Tell me you remembered to this shit
>>294317NBot much point just if using linux arch as an example. sudo pacman tor torsocks wget
sudo systemctl start tor.service
next as normal user account
torsocks wget have the file in the . directory you called the command, then extract using 7zip . important into libreoffice by right clicking lower left to insert sheet, select from file, then brows to the csv's default import delimiting settings are fine.
I'm really surprised that 4chans jannies did not delete the last thread on this. CCP is bad and needs exposing for what it is.
>>294322Its being slid right off the catalog on reg /pol/
as if there is bigger news atm
>>294324Its being ignored and i think that a lot of people are going into that sort of Christmas shut down mode which i nice actually and understandable also. But we autists do not like Christmass, this is our Christmas present, it is now time for us to disseminate all this date into a useable form.
I'm fucking drunk, sorry to typo's its not good if i cannot type good when trying to disclose info from that chan...
I came here because you all seem child like at heart which is the true state of humanity, you honestly have nothing to worry about if you are here most of the time. You might not agree with me when i comes to Jesus Christ but you are there anyway by your nature.
Regular /pol/ is hell total hell.
>>294327>Its being ignored and i think that a lot of people are going into that sort of Christmas shut down mode which i nice actually and understandable also.When the names of cummunists have been released and no one cares it's an example of how subverted the internet has become.
>But we autists do not like Christmass, this is our Christmas present, it is now time for us to disseminate all this date into a useable form.Well i wish the best of luck with the info, make good use of it if you can.
>>294329>I came here because you all seem child like at heart which is the true state of humanity, you honestly have nothing to worry about if you are here most of the time.People are children, most humans are changed by their childhood experiences, i like it here too.
>You might not agree with me when i comes to Jesus Christ but you are there anyway by your nature.I'm also not in favor of Christianity.
>Regular /pol/ is hell total hell.The internet has gone to shit and the rest of the world is already hell, there is nothing new under the sun.
I miss the old days of the inter webs.
>>294329One of the lessons s learned from 4/mlpol/ is that if one doesnt deliberately invite and nurture an element of childlike perception, they are doomed to the black pill.
An element of childish fascination is therefore necessary if one is to continue to consume knowledge of the worst of humanity and walk away unscathed.
We all have plenty to worry about, hence the site isnt 'fast' like 'some' would prefer. But Friendship is Magic, and we can disagree on politics AND ponies while still working against the eternal jew and all its manifestations. Welcome to mlpol
So I've been going through the documents included in the super virus honeypot that I downloaded. I was hoping to find a bunch of US addresses, but so far no luck. Any actual addresses seem to be in chinkland. Bummer.
>>294333checked, we are on something biblical, nothing will happen to these people really. We have power over them to do harm but we are not really like that...
Jesus is coming lil pony fag :)
>>294334>But Friendship is MagicI'm ready to be your friend so long as i can still be a Christ fag but with out talking about him to much, again you are to be spared when the day comes regardless. Because you're mostly innocent, this placed form from 4chan and it was a place for the people to sheltered or something. World is bad man, but here no one cares and that is cool.
>>294337>checked, we are on something biblical, nothing will happen to these people really.There has always been prophecies about the day of judgement when the water will rise, it wasn't just the Christians.
>We have power over them to do harm but we are not really like that... We all have the option of inflicting justice, most people choose not to due to their nature, there will eventually be a crusade of a different kind and i hope that day comes soon.
>Jesus is coming lil pony fag :)I hope he arrives soon, been waiting over 2000 years for this dude, hope your not talking shit Christ fag but i'll give you the benefit of doubt, soon it'll be the perfect time for his arrival when it will be the coming of doom.
>>294338You're welcome to be a christ fag and I will be your friend in spite, but this really isnt the thread for it. Again, welcome to mlpol, but back to topic
I heard about the anti-CCP copypasta that kicks CCP shills off your site.
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Does it really work?
>>294316Was this not already known?