Mass Hypnosis And Covid - Mass Hypnosis Explained
[Embed]how can this be used against them?
For example, posting at shills telling them about the high turnover rate because repetitive shilling is mind numbingly boring.
I think there's other ways to use this. I know the feds used this with their project zephyr posting to make people do nothing during the election fraud
>>318308In the three points memes are more highly reproducible, and at time provides a small buffer from mass hypnosis. Hypnosis stops working when you want it to stop.
NPCs Lemmings whatever want their hypnosis. So give them their hypnosis their mass hypnosis ButBetter(TM).
Well how can that be done?
They are already programmed to be extremely receptive to certain ques. Certain speech patterns, and certain tones of voice.
Most of all (((they))) fear memes and Redpills.
There are a couple things.
Calmness (mental barriers are weakened. NPCs have very low barriers in the first place), then a wanting (or rejection. A semi-self initiated desire doesn't matter if it's genuine. That's what repetition is for.), then emotional charge (why can't I hold all these feels? Howdy stranger today we have a special feel.), then solution (the imprinting of the suggestion).
So what does that mean for you?
>Glowniggers use this to walk over basically anyone by talking to ('with') them a bit.<Nice calm radio DJ-voice<They have the person do most of the work, they just reflect back and make correct (or incorrect) observations.<People are less tense after they say no. Saying no requires a little more effort than yes, but it gives a nice illusion of agency they don't normally get.>Late night DJ or resonating church pastor voice same thing.That's in person the roughest part. When shit has hit, the fan.
You want to have them know you know what you're talking about. The fastest more reliable way to provide actionable insight. (That action is wanting to know more. In this case usually.)
Online needs a little pre-planning. I'd recommend a little animation introduction to, set the mood. The tone. The snowpitty of the events about to occur.
Because once that with them, is ready and receptive. It's show time, but this is also the time where like a fluffy flower you need to be receptive to their words and reactions and nescience.
This is show and tell except without the tell and just more show with a bit of story that ought to be gripping.
Real genuine memes replicate and they are a complete idea, a look into culture, truth, humor, morals, sacred cows, myths, legends, magic, prayer, mystery, revelation, and more. Such memes the humble meme farmer grows.
<Why not wake them up?>Can you though?>They are so used to sleeping and accepting all it takes is readjusting their course by shifting their world.>Just a little can be enough so the mass hypnosis spiral becomes undone.>No longer satisfied with the old mass hypnosis they return.>To either waking or a superior hypnosis trip.>They know nothing else and they have a desire to remain in that lie.So shift that lie so it re-aims them towards truth.
What I hate about this shit is how everyone has been conditioned to freak the fuck out about every fucking symptom. I'm feeling mildly ill right now. A slight sniffle. One nostril is kind of congested. I checked my temperature a few times over the weekend and a few times the thermometer registered 99 degrees fahrenheit, a bit warm for me but also within the margin of error that I expect from these cheap thermometers.
However I dare not mention it to my parents because my mother would worry her self sick about me because of all of the fear porn being shoved down her throat by the media.
My dad was forced to take a Sputnik-V by his employer. If it is a legit placebo, only time will tell. The government goes easy on students so I am in the green for now. Still, I feel sad for my dad.
>Australia>BELL’S PALSY DIAGNOSIS AFTER VACCINE - (5:12 long)>NSW Customer Service Minister, Victor Dominello, received a diagnosis of Bell's palsy after worried viewers of a press conference noticed his drooping face and urged him to seek medical attention. >He denies his diagnosis has anything to do with the vaccine, even though Bell’s Palsy is a listed side effect, with over 3,000 reports on the VAERS database. [Embed]
>Microscopy Expert: Vials Contain Graphene Oxide, Parasites, Stainless Steel>Dr. Robert Young, a microscopy expert holding two PhD's says he has examined the contents of the four publicly-available CoV-19 "vaccines", and determined the vials to contain graphene oxide, deadly parasites and stainless steel, among other metals and contents.>Dr. Jane Ruby joins Stew Peters to break the findings, and issues a WARNING to anyone considering the inoculation. [Embed]
>>318194I wonder how difficult it would be to order Japanese Ivermectin overseas in America? I think I'd like a few tablets on hand just in case. Will have to look into that.
>>318405See the local veterinary or, buy it from some farmer with horses.
>>318407I don't want the kind designed for animals. There is a difference as mentioned here
>>318232. I want to get my hands on the stuff that Japanese doctors are handing out. Stuff that's dosed and designed for human consumption.
>>318405I want to say that someone on 4pol said that they went across the mexican border and bought some ivermectin over the counter in a pharmacy and then just brought it back with him across the border. I have done nothing to verify that statement, so take that as you will.
This shit is so disgusting. They're refusing to even acknowledge the data since doing so would immediately torpedo the EUA for their MRNA therapy cash cow.
>>318408>There is a difference as mentioned hereYeah, the packaging and the price. Humans pay 10 times more for the same shit.
The drug is the same.
>>318410>someone on 4pol said that they went across the mexican border and bought some ivermectin over the counter in a pharmacyYup, I confirm. I read that somewhere last year in an article of the alt-media.
>>318408>not wanting based apple flavor for the apple ponesYes, I intend my puns and my pones.
>>318408I sense a city fag.
>>318408>I don't want the kind designed for animals.FYI, products for animals are way more natural and suitable for humans than the chemical mixtures for humans.
For example, knowledgeable women buy for personal use skin cream meant for milking cows, not because its super cheap price, but because is odourless and lacks of all those cosmetic chemicals used in humans and rehydrate their skin better.
>>318408unironically sneed
>>318408>There is a difference as mentioned hereThe difference is that one is "meant for horses" and the other is "meant for humans".
>Acute Toxic Exposure @ 534.76mg/Kg>less toxic than caffieneYou have no business taking any drug if you can't do some basic math to figure out the dosage at 200mcg/Kg and use a microscale to measure out the proper amount.
>>318450Pretty much this. The media has been shilling "ivermectin bad" instead of "taking an inappropriately large dose of any medication" is bad.
Although we wouldn't have retards chugging inappropriate sums of horse paste if the drug were prescribed or made available over the counter like it should be.
>>318405Just get a prescription for it in the US and go pick it up at a pharmacy. It's cheap. There are lots of doctors that will prescribe it online or over the phone.
>>318450>scalethe horse paste tubes have notches with lbs markers
Mask Zombie suffers meltdown.
>VIDEO: Christian Registered Nurse Decries Liberal Florida School Board, ‘You Are All Demonic Entities’>A passionate Christian nurse went on a captivating tirade against demonic liberal school boards in Florida. [Embed]
>Red Cross Blood Vaccine Alert
>Anyone who has received their Vaccine can not donate plasma to other Covid patients.
>The Vaccine wipes out natural Covid antibodies making the plasma ineffective for treatment.
>>318506It's like she suffered a major stoke and is having uncontrolled emotions. Isn't clotting a side effect of it working?
>Police will remove you from your home if you test positive for Covid>‘Confused but happy to comply, he heads off for an indefinite stay at Quarantine camp’ [Embed]
>>318515It's Covid Derangement Syndrome
Reminder of who the CEO of Pfizer is
>>318515She is a dumb fuck who tinkers with demons. And now she's possessed.
>>318519You almost wonder the majority of women are Jezebels
>>318514I just looked up all the Red Cross blood drives in my area and none are taking plasma donations, just whole blood. Maybe the Jehovah's Witness' were right on the no blood transfusions thing
>>318519Also I don't think nerve cells should be growing things on them. Look at her twitchyness, the neurons are firing in multiple ways. There is no way physical nervous system damage not is there.
>>318468No can do nigger.
The pharmacies in the area won't fill the prescription, and they've jacked up the prices.
Standard in plan doctors won't even write the script.
I got a question for y'all.
Were you running to the store to buy Ivermectin when they were calling it 'the flu'? Anyone?
>>318529>Were you running to the store to buy IvermectinAhem.
I don't think anyponer is running to buy it.
Covid-19 is a hoax.
>>318530A reminder.
This pseudo virus never ever has been isolated, not even in China.
What the WHO calls a new virus is a computer simulated "partial" molecular DNA chain, similar only 80% to the corona virus family of more than 150 variants. Therefore to claim the existence of SARS-2 coronavirus, or covid-19, is a scientific fraud.
All new variants claimed by multiple governments are outright lies because:
1- They don't have any isolated virus.
2- The PCR test to detect the ORIGINAL covid-19 virus is a fraud, then the test for variants, that multiple doctors say doesn't exist, is another lie to terrorize the normies.
The real bioweapon is being injected in the imbeciles and greedy fucks willing to prostitute themselves for a job.
Let's see how the injected fall like flies this next flu season, as the spike proteins will trigger cytokine storms and many will die.
>>318532>anyponerYou'll understand after you lurk moar.
>>318533>not getting the referenceMaybe you should lurk moar Stix
>>318535I have dubs, you don't.
>>318536A shame you have no point.
When there are people ITT talking about 'trying to get' Ivermectin, its disingenuous to say no one is trying to get it.
You sir, are talking out your ass.
But you are correct, as is the lengthy post here
>>318531 in asserting it os a hoax.
That being said, your statement of
>I dont think anyponer is running to buy itis laughably absurd, as is the insinuation that by quoting anyponer I was in some way nescient of or not appreciating the board culture. Instead, I was hilighting the inaccurate usage of the term. Please think before you post.
>>318537>I was hilighting the inaccurate usage of the termNigger, this board is made by poner for poners.
The term is absolutely accurate as we don't give a hay about what normals will do.
>>318538>still missing the pointWhen there are two 'poners' ITT discussing how-to/getting ivermectin, less than a day ago, how is it accurate to say 'I dont think anyponer is getting it'? You THINK Im taking exception to the use of the term 'poner' in place of 'person, body', etc; Im not.
Cute, that you immediately jump to the assumption of 'lurk moar'
>>318529I don't really care about covid. Got it and was asymptomatic. I was in a feed and seed a few months ago getting garden supplies and saw the horse paste with apple flavor on the shelf. Thought it was funny and bought a tube for the meme. It just sat on my desk for months. I tried tasting some last week since people said it tasted weird; it does a little.
>Take the injection or we'll take your children.
Daegel is a NATO analyst and predicted a catastrophic drop in the western population and GDP by 2025. No reason was given.
>The Russian Covid Vaccines>There are four Russian Vaccines. None use the experimental mRNA technology.>There is Sputnik V, Sputnik Lite (the first of the 2 Sputnik V injections), EpiVacCorona, and CopyVac.>The first two are vector vaccines based on two strains of live human adenoviruses. DNA virus vector technology is used to introduce genetic information into the cells, similar to the Oxford vaccine. Experts I consulted expect these vaccines to have similar adverse events as the Oxford vaccine.>The third vaccine uses short protein sequences and no genetic information.>The fourth vaccine is traditional or classic vaccine technology using inactivated virus. >The last two would be much safer than the mRNA “vaccines.”
>Costco Introduces New 5-Gallon Family Size Pfizer Vaccine - (satire)>SEATTLE, WA—In a deal that probably has nothing to do with Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine showing disappointing long-term effectiveness, the pharmaceutical giant has announced an ambitious partnership with bulk wholesale giant Costco, and the unveiling of the new Pfizer-Kirkland Signature 5-Gallon Family Size Vaccine Booster Tub™.
>>318709Sputnik Lite isn't a covid vaccine, it's literally a flu vaccine and has exact same side effects - i.e. you get the flu. It has no relation to spike proteins, unlike Sputnik V.
>The fourth vaccine is traditional or classic vaccine technology using inactivated virus. Since when have they actually separated it? I bet on it also being a flu vaccine, using influenzavirus instead of modified adenovirus.
>Nurse refuses to abandon her job, but is terminated for refusing to take the death-shot.
>>318828Then the hospital goes and says "we are short staffed because if covid" on the news. See how the media spins and lies.
>AIR TERROR! Pilot Has Terminal Stroke IN-FLIGHT, Jab Mandates Continue>Here we go, again, with the terror of flight as more casualties are reported among the pilot community. [Embed]
A reminder that covid-19 is a hoax and a psy-op.
>Laboratories in US can’t find Covid-19 in one of 1,500 positive tests>11/04/2021>CDC sued for massive fraud: Tests at 7 universities of ALL people examined showed that they did not have Covid, but just Influenza A or B – EU statistics: ‘Corona’ virtually disappeared, even under mortality.>A clinical scientist and immunologist-virologist at a southern California laboratory says he and colleagues from 7 universities are suing the CDC for massive fraud. The reason: not one of 1500 samples of people tested “positive” could find Covid-19. ALL people were simply found to have Influenza A, and to a lesser extent Influenza B. This is consistent with the previous findings of other scientists, which we have reported on several times.>Dr. Derek Knauss: “When my lab team and I subjected the 1500 supposedly positive Covid-19 samples to Koch’s postulates and put them under an SEM (electron microscope), we found NO Covid in all 1500 samples. We found that all 1500 samples were primarily Influenza A, and some Influenza B, but no cases of Covid. We did not use the bulls*** PCR test.’, in Dutch:
>MSM and vaccine industrial complex FURIOUS: World’s highest-paid podcaster, Joe Rogan, catches Covid and beats it with Ivermectin and vitamin drip, no mention of vaccines>Stand-up comedian and UFC commentator Joe Rogan, known for his wildly popular podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience, just blew the minds of thousands of vaccine pushers all over the world. How dare someone that popular, and that healthy at 54 years of age, fight Covid and beat it quickly, in just three days, without using or even mentioning vaccines. This is America, where we’re all supposed to trust 100 percent in everything the FDA and CDC proclaim, without ever questioning anything, even spike protein bioweapon injections for the Chinese Flu.>Nothing gets you banned faster (and usually permanently) from popular media platforms, including social media and music in America, than informing people vaccines are useless and ill-advised. Though Joe Rogan is not anti-vaccine nor anti-science, he will surely be labeled as such after beating Covid with ivermectin, monoclonal antibodies and vitamins, then airing a podcast all about it, never even mentioning vaccination at all.
>Joe Rogan Criticized As 'Anti-Science' For Surviving COVID - (satire)>U.S.—Progressives have expressed their anger across the country as another person, Joe Rogan, recovered from COVID and did not die, harming their preferred narrative about the deadliness of the virus and what kind of treatments should be used. He has been called "anti-science" and "a purveyor of misinformation" for not dropping dead. Despite not agreeing 100% with everything the left believes about the pandemic, lockdowns, vaccines, mandates, and masks, Rogan survived and is reportedly feeling great, doing incredible damage to all the progress we have made getting people to believe the science. "It's straight-up anti-science is what it is," said Huxley Burnsides of Portland, Oregon. "We should outlaw people surviving from COVID, especially those who disagree with me." At publishing time, the author of this article was praying he does not regress and die because that'd be really embarrassing and also people dying is bad.
>Slowly But Surely, The Stupid Is Failing>It is slowly dawning on all the different entities, including health care, that if they actually try to enforce jab mandates they're going to be screwed. Some of this is very visible already if you know where to look. Hospitals report "staffed and available" ICU (and regular) beds. For a bed to be usable legally-mandated staffing levels must be present. Beds don't "disappear" in a hospital; you don't make the building larger or smaller, do you?>Nope -- it's all about staff levels.>Well?>There has already been a contraction -- and the mandates aren't, for the most part, in effect yet. In a few places they've fired people. In others they're threatening to. The problem, beyond being sued and losing, is that they can't actually make good on the threats without immediately detonating any chance of being able to help the poor bastard who has a heart attack a week later -- and people are already leaving over these demands.>Witness what just happened in Chicago. Lightfoot mandated jabs for everyone in the schools; a large number of bus drivers quit. Now what? No school bus for your kids, that's what! The city is claiming Uber and Lyft will be provided; uh huh, good luck there because, guess what -- neither mandates their drivers be jabbed!
The vaccinated may cause a human form of Marek's disease among the unvaccinated
>>318965Interesting food for thought and its quite plausible but aside from speculation, is there any evidence to suggest this is in any way probable?
Regardless, it is always better to die on one's
Going back to the very fundamentals. Do viruses really exist?
Repost from
>>318950 →The Contagion Myth - Why Viruses (including "Coronavirus") Are Not the Cause of Disease - by Thomas S. Cowan, Sally Fallon Morell - (2020)
>Thomas S. Cowan, MD, and Sally Fallon Morell ask the question: are there really such things as “viruses”? Or are electro smog, toxic living conditions, and 5G actually to blame for COVID-19?>The official explanation for today’s COVID-19 pandemic is a “dangerous, infectious virus.” This is the rationale for isolating a large portion of the world’s population in their homes so as to curb its spread. From face masks to social distancing, from antivirals to vaccines, these measures are predicated on the assumption that tiny viruses can cause serious illness and that such illness is transmissible person-to-person.>It was Louis Pasteur who convinced a skeptical medical community that contagious germs cause disease; his “germ theory” now serves as the official explanation for most illness. However, in his private diaries, he states unequivocally that in his entire career he was not once able to transfer disease with a pure culture of bacteria (he obviously wasn’t able to purify viruses at that time). He admitted that the whole effort to prove contagion was a failure, leading to his famous death bed confession that “the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.”>While the incidence and death statistics for COVID-19 may not be reliable, there is no question that many people have taken sick with a strange new disease—with odd symptoms like gasping for air and “fizzing” feelings—and hundreds of thousands have died. Many suspect that the cause is not viral but a kind of pollution unique to the modern age—electromagnetic pollution. Today we are surrounded by a jangle of overlapping and jarring frequencies—from power lines to the fridge to the cell phone. It started with the telegraph and progressed to worldwide electricity, then radar, then satellites that disrupt the ionosphere, then ubiquitous Wi-Fi. The most recent addition to this disturbing racket is fifth-generation wireless—5G. In The Contagion Myth: Why Viruses (including Coronavirus) are Not the Cause of Disease, bestselling authors Thomas S. Cowan, MD, and Sally Fallon Morell tackle the true causes of COVID-19.>On September 26, 2019, 5G wireless was turned on in Wuhan, China (and officially launched November 1) with a grid of about ten thousand antennas—more antennas than exist in the whole United States, all concentrated in one city. A spike in cases occurred on February 13, the same week that Wuhan turned on its 5G network for monitoring traffic. Illness has subsequently followed 5G installation in all the major cities in America.>Since the dawn of the human race, medicine men and physicians have wondered about the cause of disease, especially what we call “contagions,” numerous people ill with similar symptoms, all at the same time. Does humankind suffer these outbreaks at the hands of an angry god or evil spirit? A disturbance in the atmosphere, a miasma? Do we catch the illness from others or from some outside influence?>As the restriction of our freedoms continues, more and more people are wondering whether this is true. Could a packet of RNA fragments, which cannot even be defined as a living organism, cause such havoc? Perhaps something else is involved—something that has upset the balance of nature and made us more susceptible to disease? Perhaps there is no “coronavirus” at all; perhaps, as Pasteur said, “the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.”
>Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Explains ADE (Antibody-Dependent Enhancement) - (5:12 long)>ADE is why mRNA injections have never been approved>This coming Fall/Winter should demonstrate whether or not these experimental gene-therapies are going to generate ADE.>If it does, it's going to be a horrible season, and millions will likely die. [Embed]
See any fear in this stadium? This plandemic is over when we we say it’s over. We are in control.
