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>It's all there, it's all waiting. Of course it can be done; it depends upon ourselves.

>You say: "But again, we're scattered individuals. Everything's against us. Governments, money, press, television - all the new forces are used against us." All the great forces, all the material powers of the world, you say, are against you. And so they are - you're quite right to feel that.

>And I don't underrate them, but I don't despair and you shouldn't despair. Because you, like I, have read something of history. You know something of the record of the achievement of Europeans. And dark as this hour is, it's no darker, it's not as dark as some of the hours you've known in European history.

>When everything was cowardice, treachery, and betrayal. And when the Saracen hordes from far outside Europe swept right across that continent, and would've come on over our own Britain too, if they hadn't been stopped. And it didn't only happen once, it's happened more than once.

>Small bands of men in resolution, in absolute determination, giving themselves completely and saying "Europe shall live!" And they stood firm and faced the menace to Europe: its values, its civilizations, the glory of its achievement - all those things in mortal danger. And they stood firm, they faced it, they came together, and more and more ran it to their standards, and those hordes were thrown back. Again and again and again, our Europe lived in triumph because the will of Europe still endured!

>We've got other forces against us - not those particular forces, but the power of money, the power of press. All those things are against us. And how can you stop it? My friends, by an act of will, an act of the European will.

>My friends, today, just as much as in the past, we can meet the dark forces which in another way threaten our European life with eternal night. We can rally those forces, and in the end, we can prevail and we can triumph!
Mosley is always super comfy for Anglos
>‘The enormity of our task is almost beyond comprehension. Sometimes state oppression, red opposition, and treachery by traitors in our midst makes us all feel like giving up – but at all costs we must continue our battle. Our fight begins in Europe, and spreads across the White World. Certain moments in our lives makes us realise the massive importance of our task. I have walked through Antwerp in the early evening as Nationalists gather in the bars. The beautiful architecture in the Flemish City embodies European genius – the evening in Rotterdam, as the lights of the great Dutch City sparkle as we have been made welcome by our comrades; an afternoon in Stockholm, frost upon the ground, then a journey on the train to Gothenburg as the beauty of Sweden and Scandinavia hypnotises me. I think of Germany, France, Italy and all the other great nations of Europe. Then I think of our cousins in the U.S.A., Australia, and beyond. White men made these nations and if White men do not stand up and fight their enemies our world will crumble. If this happens, when we are gone, someday and somewhere, the ghosts of the warriors who did fight will stand and accuse those cowards who did not. That will be the day of reckoning. We must all make some kind of contribution, and my songs are but a small part of what I hope to contribute to the survival of the White Race.’
Oswald Mosley.jpg
Just posting fashwave art.