The old thread
>>273971 → hit the bump limit.
Post Corona-Chan stuff here.
Listen up.
This guy says it like it is.
My area of the country had a renewed surge of new cases, pretty similar to what people were worrying/hypothesizing about during the summer. I'm still a NEET, sadly, so my life hasn't changed much, but I must admit the lack of easy socialization has been getting to me. Even things like playing video games/tabletop games with a few of my friends have been impossible - not because I'm particularly worried about catching Corona-chan, but because my parents are at risk for it and it'd be irresponsible for me to take the chance of spreading it to them.
The Ontario government has five levels of restrictions: green, yellow, orange, red, grey - with grey being a very strict lockdown. That's what Toronto is doing now; my city is in the red zone, which means restaurants and other businesses can open provided they follow very strict regulations about how many customers they can serve, having space between tables/people in the aisles, and so on. Buying things at a grocery store or eating at a restaurant are possible, but there are the continual reminders of the virus going around.
One local restaurant that's been open since the 70s announced it was closing down the other day. It's a real shame. Many restaurants have switched to focusing on take-out food, but it isn't enough to keep them afloat, especially when places like UberEats, SkipTheDishes, and the various other globohomo corps are the only ways to market yourself and they all take a cut of your business.
>>292883>the first post is a chizopostI'm not listening to a five-minute video from some random guy just because you posted it. Give me a reason why I should care.
>>292897>I'm not listening to a five-minute video from some random guy just because you posted it. Give me a reason why I should care.Lurk moar faggot.
>>292921Easy there, a tl;dr isnt unwarranted
>>292930This is a tldr of a tldr.
What's going on in the big picture. Some fairly gentle probes.
>Best Video Summary of the Fraudulent PCR Tests I’ve Yet Seen.>There is no pandemic. There is only a totally normal seasonal cold/flu that has been used by Bill Gates and the Deep State/Media/NewWorldOrder/Antichurch to bring about near-instantaneous global CAPTIVITY, economic collapse, and totalitarianism under the guise of a “medically necessary temporary dictatorship.”>Remember, the primary objective of Gates, the NWO and the Antichurch is a 90% reduction in the human population within a few DECADES. What they want is the islamic societal model: a super-rich micro-oligarchy with a destitute, low-IQ slave class below. PUT. ON. YOUR. BURQA. And take your sterilant, ahem, I mean VACCINE shot.>Here is an EXCELLENT summary, in particular of the ABJECT FRAUD of the PCR tests and the resultant “cases”. It’s ALL a conscious, premeditated lie. [Embed] [Embed]
>>292930>tl;dr isnt unwarrantedIt is.
>>292897 is a newfag or a shill.
But for the sake of the argument let's consider him as a newfag, a lazy ass, a NPC unable to process any information beyond the state propaganda TV he usually consumes, then... Is even reasonable to try to communicate with him?
Truth be told.
>Meet The Companies Poised To Build The Kushner-Backed Coronavirus Surveillance System>This is an excerpt of The Daily Wrap Up 4/15. [Embed]
>>292965Time to dust off the old Windows Phone I have. A shame it didn't take off as it was a really good phone OS. But Google could not allow it to live so they did all they could and used all their leverage to kill it.
>>292921>>292946>THIS GUY gets it, fellas!<why should I care about a video of a talking head?>ZOMG NEWFAG SHILLLLLL!!!11!!!!1In the time it took you to write two separate posts expressing your asshurt, you could have just answered my question. I can only conclude by your flag and demeanour that you'll be shitting up this thread with unverifiable garbage just like you've done for the last seven or eight months.
Here's another opportunity for you to prove that you aren't a schizoid: who is the guy in the video? I'm not American and I don't closely follow American media (like many people on this board), so don't expect me to recognize every C-list American e-celeb. If you actually think it's important, then tell me why. This should be child's play unless you have brain damage.
>>292978Please take your boomer-tier image macros over to Facebook where they belong.
>>292997>unverifiable garbage
>EXPOSED: SECRET RECORDING IN GERMAN CLASSROOM REVEALS CORONAVIRUS CHILD ABUSE>A terrifying audio recording from an unidentified German classroom features a teacher cursing and screaming at students about the Chinese coronavirus. Her tone gets increasingly hysterical after a student dares to ask the teacher whether they forgo a mask to eat in the Teacher’s Lounge.>The recording, captured in secret earlier this month according to the German source PolitikStube, has been exclusively translated for RAIR Foundation USA. Specifically, the teacher tells children that they must wear masks indoors all day without exception. The children are instructed to eat and drink outside only so they can temporarily take their masks off.
>British Army's Information Warfare Unit will be deployed to tackle anti-vaccine propaganda ahead of jab rollout>Leaked documents revealed soldiers are already monitoring cyberspace>The British Army's Information Warfare Unit will tackle anti-virus propaganda>It comes amid a rise in the number of anti-lockdown protests around Britain>The defence cultural specialist unit was launched in Afghanistan in 2010
>>293040Gee, kinda like the federal reserve
Then the question arises. Why in hell are our (((leaders))) taking marching orders from it?
>>293047Same reason as always. In most cases naivete, but in some cases duplicity
>>293033I've seen a lot of people on both sides of the aisle misunderstand the role of surgical masks.
People who think that the masks work don't realize that the masks do nothing to protect you from covid. Especially if you have the mask down around your neck with your nose and/or mouth exposed.
What they do accomplish is help protect others from you if you are infected by impeding the spread of air from your breath and shrinking your infectious radius.
>>293051>What they do accomplish is help protect others from you if you are infected by impeding the spread of air from your breath and shrinking your infectious radius.>protect others from youI'm perfectly sane as the overwhelming majority. There's no need for masks neither bureaucrats telling us how to live.
The most reasonable approach to this hysteria is that scared people stay under house arrest, as they are more than willing, and leave the rest of us to do our lives.
Man Arrested In Georgia Costco For Not Wearing Mask By Maskless Cops.
>>293051>maskYou're not wrong but I do think the efficacy of masks is questionable.
To your first point: You're absolutely correct. You can catch covid through your eyes just having a mask on isn't enough to protect you. Not to mention the lack of standards regarding how a mask should be constructed so it actually protects you.
To your second point: I disagree that they do anything significant regarding reducing transmission. Only n95 or above masks have filters which actually catch covid. For the rest of masks the covid particles just fly through. Most masks just let air go through the sides rather than the front. This does prevent the particles from having as large of an effective radius in the short term but the reality is the particles get out of the side of the mask and make their way into the air surrounding you. Even if the masks reduced the amount of particles that got out by 80% (fat chance by the way, I could see 20% reduction at most...) the remaining particles would still be enough to cause problems. Think about how many people go into public places. One person can still breathe in a public place and, despite what the mask "does", the particles still would get out and infect people. Only n95 masks do anything everything else is theatrical
>>293085This isn't professional advise just my guesstimate. The biggest bonus the masks do is catch some water vapor which may or may not contain contaminates. Besides a slightly lowered amount of contaminate count.
The downside is also what it's supposed to do. Without good oral and facial hygiene increased moisture and temperature is a breeding ground for microbes.
So some viral particulate may be trapped in water going through the air, which the little bits of water is absorbed by the mask.
So fewer viral, bacterial transmission from the air. Which leads to either better viruses replicating, and bacteria genes, or pushing it towards extinction.
Once the body detects the issue it'll go out and destroy.
In anycase the masks as a means to train neural nets for identification is perfect. Large sets of information is what is needed. There's a chaotic dataset (antifa), and controlled data sets (all the surveillance data by all the big corporations, walmart ect.)
Even digital conferences to train get the right program combo to detect identities.
The whole standing 6 feet apart technically sorta makes sense, but it's completely asinine for health. No, it's to keep socialization and 'hidden' stuff from happening.
Basically it's the means to arrest 'suspicious' behavior that could pose a problem they have no information about. A blanket term of public safety that snitches can use to feel good. A phrase for the masses.
>>292897>Give me a reason why I should care.Because you'll be microchipped like cattle, your rights taken away, and your property stolen.
<B-but it's a conspiracy theory!!!
>>293094>>292897Not watching that specific video doesn't change anything.
It is a tldr, that any who didn't really consider the situation at hand may find useful.
Basically every other illness has higher mortality and suffering rates.
Not to mention the fact the body's response is similar to any other malady.
Or the fact the vaccines have been rushed and are '95% effective' which on populations of billions is a really big number. If that even is true estimates.
And the fact there are hospitals completely empty, and video staging and media panic at hand.
So it is laudable to not give your folks the covid, just as it is for any other bug. Doing what (((they))) tell everyone without thinking isn't useful in preventing a contagion. If it's that serious any kind of bug could pose a problem, several steps have to be taken, which is a whole different beast.
>A Portuguese court says that PCR tests for Covaids is 97% unreliable. I think that's wrong. PCR tests are 100% reliable of proving absolutely nothing. [Embed]>Landmark legal ruling finds that Covid tests are not fit for purpose. So what do the MSM do? They ignore it
>OPERATION WARPSPEED IS BIOWARFARE BY MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT AGAINST THE PEOPLE>How is OperationWarpSpeed like Mickey’s Sorcerer’s Apprentice? Is the mRNA vaccine messing with something they can’t control? OWS is exactly what Bill Gates ordered with IA2030. Instead of $20 BILLION to build a wall, instead of military protecting US border, we have $20B for an untested experimental vaccine run by and delivered by the military [Embed]
>David Icke >There Is No Virus - The Latest Proof [Embed]
Given the presence of normies, NPCs, plus Teds & Karens going along and even totally swallowing the (((governments'))) lies; a related post is due to explore what's going on in their minds.
Three video clips:
1- The Asch Experiment
>During the 1950s Solomon Asch conducted and published a series of experiments that demonstrated the degree to which an individual's own opinions are influenced by those of a majority group.
>Demonstrating how a "normal" human being can be pressured into unusual behavior by people they deem as authority figures, or by the consensus of opinion around them.
2- First Follower: Leadership Lessons from a Dancing Guy
>If you’ve learned a lot about leadership and making a movement, then let’s watch a movement happen, start to finish, in under 3 minutes, and dissect some lessons:
>A leader needs the guts to stand alone and look ridiculous. But what he’s doing is so simple, it’s almost instructional. This is key. You must be easy to follow!
>Now comes the first follower with a crucial role: he publicly shows everyone how to follow. Notice the leader embraces him as an equal, so it’s not about the leader anymore — it’s about them, plural. Notice he’s calling to his friends to join in.
>It takes guts to be a first follower! You stand out and brave ridicule, yourself. Being a first follower is an under-appreciated form of leadership. The first follower transforms a lone nut into a leader. If the leader is the flint, the first follower is the spark that makes the fire.
>The second follower is a turning point: it’s proof the first has done well. Now it’s not a lone nut, and it’s not two nuts. Three is a crowd and a crowd is news.
>A movement must be public. Make sure outsiders see more than just the leader. Everyone needs to see the followers, because new followers emulate followers — not the leader.
>Now here come two more, then three more. Now we’ve got momentum. This is the tipping point! Now we’ve got a movement!
3- Social Conformity - Brain Games (the chink mimicking the group's behavior)
>This video is exactly what is happening with the Corona virus right now. Also explains the toilet paper mania.
>Johns Hopkins Takes Down Article Showing U.S. Deaths in 2020 No Different Than Prior Years">“Johns Hopkins University keeps a tracker of covid cases around the world and the US. This site is used to scare people into staying in their homes and shut off from the real world. So when a study from Johns Hopkins comes out, showing no increase in deaths in 2020 related to prior years, the study has to be taken down.>The Gateway Pundit reported back in August that according to the CDC only 6% of all deaths labeled as COVID deaths are solely related to the virus. The remaining deaths have on average at least 2 – 3 comorbidities present.>Our report on the actual COVID numbers went viral and was even retweeted by President Trump.>Over the weekend, a study was published by Johns Hopkins claiming that COVID-19 has ‘Relatively No Effect on Deaths’ in U.S.>Unfortunately, shortly after being published, the report was deleted from the web.>However, the report was retrieved using the Way-Back Machine deleted page is archived at:
>>293031That's a sheboon. The teacher, I mean. I recognize European ebonics immediately.
>>293137There is No David Icke. He has never existed.
>>293207>Malaria?The cure is not vaccines, but "quinine".
Tip 1: it's the active ingredient of chloroquine, also known as hydroxychloroquine.
Tip 2: Tonic water contains quinine.
Tip 3: 3 liters of tonic water has the same amount of quinine as 1 pill of chloroquine.
>>293210>quinineBy the way, such a drug isn't coming from technological biomedical research, but extracting it from a plant. Yup, put the plant to boil and make a tea of it, from there, precipitate (chemical procedure) the component. Ship it like a pill with a cryptic name like "hydroxychloroquine" (for those oblivious to chemical science) and charge the goyim. Profit!!!
>>293164imagine how many years (((they))) spend planning the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
many of the vaccines are RNA based.
most companies halted the development of RNA/DNA based vaccines because they caused too many side-effects (they can trigger autoimmune diseases, for instance)
mRNA vaccines haven't ever been used for humans before Cockvid-19.
according to wikipedo, the main advantages of RNA/DNA vaccines is their lower cost and that it's way faster to manufacture them in large quantities.
>>293040> The CDC Foundation receives charitable contributions and philanthropic grants from individuals, foundations, corporations, universities, NGOs and other organizations to advance the work of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.< The CDC Foundation operates independently from CDC as a private, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization incorporated in the State of Georgia.So, this article is bullshit.
>>293298>CDC Foundation>bullshitIt's not bullshit. The CDC is a private enterprise.
Foundations are used to gather money through donations and evade taxes. They are set aside from the main corporation as an independent entity and receive little, when none, oversight.
Did you hear about the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation? Check it out, it's the role model to funnel money.
>"Johnson confirms Dec 2 end to lockdown, COVID Winter Plan until March 2021">“British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Monday confirmed that the complete stay-at-home lockdown in England will end on December 2, from when a tough new COVID Winter Plan will kick in to last until at least March 2021.>Addressing the House of Commons via videolink from Downing Street in London, where he continues to self-isolate after contact with an MP who later tested positive for COVID-19, Johnson began by praising ‘the scientific cavalry’ which has offered vaccine hopes to eventually make lockdown ‘redundant’. But he stressed that it is important not to ‘squander all our gains’ from the past few weeks of lockdown with a ‘free for all’.>‘From next Wednesday people will be able to leave their homes for any purpose and meet other people in public places, subject to the rule of six,’ said Johnson.[YouTube] Tier system announced for England after lockdown
[Embed][YouTube] Tighter Covid-19 restrictions in northeast England sees ban on socialising indoors
>Sky News Australia - Report on the UK>UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has “lost all control” as more than a hundred anti-lockdown protesters were arrested in London demonstrating against the government’s strict COVID response, according to Rowan Dean.>Britain will head into a three-tiered lockdown system after its four-week lockdown ends on December 2 as the country continues to battle against a second wave of the pandemic.>Hundreds of protesters hit the streets of London over the weekend against the prime minister’s lockdowns with many clashing against the police.>Sky News host Rowan Dean said the government’s response to this second wave is “really disturbing stuff”.>“Boris Johnson has lost all control,” he said.>“He seems to have lost the plot completely."[YouTube] British COVID lockdown is ‘really disturbing’
[Embed]British stand down for BLM but crack down on protestors that are against communist "COVID" lockdown "laws"
>>293019You still haven't answered my question. All you need to do is substantiate your position and I'll be happy.
>reaction gifDamn, you got me. Do you want me to go back and find the time that you thought a stock photograph used by various publications meant each one of them was claiming to have taken the photograph themselves? Do you want me to go back and find the time you referenced David fucking Icke, a man who writes books about UFOs and sells them to idiots, as an authority on the subject? You even use anti-white terms like "Karen" without a shred of irony.
>you can't prove that was me!It was either you or someone with your posting habits who believes the same things as you. You're all as dumb as a box of rocks.
>>293137Oh, never mind. You were actually retarded enough to mention David Icke
again.>>293094<watch this video!>why?<if you don't then you're cattle!Not an argument. You haven't told me who the guy in that video is or why I should care what he has to say. You have brain damage.
>>293125>every other illness has higher mortality ratesPeople say this a lot, but according to this article from earlier in the year that's a misconception: The article is short and simple, so I recommend reading it for yourself and not just taking my word for it.
You can even verify that CDC estimates for "flu deaths" include "pneumonia or influenza causes (P&I), other respiratory and circulatory causes (R&C), or other non-respiratory, non-circulatory causes of death, because deaths related to influenza may not have influenza listed as a cause of death."'s funny: not too long ago, anons here were saying that Corona-chan would be a plague the likes of which we'd never seen and the MSM was dismissing it as just the flu, bro. Now the useful idiot schizoids have managed either to pollute these threads enough so that the dominant position is ostensibly that Corona-chan is a hoax or overblown. It's a shame they picked this of all topics to befoul.
>and higher suffering ratesWhat's a suffering rate and why would it be relevant? It sounds like the degree of pain/suffering caused by an illness, but that doesn't sound relevant for tracking a virus's spread.
>>293298Thanks for doing the legwork on that.
>Epidemiologist & public health expert Wolfgang Wodarg talks about risks of COVID-19 vaccine [Embed]
>>293341>All you need to do is substantiate your position and I'll be happyYou got it wrong. It's not my mouth moving, but the people's in the posts. In any case if you disagree, try to debunk them.
>>293341>(((scientific american)))>>293360Relax, take a deep breath. Thank you for this thread and all the effort you have put into it. It's pretty obvious who the shill is here, even if theres nothing directly or specifically actionable about it. Because if there was, I'd have my cap code on
>>293362Thanks poner. Much appreciated.
>Canada>MUST SEE Operation VECTOR Exposed!! THIS Is Why The Coming Vaccine Rollout MUST BE REJECTED!!! [Embed]
>>293367It's the least I can do. These threads have been exceptionally informative, and all your efforts have been noticed and appreciated, in spite of niggling detractors
In all seriousness, a culture this stupid cannot survive.
Over the transom. And yes, that’s EXACTLY what it appears to be. Yuuup.
>>293371Injection site sarcomas are a thing.
>muh catsHumans have nearly every other disease that every other species has.
A properly used, proper mask is far safer, and far more effective than poorly tested one-size-fits-all gene editing.
>>293362>It's pretty obvious who the shill is hereGiven the topics that triggers this particular anon, I suspect it might be related to the infamous and treacherous British 77th brigade tasked to wage information war against their own people.
>UK Government Voids Quarantine Requirements for “High Value” Travellers>One set of rules for your corporate and celebrity Lords, another for the disease-spreading peasants>Senior company executives are among travellers set to be exempt from Covid-19 quarantine restrictions for international arrivals in England, meaning they will not have to self-isolate for up to a fortnight.>Recently signed elite sportspeople, performing arts professionals, TV production staff and journalists will also not have to abide by quarantine restrictions if arriving from a country outside of England’s travel corridor from 4am on Saturday. [Embed]
>>293386You're right, this thread needs more horsepussy
>SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 binds with ACE-2 activate transmembrane serine protease-2 (TMPRSS2) and get entry into the cells.>This activation of TMPRSS2 may be responsible for fatal conditions of COVID-[1]9>[...]> [Zinc] plays significant role in cardiac function and finds its potential role in preventing viral infections as well.>What is TMPRSS2?>TMPRSS2 is an endothelial cell surface protein that is involved in viral entry and spread of coronaviruses including SARS-CoV-2 [...]>Blocking TMPRSS2 could potentially be an effective clinical therapy for COVID-19. >The exact biological function of TMPRSS2 is largely unknown, although research has shown that it is involved in certain pathologies [...]>Recent studies have shown that SARS-CoV-2 (in addition to SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV) require ACE2 (the main receptor) as well as TMPRSS2 for entry into epithelial cells.>Repurposing the mucolytic cough suppressant and TMPRSS2 protease inhibitor bromhexine for the prevention and management of SARS-CoV-2 infection>Bromhexine is an over-the-counter mucolytic cough suppressant that was introduced in 1963 under the trademark of Bisolvon>[Bromhexine] is a widely prescribed drug for treatment of a range of respiratory conditions, mainly those associated with a disturbance of mucus secretion, and it is well tolerated and safe.>Chemical library screening for discovery of suppressors of prostate cancer metastasis identified bromhexine as a potent and selective inhibitor of the TMPRSS2>Bromhexine, a synthetic compound imitating the molecular shape of vasicine [...];dr
remember to stock up on Vitamin D3, Zinc and Bromhexine (I also
remember reading that Aloe Vera also showed
some level of ability to inhibit the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but I can't find the link...)
So, how long will it be until we see the end of:
>>293409>stock up on Vitamin D3, Zinc and BromhexineBut, we've known that shit for months. Even with the HCQ testimonies, the drug doesn't work until you add Zinc to it.
>Clinton, Bush, Obama willing to take COVID-19 vaccine live on TV>America’s three most recent former presidents have reportedly all said they would publicly take a COVID-19 vaccine once one is approved to help promote the drug’s safety. [Embed]
>>293416>Clinton, Bush, Obama willing to take COVID-19 vaccine live on TV>lies galore>fake syringe>fake vaccine>fake injectionYeah, right.
Only a brainlet would believe that pile of crap.
>Mexico: López Obrador says pandemic lockdowns are the tactic of dictators>‘The fundamental thing is to guarantee liberty,’ says Mexican president when asked why he almost never wears a mask
>Bacterial Pneumonia Caused Most Deaths in 1918 Influenza Pandemic>The majority of deaths during the influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 were not caused by the influenza virus acting alone, report researchers from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health. Instead, most victims succumbed to bacterial pneumonia following influenza virus infection. The pneumonia was caused when bacteria that normally inhabit the nose and throat invaded the lungs along a pathway created when the virus destroyed the cells that line the bronchial tubes and lungs. a minute.
Isn't Fauci admitting in 2008 that bacteria on top of a seasonal flu was called "Pandemia"? That the casualties were not because of a theoretical virus, but simple bacteria?
>>293424The claim is that most of the deaths in the 1918 Influenza Pandemic were more directly caused by some form of bacterial pneumonia than the influenza virus itself. In addition to bacterial pneumonia, there are viral forms to pneumonia; same symptoms, but different causes and treatments, so the distinction is necessary. I don't believe the specific bacterial cause of the pneumonia is identified in the article
>Sky News Australia
>China: Thousands Push Threw Shanghai Airport Staff and Escape Mandatory COVID Testing Quarantine
>>293424>>293430misclicked and hit the reply button
>I don't believe the specific bacterial cause of the pneumonia is identified in the articlebut the particular bacterial strain is irrelevant to the thesis: the pandemic disease isn't necessarily the most deadly part of a pandemic; the health care system should be prepared to deal with complications arising from persons having multiple ailments in a pandemic situation rather than focusing entirely on the pandemic virus.
