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Abandon Ship
279730 279734 279736 279739 279743 279783 279810 279886 279892 280402 280934
The West is fucked. Things aren't going to get better here. The right simply isn't able to organize and the surveillance apparatus of the state (and megacorps) is too powerful. The left controls all major institutions including the courts so they are allowed to kill us with impunity. There aren't a lot of options here.
The only solution I can see is to move to a country that isn't actively anti-white, regroup and lick our wounds, but where? Russia? Eastern Europe? Hungary? Obviously none these countries are ideal, but they aren't actively white. Which of them is the least terrible?
*actively anti-white
Thanks for the thought but we're pretty much full. Please check again in the next century or later.
>implying the replacement of whites doesn't affect all of Europe
279736 279738
I'm not implying that at all. Replacement migration will have an effect on all of the countries I mentioned, but as of now those countries I mentioned don't hate white people. They aren't actively seeking to destroy us. They can be places where we regroup and build families.
Where would we flee to and gather in?
One tiny mostly-blackless state somewhere in Europe beneath anyone's notice, without the resources to support any new citizens?
Some southern American state full of Cuckstain Goys and FBI/CIA spooks?
If the "settle elsewhere and regroup" is the only viable option, then we already lost.
You are in a country where you can legally own guns and property is fairly cheap in areas with infertile soil to the point you can just buy a large enough space to not really have neighbours if you don't want to have them. You can just start your little community in the middle of nowhere and the tools to protect it are readily available to you, should it come to the worst.
Meanwhile if you come here
>you'll have to give up your guns and the right to have them
>you'll always be the foreigner
>you'd be hard fucked to settle anywhere that is not already affected by our local shitskins
>no one will stop the gypsies from getting you if they really want to, and even yourself, since weapons are a no-no for law-abiding citizens
But hey, at least the government doesn't hate you. The above applies for all of Eastern Europe.

See, your mistake here is basing your picture of this place on MSM. Yes, we have mostly right wing governments as of right now. Most of what you hear is leftist media amplifying their evil nationalism with their whining. This creates a warped picture of reality. It doesn't mean we don't have our own problems that we're struggling to deal with. Some of them are entirely different then your problems, making you even more unequipped to deal with them then we are. Some others are very similar to your problems, and you just don't hear about them because CNN doesn't report it.
Pic related is example of the latter.

>Animu grill reminds the onlooker gypsies are 9% of the population and responsible for 2/3 of all crime.
>heroic socialist party members cover it up until the authorities remove it
Split off parts of the U.S., and make our own Hungary. It's just a matter of making the situation bad enough that half the U.S. will want to do it.
279759 279768 279783
How? We can't even organize a protest or a community without leftists or glow niggers shutting it down. How do you think we are going to get an entire country?
279746 279783
Cops in the UK love to raid white houses for anything they consider a weapon, including guns and kitchen knives and bike wheels. Then they post screenshots on twitter bragging about it, like the glorified thieves they are.
This land is lost and not worth fighting for, I don't know a single white man here who'd fight for another or freedom if it came down to it. Everyone's afraid of the leftist calling them bad words. Nobody even takes preparedness (or what little of it can be done under these bullshit laws) seriously. Everyone's a zombie sheep that wants to keep funding the machine that kills and betrays them.
Can it even get any worse for whites in countries where the government and its cops aid and abet Islamic child-trafficking and child-raping rings while courts let shit-skinned child-rapists get away with it?
What excuses are left for the men of these countries?
BLM violates lockdown orders and is congratulated for rioting and looting over the heart attack of more BLM scum in another country, but we aren't allowed to go to churches and when the muslims bomb our kids we're told not to look back in anger by more muslims.
The white man's children are stolen and raped by the system and nobody's fighting or slowing down the system in any meaningful way. When Tommy Robinson was censored from mainstream media, he drove a crowdfunded bus around to campaign and spread awareness of the Islamic threat. And he was arrested and starved and tortured in an Islamic jail for that, and subhuman leftist pedoscum start off doubting this story but if you talk to them long enough they'll smugly giggle about the bad thing happening to whitey for not obeying them.
Some boomers talk the big talk about how if people came for "their" children, THEN they'd do something. These same boomers refuse to hear anything about how Islam is inherently pro-rape/terrorism/conquest/lying and refuse to hear anything negative about the Jews. Refuse to prepare any kind of "communal suicide pact" where they all go full Killdozer/Saint Tarrant if everything's taken from them.
But let's be real here, Boomers are the reason the west is dying. They're lower than Jews, they're collaborators with the Jews. If they saw six white girls get swarmed and raped to death in New York Times Square tomorrow morning, they'd keep posting "we'd never get away with acting like that!" on jewbook and keep doing nothing for the whites.
This land is lost.
The entire UK's been jewed for too long. It has no soul. Its queen is a communist traitor and its royal family/parliament is a joke. I'd jump ship to America and die fighting for white American patriots in a heartbeat, if self-sustaining jew-free communities full of white patriots determined to protect their future and kids from the (((enemies))) existed.

Sometimes people here say "If the situation was hopeless for us, the enemy wouldn't make so much propaganda to demoralize us".
But what the fuck does that mean?
What the fuck is there to be optimistic about, when it comes to the white man's future?
What American states are kicking blacks out and banning pisslam/faggotry and purging leftist brainwashing from schools and passing laws that keep indian/chinese billionaires from buying up property?
What American states contain whites who know why they should do that?
Please, for the love of god, tell me what I should be optimistic about. Tell me why I shouldn't give in to despair.
aryanne finland day.png
Think of it the Finns are pretty much genetically the most Aryan in all of Europe (like more than most Germans are actually Aryan) and there is even more land than England, Scotland, Ireland, Netherlands and Iceland.
Most of the Finns are pretty nationalist as well and there is not a totally heavy population of Jews or Niggers because they know it is the true land of the Aryans and there is a heavy amount of forest as well as marsh out there so we have a lot of uninhabited land to build our super villain headquarters.
This may just be a pipe dream but my leprechaun ancestors have told me where the Aryan shall make his last stand, a bunch of faggots in the middle of a forest.
They also have a pretty nationalist history so they think like their ancestors in terms of pride so they are willing to fight against oppression if shown why the rest of the world is fucked.
Any actual legitimate Finns here?
279747 279755 279761
Is this some pasta or something?
My reply to the american was what it was because it applies to the US. The UK is much more fucked to be honest. Still, the part that applies to you too is fighting for your own land and not fleeing before any fight could even start. I'm well aware of the crimes of inaction by the previous generations, but if you just keep pointing to them while refusing to stand up for the land that was left to you, you are literally no better then them. How can you expect anyone to do what is right, if you yourself are not doing it?
Start by moving away from cucked big cities, preferably towards the North. Build connections with Irish and Scottish nationalist groups and form alliances. If you are white and willing to help them keep their almost-dead culture alive by speaking their actual language and learning their history, you should be fine without even being closely related to any clans. Figure out what to do from there. For that region, this is your best bet - at least according to my limited knowledge.
Grinning Aryanne.png
>Is this some pasta or something?
Pic related.
>If you are white and willing to help them keep their almost-dead culture alive by speaking their actual language and learning their history, you should be fine without even being closely related to any clans.
Are you implying his lordship to come visit little me?
279755 279756 279783
>How can you expect anyone to do what is right, if you yourself are not doing it?
We can't organize here without the feds or their goons (antifa) cracking down on us. If we fight back against antifa we go to prison and the media spins it as peaceful protesters getting killed by psychotic Nazis.
Yes. Be honest.
White Bonglish dude with Girlfriend Nic Ancestor comes to you and is willing to do his best to learn gf's culture, help the local community, and justifies all this with the intent to keep white Europe alive through mutual respect and working together. Are you going to refuse him?
If you are indeed some Celt, of course, and I'm interpreting your post right.
279757 279760
I know it's bad.
Organize on a local level without any digital shit to protect your neighbourhood. This is something you CAN legally do, given that you don't live in some large city filled niggers.
*with niggers
>Yes. Be honest.
I am ready and willing to become the heir of SS über führer Jason.
>White Bonglish dude with Girlfriend Nic Ancestor
Are you referring to my other post?
>comes to you and is willing to do his best to learn gf's culture, help the local community, and justifies all this with the intent to keep white Europe alive through mutual respect and working together.
Yes, i only really think it could probably be western Ireland (if we're too lazy to learn Mongolian) or maybe Lapland, both are relatively nationalist and have ancient European roots in history.
>Are you going to refuse him?
I would gladly welcome him as a member of my herd.
>If you are indeed some Celt, of course, and I'm interpreting your post right.
I am of mostly Gaelic stock,the other part is Anglo and Irish gypsy so i know i have some roots to the Egyptians, as my grandmother believes she is. i have blue eyes, i was blonde as a child and still have blonde roots in my hair i also am a verified manlet leprechaun so i am not 100% Celt but definitely not a Anglo.
279762 279763
Why not? If worse came to worst, couldn’t protesters get private security guards?
>This is something you CAN legally do, given that you don't live in some large city filled niggers.
It doesn't matter if I can do it legally. Even local organizations can be attacked by antifa and if we fight back we go to jail and nothing happens to antifa.
>How can you expect anyone to do what is right, if you yourself are not doing it?
If I get in a bulldozer and destroy one mosque, it will not stop the brown tide flooding the UK.
If I move to America and do my part in a white revolution, I will be one of the many white raindrops in a flood that could help secure a future for my people.
There's nothing noble about throwing my life away in spite tomorrow when I could save lives with it years from now.
That isn't realistic. Private security is expensive and we aren't organized enough to get that kind of money together. Even if we did get private security it doesn't guarantee that we won't be held liable for antifa getting their asses kicked in civil court.
>couldn’t protesters get private security guards
Have the private security guards at "atheist" events ever successfully stopped lefties from attacking/stealing the mic when they want to?
279769 279783
The secret is NOT TO PROTEST, if you protest you give validity to the system you niggerpilled shitdick. Organiuze in the shadows. The system itself must come down, then National Socialists will take over, we will purge christians(mental jews) peacefully, if at all possible, and then violently all of the jews, niggers, and all other shitskins, and then proceed to rebuild and rejuvenate our peoples.
Then what should we do? How do we organize? How do we spread the message?
What do you mean what should we do? You organize the same way Hitler and others did, IN PERSON, they can't stop you, the stupid covid jig is almost up, they'll either end it, which would be wise on their part, or keep using it to justify further violations of our already violated civil liberties, either way half the states aren't buying it and are opening up or never closed down anyway, And you spread the message the same way, face to face or with cleverly devised propaganda posters that you put up legally on public property. It's not hard, stop being a coward STAND AND FIGHT!
That is not what I said. But this kind of apathy of "everything is fucked we can't do anything" is exactly what lead the boomers down the road they had taken.
Girlfriend Nic Ancestor was part of the hypothetical.
What I am suggesting is that if the Bongs can't deal with the muslim and marxist hordes themselves (and they evidently can't), then it would be high time to realize they had conservative nationalist movements in their backyards that have been painted as evil nazi terror organizations for decades by the media. Maybe they should go and very humbly ask for help from there, because it looks like they are the best hope for that multicultural cesspool of an island from where I'm watching.
>if we fight back we go to jail and nothing happens to antifa
>>278849 →
Not all is lost.
But if Antifa did, the courts would probably rule in your favor as well, but keep in mind that most civil suits end in our-of-court settlements.
279787 279788 280046 280118
File (hide): 1EC7BAF07FF19B29A5506CEB4031AACC-1865462.mp4 (1.8 MB, Resolution:234x240 Length:00:01:56, Bishop Fulton Sheen on Human Rights.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Bishop Fulton Sheen on Human Rights.mp4
>The West is fucked. Things aren't going to get better here. The right simply isn't able to organize and the surveillance apparatus of the state (and megacorps) is too powerful. The left controls all major institutions including the courts so they are allowed to kill us with impunity. There aren't a lot of options here.
<LET'S ALL MOVE TO FUCKING RUSSIA! I'm sure they aren't controlled by the Kikes.