>Wisconsin Badgers fans at Camp Randall Stadium enjoy the tradition of singing ‘Jump Around’ for the first time in nearly two years. [Embed]
>Senior Trump HHS COVID Advisor Drops BOMBS! Task Force Mislead POTUS, No "Pandemic">Former senior Trump administration Health and Human Services COVID-19 advisor Dr. Paul E. Alexander made an appearance on The Stew Peters Show to state that the Coronavirus Task Force had deliberately deceived the American people.>Dr. Alexander claimed that the current COVID-19 vaccines are not what they are currently being advertised as.>"This is an mRNA delivery platform. This is not even a vaccine," said Dr. Alexander. "This is a genetic set of material that's being introduced into you." [Embed]
>>318992>Whitewashing Trump toward 2024Many people from the conservative base went and informed him about the plandemic and he ignored them and financed the pharma industry as never before. He opened the gates for a massive scheme to bribe hospitals and health professionals with an incredible amount of federal money for diagnosing the disease.
IMHO, Trump is another participant in the conspiracy and is guilty.
>>318993Let's not forget Trump's role in Jan 6th. "I'll be there with you!" yeah in spirit...
and then he lets his followers rot in gulags without even tweeting about their treatment
Plus didn't he turn down Gab for refusing to censor talk of the jews and try to make his own worthless site?
If he was some 4D chess genius he would have moved to Gab and taken his boomer cuckservative copium-huffers with him to be slowly awoken by other users on the site.
He was always just a businessman looking to make himself rich and famous. And who could be more famous than copium personified?
If there is ever going to be a new political saviour of the white race he needs to be someone younger than Trump, hungrier than Trump, and angrier than Trump, with far more to lose.
Is this video for real???? Chinese says Covid will end once US military is dead from the vaccine.
>More than 15 million vaccine doses in the US have been disposed of because people aren't taking them
Her video confession will be useful in Nuremberg Trials Part 2.
>The hospitals are full of people who have been vaccinated. didn't ping point yet which hospital it is.
Admitted on Canada TV 0.009% Active COVID cases
>Kate Sugak interviews Andrew Kaufman>Friends, I am happy to inform you that I recently had a long-awaited conversation with the legendary Andrew Kaufman. Andrew Kaufman is an American medical doctor and researcher who has done a tremendous job to open the eyes of hundreds thousands of people around the world to the truth about viruses and the falsehood of the germ theory of disease. Topics we discussed:>- Andrew’s story, how he began to notice that there is something was wrong with what he was taught in medical school about diseases and infection. How did he come to understanding that the germ theory of disease, which is the base of modern medicine is wrong, and viruses do not exist at all?>- Then we talked in more detail about the germ theory and why microbes do not cause disease. What causes disease in humans and what we mistake for contagion.>- We also discussed the epidemiological study in which Andrew took part, the purpose of which was to understand whether people vaccinated against Covid-19 are dangerous for the unvaccinated or not, as well as Andrew's point of view on why the "pandemic" was arranged and what is the way out from this. [Embed] [Embed]
>>319090Is the doctor actually fucking named coughman?
That's some Phoenix Wright shit right there. I'm surprised his first name isn't a pun too.
>>319109FYI, the doctor is a kike.
>>319033More info:
The chink is Guo Wengui, a billionaire who flew to the US with DA money. If I remember well he is associated to the Steve Bannon faction (I need concrete citation on this) and shilling Qanon style statements, which as usual end up being pure baloney.
>>319116Doctor Phleming Coughman and his wife, Katarina Coughman
>>319044This is exactly why our side needs to be more weary and less trusting of these random videos uploaded to sites like bitshit. Remember that these kikes play both sides, and as Lenin said and they intend on leading our side off a cliff at best and into the concentration camps at worst. Anytime one sees a jew presenter, doctor, "scientist" or "expert" claiming to be on the side of the unvaccinated do not trust what they say, be very skeptical about all and remember that their main objective is to seperate the intelligent "goyim" from the heard to be culled. If the unvaccinated can't organize an effective, prepared, and armed resistance before they turn the woke (read: Bolshevized from the inside) military on the citizens our fates will be far worse off than those of the Russian White army of the last century. The kikes know this which is why they are pulling out all the stops to keep people from organizing, even socializing en mass.
>>319125I'm weary and wary
>>319109Kaufman. It's derived from "Kaufmann" (German), which in its modern usage can be translate to "commercial agent".
It's a common Jewish name.
>>319133Sure, but "Kaufman the Doctor"?
I wouldn't blink if he was something else like a builder.
But a doctor named cough-man?
That's like a firefighter named Blaize McBurney or a lawyer named Soo Yu.
>American Medical Association releases stunning document teaching doctors to LIE to patients while deliberately exaggerating covid death claims… the AMA admits to its own complicity in crimes against humanity>The American Medical Association — which is now engaged in training its members to lie to patients as they murder them — has released an eyebrow-raising document that claims, “rampant disinformation” is, “eroding public confidence in science and undermining trust in physicians and medical institutions.” And to reacquire that lost trust, the AMA proceeds to teach doctors how to lie to the world about covid.>On page 9 of the document, doctors are told to replace the phrase “hospitalization rates” with the claim that all hospitalized patients are “deaths,” thereby wildly exaggerating covid deaths in order to achieve mass hysteria. Make no mistake: This is the AMA directly instructing doctors to lie about covid deaths. This is straight up medical fraud.>Similarly, doctors are also told to replace the word, “lockdown” with “stay-at-home order,” because that somehow sounds less totalitarian.>In the same document, on page 8, doctors are instructed on how to block, deflect and redirect questions to cover up the truth about vaccine injuries and deaths. They are specifically instructed to change the subject and reject questions from reporters or patients, while pushing AMA-approved “official” propaganda by claiming it’s all based on “facts,” not “science” or “medicine.” [Embed]Trust your doctor. /s
>US Marine Discharged Over Refusal to Wear the Covid Cult Face Nappy>Marine Cpl. Whitney McHaffie refused to comply with a mask mandate and doesn’t want to be vaccinated against COVID-19.>A month after the Defense Department’s mask mandate for unvaccinated troops went into effect, she was booted from the military, possibly making her the first service member to be forced out of the service for violating COVID-related rules. [Embed]
>Don't forget to top up your vaccine passport with the booster shots!>NSW CHO Kerry Chant hints at the possibility that double dosed Australians will not maintain the "freedoms" being offered by vaccination passports if they don't keep taking regular booster shots.>Therefore, if you don't top up your government mandated vaccination passport with booster shots on a regular basis, "freedoms" as well your status as fully vaccinated could be denied. [Embed]Moving the goal posts is now the entire game.
The two (2) biggest Covid lies. The PCR Test and Asymptomatic Transmission.
Vaccinating children without parents consent.
>>319235>asymptomatic transmission is a lie
>Pharma-controlled media begins pushing “Mu variant” hysteria in preparation for new lockdowns, vaccine mandates>The “Delta variant” is so last week. The latest “strain” of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) to infect the mainstream media is the “Mu variant,” which is supposedly “beginning to rise in America” just as the government is gearing up to reintroduce another round of lockdowns.>Since tens of millions of Americans are refusing to take Donald “father of the vaccine” Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” injections, the medical police state is running through the Greek alphabet trying to scare people with letter after letter.>As the story goes, the Mu variant was first discovered in Colombia back in January. Since that time, it has mysteriously spread to at least 40 other countries, including the United States and the United Kingdom.>In the U.S. alone, there are now said to be at least 2,3000 “cases” of the Mu variant that have been detected using fraudulent PCR tests.
It looks to me like a man larping like a woman.
>Biden Declares War on Unvaccinated Americans ‘Our Patience is Wearing Thin and Your Refusal Has Cost All Of Us’ (VIDEO)>Tyrant Joe Biden declared war on the 80+ million unvaccinated Americans on Thursday.>Biden announced he will be forcing all 2.1 million federal employees to take the Covid jab or else face firing in the next couple months.>Joe Biden also announced he will be forcing companies with more than 100 employees to either test workers or prove they are vaccinated.>Like a true dictator, Joe Biden warned Americans that his “patience is wearing thin.”>“What more is there to wait for? What more to do you need to see? We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin and your refusal has cost all of us,” said Biden. [Embed]
>>319298>Mu variant>Muh variant>MUH VARIANTScan't make this shit up
>>319298>>319339>mew variantsLatias variant when?
Control language, control everything
>Joe Biden Announces Civil War - (satire)>U.S.—In a stirring address to the country today, Biden has announced a new Civil War.>"Look, folks—here's the deal. For real this time. No joke. The words on the screen I'm supposed to read are saying that we're gonna force millions of people to get vaccinated against their will. Gotta do it folks," said Biden as he read off the teleprompter. "To enforce this, we're just gonna have ourselves a little Civil War. It's been a while since we had one of those. Let's just fight it out until all the unvaccinated people are dead or we're all dead which will stop the spread of COVID. Win-win, folks.">Biden assured the American people they will lose the upcoming Civil War as they don't have any F-15's or nukes. Any unvaccinated Americans who survive will be sent to special camps where they will learn the importance of getting vaccinated.>"For real, I don't see how anyone can be against this! Come on, man!" Biden said.>(UPDATE: After reading an article in the Huffington Post that unvaccinated people are just like the Taliban, Biden immediately surrendered to them and gave them a bunch of free weapons.)
>Members of Congress and Their Staff Are Exempt From Biden's Vaccine Mandate>President Joe Biden's new vaccine mandates for federal employees don't apply to members of Congress or those who work for Congress or the federal court system.>Biden issued two executive orders on Thursday requiring vaccination against COVID for federal workers and contractors who work for the federal government. He also asked the Department of Labor to issue an emergency order requiring businesses with more than 100 employees to ensure their workers are vaccinated or tested on a weekly basis.>However, Biden's order on federal workers applies to employees of the executive branch. The House of Representatives and the Senate belong to the separate legislative branch, and the courts to the judicial branch of the federal government.
>Doctor Wants To Be ‘Scary To The Public’ And Inflate COVID Numbers, ‘If You Don’t Get Vaccinated, You Know You’re Going To Die’>National File has obtained a recording of a Zoom video conference call between physicians and a marketing director at Novant Heath New Hanover Regional Medical Center, a group of 20 hospitals, clinics, and offices that treat patients in North Carolina and South Carolina.>In the recording, Mary Rudyk, MD tells Director of Marketing Carolyn Fisher and another hospital employee that she wants the hospitals to become more “scary to the public” by inflating the number of COVID-19 patients, and by using messaging that falsely tells individuals “If you don’t get vaccinated, you know you’re going to die.” [Embed]
Mulatto pop singer Prince told the covid agenda 25 years ago.
>>319476Maybe we should start a campaign telling the citizens to let the government default and not raise the debt or print more fake checks from the Fed.
>>319478>Maybe we should start a campaign telling the citizens to let the government defaultThe citizens have 0 power to change anything as long as the politicians barricade themselves behind mercenaries.
Someone sent me this and I have no idea what the fuck she is saying.
Does anyone here speak nigger? [Embed]
>Red Cross
>Vaccinated Can't Donate Blood, COVID Vaccine Wipes Out Antibodies
>>319485Sounds like she feels Biden is lecturing her, and only her father, sugar-daddy or pimp is allowed to do that. But she also never fully completes a sentence, not as bad as the high school character in Little Britain, but still she could have competed her thoughts. But at least don't sound like she will be voting Biden next time.
>>319485She says to Biden:
- "Watta hell is wrong with u"
- "You ain't my pimp, nigga"
>Tucson halts COVID vaccine mandate after Arizona threatens funding>The Arizona attorney general gave Tucson 30 days to reverse a vaccine mandate or losing up to $175 million in funding.
>Hospital to stop delivering babies after maternity staff resign over Covid-19 Vaccination mandates>Lewis County General Hospital in New York will stop delivering babies after September 24th because too many maternity unit workers have resigned over Covid-19 vaccination mandates.>That’s according to Lewis County Health System Chief Executive Officer Gerald Cayer, who held a news conference Friday in Lowville.>He said 6 employees in the maternity unit resigned rather than get an experimental Covid-19 injection and another 7 are undecided.>According to Cayer, the hospital will be unable to safely staff the unit and will pause delivering babies after September 24th.>He said he hopes this is a temporary situation and will work with the state Department of Health to make sure the unit won’t permanently close.
>>319491Those people have a moral bedrock. It brings me postive vibes people are not a slave to money. Hopefully more people realize your life is not worth printed fake checks that are not even worth anything now. But expect the media to spin the worker walk outs to fit their narrative..
>>319486"new at 4"
What station is this? is there an article?
I've said it before, but probably one of the things that I hate most about this scamdemic is how much it's worrying my mom. She's worried sick that I'm gonna catch the delta variant and die. No amount of reasoning works to make her stop worrying. The only thing that's keeping her remotely calm is that I work from home and am pretty hermit-like in general. She just sits around all day watching TV and browsing facebook. Ofcourse they shove the fearporn "YOU'LL DIE IF YOU DON'T GET THE VACCINE!" narrative down her throat all day.
>>319563Is she vaccinated?
>>319565Yes. My whole fucking family is along with everyone that I know of at my office. The voice of reason goes unheard. The people in my office fucking lied just to skip to the head of the line. There were two people in my office who I know of who didn't get the vax at first. One was a pregnant woman. Her husband got the vax and she subsequently miscarried. I'm curious if vax shedding could have been related to the miscarriage, and I don't know her current vaccination status. The other was a man who initially held out against the vax but then was convinced to take it by his doctor because "he has heart conditions." As if those aren't going to be exacerbated now by blood clotting and myocarditis.
>>319567My whole family got vaxxed too including me.
If it's any comfort, nobody I know has suffered any adverse effects yet. Not pressuring you, just trying to settle worries.
>There were two people in my office who I know of who didn't get the vax at first. One was a pregnant woman. Her husband got the vax and she subsequently miscarried. I'm curious if vax shedding could have been related to the miscarriageIs that a thing? I don't think vaccines spread between people.
>>319568They shed the vaccine so much as they shed the spike proteins that your body is reprogramed to manufacture by the mRNA therapy. I don't know if that would have any impact on the woman's pregnancy or not.
I'm not getting the jab. Even if I were to ignore the reports of blood clotting, enlarged hearts, or that this "vaccine" has in a few months generated more reports of adverse reactions within the VAERS database than all other vaccines combined since record keeping began, I wouldn't fucking take it. There is no long term safety data on these treatments. My whole life I've grown up seeing commercials advertising for class action lawsuits "were you exposed to ____________?" Did you develop __________ as a result of _________ in your line of work?" Why the everloving fuck would I give an modicum of trust to the word of someone who tells me that something brand new, and entirely new class of medication that has never been used in humans before, is "safe and effective" after they first went to great lengths to secure complete legal immunity from all liability? From politicians who made themselves exempt from mandates to get the jab? Fuck that shit.
They keep fucking moving the goal posts with those jabs.
>you just need the two jabs and you'll be immune and won't spread the vaccine>ok, you can still catch and spread the virus but it mitigates your symptoms>ok, people are becoming very ill from these "breakthrough" cases but it's all the unvaxxed vault and you'll just need booster jab of the same stuffNext on the list are vax passports and requirements to be current with your most recent round of perpetual jabs in order to participate in society. Be employed, receive medical aid/government assistance, shop for groceries, leave your home, etc.
>!!BREAKING NEWS!! @AOC @SpeakerPelosi @JerryNadler @KathyHochul>and dozens of other democrats seen in New York City around hundreds WITHOUT MASKS ON before news media and cameras showed up. Their hypocrisy is disgusting and must be exposed!! Rules for thee but not for me!! [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
I just got an message from my boss mandating the vaccine. I'm not gonna get it. I'm gonna make them fire me over it. They're stretched thin on manpower as it is.
They say I either need to get the experimental jab or get weekly testing at my own expense. Choosing to be forced to purchase a product that I don't need or undergo a medical procedure that I don't want is a gross violation of my civil rights.
>>319597Have you looked at the premade exemption letters that Barns created and tried to give that. This way you might have an option for unjust termination down the road.
>>319598I'm a government contractor. Right now I'm being asked to fill out form DD 3150 (attached). I haven't responded yet but I'm probably going to do so soon with a declination to respond. They're not explicitly stating that I need the jab to be employed, but my job does occasionally require me to access DoD facilities. I work from home and don't come into contact with anyone 99% of the time these days.
It's roundabout bullshit. They're not "requiring me to get the jab." They "require me to be able to access DoD facilities" and "the DoD facilities require people to get the jab or be tested."
I'm unaware of what kind of expenses are involved in testing. Requiring me to pay for it is a gross insult, but I might be willing to acquiesce to that injustice if it is a small enough fee. I'm willing to spit into a tube but do not want my sinuses to be raped by an unnecessary swab that has itself been the cause of injury to some recipients.
I think it's obvious at this point that they are doing their best to browbeat, threaten, and intimidate people into compliance.
>>319599I decline to respond. If they make an inquiry then you can explain. Biggest thing is not to lie.
>>319606Yep. I declined to respond. Catching you in a lie is one of the fed's favored ways to screw over good wholesome people. When talking to feds you need to choose your words with care, and preferably not talk to them at all.
Declining to respond puts me in the category where I'm supposed to be tested. They said that they'd get back to me with information about testing since right now all that they know is that they want it to come out of my wallet. The bastards.
They're pressed for manpower but unfortunately the majority in my office are obedient little sheeple. Some of them caught covid, recovered, and then lied to get to the head of the line to get the jab. No common sense. No reason. Contracting and recovering from a disease achieves the same goal that vaccination aims to achieve. It's pointless to seek out a vaccination from a disease that you've already recovered from.
I'm also one of the ones that actually pays attention to his training. This form, once filled out, is Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI). CUI needs to be protected by encryption during transmission. I'd bet good money that a not insubstantial number of my teammates just hit reply and sent the forms via unencrypted email.
I'm also maintaining a record of all communications on hardware that I control. I'll be printing off some hardcopies later. I'm just so tired of all of this stuff. I knew that Biden would be bad, but I didn't expect him to be this bad so fast.
>>319607>I'm also maintaining a record of all communications on hardware that I control.Sans anything CUI or greater of course. I'm not Hillary Clinton after all.
>>319599As I see it, it is money vs your body ownership. It has an analogy to a prostitute willing to let her body be used and abused.
Sorry anon, but better you understand that this is not about health at all. The Jews and their Freemason golems have a schedule to transition to the NWO and your non compliance is standing on their way, so they'll double and triple down.
Remember, this begun with 14 days to flatten the curve and for sure will end up with The People fighting against the Armed Forces.
>Fauci: We're Going to 'Mandate' CV Shots if 'Hardcore Group' of Holdouts Are Not 'Persuaded' to Submit>White House chief medical adviser Antony Fauci said over the weekend that the Biden regime is going to "mandate" everyone including children take Big Pharma's experimental shots if they're not "persuaded" to take them and called for banning Americans from flying, going to work, college and school if they refuse to submit.>The move comes just days after Fauci said Americans will need to take a third booster shot to be considered "fully vaccinated.">"We have a pretty hardcore group of people that we're trying to persuade them -- or mandate them if they're not persuaded -- to get vaccinated," Fauci told the Association of LGBTQ Journalists on Sunday.>Fauci went on to claim that vaccinating this "recalcitrant group" would be "the key to ending this [pandemic]" before immediately walking back his sweeping claim and saying it would only "cut down" the overall number of infections.>"So we have about 75 million people who are eligible to be vaccinated who have not yet gotten vaccinated, that's the key to ending this," Fauci said. "I mean that would be the key, um, you would cut down dramatically the number of infections if we got the overwhelming majority of that recalcitrant group vaccinated."[YouTube] Dr. Anthony Fauci Discusses Covid-19 and HIV at 2021 National Convention
[Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>The CDC is now listing vaccinated COVID-19 deaths as UNvaccinated deaths if they die within 14 days of the vaccine. [Embed]
>>319619This faggot needs to be locked up for lying to congress about funding gain of function research.