>Former Pfizer Vice President Explains That The Pandemic is Over>YouTube Immediately took this video down! This is what an HONEST Doctor/Scientist sounds like, someone who truly wants to inform you rather than just scare the living crap out of you. This is the former Vice President and Chief Science Advisor at Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, Michael Yeadon. He discusses his thoughts as to why the lockdown was a mistake, and why the government strategies to manage the pandemic are only making things worse. Dr. Yeadon exposes the massive amount of misinformation and flat-out LIES being told to the world population, especially how they are using the entirely unreliable PCR test and now even more unreliable Rapid Tests to create a false perception that COVID is wildly spreading all over the place.Video: [Embed]Souce:
Staphylococcus infections on the face from masks.
Imagine what that looks like when it makes it into your lungs…
>>293475Do these people
EVER use face and skin care products? Or wash their masks?
>>293485Probably not as much as they should, if they plan on wearing masks all the time. Not that I blame them for not doing so, wearing masks all the time is a new thing and an unnecessary protocol. Staph builds up on the skin naturally, and even clean masks can cause a reaction. Every year I get little staph infections on my legs from wearing thermal longjohns, and I shower daily and dont reuse them. Additionally, many/most skin cleansers and involve harsh chemicals that can cause skin reactions when excessively used. The same can be said for clothing detergents, especially with the advent of 'high efficiency' (read: insufficient rinsing) washing machines.
The image is compelling, but I have my doubts that staph is the only cause for a reaction like that.
>>293414LIkely never at this point. Coronavirus and the chaos it caused is a nutcase wet dream. If the mods didn't take action eight or nine months ago when the threads were initially being astroturfed in ConOp sludge, they have no reason to do so now.
Just look at
>>293362 and
>>293369, where a mod specifically thanks this retard for making the threads worse and destroying any potential for discussion. It's like giving the class tard a gold star for sharing the glue he was going to huff.
(At least, I'm pretty sure he's a mod due to him implying to have a capcode. I could be wrong on this particular example, but the fact remains the mods haven't done anything to discourage his idiocy since the start of the year.)
>>293360>if you disagree, try to debunk them.<just prove every post I make wrong, lol!It's like I'm reading a YouTube comment from 2009.
You and the sources you post
have been proven wrong repeatedly in previous threads. I could literally go to your home and show you a mountain of evidence and all you'd do is post another normalfag-level reaction image with Impact font like you're doing right now.
You're the one posting a hundred times over in the thread:
you substantiate the claims that you're making or repeating. I'll ask you again: why the fuck should I believe anything you post?
>>293424>theoretical virusYeah, the 1918 influenza pandemic was theoretical. Just like gravity and the earth being round.
Anyway, that article does raise a nuanced point like
>>293432 mentions, which is that the pandemic virus itself is not necessarily the cause of death in many cases, but the largest contributing factor that weakens the body and makes it more susceptible to bacterial infections that it could otherwise survive. You seem to be implying this is evidence that Covid-19 isn't deadly, because in many Covid-19 cases, the actual cause of death was a secondary infection or condition like asthma. Thus, pandemic planning/prevention should include ways to treat not only the virus itself - whatever it may be - but all the secondary weaknesses it will instill in people. The general population will still continue to get the common cold, for instance.
It seems like you want this to indicate that Covid-19 isn't as lethal as people are claiming it is (I remember similar claims when New York City was undergoing its first lockdowns in the spring), but I don't really think it does support that.
>>293493Begging your pardon, but you havent refuted shit. All you have done is strawman, character assassinate, and logical fallacy against anon's consistently informative posts, occasionally attempting to counter with appeals to authority using easily dismissable sources with obvious (((agendas))) and a history of "official narrative" bias.
If you would like to have an argument (as in point and counterpoint) you're welcome to but this idea that declining to agree with your poorly/insufficiently sourced positions is somehow decreasing the quality of this thread or discussion is observably subjective at best.
>>293493Okay niggercuck leaf. Show some [CITATIONS] for your kike loving claims.
>>293494>It seems like you want this to indicate that Covid-19 isn't as lethal as people are claiming it isActually the posts are implying, when not explicitly saying it, that the virus doesn't exist. That the illness is a fraud and the medical personal is lying because of the money. No wonder that the main employer in the medical profession is the government.
>(I remember similar claims when New York City was undergoing its first lockdowns in the spring)Right on point you brought that.
The epicenter of the psyop was the Elmhurst hospital, which was always empty, the ambulances were idle outside not moving once through the whole shift was the norm for weeks.
>>293495>observably subjectiveits a fact actually.
These npcs are ruled by fear. I know. I was like them.
>>293547If it's a fact, then where is the evidence?
>>293541The leaf can't mention the 13,000 JewS worthless paper shekels for each patient "admitted" to a clinic or hospital if they have the wuhan wheeze since doing so would prevent his ShariaBlue payout. It's even more hilarious since 39,000 JewS worthless paper shekels are paid out for each "ventilator use", which is almost hysterical since ventilators are only used for those that have suffered from symptomatic anaphylaxis attacks (human physiological shock) due to naturally occurring regional conditions. The few OTHER uses of a ventilator are due to physical lung trauma as the result of vehicular wrecks, sporting accidents/incidents, or other upper body trauma.
tl;dr: leaf is a cuckshill. Day of the Rake won't be soon enough.
>>293569People don't come here to argue with shills. Ergo, the quality of discussion will decline when empty rhetoric dominates the thread.
>>293601<ask for evidence>subjective and empty rhetoric that oddly enough specifically denounces empty rhetoricDo you even know the difference between objectivity and subjectivity?
>Viruses are NOT Contagious>Viruses are SOLVENTS made by the body to CLEANSE it. It is Mother Nature's way of helping us heal. If we didn't have viruses we would have died as babies when we had our first toxicity overload. [Embed]This video teaches the terrain theory while debunking the germ theory.
41:44m long, worth every minute.
"It's just a mask" becomes "it's just a vaccine" this guy essentially says is that the mask mandates have conditioned us to accept what will come next. Which is that instead of needing a mask to go to shows or do our shopping or to just live our lives, we'll need to accept a rushed, probably dangerous vaccine in order to go to shows or do our shopping or to just live our lives like we used to.
>>293612I found that video in 1080px quality.
>Jeff G. — Viral Misconceptions - Presentation on The True Nature of Viruses>Introduction - 00:26>The Virus & Its Purpose - 2:09>Viral Infection - Medical Deception - Contagious Trap 11:28>Viral Cycles - Coronavirus 14:10>Science of Virology Exposed - 19:50>Viruses Do Not Cross Species - 25:24>Sanitizers and Vectors of Transmission - 29:39>Coronavirus p2. - How Viruses are Manufactured - 32:33>Correction at 40:33: should be "cell wall will rupture" not "'virus wall will rupture".>Note: The final video is not of a virus—it is meant to approximate how a cell ruptures once it is full of viruses during viral replication. [Embed]
>Second Major California Sheriff Openly Rebels Against Newsom Lockdown>Just a day after Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco told California Governor Gavin Newsom that his department won't be "blackmailed, bullied or used as muscle" against residents during the pandemic, The Epoch Times reports that Orange County Sheriff Don Barnes announced that deputies would not enforce the regional stay-at-home order that was scheduled to go into effect Dec. 6 throughout Southern California.>“Compliance with health orders is a matter of personal responsibility and not a matter of law enforcement,” Barnes said in a Dec. 5 news release.>“Orange County Sheriff’s deputies will not be dispatched to, or respond to, calls for service to enforce compliance with face coverings, social gatherings, or stay-at-home orders only.”>It is not the first time the sheriff has declared deputies would not enforce a state order over coronavirus restrictions. When Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered a curfew in November for all California counties in the purple tier amid climbing coronavirus cases, Barnes said deputies would not be enforcing that order either.
>More Than Half of New York’s Firefighters Will Refuse Vaccine>A recent internal FDNY survey revealed that more than half of the department’s firefighters won’t take the COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available.>In the past three days, the Uniformed Firefighters Association polled 2,053 members, and around 55 percent of them said they wouldn’t get vaccinated for the virus, Andy Ansbro, the union president, told the New York Post. Those polled make up around a quarter of the the union’s 8,200 active members.>Last month, an FDNY memo stated the department would not mandate firefighters and EMS workers take the COVID vaccine. As of Friday, the FDNY had more than 130 positive cases, with at least six firehouses having three or more cases, a department source told the Post.
>REVEALED: Wyoming health official leading the state's COVID response said the 'so-called pandemic' is a 'plot by Russia and China to spread communism and hurt America'>Igor Shepherd made the comments at a Keep Colorado Free and Open event>He is the state's COVID department readiness and countermeasures manager>Claimed the pandemic and efforts to develop a vaccine are plots by Russia and China to spread communism worldwide >Gov. Mark Gordon said people who don't take the virus seriously 'knuckleheads'
>Soviet Toxicologist- Covid Vaccine is a Genocide Bioweapon>"I am a Russian military doctor, and lived in Russia under communism, until I relocated to America in 1993. During my military service in the Soviet Army, during the late 1980's, my commanders continually pummelled the cadets with Russia's aim to transform the western world into global communism. Their plans to do this was not through an invasion of war, but through careful infiltration into governments and universities. In March of 2020, as I watched US governors, one by one, forsake scientific medical rationale and proper pandemic response protocol, and shadow communist China's unrealistic and harsh responses to the new coronavirus outbreak, I knew the infiltration to transform the western world into communism was in full momentum, and that the Covid-19 pandemic was an utter and complete ruse with which to reset the world's governments and enslave humanity." - Igor Shepherd>Claims include:>- Trump is a traitor.>- Disarming Americans with vaccines.>- Planned pandemic.>- Mask-wearing.>- Technocracy.>- Silent biowarfare.>- The Great Reset.>- Nearly all leaders support the New World Order.>- Depopulation, sterilization and slow-term genocide.>- Bill Gates and the vaccine companies. of the conference :
>>293752>>293753>WY State Medical Officer Suspended For Warning Public COVID Vaccines Are ‘Biological Weapons Of Mass Destruction’>We strongly suggest that everyone who can download and copy this speech to their hard drives — no doubt it will disappear from YouTube: [Embed]
God damn it i hate these mask so damn much. I hate the fact i need to have one for work. Anyone as a tip for these? They suffocate me when i put one on for too long.
>>293755loosen the elastic straps to make breathing around it much easier than breathing through it. Cloth won't really stop any viruses or stop the infected from spreading them. It's just there to make sheeple feel like they're among friends.
>>293756Would picking tiny needle holes in them help too or is that a bad idea?
>>293758in the mask? if they end up visible then yeah. but if they can't be seen up-close, it could work
>>293762Arent the masks 2 ply? Couldnt u just remove the inner layer?
>>293755>Anyone as a tip for these?Just declare the you have a breathing problem because you suffer from athletic asthma. It's the excuse I've used in several places, and it is a real thing.
[YouTube] David Bowie – Life On Mars? (Official Video)
[Embed]YES. Aparantely they have bunckered and TRUMP wanted to tell us but chose not to. Living amongst us and now it comes clear that this virus was an easy way to nullify us all to a near species. Sadly they made friends with the cut-cocks and that never ends well. Time to sit back and wait because there is fuck all any of us can do.
>>293766Use a material that is easy to breath through and make it look like a mask. It will keep the fuck tards happy. Living in a country full of nappy wearers I am happy none of them actually challenge me and I can go about my business unmasked. I use it if I travel on a train which is seldom and I used it whilst waiting in a hospital other than that a mask remains in my bag just in case I meet some officious cunt.
>Media says We Need to SCARE People About Coronavirus with Videos of Dead People [Embed]
Power Point-PDF Formatted Presentation.
>>293780That wont work. We see dead people on the news all the time. We know that things kill us and still do them. It would take a lot more than a few dead people who I have never met in life to change my mind. I would literally have to sit by a person in great pain and suffering and be told without doing anything I had a 50% plus change of the same to get me changing anything. I not even convinced if they put a gun to my head I would choose life as a sheep person. Although no one has ever put a gun to my head so I truly do not know how I would react.
>>293785>That wont work.Yes and not.
Sadly there are many brainlets swallowing the TV's lies and do as told.
As my neighbor told me after I try to wake him up:
- "I don't know who to believe. I'll keep using the mask just in case"
>(((Ben Shapiro)))>The vaccine is 95% effective in preventing you from getting the virus, and also mitigates the severity of the disease. 99% of those who actually get covid-19 will survive. [Embed]>Thomas Massie>COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 is not recommended during pregnancy.>It is unknown whether COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 is excreted in human milk. A risk to the newborns/infants cannot be excluded.>It is unknown whether ... has an impact on fertility. [Embed]
Why do these threads not have ID's but the others do?
>>294086>Why do these threads not have ID's but the others do?When you create an thread the OP can select to hide poster IDs in the thread they create.
The Great Kary Mullis inventor of the abused PCR test talks about Antony Fauci.
>UK Requires ‘Resuscitation Facilities’ at Corona Vaccine Centres After Allergic Reactions>Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) confirmed on Wednesday that it is deploying “resuscitation facilities” in coronavirus vaccination centres following the revelation that two healthcare workers suffered anaphylactoid reactions after receiving the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine on the first day of rollout.>Following the adverse reactions experienced by the two healthcare workers, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) issued “precautionary advice” which said that people who have a “history of a significant reaction” to medicines, foods, or vaccines should avoid taking the coronavirus vaccine.
>Vaccine Study Costs Doctor His License>Oregon Pediatrician Dr. Paul Thomas, MD has come under fire by the Oregon Medical Board for providing informed consent to his patients. After publishing a study using the data from his more than 13000 patients, the Oregon Medical, in an attempt to silence the highly controversial study results, suspended his license.
>Four trial volunteers who got Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine developed Bell's palsy - but FDA denies that the temporary facial paralysis was caused by the shot
> German Intelligence Places Anti-Lockdowners Under Surveillance>The regime has been trying to smear them as "Nazis" for months
>mRNA vaccine by Moderna contains *Luciferin* dissolved with *66.6* ml of distilled *phosphate* buffer solution. [Embed]
>>294219>>294221>Luciferase is a generic term for the class of oxidative enzymes that produce bioluminescence, and is distinct from a photoprotein. The name is derived from Lucifer, the root of which means 'light-bearer' (lucem ferre). One example is the firefly luciferase (EC from the firefly Photinus pyralis. "Firefly luciferase" as a laboratory reagent often refers to P. pyralis luciferase although recombinant luciferases from several other species of fireflies are also commercially available.
>THE COVIDIAN CULT IS WORSHIP OF THE STATE>The blogger C.J. Hopkins has described the hysteria over the COVID-19 virus as a religion, which he has dubbed the Covidian Cult. I do not particularly recommend Hopkins or his writings, but in this he is quite correct. There are people in the United States who are convinced that COVID-19 is a horrific scourge, that lockdowns and other forms of government restrictions are perfectly justified, that people who attend a public church service—or travel to another state to visit family for a holiday celebration—are dangerous, and that wearing a mask in public will stop the virus and is, therefore, the “patriotic” duty of every man, woman and child. Many of the people who hold some or all of these views hold them with a conviction, zeal and fervor that can only be described as religious. If you suggest to them that COVID-19 is not really that dangerous, or that lockdowns or other such government interventions are inappropriate, they will often respond as if you have just attacked the honor of their god.>And that is, in fact, what you have done. Because, you see, the god of the Covidians is the state.
>>294232Protip, edit the URL to (or use when that occasionally doesn't work) to download twitter vids
>>294296Nice meme, another big thing that it could have included is the "replication crisis" whereby most published study findings are false to at least some extent. Of course leftists just use SCIENCE as an appeal to authority fallacy to try and force you to do what they want, so pointing out these logical flaws to them isn't likely to get you anywhere.
>>294304>picTotally accurate meme.
>Coca Cola tests positive for Covid…>An Austrian parliamentary member demonstrated the defectiveness of the government’s Covid-19 tests by showing how a glass of coke yields a positive result.>In footage from the meeting in Vienna Friday, FPO General Secretary Michael Schnedlitz brings a glass of cola to the podium, from which he proceeds to collect drops to use on an antigen rapid test being used on a mass scale.>After going to the lectern and starting his speech, the politician sprinkled a corona rapid test with a few drops of cola. Three minutes later the test showed a result: It was positive. So Coke triggered such a result.>After demonstrating a positive result, Schnedlitz goes on to slam the tests as a waste of taxpayer resources. [Embed][YouTube] Austrian MP Shows Even A Can Of Coke Tests Positive On Covid Test
[Embed]Mirror: [Embed]
>Family thrown off United flight because two year old wouldn’t wear Coviet burqa, calls being made for Colorado child protective services to investigate parents for Munchausen by proxy abuse of the toddler (intentionally causing one’s own child to be sickened)>Snacks and beverages were served 30 minutes later.>Covidism is a political RELIGION, and it will never, ever end without war, or supernatural intervention. And those the THE ONLY options. [Embed] [Embed]>FAMILY GETS KICKED OFF AN AIRPLANE BECAUSE THEIR TWO YEAR OLD WON’T WEAR A MASK [Embed]
>Oh shit you got rona
Interacting with a beast.
>>293771Any suggestion for good material?
A Hole New Breed Of Stupidity - Let Your Children Breath.
Posters to print.
The artist doesn't know how to meme, but he tried.
>Gym Owners Who Racked Up $1.2 Million in Fines for Defying Lockdowns Go Viral >Nearly 100,000 US businesses on Yelp failed to survive the coronavirus pandemic and ensuing government lockdowns. Ian Smith, the co-owner of Atilis Gym, was determined not to be one of them.>The New Jersey entrepreneur has defied Gov. Phil Murphy’s lockdown orders for months now. On a typical day hundreds of people go to the gym to exercise, and Smith estimates 84,000 people have worked out at the facility since the state resumed its lockdown in May.>For gym patrons, Smith’s lockdown defiance has brought benefits. They get to keep body, mind, and soul fit in what has been a stressful and strange year, and Smith claims not a single COVID-19 case has been traced to his facility.>For Smith and co-owner Frank Trumbetti, however, the decision has had consequences.>“Governor Murphy has thrown everything he possibly could to shut us down. He has arrested my partner and I, given us over 60 citations, some of them criminal. He fines us $15,497.76 per day for every day we’re in operation,” Smith recently told Fox News. “Our fines are totaling over $1.2 million, but every single day, Frank and I open our gym.”>The prospect of facing more than a million dollars in fines and criminal charges is enough to cow most business owners into compliance. Not Smith. [Embed]
>>294494Why does no one call out Murphy for the Tyrant he is?
>CITIZEN ENFORCERS: YOU ARE COMPLICIT IN THE MURDER OF AMERICANS>I had a horrible experience in a hospital emergency room tonight that made me realize how many Americans are dying alone because, covid. In my view, what I share in this video amounts to crimes against humanity and the citizens who enforce these "policies" or "orders" are complicit in these deaths, many of which I would argue are murders brought about by these anti-human hospital and local & state government "policies". [Embed]So many bankrupted, so many bullied, so many jailed. The day of reckoning will come.
>First Glitches Emerge In COVID-Vax Rollout; Alaska Health Worker Suffers 'Serious Allergic Reaction'>A healthcare worker in Alaska was hospitalized on Tuesday with a 'serious allergic reaction' after receiving Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine, according to the New York Times. >The person, who had no known drug allergies, was still in the hospital on Wednesday morning under observation, according to the report. It is unknown whether they suffer from any other types of allergies. The Alaska resident's reaction was reportedly similar to anaphylactic reactions two heal workers in Britain experience after receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine last week - both of whom have recovered. Of note, they both had a history of severe allergies. One, a 49-year-old woman, is allergic to eggs (which Pfizer says are not in their vaccine). The other, a 40-year-old woman is allergic to several different medications. Both routinely carry EpiPenn-like devices in case of reactions.>After the workers in Britain fell ill, authorities there initially warned against giving the vaccines to anyone with a history of severe allergic reactions. They later clarified their concerns, changing the wording from “severe allergic reactions” to specify that the vaccine should not be given to anyone who has ever had an anaphylactic reaction to a food, medicine or vaccine. That type of reaction to a vaccine is “very rare,” they said. -NYT
>These “heroes” are dancing because the hospital is half empty and the governor ordered the cancellation of elective surgeries to stoke the Coviet terror.>This is Boston. We have testimony that the hospitals are half-empty and the governor ordered the cancellation of elective surgeries anyway just for the theatrics. Hence the considerable leisure time for learning and recording dance routines. [Embed]
>Farrakhan warns against taking vaccine from 'crackers'>Earlier suggested COVID-19 prevention effort was plot by Fauci to 'depopulate the earth'
>"doctors" on (((government)))'s payroll
>CAUGHT ON HOT MIC - Doctors admit to reading script during COVID-19 presser
>WHITE GENOCIDE keeps going
>No travel restrictions to bring asylum seekers , your government is lying to you
>What happened to the needle?
>>294649Surprisingly enough, it's an actual syringe feature. Took me by surprise as well.
[YouTube] VanishPoint® Syringe
>>294665>fake syringe, fake vaccination for collaboratorsIt's exactly what was foretold by post
>Bill Gates informs the public that communist "COVID-19" restrictions on freedoms will continue into 2022 [Embed]
>STASI ALERT: German Mayor Releases Video Training Children to Inform on Coronavirus Mask Skeptics>German Mayor Erik Lierenfeld released a video PSA (public service announcement) instructing children to snitch on those who dare to question the science behind wearing masks. The school children were told to call police if they encounter anyone who denies the effectiveness of masks.>The Mayor of Dormagen warned there will be “crazy” people who try and convince people that masks are not necessary but Germans must stand “united” against them.>Questioning the government and their arbitrary and unscientific coronavirus measures is no longer accepted in Chancellor Angela’s Merkel’s Germany. One must must listen to the state, and any questioning of policy is considered criminal.
>>294649More blatant trickery and lies:
>Update: Questions raised over vaccine injection at UMC event; UMC says nurse received second shot to eliminate doubt over vaccination>EL PASO, Texas (KTSM) — Some of our viewers raised questions about video KTSM 9 News showed from Tuesday’s COVID-19 vaccine injections at University Medical Center of El Paso, specifically the second vaccine that was administered.>In our video, you can see the UMC health care worker with his sleeve rolled up, but when it comes time for the injection, it appears that the person administering the shot doesn’t push down on the plunger — the plunger looks like it is already depressed.