>We can't even organize a protest or a community without leftists or glow niggers shutting it down.
Then what was all that fuss about in Virginia earlier this year?

>What American states are kicking blacks out
Can't unless they're immigrants, otherwise it will set the precedent that anyone can be kicked out of this country.
>and banning pisslam/faggotry
First ammendment
>and purging leftist brainwashing from schools
If the lockdown did anything, it made parents care a Hell of a lot more about what and how their kids are learning: http://archive.vn/LgTb6
>and passing laws that keep indian/chinese billionaires from buying up property
Those laws are already in place. What you're bitching is what's happening in Canada.

>If we fight back against antifa we go to prison and the media spins it as peaceful protesters getting killed by psychotic Nazis.
No one gives a damn about what the media has to say, why do you?

>The system itself must come down, then National Socialists will take over,
And, give up all our rights (Since the only one who can grant you your "rights" in a Socialist country is the state)?
Fuck off!

>You organize the same way Hitler and others did, IN PERSON, they can't stop you
So, you attempting to invalidate the system by...validating the system when you just said that validating the system will only lead to increasing it's validity?
The only right you have in nature is the right to self defense, the germans were capable of and had this right unrestricted and far less restrictive that many places in the US today by the National Socialist government, if it took the rights of germans away why did that government have to be deposed from the OUTSIDE?
How is organizing validating the system? we live under the current system, we follow most of its laws because otherwise we get shot, which is why Revolution and specifically National Socialist revolution is the only way America will ever be preserved or continue at all.
>which is why Revolution and specifically National Socialist revolution is the only way America will ever be preserved or continue at all
No, it wouldn't. The "Great American Experiment" would come to an end the moment the government ceases to be one where it's the responsibility of the people (Not a monarch, dictator, or priest) to rule themselves.
That is explicitly the intention of National Socialism. Faggots die because they are disgusting, and harm children, non-whites, all of them from the jew to the lowliest nigger, because they do nothing but destroy our Nations, Short of that I can't think of anybody who wouldn't have self determination.
279795 279803
>That is explicitly the intention of National Socialism.
No, it isn't and stop lying.
The point of National Socialism, the point of ANY form of Socialism, is to strip the people of the rights granted to them because they're to stupid to do anything properly, and that the state is the only one who can determine what people can and cannot do.
This is it, and any other "goal" preached is sidelined in the name of "We're just not ready yet" or is explained away via intelligent dribble that boils down to "We have to do this in order to reach our goals because the ends justify the means."

That has been the case in every single Socialist society. And, the cream on this sundae is that you're preaching that the government is far too corrupt and far too powerful, so your solution is to institute a totalitarianism where the government (Or, the person in charge of the government, to be more precise) has all the unrestricted power they could every want to do whatever they want. With, the cherry on top hinging on the fact that you king the ONE out of SEVEN BILLION PEOPLE who is humble enough, knowledge enough, and incorruptible enough to make it all work. What you're asking for is a fantasy that is never going to exist. Stop dreaming about what "could" happen, wake up, and realize the fact that you're playing with people's lives; and you're going to kill everyone in order to make you fantasy government a reality.
National socialism is the opposite of what the left calls socialism.
The whole logic behind calling the movement national socialism was to demonstrate how the kike has stolen the word socialism and made their own lying political groups around it, so now Hitler and the boys are taking it back. Look it up, there are records of this. You are either misinformed or trying to spread misinformation on purpose. I'm going to give you the benefit of doubt for now, but seriously, do your own research about this.
A similar thought process was behind the national part too, by the way. There are plenty of fake nationalist movements around now, and so was the case in the Weimar republic too. The intention with the name was to say that this is real nationalism and real socialism all in one bag, as opposed to all those pretenders.
It is not X kind of socialism. It is the political antithesis of what is now widely called "socialism".
>National socialism is the opposite of what the left calls socialism.
https://invidio.us/watch?v=9-SLqdhkvJo [Embed]
279803 279805
Yes, it is the opposite of the whole class-conflict based thought process that is at the core of socialism.
It rejects the very first assumptions that socialism accepts as axioms.
Nobody ITT claiming it doesn't reject capitalism at the same time, and even less people claimed it was capitalist in nature. But I am very happy you have these videos ready just to defeat such straw men, surely the reason for this is not you planning this whole narrative ahead of time.
>No, it isn't and stop lying.
I'm not lying
>The point of National Socialism, the point of ANY form of Socialism, is to strip the people of the rights granted to them because they're to stupid to do anything properly, and that the state is the only one who can determine what people can and cannot do.
No it is not, this I will demonstrate below.
>This is it, and any other "goal" preached is sidelined in the name of "We're just not ready yet" or is explained away via intelligent dribble that boils down to "We have to do this in order to reach our goals because the ends justify the means.
None of this has ever been used by National Socialist only by those who stole the name "socialism" and destroyed what it really is, simply put, the interests of your people as a whole come before YOU, and your wishes, and your comforts, and your wants.

Socialism is not Communism, Nazbols are not National Socialist they are National Communists, and also idiots. Hitler, The Swedes before him, the Brits and even right here in America starting from the founding fathers, right back the Hellenic concepts of Physis and Nomos. The Romans were Nordic too, prior to their miscegenation by being too ambitious in their conquering, and further debased by Christianity and it's opposition to Roman values. The same happened to the Hellenes thanks to Alexander, who ruined the Hellenic people by sullying their genes with thousands of non-white marriages with him leading the way. All of our Ancestors contributed to National Socialism and the foundation of the entire Ideology. It is, in fact, very Roman, very Hellenic, very White and even Is specifically built with a Republic in mind, at least, in Hitlers vision. It is modifiable, unlike Communism, which ends one way, in absolute totalitarian tyranny.