>>319624>Believing in the rule of lawC'mon. We are way past that fantasy.
Sister dead after one dose of the kill shot. She is upset with Biden and anyone pushing the vaxx.
US Army O-5 Resigns Over Vaxx Mandate.
3 Pages.
This man is a real soldier. He is brave enough to tell the system to fuck off when his core values were shaken. A man who can't be rocked is a man that has the most bravery of us all. I pray to God that more men have conviction. If not guys. I think I will lose hope if not enough men have conviction. Guys honestly(no bullshit), I don't think I could go on longer through any of this knowing I would quit my job asap and probably punch the shit out of my manager if it was mandated out of me. I once tried running over my manager with the company vehicle for pissing me off once and I see men who rather die and be slaves than try to be free as God intended.
Every manufacturer has 4 different dosages and they are making experiments with the human lab rats.
>Narrative Nuked: Nearly Half Of 'COVID Hospitalizations' This Year Have Been Mild Or Asymptomatic Cases>As The Atlantic put it in their own words: "The study suggests that roughly half of all the hospitalized patients showing up on COVID-data dashboards in 2021 may have been admitted for another reason entirely, or had only a mild presentation of disease."
>Elizabeth Warren Demands Amazon Censor Best-Selling Books>COVID heretics must be disappeared.>Senator Elizabeth Warren is demanding Amazon censor best-selling books because they contain information that challenges the official narrative on coronavirus.>Warren wrote a letter asserting that Amazon was complicit in spreading “COVID-19 misinformation” because it allows people to buy books authored by people like Dr. Joseph Mercola, who has been targeted by the mainstream media as a purveyor of “dangerous” fake news about COVID and vaccines.
>>319648Does anyone have the source or origin of that abusive relationship thing?
>>319700Thanks. Here ya go. A bit more legible.
This is about stimulating the human cell into becoming a pathogen creator. It's not a vaccine.
>>319702I sent this to a few normalfags i know that are against the vaccine, some of which got it and later regretted it or are atleast against the mandates without any context and read it and drew the same conclusion "hey this sounds familiar hahaha"
It's amazing how accurate it is.
>>319705You're doing KEK's work anon.
Must-read and Share Testimony. (Combat language warning at the very end – because this is WAR.)
>How Americans can resist coronavirus shot mandates – a comprehensive guide>Here is a comprehensive list of resources, including sample exemption letters, for Americans seeking relief from forced coronavirus injections.>Americans in many different fields of work are suddenly having to choose between taking an abortion-tainted, poorly tested, and dangerous coronavirus injection or being fired from their jobs. Students are also having their educational opportunities denied without proof of COVID-19 vaccination. As many conservative commentators on Twitter are pointing out, over the course of 18 months, “15 days to slow the spread” turned into “two shots to feed your family.”
>How to resist COVID jab mandates in Canada — a comprehensive guide>Readers have been asking what they can practically do or who they can turn to for help on this disturbing situation. In response, LifeSite has compiled information and links to organizations and legal resources to help Canadians resist vaccine mandates with a full understanding of their options. guide:
>TV station asks for stories of unvaxxed fatalities but gets deluged with jab death and injury stories>An ABC affiliate in Detroit sought stories of death to the unvaccinated. Instead, it got countless stories of harm from the COVID jab.
>>319620How convenient. I guess this graph will go down drastically once they adjust the numbers to the new 14 day grace period.
CDC Director does a 180 now saying that injected people will get sick and die sooner.
Friar Alexis Bugnolo on vaccine deaths awaiting society
>A Prescient Message from Alexis Bugnolo Be aware>Those making the vaccines know these vaccines will kill you, they know science, they're not stupid>When you spend billions of dollars to build a factory to produce vaccines you have enough scientists>to know that antibody priming will kill you.>And we have to face the reality what's going on...>that this is the intention. [Embed]Religious or not this is a must listen. Let us hope he is wrong.
Transcript pasted.
>Pfizer CEO
It's not human.
>22-Year-Old Horse Jumping Champion Suffered Blood Clots Following Reaction To Moderna Vaccine – Report>Igomen Allen will be on blood-thinning medication for the rest of her life
Personally I'm of the opinion that all of the "RED DEER" stuff floating about on 4pol is the new flavor of Q-anon "trust the plan, 2 more weeks" larp. However I have noticed a LOT of my jabbed co-workers calling in sick these past few weeks.
They might just be lazy bastards looking for time off though.
>The Media Just Accidentally ADMITTED the Entire Pandemic is FAKE [Embed]
>CDC Cautions Against Taking The Red Pill>ATLANTA, GA—The CDC has cautioned Americans against taking the red pill, as it can lead to severe side effects such as "realizing the truth about the way our society is manipulated by the elites" and "spending all your time on YouTube watching Jordan Peterson videos.">According to the CDC, many are overdosing on red pills, which are a black market drug that has never been approved by the American government.>"We've seen a lot of people recommend taking the red pill," said CDC Director Rochelle Walensky. "And we just have to remind everyone that the CDC is not approved by the FDA or any other governing body. It could spread ideas like that freedom is a good thing and that thinking for yourself is a healthy American value. People might start getting the wrong idea.">Walensky said the red pill is contagious, and that just one person taking it could lead to more and more instances of people thinking outside the box of conventional opinion and questioning their leaders.>Meanwhile, the FDA is rushing out an emergency approval process on a new, stronger blue pill to counteract the red pill crisis.[YouTube] Coaches Struggle With Using Pronouns
>Shockingly, CDC Now Lists Vaccinated Deaths as Unvaccinated>While public health officials and mainstream media claim the COVID-19 pandemic is now “a pandemic of the unvaccinated,”1 we now know this claim is based on highly misleading statistics.>In a July 16, 2021, White House press briefing,2 U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Dr. Rochelle Walensky claimed that “over 97% of people who are entering the hospital right now are unvaccinated.” A few weeks later, in an August 5, 2021, statement, she inadvertently revealed how that statistic actually came about.3>As it turns out, the CDC was looking at hospitalization and mortality data from January through June 2021 — a timeframe during which the vast majority of the U.S. population were still unvaccinated.4>But that’s not the case at all now. The CDC is also playing with statistics in other ways to create the false and inaccurate impression that unvaccinated people make up the bulk of infections, hospitalizations and deaths. For example, we now find out the agency is counting anyone who died within the first 14 days post-injection as unvaccinated.>Not only does this inaccurately inflate the unvaccinated death toll, but it also hides the real dangers of the COVID shots, as the vast majority of deaths from these shots occur within the first two weeks.5 Now their deaths are counted as unvaccinated deaths rather than being counted as deaths due to vaccine injury or COVID-19 breakthrough infections!
>Doctors THREATENED, Forced to Support “Vaccine” Narrative>I was labeled a conspiracy theorist for predicting that doctors would face license revocation or even criminal charges for coming out, telling the truth, and warning the public about the dangers associated with these injections being called ‘vaccines’. >Well, once again, I’m being vindicated. In the state of Mississippi, physicians are being forced to comply with a gag order. >If these doctors disseminate truth, if they warn about the possible adverse events associated with these shots that have proven to be dangerous, and in many cases deadly, if these healthcare professionals should speak outside of the vaccine, FoxNews, President Trump, Fake News Media narrative that these shots are “super-duper safe and effective”, they’re being brought before the licensing board for consideration for removal of their license to practice medicine.>Dr. John Witcher has been a physician in Mississippi since 1996 and he joined Stew today to discuss. [Embed]
>Vaxx BOMB! Texas RN Reports Nurses, Doctor DEAD After Jab!>A Texas-based RN turned whistleblower came forward on "The Stew Peters Show" and exposed the truthful horror that we've all suspected all-along!>Alex Culican, whose email I read in part to you earlier, is far from the only health care professional who has noticed harmful medical effects from these vaccines that the dictatorial Biden administration is trying to force on everybody. Tamra is a nurse in Texas. She has twenty years of experience. She knows that speaking out has become very dangerous in this time and in this country. But she feels compelled to speak out anyway. She says she knows about the vaccines killing several nurses and at least one doctor and she joined Stew today to discuss. [Embed]
Doctor warns: "- Stay out the hospitals"
He says they're drowning so called covid patients.
>Project Veritas>BIG ANNOUNCEMENT - Veritas To Release Vaccine Whistleblower Bombshell - Messages Pouring In>This story is going to be HUGE! Let us know what you think in the comments below!>If you work in the medical field and have insider information, message us at now![YouTube] BIG ANNOUNCEMENT - Veritas To Release COVID-19 Vaccine Whistleblower Bombshell - Messages Pouring In
[Embed]Mirror: [Embed]Also:
>Project Veritas>Lara Logan to Tucker Carlson: Project Veritas is "getting thousands of emails" from whistleblowers.[YouTube] Lara Logan to Tucker Carlson: Project Veritas is "getting thousands of emails" from whistleblowers!
[Embed]Mirror: [Embed]
>>319887Nothinburger fart-shell incoming. How many years has it been? Breaking Bombshell!! We have it now but aren't releasing 24, 48, 72 hours, 1 week etc. Goddamit, if the vid was real just post it today, Friday motherfuckers. It always goes down like this for every nothing burger. Why tease? i'll be back here Monday to eat my shit if this is wrong but come on, why wait Julian? Trump? Alex? PV? Just release or STFU with your baiting, lying, distracting ways.
>>319788>Transcript pastedt. reader not watcher
Vaccines has MAC addresses that track you. oxide is made of a single layer of carbon atoms...6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons. That's what is being injected into people.
>>319953>Vaccines has MAC addresses that track you.Well, if true any fag can do the experiment.
I don't own a smartphone but I suspect most of (you) do.
>Just In: FDA Panel Rejects Pfizer Booster Shot for Ages 16-65 Over Increased Risk of Heart Inflammation>On Friday, Biden’s vaccination plan hit a major roadblock after an FDA advisory panel declined to endorse authorization the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid booster shot for people aged 16 or older.>The 18 member group of influential experts was tasked with deciding if Pfizer’s latest clinical trials had provided adequate results that demonstrate the safety and effectiveness of their booster shot.>Unsurprisingly, the results did not make the cut, not even close.>The panel voted 16-2 to reject extra doses of experimental vaccine, citing insufficient data from incomplete clinical trials and the potential risk of heart inflammation – especially among young men. [Embed]
>>319961I'm honestly shocked. What happened, did Pfizer forget to pay their monthly bribe? I'm trying to figure out how this fits into the full-steam-ahead vaccination assault that we've been under so far. Or did someone finally realize that the vaccines are killing more sheep than it saves, so they're trying to reverse course before the only Americans left are the unvaccinated? Sometimes I wonder if the elites have been hypnotized by their own propaganda and forget the game plan.
>>319963Two possibilities.
1 - Money. FDA is a front for the pharma conglomerate, if they hit the brakes might be they want a bigger cut.
2 - Cold feet. The sheeple is waking up and they might be afraid for the future of their necks.
>Ben Garrison>It’s time to break the spell
>Vaccine Mandate Creates Confusion, Conflict At UN Assembly In New York>As world leaders fly into New York City for the latest UN General Assembly meeting, the UNs polarization over vaccines, vaccine passports, masks, etc., has come home to roost: Confusion, anger, conflicting national policies, the New York City mandate on vaccination, etc., is pushing nations apart, not bringing them together.>And then came Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro, who “plans to flout New York vaccine rules at UN meeting“. The UN Secretary General was forced to admit that “it would be impossible to deny access to unvaccinated heads of state.” Bolsonaro understands globalization and in particular, Technocracy, and refuses to play the role they have assigned to him. As a result, he is being demonized, ridiculed, shamed, bullied and marginalized.
>Vaccinated Man Just Wishes There Was Something That Could Protect Him From COVID - (it may contain some satire)>U.S.—The vaccinated millions have done what they’re supposed to. They’ve taken the vaccine to show they care about others and are good human beings. Now, these important citizens are looking for just one more thing: something to protect them from COVID.>“I took my vaccine to show I’m one of the group,” said Kyle Howard, who had the Pfizer vaccine, “but I’m out there alone, with COVID still lurking about. The government needs to take measures to protect me and my precious vaccinated blood from the virus.”>There have been pushes to put masks on “dirty, grubby, unvaccinated children” to help protect all the essential vaccinated adults, but some worry masks simply won’t be enough.>“The government needs to round up all those deranged, unvaccinated lunatics and take them far away from us,” said Benjamin Reed, who had the Moderna vaccine. “They have the COVID and could give it to us. I spend all my waking hours worrying about us elite vaccinated people being tainted by the COVID.”>It’s generally agreed that the unruly unvaccinated must be isolated from vaccinated society to protect the vaccinated and the science-blessed vaccine from the virus.>“I’m scared of COVID,” said Garth Strudelfudd, a political commentator. “And that’s why I took the vaccine: as a symbol of my continued terror of COVID and to loudly declare I will never stop being scared of it. It was important to protect ourselves from COVID before the vaccine, but now that we have it and have become higher beings—the vaccinated—it’s even more important that we be protected.”
>>319965Third option is also money
3: it's about the social security scam. They want to kill off the boomers before they spend much time at all collecting from social security, but don't want to kill off the cattle that are still being milked by the scam.
>>320035Ding ding, it IS about fleecing the wealthy(ish) retiring population, and ensuring they dont pass along any/all wealth to their descendents, because wealthy descendents ruins their bottom line. And what better way to fleece them than with 'necessary/approvex' vaccines and mandates, which btw a simple horse tube can solve the symptoms of.
I've just been trying to cool my jets these past few weeks. I've just been tilting a lot. The main thorns in my side:
>Stress from a prospective job hunt due to a risk of losing a my job due to Bidet's mandates.
>Stress with dealing with my parents. I love them and they love me. But they think that I am in extreme danger of dying to the coof. I'm a healthy male in his lower 30's. You and I know that deaths in my age group are almost non-existent. But they get all of their news from CNN and facebook's algorithms. They're terrified of hospitals having bed shortages, but won't listen to me when I try to explain that a hospital's supply of available ICU beds isn't literally how many beds that they have but is a function of how many staff that they have to treat people in the beds, and that hospitals have a terrible staffing problem right now due to doctors and nurses quiting in the face of vaccine mandates. The news is just so alien to them since it runs so counter to what they hear from CNN and faceberg.
>the FDA STILL won't fucking acknowledge Ivermectin despite it showing huge success in Africa, India, and Japan. Worse still, pharmacies are refusing to fill prescriptions of this nobel prize winning drug with decades of safety data behind it. Drs are refusing to prescribe it for fear of having their licenses revoked. It gets derided as "Horse Paste" by the shills in the media to keep public opinion of the drug in the shitter. All because big Pharma stands to lose hundreds of billions of dollars if the bargain bin cheap ivermectin, pennies per pill, gets acknowledged as a treatment option and torpedoes the EUA for their jabs.
>Seriously. Look at the coof numbers in Africa. These are the poverty stricken regions with the ass-backwards cultures where you'd expect that they'd be torn a new asshole by any pandemic due to half of the villagers all touching dead bodies at funerals, and yet it barely had a presence at all there.
>Retards keep telling me that the pfizer vaccine is FDA approved. I skip the news story and jump straight to the source document from the FDA. No they didn't approve the vaccine that people received and are still receiving. Clear cut example of fake news. Nobody cares. Nobody listens.
>>320044>not FDA approvedYes, for those missing this; no shot has been given FDA approval because to do so they would have to revoke all the EUA's on ALL the OTHER jabs. All they have givennis a 'tacit' approval, which amounts to allowing it to continue 'cuz theres no other available treatment for
cold 'covid' symptoms
>>320045Attached is the sourced document itself. This is the letter released by the FDA that had EVERY SINGLE FUCKING LEGACY MEDIA OUTLET SCREAMING FROM THE ROOFTOPS THAT THE FDA JAB WAS APPROVED.
I welcome everyone to read through it. If I'm interpreting this wrong then I welcome someone to explain it to me, however I'm pretty sure that I've got the gist of it right. Also attached are some screenshots of relevant excerpts. Here's a quick rundown of some key points to take away from it.
>1: The FDA recognizes two pfizer jabs as two separate and legally distinct products. The first is the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. This is the jab that people have gotten for months and can still get. The second is COMIRNATY, which has the same formulation but different dosing rules. COMIRNATY is not yet available.>2: The emergency use authorization for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine was extended. You heard that right. NOT APPROVED. Just extension of the EUA.>3: As you can see on the conditions spelled out on pages 11 and 12, the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine explicitly "HAS NOT BEEN APPROVED" and that information must be conspicuously displayed on all descriptive printed matter, advertising, and promotional material.>4: COMIRNATY was licensed for individuals 16 and older (this is what the media was so damn happy about). However the significant amount of PfizerBioNTech COVID-19 vaccine that has already been manufactured and labeled in accordance with emergency use authorization remains under EUA.also, not spelled out in the document
>5: COMIRNATY isn't available yet. It still has to complete trials. Go ahead and try to find a doctor's office that administers COMIRNATY. You won't find one.>6: As the other anon said, since COMIRNATY isn't AVAILABLE, then it doesn't torpedo the EUA's for the existing jabs.All of the fucking "Pfizer is FDA approved!!!!" stories from a few weeks ago were textbook fake news. Truthfully tell a handful of points out of context and let the reader leap to the desired logical yet false conclusion.
>>320049Yup, the allegedly approval is fake news.
Also it is called bait and switch.
Another commie sheeple met his fate.
>Jordan Hayes, 33 years old killed by vaccine
>UK>Funeral director John O'Looney blows the whistle on covid [Embed]
>>320115Facts don't work anymore. All of my family and co-workers think that the coof is the kiss of death and that taking any risk is worth protection from the coof. The media keeps telling them that the side effects are very rare. Day by day it's becoming increasingly obvious that the side effects are common, it's just their acknowledgement that is rare due to all of the fucking information suppression.
>>320117>Facts don't work anymore.They do for an appreciable sector of the population.
On the other hand, I'm noticing that many NPCs are realizing that the injections don't work and are relaxing against the propaganda bombardment.
If the medical predictions become true and this winter the sheeple begins to die in mass, then they will become hysterical and a danger for unvaccinated because they will blame and turn on us.
>>320119One NPC I know wasn't willing to believe anything I said about the coof until I showed him that "Covid actors" video
Then it was like I flipped a switch inside him and now he's on bitchute redpilling himself on his own time.
It's like they're "visual believers". Graphs and statistics are confusing. Numbers make brain thinky and hurty. Interviews are just words and laws are confusing. But video? Can stare at video and trust video. All sorts of movies have the hero show people a video that proves the media lied, so it's a concept they are prepared to understand. So what if they have to think "The Illuminati" are puppeting jews before they can distrust jews? Just tell them Jews run the Illuminati.
Show them the right video and explain the world in simple terms and they're prepared to believe they're in a different kind of movie.
Reminds me of Idiocracy when nobody believed or liked the hero until a celebrity on TV said he was right.
>SPECIAL PRIVILEGES: NBA basketball stars won’t be required to take covid vaccines, just like members of Congress and their staffers>There is a privileged class of “elites” in this country who have declared themselves exempt from all Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” mandates. One of them is Congress, and another is the NBA.>According to reports, professional basketball players will not be forced to take an “Operation Warp Speed” injection because they are more special than everybody else. Well, that and they have a whole lot more money in their coffers to fight against the medical fascism.>ESPN says that the NBA is refusing to budge on its demand that players not be required to take Fauci Flu shots. In its budget negotiations, the league said that any attempted mandate is a “non-starter” and will not be accepted.>While most NBA referees and staff are being told that they must roll up their sleeves for gene modification, the players themselves are above all this and refuse to comply.