>How the State Spreads Mass Hysteria>The history of mass hysteria, or mass sociogenic illness is fascinating. Cases of mass hysteria have been documented since the Middle Ages. Let me just mention a few of the more recent cases.>When a radio play by Orson Welles, War of the Worlds, was broadcasted in 1938 shortly after the suspension of the Munich agreement, the play allegedly caused panic among listeners, who thought that they were under attack by Martians.>Another intriguing case is an episode of a Portuguese TV show called Strawberries with Sugar. In the episode, the characters were infected by a life-threatening virus. After the show, more than three hundred students reported similar symptoms as the ones experienced by the TV show characters such as rashes and difficulty breathing. Some schools even closed. The Portuguese National Institute for Medical Emergency concluded that the virus did not exist in reality and that the symptoms were caused by mass hysteria.>Similarly, on Emirates flight 203 in September 2018, dozens of passengers started to believe they were sick after observing other passengers with flu-like symptoms. As a consequence of the panic, the whole flight was quarantined. In the end only a few passengers had a common cold or the seasonal flu.>To sum up: mass hysteria is possible in a free society, but there are self-correcting mechanisms. The harm such hysteria may inflict is limited by the enforcement of private property rights. The state amplifies and exacerbates mass panics, causing tremendous havoc. What are local, limited, and isolated outbreaks of mass hysteria in a free society the state can convert into a global mass hysteria. >Unfortunately, there is no limit to the damage mass hysteria can do to life and liberty if it takes hold of the government, as the state does not respect private property. The unscrupulous violation of basic liberties during the corona epidemic is a case in point. The possibility of mass hysteria is another reason why the state is such a dangerous institution to have.
Nurse passes out on live TV after getting vaccinated.
>>294712CIA TV shows safety issues with the vaccine. If the banksters want everyone vaccinated, then why?
Perhaps to promote an armed revolt and then send the military to attack the American people under the guise of restoring (((government))) "authority".
An insightful viewpoint.
>Headlines With A Voice>Step One: Create Chaos and Resistance [Embed]
>>294765Almost fits the MO. While having armed forces suppressing the people 'for their own good' sounds catchy, it's divide and conquer.
The last 9 mouths and rigged election is a big rub.
They want chaos and confusion so they are the ones standing with the solutions. As people flock to that.
This may be the gate to where no one will own any property, or guns, or freedom of speech.
Biden called it a dark winter because everyone is in the dark.
So their plan is to cause civil instability, or continue to capitalize on what is happening.
President Trump has been played, or is an active agent, with fast tracking these vaccines. They'll stick the side effects on him and all the messy effects on his presidency.
Those (political activists) opposing Trump are unsympathetic, and will not give any ground for reason.
Many ways this could turn out that is suitable for them.
Their average time span is within months, for fast acting means it's within weeks. If it's an emergency for them they act on it as soon a possible, I'd guess within the hour.
They have the resources to go for long term plans, for a goal that spans for a long time many multiple generations.
So to derail these plots... the solution is to be the paragon of order with back up plans and a direct style chain of command. This is based on a vison per say, or a sleep deprived mind either works. Pegasi stuck in a tornado, one (which would be you maybe) sees that glimmer of light and flies towards it. All the while others bumo and oush and flail. Then someone supports you, and you both reach for that highest point. Then more join in, and others try to drag you back into the tornado hell. You keep flying it's hard and grueling, but it gets easier. You reach the light, an orb or crown of somekind. Still you know if you stopped you'll all be sucked back to where you were before. Your second in command the one behind you from the beginning says everything is clear. You keep going to the cloud to ensure the tornado is truely stopped. As you land your hooves on it the orb hat crown thing lands on your head as you look back to peaceful happy ponies. The tornado is no more.
The dream thingy had it so eyes were almost always on the 'prize' at all times. A few distractions at first, and some later but the goal remains the same. For a moment only, as all focus is on the end goal.
The hardest part maybe is to continue going above and beyond. From the very beginning to the end, despite the attacks and setbacks.
Maybe it's seeing that small window of opportunity in the thick of everything.
Maybe it's the self doubt if anyone else would come.
Maybe it's seeing blue skys all around, yet the pulling continues after reaching the light that guided you all out.
Maybe it'll be going further beyond that as well.
Keep eyes peeled for that moment between the chaos and confusion. You probably will recieve many lumps at the beginning and in the midst of the tornado. So will those helping or simply those holding on, that single steady strand pulls apart the tornado of confusion.
All that is left is clear skys and everything laid bare.
>As suspected early in the spring, the CDC just quietly combined ALL Pneumonias, Influenzas and CoronaColds into a new category called PIC, thus guaranteeing that the scam will NEVER end.>What they have done, and this was the conscious plan from the beginning to take totalitarian control of the economy and implement their population reduction and eugenics scheme, is turn what was up until ten months ago called “DEATH FROM NATURAL CAUSES” into a vector of terrorism.>The reason influenza was “miraculously instantaneously cured” in April is because, as we all knew, they simply coded every death of every elderly person with pneumonia, which is, I believe the number four cause of death in human beings, as COVID to feed the psychological terrorism operation through the media.
>>292877How the fuck do you tell if a shitter spamming news articles is a paid shill or a paranoid conspirafag?
>>294801You check (((authoritative))) sources, of course.
>>294801>paranoid conspirafagYeah, right.
The stupidfuks running this psyop are some monumenatlly idiotic and malcompetent fukups.
>>294765Because now both of your options lead you down the same road. The vaccine is spiked, it's because drumpf sucks, so you'd better stay home and wear the mask, lockdown continues.
Counter narrative; people decide to beg for the vaccine. Everyone gets it but now you gotta get the app that says you've got it so you can participate in society. Countries are doing that one already, see Turkey with its HES code app, you cant get in to a lot of stores without it, and you're fined 400USD for being outside during hours of curfew.
Both narratives work, checkmate.
>>294714>sheeple, lemmings, collaborators, morons, fuckwitsThis infectious and undesirable behavior needs further analysis.
>2020 - Why people do what they are told[YouTube] 2020 - Why people do what they are told ✅
[YouTube] 2020 Why people do what they are told
[Embed] [Embed]
>>294816Those experiments were done of people who had a natural instint to trust people in authority like doctors and scientists. This can not be said about the world today and therefore is not a good explanation of the sheep behaviour we see at the moment. I think it is more likely that people are following because it actually suits them and actually they prefer structure in their life that they do not have to take responsibiity for.
When the IRA was still active in London it was quite normal for the police to block off roads and stop me from getting to work. I loved it as I have a iron tight legit reason not to turn up on time and could easily miss an hour of hard work. Some twats would get uptight and walk strait passed the unknown device causing the trouble. Why risk getting blown up when you don`t have to.
>>294814It's a thing apparently.
>>294821Indeed. The 'disappearing needle' shtic is either disinfo agents or RLY dumb ppl making legit skeptics look bad
>>294822To my knowledge that retractable needle is a niche product, not something you'll find regularly.
>#Marr: Will the police stop people from leaving London?>Health Secretary Matt Hancock: "Of course. It’s the police’s responsibility to police the law" [Embed]>Covid-19: 'Our duty' to act over Christmas plans, says Matt Hancock>Some 21 million people in England and Wales who entered new restrictions at midnight are being told to stay at home, while non-essential shops and businesses have to close.>The planned relaxation of rules for Christmas has been scrapped for those under England's new toughest measures - tier four, while in the rest of England, Scotland and Wales, relaxed indoor mixing rules are cut from five days to Christmas Day only.>The health secretary said he did not know how long the tier four measures would be in place but "it may be for some time, until we can get the vaccine going".>Residents in tier four are being asked to stay at home unless for essential journeys, while people in other tiers are advised not to travel into the new tier four areas.>Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said it was very important that people followed the new travel guidance in England and "do not attempt to travel", saying extra British Transport Police officers were being deployed.>A ban on travel between Scotland and the rest of the UK will also apply over the festive period. Police Scotland said it would be doubling its presence in the Border areas but it would not be introducing "check points".
I was thinking, what if the vaccine is legit and they are using it to see who are sheep. While they put out a really dangerous version of covid out to kill all the ones who did not take the vac's.
Weed out all the undesirable and make it seem like they were ""stupid"" for not taking the vaccine and make the gov look more trustworthy.
>>294832If it is just a ploy to weed (snuff) out the ones that won't submit to a dictatorial rule I am not sure if I want to see the world they want to create that needs total compliance. The ones being desired for that world might be the ones that feels they ended up getting the short end of the stick and wished they just had been non-compliant and done with it a long time ago.
>>294832I, too, have been concerned that this could indeed be what they're planning, however with the side effects coming out including of some kind of palsy and narcolepsy (thread got slid on 4/pol/ that had an image of some slideshow, didn't save), it looks to be either you consent to getting neuronal damage or you risk coughing up a lung. This is looking like as much of a chemical lobotomy as it is a vaccine for the original bioweapon itself. At least if you go out with the latter it'd be quicker, comparatively less painful and you don't submit to the mark of the beast.
>>294835I can't edit the above post since I appear to have forgotten my password, but that's all assuming that's their plan, anyway.
>>294835Got a link to those pics/sites?
>“Trying To Get The Hell Out” – Emergency Lockdown In London Triggers Mass Exodus >With more than 16 million Britons now required to stay at home as coronavirus lockdown went into effect on Sunday, tens of thousands of Londoners scrambled to get out of the capital Saturday night.>Boris Johnson’s bombshell announcement to introduce Tier 4 restrictions in London and southeast England, to mitigate the spreading of a new strain of the coronavirus, sparked traffic jams and crowded train terminals as people made a mad dash out of the metro area before draconian new rules were imposed at midnight. [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>>294838Unfortunately no, it mentioned unconfirmed rates of side effects along with a rate of 2.8% hospitalizations after administration and all mentions of it got slid before I went back again to snag it. I found some articles showing concerns about the two side effects I mentioned, but I can't tell if they're just downplaying them or they're not as big of an issue as the image made it seem.
Search "bell's palsy coronavirus vaccine" and you'll get a couple articles saying the rates are not out of the ordinary, and I managed to find an article about narcolepsy but it's talking about concerns raised by the swine flu shot that caused it ten years ago. Maybe I was jumping the gun here but given the choice I'm still not taking a vaccine, honestly I'd hope to just be freaking out but it seems all too easy to just slip something else in there that fucks with your brain. Apologies for not grabbing the image when I had the chance.
>Scientists, MPs Ask ‘Where Is Evidence Of 70% More Contagious Mutant COVID?’>Oxford University Professor: “I’ve been doing this job for 25 years and I can tell you can’t establish a quantifiable number in such a short time frame.”>As London and the entire South East of the UK was plunged into a fresh lockdown over the weekend, scores of countries have banned all travel to and from the UK, but scientists there are demanding to see any evidence that there is a 70% more contagious mutant strain of COVID, having not been shown anything by the government.>The Daily Mail reports that Carl Heneghan, Professor of Evidence Based Medicine at Oxford University’s Nuffield Department of Primary Care, has expressed scepticism over the 70 per cent figure. [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
> Australia Abandons Covid-19 Vaccine Which Included Part of AIDS Virus as ‘Stabilizer’>"Some participants recorded false positive HIV test results"
>>294820Turns out, YouTube-DL works for grabbing Twitter videos.
>French Law Would Ban People Who Don’t Get COVID Vaccine From Using Public Transport>Opposition politicians savage “health dictatorship.”
>This is 1984. >WHO changes definition of herd immunity.>2019 definition and 2020 definition. Spot the difference... [Embed]
>How Belarus Exposes the Lockdown Lie>Most European governments instituted the shutdown of economies, restrictions on freedom of movement and other policies known as lockdown. This was allegedly in response to the spread of Sars-Cov-2, a dangerous respiratory virus that originated in Wuhan, China.>Few countries rejected this approach; Sweden is the most well known of these. However, a more interesting case of dissent from the official narrative is Belarus and its leader Aleksandr Lukashenka.>This article will outline Lukashenka’s approach to the alleged pandemic, followed by an analysis of death figures and how the Belarussian case exposes the lies of lockdown advocates.
Nurse Thrown Out of Town Hall For Telling The Truth About Coronahoax Vaccine. [Embed]
>What The Hell Is Going On - David Icke On Jermwarfare Podcast [Embed]
>zog armored vehicle
>Police on speaker phones remind the public to wear masks in England
The Sheople are doing the job for them, dragging us all done in their ignorance, keeping the lies alive, enabling the Agenda from Hell.
> French Gov’t Draws Bill to Ban the Unvaccinated From Public Transport, as 55% Say They Won’t Get a Shot>There'll be a lot of empty buses
>Why Are Hospital Workers So Afraid Of The Vaccine?>Across the country hospital administrators are facing unexpected push-back from employees on the issue of the covid vaccine. More and more are refusing to take it, with at least one hospital CEO mentioning "mistrust" and fear. Why? Also today, poor Dr. Birx has had her feelings hurt over her family Thanksgiving trip. US has record deaths in 2020? San Francisco's record overdoses. Watch today's Liberty Report.[YouTube] Why Are Hospital Workers So Afraid Of The Vaccine?
A collection of political prostitutes (paid off by globalist conspirators) promoting the communist “New Normal" - VIDEO
>All of the politicians and medical "experts" seem to be reading from the exact same script: "This is the new normal, and it won't end until we have a vaccine.">Something profoundly sinister is unfolding across the entire planet, using the pandemic as justification for its fruition.>We are being told that we must accept a "new normal" that includes drastic restrictions of our civil liberties. We are being told that we must accept this state of affairs indefinitely, until a vaccine is developed. Now they are even saying that naturally developed immunity to the virus is insufficient.>Our consciousness and material reality are being altered, reconfigured via a matrix of fear and confusion.>The entire world has been mind controlled by flashing images on glowing screens to not only self-police themselves into maintaining an arbitrary distance from other human beings, but to accept autonomous supervision networks that enforce this "new normal".[YouTube] New Normal: Pandemic Police State
[Embed]Video in full quality:
For those who keep asking why did so many people die last spring if covid is not real.
>California Doctor Fired After Writing Letter Criticizing Lockdown Orders>Dr. Michael deBoisblanc was working as the trauma medical director for John Muir Health in Contra Costa County, California, until last Friday, after he questioned the scientific basis for again locking down citizens of the area.>KNTV reported that deBoisblanc wrote a letter to the county health director and board of supervisors voicing his concern regarding the continued lockdown policies prior to his dismissal.>“The science is clear,” the letter continued, “that more lockdowns lead to much more non COVID morbidity and mortality.”>“Public policy is being based on erroneous assumptions,” it added.>The trauma physician said “we’re worried some of the actions the county and government is taking can definitely have negative impacts on the public health,” according to KTVU.>DeBoisblanc’s letter seemed to ruffle the feathers of those at the county health department and other San Francisco Bay area officials.
>>295267I had the exact same thing happen to my grandmother. The retierment home was locked down so only staff was allowed inside and if you wanted to visit you had to call ahead and stand in the grass and talk through the window. Had one lady texting my mom saying how the staff were abusing and neglecting them since they knew no family members could get inside. What do you know a few days later she's dead and a bit after that my grandma is taken to the hospital.
They kept saying my grandma had Corona and put her in the Corona wing next to people with it but my grandma had a UTI and infected bed sores from being forced to lay in her own waste in her bed for days straight. Even after she died and all the results came back negative for Corona they kept trying to tell us she died from Corona and didn't even let any of us be there when she died.
Hope that hospital is happy with their $13000 blood tieth and choke on it.
>>295273that is absolutely fucking horrible anon. i'm very sorry for your loss, i'm sure you're filled with rage more than you are sad though.
>>295273So sorry to hear. It is truly fucked up.
>>295267I would have broken the window or something. Fuck these people.
>>295294>Fake vaccinations.Fauci points his arm to show he has a little soreness in it, he points to the opposite arm.
>Rand Paul Ridicules Mask-Wearing as ‘All About Submission’ to Government>Kentucky Senator Rand Paul said “no science” is able to corroborate mask mandates across the country, warning Americans that “submission” is the real aim of public health officials.>The Republican senator on Saturday reiterated remarks he made to Fox Business Thursday that “there’s no science to keeping schools closed, and there’s actually no good science to keeping restaurants closed, in fact there’s no good science that anything we’ve done has changed the trajectory” of the pandemic.>Speaking with Breitbart News at the Turning Point USA convention—a gathering of young conservatives—in West Palm Beach, Florida, Paul said minor health precautions as simple as washing one’s hands and keeping socially distant have made “no difference” in slowing the spread of coronavirus.
>CLIP: Kiwi tests for positive for covid19 , honk honkItalian language, no subtitles. Sorry.
Full video:
>Video of a kiwi, grapefruit, and an orange testing positive for covid-19 🥝🍊 The pumpkin tested negative 🎃
>"I'm not putting the mask on, I'm done."
>WHAT?! New Study of 10 Million Chinese Finds Asymptomatic Covid Spread Never Existed>A new study on asymptomatic transmission of COVID not only proves it doesn’t happen it proves the panic promoted by the political class was meant to control the populations
>Black Nurse gets Bells Palsy from the Covid-19 Vaccination>Get the CV-19 Vaccine if you want Bells Palsy like this Black Nurse from Nashville, Tennessee. This lady pleads with the public not to take the shot. She says "Please, America, they don't care about us..." and she's absolutely right. They DO NOT care about you or I! The Covid-1984 vaccination is NOT medicine & the PCR is NOT a test! These are Zionist Criminals who know NO morals nor human values! This is a PLANDEMIC, nothing more. They stage managed this entire fiasco for profit & depopulation. See #Event201 and the #Great-Reset (World Economic Forum) for more on that ... behind it all you will find the John Hopkins Center and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Sordid murderous entities who want nothing more than to harm the public at large for their version of a "sustainable future." See #Agenda21 & #Agenda2030 for more on this ... these fuckers mean business! [Embed]Mirrors: [Embed] [Embed] from a couple of weeks ago:
>4 volunteers develop FACIAL PARALYSIS after taking Pfizer Covid-19 jab, prompting FDA to recommend ‘surveillance for cases’
>>295408Look at all those pathetic amerimutt simps. 3% rule applies, lul.
>Major Covid Vaccine Glitch Emerges: Most Europeans, Including Hospital Staff, Refuse To Take It>All is not going according to plan in the biggest global rollout of what is arguably the most important vaccine in a century, and it is not just growing US mistrust in the covid injection effort that was rolled out in record time: an unexpected spike in allergic reactions to the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine (and now, Moderna too) may prove catastrophic to widespread acceptance unless scientists can figure out what is causing it after the FDA's rushed approval, and is also why as we reported yesterday, scientists are scrambling to identify the potential culprit causing the allergic reactions.>Making matters worse, Europe rolled out a huge COVID-19 vaccination drive on Sunday to try to rein in the coronavirus pandemic but even more Europeans than American are sceptical about the speed at which the vaccines have been tested and approved and reluctant to have the shot.
>>295440Uh guess their is hope afterall.
>>295408Good these sheeps.
>Nurse With Masters Degree Doesn't Mince Words - COVID MORONS
>>295480That has to be satirical.
Fauci > Bill Gates > Jeffrey Epstein
When the official narrative gets derailed live on TV and names are called out.
>This guy deserves a Gold Medal.
>>294712>Nurse passes out on live TV after getting vaccinated.It looks like that normie sheepy is dead.
On the records she's kaput, even when in the hospital when she worked, a masked double pretending to be her showed up for the press.
>Tiffany Dover is DEAD from the Covid-19 Vaccination!>Yes. Remember the Head Nurse who took the Covid-19 Vaccination on Live Television and then PASSED OUT COLD immediately following the injection? Well.... she's dead. Yep, it was confirmed on as of December 25, 2020 but has since been scrubbed off the internet by these disgusting Transhumanist Eugenics-Crazy Jews. [Embed] Mirrors: [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]>TIFFANY DOVER DEAD? ALIVE FOUR DAYS LATER?!>Tiffany Dover's apparent death and then miraculous resurrection four days later has a lot of people talking. Let's check out the video CHI Memorial released and determine if this is legit or not. What do you think? [Embed]Mirror: [Embed]>Is Tiffany Dover Dead?: Murder by lethal injection timeline
>BILL GATES DELETED DOCUMENTARY - Why he switched from Microsoft to Vaccines MUST WATCH [Embed]
>The David Knight Show>Vaccine Follies Medical Errors Pile Up At WARP SPEED>Incredible blunders in shipping, storing, administering vaccines — and adverse reactions. Manufacturer overfills some vaccine vials, “health providers” don’t properly dilute and give 5x’s the dose, vaccines not properly refrigerated. But if you die WITH the vaccine, you don’t die FROM the vaccine — UNLIKE a COVID death [Embed]
>Mysterious Disappearance of Flu in San Diego Prompted Call for Audit of COVID Records>One of the most bizarre features of the alleged COVID-19 ‘global pandemic’ has been the mysterious disappearance of the seasonal flu in medical and public health record keeping. It’s as if the Flu just vanished into thin air after being the most common perennial seasonal respiratory virus.>As it turns out, recorded seasonal influenza cases have literally nosedived by 98% across the globe.>This improbable phenomenon has led a number of experts to ask, “Has Covid killed off the flu?”[YouTube] Carl DeMaio calls for audit of San Diego County COVID-19 data after only 36 flu cases reported
[Embed] [Embed]
It's pretty much hopeless, isn't it? Nothing can be done to disrupt this catastrophe. If this is to last for years to come, just imagine the impact. Countries forcefully agreeing to whatever bullshit the higher state comes up with.
Man, this sure will be a dystopian future as it seems. I don't want my children to live in this world knowing their freedoms are to be no more.
>>294232The quote is from a suspended account. The video is gone.
YouTube-DL works to download Twitter videos, and is a helpful tool to use for archiving.
>>295845>Mysterious Disappearance of FluCDC says flu is gone, its all COVID-19 now.
>Why people will start dying a few months after the first mRNA vaccinations [Embed]
>Canadian Police Violently Raid Family Gathering of Six on NYE After Neighbor Reports Coronavirus Violation (Video)>On New Years Eve, a Canadian family with six people in their home was violently targeted and one person arrested by police for breaking the Quebec’s tyrannical coronavirus restrictions. The authorities were tipped off by a neighbor who reported the family for violating Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s ban on all private gatherings.>One of those present during the police raid filmed part of the scene and another posted the footage on social media.>In the video, police are seen in the doorway of the home attacking a man, who appears to be struggling. The family can be heard pleading with officers, “You’re not allowed to drag him from the house”. In the background a barefoot woman can be seen standing in the snow with her hands behind her back being detained by two officers.
>>296161Would not be suprised but are we sure this is real? Cant find anything on it.
>How We Know It’s a Show>I recently got into a “debate” with a Sickness Cultist, who berated me for my heresy. I tried reason with him, which works as well as mixing oil and water.>One thing I tried to specifically get an answer to is a question that ought to be of interest to anyone interested in a reasonable discussion of this business.>It is simply this:>If it is necessary to wear “masks” – as they’re styled – why are there no standards, beyond the thing being a “mask”?>Why isn’t there a requirement that the “mask” be at least an N95 and ideally an N100 respirator that actually can thwart the exhalation of those extremely tiny viral particles? Why is it that a literal rag – an old bandana, for instance that’s so porous one can see daylight passing through it – qualifies as a “mask” and grants entry to stores and such when it absolutely cannot thwart the transmission of viral particles?[YouTube] When You Believe All The Propaganda
>Los Angeles, Ca>COVID Super Spreader Task Force conducted raids at 5 locations on NYE, arresting more than 90 people and confiscating 6 handguns, officials say [Embed]
>This is what’s happening to our Society, brainwashed scare of her own shadow.>Fear is a Control Mechanism and its working! [Embed]Also: [Embed]
>And this hospital in Houston is offering employees a $500 bribe, I mean bonus, to be vaccinated. That’s not unethical at all! [Embed]
Hundreds of Social Media Posts Reporting All Sorts Of Adverse Reaction To The COVID-19 VAXX.
