Ladies and Gentlemen, and non of that bullshit in between what you lack, and have lacked. is the red pill.
The first pill is the effect. You must swallow this pill to make the others more palatable, after all just because your medicine is good for you doesn't mean you'll want to take it.
You see it happen every day. You know it to be true. Your "Politics" has failed you, as as such has been hijacked by greedy monsters who wish nothing more than to take you for a ride.
Yes that includes your precious Democrats who will offer you anyone's blood in order to secure the vote.
Yes that includes your precious Republicans, who will kill as many people as it takes to get a vote.
Yes that even includes Donald Trump.
Do not be taken in by their lies. He is not a savior, as the last 4 years have shows he is a hypocrit and a liar.
A Liar and a child molestor running against a Liar and a child molestor.
How did it come to this? how did it come to the idea that voting for one or the other would result in a similar outcome. Will you be the one strung up next? will your neighbor?
You are those who took a small peninsula with minimal resources and made it the most powerful, the most influential, place in the world. Indeed to this day if anyone wants to compare their success they compare it to yours, "developing" is the country which cannot do what you do. "Third world" is the country without medicine. "backwards" is the people who cannot learn to take care of themselves. All basic things that Europeans have mastered slowly over the years.
And you have bought the jewish lies that turn you against these truths. You have bought all of their lies. Yes even you who now nods saying "no no I haven't been brainwashed, I'm a capitalist!"
You think the jews only told one lie?
1984 lays out fairly well how the lies of the wicked work.
A fool tells the truth
A wise man knows when to lie
A king always lies to his people
God lies to all
And these wicked men, who disseminate a plan to fool all, why they have taken you for a ride. You fight the communists, insisting that it is communism which is evil and capitalism which is good. Communism which the jews invented for their own benefit, while failing to notice that the capital (meaning control) which binds you into nearly a lifetime of work, with no guarantee of reward at the end, is your true salvation? and you believe that?
The jews run the banks
the jews invent the money
the jews control all
they have historically controlled both sides and I will prove it in this very thread. I will prove that they will orchestrate, fund, and deploy wars. Setup figureheads, and even rewrite history just to secure a foothold, to secure dominance.
they will make you work yourself to death for a pittance while under contract that you cannot complain. They will make you work past your time, unable to see your family and then you must thank them for the few meager coin they grant you.
To be a capitalist is to control the very means of production which generate the wealth of a nation and hold it's value for yourself. To hold onto the wealth and the spoils and the profits so that YOU and you alone make the money, and pay out only the minimum you are allowed. This is why the corporate overlords give you a nothing for every day you work. Ask yourself really, truly, "What can I buy with this day which I have given to my capitalist overlords?"
The answer for nearly 90% of the population is nothing of true value.
If you say then that you should get a better job and go to school! well then check on those schools who's cost has risen a thousand times, but who's value has only increased by a fraction of that.
To be a communist is to control the same means of production, but you forget yourself, how can you insist that a government is corrupt because people are corrupt and then insist that you must take full control and turn it over to the people? Will there be a direct democracy then? And at what point will the provisional government give way to the Dictatorship of the proletariat? A governing body composed of the heads of "soviets" or The commissars, or to put it in a more understandable term for english speakers. Union leaders.
A congress of union leaders are to determine the fate of all, it sounds lovely doesn't it? ensuring that we all have everything we need whether we can work for it or not. However tell me, how exactly is this suppose to happen without fail? there will always be resistance, and that resistance cannot be tolerated, thus we have purges, in every attempt at communism we have the same thing happen, they purge, they Murder, anyone who disagrees, even in passing.
How then can you justify this over a country where the police occasionally murder people and get away with it?
Communism has never been tried. This is false. Communism has never been ENACTED. This is true. Communism is a very specific type of government which cannot work for the simple fact that it requires a pivotal moment where a tiny group, a very small minority is in complete control. and the odds that a JEW will take power and overthrow everything which could have been great is unfortunately nearly 100%
A jew you say? yes. A jew, every time it is a jew. "Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘/pol/ was right again'
Capitalism has never been tried! This is false, but it has not been enacted.