>>320197I agree with this jew....
>Dr. Rose reveals shocking 1000% increase in vaccine DEATHS during FDA vaccine hearing
FDA meeting Now we know why two top FDA officials resigned.
The injections kill more people than they save.
>Italian TV
>“The ICUs are full of vaccinated people” - Italian medical staff speaking out to correct the speaker before the interview was cut
Uploading video files here is great but can you mirror them on bitchute too?
Construction workers in Australia is fed up with their Union supporting vaccine mandates and not the workers interest
>GO GET EM BOYS!! 👷♂️🇦🇺💪 [Embed]>The people are dragging them out! [Embed]>3rd pic the Union's response
>Project Veritas>PART 1: Federal Govt HHS Whistleblower Goes Public With Secret Recordings "Vaccine is Full of Sh*t"[YouTube] PART 1: Federal Govt HHS Whistleblower Goes Public With Secret Recordings "Vaccine is Full of Sh*t"
>>320244Well, from the horse mouth, they are all accomplices for murder.
>viruses don't exist
There is such a thing as going too far, anon. Next you'll be telling us that soap and lampshades don't exist either.
Regardless of whether young miss Corona has a real virus to inhabit, cells need to intake food, and there's literally no reason that something couldn't hijack a cell by tricking it's defenses and getting inside.
>Large Group of BLM Activists Protest NYC Vaccine Mandate; Chant “Cancel Carmine’s” After Brawl at Popular Restaurant Over Vax Card (Video)>The rushed vaccines have caused a massive divide within the United States, primarily along political lines, but recent revelations are proving that it goes even deeper than right or left.>Two key groups that Democrats rely on to win elections – Black (43%) and Hispanic Americans (48%) – are the least likely of any racial demographic to be vaccinated, and that’s not likely to change anytime soon.>Now that someone as influential as Nicki Minaj has spoken out, and the draconian vaccine mandates in cities like NYC have disproportionately affected minorities, more people are choosing to think for themselves – that’s a yuuuuuuuge problem for the leftist establishment. >Even the most radical BLM thugs have begun clapping back over the tyrannical dictates of their progressive leaders. [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>>320256>There is such a thing as going too far, anon.Read this thread and those before, and stop being a faggot.
/mlpol/ is always right.
>>320256>viruses don't exist>There is such a thing as going too far, anon.I suggest you read some interesting hints about the hypothetical viruses existence, or not:
>>312490 →>>294529 →>>318978>>319090
>>320259>implying /mlpol/ is a singular entity>thinking that calling someone a faggot makes you blend in>thinking that anons will believe you just because you (poorly) try to bully themYou stick out like exactly that which you are, just FYI.
>but if you just read the threadsYeah, I can see that you've posted this bullshit before, and been called out. Repeatedly.
Pro tip, actual anons aren't as easily fooled as normalfags. Nor are their attention spans as limited.
>but you see, if I just spam hour long videos and links to massive articles-You can fool normalfags, which are in short supply here.
>but I-Fuck, off.
Unless you're going to deny the existence of cells, or claim they're magically impregnable and have an infinite magical energy source inside them, then
something in mother nature's vicious and uncaring universe
will find a way to break in and hijack their systems.
Whether a specific illness is or isn't caused by a virus is entirely irrelevant.
Mark my words, once people start breathing canned air, these faggots and their ilk will start claiming that air doesn't exist.
>>320263And how you know viruses exist? Is it because of pictures and established "science"?
I ask you because some scientists tried to replicate the viruses experiments and discovered they are frauds. So, reading massive articles and watching those long videos might fetch some clarity for you. Just saying.
>CNN: Stop 'Doing Your Own Research'>CNN's Brian Stelter presents the case against reading and thinking for yourself>People "doing their own research" is highly problematic and hurting the government's pandemic response, CNN reports. [Embed] [Embed]
(Yes, I saw that edit.)
>can't comprehend that something akin to viruses is an inevitability in nature
>still can't point out what's actually relevant in any of the link spam
>deletes post to fix minor typo, leaves innumerable more still in
I see the subhumans are still limited to crude mimicries of thought, and haven't developed the real thing yet. How disappointing. I suppose I'll check back on them in a few centuries and see how things are then.
For now, goodnight anons. May you dream of true gods, and truer waifus.
>REDDIT IS KILLING PEOPLE! Reddit Gets Caught Red-Handed Destroying Evidence of Dozens of Vaccine Adverse Effect Reports Every Single Day from Grieving Victims>Reddit has been caught mass-deleting mountains of user reports of negative side effects from the coronavirus vaccine.>An image circulating online shows just a few of the many dozens of testimonies from this past week made by families who are soliciting help from the public related to crippling reactions from the vax. Every single one of the threads, posted to /r/CovidVaccinated, was removed from the Internet by Reddit mods.
>>320269>can't comprehend that something akin to viruses is an inevitability in natureAnon, it's enough.
Viruses have a no contagious equivalent called exosomes.
Both particles are the same entity, but for some scientists they are the origin of illness and for the others they are the fundamental piece for self healing.
Please, read the many corona-chan threads for Celestia' sake and make your own research.
Baptist Hosital ICU Nurse Stephanie Ann Oprandi
>ICU nurse at Baptist Hospital in Miami tells protesters not to come to the hospital if they get sick and aren’t vaccinated [Embed]
>James OKeefe Says Hospital Confirms HHS Whistleblower Footage Is Undeniable>James O'Keefe joins Alex Jones and Owen Shroyer live via Skype to discuss his most recent hidden camera footage, and he reveals that the hospital has yet to respond to inquiries, allowing their silence to speak volumes to the validity of the footage. [Embed]
>HHS Whistleblower: You Have A Statistically 0% Chance of Dying of COVID>HHS Nurse Jodi O'Malley joins Alex Jones and Owen Shroyer live via Skype to break down her heroic Project Veritas whistleblowing hidden camera footage and break apart the phony COVID narrative. [Embed]
>Nearly 15,000 Deaths, More Than 700,000 Injuries Reported to VAERS Since December 2020 Rollout of COVID Vaccines in U.S.>VAERS data released Sept. 17 by the CDC showed a total of 701,561 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 14,925 deaths and 91,523 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and Sept. 10, 2021. >There were 91,523 reports of serious injuries, including the reports of deaths, during the same time period — up 3,352 compared with the previous week.>Excluding “foreign reports” filed in VAERS, 559,462 adverse events, including 6,756 deaths and 43,073 serious injuries, were reported in the U.S. between Dec. 14, 2020 and Sept. 10, 2021.>Of the 6,756 U.S. deaths reported as of Sept. 10, 12% occurred within 24 hours of vaccination, 17% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination and 31% occurred in people who experienced an onset of symptoms within 48 hours of being vaccinated. [Embed] [Embed]
>>320386It is breathtaking how government institutions and related bureaucracies have been staffed with foreigners, atheists, communists and sexual deviants. It can't be a random occurrence.
Some autist summarized the data he's been collecting for the past year or so into an "in-depth report" as he's calling it.
>>320394>the elite plundering the working classHold tight.
I'm gonna post later an article with Trump's fingerprints all around.
According to the Supreme Court, all people vaccinated with mRNA are legally transhuman and subject to become property of the patent holders.
i heard the argument before and this of course needs further citation.
>>320391>government institutions and related bureaucracies have been staffed with foreigners, atheists, communists and sexual deviants.From:>“The mass annihilations that will be carried out by homosexual, transsexual, and especially lesbian commissars will exceed in scale and cruelty anything that has yet happened in known history.”
>They Are Trying to Sneak mRNA Vaccines Into Your Salad >Once upon a time you needed to get injected in order to receive a vaccine. Then nasal spray vaccines hit the market back in 2003, making people a little less hesitant, since it did not involve a needle in the arm. Either way, a person knew that they were receiving a vaccination of some sort, and could not be easily tricked into getting vaccinated against their will. This is starting to change with the new mRNA Covid vaccines (actually gene therapy), as there appears to be some kind of “second hand vaccination” (or shedding) going on, whereby unvaccinated people are getting the same symptoms (aka side effects) as vaccinated people. However, getting “vaccines” into people could soon become much, much easier.>Researchers at the University of California-Riverside have been a $500,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to develop lettuce and spinach that can deliver mRNA vaccines to whoever consumes the leafy greens.
Idaho doctor reports a "20 times increase" of cancer in "vaccinated" patients - 2 minute video [Embed]
>>320407The ole wise tale of the jews poisoning the well and selling the "cure".
>>320407The covid vaccines don't last long outside of a freezer, and the Pfizer vaccine can't stand a few minutes outside of super-frozen conditions.
The nasal spray vaccines were largely discontinued because they didn't work nearly as well as injections.
This looks like fake news to me. The vaccines need to be frozen to work. Mixing them with vinegar, salt and other salad dressing ingredients would render them impotent.
>>320408Mayo clinic? The fuck is Mayo clinic? What next? Ketchup clinic?
>>320407Wouldn't be that hard to pulloff if it was just a prepackaged carrier.
They would have more success (ie fast implementation) with yeast or simple bacteria.
Anyway here's an 2018 post because sharing nicely works.
>>320415I don't think so sir
"Remove vaccine from the freezer or refrigerator. Allow vaccine to come to room temperature. Vials can be held at room temperature for up to 2 hours before mixing."
>>320420>>320407Just a heads up to everyone here: It's easy to do genetic modification through the intestinal tract.
[YouTube] I Genetically Engineered *MYSELF* to Fix Lactose Intolerance
[Embed]The good news is that it's not permanent.
Still don't want it. Looks like Organic only is the way to go from here on out.
>North Carolina Hospital System Suspends Hundreds of Employees After COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate>A North Carolina health care system said it suspended hundreds of its employees after the firm implemented a COVID-19 vaccine mandate, adding that workers who refuse to get vaccinated after five days will be fired.>“Beginning this week, approximately 375 team members—across 15 hospitals, 800 clinics and hundreds of outpatient facilities—have been confirmed to be non-compliant and are not able to report to work,” stated a press release from Novant Health, which is based in North Carolina but operates in other states.
>>318141Everyone in this thread is acting like a Facebook Karen. Grow up take your meds.
>>320462>Grow up take your meds.Did you?
Cry moar kike.
>>320463Of course. My country started on a vaccine(the actual vaccine) before the pandemic even started.
>>320464Because of this bread I'm well aware of the culling in Palestine.
The hospitals are full with injected people, the government call the sick people victims of a X virus variant. The truth is that there no variants, but the effect of the bioweapon fancifully called "vaccine".
The irony is that instead of stop the slaughter, Palestine is triple down with the so called boosters. Go figures.
>>320465To make an omelette sometimes you need to crack some Eggs,As it goes.
>>320466Sure, be sure you don't get cracked too.
>>320467Your country is the one making sure we don’t lmao. Thanks for that by the way. Be sure to join the military.
>New York's New Gov Threatens To Replace Unvaccinated Hospital Workers With 'Foreigners'>New York's first female governor Kathy Hochul, who took the reins in the Empire State after her predecessor and former boss, Andrew Cuomo, finally resigned, is showing the state's recalcitrant healthcare workers just how understanding and progressive she can be.>During a press briefing with reporters in Rochester Wednesday, Hochul told a group of reporters that she hoped all unvaccinated workers would meet Monday's deadline to get the jab, or lose their jobs.
>CEO of Moderna Says Even Young Will Need to Take Vaccine Booster Shots Indefinitely>Two tier society that punishes the unvaccinated could remain in place forever.>According to Stephane Bancel, the pandemic will continue for at least another year, at which point there will be enough vaccine doses “so that everyone on this Earth can be vaccinated.”
Israel "Ministry of Health" announces that "Green Pass" for vaccinated expires when 6 months have passed. [Embed]
>>320448Alright, but that doesn't translate to being made into salad.
>>320476The living vegetable tissues house the mRNA payload (plus the delivery mechanism).
Since it's housed in a living substrate there are already methods in place to reduce issues due to environment.
The whole point of them choosing lettuce (and spinach) for a 'salad' is because it's viewed as the 'healthy' choice, and lettuce is usually not cooked chemically or thermally enough to completely degrade everything.
The payload would have to escape the cell walls, survive environmental hazards (digestive acids ect) then manage to infect vulnerable cells.
DIY bio-enthusiasts have made their own self modifications.
>>320477How do you cook spinach/lettuce correctly to kill any potential vaccines lurking inside?
>>320502mRNA is basically DNA it's a stand of protein depending on how they actually construct the stuff you'd want it browned or denatured over a long period of time in 'lower' temperatures. It'll also denature every other protein as well so you'll get something a bit different.
If they do something more like botulinum spores then you'll have a problem getting rid of it until you figure out what releases the protection(s) on it.
>>320508No more BLTs for me
>>320403Attached is pdf mentioned in video.
By looking up in quotes "vaccinated people worldwide are products" I found other websites that repeat what the guy says, sourcing the same pdf document
IANAL but I couldn't find anything he quoted in the document.
This is a very relevant repost.
>Tom Barnett>You cannot catch a virus>The truth about catching viruses [Embed]Mirror: [Embed]
>>320587>get sneezed on by sick person>sick the next daycoincidence?
>>320593Citation needed.
Movies, journalists, school teachers, and doctors parroting the "science" don't count.
Get some scientific experiment demonstrating contagion, then we can talk.
>>320596It's happened to me. It's happened to alot of people. Ever seen an entire small business get sick at the same time? or family?
I find it hard to believe there is anyone sheltered enough where they haven't come across this in their actual lifetime.
>>320599I understand that. However it is not science in the sense that the contagion is demonstrated.
>HR Pro Provides Tips for People Facing Termination for Refusing DNA-Alteration>My name is Sheri and I have been working as a Human Resources professional for about 12 years. In seeing all of the posts recently about folks fearing for their jobs, I feel compelled to help. I thought it might be easier to write my own post rather than trying to comment on everyone else's. This is a long one, consider copying & pasting into a word doc for easy reading.
>>320599>I find it hard to believe there is anyone sheltered enough where they haven't come across this in their actual lifetime.I'm one, not because of "sheltering" but strong health.
Yes, I have been with people sneezing and with flu and fever developing in closed quarters. I experimented many times the feeling that I needed to sneeze too after a couple of hours with them; however, I never got sick, except because of food poisoning.
Disclaimer, I have perhaps no more than 3 vaccines in my life, the last one when I was 13 years old, a few decades ago.
>>320604>Disclaimer, I have perhaps no more than 3 vaccines in my life, the last one when I was 13 years old, a few decades ago.I'm doing memory, my exposure to vaccines is as follow:
1 - Anti-polio Sabin oral vaccine
2 - Anti-diphtheria injected vaccine
3 - Injected Mantoux test, to determine sensibility to tuberculosis (not a vaccine).
That's all.
>>320599>I find it hard to believe there is anyone sheltered enough where they haven't come across this in their actual lifetime.In my household, no more than two of us have ever been sick at the same time.
>>320631Rarely kids that go to "chicken pox parties" don't get sick. but most of them certainly did. I dont think this is something people do anymore.
NICU patients are at increased risk of getting sick so they make everyone wear masks to prevent droplets. But infants outside of the NICU can get something like whooping cough (which was nearly non existent not that long ago) has come back in recent years because they switched from a vaccine that destroyed the virus/bacteria or whatever to one that just mitigates symptoms. They made this switch because the ladder has much less chance of side effects. Except they dont tell people this so "vaccinated" people will go around the infants confident theyre vaccinated and get the infants sick. Alot of vaccines has switched from a dead end for a virus to it just not affecting the vaccinated. It allows it to propagate, then quickly blame the unvaccinated for its spread.
>>320587 >>320596 >>320600Let me remind you the example of measles, without any vaccination most children suffer it, myself included. And you know what? An astronomical overwhelming majority goes through it without any consequences, the cure for it has always been chicken soup and 10 days in bed.
It is considered that measles, rubella and mumps are natural processes, and once the child goes through them, he becomes immune for life.
But I understand the decades long governments' psy-op campaign got you and there is no way you will think other way.
>>320651The chickenpox vaccine isn't a clearance vaccine. It only masks the symptoms.
Which is good if you had chickenpox and want to not get shingles later in life. Re-exposure to chickenpox as an adult prevents shingles.
Both the chickenpox vaccine and shingles vaccine don't last forever, and the shingles vaccine has a huge list of side effects.
>>320703>5-14 year olds>suicideNothing wrong here, right?
>>320686Doesnt really refute the point being made in the post you responded to. Did you respond to the wrong post?
Has nothing to do with vaccinations, but most people can observe quite easily that sick people can get others sick.
I dont see how your anecdote refutes that.
>>320698chickenpox vaccinations becoming commonplace have lead to an increase instance of shingles in adults.
>>320726>I dont see how your anecdote refutes that.>Has nothing to do with vaccinationsIt has to do with normal illnesses children have, like acne in teenagers. Modern medicine and its supporters wanna tinker with that.
>"This Is Completely Avoidable" - New York Hospitals Prepare For Staffing Crisis As Vaccination Mandate Forces Mass Firings>With President Biden's federal vaccine mandate set to take effect on Monday, health-care systems around the country are suspending elective in-patient surgeries and refusing to accept ICU patients from other hospitals as they brace for potentially hundreds of firings of nurses and other critical staffers, potentially even doctors.>According to the NYT, the Erie County Medical Center in Buffalo is planning to do all that and more, as it says it may soon fire about 400 employees who have chosen not to get the single job required by the edict (which was pushed through despite being blocked by a federal judge).>Similarly, officials at Northwell Health, the state's largest health-care provider, estimate that NWH might be forced to fire thousands of people who have refused to get vaccinated.>In an economy with more job openings than workers - 2.2MM more, to be exact - forcing workers to choose between employment and their health or religious compunctions simply isn't a smart idea.
39 year old NFL analyst fully poisoned by vaxx. Dead after months of illness.
>Covid-19: Children born during the pandemic score lower on cognitive tests, study finds>Children born during the pandemic score markedly lower on standard measures of verbal, motor, and overall cognitive ability, US researchers have found.>In a longitudinal study of 672 children from Rhode Island that has run since 2011, those born after the pandemic began showed results on the Mullen scales of early learning that corresponded to an average IQ score of 78, a drop of 22 points from the average of previous cohorts. this shit needs a lot more citations.
Nevertheless, the normies I know are well aware that the injections modify DNA and they become something else, that it is the Mark of the Beast, and that there is something very fishy around it. They have no one to blame but themselves for the shit coming their way and the hybrids that they have spawned.
Attached is the video of one of the first samples: "Closer view of the jabdemic baby possible patented hybrid with soulless vacant stare"
>>320394That PDF has gone viral.
It has a ton of info in every aspect of the covid conspiracy.
Thanks anon for that early post.
>"Damn You To Hell, You Will Not Destroy America" - Here Is The 'Spartacus COVID Letter' That's Gone Viral>This is an anonymously posted document by someone who calls themselves Spartacus. Because it’s anonymous, I can’t contact them to ask for permission to publish. So I hesitated for a while, but it’s simply the best document I’ve seen on Covid, vaccines, etc. Whoever Spartacus is, they have a very elaborate knowledge in “the field”. If you want to know a lot more about the no. 1 issue in the world today, read it. And don’t worry if you don’t understand every single word, neither do I. But I learned a lot.
>>320743Good stuff. Long letter, but as you say it is written by someone(s) with an evident authority in the relevant field(s)
>Spartacuskek, I see what they did there. Its an open letter, basically encouraging everyone who agrees to sign on (re: I'm Spartacus! No, Im Spartacus!)