>Tired of Lies >I find it amazing that a priest would deliver a sermon like this in Church. He is right. My cousin who just died was denied a funeral. I could not even buy flowers for there was no viewing. Another friend’s parent was denied Last Rights. This is getting to clearly be a Communist Revolution where religion was shut down and banned. They are doing the very same thing here under the pretense of defeating a virus with a kill ratio no worse than the flu.[YouTube] Tired of Lies?
>>296231Interesting how some belief say that if you don't properly lay to rest the dead they will suffer.
So in a way the goverment says the dead should suffer for its own safety.
>>296206It is truly fucked up. I hope the Canadians revolts against this. And hopefully it will redpill a lot of Canadians seeing this.
>>296267Revolt is not enough. Canadians as well many other nations are dealing with a freemason mafia accustomed for more than a century to prey on the innocent and meek, that mafia won't fallback just asking.
I'm afraid those crimes won't stop until police stations are burned with everyone inside.
The logic here is sound. You don't just back the tiger into a corner, or it will absolutely just attack.
The problem though is that most tigers have been brainwashed into thinking they are not, in fact, tigers, but striped sofas in a furniture store. And they also seem to have been convinced that tigers eat sofas for some reason. I think that complicates things a bit. Evidently, at the least it lead to a bunch of tigers pretending to believe they're sofas and choosing to go against their tiger instincts to protect their cover.
See, it's not that simple when you take the Metaphysics of Great Cats and Furniture into account.
>Cuomo Flip Flops, Threatens To Fine Hospitals For Not Meeting COVID Vaccination Targets>So on Monday, the governor revealed during a midday press conference that, in an effort to speed the process along, he would also fine hospitals for failing to meet their vaccination targets. Going forward, the governor declared, hospitals must use all of their doses within seven days of receiving them (presumably to avoid any being thrown out). He also blamed the slowness in vaccinating all the state's nursing home residents on the federal government, and claimed the state would be stepping in.>The governor also expanded the list of eligible recipients to include all doctors, nurses and health-care workers who come in contact with the public (not solely those who work in emergency medicine).
California’s Hospitals Are Empty - The media is lying to America to push the COVID hoax - video [Embed]
England: 2020 had 18% fewer hospitalizations than prior years - News media orgs are lying to you. [Embed]
>Remember, this was the 2019 flu season… so before the Covid hysteria.>How many influenza cases do you think have been reported so far this flu season? 10 million? 1 million? 100,000?>According to the most recent CDC data, the total number of influenza cases reported in the Land of the Free this flu season through December 27, 2020 is a big fat 877.
>Epidemiologist Says Influenza Cases Are Being Counted as COVID-19>“Influenza has been renamed COVID-19 in large part.”
WARNING! Coronavirus Alert Ringtone.
>What we should have been talking about today: a healthy 56-year-old doctor suffered complete and untreatable destruction of his platelets days after receiving the @pfizer vaccine and later died of a brain hemorrhage. [Embed]
>With no lockdown or mask mandate, Florida has roughly same hospitalization level as 2018 flu season>The entire pretext for shutting down our liberties is built upon misinformation
>Lockdown Cops To Stop People In The Street, Issue Fines, Target ‘Anti-lockdown, Anti-vaccine Protesters’>“We now have a hardcore element who are against the rules”>Senior Scotland Yard officials have announced the adoption of a new ‘hardline’ lockdown policy to stop and question people if they are out in the street, and to issue on the spot fines if they cannot provide a reasonable excuse for being out of their houses.>The London Telegraph reports that London’s MET police issued a statement noting that “With fewer ‘reasonable excuses’ for people to be away from their home in the regulations, Londoners can expect officers to be more inquisitive as to why they see them out and about.”>“Where officers identify people without a lawful reason to be away from home they can expect officers to move more quickly to enforcement,” the statement further noted. [Embed] [Embed][YouTube] LOCKDOWN 3
[Embed] [Embed][YouTube] Old lady dispersed for feeding birds at Marble Arch
got a 1 month IP range ban from cuckchan. something about breaking US law. fucking jannies
>>296956oops wrong thread
>>297525>vaccines respond to things now
>>294221>>294224>Luciferase>ID2020And here it comes anons.
>Welsh Scientists Develop COVID Vaccine 'Smart Patch' >According to the research team, the patch will use microneedles to both administer the coronavirus vaccine and monitor its efficacy for the patient by tracking the body's immune response. Scientists at Swansea’s IMPACT research center hope to carry out human clinical studies in partnership with Imperial College London with the aim of making the device commercially available within three years. [Embed]
>The Holocough - No Mask, No Entry
Those bots look like NYPD.
>Shawn Skelton: "If you are considering the vaccine for Covid... the MODERNA... I would advise against it. I'm in a bad shape! Everyday getting worse and I'm not getting help or answers! I'm scared to death to say the least! And ot find someone willing to attempt to figure this out hasn't been very successful! I went to 2 hospitals today, walked out of deaconess and went to St Vincent. No answers there either. They say let's see a neurologist (who knows when they can see me) Yesterday my tongue began to spasm and it hasn't quit. Today my whole body has been convulsing all day! They sent me home! I'm posting 2 videos that are quite embarrassing if you know me but I want you to see what's happening to me! Just please pray for me."
Her Majesty Clown Police. (parody can't match a surreal reality)
>"We have had enough, freedom for people" , 9 people kidnapped by government bots last night in Copenhagen and Aalborg anti lockdown protests.
>The missing flu riddle: 'Influenza has been renamed COVID,' maverick epidemiologist says>“Rates of influenza have remained persistently low through late 2020 and into 2021, cratering from levels a year ago and raising the puzzling specter of sharply reduced influenza transmission rates even as positive tests for COVID-19 have shattered numerous records over the last several weeks.>Where have all the flu cases gone?>Epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski thinks he can answer the riddle.>‘Influenza has been renamed COVID in large part,’ said the former head of biostatistics, epidemiology and research design at Rockefeller University…
>>298121The nigger there is obviously not wearing a mask either, but somehow they let him be.
Surely that is not to send the message that they are above the law and regulations don't apply to them
>>298133>the law and regulationsConsider that "the law" is made by a tiny group without to submit it to people's approval, worst yet, it's enforced by a caste of thugs who consider themselves above the people. Everybody knows what sooner of later will happen if those groups are not checked.
>UK Government May Only Let People Out Once A Week>The British government has reportedly discussed upping COVID restrictions even further by only allowing people to leave their homes once per week.>Claiming that the National Health service is at breaking point, the government is said to be considering implementing stricter rules, including compulsory mask-wearing outdoors, and banning so called ‘extended bubbles’, where people are allowed to meet one person from another household.>Most chilling, however, is the revelation that cabinet ministers have privately debated preventing people from talking to each other in the street and in supermarkets, and even preventing people from leaving home more than once per week, and introducing curfews. [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>>298159You're right, but it is worth it to point how they don't even enforce those retarded laws equally. It's beginning to seem like only white people can actually commit crimes that get recognized and punished by the system.
Alternative law enforcement when?
Is this thread gonna be anything more than newsfag spam now?
>>298226Please, by all means, add your research and document your government crimes.
>>298158>St. Anthony nursing homeMoar.
>Nursing Home Had No Deaths — Until Vaccination. After 1 Week, 12% Died [Embed]
Two men in Australia snap in McDonalds when asked to check in with a QR code for tracking and tracing by the government.
might as well just buy a frozen patty at the market and just cook your own. the food is not even that cheep anymore. why bother with McDonalds? (unless its to find exclusive happy meal toys...)
Reposted from
>>298410 →>COVID-19 Moderna vaccine victim. Shawn Skelton: Facebook has deleted my live video, 13 January 2021.
>>298300>any anti-social behaviour will be reported to the relevant authoritiesSo you can't even sit alone and watch people like a creep anymore?!?
>>298411Another casualty. Not pretty.>Quote: "Brant Griner: This is what the Pfizer covid19 vaccine has done to my Mom. Everyone please pray for her. She was admitted to the hospital. And be cautious about taking the vaccine. I'm sure it is good for some people but you need to think about is this vaccine worth taking? It's not for me. Please share this post we need help finding answers. Update 1-12-21: Mom Is getting even worse today and still don't have any answers from doctors as to how to fix this. Please pray for her I can't stand to see my mom this way it makes me want to cry knowing I can't do anything to help her. Please don't take the covid19 vaccine. I'm adding a 3rd video that she just sent me. "
>>298413>can't be social because kung flu>can't be antisocial because that's suspiciousOn a serious note, if any business deserves to be closed down under the guise of "not essential", it would be McFuckingDonalds.
>>298476If it's not legally a vaccine that means there is a chance for those effected to sue for damages. Not that it means much, but it could make a splash.
>23 Dead In Norway After COVID Vaccinations Reports Medicines Agency>NORWAY – The Norwegian Medicines Agency has just released its January 14 report of reported side effects after the experimental use Covid vaccine.
Dr. Judy Mikovits: You can't catch a virus through air.
This clip from Spring last year and is the perfect explanation of the lockdown agenda, he probably watched event 201 (october 2019) in january when it got released.
>High Decibel Social Distancing ‘Dog Collars’ for Factory Workers Deployed>A Swedish manufacturer in France has been accused of treating their employees like dogs after the company asked its workers to wear a social distancing device that emits a high decibel sound if employees are too close to each other.>The French Democratic Confederation of Labour (CFDT), the largest union representing workers at Essity, a Swedish global hygiene and health company, compared the device to a dog collar, saying it is “a system comparable to that which deters dogs from barking”.>The CFDT said according to the French newspaper Le Monde, that the necklaces emit a sound of 85 decibels as soon as “social distancing is no longer respected”.>CFDT union representative Christine Duguet said that “the idea is to discipline employees and call them to order,” going on to say that the implementation of the system represents “an attack on individual freedoms”.
>>298870It is eerily how silent the press is about this. The objections people have against the draconian and totalitarian lockdown measures across Europe and the world is not mentioned at all.
>>298874In Europe, resistance against governments' violence is spreading.
>ONE PISSED OFF DOCTOR - MASKS ARE KILLING YOU - TAKE THEM OFF NOW!>This U.S. Doctor is telling you the TRUTH about how wearing masks is literally killing you and this is what they hope will happen to all of us.>Wake Up now before you're DEAD! [Embed]
The global standard for COVID-19 testing uses the PCR (Polymerase chain reaction) method which takes billions of copies of a specific DNA sample and amplifies it to a large amount. The number of cycles of amplification used are not standard across testing facilities and so by increasing the number you can amplify traces from up to years or decades ago to extremely large sizes and then proclaim that the test subject is infected. PCR was invented in 1983 by the American biochemist Kary Mullis, and according to his testimony, he states that the PCR method is not a process that should be used to test for infections and is not a valid test for any virus. The COVID-19 test is creating false positives on a global scale and is being used to claim the existence of COVID-19 – which means that anyone who undergoes the test in life or death (anyone tested for COVID-19 and dies of any cause within 28 days is marked as a COVID-19 death) will be statistically recorded as COVID-19. COVID-19 has never been purified (papers claim that COVID-19 has been “isolated” but this term has a different meaning in virology, and does not mean it has been segregated/purified/singled out) or scientifically proven to exist, and so no sufficient test can be created until this has been completed.
New and never followed protocols are now in place for people deemed infected by COVID-19, which include inducing the person into a comma (using various drugs) and then putting them on a ventilator (which is usually only a last resort in special circumstances but has now become common place during the COVID-19 situation). This puts a huge amount of stress on the body and only some survive the process. This fills up hospital beds and hospital time as patients are left in this state for weeks or months.
Due to the COVID-19 situation, many people been too frightened to go to hospital or doctors as they normally would and so has caused many people to miss treatments, miss screenings and tests for deadly diseases and miss operations – this has caused a huge amount of deaths so far and will continue to do so into the future. Suicide rates have increased dramatically because of many businesses going under and many jobs being lost (homeless rates have increased dramatically increasing chance of illness/death). These increased deaths have been and are currently being marked as COVID-19 fatalities because people admitted to hospital are required COVID-19 tests, with all deaths also requiring COVID-19 autopsy testing.
Normal seasonal flu (influenza), colds and pneumonia have disappeared from normal death statistics and have been now attributed to COVID-19 deaths.
Forced masks for employees (with many hours/days wearing masks) and for the general public have caused a huge increase in deadly respiratory illness, including bacterial lung infections (bacterial pneumonia), mould inhalation causing lung infections, fibre/micro plastic inhalation causing lung infections like Brown Lung disease, carbon dioxide poisoning from repeated inhalation of recycled breath and hypoxia through lack of oxygen intake. Masks treated with antimicrobial substances such as silver oxide and titanium dioxide release dangerous carcinogenic particles over time and end up being inhaled by the wearer. This new rise of illness/death caused by masks is being diagnosed as COVID-19.
Some hospitals are financially incentivised to diagnose patients as COVID-19 through schemes which reward hospitals if they have COVID-19 patients, if they have COVID-19 patients on ventilators or if they mark deaths due to COVID-19.
Human immune systems have been reduced in effectiveness due to increased hand washing, use of sanitizers (some forced upon people to enter shops or use gyms), increased fear and anxiety because of the COVID-19 situation (fear of death, peoples businesses going under, people losing jobs/fear of losing jobs, fear of food shortages and fear of becoming homeless), depression and loss of human connection to friends or colleagues caused by isolation and lock-down (decreased fresh air – with a lot of homes having poor air flow), less exercise due to restrictions and closing of gyms and increased rise of consumption of unhealthy comfort food or alcoholic drinks.
The numbers of infected are determined by the amount of people tested (based on the fact that the majority of people tested will return as a false positive – based on the PCR method), and so the COVID-19 situation was deemed to get worse as they increased testing through expansion of test facilities, employers requiring tests, travel requiring tests, school students requiring tests, teachers requiring tests, hospitalized requiring tests, deaths requiring tests, sports athletes requiring tests and doctors appointments requiring tests.
According to public data, a large percentage of deaths marked as COVID-19 had one or many serious pre-existing conditions.
The RNA based, so called “vaccine” has never been used before and his highly experimental. Previous attempts to create a vaccine for SARS-CoV-1 (with COVID-19 being known as SARS-CoV-2) have failed and shown that animals injected with the vaccine developed an autoimmune disease, which resulted in animal deaths in the trials. The non-RNA based vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) have certain substances never used before in vaccines such as Polyethylene Glycol – making both the RNA and non-RNA vaccines experimental and never used before. The RNA based vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 have been proven to cause pathogenic priming antibody dependant enhancements, which results in death. There have already been hundreds of thousands (if not more – no additional data has been publicly released as of yet) of negative side effects (see CDC document: “Anaphylaxis Following m-RNA COVID-19 Vaccine Receipt” and “VAERS Data 2020/2021” – note this data was after a small amount of time had passed from the vaccine injections – so is only short term side effects so far) for people who were administered COVID-19 vaccines including deaths and debilitating symptoms which make the injured party unable to perform daily activities, unable to work and require permanent care from a doctor or health care professional. A study published in the best-known peer-reviewed general medical journal, The Lancet, used fraudulent data to claim that Hydroxychloroquine is ineffective in treating people deemed COVID-19 patients – this study was retracted (the first time in decades that a study had been taken back from this journal), but had already been publicised and pushed through the main stream media (no major reporting has been made to reveal that the finding of the retracted study were false) and as a result has meant it is no longer used and vaccines will go ahead unchallenged.
At the start of the COVID-19 situation hospitals were said to be over capacity, although doctors and nurses and other staff found the time to choreograph, practice, film and edit to music, videos of dancing workers.
:These points only scratch the surface of the COVID-19 fraud – more points to follow soon!:
Anyone else getting really dizzy when you where a mask too long? I'm worried these mask will give me some kind of brain damage in the long run or something.
>>298914Same, everything becomes more exhausting than it should be because your body's getting less oxygen and the masks trap CO2 in your moistened bacteria-orgy breathing area. Fasten the mask properly and I pant like a fatty after a handful of steps.
It's why I got one of those reuseable cloth masks with adjustable elastic straps and wear it as loosely as I can get away with, and take it off when I don't need to wear it. Makes getting air a little easier. Still hate wearing it.
If these masks are supposed to psychologically "Take our faces away" and encourage conformity, does that mean it's mentally healthier to get a mask with a design you like on it?
>>298914>>298915I thought about getting a full faced gas mask with a tinted visor but decided it was too turbo-autist; ML algorithms could probably ID me by my stature and gait anyway. I wonder if they're easier to breathe through for anons in more restrictive parts of the world though.
As far as the psyop angle goes, I wouldn't discount the usefulness of covering your face. While a surgical mask makes people look like a fag, they also have a bit of an authoritarian air to them since you can't really see their features or expression. The guards in the Stanford Prison Experiment wore sunglasses for a reason. Which is paradoxically why they might've tried to get people to wear them, because the only ones that would enthusiastically obey were the commies in the first place. Notice how they said "no mask," and then "mask" later on?
In the age of information warfare, it would seem to make sense to cover your identity as much as practically possible. However, my opinion on psychological health would be more towards that anons wore whatever kind of mask they wanted, or not, based on how they felt about it. But since governments seem hell-bent on sacrificing mental and spiritual health for the meme virus, the next best thing would seem to be whatever anons wanted to have with that taken into account, regardless of what some commie thinks next door or even how our oppressors are trying to make us feel. Think of them like shills, I suppose. They're just annoying retards that don't know when to buzz off. Despite their whining, how they feel about it isn't our problem. Just like them catching a cold isn't either.
Make no mistake. I've had to suffer these kinds of amateur doctors for a very long time. If they want to spite you, they're going to find a way. The best way to strengthen yourself is to do just that, and wait and hope and pray that if and when there's an escape route it will show itself in time. Focus your energy on yourself, you're the only one that has to live with yourself regardless of if you move to greener pastures or not.
I bought a nasal spray that only contains isotonic salt water and vitamin A. It seems to ease some of the symptoms I get from wearing a mask. I also started doing some breathing meditation in the evening (can recommend, even though I find it hard to find the time to/remember to meditate)
[YouTube] Zen - Introduction to zen practice / full version - Taigen Shodo Harada Roshi
[Embed] (enable subs)
[YouTube] Zazen is Good for Nothing
>literally one hour after Biden takes the oath, the WHO admits that PCR testing at high amplification rates alters the predictive value of the tests and results in a huge number of false positives [Embed]Coronavirus deaths will change too. “Dying with” won’t be counted as “dying from.”
>>299199I was going to post this but you beat me to it. This is how they'll praise Biden for lowering Covid rates. It makes me sick.
>PSA: Important new information to keep you safe (satire)
>>298414>>298411Admittedly not a medical professional here, but the only thing I am aware of that could cause symptoms like that are neurodegenerative diseases. The similar muscle spasms were the reason an outbreak of variant-CJD was termed "the shaking illness". Yes, I do mean the "Kuru" that one cannibal tribe had. (Mentioning this because that is the easiest one to visually compare on video.) But CJD causes these symptoms regardless of how it was contracted or developed.
So I decided to check whether there is any record of CoV-19 and CJD occurring right at the same time in a patient, and it looks like there is at least one other, a man in his 60s, now dead.>We describe a man whose first manifestations of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease occurred in tandem with symptomatic onset of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).>This hypothesis introduces the potential relationship between immune responses to the novel coronavirus and the hastening of preclinical or manifest neurodegenerative disorders.>The simultaneous clinical presentations of COVID-19 and CJD in this patient led us to hypothesize that the cascade of systemic inflammatory mediators that characterize COVID-19 may have accelerated the prion disease pathogenesis and neurodegeneration by facilitating loss of region-specific homeostatic identities of astrocytes and fostering a neuroinflammatory transcriptional signature.>Neurological dysfunction in COVID-19 is likely caused by immune responses systemically and within the nervous system. Our hypothesis that inflammatory responses to SARS-Cov-2 precipitate or exacerbate neurodegenerative disease is urgent because COVID-19 portends disproportionately worse outcomes in the elderly who are already at risk of neurodegenerative disease.Translated from medical-speak:
It looks like if your prions are folding the wrong way, then the immune response to Covid-19 will make even more of them fold the wrong way at an accelerated rate.Notice that it is the immune response we're talking about here, and not the virus itself. As in, if a vaccine triggers your immune response and steps it up to 11, it will cause the same shit.
If my suspicious are right, then there is a chance these people would've developed these symptoms decades down the line from now and woul've lived happily until then, had it not been for a hastily developed vaccine - this last sentence is my take, but the rest is an actual hypothesis coming from actual doctors.
>get a work email asking for volunteers to get the vaccine
>The office chat room fills with people lamenting that they don't qualify because they're not high risk.
>someone starts suggesting to start smoking since a history of smoking is high risk
>CDC Admits At Least 96% OF DEATHS from COVID-19 Were WRONG!
>>299379>I am aware of that could cause symptoms like that are neurodegenerative diseases.This got me thinking: What about severe neuro-inflammation that's caused by auto-immune response to the mRNA vaccine? Or what if the proteins that are encoded by the COVID-19 vaccine mRNA get folded the wrong way?
(what I'm trying to say here is that what if the proteins that are supposed to protect against corona can get folded the wrong way)Also, COVID-19 vaccines are the first RNA vaccines that have been widely used on humans, so the more rare adverse effects and long-term side effects are unknown.
>>299438>they actually inject you with fucked up prions, straight up giving you the diseaseI admit it crossed my mind, but decided to restrict that specific post to actual verifiable information, and leave out the X-Files level speculation. I have drawn the only reasonable conclusion that my basic level knowledge allows me to draw, without making claims that I can't possibly substantiate further, even if they happen to be right. Mostly so that such more outlandish claims don't take away from the credibility of the main point, as it stands on its own very well in the first place.
But yes, my schizo senses went pretty much the same way. It also reminded me of a year-old 4/pol/ post claiming Covid-19 is itself a prion disease, but that one didn't have any legit source supporting it either.
>>299438Also, wasn't it reported earlier that
reinfection is worse than the first COVID-19 infection? Moreover, isn't the consensus now that that what makes the COVID-19 so severe is the body's immune system's (excessive) response to it? Does this mean that the vaccine can make it worse (like reinfection would)?
>>299379>It looks like if your prions are folding the wrong way>prionsIt reminds me of the Mad Cow scare.
>>299447The media has been consistently not mentioning prions this time tho. The reason they are included here is that CJD (and other neurodegenerative illnesses) are caused by faulty prions. Think what you will about Covid-19, but this was about the very real condition the 2 people in those videos have (3, if we include the case I dug up).
CDC now says only 6% of deaths are covid-19 related.
UK government keeps lying. Medical workers on board with the psyop.