>That has been the case in every single Socialist society. And, the cream on this sundae is that you're preaching that the government is far too corrupt and far too powerful, so your solution is to institute a totalitarianism where the government (Or, the person in charge of the government, to be more precise) has all the unrestricted power they could every want to do whatever they want.
This is not what any National Socialist advocates for and is directly repudiated by both Hitlers actions, and the ideology itself in the words of all of its creators From Goldberg(No, not a jew) to Hitler to William Luther Pierce, it's really quite anti tyrannical, ensures the people keep their rights and freedoms, Nature dictates that we should have to earn these extra freedoms beyond the Right of Self-Defense, the most important and only observable right in Nature, and the right to self determination for men, so that they may prove their worth and their right by merit to have a say in how things are run. Not for
women, because women have proven they cannot, on the whole, handle it and their vital role as mothers have been subverted, they will be under the control of their fathers, husbands, brothers, and sons, once again.
>With, the cherry on top hinging on the fact that you king the ONE out of SEVEN BILLION PEOPLE who is humble enough, knowledge enough, and incorruptible enough to make it all work. What you're asking for is a fantasy that is never going to exist.
America + Canada and Alaska are enough for me, over which a new republic will be set that protects the Founding Stock from racial disintegration. I would ally with other Europeans powers to form a coalition to exterminate all external threats to the white race, and Ally with Japan to wipe out their eternal enemy the Chink Bugman, which includes Koreans imo, and allow them to repair the damage the chinks have caused to nature in China. I don't want to be king of seven billion people I want only the existence of MINE to be assured.
>Stop dreaming about what "could" happen, wake up, and realize the fact that you're playing with people's lives; and you're going to kill everyone in order to make you fantasy government a reality.
I don't care about anyone except White Europeans, and more specifically those of Nordic Stock, like myself, even if I do not have Blue eyes and Blond hair. the lives of Indians Chinks and even Japanese mean nothing to me if they threaten the existence of my people and if they do they will be exterminated no different than the nigger or the jew.
National Socialism is based on the Economic side on Free Exchange, that would make it Capitalist, in the strictest terms, What makes it Socialist is that it doesn't allow abuse, of either people or Nature, whether through usury or otherwise.
279806 279807 279809 279810
>Yes, it is the opposite of the whole class-conflict based thought process that is at the core of socialism.
< National Socialism derives from each of the two camps the pure idea that characterizes it, national resolution from bourgeois tradition; vital, creative socialism from the teaching of Marxism.
-t Adolf Hitler: http://archive.vn/5fUNV
279809 279810
Your video doesn't play, and Hitler despised Marxism.
How does that even begin to refute what I said? That right there, that line you quoted from me. Don't just quote it, address it.
Even Wikipedia of all things admits this about about national socialism, even when it still uses "nazi":
>Nazism rejected class conflict-based socialism and economic egalitarianism, favouring instead a stratified economy with social classes based on merit and talent, retaining private property and the creation of national solidarity that transcends class distinction.
Oh excuse me it wasn't a video, but it took a few openings of windows to load, and i don't care what ONE historian Said I prefer to listen to Hitler himself and those who knew him.
279811 279812
It's Razorfist rants: The Socialism of National Socialism - A Rant
Interview by Hanns Johst in Frankforter Volksblatt (January 27, 1934), quoted in David Schoenbaum, Hitler’s Social Revolution: Class and Status in Nazi Germany, 1933 — 1939 (New York: NY, W. W. Norton & Company, 1997), p. 57
From the website medium.

Anyway, freedom of speech, the right to arms, are the cornerstone to ensure that corruption doesn't seep in by force.
I've seen that or something very similar before. It's probably archived here somewhere.

Never forget that throughout history whenever the jew is removed, they always go looking for vengeance and heinous tortures upon the people. No matter how small the slight.
279812 279813
Hitler famously said "The Truth doesn't fear Investigation." he supported freedom of speech, he just didn't support people who use their speech to lie to manipulate people most often jews. He absolutely supported the bearing of arms as self-defense is of primacy in the Ideology of National Socialism and the gun laws in NSDAP germany were far less restrictive than most places EVEN IN THE U.S. today.
I forgot to mention it doesn't even have to be a real conflict. Merely disagreeing with (((them))) also counts, because they are obsessed with control, material, and ownership.
Think and plan for a means to defend, a means of ensuring poners have a future, a means to thrive, and a means to escape.
279814 279815 279821
>Even Wikipedia
<Using Kikepedia as a source: http://archive.vn/23k2t

>I prefer to listen to Hitler himself
That quote IS Hitler himself.

>he supported freedom of speech, he just didn't support people who use their speech
So which is? "Muh lying" isn't a political argument. Even the infamous yelling fire in a crowded theatre is ruled as free speech.
279816 279841
Oh and I would still like an answer for my first question why did this supposed hellhole, in your view, have to be deposed from the outside? if anything with the label Socialism is horrible no matter what, why did the Germans who could be armed in NSDAP Germany not do it themselves? they were able to and they had the freedom to speak out against the government if they thought it was doing wrong, why didn't they use these freedoms to stop Hitler and his National Social German Workers Party?
And he hated Marxism. He actually talks about his distaste for it in Mein Kampf, just because he took some good ideas from it or over simplified with it once doesn't change his actions they were firmly in opposition to Communism and Marxism.
Either quote and argue the actual point or concede loss.
279818 279819 279892
>they were able to and they had the freedom to speak out against the government if they thought it was doing wrong, why didn't they use these freedoms to stop Hitler and his National Social German Workers Party?
Because they could be declared enemies of the state.
> He actually talks about his distaste for it in Mein Kampf
Hitler talks about many, such as how he has nothing but praise for Christianity when addressing the public, but then laments in private that Christianity will never serve the needs of the NSDAP.
You know, just like any politician.
279824 279841
>Because they could be declared enemies of the state.

Yet they had the guns with which to rebel, and could easily acquire them, so why didn't they? Seems to me they could speak freely, they were allowed to, after all, just because jews say there were no dissenters because they were all afraid, doesn't make it true, the crowds of happy cheering people, and the healthy look of them all, lead me to the conclusion that they were happy and free and thus didn't want to rebel.
>Hitler talks about many, such as how he has nothing but praise for Christianity when addressing the public, but then laments in private that Christianity will never serve the needs of the NSDAP.
>You know, just like any politician.
He hated Christianity, and his people knew it, that he disliked it was no great secret he published and disseminated Mein Kampf himself, and he was a Catholic who later became a pantheist of sorts who despised christianity, but this was an evolution of opinion not a lie.
Yes, the point was that even kikepedia admits that. Can't you read?
279825 279828 279841
>Yet they had the guns with which to rebel, and could easily acquire them, so why didn't they?
The same could be asked right now. The U.S. government is violating the constitution, people have the right to own a gun, the U.S. population has more guns than all the armies of the world combined, so why don't they lead a revolt against the government? Certainly they aren't scared of something?

Also, wasn't there some Eastern European Socialist country that lacked a military (Because they were poorer than dirt), so the government gave free food to the public as long as they took up arms and prevented any revolt from taking place? Or, at least, something along those lines.

>but this was an evolution of opinion not a lie.
Right to the bitter end, his public speeches had nothing but praise for Christianity.

And, you're going to believe a site that anyone can edit, and allows intentionally biased articles that suite someone's political agenda?
>kikepedia has ebil nahtsee agenda to make you like national socialism
How does that make sense to you?
279832 279833 279841
Have you LOOKED at modern American media controlled by baizuo?
>The same could be asked right now. The U.S. government is violating the constitution, people have the right to own a gun, the U.S. population has more guns than all the armies of the world combined, so why don't they lead a revolt against the government? Certainly they aren't scared of something?

WHY WERE THE PEOPLE HAPPY? they were not miserable like people in the US are, mostly, today which is why things are so tense here and there are people who are intending for a rebellion and planning for it why did these people not exist in Germany?

>Also, wasn't there some Eastern European Socialist country that lacked a military (Because they were poorer than dirt), so the government gave free food to the public as long as they took up arms and prevented any revolt from taking place? Or, at least, something along those lines.

That was under the Soviets, known for their tyranny

>Right to the bitter end, his public speeches had nothing but praise for Christianity.

He didn't mention it all that often especially after the war began so I'm not sure what you are referring to and no he didn't praise Christianity he praised God, who for him, we are aware, was akin to the universe itself.
Jesus dude. You sound like a walking caricature of the horseshoe theory.
You are surrounded by kike controlled marxism derivatives from one side, and pretty much the only group of people who oppose them from the other. This latter one is literally pushed onto fringe horse whispering forums just so they have a space to discuss things and connect with each other. Then your genius conclusion is that these are the same people on both sides, and the jewish owned wikipedia is allowing lies that would make their enemies, the "nazis" look better on their site.
There is no way you are for real, man. Go push your libertarian vs natsoc shit somewhere else.
Yeah that shit is to shill Communism which as we have already discussed is not National Socialism.
Who said they were happy?
> That was under the Soviets
No, it was post Soviet.
>Who said they were happy?
the Germans themselves and photos taken by those same people within Germany, and the propaganda films showing the huge crowds who would come out just to get a glimpse of Hitler. It's like all you saw was the camps which we know were in such a state because the Allies had cut their supply lines.
>No, it was post Soviet.
But the soviets were directly responsible for that state of affairs so it was still the soviets.
279837 279841
>the propaganda
<Expecting an true depiction of life in a country from FUCKING PROPAGANDA
You ignored the photos from the German people themselves, and I'm sorry if you are too autistic to notice the truth in film, even made to be propaganda(which doesn't by necessity lie), Those crowds were not acting like people forced to be there the mood of the crowds was too upbeat too eager for them to be forced, like you see in much soviet propaganda.
279839 279841
>You ignored the photos from the German people themselves
What about the photos show how superb Soviet Russia was? The same photos that were taken by Soviet Russians. As well as the Soviet Russian made films? Also, all those photos of Chernobyl showed a thriving and advancing city with happy family, schools, and communities.