>Karma - Professor says damn the unvaccinated. Dies 12 days after her third shot. [Embed]
>NEVER BEFORE SEEN! "Vaccine" Victims' Bodies IN BATTLE!>Dr. Jane Ruby joined the Stew Peters Show with a FIRST LOOK at what's really going on in the bodies of "vaccine" recipients!>These people are DEAD, and autopsies show what appears to be a war inside their anatomy! [Embed]
NOW - New York to deploy National Guard to fill expected staff shortages as unvaccinated nurses and hospital workers will be fired effective tonight.
>‘Don’t Be Bullied’ about Experimental Coronavirus Vaccine Shots Say Billboards in Several States>People driving around the Texas cities of Houston, Austin, San Antonio, and Dallas over the last few days have seen new billboards along major highways encouraging them to resist the incessant bullying from politicians, media, schools, businesses, and employers related to the experimental coronavirus “vaccine” shots.>The huge billboards declare the messages “Make an Informed Choice!” and “DON’T BE BULLIED.” The billboards also display the image of a gloved hand holding a vial labeled “COVID 19 Coronavirus Vaccine.”
Jokes on you, people. I just got my russian Sputnik-V-lite vaccine (0,5 ml). I'll be posting around with this nickname occasionally. If I go silent without any warning - know that I'm dead
Am I retarded or the trip doesn't work this way? whatever. Just "sheep" will do for now.
No symptoms so far. I feel great.
>took the jab so he could namefag
If you wanted to suck dick you could of just said so instead of beating around the bush
>Nearly 50k Medicare patients died soon after getting COVID shot: whistleblower>‘They are lying. There is no question they are lying,’ said Attorney Renz. ‘The mantra of ‘safe and effective' must stop after today’s information.’>A whistleblower has provided government data documenting 48,465 deaths within 14 days of COVID-19 vaccination among Medicare patients alone, according to medical freedom rights attorney Thomas Renz.>One slide showed that the number of “persons who died within 14 days of a COVID-19 vaccine” equated to 19,400 for those younger than 81 years old, and 28,065 for those 81 and over, totaling 48,465 deaths.>“This is raw data,” Renz explained. “There’s no analysis.” And, he emphasized, these death numbers are from less than 20% of the U.S. population.>“Do you want to know why 14 days is important?” he asked. “Because if you die with 14 days, you’re not considered vaccinated.” According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one is not considered as being “vaccinated” until 14 days after their completed injection regimen, raising the question of whether government authorities have been classifying these fatalities as something other than vaccination-related deaths.
>New York Magazine Runs Piece About Vaccine Cultists Pretending To Be Unvaccinated To Get ‘Bootleg Boosters’>Madness>This is what happens when globalist institutions inflict mass paranoia on the useful idiots in society and expect slavish servitude in return. The New York magazine article unintentionally provides a window into the darkest and most pathetic corners of the human psyche. In times like these, we must realize that some of our fellow humans are so obedient, so devoid of critical thinking, so tethered to a system taking advantage of them, that they might simply never see reality the way normal people do.
The bright side is that (((their))) spawn will have a drop in IQ greater than 20 points despite their efforts. Bad news is that (good news ((()))) most effected, better is that people with souls can recover)
Better news is that they'll panic even more after realizing they destroyed their precious genetic lines. For (((them))) it's the coffin lid sealed.
As that realization makes its rounds they will follow their pandemic with more measure and counter measures to fail at defeating and even combating the genetic line change. It's game over for 'em. Check and mate.
The DNA meatsuits they use are now more than antitheical for them. The writhing panic is only comparable to a 'fictional' moment.
The puppets are deteriorateing and those puppets' puppets are deteriorateing too and those puppets' puppets' puppets... ect.
One of the better things is that the continued pawns of theirs and spawn are done. It's over on that side. They can't reproduce after the dropped generation.
Perfect victory. Near zero direct action. Whata sight to behold.
Picking up the pieces is a cake walk.
>>320890It takes about seven contracts on average for any person to know about any other person. Twenty seven for physical lines of touch (source my ass). As they are most related to (((them))) it apears that horesses win yet again, metaphysically as well.
>more and more good news waiting to be found as it already has occurredContinue being strong friens.
>>320883Infowars is on it:
>Thousands Dead In NYC within 28 Days of receiving the Jab [X10 to X100] [Embed]
>>320836I did a dumb thing, I admit. Not only namefagging but also bumping too much. I wasn't thinking straight.
I couldn't sleep tonight. It started with a mild headache and kept getting worse. All the flu symptoms are present. I took some painkillers and now it's more or less fine.
>>320895Top notch, where did you get it?
>>320943Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms.
No food or shelter for Purebloods.
>>320947Good, can't direct family et al to pony town and don't spend enough time in the tubes to find more reasonable presenters of these vital infos. Can't even recall exactly how I got here but it is what it is.
>>320957Seriously no chance of critical thinking. Maybe some need a culling.
>Psychiatrist Attacks Pureblood Patient in Psychotic Tirade>Quote: "CAUGHT ON TAPE: Dr. Stephen V. Sobel, MD was recorded by an Pureblood patient after he began attacking her for exercising her God-given, inherent Constitutional freedom to make her own personal choices about her "vaccine" status. >Sobel's website: http://stephensobelmd.com [Embed]
>>320995>PsychiatristHe has to be a jew trying to fulfil his nature, to hurt the goyim.
>If you allowed yourself to be injected, God help you, because there is nothing on Earth that can save you.
>Behold the photo (above) showing President “Joe Biden” getting his booster shot of the Covid-19 “vaccine,” with the news media clustered to the left of what is apparently a stage-set built in a larger chamber. Do you possibly ask yourself: why bother to build a set for this event in or under the White House somewhere — including even fake daylit windows — when there are any number of actual rooms in the White House perfectly suited to holding this grand event in real daylight? What is going on here?>And, by the way, how do we know that “JB” is getting an actual mRNA booster? Or is it just 10 CCs of saline solution? Is not the syringe, after all, just another prop in the show? The video of this event was broadcast on cable TV channels and corporate media websites everywhere. None of them commented on the strange artificiality of the staging. And so, the mystery abides….>It only reinforces the creeping suspicion that absolutely everything about the “Joe Biden” regime is fake. And malevolently so. How else could it be that so many bad things are happening at the same time in this country if there was not some faction seeking to destroy it?
>>321209Should have a Joe Biden is trying to rape me campaign going on.
>>321215Focusing on a deranged stooge is a waste as he is in his way out. Better it's a long term campaign blaming and doxxing collaborators.
Sputnik V lite vaccine is capable of inflicting mild to severe headaches, temperature spikes along with other flu symptoms. Other than that, it's safe to take.
>Rand Paul vs the ignorance and arrogance of Biden's HHS Secretary, Xavier Becerra - (1:47 long)>Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra was left speechless in the U.S. Senate on Thursday, after U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, explained the concept of natural immunity to Becerra. [Embed]
Veritas Army takes to local radio stations.
>Hiding the Bodycount>An ER doctor who is about to lose her job for refusing the vaxx blows the whistle on the adverse effects being hidden by the medical field and hospital personnel.
>Covid Was a U.S. Op>The proof is not conclusive yet, but it’s becoming increasingly obvious to the sufficiently intelligent that the Chinese lab in Wuhan was set up to be the patsy from the start.
Fauci Says You Must Give Up The ‘Individual Right Of Making Your Own Decision For The Greater Good Of Society’ [Embed]
>Vaccinated while pregnant. Gloated about being vaccinated, pregnant and breastfeeding. Child is dead [Embed]
Redpilled South-African negro calls the conspiracy and conspirators out.
There is not at least ONE government employee who is not falling in line with the (((oligarchs))). video (138 MB) is now private but I downloaded and remastered to make it smaller.
>TRAGIC: Young Mother’s Obituary Bemoans ‘Dark’ World of ‘Heavy-Handed Vaccine Mandates’ Following Her Adverse Reaction COVID Death>Jessica Berg Wilson, 37, of Seattle, Wash. died shortly after getting the experimental COVID-19 jab, and her obituary cites the “heavy-handed vaccine mandates” enforced by “local and state government” for causing her death.>Wilson’s tragic death can serve as a lesson for individuals thinking of submitting to vaccine tyranny out of convenience. Full civil disobedience is necessary to defeat this globalist tyranny.
>Project Veritas>Exposed Part 4>Pfizer Scientists ‘Your [COVID] Antibodies Are Better Than The [Pfizer] Vaccination. #ExposePfiz.. [Embed]
>How do you solve a healthcare problem by firing all the healthcare workers? You don't. joins ZOG to suppress the redpilling.
>Trump>‘I got the Pfizer’ vaccine>Former President Trump sat down in an exclusive interview with Yahoo Finance's (((Adam Shapiro))) to discuss vaccines.[YouTube] Trump: ‘I got the Pfizer’ vaccine
[Embed]I would like to hear rationale thought on how, after all we know about the ill effects (deaths and injuries) of taking the jab, the studies that have been coming out about people that have gotten the vaccine and are being hospitalized, and dying, that he could still be promoting this injection.
>The same DOJ fighting to keep mask mandates at your kid’s school. [Embed]
You would think that if they really were genuin and just trying to help they would not force the vaccine on people and instead maybe study the effect of the virus on vax and unvax.
Ted Nugent on how to communicate with jab cult members.
>Large New York Health Care System Fires 1,400 Unvaccinated Workers>A large New York health care system on Monday said it fired 1,400 workers because they declined to get a COVID-19 vaccine.>Northwell Health terminated approximately 2 percent of its workforce, which spans across New York City, Westchester, and Long Island.>The workforce across the 23-hospital system is now 100 percent vaccinated, the system told news outlets in a statement.>“Northwell believes that having a fully vaccinated workforce is an important measure in our duty to protect the health and safety of our staff, our patients, and the communities we serve,” the health care system said. “This allows us to continue to provide exceptional care at all of our facilities, without interruption and remain open and fully operational.”>“Northwell regrets losing any employee under such circumstances, but as health care professionals and members of the largest health care provider in the state, we understand our unique responsibility to protect the health of our patients and each other. We owe it to our staff, our patients, and the communities we serve to be 100 percent vaccinated against COVID-19,” it added.
>Pfizer Scientist Flees After Being Caught On Tape Admitting COVID Antibodies Are Better Than Vaccines>Pfizer scientist Nick Karl, who privately admitted COVID antibodies are better than his company’s vaccine, was questioned by Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe while in public.>Nick Karl, who was not wearing a mask despite appearing to sit in a restaurant, was visibly surprised and upset when confronted by Project Veritas. He acknowledged his name, then became startled and refused to speak to O’Keefe as he abruptly rose and left the building. [Embed] [Embed]
>>321520>corona marewhy isn't there an ivermectin mare?
>>321538Kek this is perfect.
>These Vaccine Mandate Exemptions Are Astounding>If the so-called vaccines are safe and effective, why aren’t these specific groups of people exempt?>If the ‘vaccine’ mandates are about the people’s health, does the Biden Regime not care about the health of these specific groups?
Lindsey Graham Tries To Push Vaccines On His Constituents, Their Response Is Priceless.
>“A Silent and Dutiful Massacre”. Italian interview with an emergency physician confirms: Covidism is a religion and the DeathJabs are its anti-sacrament of initiation, designed to kill. Converts to Covidism suffer from pathological AGNOSIA- the inability to process information directly in front of them.>This interview comes over the transom from an Italian reader, and it confirms everything we have been discussing. The algorithmic translation is VERY clunky, but completely understandable. In Italy, 911 is “118” on the telephone.
>Project Veritas>Exposed Part 5>Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Execs Emails: ‘We Want to Avoid Having Info on Fetal Cells Out There'>PFIZER LEAKS: Whistleblower Goes On Record, Reveals Internal Emails from Chief Scientific Officer & Senior Director of Worldwide Research Discussing COVID Vaccine ‘We Want to Avoid Having the Information on the Fetal Cells Floating Out There’>Vanessa Gelman, Pfizer Senior Director of Worldwide Research: “From the perspective of corporate affairs, we want to avoid having the information on fetal cells floating out there…The risk of communicating this right now outweighs any potential benefit we could see, particularly with general members of the public who may take this information and use it in ways we may not want out there. We have not received any questions from policy makers or media on this issue in the last few weeks, so we want to avoid raising this if possible.”[YouTube] Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Execs Emails: ‘We Want to Avoid Having Info on Fetal Cells Out There'
[Embed]Mirrors: [Embed]
Merriam-Webster just changed the definition of Anti-Vaxxer…
If you control language, you control thought.
>>321713Damn those comments holy shit.
>>320409>He think I'm going to read all that shit
Why do the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn't protect the protected in the first place?
Mother is trying to have me take the vax since she's worried that i wont be able to get help if anything happens to me or go see anyone at the hospital if anything happens in the familly. I hate to make her worry but fucking hell do i hate how hard big gov is trying to force it on everything.
>>321753Don't do it, You can't go back.
>>321753Anon, you know that the injection is just the beginning, more will come. The more you comply, the more tight the noose gets.
>>321758>>321760I know, I just hate making her worry. Also fuck the damn news poison, I bet thats one of the big thing that keep putting the covid fear in her head. She hates that the vax is being force on everyone but due some event the other day she got more worried. She really thinks that all the restrictions will stop if eveyone is vax. She's not too far gone like many others but not quite redpill you could say.
Anyway, sorry for blogposting. This entier covid crap needs to end.
>>321762What your grandmom should told your mom.
>Steven Fishman - "Trump, Please Disown Killer Jab">Trump cancelled any credibility he had left by taking credit for the killer jab>Steven Fishman asks- "Do you want to be remembered as the president who took credit for OPERATION WARP DEATH, which ultimately will lead to the wretched agony, demise, and death of over 200 million Americans?">Makow comment - Fishman is one of many Americans who still haven't recognized that Trump is a crypto Jew, Freemason and traitor. The role of False Opposition is to sabotage resistance and get the stragglers on board. He betrayed his followers by throwing the election to Biden. Both men are agents of the satanist (Cabalist) Jewish Rothschild conspiracy.
>Pfizer Seeks FDA Approval To Vaccinate Young Children Whose Deaths Will Be Blamed On New ‘Variant’ Spread By The ‘Unvaccinated’>Universal mandatory vaccination will be pushed down the throats of Americans when thousands of young children start dying “of COVID” — and the only way to make it appear as if they are dying in large enough numbers is to get FDA authorization to begin vaccinating them with these deadly experimental COVID “vaccines”:
>UCLA anesthesiologist Dr. Chris Rake, a COVID-19 vaccine mandate opponent, was escorted out of the UCLA medical plaza yesterday and placed on unpaid administrative leave for refusing to get vaccinated or request an exemption. [Embed]
>News media of Spain, forced to admit the truth, that they have no proof that the Covid-19 virus really does exist, re-questioning the validity of Covid tests and diagnostics, as well as the medical state of emergency, that forced the shut down of all of society for no good reason. >If anything, Covid-19 is a bio-weapon, mislabeled under the fraudulent name of Covid vaccine, an injection that diminish the natural immunity system, making the vaccinated more susceptible to any diseases; But governments can't admit to that, because it would be admitting their participation in crimes against humanity; According to supposed new Covid cases, which could be anything, because a true Covid test does not exist, for lack of a Covid-19 virus to test it on, at least 70% of the new cases in hospitals, are from vaccinated individuals. [Embed]
>A natural Dr. is explaining what these clot shots are doing to the immune system. Listen closely!It cuts off at the end but the whole video is here: don't have telegram so I could not watch it.
What Universal Vaccination Look Like.
85% of Population Vaxxed in Singapore.
I have been the vaxx maxxed. Am I dead pony bros?
>>321953According to Daegel you have a 82.4% chance to be alive by 2025. Future prospects are unknown.
>>320952 →
>>321953Are you from /leftypol/ by any chance?
>>321953 And congrats on winning the Darwin awards, by the way.
>>321965She's a covid cultist and has what she deserves.
All these sheeple health professionals are active participants/accomplices and positively know that by collaborating with the regime's psy-op they hurt the freedom loving rest.
She had chosen her personal convenience and money over reason and the nation's interest.
Fuck her.
>>321953The phoney ‘COVID Pandemic” is an intelligence test!
Welcome to your voluntary euthanasia.
Same old story.
Gets jabbed and has problems. Neurological issues among others.
Goes online for attention and pity.
>>321957No I am Serbian.
>>321956Good stats.
>>321958Very rude. I’m sure you wouldn’t be so smug if it were someone you be caring about. Show flag
>>321752Got this clip without the nigger music in the background?
On kristalnacht, we will have the Vegan inquisition.
Those that aren't on a strict vegan diet plan, growing marijuana, and learning firearms training will be left behind.
Each family unit is comprised of one "head of household" and dependants bassed on the discretion of the "head of household.
Free electricity/Wifi/internet🔌 housing, and money, for qualified vegans.
Morals are required, but take time to develop. I understand this. That's no excuse further down the line for being morally directionless.
This is a long read.
>A Report on Myocarditis Adverse Events in the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) in Association with COVID-19 Injectable Biological Products
>Uprising In Guatemalan Village As Protesters Kidnap Nurses And Destroy Experimental COVID Vaccines>(BBC) After residents in a village in rural Guatemala were injured after receiving experimental COVID vaccines, a large crowd of protesters attacked nurses who were trying to administer Covid-19 jabs, kidnapping and holding them for seven hours, according to a report by the BBC:>About 500 people blocked a road and vandalised the team’s cars in Maguilá, in the northern Alta Verapaz province. >The 11 workers were released after police negotiated with the villagers, who destroyed about 50 vaccine doses.>Authorities say online disinformation is feeding resistance to the vaccines.>The nurses were “verbally and physically attacked” by the residents, who let the air out of the workers’ tires and destroyed the cool boxes storing the doses, the health ministry said. “We were very scared because we had never been through something like this. We were just doing our duty,” a nurse was quoted by the statement as saying. “We tried to explain a number of times that vaccination is voluntary and that we did not want to force anyone, yet they didn’t let us [work].”
Too many are hearing about large number of "vaccine" injuries so the conspiracy giving more placebo jabs [Embed]
>Coerced vaccination
Brutally honest negro spells it out for white liberals.
>ICU Doctor Describes Nightmarish COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries In Letters To FDA, CDC, Lawyer Says Agencies Haven’t Replied>Dr. Patricia Lee, M.D., an ICU doctor based in California, issued a shocking letter to the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention claiming she has observed more vaccine injuries from the controversial COVID-19 vaccines than she has in the last 20 years working as a doctor.>In the letter, she describes observing “entirely healthy individuals suffering serious, often fatal, injuries,” her attorneys noted in a follow-up email. These include “transverse myelitis, resulting in quadriplegia, pneumocystis pneumonia, multi-system organ failure, cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, post partum hemorrhagic shock and septic chock, and disseminated CMV and CMV viremia.”
Member of Austrian Parliament keels over
The Socialist Eva Holzleitner, the feminism & LGBTQ speaker of her leftist party, had just boasted on Instagram (an offshoot of Zuckerberg’s Facebook) of getting her clot-shot and claimed that “vaccine concerns are groundless.”