>SCAMDEMIC HOSPITAL 2021>Empty hospitals again [Embed]
>Covidism is a political religion modeled on islam, and Cancel Culture is the Covidic form of HONOR KILLING>Covidism is a luciferian political religion, exactly like islam, and is modeled on islam consciously, I strongly suspect. Let’s make a quick list of the aspectual analogues.>Musloid Burqa / submission veil = Coviet mask>Taqqiya (ratification of lying) = Coviet fake news and fear porn>Ghira (raging at logic) = Coviet raging at logic and objective evidence, censorship>Musloid conversion and expansion by force, coercion and terror = Coviet putsch by physical force, coercion and terror>Dhimmitude & Jizya tax = Required submission to Covidism for limited travel, work, access to services, assembly, speech, ability to maintain custody of children, and practice of non-Coviet religion>Doctrine of Abrogation = Constantly changing “truth”, anything said today overrides and replaces anything said before>“allah” is pure will, capricious, cruel and devoid of rationality = Coviet system is the Irrational will of capricious, psychopathic micro-oligarchy which often flies in the face of objective, visible reality
>Look them in the eyes latest government fear propaganda>'Look them in the eyes': Government airs terrifying new TV ads featuring REAL Covid sufferers as ministers are accused of 'scaremongering' with scientists' claim that new variant COULD be more deadly>The UK government releases a TV advert featuring NHS staff and Covid-19 patients as an urgent reminder to the public of the extreme pressures faced by frontline workers, who are urging the public to stay at home.>Stare at the people who lost their jobs, lock-downs destroyed society and the ones who have given up and committed suicide through this fear propaganda by the government/nhs/msm and no doubt the 77th brigade...and also the thousands of people living with health conditions and UN-diagnosed conditions being told to stay at home by order of all these treasonous bastards,these people should be on trial for fear propaganda/medical tyranny/genocide and deliberately destroying peoples lives and not too mention our god given rights "freedom" freedom to travel,freedom to meet our families/friends/freedom to have a life without interference from authorities etc.Link to advert:
[YouTube] 'Look into my eyes': government posts hard-hitting Covid-19 advert
>This Covid vaccination with mRNA could KILL you, scientist warns, when the next Corona variant pops up!>Immunologist and molecular biologist Prof. Dolores Cahill:>Why COVID-19 vaccinated people may die months after the mRNA vaccination.>If vaccinated people come into contact with wild coronavirus a few months after vaccination, their immune system will in many cases react with a deadly cytokine storm. This is because the vaccine mRNA genetically modifies the body cells so that they produce the coronavirus spike protein. If a new coronavirus later activates the immune system, it recognizes the self-produced spike proteins as a danger and starts a major attack against its own body cells. As a result, those vaccinated suffer septic shock with multiple organ failure, which usually ends in death.
Checking in again after 100M confirmed cases today reminded me of some good times here last year. As expected schizo anon still making new threads to talk coronahoax to himself. Some things never change. Still better than how the h8kun thread ended up.
Well I'm certainly not going to call it a hoax when Coronachan personally graced me with her blessings last month. Definitely different than any illness I've ever had including flu. Losing taste and smell is WEIRD. All said and done I wasn't "sick" so much as "drained". And even weeks later breathing involves just a little bit more air than it used to. The chinks really cooked up something usual that's for sure. At least I have an excuse to not get the jab now.
>>299702I smell the 77th brigade stench.
>How to end lockdowns. 1500 PCR tests were sequenced and found to be influenza A & B, not SARS-CoV-2
The medical fraud unmasked.
>Dutch people fights tyranny >Unpopular COVID rules prompt mass riots in Netherlands>Fires set, police vehicles burned, windows smashed – these are the scenes witnessed in the Netherlands, where anti-lockdown riots continued for a third night in response to some of Europe’s strictest COVID restrictions, which include nightly curfews. [Embed]
>Seniors Are DYING LIKE FLIES After COVID Injections (FULL VIDEO)>James (he gives his last name in the video) is a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant), and he recorded this video as a whistleblower because he could not keep silent any longer.>James reports that in 2020 very few residents in the nursing home where he works got sick with COVID, and none of them died during the entire year of 2020.>However, shortly after administering the Pfizer experimental mRNA injections, 14 died within two weeks, and he reports that many others are near death.>The video is long (47 minutes), and it is clear that James is suffering from emotional stress, and he admits that he has nothing to gain from going public, and that he will probably lose his job for doing so.>But he makes it very clear that these were patients he knew and cared for (he is also a "lay pastor"), and that after being injected with the mRNA shot, residents who used to walk on their own can no longer walk. Residents who used to carry on an intelligent conversation with him could no longer talk.>And now they are dying. "They're dropping like flies.">His superiors are explaining the deaths as being caused by a COVID19 "super-spreader.">However, the residents who refused to take the injections, are not sick, according to James.>James makes it very clear that as a Christian, he cannot live with his conscience anymore, and that he can no longer remain silent.>He is not anti-vaccine, but just sharing what he knows is true, regarding the people he has cared for in his profession for over 10 years now.>This is a very clear pattern now. Inject the elderly with the mRNA injections, then blame their illnesses and deaths on the COVID virus.>The only reason Big Pharma and their sponsored corporate media are getting away with this, is because more healthcare workers like James are not coming forward to speak up for the helpless.>Even many in the Alternative Media are guilty for not covering this genocide against our seniors, as James states, because people are more concerned with Donald Trump and Joe Biden political news, while people's grandmother, grandfather, and others are being killed by these injections.>James calls upon other CNAs, Nurses, and family members to go public and tell the world what is going on with these experimental mRNA COVID injections.>"How many more lives need to be lost before we say something?">If you know what is happening, but are not speaking out, then you are part of the problem.>And shame on you in the Alternative media who are more concerned about which tyrant should be president than you are about covering the greatest crime of genocide this country has ever seen. [Embed]
> South Dakota Covid Cases Collapse After Everybody Dies>They are all dead now /s
>Canadian Mom Fined for Letting Grandparents Babysit Kids While She Went Grocery Shopping>"She was charged with violating the Reopening Ontario Act."
Texas Government Bot Threatens to Taser Man For Not Wearing a Mask.
January 28, 2021.
> In 2009, WHO was Accused of Planning Genocide>In 2009, Canadian doctor Ghilslaine Lanctôt warned that the elite and their minions will introduce a compulsory vaccination that will contain a deadly virus and this will be used specifically as a eugenics weapon for "massive and targeted reduction of the world population."
8 July 2009.
>Journalist Files Charges against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder>As the anticipated July release date for Baxter’s A/H1N1 flu pandemic vaccine approaches, an Austrian investigative journalist is warning the world that the greatest crime in the history of humanity is underway. Jane Burgermeister has recently filed criminal charges with the FBI against the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), and several of the highest ranking government and corporate officials concerning bioterrorism and attempts to commit mass murder. She has also prepared an injunction against forced vaccination which is being filed in America. These actions follow her charges filed in April against Baxter AG and Avir Green Hills Biotechnology of Austria for producing contaminated bird flu vaccine, alleging this was a deliberate act to cause and profit from a pandemic.>Summary of claims and allegations filed with FBI in Austria on June 10, 2009>In her charges, Burgermeister presents evidence of acts of bioterrorism that is in violation of U.S. law by a group operating within the U.S. under the direction of international bankers who control the Federal Reserve, as well as WHO, UN and NATO. This bioterrorism is for the purpose of carrying out a mass genocide against the U.S. population by use of a genetically engineered flu pandemic virus with the intent of causing death. This group has annexed high government offices in the U.S.>Specifically, evidence is presented that the defendants, Barack Obama, President of the U.S, David Nabarro, UN System Coordinator for Influenza, Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO, Kathleen Sibelius, Secretary of Department of Health and Human Services, Janet Napolitano, Secretary of Department of Homeland Security, David de Rotschild, banker, David Rockefeller, banker, George Soros, banker, Werner Faymann, Chancellor of Austria, and Alois Stoger, Austrian Health Minister, among others, are part of this international corporate criminal syndicate which has developed, produced, stockpiled and employed biological weapons to eliminate the population of the U.S. and other countries for financial and political gain.>The charges contend that these defendants conspired with each other and others to devise, fund and participate in the final phase of the implementation of a covert international bioweapons program involving the pharmaceutical companies Baxter and Novartis. They did this by bioengineering and then releasing lethal biological agents, specifically the “bird flu” virus and the “swine flu virus” in order to have a pretext to implement a forced mass vaccination program which would be the means of administering a toxic biological agent to cause death and injury to the people of the U.S. This action is in direct violation of the Biological Weapons Anti-terrorism Act.
>>299983References to a sudden and massive reduction in western population have been posted in earlier coronachan threads.
Now the subject pops up again:
>Deagel Doom: Mysterious Website Reveals More About 2025 Mass Death [Embed]
>killer vaccines
Priest warning from Rome!
>‘MEDICAL KIDNAPPING’: Hospital Refuses to Let Daughter See Her Elderly Mother for Not Taking COVID Test, Crowd Comes and Gets Mom Released (VIDEOS)>A crazy scene unfolded on Friday night in Vancouver, Washington, as a large crowd formed to support a woman who says that her mother was the victim of “medical kidnapping.”>The media rushed to portray the crowd as wild anti-vaxxers — without telling the story of what happened or why they were actually there.>A 74-year-old woman named Gayle Meyer was admitted to the Legacy Salmon Creek with a urinary tract infection on Thursday evening. The elderly woman has a brain tumor and her daughter, Satin, is her medical power of attorney. [Embed] [Embed] [Embed][YouTube] Legacy Salmon Creek Hospital refuses to discharge patient without negative Covid test.
>Videos: UK Police Harass And Arrest People For Going To Work, Shops>Two viral videos encapsulate the state of the UK at the moment with police abusing powers given to them to enforce lockdown laws. In one case a man was arrested on his way to work for not identifying himself, while another who went to a shop was hauled away for not wearing a mask properly. [Embed]
>The Truth About COVID-19 (Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi).Sucharit Bhakdi is a virologist from Germany and denounces the psyop. (1:00:31 long) [Embed]
NY government plans to remove you from home, place you in medical facility & vaccinate you by force.
>>299706Lol sure. Is the 77th allowed to acknowledge the existence of the Israeli nuclear arsenal? Well whatever, we used to have good discussion in here but you spoiled it. There's lots of new shit to talk about, like vaccines (beyond zomg they are the tool that will enslave us all) and variants, but I only see mostly the same QAnon boomer tier shit from nine months ago being posted, and you've killed other discussion. We all know lockdowns are bs already but denying the existence of the virus is dumb, stop living in the past.
>inb4 just call me a shill againYea yea, have fun in your gay little echo chamber.
>>300280>you've killed other discussion.Again fren, by all means, debunk what you believe isn't real.
>Member, Royal College of Physicians, tells RFK Jr & Judy Mikovits PhD: Moderna Covid “vaccine” by definition NOT a vaccine; neither stimulates immunity nor stops transmission — It’s a tiny medical device created to make you SICK & them RICH
>>300280>Is the 77th allowed to acknowledge the existence of the Israeli nuclear arsenal?That's unknown as her majesty's government is not transparent with the regulations for zogbots and assorted collaborators.
>FedEx Shipping 100s of 1000s of Body-Bags>FedEx Shipping100's of 1000's of Body-Bags across the US .. most likely in preparation of mass deaths as the Government gets ready for mass roll-out of Covid-19 vaccines and Biden's 100.000.000 vaccines in first 100 days in office.>Take into consideration that this is just one FedEx facility. [Embed] [Embed]
Mirror: a quantity of body bags, what other use they may have?
>Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccine victim.
Please please share this.. people need to be aware!
>>300280>We all know lockdowns are bs already but denying the existence of the virus is dumbNo virus has been isolated, therefore that claim doesn't hold water, let alone that it causes a disease.
Well poners, this video is the real thing putting together the puzzle. Vaccines, transhumanism, cyborg stuff, and culling of the human kind.
>You'll never Guess What's in the Tests>Once Were the Living..the story of the 4th Industrial modified reset man. What's been put up your nose in nano dust "test swabs" and in your mRNA, 4th Industrial Revolution, Great Reset, how the nano dust tech works, it's all in there.Super high video quality (2.9 GB): [Embed]
>>300342why can't the niggers making these spellcheck?
>>300214Take note of the government's thugs.
>CLAIM: PCR test swabs may contain “star-shaped microdevices” that are secretly vaccinating the “vaccine hesitant”
>Evil always tells you what it is up to: Bill Gates “predicting” forthcoming plague 10x worse than CoronaScam. Clearly this is the intended result of the Quaccine – boosting lethality of the common cold>Bill Gates is priming the propaganda pump for a soon-to-arrive any-minute-now mega-plague “ten times worse” than Corona Scam.
>"The PCR Test For COVID – 19 Identifies Only Human DNA">“Amandha Dawn Vollmer is a doctor of Naturopathic Medicine from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto and has a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Biotechnology. She found that the COVID-19 test does not actually test for COVID-19. The test itself is a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test that identifies DNA particles.>She found that the PCR testing protocol developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) to detect COVID-19 actually tests for chromosome 8, which is present in all humans. One of the ‘primer’ sequences (the start sequence) in the PCR test for SARS-CoV-2, which is used by the WHO, is found in any human DNA. In essence, we are the ‘virus’.
Ron Paul Institute
>The Largest Experiment on Humans Ever Seen>Which is the more reasonable approach a society might take in the outbreak of epidemic:>To quarantine the sick, and take reasonable precautions to stop those who are identified as vulnerable from contracting the illness.>To attempt to “control the virus” by preventing millions of healthy people from having contact with other healthy people.>To any society prior to 2020, it would have been obvious that the first approach is not only logical and proportionate, but the one least likely to have other unintended and highly destructive consequences. However, to my continued astonishment, many in our society not only believe that the answer is the second, but they somehow believe it to be based on established science.>Now I understand that many who support Lockdown will object to my characterisation of their position. They will say that it is deliberately misleading, since it talks about healthy people, and does not mention the sick. Such objections founder, however, on this undeniable fact: Lockdowns are, by their nature, an entirely untargeted and indiscriminate approach to a health issue, and the prohibiting by law of millions of healthy people from having contact with other healthy people is a feature, not a bug of a policy that was untried and untested before it was first implemented by the Chinese Communist Party in January last year, then copied by many Governments around the world thereafter.>For some reason, many Lockdownists seem to think that the onus is on Lockdown opponents to disprove their position. But as Dr Malcolm Kendrick points out in his excellent piece – Does Lockdown Work or Not, this is the opposite of how things are supposed to work:>The starting point, for any scientific hypothesis, is for the proponents to disprove the null hypothesis. Demanding that those who believe something may not work, to prove that it doesn’t, is to turn the scientific method upside down. You can never prove a negative.
> Facility for ‘Quarantine Objectors’ in Germany Ready for Inmates>Don't call it a FEMA camp
>Covid-19 is a PCR pandemic, says good German expert>WHAT IS PCR? It stands for a "polymerase chain reaction" test, which is described by the Cleveland Clinic as "one that is performed to detect genetic material from a specific organism, such as a virus. The test detects the presence of a virus if you are infected at the time of the test. The test could also detect fragments of virus even after you are no longer infected.">Pay attention to this: "the presence of a virus," which means all viruses in your body that are currently present "at the time of the test." I don't know how many it might be, but I know there are A LOT.>This test is used because it's "the most accurate and reliable test" available for detecting the presence of SARS-CoV-2 (the coronavirus that causes the "disease" of COVID-19) in a human body. Yet, it's accuracy is poor. That's because of how it works. This is the process, again according to the Clevelend Clinic.>When a laboratory technologist receives the sample, they perform a process called extraction, which isolates genetic material from the sample including genetic material from any virus that may be present.>The PCR step then uses special chemicals and a PCR machine, called a thermal cycler, which cause a reaction to occur that makes millions of copies of a small portion of the SARS-CoV-2 virus’s genetic material. During this process, one of the chemicals produces a fluorescent light if SARS-CoV-2 is present in the sample. This fluorescent light is a “signal” that is detected by the PCR machine and special software is used to interpret the signal as a positive test result.>Hmm. This is called the "gold standard" test for diagnosing COVID-19 because of it's "accuracy and reliability." Yet all it shows is that SARS-CoV-2 genetic material is present somewhere in the body. But as Dr. Köhnlein clearly explains, "We have to find virus in huge amounts in the sick tissue" (such as the lungs), not just present in a small amount somewhere in the body.>This is why COVID-19 is a "PCR pandemic" or "testing epidemic" - because test results indicate it in healthy people who are then forced to isolate themselves and sometimes treat themselves with medicines that are useless or possibly get in the way of their own immune system's peak functioning. As you can see, this is criminal if knowingly misinforming/misdirecting the public for profit or political advantage. [Embed]
How to Execute a Pandemic.
>COVID, a disease in name only >The non-existent virus undercuts all other stories>The official definition of a “COVID-19 case” is so broad, it allows pretty much anything through the door.>A COUGH, or CHILLS AND FEVER, for example. Either of these is sufficient for a diagnosis of COVID.>The requirement of a positive PCR test for the virus—even that isn’t absolutely necessary.>Besides which—as I’ve been demonstrating in many articles—the PCR is riddled with irreparable flaws, leading to millions of false-positives.>On top of all this, as I’ve been writing (with details), the very existence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is unproven.>So there is a perfect recipe for a false pandemic.>A person who, in 2018, would be diagnosed with the flu turns into a person who, in 2020, is diagnosed with COVID-19.>Ordinary pneumonia suddenly turns into COVID pneumonia.>All sorts of other lung infections are now COVID.
>The Covid Cult>This is the greatest public health fiasco in the history of the world, and the media has distorted it so badly, that much of the general public is celebrating villains and hissing at heroes. And, even — perversely enough — celebrating the destruction of their own lives and their children's lives.>Presented at the Symposium with Ron Paul on Saturday, 7 November 2020, in Angleton, Texas. [Embed] (BANNED)
Mirror: [Embed]
>David Icke>The Long Planned Agenda To Enslave Humanity [Embed]I expect the usual shill to come over to complain about it.
>Doctors and Nurses Giving the Covid-19 Vaccine Will Be Tried as War Criminals >In an emotional video, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, explains why doctors and nurses giving the covid-19 vaccine will be tried as war criminals. [Embed]
>>300547Imagine the NASA asks you to wear a mask on a sterile capsule and a suit designed to survive in the vaccum of space.
>>300562It is truly stupid, but it is a photo op and those masks probably came off right after the picture was taken. NASA is government funded so probably some political pressure to use face masks on photos.
Crew is put in strict quarantined from all outside world for over a week as normal procedure (probably longer now) so they would not be in contact with anyone that have potential for infecting. This was the procedure long before covid to prevent the common cold among other illnesses. But then again who knows what requirements NASA puts on them. Could be that they are required to wear mask all the way up until launch, and if so I bet they look forward to throwing them away as soon as the capsule closes.
>>300342That webm
>Bird is the word
25 Questions to help wake up family and friends.
>We've all tried to wake up people we know, usually with disastrous consequences. Hopefully one of these questions might just be the one that makes them open their eyes to the massive fraud that is currently being waged against the good people of the world. [Embed]
Doctor Drops Nuclear Truth Bomb On Covid Vaccine.
>Clapping sheeple of zog (into the great mocking)
>Brainwashed and then displayed to the nation/world to further condition, mock, degrade and put in its place... the thoughtless (or cowardly) herd!
>COVID1984... UK Woman Arrested For Singing In Her Garden...
>Europe is in revolt against lockdown>Protests, riots and civil unrest have broken out across the continent. People are starting to reach breaking point.
>Biden Imposes Permanent Masks & Social Distancing to Prevent Civil Unrest>Biden Administration has made it clear that they are stripping us of all our First Amendment rights which include the freedom to assemble. What was just made clear that even if you take these questionable vaccines, you will forever have to wear a mask and continue to social-distance for the rest of your life. So what is the point of these vaccines? There is no liability whatsoever to all Bill Gates’ pharmaceutical companies he now controls or is influential as a stakeholder/shareholder. Hence, there is no animal testing. My cousin was a front line nurse who had COVID and recovered. He was compelled to take the vaccine for her job and had a stroke. She has recovered, thankfully, but has now refused to take the second dose.
>Merkel Releases Ultimatum: Get Vaccinated or Be Banished (Video)>German Chancellor Angela Merkel warns if you refuse the “voluntary” coronavirus vaccination, you will be denied your basic rights and abilities to participate in society. Meanwhile, just two months ago the German government was preparing citizens for the inevitable deaths that will take place due to vaccine.>During an interview with German news program, ARD, Merkel again pointed out that “we can’t force people to receive the vaccine”. However, the leader then threatened that there are other ways to force those who refuse stating, “whoever doesn’t want to be vaccinated, they might not be able to do certain things.”
> [Embed]
>>300742If enough whites moved to Mexico, could it become a safe haven for whites?
>>300746I doubt it. Mexico is a satellite of America and will do as told. As soon as an independent American enclave pops up, you can be sure the local "authorities", be the pseudo government or the cartels, will end it.
>Hundreds march through Copenhagen to protest Covid-19 lockdown & plans for vaccination passports (VIDEO) >People opposing the Danish government’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic marched through the capital in a fresh protest on Saturday. Unlike some previous events, this week’s gathering remained peaceful and prompted no arrests. [Embed]
>>300802 (Adding formatting)
I think this is probably one of the best one-stop-shops for Coof information in a digestible format I've seen. Most of the other places talking about the Coof are scattered news stories, segments in long-running news shows like "War Room #88 recorded on 2021 Feb 08th", or are random videos scattered on the internet.
Friendly reminder that some great tools for backing up information are:
-YouTube-DL for grabbing streaming media from websites. You can also configure it to automatically make files of the video description and get a metadata file that includes things like video tags and the uploader.
-Screengrab! - A browser extension that lets you make screenshots of visible sections of a web page. This means you don't have to manually make a bunch of screenshots and then assemble them in mspaint or something like that.
-Archival Sites - I think there are a few, but is the one that pops up first on my search results. Archiving here gives an extra layer of security in case the original link gets deleted by the poster. However, it's not perfect. It's been caught a few times in the past deleting certain politically sensitive archives now and then.
-Source link - Basic linking to the original post or article. Very subject to being deleted or edited, but a very simple first step, and good to have in general.
Eat healthy, try to get some vitamin D, and try to get some exercise. After a year of lockdowns weakening many people's immune systems, this winter season could be a killer.
>>300803I'm glad is useful for you anon.
Mask/muzzle wearers listen up.mp4
>Dr Fauci Co-author of Scientific NIH Paper Showing most Spanish Flu Deaths from Pneumonia! – Implications for current Covid Deathtoll? Mask Wearing?
The Worldbank lists the "Covid-Pandemic" as a "Project to be continued until 2025".
>>300803>Archival Sitesuse
both and
>Eat healthy, try to get some vitamin D, and try to get some exercise.don't forget zinc.