Capitalism is also a very specific type of government, or lack thereof, wherein people are able to exchange labor for goods and services via a medium of exchange. However this too breaks down quickly via one of two routes, either the government interferes too much, disestablishing the currency, and even turning it into some fiat currency who's only value is in the very taxation of itself. Or, by underegulating it. such that capitalists can build ever larger monopolies, employing labor at prices which are slave wages, housing workers in on site facilities and taking it out of their pay, even using force to break up a strike.
>>280820 (OP)How about you stop being a faggot, lurk moar, and cease being a shill.
Appreciate some pony pussy you absolute degenerate.
>>280820A whole lot of complaining about "muh both sides are ebil!" and no solutions. OP is gay
Most of us know that the two party system is a farce. Post something constructive or leave.
>>280826This isn't a shill. This is a retard. Don't over use the word shill or when we see actual shills it won't mean anything.
The JEW will not save you from the problems the JEW makes.
Bowing to a company will not make you rich
Burning down civilization will not make you free
Killing your brothers will not give you a family
You are who you are because you want to be, because you must be. You create the value of yourself. Your family enjoys that value. Your neighbors share in that communal value. And by shared principles does your community evolve, created from the very essence of the value you make, an emergent property of your family is your community. An emergent property of your community is your people.
No community can exist, no people can arise, where disunity exists. Where some group of degenerates spends every day making themselves and everyone around them sick.
Tolerating degeneracy is to invite it. "You are a bigot because you do not allow your kids to have premarital sex" they say to you. and then before you know it you, at the age of thirty five, are a grandparent. taking care of a baby while their mother goes to school. A mixed race baby none the less. They will never be as intelligent as your family could have been. but FREEDOM is so damn important isn't it. important that your kids can get knocked up at a young age. can try drunks and alcohol and spend their lives degenerate and ruined. Lay in bed dying of AIDs at the age of thirty because it was their choice and how dare you try to stop them.
You work every day, fifty hours or more, paying off the rent to a landlord who constantly increases the payments as soon as they can. And for what? it took you ten years to pay off those student loans to jews. Working for jews, and renting a one bedroom apartment from a jew. to only new find yourself a grown man, just starting to have a family only now able to begin saving up for a home. At the age of thirty? When your father turned 25 he owned his own home. When your grandfather dropped out of high school he didn't even wait six months til he could buy a place for himself from the factory he worked at.
Tell me then what could have happened to turn the american dream into a nightmare? The answer, as always is the JEW
No ideology you think of, no concept you create. No philosophy you turn to, will ever escape the jew and their constant need to dig their claws in it.
This is the second red pill, not the effect, but the cause. You can say all day every day that you believe this and that and your philosophy is such and such. but as long as you live in a nation controlled by the jew you are no more free than a chattel slave. Perhaps you are lucky and like the slave find yourself working in the house, eating nicer food and the master is nice to you, gives you pats on the head. That is middle america right now. But when you consider that the price of those few in middle america are almost 200 million others living in poverty or near poverty, 60% or more of them whie, unable to understand where their lives are and where they are going. You have betrayed your people. YOu have sold them out for a bowl of cold porridge while wearing a red hat and praising a man who's only real accomplishment is to establish an embassy somewhere the jews get a hard-on for.
Was it worth it?
Are your brothers and sisters worth what the jew is offering? take it then! take it in spades! DROWN IN IT.
You are not a Capitalist. You are the capitalist's dog. You are not a communist. You are the Communist's useful idiot.
the capitalist? the communist? they are but new words for a people who have for their entire history been kicked from every land they've ever inhabited
They are the JEW
There is no "both sides"
these are two sides of the same coin.