You just got some Instant Karma, baby…. [Embed]
>Old Man Yells at the Unvaccinated>Olbermann’s increasingly demented outbursts aren’t convincing anyone.[YouTube] Old Man Yells at the Unvaccinated
>>321864>LACK OF COVID-19 VIRUS PROOF IN SPANISH COURT OF JUSTICE.Moar confirming the fraudulent global conspiracy:
>Spain: Ministry of Health Confirms It Has Not Isolated The SARS-CoV-2 Virus and Admits “Tests, By Themselves, Are Not Usually Sufficient to Determine the Disease.”>“The Ministry of Health does not have a SARS-CoV-2 culture for testing, and it does not have a registry of laboratories with culture and isolation capacity for testing.>In relation to the SARS-COV-2 diagnostic tests, and in general, with issues related to the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic, the Ministry of Health works with the aforementioned documents, which are updated according to the epidemiological need, to enable decision-making in relation to the management of the pandemic, and the dissemination of information to third parties that can use it in their specific environments. In this sense, the most conceptual and definitional issues remain more in academic and teaching environments, with the Ministry of Health playing a more secondary role and not acting on these issues in its power.>Finally, the evaluation of patients in relation to their state of health, be it COVID-19 or another disease or pathology, is the responsibility of the reference health professionals. The tests, by themselves, are not usually sufficient to determine disease, requiring an expert evaluation of the person who has been tested.
>BOMBSHELL: Pfizer whistleblower says vaccine ‘glows,’ contains toxic luciferase, graphene oxide compounds>Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine vials glow fluorescent blue and contain an enzyme called Luciferase, a quality inspector for the drug company told LifeSiteNews in an exclusive interview this week.>“The vaccine glows, at least Pfizer’s does,” Melissa Strickler, who worked for the pharmaceutical giant for nearly 10 years, said. “It looks like someone took a blue glowstick, cracked it open and put it in the vial, but only if there is light and it is around a dark background.”>Luciferase not on the label>Strickler said she heard a doctor describe codes for ingredients in the vaccines, including the codes SM102 for luciferase, a glow-in-the dark enzyme produced in fireflies, plants and fish that is used in bioluminescence research. Depending on different chemicals that it is mixed with, luciferase will glow different colors.>A bright blue luciferase was identified in a report in the journal Nature Scientific Reports in 2020, for example, and is only visible under UV lights of certain wavelengths. [Embed]
Monday, October 18th.
National School Walk-Out.
A Vaxxed Mindless Zombie.
>>322361>>322436The full video is hilarious. Oddly enough she has a red door.
This is perhaps one of the best short video encapsulations of the COVID-19 efficacy narrative ever produced… and it is only 2:13 long.
>Twitter User Video Showing the Shifting Narrative in Vaccine Efficacy. [Embed]
>>322457Pretty accurate honestly. And yret they are still trying to mandate it.
> Norwegian and Swedish Airlines End Compulsory Face Diapers on Scandinavian Flights>You can still self-muzzle if you have a brain disease
>NEVER LET JEWISH BIO-TERRORISTS PUT SWABS INTO YOUR BRAIN>I have spoken many many times about NEVER letting these fuckers or anything they approach me with come in contact with my body.>The swabs they stick up your nose have been PROVEN to contain coronavirus (or whatever pathogen they are using to create the simulacrum of a pandemic)>The Jew bioterrorists claim it was just a "error" when their swabs tested positive BEFORE THE TEST.>But we all know this is just another Jewish lie. [Embed]
>Are covid “vaccines” giving people AIDS? Immune system functions are dropping around 5% EACH WEEK in those who were vaccinated>Doubly injected people between the ages of 40 and 70 have already lost about 40 percent of the immune system capacity from the moment they get injected. They then progressively lose more of it over time, with peak immune system loss for many expected to arrive by Christmas.>“If this continues then 30-50 year-olds will have 100% immune system degradation, zero viral defence by Christmas and all doubly vaccinated people over 30 will have lost their immune systems by March next year,” reports The Exposé.>There is no denying, based on the data, that fully vaccinated people now suffer from what appears to be acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, more popularly known as AIDS. Their immune systems are fading away, which many have been warning would be the case.
>It All Makes Sense Once You Realize They Want to Kill Us>“It is now apparent that these products in the blood stream are toxic to humans. An immediate halt to the vaccination programme is required while an independent safety analysis is undertaken to investigate the full extent of the harms, which the UK Yellow Card data suggest includes thromboembolism, multi-system inflammatory disease, immune suppression, autoimmunity and anaphylaxis, as well as Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE).”
Another covidian going down.
>Whistleblower: FDA and CDC Ignore Damning Report that over 90% of a Hospital’s Admissions were Vaccinated for Covid-19 and No One Was Reporting This to VAERS>Physician Assistant, Deborah Conrad, bravely reports these harms and is barred from filing VAERS reports
>“THESE PATIENTS DESERVE TO BE HEARD” -VAERS WHISTLEBLOWER>In a Highwire exclusive, Deborah Conrad, a hospitalist physician’s assistant on the frontlines of the pandemic, pulls back the curtain on the complete lack and disregard in her hospital for reporting Covid vaccine injury to VAERS, this country’s only mechanism to track the safety of these rushed-to-market, mandated products. In riveting detail, including emails & recorded phone conversations, Conrad exposes the internal push to turn a blind eye to injuries and “tow the company line” that this vaccine is safe. [Embed]
>Uber driver caught in crossfire of terrifying Chicago shootout worries about his face mask slipping below his nose.>Yes, really.>The social engineering is strong here.[YouTube] Uber Driver Worries About Face Mask During Shootout
>Remember Tiffany Dover, the nurse who collapsed on live television after receiving one of the first death-shots? is old news for /mlpol/ but glad the normies are finding out.
>>294712 →>>295537 →
>>322642Oh fuck what if they "inject" (infect) the food supply pigs/cows
>>322643I suspect this has to do with Agenda 21/2030 and its offshoot ID2020. Which is the inventory of all natural resources and living organisms, humans included.
>>322642can i start accusing vaccinated people for taking animal vaccines? skunk vaccines?
>>322664They love to call Ivermectin horse paste, it's hilarious that they take vaccines fit for skunks.
>>322638Seems a bit too obvious no? Seems weird that they would not try to hide this better.
B-but why the media would lie?
>Is Aspirin The New Horse Dewormer?>Aspirin is one of those drugs that has been around forever. It is commonly used as a pain reliever, anti-inflammatory, and blood thinner. Surprisingly it may also have benefits in treating COVID.
>Millions Of Americans Are Getting Fired For Not Taking A Jab That's Now 3% Effective>CNN is reporting that a new study involving over 600,000 veterans has found that Johnson & Johnson's covid vaccine's protection "fell from 88% in March to 3% in August."
>go to the dentist today
>Masks are REQUIRED
>ok, now that you're in the chair you can take your mask off we'll spend the next 20 minutes with my face in your mouth.
Clown world
>SHOCKING- Dr. Carrie Madej Releases FIRST LOOK at Pfizer Vial Contents>Parasites found. This finding was also reported in Spain and Poland.>The freshwater hydra is a pretty incredible organism. It’s named after a creature from Greek mythology that, any time one of its heads was cut off, it would grow back two more in its place. Scientists chose that name well. The freshwater hydra is biologically immortal. Its cells never age and as far as we can tell they never die of old age, only from predators or environmental factors. If you cut off a piece of the hydra, it will grow back. If you cut the hydra into many pieces, all of them will grow into a new hydra. And how about if you stick the hydra in a blender, literally chop it into thousands of pieces until it’s just a messy soup? Well, if you ball all the pieces back together, they’ll merge and become a hydra again.>Project Veritas is following this [Embed]
>“Vaccine” Murder Charges Accepted by Prosecutors, Officials Intentionally Killed Patients>We still don’t know the true origins of Covid-19, but if you had a conspiracy theory that it was created to destroy freedom in all English-speaking countries, it wouldn’t be a bad theory. Because everywhere the English language is spoken, it seems, centuries of freedom have been obliterated in the name of containing a virus that most people are at near-zero risk from. In Canada, the police will show up at your church on Easter to shut down services. In Australia, people were banned from leaving the country or crossing state lines. They’ve gone through multiple waves of strict lockdowns. They force people to download phone apps to confirm they’re where they say they are. Police will even walk up and inspect your coffee cup to make sure it really has coffee, to ensure that you’re actually allowed to pull your mask down outside.>And then there’s the United Kingdom, which has some of the most horrifying behavior of all. [Embed]
> White House Details Plan to “Quickly” Vaccinate 28 Million Children Age 5-11>No long-term data? No problem! As CDC's Walensky explains that even injected will still be required to muzzle up in school
Ages 5 to 11 need to be vaccinated! TRUDEAU CANADA.
>Trump Says He Wouldn’t Need Vaccine Mandates: ‘I Would Convince People’>“I wouldn’t say to anybody, ‘You have to.’ But I would sell it. Look, I’m very proud of what we did with the vaccines,” Trump told Bill O’Reilly in an interview on The First TV.>“It was supposed to take five years and they said it wasn’t going to work,” said Trump. “I did three vaccines in less than nine months and they do work, they work really well.”>The former president continued, “I would convince people, take it. I don’t want to push it. When I was president, there was no talk about mandates or anything. Everybody wanted the vaccine. Now a lot of people don’t want it.”
>How To Scare Your Kids The COVID Way>COVID is scary. But some kids aren’t scared enough. If you watch this video, you will be equipped to scare your kids about COVID for the rest of their life![YouTube] How To Scare Your Kids The COVID Way
>>322891Ironically if Trump had won 2020 the leftist media would have taken an extremely antivax position and right now we'd probably be looking at a 30% vax rate or less.
>>322903leftists and apolitical-sheep who signed up for the vax because they were told to, vs good people forced into it by the jobs they need to feed their kids or whatever... what percentage do you think is greater when it comes to who died from the clot shot?
>>322905With any luck, the sheep are making up the majority of the vaccine deaths. Since they are the majority of the vaccinated, it only makes sense.
I wonder how large of a die-off among the vaccinated there would have to be before the media can't suppress it anymore. I have some vaccinated friends and family who I hope survive, but everybody else on this planet can keel over dead for all I care.
>Sweden Suspends Moderna Shot Indefinitely After Vaxxed Patients Develop Crippling Heart Condition>Swedish health officials have now decided that a moratorium on giving the Moderna vaccine to anyone under 31 will be extended indefinitely, the U.K. Daily Mail reported. The pause on the Moderna shots had been scheduled to end on Dec. 1.>Finland, Iceland and Denmark have taken similar steps. Norway is encouraging men under 30 not to get the Moderna shot, but is not mandating it.>For months, the Moderna vaccine has been under scrutiny because of data that shows young men who receive it are at increased risk for myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle, and pericarditis, an inflammation of the sac around the heart. [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
EU parliament is doing a 180 on greenpass.
Best yt comment:
>Only now they realized that something is wrong, when it affects them![YouTube] BREAKING EU PARLIAMENT OPPOSES VACCINE MANDATE AGENDA 22/10/2021
>>322894This is as dumb as it gets.
>>322927>EU parliamentActually it looks to me like 5 second rank members went independent. Let us remember that such a parliament is the equivalent of the Soviet Politburo and any opposition to be effective has to be backed by the weapons of the state.
Words are cheap and are so useless as street protests.
>REVOLVING DOOR: All three FDA-authorized Operation Warp Speed vaccine corporations employ former FDA commissioners>The revolving door between Big Pharma and the federal government is once again on display after it was revealed that all three vaccine corporations pushing “Operation Warp Speed” injections for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) have former U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) commissioners on their respective payrolls.
>>322935You are correct. I didn't realize the misleading title.
Still, it looks like their policies are biting them back.
I wonder how many more MEPs will come forward...
A nurse practitioner refusing to treat a child because he hasn’t had the jab.
>If you take the covid vax, you can NEVER achieve full immunity again – government stats unveil the horrifying truth>The British government has spilled the beans about that fact that once you get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), you will never again be able to acquire full natural immunity.>In its Week 42 “COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report,” the U.K. Health Security Agency admitted on page 23 that “N antibody levels appear to be lower in people who acquire infection following two doses of vaccination.” It goes on to explain that this antibody drop is basically permanent.
>UK’s Boris Johnson Admits Vaccines Do Not Prevent Contracting, Spreading COVID-19>The UK Prime Minister admitted that the COVID-19 vaccines don't work as initially advertised.>Before the shocking admission, the UK PM claimed that the vaccine provides “a lot of protection against serious illness and death.” However, he ultimately conceded that the vaccine “doesn’t protect you against catching the disease, and it doesn’t protect you from passing it on.” Johnson, who has grown highly unpopular due to his handling of COVID-19, added “so now, it’s time to get you booster.” [Embed] [Embed]
>Amish Covid: 'No hospitalization, isolation or vaccines = herd immunity'>When it comes to actions taken to address the Covid-19 threat, hindsight is still very much underway. For your consideration: a story and outcome you probably aren't hearing much about anywhere else. It takes place in the heart of Amish country.[YouTube] Amish Covid | Full Measure
>Massacre Continues as More than 27.000 Europeans KILLED and 1.2 MILLION CRIPPLED by COVID-19 Vaccines>So as high as these numbers are, they do NOT reflect all of Europe. The actual number in Europe who are reported dead or injured following COVID-19 shots would be much higher than what we are reporting here.>The EudraVigilance database reports that through September 25, 2021 there are 27,247 deaths and 2,563,768 injuries reported following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots:> COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE MODERNA (CX-024414)> COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE PFIZER-BIONTECH> COVID-19 VACCINE ASTRAZENECA (CHADOX1 NCOV-19)> COVID-19 VACCINE JANSSEN (AD26.COV2.S)>From the total of injuries recorded, almost half of them (1,222,818) are serious injuries.
>>322958>nuremberg 2so... genital torture to get confessions and that legalese shit that was declared at the beginning that basically made it a kangaroo court?
is that really what normies want to do?
>>322960Normies are stuck in the matrix and don't grasp how the System works.
It is so absurd as when they shout "Arrest X", when the police, the judges and the politicians all work for "X".
They all play in the same team against us.
>>322959How are so many crippled europeans surviving the vax?
Is that by design or are we too tough for it to kill us?
>>322963Come on, man. A reduction of 75% in white blood cell counts after the second injection would mean that everyone who's been fully vaxxed would be in full blown AIDS and dying right now. I just don't see that happening as of now.
>>322969Some are given bigger doses of the deathjab than others.
>>322969Well, blood analysis don't lie.
Virologists were saying that for months. According to them, the coming flu season will be deadly for real.
>>322960>>322961In my experience the only thing stronger than a normalfaggot's obedience to modern globohomo brainwashing is their obedience to holocaust brainwashing. Sometimes it's possible to snap a normalfaggot out of obedience to the modern globohomo agenda by flipping the script and portraying the globalist position in terms of the stereotypical holloywood portrayal of nazis. This tends to be easy since the globalists legitimately act like how they portray nazis.
For example. The average normalfaggot is in favor of people needing to present their vaccination papers to participate in society. But draw a parallel between presenting vaccination papers and forcing the jews to wear a yellow star, and a lot of them suddenly become opposed to the vax pass agenda. At the very least they'll clam up before trying again later.
>>322988>But draw a parallel between presenting vaccination papers and forcing the jews to wear a yellow star, and a lot of them suddenly become opposed to the vax pass agendaThe judo move.
>CLOT SHOT NEARLY KILLS DUMB CUNT - Dumb Cunt Begs For More>The Jewish banking cartels and their goy slaves serving them are bad enough - but the millions of dumb fucks who cannot see what is right in front of their faces are equally to blame for this Jewish mass genocide program. [Embed]
Confirmed! - The vaxed are the spreaders and they are the ones who are dying from the Kill Shot!
>We Should Have Listened to the Amish About COVID, Turns Out They Were Right.>Herd immunity [Embed]
>>323003We're the Amish even necessarily exposed to covid in the first place? They're generally a very isolated community.
>>323006The truth is there was no virus. Not in China, not in the rest of the world; it is a mass panic psyop propped by the zog media.
>>323007>no virusNo doctor neither hospital have the capability or equipment to know if a virus is causing an illness. All of them depend on the CDC's answers, then taking in count that that CDC is a front for the pharma industry and the cabal, its answer will be as good as rotten manure.
You gave up your freedom and liberty for this?
>Prince Charles talks to a Vaxxed man who then collapses outside the Vaxx Bus ASDA [Embed]
The Pandemic of Dying ‘Suddenly’ and ‘Unexpectedly’ (After Getting Vaxxed)
>>323023It's getting colder, I wonder what will happen in winter?
>>323011Don't the Chinese have rolling lethal injection vans at one point?
A Dollar Vigilante clip.
>3 brain surgeries, 5 seizures and a stroke after 1st jab. Vows to get the second one. Darwin award? [Embed]
This is an advertisement, Comcast refuses to air it.
>This 13 years old girl was a volunteer in Pfizer trial.
3 Judges suddenly dead after jab mandate. Justice at last!
>Viral Video: Woman “predicted” COVID pandemic in 2019, warned of global tyranny & vax mandates>A video uploaded to YouTube on September 20, 2019 is going viral after predictions made in the post ended up coming true over the next couple of years.>The next pandemic is just around the corner! [Embed]
>CDC To ‘Educate And Counsel’ Those Who Refuse COVID-19 Vaccine – REPORT>“There is a plan, should these people not want to be vaccinated, toward education and counseling to get people the information they need," said CDC Director Rochelle Walensky. [Embed]
>>323085I'm employed by a local university. They've just updated their jab policy by saying that I have until Dec 8 to get the jab. I'm not getting the jab. I'm sure some satanic jerk takes joy in firing people right before Christmas.
>DATA MATTERS - Death Rate EXPLODES in - Fully Vaccinated Victims - 26th Oct. - (9:27 long)>Stew is joined by Vincent James who explains his latest research. And they want to push this on YOUR KIDS! The shots are dangerous, and in many cases DEADLY, but the FDA is set to approve "emergency use authorization" for KIDS ages 5-11. [Embed]
>>323111You need to plan ahead. Finding another job is not enough, soon men with guns will come to kidnap the Purebloods.
>Graphene Oxide found in injectable Lidocaine. [Embed]Lidocaine is a local anaesthetic used by dentists among many others.
>>323134and the graphene oxide?
>>323142If you look before posts you will recognize it instantly.
That shape looking like a folded Kleenex it is.
President Jair Bolsonaro's latest live stream video has been removed by Facebook and YouTube after he read a report during his stream that connected the COVID vaccine to an AIDS-like disorder in recipients.
>Dr. Carrie Madej>The Culling We have been trying to warn people>We need to start medical underground communities [Embed]
>>323186From a Christian angle you may want to look at the Mark of the Beast.
The following video was made by Anthony Patch, a hardcore Christian and well informed about the psyop and its satanic root.
A clip of him was posted before at
>>283378 → and
>>308275 →>Precursor II - The Redactions - (31:44) [Embed]Clip attached.
>HEADS UP! - Hydras and Parasites in Vaxx, Transfecting Humans Into New Species - Stew Peters>Dr. Ariyana Love joined "The Stew Peters Show", and made the case that the COVID "vaccines" contain hydras and parasites, and that they're being used to "transfect" humans into a "new species". During the interview, Dr. Love begged inoculated people to NOT have children.>Parasites, hydras [Embed]At time stamp 11:20 she calls the jews out.
Another mentally ill degenerate cunt got poisoned.
>>323197The priest managed to repent. Still not as strong as he used to be -bad guys can now touch him during exorcism whereas they used to stay away.
The more doses the more control they have!
>Study: Women’s Infertility Increase After Vaxx In All Countries Except Israel — Placebos Basically Confirmed>You’d have to be stupid not to think that’s what this is about. PolarGirl, who I’m sure was a fed, suggested I was insane for saying the Jews would be giving themselves a placebo, which would be easy to do since they control the supply line, but that is what they are basically straight up admitting is going on.>As I’ve only pointed out a billion times, all of these people making these vaccines and pushing them are Jewish, all of them profess to want to rid the world of Europeans, and Israel has admitted to sterilizing women with vaccinations before.