>UK COVID POLICE STATE: Travellers Must Quarantine In Hotels At Their Own Cost, Have 3 Tests, £10k Fine For Going Outside, And 10 YEARS Prison If Caught Trying To Avoid ‘The Law’>Government scientific advisory groups pushes for tracking people via GPS government sponsored non-White invaders, I guess.
>COVID VACCINE - the Nightmare Scenario>Imagine if the Covid vaccine actually contributed to the spread of the infection rather than stopping it. Can you imagine what a catastrophe that would be? Unfortunately, there are signs that that is precisely what is happening in the countries that have implemented the most aggressive vaccination programs.>This is an important point that needs to be emphasized: The only place we’re seeing these ” sharp exponential rise in cases” is in the “mass vaccinating countries, such as the UAE, USA, Britain and Portugal.” Interestingly, the sharp uptick in cases does not follow the normal trajectory of respiratory infections. British Data Analyst Joel Smalley produced an informative video on this topic on January 30 where he showed a sudden spike in deaths uniformly across England shortly after the release of the vaccine, that is, the deaths seemed to correspond to the launching of vaccine. >“Study that found vaccines that don’t prevent viral transmission may accelerate evolution of more virulent strains could mean leading vaccine candidates may make COVID crisis worse….
>>300912Three options here
One, false positives
Two, the vaccine gives you temporary covid (like the flu jab does) which gives positive test results
Three, the vaccine prevents tamer versions from getting you but a more aggressive one can which spreads easier.
>>300914The measurements so far have been suffering from a skewed sample at least. Unless they're implementing randomized testing. But then again Elon Musk got tested thrice in a day with two positives and a negative, and the Nigerian government tested a fruit (no, a literal fruit from a plant) and a goat and got positives with them, too.
So I guess a fourth option would be that testing doesn't matter and they're just lying about it. Kind of what I've been assuming so far anyway.
>>300914Four, there's no virus. It's well known that tests are a fraud.
>>300916And coronachan deaths are also a fraud and part of the psyop.
>>300916There is definitely a virus. I got sick from it and had a really nasty flu with a migraine for a couple of weeks. It's questionable if it's as bad as they say, but there is some thing going around.
>>300915The testing isn't close to accurate. They admit that in public
>>300919>There is definitely a virus.And how you know?
Some doctors affirm that it is IMPOSSIBLE to catch a virus, at least it is injected. According to them, viruses are debris created by our own cells, they are symptoms and the not the cause of a disease.
>>300920Try reading the post and you might find out fucktard.
>>300921You said at
>>300919>I got sick from it and had a really nasty flu with a migraine for a couple of weeksOkay, the medical school teaches that viruses might be the cause, but there's another camp disputing that. A critical difference between them is that the former justifies a billionaire industry and U.N. international programs, but the later not. Naturally everybody follows the path where the money is.
>>300924I don't care about whacko red ice theories on illness. Viruses are well proven medical science. They do exist and they do get people sick. The debate is if this virus is dangerous enough for the reaction it's got not if viruses exist unless you're a complete retard.
>>300926>whacko red ice theories>Viruses are well proven medical science.I suggest you research the subject a bit more.
Viruses causing sickness is also a theory, desu.
>>300928Go for a shower or is the theory of gravity keeping you from getting out of your chair?
>>300926And by the way, FYI and talking about whackos, vaccines are not taught in medical school. Everything doctors say is a script written by the pharma companies. The only ones with authority to talk are virologists and molecular biologists, and yet most if not all, are paid by governments, so take what they say with a grain of salt.
>>300930If only we had evidence that illnesses have been made almost non-existent by vaccinating against them and now are returning as third world populations not vaccinated against them bring them back in.
You're retarded. Go eat another hamburger.
>>300932Not quite, for example polio was almost eradicated until Bill Gates and the UN begun their campaigns of vaccinations in Africa and the middle east. The vaccines are spreading the illnesses.
>>300932What a coincidence that every time there's a ebola outbreak in Africa, two weeks before the UN was vaccinating the negroes for whatever.
Also the Bill and Melinda Foundation was kicked out of India after paralysing almost 400,000 children with the polio vaccine. And yes, that news has been thoughtfully expunged from the internet, but if you look hard enough will pop up.
>>300932>and now are returning as third world populations not vaccinated against them bring them back inAhem. There's cognitive dissonance here.
I know the governments' propaganda which are repeating the UN propaganda saying exactly the same than you.
Would you mind to explain how is that possible???
Memes totally related.
>>300933>>300934Governments testing diseases on chimps is different from vaccinations. If I tell you I'm white and I'm actually Jewish does that make me white because I said it?
>>300935>You're an NPC>Said the person using mass produced thoughtless images instead of their own words and ideas.Not everything the government says is a lie all the time. There is enough evidence that they work with the eradication of various diseases in the first world after a vaccine is made. I'm not telling you to have them yourself, you can benefit from everyone else having it so they have no chance of passing it onto you. I wouldn't touch the covid vaccine because it's rushed through and under tested, but that's a different issue to saying viruses are real and vaccinations can help the body fight some diseases.
>>300942>I wouldn't touch the covid vaccine because it's rushed through and under tested, but that's a different issue to saying viruses are real and vaccinations can help the body fight some diseases.This. Criticizing the covid vaccines or the idea of mandatory vaccinations is not the same as being a generic anti-vaxxer, the same way that talking about corruption in various governments or what the intelligence agencies are doing is not the same as being a flat-earther. The attempt to equate the two resurfaces every now then, so it is a good idea to nip it in the butt when it pops up.
Meanwhile, the last from the government here is that the vaccinations will be voluntary, but the local media is churning out articles weekly about how it should be mandatory to everyone. I would be much more concerned about that sort of stuff than the specifics and nuances of how microscopic viral bodies came about in the first place.
>This last year was one of the biggest years in the history of gaslighting. Millions of people who feel totally healthy think they are sick because a PCR "test" says they are. [Embed]
>Tucker Carlson>Big Tech Attempting To Censor COVID-19 mRNA Injection Dissent [Embed]
This is What a Brainwashed Cult Looks like.
>PROOF the NHS is LYING (This is GENOCIDE... the JABS MUST STOP... NOW!) Dr. Vernon Coleman>Dr. Coleman reveals the lies in the NHS booklet that urges "older adults" to take the Covid jab. He cites adverse events, incl. death and predicts a genocidal event after the 2nd shot in the autumn. A must see. A must share... covid world orders review. [Embed]
Thinking about taking the jab watch this first!
>NY Gov. Cuomo's secretary has admitted that Cuomo's administration covered up COVID-19 nursing home deaths because they feared that the data would "be used against us" by the Justice Dept. [Embed]
>>300943still trying extra hard to roll shit back huh? vaccines didnt stop disease, most of them barely work. what stopped disease was water purification
>Cuomo administration ‘froze’ over nursing home data requests>New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s top aide told Democratic lawmakers that the administration took months to release data revealing how many people living at nursing homes died of COVID-19 because officials “froze” over worries the information was “going to be used against us.”>Republicans who term the comment admission of a “cover-up” are now calling for investigations into and the resignations of both Cuomo and the aide, secretary to the governor Melissa DeRosa. And a growing number of Democrats are joining calls to rescind Cuomo’s emergency executive powers, blasting the administration’s defense of its secrecy.>Cuomo refused for months to release data on how the pandemic has hit nursing home residents, instead pointing to figures more favorable to his administration. Experts say the release of more — and accurate — data can shape policy to help save people’s lives.>In recent weeks, a court order and state attorney general report has forced the state to acknowledge the nursing home resident death toll is nearly 15,000, when it previously reported 8,500 — a number that excluded residents who died after being taken to hospitals. The new toll amounts to about one-seventh of the people living in nursing homes as of 2019 in New York.>Since last spring, news outlets, lawmakers and the public have asked the Cuomo administration for data about COVID-19 deaths among nursing home residents. On Aug. 3, lawmakers asked state health Commissioner Howard Zucker for the number of nursing home residents who died in hospitals.>By mid-August, then-President Donald Trump began retweeting comments criticizing Cuomo for his administration’s response on nursing home deaths. On Aug. 26, the Department of Justice gave Cuomo’s administration 14 days to provide data on nursing home deaths.>“Basically, we froze because then we were in a position where we weren’t sure if what we were going to give to the Department of Justice or what we give to you guys and what we start saying was going to be used against us, and we weren’t sure if there was going to be an investigation,” DeRosa told the Democratic leaders in comments were first reported by The New York Post.
>>301168Your post is simultaneously hilarious and horrifically depressing to me especially after having read each and every single global disease report from 1901ACE to 2001ACE. The (((existence of virii))) in so-called proofed medical literature has always been nothing more than speculative guesswork mixed with unhealthy propagandist """we saved DAH WURRRRLLLLDDD cuz our BACCINES cured all duh bad fings!""" shit. No one has ever proven a virus existed since the slummy introduction of ultrascopic 'things that exist which are inherently hostile to all life because I SAID they exist, and since I SAID they exist then they exist, and that's a fact!' No, instead, what we HAVE seen clear cut proof of are: bacterium, fungii, and native enzymes that are hostile to specific lifeforms whether mammalian, reptilian, avian, piscine, vertebrate, invertebrate, etc. etc. etc. Also what we've seen is a massive increase in the amount of toxic metals, heavy metals, heavy toxic metals, fluorides, organic/inorganic/synthetic/semisynthetic compounds & chemicals introduced via food chain AND (((medicines))).
This is a Catch-22 indoctrination system that is also the rebound: "but if you DON'T take the toxic stuff to CURE YOU, then you WON'T BE HEALTHY AGAIN!" Sheep never ask what causes them to be 'sick', they only beg for the 'cure'.
The list of the people that died from the 'covid vaccine' in only one week in America! European countries are not reporting as far as i know.
High resolution video:
COVID Nurse developed Bells palsy after taking the Pfizer mRNA injection.
Dr. Simone Gold on the Fraudulent Lancet study on Hydroxychloroquine, & Media Deception.
>653 Deaths + 12,044 Other Injuries Reported Following COVID Vaccine, Latest CDC Data Show>The numbers reflect the latest data available as of Feb. 4 from the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System website. Of the 653 reported deaths, 602 were from the U.S. The average age of those who died was 77, the youngest was 23.>victims keep piling up
>VIDEO: ‘Pandemic Superhero’ Named ‘COVID Man’ Attends Michigan House Oversight Committee, Mocks Them To Their Faces>"Hey, you've gotta get the flag," said COVID MAN to one attendee, turning around to expose his cape. "That's the important part, it's the China Virus!">A man wearing a yellow plastic jumpsuit, a plastic covered clothes basket over his head with “6 FEET” emblazoned across it, and a Chinese communist flag as a cape attended the Michigan House Oversight Committee responsible for determining the state’s policies surrounding COVID.>The man, a “Pandemic Superhero” named “COVID MAN” politely entered the seat of government on Friday, appearing to shock security, who apparently could not kick him out as he was wearing a mask and far more PPE than any other person in the room. The man calmly walked through security, has his temperature taken, and proceeded to raise eyebrows among the Michigan legislators.
The Governments New Plexiglass Prison System for Your Children.
>>301330>"You see, COVID MAN is the 'scientific' offspring that is derived from the sociological metamorphosis that occurs when constant bullshit is eventually returned to sender," they explain.Kek. The superhero we need.
The West's Obituary;DR:
They "released" a relatively safe corona virus, then give people vaccines that give people corona virus anti-bodies, but said vaccine also weakens the immune system against natural and bio-engineered corona viruses by producing the wrong anti-bodies, and their next plan is to release a real corona virus that will only kill those with the weakened anti-bodies produced by the vaccine but not those who were never infected or developed natural anti-bodies after being exposed to a prior corona virus infection.
>>301403>but said vaccine also weakens the immune system against natural and bio-engineered corona viruses by producing the wrong anti-bodiesThe scientists (the real ones, not the paid prostitutes) call it "cytokine storm", which is a auto-immune reaction to the body's own tissues, and it translates in a cascade of organ failure.
>>301403But if that happens the only ones who die will be those who take the vaccine or were forced to take it. Everyone who refused it will survive and the devout covidians will die.
Did they not think this through? Or do they plan to force the vaccine onto everyone?
>>301403>The West's Obituary> needs a screenshot.
>>301412>Or do they plan to force the vaccine onto everyone?Kinda, think that oppression is escalating, not fading.
It begun with the 14 days to flat the curve and now is zogbots kidnapping and beating citizens for not using a face diaper.
>>301410A clip.
>"Asymptomatic spreaders of the disease is a claim, that is being spread as a fact">Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, on asymptomatic transmission
>Virologist Sucharit Bhakdi: ‘Healthy People Aren’t Dangerous’ but the Vaccine IS (Video)>Prominent German virologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi is once again calling out the lies about the pandemic, highlighting several in a virtual address he gave to a massive anti-lockdown demonstration in Austria on January 31st. His main three messages are that healthy people do not spread the coronavirus, vaccines are “extremely dangerous” and even deadly, and there is no “savior” coming to stop arbitrary and unscientific lockdowns.>“Stand up against this insanity and end it,” he said.
>Government IS ‘Considering’ Vaccine Passports To Enter Pubs, Shops, Events>Globalist Blair continues to push for Rockefeller/Big Tech standardised vaccine passport>After months of denying there are any plans to introduce so called vaccine passports, the British government has now admitted that not only is it considering introducing them for travel, but also merely to gain access to events spaces, and even shops and pubs.>Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab told LBC radio that the government is considering a domestic scheme to allow greater freedoms to those who can prove they have been vaccinated.[YouTube] Vaccine passports to enter shops, pubs and restaurants 'under consideration’, says Dominic Raab
[Embed][YouTube] HUGE NEWS!
Mad Cow/Prion Alert
>mRNA Vaccines & Prions Disease (UK Column Report) [Embed]
>>301436You actually thin Pfizer gives a shit what it puts out. You should see how much they get per vile .All they have to do is send out hot women to give hand jobs to congressmen to get this stuff out there. It's profit. Enter the merchant and collecting that government tax money. Force the jab on someone and make them pay for it and call it income "taxes"
The David Knight Show.
>Pastor PROVES SCIENTIFICALLY There is “NO PANDEMIC”>Here’s what’s happened over the last 7 months in a “control group” defying Fauci rituals. But the LA Times is “double-blind” about the results of the study [Embed]
Fauci Predicted a Pandemic Under Trump in 2017.
>‘There will be a challenge to the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases.’
>Pfizer bails out of India after country demands safety testing for COVID vaccine>American’s Frontline Doctors are urging the Biden administration to take note of India’s decision to deny Pfizer’s application based on a lack of safety.
>>301499There is a term for this phenomenon, and it's Lysenkoism. I'm sure you'll be unsurprised to hear that it's the namesake of a Soviet scientist.
>>301500While I'm at it, the Soviets were no strangers to abusing the medical system for political gain.>There was systematic political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union, based on the interpretation of political opposition or dissent as a psychiatric problem. It was called "psychopathological mechanisms" of dissent.>During the leadership of General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev, psychiatry was used to disable and remove from society political opponents ("dissidents") who openly expressed beliefs that contradicted the official dogma. The term "philosophical intoxication", for instance, was widely applied to the mental disorders diagnosed when people disagreed with the country's Communist leaders and, by referring to the writings of the Founding Fathers of Marxism–Leninism—Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and Vladimir Lenin—made them the target of criticism.
I learned something.
Normie Gets Redpilled Under Lockdown. Baby steps.
>>301487>FauciDigging into another zog's homosexual operative.
>IT’S NOT WHAT YOU THINK: Fauci Used To Lurk Gay Bath Houses, Bars To Learn About AIDS Up Close>"Let me put myself in their shoes. If I were in their position, what would I be doing?" said Fauci.
>Holland.>"Far-Reaching Violation": Dutch Govt Ordered To Lift 'Illegitimate' Pandemic Curfew By Hague Court>A top court in The Hague issued a "shock" ruling that curbs the power of civic authorities to impose sweeping coronavirus-related curfews which should have significant reverberations legally for similar scenarios in other countries.>"The curfew must be lifted immediately," the court said in a statement, underscoring that the Dutch government is abusing its powers by violating freedom of movement and assembly in particular. The pandemic curfew must be reversed immediately, the government has been told, which comes after weeks of fierce protests by an angry population which seems to have rejected it in unison.
Based Australian man smacks microphone away from presstitute asking about lockdown while he barbecues. [Embed]
>WATCH: Woman Gets Late-Night Police Visit For Anti-Mask Facebook Posts>'I know what Communism is and we have been living in it for the past year'>Florida hair and makeup artist and mother of three Angelique Contreras received an intimidating late-night knock on the door from a law enforcement officer in Palm Beach County after she published anti-mask posts on Facebook. NATIONAL FILE has obtained video footage of this disturbing 10:30 PM encounter. Contreras verbally confirmed with the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office that it was a sheriff’s officer who made the house call. [Embed]Mirror: [Embed]
>Project Veritas>Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Takes ‘Anti-Vax’ Stance in Violation of His Own Platform's New Policy … ‘I Share Some Caution on this [Vaccine] Because We Just Don't Know the Long-Term Side Effects of Basically Modifying People's DNA and RNA’ at the Veritas' site for now, 75 MB.
>Ron Paul Institute>Truth Slips Out in Coronavirus Vaccine Deaths ‘Fact Check’?>The big money media that have been working for a year to stir up maximum fear of coronavirus have been taking the opposite tack regarding coronavirus vaccines. These experimental vaccines, which are not even vaccines under the normal understanding of what qualifies as a vaccine, rushed to the public without the regular testing, the big money media insists, are safe and should be taken by everyone.>Yet, even in this Pollyanna coverage of the experimental vaccines, occasionally the truth slips out.
>Biden COVID Expert: ‘Beyond Our Explanation’ Why Blue Lockdown States Have Same Numbers As Free Florida [Embed]
>Dutch court REINSTATES coronavirus curfew in break-neck reversal of earlier order to end ‘illegitimate’ policy
>FL vs CA — SCIENTIFIC PROOF Lockdowns Don’t Work!>70 MILLION people in a 1 YEAR epidemiological study prove lockdown made NO difference. And an 8 month epidemiological study in an 8,000 member LA church proves there is NO pandemic. [Embed]
Maskless Army triggers the cuck factory at Santa Cruz Trader Joe’s…
>This group of people showed up to a Trader Joes grocery store in Santa Cruz, California and they proceeded to cause some very much needed EPIC CHAOS!!! We need more of these type of events in the future and we need to BOYCOTT these businesses for treating people this way.[YouTube] THIS VIDEO MUST GO VIRAL
Business explodes for Florida supermarket owner who hates masks…
>Florida supermarket owner believes coronavirus pandemic is a hoax[YouTube] Florida supermarket owner believes coronavirus pandemic is a hoax
>"Mom, kids fined $18K, sent to quarantine site for presenting 2-hour-expired COVID test at border">The family finally reached the Pembina-Emerson border just after 4:00 p.m. They came prepared with their test results and a quarantine plan for when they returned to their home in Winnipeg. But by the time they reached the customs official, their COVID tests had already expired by 2 hours and 15 minutes.>‘I should’ve called the border to say we were going to be late,’ said the mother. ‘But never in a million years did I think the timelines would be so rigid.’>‘The border agents could’ve said the tests were expired and given me the option to turn around and get another test. But no, they kept us there over 3 hours and then handed each of us a $3,000 citation totaling $18,000.’
>The COVID-19 "vaccine" alters your genetic makeup>So you took the vaccine and didn't die. Wonderful news. I didn't take the vaccine and I didn't die either! Let's pick this back up in several years, when I'm still human... and God knows what you are.>The people say. "I've had my vaccine and I feel fine.">This is the uneducated and ignorant defence from anyone that has taken the vaccine and uses it as proof that the vaccine works. If that's your defence, then you haven't listened to a single word anyone has said, including science itself.>It's an mRNA vaccine. Innovative medicine. Completely untested. Unlike any other vaccine. In fact, it steps out of medicine and firmly into genetics. Let me explain.
>Research: Sweden's death toll among the lower in Europe>- There are myths circulating that Sweden would be among the worst affected by covid-19 in Europe. That was true to some extent at the end of the first wave in May, and it seems to be the image that has stuck to the retina of many. But now you see that Sweden is one of the more mildly affected countries in Europe, says Fredrik Charpentier Ljungqvist, historian at Stockholm University and author of the book "Corona - the pandemic of our time in a historical perspective".>- About two thirds of the countries in Europe have a significantly higher excess mortality rate than Sweden. But in the Nordic region, Sweden is still by far the highest. So far, I must say, because the situation in Denmark is now deteriorating at the beginning of the year, he adds.>Excess mortality is calculated by comparing how many have died during the year compared with the previous four years, and is one of the more accurate ways of examining how a society is affected by, for example, a pandemic.>According to Fredrik Charpentier Ljungqvist, it is a basic tool for analyzing the consequences of famine, plagues and other historical events.>- It is a robust measure, which makes it possible to compare different countries with similar demographics. Starting from the countries' own reporting of infection and death in covid-19 is basically meaningless, because testing and criteria vary so much. In addition, doing it week by week at the beginning of a pandemic is almost bland, as the situation changes dramatically the longer the infection lasts. We already know this from pandemics, says Fredrik Charpentier Ljungqvist.>The difference in the number of deaths during 2020 compared with an average for the years 2016–2019 in each country.>Liechtenstein: 20.8%>Spain: 18.9%>Poland: 18.7%>Slovenia: 18.5%>Italy: 17.4%>Belgium: 16.7%>Czech Republic: 16.6%>Bulgaria: 15.1%>UK: 15.1%>Switzerland: 13.0%>Malta: 12.6%>Lithuania: 12.3%>Netherlands: 11.6%>Romania 11.1 %>Austria: 11.1%>Portugal: 11.0%>Slovakia: 10.5%>Luxembourg: 10.4%>France: 10.4%>Cyprus: 9.2%>Croatia: 9.1%>Hungary: 8.1%>Sweden: 7.6%>Greece: 7.5%>Germany: 5.3%>Estonia: 3.1%>Finland: 2.7%>Iceland: 1.6%>Denmark: 1.6%>Latvia: 0.4%>Norway: -0.4%>Source: Fredrik Charpentier Ljungqvist, based on data from Eurostat, the University of Oxford and Statistics Sweden. (Swedish text) (Swedish text)
>"There's No Chip In The Vaccine" Brits Told During Prime-Time Ad>During a prime time broadcast that was syndicated across numerous major TV and radio networks in the UK, viewers were told, “There’s no chip or tracker in the vaccine.” [Embed]
Man Shows Why Double Masks Are Pure Nonsense!
Not to defend double masks since 1 surgeons mask is more than enough to stop anything spread by droplets, which is what masks are designed to stop the spread of, but what does he think would happen if 100% dry hot air was blasted into a cold humid area? does he think it wouldnt fog like that?
>>301961>4 to 14 monthsWith likely tens of thousands dead so far, nah. It was intended to be a QUICK population control method.