And, all that media coming out of Red China too!
> the mood of the crowds was too upbeat too eager for them to be forced, like you see in much soviet propaganda.
If anything, that's more that Russia culture is far different from how German culture works.
>What about the photos show how superb Soviet Russia was? The same photos that were taken by Soviet Russians. As well as the Soviet Russian made films? Also, all those photos of Chernobyl showed a thriving and advancing city with happy family, schools, and communities.
We know all or most of those were fake or staged or created whole cloth out of supporters of the party, mostly jews, who were among the elite, who wanted the stupid goyim to fall for the lie of communism being good. We know what conditions were like, and we know they killed 66 million people many of whom were White Russians, Ukrainians, etc, Germany did none of that, because we know the holohoax didn't happen.
>And, all that media coming out of Red China too
Absolutely all of that is fake and we know it, and even the propaganda that might look happy, you can tell from their expressions and general demeanor that they aren't.
>If anything, that's more that Russia culture is far different from how German culture works.
No, emotions and how they are expressed externally is one of the few things All human species share in common, it may actually reach far beyond humans to the more advanced/intelligent Apes out there as well, so no it's not about a difference in culture because Russia's culture had been obliterated by the Bolsheviks.
That's the fucking point. The kikes have the same definition. You didn't even properly address what he said.
I'm a different anon. Answering anyway for further clarification.
>why did this supposed hellhole, in your view, have to be deposed from the outside?
<assuming is Germany
It shouldn't have been deposed, because of all the outside forces attacking a free nation from the banking enslavement is dangerous, and isn't an asset (((they))) can use.
>why did the Germans who could be armed in NSDAP Germany not do it themselves?
<so I'm veiwing this as why not choose a different system as well.
When things are going incredibly better than weimar republic years it's hard to disagree. As armed citizens which to be fair, they should have had more arms. Limits on supply and getting those resources make that hard.
I'll even go one step further, the jewish and communist saboteurs did get arms from the homeland, and from abroad. Making it quite difficult. Fear is on the rise and they see the jews and communists actively destroying any positive infrastructure and people.
Not fun times, but they do make men of strong spirit to confront the menace.
>The same could be asked right now. The U.S. government is violating the constitution, people have the right to own a gun, the U.S. population has more guns than all the armies of the world combined, so why don't they lead a revolt against the government? Certainly they aren't scared of something?
Scale, and the broad impact.
Germany compared to the US is tiny. The technicalities of doing so is easier there, but it requires a few things. A dissatisfied or manipulated populace, a replacement group of people or systems, and ensuring the take over succeeds longer than a few minutes. Commies and jews did that in Russia by killing everyone and sending them to gulags. The tore out the previous system whole sale and killed everyone that could possibly bring about its revival.
Now, logistics.
Imagine for a second, that farmers denied crops to those they didn't think deserve it. CHAZ or CHOP died because commies are incompetent. Mostly total incompetence. Also were basically under passive siege.
If truckers and shipments by any meams stop, huge swaths of areas won't make it. Largely cities, because they are by design death traps.
Logistics is the life blood, and unless the population that fulfills it is replaced or in support of its going to be messy.
And everyone is armed to the teeth excerpt soybois, and lefties. Not to mention all the underlying systems and people loyal to the founding principals.
That's if a communist took over by force.
So why isn't there a massive force removing the problem. Three things. Complacency, Trust, and predictions about the future.
No normal average person wants to do that. Especially not alone. It's far too much effort and it's very costly.
There is enough trust that things can still be salvaged and saved. The systems in place aren't painfully changed. There isn't too much painful personal sacrifice. There isn't too much as a sacrifice for their kids directly. This is the slow terror of corruption.
Most people know that enemies from outside would definitely capitalize on such a weak moment. Any kind of group or congregation would seek to get in on chaos. It is assured chaos, for a chance at great positive or negative change. If they think the game is still fair this is a dangerously costly option that isn't worth it.
>Thinking the propaganda the kikes also pushed is just as true.
>Not even considering that truth is the best tool for propaganda
Okay, look.
Strong individuals are great. A necessity even. But no man rules alone. No one lives alone without others to support each other. By utilizing each others strengths they can accomplish much much more than alone.
To ensure the group, and by extension all the individuals, does not fail it is imperative that everyone in the group does what they can. Ensuring no subversion from the outside or inside. That vices and virtues are properly handled. In that fashion by nurturing and encouraging the best possible ideal personally for the self and the group can achieve their grand works.

Whenever a group doesn't self regulate and ensure the best of the best succeed and thrive, drains and chokes those that try. Doom os on the horizon. Because the best of the best, and even some select mediocre people could do far more than the infected rotten bloat of the previous group.
>not seeing the intricate differences
I... I'm not sure how to say this, but...
Reading people properly is an incredibly valuable skill. So is understanding the underlying context. Reading people on a surface and deeper level is important.
Sorry I had assumed you were him and his IP had changed.
It happens.
I think I found our "all Socialists are bad and commies" friend over on 8moe.
>What I am suggesting is that if the Bongs can't deal with the Muslim and Marxist hordes themselves (and they evidently can't), then it would be high time to realize they had conservative nationalist movements in their backyards that have been painted as evil Nazi terror organizations for decades by the media.
That's a good idea.
>Maybe they should go and very humbly ask for help from there, because it looks like they are the best hope for that multicultural cesspool of an island from where I'm watching.
Yeah there really isn't a future here... it would be best to retreat to the countryside and see how the mud will slide,The history here was fucked from the start when the Anglo-Saxons came over and i know my heart doesn't belong here.
279852 279857
>my heart doesn't belong here
You posting all of this says that it really does though. Which is why the English should realize that a new deal on the whole "being British" thing and an outreach to the previously vilified white minority organizations right there within the UK is the immediate possible solution worth pursuing. If you are in dire need of a nationalist push back against foreign invaders, might as well ask the people who just refused to die for centuries right next door to you. And surely the best motivation for renegotiations, putting differences aside and working together is a common enemy.
And if they prove to be too stupid to figure this one out, you can always just wait it out and come out from the forest when the cities stop burning.
279887 279893
>You posting all of this says that it really does though.
I am not "English" in any sense of the word, it is very hard to associate yourself with a majority of people that are not your own, i feel different over there than in my land like my soul knows that it is my home and where the blood of my ancestors was spilled. You would consider yourself a Austro-Hungarian if you were both Austrian and Hungarian if you imagine that is way you were built. I would consider myself nothing more than maybe Anglo-Gaelic but even that is a unfit title.
>Which is why the English should realize that a new deal on the whole "being British" thing and an outreach to the previously vilified white minority organizations right there within the UK is the immediate possible solution worth pursuing.
I'm not against some big bong sitting in a leather armchair smoking a pipe and wearing a monocle, they were vilified because they were humorously considered different (how the times have now changed) and alien to the Anglicans as they were seen as a enemy of the English church as due to them being nothing more than bell boys that would ring their NPC bells when threatened with wrong think.
>If you are in dire need of a nationalist push back against foreign invaders, might as well ask the people who just refused to die for centuries right next door to you.
It's bloody bonkers how most people feel like there is no way of escaping due to being stubborn and not giving their own thoughts time to listen to them.
>And surely the best motivation for renegotiation's, putting differences aside and working together against a common enemy.
A lot of psy ops and shills try to pit the white sub cultures against one another which i see as sheer madness to want to do something as heinous as the slaughtering of your relatively quiet neighbors.
mlpol secret tree house construction is under go when?
279883 279902
No offense, but this is the same logic that the Legion of Doom used in S9E24-25. Following rumors like this and separating ourselves by race will only lead to more powerful groups exerting authority. Remember the breakup of the USSR and Yugoslavia?
>Following rumors like this
What rumors? Nothing I said is a rumor or based on rumors.
>separating ourselves by race
Literally suggested the opposite. Gaelic Anon seemed to get the point. The anglo and the celtic descendants are both white, so maybe embrace that instead of pretending to be alone in the cultural stand-off against the replacement.
What are you on about?
279888 279910
All europeans are white, including slavs. Of course we should unite no matter the country, theres no other choice.
>the only solution I can see is to move to a country that isn't actively anti-white, regroup and lick our wounds
>Run for the hills goyim
Gas yourself kike.
Maybe the real secret tree house is all the friends we made along the way.
I know, but that whole side conversation was about the UK specifically.
>Because they could be declared enemies of the state

Holy fuck...

Fuck off back to 4kun
Texas, my dude
Am quite lost too, what did you meant by this? That the Legion of Doom turned the 3 races against each other?

Btw, that seems to be a rule for communism, ethnic groups always end-up either splitting under nationalistic tendencies or used as a supporting under-class for the larger ethnic group
279911 279952
>All europeans are white
279912 279913 279914
The libertarian vs natsoc shit didn't work out, so you move on to þe olde "X pale skinned nation of european descent is not white".
Could you be any more obvious?
It never fails to amaze me how these people oppose collectivization and yet can't argue against anything but the most extreme or intentionally misrepresented view of said collectivization, it just smacks of nigger loving.
>libertarian vs natsoc
Who said anything about Libertarianism?
>you move on to þe olde "X pale skinned nation of european descent is not white".
<Posting a joke image is now a political argument
279927 279947 279958
The hell are you guys on about?
Double posting, I know.
>It never fails to amaze me how these people oppose collectivization and yet can't argue against anything but the most extreme or intentionally misrepresented view of said collectivization
Why shouldn't you take the extremes into consideration when it comes to politics, where the "slipper slope" is the standard of how this works? Also, how has anything I said been a misrepresentation?
>I was just pretending to be retarded
No, you were clearly disagreeing with the slav anon and implying his classification of white is not restrictive enough.
279922 279925 279952
>you were clearly disagreeing
Are you so devoid of humor that you see EVERYTHING someone says as if it's some masterminded political subversion tactic? Even when it's obvious the content is posted in jest?
Playing dumb won't help your deception.
Take them into consideration if you must, but recognize when something intentionally places limits on itself to avoid falling into your mischaracterized bullshit, and It's obvious to everyone here you intentionally misrepresented every argument opposing yours with fucking strawmen. If you aren't a Libertarian you are certainly a liberal, no real difference to be honest.
You are clearly being dishonest with every fucking post. Either you kind of give half answers to actual arguments or you try to force the narrative.
It wouldn't be so bloody obvious if that term applied.
Your little jest only works if we accept the underlying suggestion that there are European peoples that are not white. Look around. We don't.
maybe, i hope so at least.
away, away, away down south in Dixie!
I'm not sure if i would instead of Ireland but it beats being here, i prefer the rain over the sun but i would trade it for there as long as i'm away from the southern black belt.
279929 279930 279935 280054
Last night, people were upset when I was posting about how Nazism has all but minute differences from every other form of Socialism.