Song of the year banned from the internet [Embed]Ayy, let's go, Brandon
I keep a drum like I'm Nick Cannon, ayy, ayy (brrt, brrt)
Let's go, Brandon
Pandemic ain't real, they just planned it, ayy, ayy (they just planned it)
Let's go, Brandon
When you ask questions, they start bannin', ayy, ayy (facts)
Let's go, Brandon, ayy, ayy (ayy, let's go, Brandon)
Let's go, Brandon, ayy, ayy (ayy, let's go, Brandon)
>THE 'VaXXine' BIO-WEAPON IS WORKING! (So Many People/Children Are Dropping Like Flies) [Embed]So sad. It is the normie's fate, they brought it on themselves.
>Unvaccinated Nurse Speaks Out On Hospital Feelings About Unvaccinated Patients. [Embed]Hospitals are filled with doctors and nurses wishing death to Purebloods.
Communist Loving Fat boy with Boobs Rants about the Unvaxxed.
>A Percentage Of The Shots Are Placebos - So We All Dont Die At Once>If you or someone you know took the jab and had no reaction, it may have been a saline shot, which would be fortuitous. I can see where the pushers of the "vaccines" might want a percentage of them to be placebos so everyone getting the jab doesn't get sick and die right away, planning on getting them later with the boosters. [Embed]It makes sense.
I figured that some people might have a passing interest in seeing the document that my employer wants me to fill out for declaring a religious exemption. I've blacked out portions that could identify my employer because the opsec part of my gut demands that I do.
>>323445I just want to say that one of the most painful things so far was my parents trying to convince me to submit tonight. That I should abandon my principles just because I might face adversity for standing up for them. It was very disheartening. I was raised better than that.
>>323479To get injected is the equivalent to a Russian roulette, not to mention the mark of the beast. Your parents are thinking in jewish money, not your well-being.
What do you guys make of this woman and her claims?
>>323484Their opinions are based upon the opinion that they are safe and effective. They just listen to legacy media. If CNN/MSNBC didn't say it, then it's fake news. They're greatly worried that I'm going to contract covid and die (Healthy ~30's male with no commodities). They didn't know that the phrama companies are immune to liability. They didn't know that hospitals are receiving significant extra $$$ payouts for treating covid patients and therefore have a conflict of interest in diagnosing covid. All of the stuff CNN never mentions, they doubt to be true. They support boosters like the TV man and my Dr Uncle support, but they can't explain how a booster of the same formulation to produce the same spike protein is supposed to do jack shit against newer strains that have mutated to use different protein shapes.
I hate all of these appeals to authority. I can point out how women are getting the jab and suffering unusual menstrual bleeding but that point doesn't matter since CNN didn't say it so it must be fake news.
>All of the stuff CNN never mentions, they doubt to be true.
Everything is said. You are dealing with covidians of the worst kind.
Stay away from them. They're dangerous and a liability.
>>323519I'm aware. It still hurts though.
>My enraging experience with being forced to get the vaccine, myocarditis, and the refusal of doctors to help me.
Their satanic code requires them to tell us the TRUTH ahead of time.
Clip from the anime "Vexille".
>>323489>her claims>(((Glazov)))>Genetic corruptionShe's on the target 100%.
Transhumanism is the goal toward UN's ID2020 and the jews' cryptocurrency.
She is well redpilled, however she and others like Dr. Tenpenny spread the truth but they are all related to a spiritual guru linked to the UN. Cohen_cidence?
These dissident spoke persons should be looked with some prejudice as many are funded by (((oligarchs))) and their function is to lead the goyim. Where? I don't know yet.
Also she introduces the notion this shit has satanic roots. You might want to take a look to the following, it is exceptionally well done and entertainment is guaranteed.
Another video by Ewaranon. The Journey Continues.
This should be posted in /vx/ but it is pertinent to the covid injections, genetic modification and the Mark of the Beast.
Genetic corruption is happening again.
>LHFE - Volume 2 - Episode 1 - Antediluvian Nightmares[YouTube] Lost History 2 - Episode 1 - Antediluvian Nightmares
[Embed]Mirror: [Embed]
>>323479Boomers have no moral courage. They're almost as bad as the "greatest" generation in this regard. Even zoomers and millenials have more pride and principle than boomers/greatest ever did at any point in their lives.
I've been advised by "successful" boomers to let anyone at my job walk all over me and never stand up for myself. "dont rock the boat" just let people insult me without standing up for myself. They have no courage, no dignity, and no self respect. theyre also all about never taking risks or doing anything outside of the status quo.
Never take advice from these people if you have any respect for yourself. They likely wont have enough of a spine to make you do anything, hence why they dont do anything when their daughters bed with niggers.
Even your run of the mill reddit liberal has more courage and spine than them. Thats why you see commies like AOC unafraid to express their motives, goals, and opinions regardless of what others think. Compare them to boomer liberals with the same goals. theyre cooperative afraid of making waves, while preaching the same rhetoric.
>>323607>Bob WhitakerSo many guys invisible to Americans.
>>323607I'm just hoping that I have the strength and courage to follow through with what I need to do for myself. There is a lot of pressure on me right now, and there are very few around me who are providing support. It's strange and saddening to have grown up my whole life being told to stand up for what's right, and to find myself being one of the only people that I know who took the lesson to heart.
Right now my objective is to maximize my options. Increasingly I am inclined to find a new job. My life has just been so crazy recently that I've been having trouble keeping my wits about me. I don't really want to lose my current job unless I have a new job already lined up. So my immediate course of action is that I put in paperwork for religious exemption. I've seen some anons argue that filling for exemption is a cuckoldish copout and that I should just be telling them to shove it, but I suppose that I'm not strong enough and don't have enough support in my life right now to go that far.
For what it's worth, I'm going to share my experience so far with religious exemption. I'm not going to post my completed form for my own privacy, but I will share some resources that I consulted when choosing my words. The images are from 4pol of alleged leaks of approved and unapproved exemptions. The second is a form letter that a friend directed me to.
My thoughts on the matter that might help an anon in a similar position:
>Keep it simple stupid. The more that you type, the more likely that some kike will find something to screw you with. I dislike the long form letter for this reason but perhaps it will give someone some food for thought>be careful with your verbiage. Make certain that beliefs are attributed to your FAITH and not to YOURSELFAs for my exemption, I expressed the following points:
>I am a devout Christian (I avoided specifying a specific denomination)>My faith teaches that our bodies are temples to God and that it is our responsibility to care for our temples>My faith teaches that life is sacred and that abortion is a sin>Aborted fetal cell lines were exploited in the development process for the covid19 vaccines and that the vaccines would not exist without the sacrifice of those children>knowingly accepting that product into my body would desecrate my temple.If pressured that I've taken vaccines in the past, I will respond that I was a minor and did not have autonomy over my body. If pressured about any other medications or products that were developed with those cells, I'll reply that I'm not omniscient and that I strive to remove such products from my life whenever I become aware that they are tainted.
I was raised Catholic, but increasingly I've found that the Vatican has drifted away from my own personal views. I suppose that's heresy, but I try not to dwell on that. As far as the constitution is concerned, I don't need to be in lockstep with the Vatican. I could be worshiping the Ancient Egyptian sun god Ra and my beliefs should be just as protected under the constitution.
I suppose that we'll see if they acknowledge my beliefs or not. On the one hand I suspect that some HR folks are giddy at the thought of firing a christian right before Christmas. On the other I am a valuable employee that the company has invested a lot of time and money into. I am liked by my immediate supervisor and my team. I am crucial to several big projects that are planned over the next year. There's also orders from the state government to liberally approve religious exemptions, but I don't know how much faith to put in that. Logically acknowledging my faith is a win/win that protects their federal funding from Biden while preserving the integrity of their workforce and ability to function. But maybe HR is on a witchhunt and desire to purge wrong-thinkers. I haven't interacted with HR in years so I don't know how they are these days.
>>323617Super useful post.
Thanks anon.
>>323619Another thing about the fetal cell lines is that apparently some kikes are arguing that you can't take basic over the counter medications like aspirin if you object to those cell lines. I argue that in many cases medications such as aspirin predate those fetal cell lines. I don't believe that aspirin in general is tainted by inappropriate tests performed after the fact with those cells any more than a muslim doesn't consider quarans in general to be haram because there are pictures floating around the internet of someone stuffing a quaran full of bacon bookmarks.
Or at least that's my thoughts on the matter. No one has made such an argument to my face so far. Over the past few days it has become apparent to me that religious exemption isn't just something that I'm trying to use to dodge the jab. They're legitimate beliefs that I truly hold. I have many scientific objections to the jabs as well, but my religious objections are just as valid.
On that matter, I think that anons should avoid mixing their scientific objections with their religious objections within the exemption paperwork. Keep it solely focused on religion. They can try to weasel and debate the science. It's harder to argue against your religious beliefs. I just hope right now that I'm successful. If not then I'm probably going to need to burn some leave to get my life sorted out.
I've had a devil sitting on my shoulder telling me that I have enough sick leave accumulated that I could call in sick until their deadline. I don't think burning them like that is morally right, but it might be the best course of action for me. We'll see what happens. Things might come to a head elsewhere in the nation first. I've heard that the mandates are more pressing in New York and that something like 40% of the firehouses in NYC are shutting down for lack of manpower because of the mandates. There is a nonzero chance that the unions there might cause this to blow up in Biden's face and get everything buried under the rug before the deadlines arrive for me. Honestly I just want this crap to end. All that I want is to be putting down roots and to start a family. It hurts a lot to have my livelihood under attack like this.
>The Only Choice Left Slavery or Freedom - Dr Mercola Interview with Catherine Austin Fitts. 30th Oct 2021>Dr Mercola interview with investment banker insider Catherine Austin Fitts regarding establishments agenda using CV19 and treatment as a roadmap to total global domination.>Typically, my conversations with experts about the COVID pandemic revolve around the infection and its treatment. Today’s interview with finance guru Catherine Austin Fitts will tackle the COVID topic from a different angle.>Catherine Austin Fitts has spent decades exposing corruption and fraud within the banking industry and government, and corruption and fraud are driving forces in the COVID pandemic>We’re seeing a shift of billions of dollars of liability to families for health care, disability, workman's compensation, unemployment and death, as experimental COVID injections are mandated while drug makers, doctors and corporations have been released from all liability>At present, there is no legally valid vaccine mandate. The shots are still under emergency use authorization, and there’s no official document from government, be it in the form of legislation, law or regulation, that grants a legal basis for the mandate. The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration also has not published any rule regarding the mandating of vaccines by private companies>The vaccine passports create a platform for a digital transaction system that documents and tracks all transactions. Once combined with a central bank-controlled digital currency, they will have the ability to block transactions>To prevent the final implementation of this planned control system, we must be ready and willing to sacrifice in the short term. We must be willing to say, "No, I will not comply, no matter what the consequence,” or we’ll lose even our most basic freedoms>Such stiff fines could quickly bankrupt all but the wealthiest companies if they don’t comply. However, even here, there is choice, because as it stands, there is no LEGAL rule or law dictating vaccination rules for private companies.>“This is genocide,” Austin Fitts says. “There is no OSHA temporary emergency rule. There is no document. If I'm a company and you have no law, no regulation, no emergency regulation — you can't legislate law by press conference, and you can't apply civil money penalties out of thin air.I don't know on what basis in law you can apply a civil money penalty to a violation of a non-existent law and a non-existent rule. [Embed]
>>323626Should we tell her about the unusual menstrual bleeding?
>>323627I don't think it will make any difference. These covidians are too far gone.
Mask Theatrics at G20: Global Leaders Remove Masks After Posing for Cameras [Embed]
>>323479How many literal autists here were forced into getting at least one vaccine as a kid?
I had one.
>>323677That's an apples to oranges comparison.
>I can't speak for britbongistan, but in burgerland we've always been able to claim religious exemption to vaccines>the vaccines that we're accustomed to giving to children underwent years of long-term studies before they ever were offered to the general consumer, and have had decades of safe usage since.>the covid vaccines didn't meet the definition of a vaccine before the ministry of newspeak expanded the definition of a vaccine to include it.>these new "vaccines" do not grant immunity to the pathogen and do not prevent the vaccinated from transmitting the virus to others. At most it mitigates the effects of the virus in the vaccinated. Arguably this keeps them out of hospitals but also arguably it turns them into the infamous asymptomatic super spreaders>these new "vaccines" have been linked to numerous negative side effects relating to blood clots, enlarged hearts, abnormal menstrual bleeding, and death among other problems.
>VAERS Reveals DEATH BY LOT NUMBER: Specific States Get Certain Vials>If you’ve followed Covid vaccine side effects at all, you’ve heard about the VAERS reporting system used by the CDC. That’s the system whose data indicates these vaccines have had by far more deaths and side effects linked to them than any prior vaccine in history, and that’s despite the fact that countless doctors, nurses, and hospitals are refusing to report side effects for ideological reasons.>But even now new discoveries are being made with the VAERS data. A new analysis from the Daily Exposé finds that of all the deaths reported from Covid-19 vaccinations, 100% of them come from just five percent of vaccine batches, and even in that group, a handful of vaccine batches have far more deaths and adverse reactions than the rest. If that’s true, then shoddy quality control for vaccines caused tainted batches to go out that killed thousands of people unnecessarily.>The most deadly batch numbers are Pfizer EK9231 and Moderna 039K20A [Embed]
>Dr. David Martin Just Ended COVID, Fauci, DOJ, Politicians in ONE INTERVIEW.>STEW - "SO THERE REALLY IS NO VIRUS?" ...DAVID MARTIN - "NO" (THERE IS NO VIRUS)>Stew Peters talked with Dr. David Martin in an historical interview with inarguable fact-based exposure that should be seen by the entire world as an absolute end to the COVID narrative. [Embed]This is a repost from July 2021.
>>323715>100% of them come from just five percent of vaccine batchesWhat kind of weird deception via statistics shit is this? Ofcourse 100% of the adverse effects would be within some percent subset of the batches.
Even if we accept the premise that it's just 5% of the batches that, that's an absolutely fucking huge number for any drug much less one that is not only being deployed en-mass but is also attempted to be forced down peoples' throats via tyrannical mandates. Imagine putting you faith in getting a safe batch on a D20 roll. Oh no, you rolled a nat1 on your jab. Enjoy your miocarditis.
>>323727VAERS represents only a tiny sample of vaccine injuries as doctors don't bother to report.
Also some vials have parasites (hydras), tiny metal fragments, and graphene oxide, while others not.
According to microscope analysis in Poland 3/5 of vials are saline solution (placebo), in America the proportion is unknown.
>EXCLUSIVE – 100% of Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths were caused by just 5% of the batches produced according to official Government data>An investigation of data found in the USA’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has revealed that extremely high numbers of adverse reactions and deaths have been reported against specific lot numbers of the Covid-19 vaccines several times, meaning deadly batches of the experimental injections have now been identified.>But what’s perhaps more concerning is that the “deadly” lots were distributed widely across the United States whilst other “benign” lots were sent to just a few locations.
>Dr. Tenpenny about the UK government report.
>Immune systems of the vaccinated are deteriorating at around five percent per week. If this continues then 30-50 year olds will have total immune system degradation, and zero viral defence by Christmas and all doubly vaccinated people over 30 will have lost their immune systems by March next year.
Blacks aren't getting the same jab as Whites?
>>323755Sounds like someone needs a helicopter ride.
>Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long: "Over 200,000 service members have rejected the vaccine." - (14:57 long)>Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long was a participant of Senator Ron Johnson's Roundtable discussion on mandatory COVID-19 vaccines held in Washington D.C. on November 2, 2021. She is a board certified aerospace medicine specialist with a Master's in Public Health.>Dr. Long testified:>"Senator Johnson has invited me here to make a statement to him regarding my opinion about the life-threatening side effects about the COVID-19 vaccine.>My opinion is formed from my medical education, training, and my first hand experience treating soldiers injured by the vaccine.>This statement is made as a protective communication under the Military Whistleblower Protection Act, Title 10, USC 10-34.>I believe the COVID vaccine is a greater threat to solider's health and military readiness than the virus itself.>Over 200,000 service members have rejected the vaccine, yet the military is pressing forward without regard to the damage to the morale and readiness to process these soldiers out.>We have never lost 200,000 soldiers on the battlefield in a few months. Taking soldiers out of uniform has the same impact on readiness as losing them on the battlefield. >We only lost 12 active duty soldiers to COVID, yet we're going to risk the health of the entire fighting force on a vaccine we only had two months of safety data on?" [Embed]This is a clip from the full video:
>Sen. Johnson Expert Panel on Federal Vaccine Mandates - (3:51:01 long)>Roundtable discussion with vaccine injured and medical experts on federal vaccine mandates and the importance of health care freedom.
>‘Absolutely forbidden’ to give COVID shots to kids, young men and women, Jewish court rules
>Promotion of the vaccines is also prohibited, and pregnant women are warned not to take them.
>The ruling, entitled Official Translation of the Halachic Delineation, came after listening to “eight hours” of extensive “testimonies from experts … in the field.” The document also referred to testimonies from “fellow Jews who suffered injuries, … and also how this injection is harmful to procreation and fertility.”
>Dr. Robert Malone tweeted a copy of the ruling on Tuesday. The document did not specifically cite Dr. Malone, but it did state that the court heard “from doctors who invented and manufactured the mRNA [vaccine], who testified as to its function … ” Dr. Malone is the inventor of mRNA vaccines and RNA as a drug.
Covidian shenanigans.
Woman Refuses to Sit Next to Unvaccinated on Airplane & is Removed .
>The David Knight Show>NPR Admits Hospital Pandemic NEVER Happened>600 days later…it’s not about saving hospitals, not about public health, not about medical care or medical science. It’s about universal injection and IDs. [Embed]All health workers preferred money over the truth.
>>323875Is this from a made for tv movie?
>>323911someone went through the effort to sub the entire thing so probably
>These are the laws they are breaking and what rights they are violating. You need to know these - (41:05 long) [Embed]There is no covid, but regular influenza (flu) rebranded to scare the normies into to get injected with a bioweapon.
Clips attached.
>>323875>her life is in DANGER!!!!!So I guess that she believes that the vax does jack fucking shit to protect her.
>>323875>>323915I wasn't expecting the good ending.
>>323875Something about this feels fake. I think it's the audio, everybody is really easy to hear even through masks. The pilot (?) dude especially sounds like an actor saying rehearsed lines.
I don't know. Usually I'm less skeptic than others on /pol/ but in this case something rubs me the wrong way about this one. Is there any news articles or other video angles to corroborate this event? I guess it hardly matters either way.
>>323918Everything in the video is too refined, its fake as hell. It has that jewy look to it as well because of the quality of the audio and video.
>Nurse Blows Whistle: Vaxx Injuries EXPLODING, Serious Heart Issues>Rhonda is a brave RN who joined "The Stew Peters Show" during her lunchbreak. Rhonda knows that her job is in jeopardy, but she felt speaking out was more important than a paycheck. During the shocking interview, Rhonda explains how the hospital pharmacy is actively hiding the vaccine inserts, and described how this is a blatant change from normal policy at her facility. [Embed]
Searched "vaccine heart attack" as keywords. Duckduckgo vs Google results. Understandably different, but Googles results focus on how "rare" myocarditis is, and Duckduckgo shows the opposite.