>>301973I think this is supposed to show that some of the air that you're breathing out will just escape through the sides of the mask because they are never completetly air tight. And this air will still contain droplets. I can see that masks are not literally completely useless because even I notice after I had to wear a mask for shopping that it is moistened inside.
However, this is usually where the debate begins. How much is the mask really worth and is it justified to force the whole population to wear them?
I don't think that it is and the goverment should leave the people alone.
And this is just considering the best case for mask wearing. Is it still worth when you put into the equation that people will wear a mask wrongly e.g. to the point where it is completly moistened and then could arguably pose a greater threat to other people and even to oneself.
>which is what masks are designed to stop the spread ofReally? I thought they are designed so that a surgeon for example wouldn't spit by accident into wound and things like that. Not to stop a virus that spreads via droplets.
>>301991Surgical masks are for preventing ANYTHING from surgeon's breath getting into the surgical area. However, what the idiots are missing is that a surgical mask is completely sterile, put on with sterile hands (washed thoroughly with special soap, then either washed again after putting it on by surgeon, or an assistant puts them on after surgeon washed hands once), and discarded immediately after use. Oh and worn in just as sterile surgery room.
Masks worn outside are both non-comparable and useless for that + other reasons. Unless EVERYONE wears a disposable mask properly (read: at least five masks, per day, per person, provided free of charge), they won't affect anything as the infection agent will just end up on the outside or the mask will get clogged and useless. An actual way to deal with an epidemic is isolation (e.g. compare to ebola, which didn't stop when doctors got there - it stopped when stupid niggers finally got into their dense heads to not assemble en-masse for any reason, including violating quarantine to visit their ill relatives in hospital, and to not do burial rituals that result in transmission), both specific quarantines and preventing people from moving through an area with confirmed outbreak - and you know very well that all governments have COMPLETELY failed at it.
Speaking about idiots and failure to isolate, have latinos all died out yet? Given that a year ago their typical response to covid lockdowns was "THROW A GIANT PARTY WITH HUNDREDS OF RELATIVES" (and SJW moron response was "iTsThEiRcUlTuReYoUaReNoTaLlOwEdToCrItIcIzEiT").
>>301990One year is quick.
>>301934Well gee, what a great way to confirm that there IS a chip or tracker in the vaccine! Good thing it won't survive extremely high-strength EM fields while humans absolutely will.
>>301992Yes, and for multiple openly sinister intertwined reasons:
#1: quoting directly from (((Operation Warp Speed))): "it [the vaccine] needs to be quick. We've got to get more production facilities up and running immediately. We've already seen [no citations or evidence given] dozens of
EBOLA-LIKE SYMPTOMS in mutations that we've been watching in other countries." This is a not-so-clever usage of doubletalk by not TECHNICALLY telling a lie but don't hide the entire truth so that the sheeple masses kneejerk.
#2: it's no surprise that only the biggest biolabs
all owned by half-kikes or das juden were the ones that profited off the fear mongering. What you might not have seen was massive amounts of 'pandemic assistance' to (((green companies))). While people are losing jobs, homes, and lives, all those shekels are going to !!decrease emissions and cut costs right now!!
#3: what else was on the profiteering table?
Farm land. Did you know that Bill Gates now owns the largest amount of all farm land in the US. He bought much of it at starvation level prices when most all of the tiny farmers were essentially wiped out OR forced to take LOANS from the big banks.. who just happen to be owned by his best friends in the Epstein League!
Now that they have the (((cure))), the (((hope))), where's the food? Oh, right, prices are still rising.
>>301992About masks themselves, most of the places I've worked had those hot as shit N95's for a lot of duties. Machining, grinding, welding, scraping, etc. fucking sucks when choking on shit for hours. Biggest problem, or so we thought, was the HSA (Health and Safety Agency) guys. Probably not for the reason most would be thinking: they'd see someone with a mask on for longer than 30 minutes and storm out there
shrieking to "get that fucking thing off!" Had to sit through dozens of lectures on bacterial, fungal, chemical, metal contamination, etc. etc. that gets built up in such a short amount of time. One day I got really pissed and bought a battery powered full head sealed mask. Took two of those rotten ass 9V box suckers in a mini-backack. They cleared it for me, each day, ONLY if I sterilized the internals and my entire head first right in front of them. They didn't show up one day I wound up finding out that juuuuuust may be a bad idea breathing in semitoxic white fungal spores. Was down for almost a fucking week coughing blood sometimes.
Biggest problem is that most masks aren't going to stop much. Bacterial vector studies usually do not take into account the eyes, which are open and exposed just as much, have FEWER defensive systems to clean shit out of them, and the first action someone takes when something falls in is to rub it. Even
if virii do exist, masks only solve a few problems.
>>301991>I thought they are designed so that a surgeon for example wouldn't spit by accident into wound and things like that.Its standard protocol to wear masks around newborns too. especially in the NICU. they also make parents wear masks around their own children if theyre sick in a hospital to prevent the parents getting sick in addition to the child getting additional sicknesses.
i've been wearing masks for years under circumstances like this so this really doesnt bother me, personally. i've been wearing 2, but not for the reasons people give. my under mask is comfortable against my beard/skin but isnt much of a mask, its just soft cloth. then i put a surgeons mask over it.
i also live in a nigger and rat infested city and wish it was socially acceptable to wear them all the time. niggers are disgusting and city dwellers dont even know how to cover their mouth. they also spit when they talk.
having their handlers on the blue team tell them to stand the fuck back and wear a mask has been like a godsend for white people like me that are still forced to be around them.
>And this air will still contain dropletsbut he doesnt show the air contains droplets. and it likely doesnt. as i said, even 100% dry air would show "steam" when it hits the cold air because the cold air has humidity.
his "steam" also dissipates after a few inches, while the protocols typically require people to be 6ft apart. the "look what the box says" argument is also retarded because by that logic q-tips arent capable of cleaning your ears.
i think the mask arguments are kind of dumb and just take away from the real heart of the argument; the fact that the virus everyone feared seems to be extinct or evolved into a harmless state, the vaccine is a croc of dystopian shit, and the testing for it is RNG. also the government doesnt want to do the obvious thing that would have actually protect their civilians; border control. they also want to keep schools open to continue their indoctrination camps active and cant keep up with their own lies. they want to look like theyre helping without actually helping.
but i guess normalfags are easier to convince about something much more abnormal, like the masks themselves which is superficially the most alien thing going on.
>>302032>Biggest problem is that most masks aren't going to stop much.Hence why for them to work, EVERYONE has to wear them. N95s or, more accurately, N99s (viruses are too small for N95 to filter out) plus, as you've pointed out, glasses protect yourself, surgical masks protect others, neither work without everyone wearing them.
Also, aren't N95s rated for 2 hours of wear?
>>302037>EVERYONE has to wear them.You mean every covidian cult member.
>>302039I mean literally everyone in a real-epidemic-affected area. Only cultists wearing it is useless for stopping actual diseases, and it's obviously pointless
or worse not during an epidemic.
>>302041>>302037If they're not effective they're not effective. You can't walk into a gas chamber and wear a stupid paper mask and expect to live. Either everyone walks around in bubbles or it's ineffective and herd immunity through infection would be better.
>>302041>I mean literally everyone in a real-epidemic-affected area.Dude, there is no epidemic whatsoever. It's a "Plandemic".
>>302041You should read previous Corona-chan threads, there's plenty of proof to form a fire squad for every politician, doctor, nurse, journalist, and military commander around.
>>302047>>302045Conspiracy theories are fun so don't take this seriously.
What if they needed more data on facial recognition for people wearing masks? Wouldn't turning the whole work into a giant data source be useful?
>International Alert Message about COVID-19. United Health Professionals>The lockdown « a global scientific fraud of unprecedented proportions » >We bring to the attention of our readers, this important international statement by health professionals, medical doctors and scientists, which has been sent to the governments of thirty countries>Below is the complete text which was sent to the governments.>Selected Highlights: >Stay home, save lives » was a pure lie.>Remove the following illegal, non-scientific and non-sanitary measures : lockdown, mandatory face masks for healthy subjects, social distancing of one or two meters.>The lockdown not only killed many people but also destroyed physical and mental health, economy, education and other aspects of life.>The natural history of the virus [the coronavirus] is not influenced by social measures [lockdown, face masks, closure of restaurants, curfew>When the state knows best and violates human rights, we are on a dangerous course.>Exclude your experts and advisers who have links or conflicts of interest with pharmaceutical companies :>Stop the vaccination campaigns and refuse the scam of the pseudo-health passport which is in reality a politico-commercial project
>>302045kind of. the canadian kike bioweapon that was shipped to china and unleashed is real and its dangerous, but compare symptoms people had in china and early deaths in cities compared to what it is now. night and day.
the most obvious example is we went from DRY PAINFUL COUGH with a long asymptomatic incubation period being the main identifiers. now they say wet productive cough with loss of smell, and no asymptomatic incubation period. doesnt sound like the same disease, does it?
but the tests we have are literally 50% accurate random results so we've found some new seasonal bug to call "covid" even though it shares none of the symptoms. but we correlated positive tests results with people that were sick because anyone "sick" were getting the coin flip covid test.
as someone who knows many dead people from it including family, coworkers, and family of coworkers, i dont think what they had is even around anymore, because what they had was suffering. yet people i talk to at my job that were recently quarantined for "covid" are just home with fever, chills, and a loss of smell.
the truth of the matter is we will never know if the real deal is still around because there isnt an ounce of honesty in the entire medical, news, or scientific community.
**and if you dont live in a major city, chances are the real covid never made it anywhere near you and wearing a mask is just retardation**
>>302050fun theory, but i've worked on security cameras in city's systems. shit such as shotspotter and all that. the cameras cant detect people because theyre shitty even if they upgraded the software to the stuff that can track people ,they dont because the hardware isnt up to spec for it to matter. it'd be like upgrading your 13" black and white tube tv to an 8k signal.
the idea of them being able to work accurately with masks is hilarious. we cant even get them to properly identify license plates. humans have to inspect them frame by frame and snap images and even then many times they cant tell the difference between many letters. they can even use other cameras to try to paint a better piece of the picture, but even then we have to manually pull hours of footage and manually sift through it. i work on the IT end, but i often work with police officers on hit and run cases trying to get what theyre looking for.
china and some other countries or smaller cities may have better cameras, but my experience is all on east coast burgerland.
>>302054>but compare symptoms people had in china and early deaths in cities compared to what it is nowKGB guy says the China epidemic was a show. The Chinese are working with the cabal because they already are designated to lead the world economy.
The international conspiracy is public, only a nigger can't recognize it.
>>302055china wants to overtake the kike cabal. What he's saying isnt mutually exclusive to what i was saying. The virus can be real and dangerous, but still used as a method of control and fear mongering, and it appears theyre still at it after the virus seems completely gone.
This is like when people think false flag shootings are all complete hoaxes, as if they wouldnt slaughter goyim or even other kikes to progress their agenda.
in china, italy, and new york city they all faced a huge sudden death spike. china did all they could to keep people seeing how bad it was, but chinese people leaked it through shit like tik tok.
this job was sloppy and i think it was released unintentionally early, and possibly not even hitting the target they planned. but i dont agree that they didnt release something harmful. i have no reason to believe they wouldnt harm people to scare others into cooperating.
>>302056>The virus can be real and dangerousEven if such a virus even exists, it has been widely demonstrated that is not much different than a seasonal flu.
>the virus seems completely gone>"spikes"Read this and previous threads, the test to declare an individual as "infected" is a complete fraud suitable for unlimited abuse by the (((authorities))). There wasn't a epidemic, but a fraudulent "casedemic" to fuel a terrorist campaign against the population.
>>302060nothing you said refutes anything i said or any point i made. most of what you said is just repeating what said earlier.
>>302054>but the tests we have are literally 50% accurate random results so we've found some new seasonal bug to call "covid"
>Canadian Doctor Blows Whistle on COVID Pandemic Hoax>Doctor who owns biomedical company that sells COVID tests asserts that the COVID pandemic is a hoax>The following is a transcript of a video of Dr. Roger Hodkinson speaking to some individuals in a private Zoom call in Edmonton back in November 2020. deleted the channel that uploaded the video.
You can watch the video: [Embed]Mirrors:
>Insider- Vaccines are Killing Old People>"While many residents became sick, several died, and several others were hospitalized, none tested positive for Covid and we were reassured by the management that it was simply a coincidence that all these people got severely ill after receiving the vaccine because and it had nothing to do with the vaccine itself."
>>302060In my experience it lasts longer than the seasonal flu. It reminds me a lot of chronic lyme disease which can do a bunch of weird shit not just make you ill like normal lyme does. Lyme was an escaped bio weapon. That's not even denied any more.
>>302081Covid tests aren't even close to accurate so they could have it and not show up or not have it and it shows up. Vaccines shouldn't be trusted but saying the tests are inaccurate and people are dying without it is dumb. Either trust the tests or don't. Mass censoring any questioning of the vaccines at all is really sketchy and having different ones with very different styles of vaccination is questionable too. Using the largest groups of whites as test subjects would fit in well with the current society. Whites become a minority in ten years instead of 20 or whatever the prediction is. Flatten all their businesses, kill all the older ones who can't decide how to live their lives and harshly punish any who speak out.
>>302085>but saying the tests are inaccurate and people are dying without it is dumb. Either trust the tests or don't.Enough.
Lurk moar, a lot moar and stop repeting zog propanda. It won't fly here.
The same inventor of the PCR test Dr. Kary Mullis said it, "The test is not suitable to detect any disease, leave alone a virus causing it".
>Must see - Was the COVID-19 PCR Test Meant to Detect a Virus - Kary Mullis - inventor of PCR testing [Embed]>PCR Test Inventor Explains Why its Not Relevant
>>302088This thread would be much better if you weren't in it shitting it up every time someone replies to it. Take your meds.
>If tests are accurate then you can't claim all these people died from covid>If tests are inaccurate we have no way to test if they died from covidPosting news articles which hinge on the quality of tests results next to articles which say tests don't work is stupid.
>>302094>Posting news articles which hinge on the quality of tests results next to articles which say tests don't work is stupid.Actually not. The issue is that you have a reading comprehension problem plus a luck of lurking to understand what's going on. First of all, the test is not up to the task, never was, never will be. Second, even if the test would work, the results are a fraud because the people doing the test can and actually do tamper the results at will for profit and political reasons.
Lurk moar.
>>302098Shitting up the thread more I see.
If the tests are unreliable they are unreliable no matter the political discourse about them. If A is true then C is true. If B is true then C isn't true. Either tests are fake and don't work or they're accurate and we can judge things on them.
>Covid-19 vaccine reaction 10/02/2021
>>302033>i think the mask arguments are kind of dumb and just take away from the real heart of the argument; the fact that the virus everyone feared seems to be extinct or evolved into a harmless state, the vaccine is a croc of dystopian shit, and the testing for it is RNG.I agree. I don't really care anymore about the discussion wether masks do or do not work. I don't think that they are as effective as portrayed by the media but I also don't think that they are completely useless.
At the latest after the BLM protests, I completely realized that this whole shit is overblown and that everyone just loses disproportionate amounts of liberties while obvious solutions are ignored.
>obvious thing that would have actually protect their civilians; border controlYeah, I escpecially remember how they debated in last spring how we still have accept refugees from the greek border. Total joke. That reminds me of the current British saying: "Pubs closed, borders open".
>wish it was socially acceptable to wear them all the timeThis is probably the only good thing from this whole clowns show. I think that at least here it will stay socially accepted to wear a mask.
>>302037Masks cannot stop a nonexistent scare-threat, end of fucking story.
>>302103but anon, look how unreliable these tests are. then take these statistics based on testing results at face value.
what's the problem with doing that? :^)
>>302130>only good thingwell let me brighten your day by reminding you of a few more positives. some of these only apply to cityfags.
people keep the fuck back away from me.
appointments dont overbook and even let me wait in my car and call me when ready.
stores are less crowded
roads are less crowded.
working from home is no longer a taboo.
businesses now bring shit to the curb and put it in my trunk so i dont have to walk in.
businesses all deliver or do curbside pickup, even my liquor store.
>>302095there are syringes with red plastic bases of the needles. not saying there arent fake public vaccines, but we've seen alot of that with much clearer footage. even fauci pointing to the wrong arm saying "its still sore" is more damning than that. i did a quick jewgle search and found these.
> The ZeroCovid Movement: Cult Dressed as Science>"They are maniacally focused upon theories and models, and uninterested in what works in practice. They have no conception of human liberty or dignity">This past year has given rise to some strange and novel methods of disease containment, including lockdowns and mask mandates. It is unsurprising that the natural next step in this progression has been the development of a movement known as “ZeroCovid.” Its growing influence is, perhaps, predictable given that for nearly a year we have been inundated by the views of so-called experts seeking to legitimize their myopic worldview that public health is determined solely by prevention of Covid-19.>Rather than acknowledge to a weary public that their approach has been a failure, they are doubling down and attempting to save their reputations by claiming that the problem is not that lockdowns do not work, but that they have not gone far enough.
My parents and sister got the jab along with half the people in my office. One of the guys in the office was in the hospital for covid for a while and then turned around and got the vaccine, which is just pants on head retarded. For any virus, contracting and subsequently recovering achieves the end-goal of vaccination so there is no fucking point in getting the vaccine.
And it's not even a "vaccine." It's a completely different type of treatment that is piggybacking on all of the pro-vaccine PR work from the past decade+.
I'm going to pray that it's not the globalist kill-switch since I can't un-jab them.
>>302164Just make sure they won't take more shots.
>>302164Oh you don't have to worry, it has
most likely a 20% or so lethality rate per 365 days! That would !!DRAMATICALLY!! reduce all the carbon emissions and meat eaters, wouldn't it?! That'd be greeeaaaaaat for population cuntrol.
>Covid-19 mRNA 'Vaccine' Is A 'Software' + mRNA Adverse Effects So Far (In The US)>The Covid-19 vaccine is not a vaccine, it's a 'software' or a 'platform.' We look at how many people in the US have had adverse effect so far from this experimental 'software app.' [Embed]Mirrors:
>>302174>psychotic maskaren devout covidians take the shot and die>every fucktard who thinks he's "saving grandma" by staying home and obeying the govt dies>all that remains is niggers/jews and anyone skeptical of the vaccinedid they think this through?
>>302182>all that remains is niggers/jews and anyone skeptical of the vaccineIt's a very possible scenario.
>Apr 18, 2020>A Manifesto for the free peoples of Earth>This video is produced by FromRome.Info, a personal apostolate of Br. Alexis Bugnolo [Embed]Then, 10 months ago, this priest from Rome, Italy, said it how it is.
It's a hoax and a plot to enslave us all.
>Top Canadian pathologist, Dr. Roger Hodkinson - Covid-19 is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated. [Embed]
>>302181Has anypony noticed that if your computer happens to become a part of a botnet, they blame the hacker, but when you catch a coronavirus suddenly it's your fault? This whole thing looks a bit different when you think about it in terms of infosec.
To lighten up the thread a bit, this is heavy shit.
[YouTube] Deltron 3030-Virus
>>302187>Deltron 3030-VirusPredictive programming?
Scripted reality?
>>302189I'd be more inclined to believe that the guy just made a lucky guess.
Time for all of Microsoft mRNA (tm) updates. It's like living in Winblows, guys. How do I install GNU/Linux instead?
The David Knight Show
>Chip in the Vaccine Creating a False Strawman to Discredit “Vaccine Hesitancy>Garnish the truth with an absurd lie to discredit the truthHe explains about the mRNA vaccine:
>"The DNA is like a computer, the hard disk storage; and the mRNA is the software" >"They talk about to reprogram your body in order to turn it into a vaccine producing machine">So the question is, did you test it today? Does it precise or does it make some other unintended changes?" [Embed]
>Doctors Suing CDC for COVID Fraud>1500 COVID positive PCR tests were actually 100% influenza A & B (apologies for the poor video quality)>"I say there's no covid-19, it's fictitious" [Embed]
>COVID Fatalities are Inflated by 1600% According Scientific Evidence – Despite What ‘Fact-Checkers’ Say>A peer-reviewed study contends the Centers for Disease Control violated federal law by inflating Coronavirus fatality numbers exponentially.>The fatality figures were inflated by at least 1,600%, according to the study, titled “COVID-19 Data Collection, Comorbidity & Federal Law: A Historical Retrospective.”>The study noted that on March 24, the CDC published an alert instructing medical examiners, coroners and physicians to deemphasize underlying causes of death, also known as pre-existing conditions or comorbidities.>Last month, top epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski asserted that, “Influenza has been renamed COVID-19 in large part.” According to the CDC, the cumulative positive influenza test rate from late September into the week of December 19th was just 0.2%, compared to 8.7% from a year before. According to Wittkowski, former Head of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design at Rockefeller University, this was because many flu infections are being incorrectly labeled as coronavirus cases. [Embed]
>UK>Health Authorities Announce Not a Single Case of Flu Detected This Year>Professor suggests keeping mask mandates in place during winter.
>>302163Moar info:
>Video: Man Flying Back Into Canada Refuses Airport COVID Test>Canadians who test positive forced to undergo quarantine in government facility.>After a new policy mandating Canadians take an airport COVID test to determine whether they will have to undergo quarantine at a government facility was introduced yesterday, a viral video clip shows a man refusing to take the test before being issued with a fine. [Embed] [Embed]
>Facebook posts provide evidence of link between COVID vaccinations and deaths>Facebook users have identified people who posted having a COVID-19 vaccination and then dying within hours.>The most recent Facebook post of 39-year-old Brittany Hall Perez of Atlanta on January 12, for example, shows her wearing a mask while holding up a vaccination card with the slogan, “SAVE LIVES. Say Yes to COVID-19 vaccine,” and framing her photo. An obituary for Brittany Hall Perez of Owens Cross Roads, Alabama on Tribute Archive announced the death of the mother of two young girls on January 13, but does not say how she died.>Other Facebook users have pointed to the latest post of Julie Schlachter Splattstoesser, a 50-year-old from Grand Island, Nebraska, whose Facebook page features the motto “The love of a family is life's greatest blessing” and shows her most recent post on December 31, 2020 with her husband and a heart-shaped logo saying, “I GOT MY COVID-19 VACCINE!” >An obituary in The Grand Island Independent states that Splattstoesser, the mother of five sons, died “unexpectedly” on December 31, 2020. She had been A Clinical Research Coordinator at CHI Health Cancer Treatment Center.
>>302163>>302243>Based Canadian Same based leaf spills the beans in interview.
Normie friendly and highly suitable for redpilling.
>Chris Sky challenges Canada's new travel restrictions[YouTube] Chris Sky challenges Canada's new travel restrictions
[Embed]Mirror: [Embed]
>>302302Who knows what he's trying to convey.
>>302303Look at the world around you fucking gypsy. Bankers and scam artists like you screwing the working man.
>>302304Wrong thread degenerate.