There was once another side, a side that rejected raw individualism as selfish, and communism as insanely selfless. To pull for one's group, for one's people. to enhance your neighbor as you enhance yourself. THAT is true freedom. You cannot exist around people who believe you should die. and they cannot exist around you.
People knew that once. Not much anymore.
And this begins your history lesson.
>>280839If it is I can't find it on jewgle.
>>280839>>280840Custom pasta for little ol' /MLPOL/.
All this effort just on here. Really making a big splash to have this kind of attention.
>>280820Could almost mistake this for a left wing meme for how much fucking text there is, as it stand, you're just a fucking drongo.
See use to be people were trying to figure out how things worked. They would try something and if didn't work they'd change ti to make it work better
this is how civilization came into being
A small kingdom on a tiny peninsula decied to begin taking over it's neighbors, absorbing them and growing. This line of kings failed, and did not provide the needed help for the people. So the lords of this kingdom established a form of democracy, a republic. The original lords and their decedents were known as Patricians. and they ruled over the fastest, and most prolific expansion of civilization known to man. The romans singlehandedly transformed europe from a bunch of barbarians barely surviving on scraps into the most well known civilization ever. So you might ask what happened? Simple sir. As the romans expanded they adopted anything they found. They adopted tools, tactics, weapons, architecture. everything that might make their civilization better was adopted. In return they supplied the conquered nations with food, water, education, sanitation, a military, EVERYTHING.
However a parasite always targets those willing to accept them worst of all.
When rome conquered Israel, they tried their usual form of governance. "follow our laws and we will not interfere" the jew however couldn't handle being told to do simple things like bath and learn latin, offer up basic (very cheap) taxes. No no no, and every leader of israel (jew) fought them tooth and nail. they were forced to be more strict with israel simply because they couldn't follow simple, BASIC laws, simple means to understand please just be civil.
Even the most common, well known story of the Crucifixion involves the jews blood lust which the romans did not share.
Often people mistakenly believe the romans crucified people willy nilly. Instead to a roman to be crucified was to be declared an enemy of the state, but worse, treasonous. They had different levels of treason you see. A thief in rome was not crucified. he was punished and expected to repay his debt. Even someone sentenced to die was often simply told "you have been sentenced to execution, please report on such and such date" giving people time to get their affairs in order.
Why would a roman hear a death sentence and report for execution?
it was their founding principle, indeed of Romulus and Remus, the founders of rome, remus once climbed the city walls. A crime punishable by death because it might indicate to an enemy where a weak point on the wall is and doom everyone. Thus was it henceforth that NO ONE was above the law. not even a king.
So then the extreme position that the romans found themselves in that they would execute people so often for israel, the governor in charge of israel was often called out for being so brutal, but that was the only way to deal with israel.
it wasn't long after that however that dissent began spreading and jewish influence spread. they found themselves trying to repress various sects of jewish-based religions which would often be used to spread dissent to resist the Roman government until the romans themselves had to disperse the jewish population in order to maintain control.
the damage was done however and as the ideas of the jews spread among them was the ideas of "equality" even among those who were not equal. people uneducated but passionate would be admitted to the plebeian council and eventually the senate. They would fight for "social equality" and demand that rather than distributing lands based on what would be functional and productive that it should be distributed to those who are poorest. over the course of only a few centuries the roman republic became the roman empire. which despite it's impressive sounding name was the fall of rome. It started the day that roman citizens stopped caring about the law. Starting with Julius Caesar when he was ordered to report for execution and instead attacked rome and took control for himself, transforming it into the roman empire. At this point the consolidated power focused not on improving the republic but keeping those with power in power. Those in power had those under them who could replace and kill them, so they would do what they had to to appease them. resulting in nepotistic and hedonistic rule. Impotent and ineffective while simultaneously being cruel and unjust.
The roman empire broke up due to their obsession with the jewish cult of christ, and eventually died from it.
The jew did not stop there however, and hid away for centuries to make their return.