>Anyone notice a pattern yet?>Young athletes collapsing in 2021 with heart issues. Please add any other cases that you know of.
News agency compiles a list of 75 European athletes who died "suddenly" - (German language)
>Ab 13 Jahren! Lange Liste “plötzlich” verstorbener oder schwerkranker Sportler
>JUST IN: Rand Paul Tells Fauci He Changed Website To 'Cover Your Ass' On Gain-Of-Function Research>At today's Senate Health Committee hearing, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) had another clash with Dr. Anthony Fauci.[YouTube] JUST IN: Rand Paul Tells Fauci He Changed Website To 'Cover Your Ass' On Gain-Of-Function Research
SARS-CoV-2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In VitroSevere acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has led to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, severely affecting public health and the global economy. Adaptive immunity plays a crucial role in fighting against SARS-CoV-2 infection and directly influences the clinical outcomes of patients. Clinical studies have indicated that patients with severe COVID-19 exhibit delayed and weak adaptive immune responses; however, the mechanism by which SARS-CoV-2 impedes adaptive immunity remains unclear. Here, by using an in vitro cell line, we report that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein significantly inhibits DNA damage repair, which is required for effective V(D)J recombination in adaptive immunity. Mechanistically, we found that the spike protein localizes in the nucleus and inhibits DNA damage repair by impeding key DNA repair protein BRCA1 and 53BP1 recruitment to the damage site. Our findings reveal a potential molecular mechanism by which the spike protein might impede adaptive immunity and underscore the potential side effects of full-length spike-based vaccines.
German Member of the European Parliament leaks uncensored Pfizer contracts> [Embed]A
heavily redacted version is present on this link(second PDF) for comparison:
> reposting this. The first PDF is the leaked full version.
>What is Luciferase?>How a firefly enzyme that glows might herald the end of the world>As most of my followers on social media and Substack must know by now, I have spent a considerable amount of time the last two years trying to discover the actual ingredients of the new COVID vaccines. The reason is simple: Big Pharma has gone to considerable trouble to hide them.>Do the Big Pharma companies want to submit the vaccines to independent analysis? They do not! Do the Big Pharma companies want to disclose all the ingredients? They do not! Do the Big Pharma companies have any liability for lying to the public about the proprietary ingredients in their vaccines? They do not.>We have a leaked copy of the legal agreement that Big Pharma companies (allegedly) have forced nation-states to sign in order to get the new COVID vaccines. These contracts include indemnification clauses that no sane human being would ever sign.
>>324089This is a false alarm, tbh.
It's only called Luciferase because it produces light, since Lucifer means "light bringer". It may be a bit edgy, but that doesn't make it actually satanic. It's just a natural enzyme that bioluminescent organisms have that produces light. If you program a cell to produce it in tandem to programming it to do something else, you can instantly tell if your programming was successful.
I have personally used it when I was doing an internship in a molecular bio lab to confirm if the bone cells we harvested from baby rats' skull plates inherited the specific gene we were trying to give them. We were trying to measure the effects of a specific gene in causing a specific bone fracturing disorder. Luciferase is useful because you can tie it to a specific gene so that it's easy to tell if a culture of cells you were engineering/studying inherited said gene, making it a good tool in molecular biology since you can just run it through a machine that detects light instead of having to read it's entire freaking genome all over again. I would imagine that it would quite likely be used in the development of vaccines, and a whole host of other molecular bio applications.
Tl;Dr, don't worry about the enzyme. Luciferase isn't even an active ingredient in any molecular bio application. It's basically just dye to check if the other things you were trying to do actually worked.
You should still be skeptical and vigilant about the crap that Pfizer puts in their products, but don't be distracted by silly names.
>>324091>gaslightingYeah, right.
>>324091>but don't be distracted by silly names.You are aware of the Mark of the Beast. Right?
>>324093How is that supposed to be gaslighting? I'm just explaining what the enzyme is used for. I thought the name was edgy when I first heard it too, but it's just an enzyme that does nothing but produce light.
>>324097I guess it sounds ominous if you put it that way, but luciferase is used in a lot more than just vaccine research. Also, it's not actually in the end product. You only use it in the testing phase to see if the thing you're trying to do actually worked.
>>324098You must research UN's ID2020 and the Bill Gates' GAVI consortium newfag.
Luciferase together with genetic modification are The Mark.
I mean, the use of bioluminescence in molecular biology is really, really useful. It saves everyone involved years of testing, because it lets you be instantly sure when your subject cells inherit the genes you gave them.
I'm not apologizing for Pfizer being secretive about it's ingredients, and I'm certain they have shady business that they're dealing with. I'm just explaining from my perspective that the enzyme luciferase isn't even an ingredient in the product itself, and that it would be no secret that they used it, because everyone uses it. In fact, if they hadn't used it, I would be even more skeptical in how many would have managed to produce a vaccine in just one year without bioluminescent testing.
>>324099I know what luciferase is and what it's for. I also know that it isn't present in finished drugs or modified organisms, because you only use it for testing.
The enzyme does nothing other than produce light. I guess theoretically you could try to make an organism's entire body glow like a CIAnigger by producing enough of it, but there haven't been cases of that yet. If people actually start glowing like fireflies from this shit, I will gladly eat my words
Are you sure this is the mark you're looking for, and not the microchips or the vaccine passports or the social credit scores that they're imposing on people to actually be able to buy or sell? The latter is actually being expressed in reality.
>>324101>The enzyme does nothing other than produce light.It is ID2020 and key for enslavement of humanity.
No fucker will tattoo that shit on me without to pay the toll.
>>324101>Are you sure this is the mark you're looking for, and not the microchips or the vaccine passports or the social credit scores that they're imposing on people to actually be able to buy or sell?According to UN's ID2020 statements, (((they))) aim to brand the whole humanity in order to deploy the global currency. No mark, no participation in (((their))) economy.
>>324105Yeah, I know. I just don't think this particular enzyme which doesn't even last very long in living tissue is their means of marking people. It's more likely to be a chip or other thing that (((they))) can assign a number to.
Even if they managed to gene-edit all humans into producing it continuously, all that would really do is turn humanity into glowing freaks, which is certainly interesting, but hardly useful for social control.
>>324091>>324101>>324106This. There are plenty of alarm bells regarding the vaccine, but luciferase isn't new and unless if they're using it a new way doesn't pose a threat. It's most likely a false alarm over the word "lucifer," though literal glow-in-the-dark niggers would actually be funny.
>>324108>It's most likely a false alarm
>>324108For the record. /mlpol/ is always right.
>>324109Gates has expressed intent to require microchips to confirm vaccination and other social credit like conformity: that's the mark of the beast.
Luciferase is just an enzyme used in molecular biology. You need a machine that takes hours to run if you want to accurately detect it in cells when testing genetic biology, unless the organism is a creature with acute bioluminescence and functional organs to turn it into a glow like a firefly. So unless their to turn people into literal glow-in-the-dark niggers who have brightly-glowing organs (which for the sake of keeping an open mind, I won't rule out), I think this stuff about the enzyme isn't exactly relevant. Again, the enzyme is only used to detect success in genetic research. Even if they were to use it as a marker to separate edited humans from real humans in the most dystopian circumstances, that would require extensive blood testing and machinery that would take hours, whereas a microchip would take seconds and could be used to track people continuously.
I'm much more worried about getting chipped or being forced to carry around some permanent ID for "security purposes" and/or having to swear political allegiance to an entity that monitors my social life in order to participate in the economy than I am about people being made to glow like radon-poisoned CIAniggers, because the former options are very realistic and very imminent possibilities that are already being pushed today.
>>324111Indeed. Digits confirm.
>>324109That Microsoft patent number really does set off alarm bells though...
>>324112Or maybe I'm biased because my personal experience in the handling of luciferase has involved sitting around and waiting for hours for the stuff to finally work, leading me to believe that the stuff is far from potent, even if it is useful in the lab.
Anyways, my point is that luciferase by itself or in lab application isn't evil: it's only used in telling if gene-editing was a success.
>>324109However, if it were used alongside actual mass gene-therapy to sort out humans from their mutant freaks, that would indeed be dystopian. That's a thing we don't even do to rats because it's complicated and unecessary, but it's theoretically plausible, at the cost of making people glow like monsters.
I still think the microchips could really do the same job without needing any enzyme to glow for them though.
>>324114>microchipsMicrochips, RDIF kind, in time may degrade or cause an immunological response. What the Jews are doing is "Rebuilding the Temple", being the human body the Temple as said by The Bible. It is written in jewish damned books that that temple rebuilding is a prior step before the anti-Christ arrival.
>>324115It is also mentioned in The Bible that because of genetic tainting (nephilims), God flooded Earth to terminate the impure filth.
>>324115Does that mean I'll get to shoot literal glow-in-the-dark niggers in real life?
>>324118Unlikely, as this Temple rebuilding won't stop with just 3 or 4 shots, more and more injections modifying DNA are waiting to be deployed.
TikTok banned this video just as it was approaching a million views.
>DeSantis: “Those individuals who have gone through a normal vaccination series for COVID—you will be determined to be unvaccinated very soon…They’re gonna to tell you: ‘You have to get a booster, otherwise you could face loss of employment’…This is just the tip of the iceberg.” [Embed]
Another dude got owned.
>CDC Scientists admit they did manipulate study data to show the Covid-19 Vaccines are safe for Pregnant Women as researchers discover 91% of pregnancies resulted in miscarriage following Covid-19 Vaccination
>Myth vs. Reality in COVID Russia>“Sputnik V is safe!”; “Putin is just ‘playing along’ with the COVID narrative until the petrodollar collapses!”; “Russia is the last bastion of freedom!”… (7D chess) /s>All 85 federal subjects of the Russian Federation now have vaccine mandates, as well as rules requiring digital “health” certificates for entry to certain businesses, venues, and public institutions. Many regions are denying routine medical care to those without QR codes.'s official, based Putin is on board with the New World Order/Build Back Better.
>Jake Kazmarek: 28-year-old New York bodybuilder says getting vaccine does not make him a “sheep,” dead four days after second Moderna mRNA injection>ROCHESTER, NEW YORK — A 28-year-old bodybuilder and FedEx driver is dead despite knowing the risks and seeing through the propaganda surrounding the injections and the medical industry at-large.
>Richard Rowe: 41-year-old former Florida congressional candidate tells anti-vaxxers “I don’t give a sh*t what happens to you,” dead seven weeks after second Pfizer mRNA injection>LYNNE, FLORIDA –A 41-year-old truck driver and self-described “powerhouse progressive and LGBT” former Florida congressional candidate is dead after a final month of life filled with vitriol.>Mr. Richard “Ricky” Rowe was already, for lack of better term, an unpleasant personality based on his Facebook and Twitter archives. The injections exacerbated it, providing more evidence that these shots change people’s personalities and psychological states of mind.>Mr. Rowe was a truck driver by trade. But he ran for seats in the Florida House Of Representative and the U.S. House of Representatives in 2020. He lost in the primaries in the previous and dropped out before the primaries in the latter race. Mr. Rowe was a Democrat who stressed that he was a “progressive,” not a “liberal.” His hatred and vitriol towards non-vaxxed people dates back to early 2021.
>Casey Hodgkinson: 23-year-old New Zealand woman suffering uncontrollable convulsions, loses ability to walk, talk days after first Pfizer mRNA injection>AUCKLAND — A 23-year-old warehouse worker did what her employer and government told her to do, in order to keep her job. Now she can no longer work and her prognosis is grim.
>>324307I believe I know why the doctors in these reports are always so dismissive. If they gave her the diagnostic effort needed and put her in an MRI, I'm certain they would see severe demyelination in her brain. In a way, yes, these spasms are a sign of a very strong immune response. To her own body.
Prescribing her neuroleptics and minor tranquilizers does nothing except shut her up so she can die in silence.
The doctors are criminally negligent, and have been for a long time. Never forget that.
>>324311>murderersNot only that, many doctors and nurses who are not participating in the slaughter are accomplices in this psyop by keeping silence.
>Gavin Newsom MIA, Rumors He’s Suffering from Vaccine Injury From October Booster Shot>We at Red Voice Media previously reported on the bizarre absence of California Governor Gavin Newsom since publicly receiving his October 27th COVID vaccine booster shot.>While representatives of the governor claim his absence is due to family matters, Vaccine Safety Research Foundation Executive Director Steve Kirsch says that sources are pointing to an adverse reaction to Governor Newsom’s booster shot – with the governor possibly suffering from either “vaccine-induced Bell’s Palsy or Guillain-Barre syndrome.”
>Hospitals in America, Australia And Sweden Are Swamped With People 'Sicker Than Ever' -- And They Don't Have Covid>What could possibly be causing a surge in blood clots, heart attacks, heart conditions and weakened immune systems? [Embed]
>The clot shot hasn't worked - They need to force the booster and third shot to increase the sickness [Embed]
>Don’t Vaccinate Kids: Urgent Message From Doctors’ Summit>Leading experts on flawed U.S. COVID policy issued an urgent warning at a summit Saturday: Young children will be harmed in an ill-advised rush to vaccinate a population with very little chance of severe infection from the virus.>“The real risk for healthy kids is about zero — it does appear to be lower than the flu,” said Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA technology on which the vaccine is based. Inoculating 28 million children 5 to 11 years old, Malone told attendees of the Florida Summit on Covid, could lead to “a thousand or more excess deaths.”>“That’s a thousand kids,” he told the audience of 800 doctors, nurses and advocates. “It’s a thousand kids too many.”>In addition to other pressing COVID issues, the summit addressed three central questions about childhood vaccination. Do young children need vaccination against COVID? Are the vaccinations safe? Are unvaccinated children a threat to adults? On each, they found the government’s near-universal vaccination policy wanton and unsupported.
Possessed cunt is mad at her dad for refusing to take safe and effective vaccine.
>The David Knight Show>FDA/BigPharma Shill Concerned Mandates Will Backfire>Gottlieb, Trump’s first FDA Commissioner and now at Pfizer, is concerned that jab mandates will make people question other vaccines, other mandates and demand exemptions from buying his product [Embed]
>Mask theatre
Calling Out Doctors Straight to Their Faces.
>>324526Ok this one is my favorite so far BTW the Heeb is throwing a narcissistic fit right now.>Pfizer CEO calls people spreading vaccine ‘misinformation’ criminals>Pfizer deploys meme to fight vaccine misinformation
>>324535>Pfizer deploys meme to fight vaccine misinformation>Jew bolsheviks trying to compete against the memelords... What could go wrong?
Here's the screenshots
>Bill Gates Admits At Last the Vaccines do Not Work! >Bill Gates has finally admitted that his vaccines neither prevent you from getting COVID nor will they prevent you from spreading COVID. So exactly what is all this crazy mandate stuff and denying people employment all based on vaccines that do not work. Even the Wall Street Journal has now come out publishing:>“The Flimsy Evidence Behind the CDC’s Push to Vaccinate Children”
A minimum of three of my blood related relatives have had complications.
1. Cousin started blacking out while walking less than 3 weeks after the first shot.
2. 16 year old male cousin died a few weeks after the shot.
3. Uncle just had a heart attack about a month after the shot.
1 and 3 told me to stop spreading misinformation when I hinted that it wasn't smart to get a new medical treatment so soon after it's first widespread use.
Nearly the entire extended family has bought into the propaganda, and most are taking their children to get it.
I didn't keep close contact with them before, and now I've cut them off.
>>324564I'm sorry to hear about your family being retards, anon. And that you lost people over this.
>>324564Same here with folks under 30 just dropping dead, random blood clots, fainting randomly and just dropping mid sentence, all kinds of shit.
One of them winded up having a stroke so bad about a week after her third shot/booster that she doesn't even remember her own kids anymore and has been in hospice since her second stroke.
I even had an ex somehow die from "hypothermia" in a room that was in the 50-60s (fahrenheit) about two weeks after getting her second shot which they later changed to being "natural causes".
I've been pointing out this shit to them, that healthy teenagers and athletes don't just drop dead randomly but they've just continued to tell me that I'm crazy and continued with that "being a danger to their health by not getting it" narrative.
>>324576>I'm sorry to hear about your family being retards, anon. And that you lost people over this.Fuck'em. MFW
My family fought on both sides of the civil war. Not marriage family, but blood.
I honestly don't give a fuck if they die from taking something I've warned them of. It's a real dick move to shut down blood family that worries about drugs you're thinking about of taking.
Their stupidity will shift assets into more worthy hands. Serves them right for being nigger loving loyalists.
Trying to Square the Circle.
CDC Director CDC Lets It Slip, People Might Be Dying From COVID Vaccine.
>While it is quick, Walensky said:
>“…Our death rates are too high, here’s what we know. We know that people who are dying from this vacc – from this, uh, disease are 11-fold more likely to pass…”
>Pfizer CEO Brags About Getting Briefed By the CIA, FBI On ‘The Spread Of Misinformation’>Speaking to the globalist Atlantic Council in a virtual meeting, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla admitted that his corporation is “getting briefings from the CIA and FBI” on the “spread of misinformation” relating to COVID-19 vaccines. [Embed]
>INVESTIGATION – Deadliest batches of the Covid-19 Vaccines were disproportionally sent to red Republican states across the USA>On October 31st we exclusively revealed how an investigation of the USA’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) found extremely high numbers of adverse reactions and deaths have been reported against specific lot numbers of the Covid-19 vaccines numerous times, meaning deadly batches of the experimental injections have now been identified.>That investigation also led to the discovery that 130 different lot numbers of Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine distributed to more than 13 states, harmed on average 639 times more people, hospitalised on average 109 times more people, and killed on average 22 times more people than the 4,289 different lt number of Pfizer vaccine distributed to 12 states or less.>However, the most shocking finding of the investigation was that 100% of Covid-19 vaccine deaths reported to VAERS with identified lot numbers had been caused by just 5% of the batches produced. But the deeply troubling findings don’t end there, because we decided to conduct further analysis of the VAERS data on the Covid-19 vaccines, and we’ve discovered that the majority of the deadliest batches were clearly sent to Republican controlled red states across the USA. too long to wholly post here.
>Michael Granata: 56-year-old California man dead 10 weeks after Moderna mRNA injection, warns others “don’t do it unless you want to suffer and die”>GILROY, CALIFORNIA — A 56-year-old engineer and business owner is dead, but refused to die in vain as he used his obituary to warn others about the evils surrounding the “vaccine” agenda.>Mr. Michael Granata received his first Moderna mRNA injection on August 17. He did not want to get the shot “for fear that [I] might die.” But his doctor continually insisted that the mRNA injections were in Mr. Granata’s best interest. So he “gave into the pressure” and almost instantly regretted it.>Mr. Granata started feeling sick just three days later. General malaise morphed into multisystem inflammatory syndrome for adults (MIS-A) and multisystem organ failure. Mainstream media and the pharmaceutical industry say that MIS-A only results from COVID-19. They also push the fallacious idea that only Black and Latino kids get MIS-C, with the “C” being the children’s version of this syndrome.>Mr. Granata passed away on November 1. He is survived by his wife and both of his parents.[YouTube] What is multisystem inflammatory syndrome?
[Embed][YouTube] Multi-Organ Failure | Northern Colorado Long Term Acute Hospital
>Girl left bleeding from the eye after being forced to take “Covid-19 PCR test” – Hospital says: “this is normal”>A five-year-old girl was left bleeding from the eyes after being forced to have a Covid-19 PCR test which involved a nasal swab being inserted up her nose in order to be allowed back to school, and the hospital then told the mother that “this was normal”.
>vaccinated honoring veterans
New bread --->
>>324806 →New bread --->
>>324806 →New bread --->
>>324806 →