>recognize when something intentionally places limits on itself to avoid falling into your mischaracterized bullshit
Such as?
>It's obvious to everyone here you intentionally misrepresented every argument opposing yours with fucking strawmen
Would you care to link to said examples?
>If you aren't a Libertarian you are certainly a liberal, no real difference to be honest.
Do you even know what those terms mean, or are you just throwing them out there in order to sound intelligent? Or establish a label that means nothing to you except "Political opinion I disagree with"?

>You are clearly being dishonest with every fucking post.
Could you link to said posts of mine? And, explain in detail how it is that I am incorrect in my statements?

>Your little jest only works if we accept the underlying suggestion that there are European peoples that are not white
You mean, the Poles and the Irish, the few groups who EVERYONE in Europe sees as a colossal joke. And, that's in addition to Spain being in a constant civil war because everyone hates everyone there, Portugal and Spain wanting to kill each other, Italy and Austria wanting to kill each other, the English and the Saxons wanting to kill each other, the English and the Scots wanting to kill each other, Slav-land and Russia want to kill each other, and Eastern Europe and Western Europe want to kill each other (And, all this fun taking place long before WWI).
None of this refutes them being white, and being equally targeted by those who target white people.
I don't need to link shit, this most recent post of yours is the perfect example. You didn't even address how they're supposedly not white, you just brought up other stuff nobody mentioned in the thread yet. Your post are literally just derailment after derailment, and pretending you answered a post you are replying to by mentioning tangentially related manure, if even that.
Mischaracterization: All socialism is communism
I won't link to your examples it's pretty clear to anyone who reads through the thread and I know what a Liberal and a Libertarian are, truthfully they are very similar positions
>Last night, people were upset when I was posting about how Nazism has all but minute differences from every other form of Socialism
Oh please, not that old shit.
Socialism is government authoritarianism under the guise of helping "the poor little guy"
Nazism was necessary government authoritarianism that reversed Germany's decline and made it into a powerhouse able to fight for years against every other country on the planet.
Socialism does not have a monopoly on the concept of an authoritarian government. Socialism has a monopoly on dressing up leftyfash "coup now, we's hungry, me reward those whom helped!" with cultist dogma and the lie of equality.
All-powerful "dictators" can be good people who want what's best for their nation's people.
If Nazis had actually killed jews they would have had more resources to spend on the war.
279951 279958 279965
>You didn't even address how they're supposedly not white
In the case of the Poles, Western Europe sees them as nothing more than the retarded stepchild that's imitating all the cool kids in order to get invited to the cool parties but everyone honestly just wants them to go fuck off to the middle of nowhere and die, and Eastern Europe sees them a the prime example of just how "degenerate" Western Europe is and that they should be treated as a second class because they don't want their "Western Europeaness" to rub off on the populace and destroy the glorious Eastern European Empire(s). And, as far as the Irish, the extent of my knowledge boils down to the hatred towards their people having to do with the fact that they were druids (To the Bong Anon, please correct me if that isn't it), so no need to explain there.

>Mischaracterization: All socialism is communism
No, it's not. Socialism is a political systems that creates a totalitarian government that treats everyone and everything equally and detests the very concept of "private property", with the expressed purpose of eventually making a Communist society. Communism is when a said Socialist government is completely dissolved because people have reached a utopia that has become so autonomous and selfless that a government is no longer needed. Hence the meme of "True Communism has never been tried" because it really hasn't, but who gives a shit when the more pressing issue is why million of people disappear every single time this government comes into play. MY arguments have been about the fact that Socialism is SOCIALISM (No matter how much you try to rebrand it or claim "It's totally different, for real this time").
>I won't link to your examples it's pretty clear to anyone who reads through the thread
Not according to the Leaf up here: >>279915
>I know what a Liberal and a Libertarian are, truthfully they are very similar positions.
How? Going by what I know, Liberals are retards who will sacrifice everything in the name of "progress, tolerance, and harmony" because they want to be on the "good side of history" (Unless they're a politician, then they're a wannabe dictator who passes laws effectively creating "I can't believe it's not slavery and racism"); Libertarians are retards who champion an impossible version of the free market as the solution to everything and that governments shouldn't exist whatsoever. Am I incorrect with that summary?

>Nazism was necessary government authoritarianism
There was nothing "necessary" about it, they had other options (Just look at how Germany is king of the EU just a few decades after being Russia's bitch). However, the Weimar Republic failing and Germany going back to authoritarian government was an inevitability. Forget all the degeneracy and the economy going bankrupt under Weimar, you still had a people who had (Until recently) been raised, educated, and lived under a monarchy. And, they had lived and experienced all the reasons why people advocating for an absolute democratic government are fucking idiots of the highest caliber, even more so for instituting a democratic government in a country where the people never asked for it.
>All-powerful "dictators" can be good people who want what's best for their nation's people.
And, how are you going to find or determine that someone is "good enough" to be running a country with near-unlimited power at their fingertips? King Solomon (With all his wisdom) still made colossal fuck-ups, Charlemagne instituted the first modern tax systems, Napoleon was...short (Okay, being honest, I know fuck-all about Napoleon because everyone seems to brush over that section of history. Anyone know of any good material to read on him?), and Singapore seems like the exception of how dictatorships can benefit a city-state rather than the rule.
279950 279952 279959
Also, just realized something:
Isn't the entire argument about how "We're all "white" guys" the SAME arguments that Kike use when trying to subvert European cultures, only to then claim victim status because, "Actually, we're not white, we're Jewish"?
And, it's the same argument used when advocating for race-mixing because "We're all humans, so there is no actual race".
Your argument looks to me like a cheap attempt to "deconstruct" White identity.
You are wasting your time, racial awareness is spreading fast.
>And, as far as the Irish, the extent of my knowledge boils down to the hatred towards their people having to do with the fact that they were druids
It's mainly just Anglo soy boys wanting more things to control because they are huge power freaks, which the English way of horsemanship is a clear example of this as they believe themselves to be more dominant than a prey animal because it feeds their unconscious need for something to have authority over.
It was not just the Irish but they are the ones that were under the worst possible English rule for a long time.
279955 279968
Sorry anon, that your jokes fall flat. When all this time you've been 'super serious' naghtzis bad.
Welcome to the club. You're a bit late to the party, but at least you made it I suppose...
The difference between make a grey 'one human race' and 'hey guys at least we're all kinda white where it matters so let's team up for a bit until it's all done' is a matter of aligning interests.
The grey golem goys are a literal slave race being designed by and for (((them))).
White (as in the targeted groups that would be extinguished) have to use some teamwork and friendship to overcome some pretty icky odds.
One is a death of several amazing species and races of human beings, not to mention the history and culture.
The other is a friendly mutual pact to ensure problems get solved.

Being white is enough to be targeted. Are you suggesting that we shouldn't help others that are also in the same position?
There are countless differences, but honestly when the time comes that every option has been counted does that mean we'll all backstab each other? No, I don't think so. We're not a fucking gigajewkike.
Later much much later, if hostilities increase that's a problem then. Right now the most pressing concern is the situation, and the cost of failing.
Also the value of a friend's life is always far superior to a subversive antagonistic traitor.
At least in my opinion.
279969 279970
>In the case of the Poles, Western Europe sees them as nothing more than the retarded stepchild that's imitating all the cool kids in order to get invited to the cool parties but everyone honestly just wants them to go fuck off to the middle of nowhere and die.
this is not the case all of that is literally driven by kikes and their subversion and anyone who says Polish people aren't white can kiss my lily white part polish ass and those saying it, are also leftists, who are already communists and/or jews.
>Eastern Europe sees them a the prime example of just how "degenerate" Western Europe is and that they should be treated as a second class because they don't want their "Western Europeaness" to rub off on the populace and destroy the glorious Eastern European Empire(s).
Never heard this among any Natsoc circles you may hear it from leftists and normalfags but what they say has never mattered.
>as far as the Irish, the extent of my knowledge boils down to the hatred towards their people having to do with the fact that they were druids (To the Bong Anon, please correct me if that isn't it), so no need to explain there.
The so-called hatred for the Irish was always invented whole cloth by the british elites, (and despite what many claims never fucking existed in America I have an Irish ancestor circa 1679 to prove it) many of whom are jews or crypto-jews, and has little to do with their celtic druid ancestors who were wiped out by christains, violently more than 1700 years ago.

