To start a loving family, to provide my children with a quality of life equivalent or superior to what I grew up with, to retire without worries, and to leave enough behind for the future of my offspring to be secure.
That's what I want.
I have a decent job, just bought a home in a nice neighborhood. I think that I can financially make it work. I still need to work on the finding my soul mate bit.
To find the seven dragon balls and wish for immortality!
>>285928I'm a Christian, so I simply want to do the will of God. That's not to say that I'm good at it, or that I always do it, but that's the main priority that trumps all others. Don't consider this category of things to be very narrow though. I think this actually involves very many things.
I also want a wife, and to be a father of many children. I have a ton of things I want to teach, as I've learned many things. I'm not even merely talking about politics here, just everything. Things I can teach about life, people, skills, communication, health, everything. I'm an INTJ. Optimizing things is what I do, and that involves a lot of learning.
I also don't want to be hurting for money. I don't need a lot, just enough to be able to do experiments and eat healthy.
Good food is important, but there are also certain technologies I've learned about that should help health-wise that I would love to have.
Money has been a problem for me for too long. I just want to make it not a problem anymore. Preferably, I would own land too. Very important for a family to have.
Got to say it's quite heart warming to see others Christians talking about wanting to raise a family and be good for God, them, and the community as a whole.
Too used to everywhere including /mlp/ where everyone (mostly only whites) moaning about how terrible humanity is and how they don't want to bring more of those monsters into the world or how the world is fucked so they don't want kids so they can party and indulge in petty pleasures.
I'd say my dream but it's the same as most here. Just want a family I can work to support and help nurture. My dad wasn't the worst but he was far from good so want to do better then him and help any kids I have learn to love the world as well(and hopefully MLP!)
>>285928Who is that chick? Adorable wiggle
Anyway, my dream is to live a good life. Have a good job with proper titles, learn about our history in different cultures as humans, become more stronger to protect those I hold dear, have a loving family in a precious home where I can rest my head in peace, to finally leave a good legacy about why humanity should strive to become better and wiser so one day they reach beyond the stars and moons
Also, enjoy as much porn as I want. They will find two drives: one with all my learnings through my pass in this world, and another filled from wholesome to very questionable porn >>285928Why, the wholesale extermination of the jewish race of course! That's what you want to hear, right Mr FBI?
to destroy the satanic globalists
>>285942Why wish to live for an eternity in this hellhole when you could escape into Equestria?
to get banned every week from /pol/ by creating a glut of Pony threads just as something else is going on on the board.
>>286005It was anon. I'm on a 2 day ban. I'll return when the ban expires. I can normally get 5 threads up and running before Jannies get there.
>>285928To try and delude myself into thinking that Equestria is real, and that I can go to it through practicing spirituality, meditation, tuppermancy, astral projection, etc.
Other than that I don't have any other live goals except to simply get by until I do.
Well may as well throw a wrench in.
>>286325Basically this post, but also utilizing magic to take down evil forces on multiple levels. Boosting the potential for greatness to grow ever stronger.
Also fun posting, and other mundane stuff like 'socializing' on online areas.
>>285935Soul mates don't exist and if you chase one you will end up in alimony prison for life. Find a woman you can have kids with and raise them to your standards. Your primary focus should be on her being able to be a good mother and living with the same ideals you do. You may not love her, but you will have a happy family.
Marriage is a contract to have children and raise them together. It's not a Disney movie.
>GoalsI want to become an author. My health is fucked so I can't do a lot and think that's something I can achieve, had an article published recently so that's step 1.
>>286001where did you save that pic from?