Shit, my reading comprehension is down the shitter today. What the fuck did I read.
>>301618>What can I expect when I bump into another one of us, do we all just start unloading quick silver slugs into each other or is there some kind of tacit agreement A newcomer would be unaware of?Whenever you meet a fellow horsefucker on the road, you are obligated to have sex with each other. Hopefully at least one of you has figured out how to transform into a pony, because otherwise it will get very gay very quickly.
>>301618Okay. Here's a cute pic of Derpy.
What if and then the Jews but like maybe can save whites if not then how maybe? Stop genocide through cheese cake and ham cartridges for a home made shotgun using hammocks. If many meet we can gate keep the outer rim from investigations and horse farming. Not when then how about now?
>>301624Its a subtle threat read to GATE kids who could possibly figure out the score. Some glowie showed up and read it to me in high school. Only those "loved by god" will comprehend it eventually.
By loved by god I mean only a smart individualist polymath will ever figure it out as by design.