>No, it's not. Socialism is a political systems that creates a totalitarian government that treats everyone and everything equally and detests the very concept of "private property".
Yes it is a mischaracterization, Private Property was and is today a FOUNDATION of National Socialism, seems like someone hasn't done their fucking research.
>with the expressed purpose of eventually making a Communist society.
Not a goal of National Socialism at all, again a mischaracterization.
>Communism is when a said Socialist government is completely dissolved because people have reached a utopia that has become so autonomous and selfless that a government is no longer needed. Hence the meme of "True Communism has never been tried" because it really hasn't, but who gives a shit when the more pressing issue is why million of people disappear every single time this government comes into play.
Millions of people didn't disappear under Hitler's Germany the Holocaust is false, all deaths in Germany and under German control were caused by execution of Partisans who were committing terrorist acts against the Germans and later by the allies cutting supply lines BOMBING GERMANY WITH FIREBOMBS, and letting niggers rape and raping themselves European women.
Your argument remains true only against COMMUNISTS who stole a name from a concept that existed in EUROPEAN( Germanic, Nordic, Roman, Greek, and English etc.) law, for thousands of years specifically to sully it so that idiots would think it is the same as MUH COMMUNISM. It is not, and NEVER was.
>MY arguments have been about the fact that Socialism is SOCIALISM (No matter how much you try to rebrand it or claim "It's totally different, for real this time").
Your argument is faulty because your premise is faulty, ie it is a non-sequitur, IT DOES NOT FOLLOW do your fucking research.
>Not according to the Leaf up here: >>279915
He obviously didn't read the thread.
>How? Going by what I know, Liberals are retards who will sacrifice everything in the name of "progress, tolerance, and harmony" because they want to be on the "good side of history" (Unless they're a politician, then they're a wannabe dictator who passes laws effectively creating "I can't believe it's not slavery and racism"); Libertarians are retards who champion an impossible version of the free market as the solution to everything and that governments shouldn't exist whatsoever. Am I incorrect with that summary?
You are not wholly incorrect, there are tiny distinctions but boiled down they both believe in reaching a Utopian society and neither can provide a workable way to reach it, nor can Communists, National Socialists can and do all the fucking time we ask is that you know what the fuck you're talking about and that you're willing to listen but you won't even do that.
>A: hey goyim, we're all whites here except we have special status because holocaust and also you should mix with other races
>B: all white people should protect themselves from A
<A and B are totally the same argument
Fuck right off, laddie.
>the English way of horsemanship is a clear example of this as they believe themselves to be more dominant than a prey animal because it feeds their unconscious need for something to have authority over
This reminds me of the time Black Twitter called owning a dog racism.
If the German people had "other options" for solving Weimar problems in record time, why did people choose Hitler?
Did Hitler have "other ways" to solve the Weimar problems?
Did Hitler have "other ways" to free Germany from the terms and conditions and restrictions and taxes forced upon Germany after their "defeat" at World War One?
Remember, there wasn't a single German at that bargaining table representing Germany. Only Jews.
And the German military (dragged into a war over Austria-Hungary's attempt to cock-vore Serbia thanks to the One World Govt Globalist bitches and their insistence on Mutual Protection Pacts as a form of "Deterrence") did not surrender. Its politicians surrendered.
[YouTube] No. Nationalism Did Not 'Cause' World War I #Armistice100 [Embed]

You know those old stories of Germans and Brits playing football at Christmas during WW2...
or shooting each other's planes down, parachuting down together, and surviving in the wilderness together...
or shooting down their own side for shooting the parachutes of enemy fliers after destroying their planes...

It makes you remember real white people have this natural fundamental honour and decency within them, and the enemies of whites do not.
File (hide): 191155E0C74F8B5B4873FF30E03B596B-661013.webm (645.5 KB, Resolution:760x572 Length:00:00:09, Martok_is_happy.webm) [play once] [loop]
>Are you suggesting that we shouldn't help others that are also in the same position?
You should help anyone that isn't going to stab you in the back, regardless of who they are.
>There are countless differences, but honestly when the time comes that every option has been counted does that mean we'll all backstab each other? No, I don't think so.
The entire history of Europe, Asia, and Africa begs to differ.
>Right now the most pressing concern is the situation, and the cost of failing.
Right now, the only situation I see being pushed in this thread is a blackpill that Western world is lost because people are trying to destroy the current governments while facing little opposition, so let's drop everything and run off to go live in the woods in some far off mountain range, all the while dreaming that you're going to "retake" the world like you're some Bond villain or a secret army in a comic book who's been training underground for decades and waiting to emerge at the "right time". Basically, you're giving up, and declaring that it's the path to victory.

Why does no one in these threads ever talk about actually doing something useful? Such as running for local/city/county/state positions in the government or some organization, or discussing how to exploit the tax and legal system through the loopholes that exist and are being used by "all the big players", or talking about economics and where to invest money, or something else that will result in ANYTHING more than just endless bitching that "All is lost"?
279970 279975 280046
>this is not the case all of that is literally driven by kikes
Poland has had a long infamous history of being the Kike stronghold in Europe. Granted, that has nothing to do with while Poles are considered the Renicks of the continent, but just thought you would like to know
>and anyone who says Polish people aren't white can kiss my lily white part polish ass and those saying it, are also leftists, who are already communists and/or jews and
>Never heard this among any Natsoc circles you may hear it from leftists and normalfags but what they say has never mattered.
It's fucking European fucking history.
It's been a bias that's taken place long before the concepts of "Leftism" and "Rightism" sprouted during the French Revolution. In fact, it's so ingrained as part of the culture, that it's a literal way of life. Have you NEVER read any non-American literurature from prior to the 20th century?
>Private Property was and is today a FOUNDATION of National Socialism
Deciding to read up on the subject again, it looks like that is not true, unless you're being literal. According to both Nazi pamphlets and post war studies, you do own your property (Unless you're a Kike), which sets them apart from Soviet Russia's Marxism: http://archive.vn/dO8Pp
<It was not socialism or communism: private property and private profit still existed. The Nazi system was, rather, a combination of some of the characteristics of capitalism and a highly planned economy. Without in any way destroying its class character, a comprehensive planning mechanism was imposed on an economy in which private property was not expropriated, in which the distribution of national income remained fundamentally unchanged, and in which private entrepreneurs retained some of their prerogatives and responsibilities in traditional capitalism.
However, the government controls what you can actually DO with your property:
<To put it quite clearly: we have an economic programme. Point No. 13 in that programme demands the nationalisation of all public companies, in other words socialisation, or what is known here as socialism. … the basic principle of my Party’s economic programme should be made perfectly clear and that is the principle of authority… the good of the community takes priority over that of the individual. But the State should retain control; every owner should feel himself to be an agent of the State; it is his duty not to misuse his possessions to the detriment of the State or the interests of his fellow countrymen. That is the overriding point. The Third Reich will always retain the right to control property owners. If you say that the bourgeoisie is tearing its hair over the question of private property, that does not affect me in the least. Does the bourgeoisie expect some consideration from me?… Today’s bourgeoisie is rotten to the core; it has no ideals any more; all it wants to do is earn money and so it does me what damage it can. The bourgeois press does me damage too and would like to consign me and my movement to the devil.
If you want to be holierthanthou convince me your right.webm
>Your argument remains true only against COMMUNISTS who stole a name from a concept that existed in EUROPEAN( Germanic, Nordic, Roman, Greek, and English etc.) law, for thousands of years specifically to sully it so that idiots would think it is the same as MUH COMMUNISM. It is not, and NEVER was.
<For Andrew Vincent, "The word ‘socialism’ finds its root in the Latin sociare, which means to combine or to share. The related, more technical term in Roman and then medieval law was societas. This latter word could mean companionship and fellowship as well as the more legalistic idea of a consensual contract between freemen."
<The term "socialism" was created by Henri de Saint-Simon, one of the founders of what would later be labelled "utopian socialism". Simon coined "socialism" as a contrast to the liberal doctrine of "individualism", which stressed that people act or should act as if they are in isolation from one another. The original "utopian" socialists condemned liberal individualism for failing to address social concerns during the industrial revolution, including poverty, social oppression, and gross inequalities in wealth; viewing liberal individualism as degenerating society into supporting selfish egoism that harmed community life through promoting a society based on competition.
<Socialist models and ideas espousing common or public ownership have existed since antiquity. It has been claimed, though controversially, that there were elements of socialist thought in the politics of classical Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle. Mazdak, a Persian communal proto-socialist instituted communal possessions and advocated the public good. Abū Dharr al-Ghifārī, a Companion of Prophet Muhammad, is credited by many as a principal antecedent of Islamic socialism. In the period right after the French Revolution, activists and theorists like François-Noël Babeuf, Étienne-Gabriel Morelly, Philippe Buonarroti, and Auguste Blanqui influenced the early French labour and socialist movements. In Britain, Thomas Paine proposed a detailed plan to tax property owners to pay for the needs of the poor in Agrarian Justice while Charles Hall wrote The Effects of Civilization on the People in European States, denouncing capitalism's effects on the poor of his time which influenced the utopian schemes of Thomas Spence.
<The origins of socialism as a political movement lie in the Industrial Revolution. Its intellectual roots, however, reach back almost as far as recorded thought—even as far as Moses, according to one history of the subject. Socialist or communist ideas certainly play an important part in the ideas of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, whose Republic depicts an austere society in which men and women of the “guardian” class share with each other not only their few material goods but also their spouses and children. Early Christian communities also practiced the sharing of goods and labour, a simple form of socialism subsequently followed in certain forms of monasticism. Several monastic orders continue these practices today
<Christianity and Platonism were combined in More’s Utopia, which apparently recommends communal ownership as a way of controlling the sins of pride, envy, and greed. Land and houses are common property on More’s imaginary island of Utopia, where everyone works for at least two years on the communal farms and people change houses every 10 years so that no one develops pride of possession. Money has been abolished, and people are free to take what they need from common storehouses. All the Utopians live simply, moreover, so that they are able to meet their needs with only a few hours of work a day, leaving the rest for leisure.
How did they "steal and subvert" a concept (That's the centralized around the abolishment of private property) into a a compltely different concept (That's ALSO centralized around the abolishment of private property)? At least Hitler allowed you to actually own your stuff (Even if you could do fuck all with it).
>but boiled down they both believe in reaching a Utopian society and neither can provide a workable way to reach it
Ah, so they're both deluded about being able to reach an impossible end goal. Humanity will NEVER be able to reach anything close to a "utopia". We're too selfish, ignorant, emotional, aggressive, and spontaneous for that to ever happen. In order to reach a "utopia", you'd have to remove everything that makes us human. This isn't Star Trek, and the Federation will never be a reality. In fact, the irony of it all is that Roddenberry based the Federation on Sweden, and even they had to renounce their Socialist tendancies in order to save the country: https://invidio.us/watch?v=0lxD-gikpMs [Embed]
>National Socialists can
Good luck with your delusions.
File (hide): F284F3630CF7A6BE5A5A42BEA54963A2-277765.mp4 (271.3 KB, Resolution:480x360 Length:00:00:06, READ NIGGA READ.mp4) [play once] [loop]
>If the German people had "other options" for solving Weimar problems in record time, why did people choose Hitler?
How did you skip over the part where I said that, while they did have other options, instituting an authoritarian government was the inevitable end result given the mindset of the country?
>It makes you remember real white people have this natural fundamental honour and decency within them, and the enemies of whites do not.
You mean like the Japanese?
Do you think the Japanese have honour?
In their own sense, yes. In fact, they take their honor to completely retarded lengths and extents to this very day.
>NSDAP economy
>(((German propaganda archive)))
You may want to expand your scope to a more comprehensive approach.

