Alright first things first. Not being shot at is amazing.100% chance of being perfectly healthy.
If they don't know where the fuck you are they probably can't hit you.
Liquid bandaid, and super glue to ensure you live long enough to get some pepper help if need be. Keeping the inside goop inside is great. Also infection is a bitch.
If you can get armor that's probably for the best. Deflection and redirecting force is going to be the aim of the game. Taking all that energy is going to burst the soft squishy insides. (Buck shot to the chest is still going to burst your lungs. Even if nothing gets in.)
For actual fire protection starlight. Aka homemade carbon foam. (Also keep the trust melee emergency item: A fire extinguisher.)
Here's some other options, with varying degrees of effectiveness.
Unhardened steel horse stall mat and flex seal
Steel, horse rubber
One comment suggested thin layers of soft and hard steel which could improve performance.
Fiberglass ballistic resistance. A product on the market. I would suggest not having that alone. The propagation of force is a bitch.
Paul Harrell. Covert bookbag demonstration.
House hold objects that would provide for good cover. (Books and paper is pretty sweet, also due to circumstances a monitor can sometimes survive a 9mm shot and absorb it)
Locktight construction adhesive, cloth, and a tile.
Mythbuster armor. (Don't do this). Make sure tile is at the face so it can suck more energy and transfer it into kinetic energy of shards of tile. (Also pools and large bodies of water can stop bullets.)
Cheap. Ceramic tile, caulk, and wood. Also duct tape.
Lastly use the environment to your advantage. And be aware if they cause damage to your cleaning supplies or paint supplies. That could be very very bad.
Running away to live another day (tactical maneuvering to a superior location) is a good option if available.