>Covid-19 accine victim nurse Kristi Simmonds speaks out. [Embed]
>Olivia. What happened to me after two doses of Moderna vaccine as part of the trial. [Embed]
>The Holocough - Flu disappears in Colorado
>Sara Stickles dies from brain aneurysm 5 days after second Pfizer mRNA shot. Another one murdered.>Just five days after the second dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, perfectly healthy 28-year-old health care worker and mother of a young boy, Sara Stickles had what appeared to be an aneurysm, and died several days later. Her family is now warning people about the vaccine. [Embed]
>31 Reasons Why I Won’t Take the Vaccine>The following list was created by the Israeli rabbi Chananya Weissman. shilling, just another (((voice))).
>China denies it made US diplomats take anal swab tests for Covid-19 despite Washington saying Beijing admitted testing ‘error’ > The Chinese Foreign Ministry has said it has no knowledge that US diplomats were being subjected to “undignified” anal probing in order to test for Covid-19 in China, refuting reports published by Vice on Wednesday.>“To my knowledge... China has never required US diplomatic staff stationed in China to conduct anal swab tests,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian told a daily press briefing on Thursday. >Zhao’s comments come after US news outlet Vice cited a US State Department spokesperson on Wednesday who said that Washington had protested directly to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs after hearing that American diplomatic staff had been subjected to anal swab testing.
>Germany>What’s a Little Bell’s Palsy Among Friends?>In the following video from Germany, a man who initially makes fun of anti-vaxxers subsequently suffers severe side effects after getting the AstraZeneca “vaccine” — actually an experimental medical treatment — for COVID-19.
>>302290>Mary Christine posted this link in today's babylon bee article>babylon beeisnt babylon bee like the onion? a 100% parody newspaper?
>>302399>isnt babylon bee like the onion? a 100% parody newspaper?Correct, nevertheless the CDC paper is 120% legit.
>>302164>>302165>>302174My family members are still fine, but my co-workers are calling in sick. My supervisor clocked out early today "because his lungs were really bothering him."
>>302400where did that pdf come from? is it on any CDC website or anything? i want to archive it as an official document.
>>302410>Fluoridated lazy nigger (or perhaps a wigger, or even an appliance thing), can't feed ITself.Your post is an 120% example why White nations are in trouble.
I posted a link, which has the document, which points as origin to the CDC' site.
>>302410>official documentActually the CDC is "NOT" a government entity it is a private corporation. FYI.
Think about it.
>>302413>an 120%>directly links to "the burning platform" blog instead of source>guys just visit my blog next time>calls me a niggeris "the burning platform" your personal blog or something? im not directly clicking a link like that. you should have archived the source and posted that to begin with.
step it up.
>>302415official as in, not fake/authorized from them. you dont need to be government to make an official statement or release an official document. mcdonalds can issue an official statement.
>>302417>im not directly clicking a link like that>newfagsJust use Tor.
Comically Truthful Electronic Corona-Con Billboard.
Sane People vs. the Covid Cult.
>>302418TOR was developed & owned by La Sia, FBI, MI5/6. You do not have privacy on TOR. Did you
believe that the name is short for "The Onion Router"? Guess what goy, you've been had: TOR is a shortname for "The Oligarch Restricter". TOR was created to serve ONE purpose: transferring (((classified information))) on an (((encrypted platform the useful goyim would NEVER use))).
tl;dr: do not be a cuck.
>>302418the idea is to not link random places to this board.
the idea is to not give people attention or ad revenue.
tor doesnt prevent either of those.
>>302426Mlpol's software breaks the links for you. Your magnanimity is noted, but that's been covered already.
>>302427i didnt know that, thats neat. but i just copy/paste out of habit. im pretty sure my browser scrubs referrers as well. but i still think archives should be used because it disincentivizes people from shilling their own blogs and using boards to drive trafic to them. especially when they just act as an aggregate instead of a source like the link above.
>>302432>i still think archives should be used because it disincentivizes people from shilling their own blogs and using boards to drive trafic to themBe assured this is not the case, read the whole bread, there's enough variety to disprove that.
>aggregated instead of a sourceThe aggregator style gives context to the source, in case you didn't notice it. Also allows to check a myriad of different sources with hidden content by following secondary links.
Lurk moar.
>>302433none of your arguments are valid.
the existence of other links doesnt disprove shilling.
news aggregates are not necessary when you can post the context and link the source.
>Also allows to check a myriad of different sources with hidden content by following secondary, introduces me to news aggregates and blogs and lets me browse their site? incentivizing posting here for the purpose of driving traffic? and this excuses not posting the actual source or even an archive of the aggregate? and expecting others to go to a blog to find it? and not thinking thats ok means i should lurk more?
u retarded m8? did you forget this isnt reddit?
>>302460Two choices for (you) shill.
1 - Post your research either debunking or supporting claims.
2 - GTFO
>Merkel: EU Leaders ‘Have All Agreed That We Need Vaccine Passports’>Commission President urges EU wide implementation now, warning that sooner or later Google and Apple will get involved.>Bloomberg reports that Merkel added “In the future, it will certainly be good to have such a certificate but that will not mean that only those who have such a passport will be able to travel; about that, no political decisions have been made yet.”>The German leader also stated “This will make travelling within the EU possible and could pave the way for further travel from third countries into the EU,” suggesting that it will take three months to implement a vaccine passport system.
>>302484Lets hope Poland says fuck you to Merkel and kill this before it becomes policy.
>>302480what am i shilling? the fact that you should not be linking to your stupid blog? fuck off pajeet.
>>302489>your stupid blogI was the anon posting that link at
>>302413I believe you may be confused because of a faulty text comprehension, desu. I don't own any blog, I just link the article containing the CDC pdf.
The fact you are making a storm in a teapot for a trivial matter because you are butthurt, speaks volumes.
What about if you instead begin to post your research like all anons?
>>302488I doubt it. Merkel is a pawn, Poland is posturing independent policy to blackmail Brussels in exchange of more sheckels while pretending to be nationalist, which is mostly in form, not substance. You can't be nationalist and be in dealings with (((globalists))).
In the end, it's the UN and Davos call. Nations are hostages of their false governments.
>>302164>For any virus, contracting and subsequently recovering achieves the end-goal of vaccinationOne of the defining characteristics of any coronavirus strain is that they can reinfect people who have already had them because of the way they confuse the body's immune system.
>>302495Just post the archive instead next time and stop being a nigger.
>"A New World Altogether" - Global Airlines Set To "Go Live In March" With COVID 'Passports' >Imagine a world where the ability to travel on a commercial airliner depends on passing a COVID-19 test or taking a vaccine. If a traveler tests positive or did not receive or refused to take the vaccine, they would be locked out of air travel. >This dystopic future could be the 'new normal' in a matter of weeks. All along, maybe the "conspiracy theorists" who warned of an overreaching system of control by the government were right.
>Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi “I think...Auto-Immune Disease can be Triggered by these Gene-Based Vaccines” [Embed]He explains how the covid-19 shots will generate auto-immune diseases, potentially deadly.
Short sample clip attached.
>UN cretin leader calls for concentrating "all capacities, all resources” to “vaccinate everybody, everywhere”[YouTube] UN secretary general: ‘We need a global vaccination plan’
>>302553Anyone who thinks SARS-cov-2 is a serious threat should have be calling for this. Global vaccination with quarantined zones.
That for so long this hasn't been mentioned speaks of either dishonesty or incompetence.
>>302536This'll backfire on them.
More than half the global pop. doesn't want these vaccines.
They'll never restart their "crippled" airlines, Lol.
>>302564You seriously underestimate how obedient and/or demoralised the normies are. I predict that the absolute majority will take the jab when they hear that they can then have a """normal""" life again.
>>302568>You seriously underestimate how obedient and/or demoralised the normies are>normiesGet lost Niggerpill!You have riots breaking out across Europe in defiance of the mask mandates, cities and counties across the world telling the various governments to fuck off and that they're ending the lockdowns next month despite what the country government declares,
AND only a fraction of the people are taking the vaccine in comparison to the "high compliance" of the mask requests.
>>302163I'm glad you posted the mirrors. I can watch the embeded bitchute link, but when I opened the URL, this is what I saw.
I live in Southern Ontario, BTW.
First thing I'm going to do after this post is make sure I download that bitchute link with Youtube-DL.
>>302589Could not download the video from the bitchute link. At least the Odysee link worked. Looks like BitChute is more compromised than I thought.
>>302590>Looks like BitChute is more compromised than I thought.They've been getting worse at a pretty sharp angle since right before the year started. Guess it's time to start relying on mirrors more and more.
>>302592Shameful, a nigger with power among Whites.
Secession when?
>VIDEO: Alex Jones Predicted COVID-19 Lockdowns In 2010>Alex Jones predicted that a virus would be used as an excuse for economically devastating lockdowns in a 2010 episode of his radio program.>“I’ve had chills since last night. This just confirms everything else we’ve already researched,” said Jones on the radio in 2020. “A Rockefeller study envisions future dictatorship controlled by elite, millions being killed, quarantines, checkpoints, the end of the family, everything that’s in the other documents, but this dovetails with all the other Rockefeller documents.”
>David Icke>Statement by Dr Kaufman, Dr Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell: ‘The virus does not exist [Embed]
>>302568on the contrary.
my blue pilled dentist is said he will not take the jab.
>>302629Did you mean (((Aleksandr Yones))), that 56% jewmutt 'water filter salesman' whom has paid millions of shekels to hide his familial origins?
>>302589>I'm glad you posted the mirrors.Yeah. I knew there might be government tampering.
>The Fake Covid “Pandemic” Is the Excuse for Concentration Camps for Dissenters from the Establishment’s Narratives>One of the most concerning aspects of the Covid orchestration, apart from mandatory vaccines, lockdowns, and destruction of civil liberties, is the construction of camps for those who dispute and disobey the Covid mandates.>The mainstream media is reporting on the camps in a positive light and ensures us that they are not really concentration camps [1]. For example, it has been widely reported in Europe that camps are being set up in several German states. Officially, they will be used to forcibly accommodate “repeated quarantine dodgers” and house “Covid dissidents” [2, 3]. Facilities exist or are underway in Baden-Württemberg, Schleswig-Holstein, and Brandenburg. In the state of Saxony “a shelter” is being built for housing Covid rule breakers; however, they will also have the opportunity to use “a locked hospital or other suitable accommodation” [2].>The war on free speech is ongoing and will not end soon. It is not far-fetched to imagine a scenario in which leading government skeptics are officially found to be “likely infected with an infectious disease” and transported to a camp. Thus far, we have had massive “tech-purges” that deprived people of their platform and income. The second step could be a Stalinist purge, which would be preceded by a heavy campaign of propaganda, turning the people against each other, thus minimizing resistance to the end-goal. During Joseph Stalin’s reign of terror, secret police arrested and transported political prisoners, intellectuals, government critics, and many others into camps where they would be tortured, murdered, or worked to death. Like governments today, Stalin’s agenda was not inhibited by facts and truth.
>Trump's Taking Credit For CV Vaccine May Come Back to Haunt Him>Former President Donald Trump at CPAC 2021 on Sunday night went all-in on taking credit for the coronavirus vaccine rushed out at "warp speed" and admitted to pressuring the FDA to approve it, despite potential risks. >Trump just went on record admitting to pressuring the FDA to approve the rushed Pfizer mRNA vaccine. Trump's chief of staff, Mark Meadows, reportedly told FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn on Dec 11 to approve Pfizer's vaccine by the end of the day or be fired.>Hahn immediately caved.[YouTube] Biden implemented the COVID plan Trump administration 'put in place'
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>Haley Link Brinkmeyer: 28-year-old physical therapist dead two days after mRNA shot>EVANSVILLE, INDIANA — Mrs. Haley Link Brinkmeyer received her Ph.D from the University of Evansville in 2018. She married her high school sweetheart, Evan, right around the same time. Haley is now dead because mainstream and social media convinced her that experimental mRNA shots are safe and necessary for the common good.>Mrs. Brinkmeyer received an mRNA shot on or around Tuesday, January 19. It is unclear whether it was the Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna shot. She died two days later, according to her mother, Shauna O’Neill Link. Mrs. Brinkmeyer’s sudden death shocked everyone in her family, and left her young husband with a void that is unlikely to ever be filled. A heartbroken Shauna did not mince words about her daughter’s death.
>>302589Hi leaf anon.
There's another video of the based leaf.
>The COVID Fraud Will Not Stay Hidden Forever >The medical profession has really bought into COVID because of the simple fact that they got paid bonuses if the person had COVID. They were claiming that COVID was impacting minorities more, but failed to mention that if you did not have insurance and said you had COVID, the government paid 100% of all the medical expenses. They bribed medical professionals to turn COVID into a national crisis, and even with all of the hype the death toll is only 0.028%.
>Welcome to Snitch Nation: From kids to parents, it’s a race to rat out your (former) loved ones before they get you first > In the grand tradition of divide and conquer, the ruling class has set in motion a fool-proof way to keep us from uniting against the Great Reset and attendant restrictions on human freedoms – dupe us into snitching on each other!>In order to achieve the proper level of blanket obedience, it’s important that ordinary people trust the government unquestioningly – and fear and hate those who don’t. This is best accomplished by discrediting and distancing the target population from all non-approved information sources, whether that’s Grandma down in Florida or their favorite alt-media YouTube channel. The target must be informed in no uncertain terms that they’re in the midst of an ‘infodemic’ – a deadly (if invisible and intangible) swarm of ideas that must be resisted at all costs by keeping one’s eyes and ears firmly fixed on the news networks, lest one fail to keep up with the ever-shifting New Normal. [Embed]
>Another Woman’s Brain Lining Punctured While Being Nasal Swabbed for COVID >Last fall a woman’s brain lining was punctured during a COVID nasal swab test. The injury caused brain fluid to drip down one of her nostrils.>In December, it was reported that saliva tests for COVID are as accurate as nasal swabs. Nevertheless, nasal swabs are still being used for testing and another woman’s brain lining was penetrated in the process. This caused fluid to drip down her nose too.[YouTube] Coronavirus nasal swab test causes brain fluid leak in US patient
Wake up. Covid vax is a bioweapon.
Texas ending mask mandate on March 10:
Texas Governor Greg Abbott Ends Mask Mandate And Businesses Open 100 Percent. [Embed]
> London Police Says COVID Rules No Longer “Policeable” as Huge Crowds Turn Out for the Sun in Defiance of Government>Polls and ideology are one thing. Reality another
>RED ALERT: Pfizer demands Argentina post its bank reserves, military bases and embassy properties as “collateral” to guarantee Pfizer’s indemnification for the poison jab>Oh, you KNOW that the media in the post-Christian west will NEVER breathe a word of this. This is why we have to get the reportage from India. This news outlet is totally legit in Southern Asia. Guys, this is the textbook definition of FASCIST COLONIZATION. This is a “private” corporation in partnership with a fascist state (the former US) attempting to take literal ownership of a sovereign nation. Ask the Indians about this. They know ALL about it. India was RULED for over 100 years by a private British corporation – the East India Company. Oh yes. The Indians know EXACTLY what’s up here.
Dr. Scott Jensen
We need an audit of covid-19 death certificates.
>>302928>>302929>>302960Mississippi following suit.
>JUST IN - Gov. Reeves lifts all mask mandates in #Mississippi and businesses can begin to operate at full capacity without any state-imposed restrictions. [Embed]
>Leftists Vow to Continue Wearing Masks Despite Gov. Greg Abbott Ending Statewide Mandate>“You should still be wearing masks until NOBODY needs them any more.”
>GOING VIRAL IN AFRICA: Zambian Leader Dr. Mumba Refuses COVID Drugs After Discovering Bottles Marked “not for use in the EU or USA.”>The video includes several clips of Europeans speaking on eugenics of the African population.>The video ends with Zambian political leader Dr. Nevers Mumba discussing the COVID drugs.>Mumba and his colleagues noticed the vials sent to his country are labeled “not for use in the EU or USA.”>They are sending Africa the substandard drugs — and they even labeled it!>The bottles show the COVID drug Remdesivir.
>Abandon ship! Governors scramble to end lockdowns, mask mandates>16 states are now following the science.>It took an entire year, but lockdowns and mask mandates are officially incredibly unpopular with half of the country, to the point that governors are rapidly making sweeping changes to their year-long COVID-19 policies.>The centrally planned solutions to COVID-19 have failed spectacularly, and the American people have taken notice of this reality. Hundreds of millions have now been through a full year of government-imposed tyranny on both a federal and state level. Whether it was a travel ban, an endless series of lockdowns, mask mandates, countless emergency orders, business closures, and the like, not a single top-down order from the federal or state level did anything productive for the wellbeing of Americans. >None of it worked. All of it served as a net negative. The people have noticed.>Now that their constituents have had enough, politicians on the Right are fast departing from the COVID tyranny, and attempting to secure what is left of their political aspirations. [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
Saw this today
>The link to migrants and the rapid covid spread is not factual.
>5 ways they’re trying to trick you into taking the Covid “vaccine” >The increasingly desperate ploys are all in play, and if you’re not paying attention you might just fall for them>The vaccine rollout is in full flow now, the daily tickers have had “people vaccinated” added to their red counters, and the improbably large number grows more improbably large every day.>The sale of the century is very much on. The powers that be want every single person to be vaccinated, and they’re pulling out all the stops to make sure it happens.>Here are the five main ways the establishment is trying to manufacture your consent.>1. Bribery>It’s being reported that everyone getting vaccinated is the only way to get “back to normal”.>2. Celebrity Endorsements>One of the oldest and most widely used marketing gimmicks. Partly because it works, but mostly because it’s cheap and easy: Simply find a bunch of tools and put them to work.>3. Forced “scarcity”>For weeks now we’ve been seeing headlines about “dwindling stock” of vaccines. How people in Europe are desperate for doses or some states are being prioritised over others. It goes on and on and on.>Everyone who has ever been inside a store knows this trick. “While stocks last”, “limited time offer”, or a thousand other variants designed to create the idea that if you don’t acquire product X right now, you will miss your chance.>4. Fake “popularity”>You can’t underestimate the idea of peer pressure when it comes to marketing, one of the oldest tricks in the book is culturing popularity through the idea that popularity already exists. It’s why people buy likes and views on youtube and concerts have seat fillers.>5. “Resistance is useless”>This is an interesting one. There’s been a lot of talk about Vaccine Passports recently, and perhaps they will become a thing, but the vast majority of the public discourse is spreading the idea they are “inevitable”. is an excerpt. The page is too long to post.
>Doctor Mocks Anti-Vaxxers While Getting Experimental COVID Jab – Dies Days Later (Video)>It’s sad to say, but some people just have to learn the hard way. A polish doctor died just days after taking the experimental COVID injection. The cause of death, we are told, was heart failure. However, what’s most ironic is that he recorded a video of his injection while mocking anti-vaxxers.
>CONSENSUS CRACK: Democrat Dominated Connecticut Ends All COVID Lockdown Restrictions Effective March 19>Connecticut, completely dominated by Democrats, is ending its COVID-19 lockdown.>After Joe Biden described Texas’s decision to end its mask mandate and COVID-19 lockdown restrictions as “neanderthal thinking,” Connecticut becomes the first Democrat-dominated state to, at least partially follow suit. As of March 19, Connecticut will end all COVID-19 restrictions on restaurants, retail establishments, libraries, churches, and other public areas. However, the repeal of the state’s COVID-19 restrictions does not appear to include a repeal of the state’s mask mandate. [Embed]
>Texas Governor Hailed As Conservative Hero For Ending Unconstitutional Mandates He Implemented>(satire???)
Apparently a retirement home that was the first to get vaccinated back in december hot and exposure of covid cases.
kek, im sure it as nothing to do with the vaccine.
>>303160""got and explosion""
Crazy covidian believer at Costco
>"6 feet!"
>loosing the information war.
>civil disobedience
>British bots propose to quit attacking citizens when outdoors as they estimate their chances "unmanageable".
>Dr. Amandha Vollmer>Full blown medical kidnapping. Stay out of cult run hospitals! [Embed]
>>303192this video is an anomaly. its the guy with the camera being a dick. the person may be crazy but they obviously just want to be left alone.
save that dickhead energy for the people that go around confronting others and start getting aggressive if theyre not wearing masks/socially distancing. those people deserve bullying for the obvious contradiction in their behavior.
ocd/germophobes existed long before covid and theres no reason to bully them if theyre keeping to themselves, which that lady was even after the guy runs up to her with a camera and asks her if shes serious. and even then her only response was to tell him to keep back from her, which is something anyone except a sub human would respect since personal space isnt an abstract concept to subhumans..
>>303244meant to say personal space is an abstract concept to sub humans.
>Idaho Holds State-Wide Mask Burning Event in Protest of Extreme COVID-19 Lockdown Measures — Hundreds of Similar Events Being Planned Across the Country>Residents all over Idaho held mask burning events in protest of the tyrannical COVID-19 measures which has seen countless businesses and lives ruined all over the country. An organization using the hashtag #FreeIdaho has called for other states to hold their own mask burning events to protest government overreach. [Embed] [Embed]Video: funny thing is, in vaccines, generally it's the adjuvants that causes illnesses, handicap, neurodegeneracy which are to be pointed on.
According to this data about the moderna's composition, and they better be accurate and credible, it does not use any adjuvants, no salts, nothing. I'd almost take it.
Instead, it's the payload. The mRNA is not a vaccine, it is, again; a mutagen that patches the DNA directly, that's smart but how can we be certain it will not result in a cancer anytime. That's still not certain, because if it works, it means we won't need vaccines with adjuvants anymore, mRNA will be the future of medecine if proven safe.
So far, many who have received the Pfizer/Biontech's Moderna suffered of side-effects. With even victims, so how can someone, with a critical thinking explain to us how, basically a shot of lipids+sugar in saline water can cause death?
>>303340Because the mRNA is being used to create viral connection objects to fool the immune system to fight against the actual virus, which then can over react and attack the actual body's cells which are producing these artificial connectors. The body is rejecting itself in some cases.
>>303340It is often said on /cvg/ that mRNA vaccines are more like experimental gene therapies. This makes sense when you realize the mRNA is a set of instructions (like code) that tells cellular machinery how to make proteins. The mRNA in the vaccines are sequenced (coded) and delivered in such a way that
your own body produces the spike proteins (by design) but not the rest of the SARS-CoV-2 virus protein bodies. These spikes float around and trigger the immune response which is supposed to carry over to the actual virus. This is why side effects are more common than not, there really is rogue RNA (aka virus) going around, it just doesn't replicate well on its own without the RNA sequence to make the rest of the virus.
It sounds pretty clever but the added step of having your body make the pathogen itself compared to traditional vaccines which just deliver the inactive pathogen directly makes me hesitant. Just another step where things can go wrong. RNA recombination anyone?
>WARNING!! >Covid-19 vaccine - Is it safe? You decide. [Embed]
>Dr. Sam Bailey>Has covid-19 been isolated? Wake up! There is no deadly virus. [Embed]
New bread:
>>303385 →New bread:
>>303385 →New bread:
>>303385 →