>NSDAP Social Philosophy and Economic Theory (2h 26m long)
https://www.bitchute.com/video/UDagBiD4Gqo/ [Embed]

And the origins of the above economic theory:
>>278174 →
>Manifesto for the Abolition of Enslavement to Interest on Money - by Gottfried Feder (1919)
279980 279985 279990
>>278174 →
>Mammonism is...the spirit of greed
Why was an entire paragraph needed just to state that?
<Reading the PDF introduction
>Instead, the German State offered loans for a set price. For example, marriage loans up to 1000 marks were implemented and were repayable in interest free installments. A quarter of the loan was forgiven at the birth of each child. Via this method, people were never stuck paying off an interest charge each month like they are today with the credit card scam, but instead their payment actually went towards paying off their initial debt.
Hold up a second there, you were not penalized for NOT paying off your loan, AND you could reduce the amount of money that you owe? So, you can take out a loan (For however much you want), have no end date to pay it off (Meaning you could die without having paid off the money that you borrowed), have two kids (Each wiping 25% of your current debt that you owe), and (Then) only have to pay 56% of the initial loan (Which they will never see, anyway, because you died having never paid it off).
Why would anyone ever want to lend out money when you're guaranteed to lose it, or walk away with almost half of what you started with?
>Adolf Hitler describes the National Socialist monetary system in a succinct paragraph: “If ever need makes humans see clearly, it has made the German people do so. Under the compulsion of this need we have learned in the first place to take full account of the most essential capital of a nation, namely, its capacity to work. All thoughts of a gold reserves and foreign exchange fade before the industry and efficiency of well-planned national productive resources. We can smile today at an age when economists were seriously of the opinion that the value of currency was determined by the reserves of gold and foreign exchange lying in the vaults of the national banks and, above all, was guaranteed by them. Instead of that we have learned to realize that the value of a currency lies in a nation’s power of production, that an increasing volume of production sustains a currency, and could possibly raise its value, whereas a decreasing production must, sooner or later, lead to a compulsory devaluation.” He added, “Werere not foolish enough to try to make a currency [backed by] gold of which we had none, but for every mark that was issued we required the equivalent of a mark’s worth of work done or goods produced.” The National-Socialist economy is one based off work and production.
Why does that sound like how Red China currently operates? Also, that "barter system", mentioned in the third pic:
>Germany even managed to restore foreign trade by using a barter system: equipment and commodities were exchanged directly with other countries, circumventing the international banks.
Yeah, the bartering happened with international trade, not domestic.
>Why would anyone ever want to lend out money when you're guaranteed to lose it, or walk away with almost half of what you started with?
Because you didn't retreat to read or hear the manifesto and theory in its totality. You just jumped to conclusions dictated by the semitic indoctrination.
The point of those loans to married couples was to produce a new German generation (children), not to make profit. Other loans were about to reactivate the German economy by injecting cash flow from the bottom of the social pyramid instead of injecting from the top (stock markets).
Read and learn more faggot.
279982 279983 280002 280054
>The point of those loans to married couples was to produce a new German generation (children), not to make profit.
So,the point is to make a future labor force. How is this different from China?
>Other loans were about to reactivate the German economy by injecting cash flow from the bottom of the social pyramid instead of injecting from the top (stock markets).
Oh, it's loan disguised as welfare. It doesn't make any money, but keeps the economy. Except, unlike with welfare where you constantly pay for a portion of that "net" via taxes, you don't have to pay ANY money back.
>It doesn't make any money, but keeps the economy going.
>So,the point is to make a future labor force.
Now you are dishonest.
>Oh, it's loan disguised as welfare.
Not really, the payment is 4 children in exchange for a roof above the family's head.
>Why would anyone ever want to lend out money when you're guaranteed to lose it, or walk away with almost half of what you started with?
Because not everyone is a kike.
>So,the point is to make a future labor force.
That's how you'd look at it, yes. I'm not even surprised at this point.
To everyone else not of the jewish persuasion, it is a means to secure the continuation of the nation in question. I would ask why you are against such efforts, but at this point it is painfully obvious to everyone.
He's been dishonest the whole time.

He's a hentai watching degenerate what else could you expect?
279996 279998
At this point some rabbi taking it upon himself to educate the misguided nazis on the horsy website honestly fits better.
279993 279995
>Because not everyone is a kike.
Simple question: Why would you invest money into a project unless it benefits you in anyway?
> To everyone else not of the jewish persuasion, it is a means to secure the continuation of the nation in question.
Because your entire nation's currency is dependent upon labor: >>279979
Instead of that we have learned to realize that the value of a currency lies in a nation’s power of production, that an increasing volume of production sustains a currency, and could possibly raise its value, whereas a decreasing production must, sooner or later, lead to a compulsory devaluation.” He added, “Werere not foolish enough to try to make a currency [backed by] gold of which we had none, but for every mark that was issued we required the equivalent of a mark’s worth of work done or goods produced.” The National-Socialist economy is one based off work and production.
> I would ask why you are against such efforts, but at this point it is painfully obvious to everyone.
Because I don't want to spend the time that I have on this planet wasting away 80-100 hours a week in order to build someone else's dream.
The existence of my children BENEFITS EVERYONE, that is it. Without children, we do not exist, we would disappear so a program to encourage MORE WHITE CHILDREN benefits WHITE PEOPLE, it is a simple fucking premise and simple logical conclusion.
279999 280000 280002
Except, unlike with this country where becoming a parents grants you the benefits of a tax break, the potential labor that you children could provide is the currency your entire system is built off of.
>Simple question: Why would you invest money into a project unless it benefits you in anyway?
Literally just the same answer.
Moreover, it benefits my descendants.
>Because I don't want to spend the time that I have on this planet wasting away 80-100 hours a week in order to build someone else's dream.
Nobody's forcing you to do that, yet you are here with the same psy-op talking points you lot post on every forum imaginable.
>national socialism is communism, if you are against on you should be against the other
Libertarian vs natsoc consensus cracking.
>arbitrarily chosen white nation is not white, because I said so
White people of Europe should be busy hating each other, god forbid they'd work together, oy vey.
>the jews want you to support the nazis
Introduction of logical loop to confuse lurkers and hopefully annoy everyone else into not refuting your shit
>finally, posting all of this shit in a thread that has fuckall to do with this in order to derail and shut down any discussion that would not be about your posts
You do this fucking everywhere, and it's getting really fucking boring. And the more you try to pull this shit, the easier it is to recognize.
Checked and keked, thanks friend. I do have to say watching them get bent out of shape for entertainment is quite fun.
Cheerilee - Check'em.jpeg
280004 280005
280003 280005
>the potential labor that you children could provide is the currency your entire system is built off of.
Not bad, you understand the idea of a currency backed with labor.
Wow, it's like kids grow up and stuff. The difference is instead of importing outsiders, they have each other for more friendship.
Bravo on those numbers too, Sir!
280006 280008 280010
>Literally just the same answer.
So, it's out of spite?
>Nobody's forcing you to do that
Under a Socialist government, the government controls how the markets work. I can achieve none of what I wish to do unless the government deems it "acceptable".
> national socialism is communism
I never said that, I said that Socialism is Socialism.
>arbitrarily chosen white nation is not white, because I said so
Way to miss the point that every single European nation attempts to make the claim that they're "superior" whites, and have waged wars for centuries over that.
> finally, posting all of this shit in a thread that has fuckall to do with this in order to derail and shut down any discussion that would not be about your posts
You're mad that I upset your pity party?

>SO WHAT? Why does that matter?
Because you're devaluing people to be good for nothing more than labor.
No, it's not. Where I come from, the entire point was to make thing better for the future generations rather than resign them to live in the same Hell you're living now.

>they have each other for more friendship
Why is it that, when I read that, the first thing that springs to mind is crabs in a bucket?
>Way to miss the point that every single European nation attempts to make the claim that they're "superior" whites, and have waged wars for centuries over that.
You are still the one who claimed some of those nations are not white, and still have yet to give any actual examples of what makes them not white.
The point of whites sticking together despite past differences have been explained to you over and over ITT and you keep ignoring it, and trying to argue around it.
>my pity party
You know, everyone can just go back and see how my earliest posts were about not giving in to despair, and giving the opinion that people should stay where they have roots and defend their homeland, instead of moving to some other place. You are confusing exactly zero people with suggesting otherwise. You might get away with shit like this on 4chungus, but not here.
280051 280089
>Why is it that, when I read that, the first thing that springs to mind is crabs in a bucket?
I am so so sorry. I'm not sure how I could help you as you are.
>Where I come from, the entire point was to make thing better for the future generations rather than resign them to live in the same Hell you're living now
Duh. To get things to work you either have normal people who work, migrants, immigrants, slaves, or more recently automation.
Pro-tip two of them are not bad choices, and the goal is to ensure the next generation is better off.
280014 280015
I am valuing people with the only objective measure of a persons worth ever devised, aka what can you DO for not only yourself but for those around you? I advocate for a system that DOESN'T ALLOW THEM TO BE ABUSED, whether by their own or outsiders nor would it allow them to live in "hell". National Socialis advocates for an Organic state that protects men within a simple set of rules derived from Nature and the Order it shows us through the most basic of human skills OBSERVATION, and these rules DO recognize ones freedom to both defend oneself and TO SPEAK based upon your right to DEFEND YOURSELF. What freedom of speech even as the Founders of America saw it did not include manipulation of peoples minds to destroy them, nor brainwashing, nor Pornography nor protecting Traitors from their own actions or words or from their defense of treasonous shitheels running around killing and destroying peoples property.
280013 280016
>You are still the one who claimed some of those nations are not white, and still have yet to give any actual examples of what makes them not white.
So, all the prejudices, slander, and outright wars that have happened between the European nations since the beginning of time [b]IS NOT[/i] racism because they're all "white"?
> The point of whites sticking together despite past differences have been explained to you over and over ITT and you keep ignoring it
Primarily because every single time that statement comes up, it's a Kike trying to pass themselves as "white".
> You know, everyone can just go back and see how my earliest posts were about not giving in to despair, and giving the opinion that people should stay where they have roots and defend their homeland, instead of moving to some other place.
Then why did you not contribute to this post: >>279968
Why did NO ONE contribute to that post?
You are close fren when you point out that can't be racism when there's just one race.
Isn't it a beautiful and self evident truth?
>I advocate for a system that DOESN'T ALLOW THEM TO BE ABUSED, whether by their own or outsiders nor would it allow them to live in "hell".
You're advocating for a nanny state.
> nor protecting Traitors from their own actions or words
Actually, that's EXACTLY the reason why the First Amendment exists.
280023 280151
>Actually, that's EXACTLY the reason why the First Amendment exists.
In fact, to hit this point home: http://archive.vn/EFod6
< Treason is the only crime defined in the U.S. Constitution. According to Article III, Section 3:
<Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
Don't you at all find it odd that that is the definition of treason and traitorism according to the Constitution, and that it's the only crime the document ever mentions?
Why did you not reply to this?
WhY DID YoU NoT RePlY tO tHiS?!?!?!
See, I can be obnoxiously autistic too.
I can contribute, if you so wish.
>Right now, the only situation I see being pushed in this thread is a blackpill that Western world is lost
Literally the first few posts, including me with the Hungary flag was a discussion of how not all is lost and what are ways each of us can look for ways to contribute to our desired goal of slowly achieving a not-fallen un-jewed Western society. Then you came along with your endless drivel. That was the discussion you have shut down.
>discussing how to exploit the tax and legal system through the loopholes that exist and are being used by "all the big players"
Even if we were fine with doing that, we wouldn't discuss it on public Internet forums. It does require a certain lack of spine, though, to even consider. Or a big nose. Or both. You really do stick out like sore thumb.
> Such as running for local/city/county/state positions in the government or some organization
Some of us might be doing exactly that, but you'll never know. And that is good.
280018 280148
>Why did you not reply to this?
Because I found your attempt at a joke to be bullshit and not worth giving attention to.
> Even if we were fine with doing that, we wouldn't discuss it on public Internet forums. It does require a certain lack of spine, though, to even consider.
Why does using the laws that exist to your advantage require the utmost secrecy like you're committing a crime when the laws exist for them to be used for your advantage?
> Some of us might be doing exactly that, but you'll never know.
I know you're not, otherwise you wouldn't be bitching like this.
It wasn't a joke, it pointed out how your attempt at comparing the 2 didn't make sense. You did not reply, because you knew you couldn't actually defend that shit from that point on, and so you decided to ignore it. Maybe you can type enough nonsense to make people forget about it. Sorry bud, didn't work.
>I know you're not, otherwise you wouldn't be bitching like this.
Oh, wow. Vewy scawy big boy poster here, watch out.
Obviously the point was that any poster or lurker could be doing that as we speak, but not posting about it here would definitely be the wise choice, if those people even exist.
>>280017 (FAG)
>Why did NO ONE contribute to that post?
>Because I found your attempt at a joke to be bullshit and not worth giving attention to.
280037 280051 280126
>It wasn't a joke
So, I misunderstood the posts meaning, okay.
> You did not reply, because you knew you couldn't actually defend that shit from that point on
As I said, I did think it was worth giving attention because, as you pointed out, I misunderstand what you were trying to say altogether. And, on a related note, you probably should have noticed by now that I despise people who try to group me in with "Hello fellow white people" jargon because it does is set off my gaydar that someone is trying to fuck me over.
OMG, thats exactly what these fucks are doing AND getting away with thanks for proving my fucking point.
The point that the country is working exactly the way it's suppose to?
File (hide): CF621F6980A82C60AE6A32838EC3A2D1-739287.webm (722.0 KB, Resolution:334x360 Length:00:00:16, Jockel.mp3) [play once] [loop]
> I despise people who try to group me in with "Hello fellow white people" jargon because it does is set off my gaydar that someone is trying to fuck me over.
You're doing that well enough by yourself.
No, that it isn't. thank you for proving you are an illiterate,
Oh you mean they're committing unironic treason...wait, isn't Trump already taking care of that by restricting Tencent and and that other company.
Nope he isn't thats subversion NOT "traitorism" as you put it. He is not and has not done anything about traitors within the system.
>Nope he isn't thats subversion NOT "traitorism" as you put it.
Oh, you mean Pantifa: http://archive.vn/a24XW
> has not done anything about traitors within the system.
Kind of hard to get rid of corrupt politicians when people keep electing them into office.
280033 280037
Well, this thread is a shit show. On a plus side live demonstration of cognitive bias and avoiding the question.
A constant reminder to always be vigilant.
No it isn't, It rather simple, Every democrat and Every republican in the House and Senate has aided and abetted traitors and benefited from terrorism yet nothing has been done even though the EVIDENCE CAN BE ACQUIRED BY AUTISTS ON THE INTERNET. Yet nothing gets done. I wonder (((WHY))).
Then, why don't you take it to court?
>Well, this thread is a shit show.
I am sure people have tried, and none of them went anywhere, because the cost is exorbitant and the judges are compromised, yet you continue being a tool of the system. Go away you have said nothing useful and have only advocated for continuing the spiral to doom we are on, making you nothing more than your average traitor, I hope the bullet fired that ends your worthless existence(in minecraft) is mine but any will do.
280039 280046
>I am sure people have tried, and none of them went anywhere, because the cost is exorbitant and the judges are compromised
Weren't you just screaming at me about how there are probably people who are posting or lurking in this thread who ARE in the system, after I called your statement out to be bullshit? If that's the case, then why don't they do something?
280038 280041
And you're still not actually answering it and attempting to talk your way around it. This is too funny, you can't even fucking make this shit up.
And then you still attempt to a "fellow white people" after that. Fucking KEK. Pls stop.
Why is no one answering these posts???
Can you not read ID's you dumbfuck? No I didn't and I don't think there are many people in the system who could help, there may be some who WOULD but they are outnumbered and this CANNOT be turned around from within the system, that game if it could ever be played was lost more than 60 years ago the only path to the light and to ensure OUR survival lays outside the system and it lays in complete opposition to America as it stands today, Christianity(disagree if you want but I KNOW I am right on this), and every single fucking jewish thing that has ever existed and opposes every single invader marauder and rapist that our government under the control of jews and traitors and racial enemies has foisted upon us.
Thanks for the (You). If they ever acknowledge that it means they have failed.
I know these are reposts, but one might never know who may see it and need it.
>Can you not read ID's you dumbfuck?
You're right, that was the other Anon. I just assumed you were the same guy because if the similar ID color.
> that game if it could ever be played was lost more than 60 years ago
60 years ago, the U.S., the USSR, and the U.N. all joined together to tell England, France, and Israel to BTFO: https://infogalactic.com/info/Suez_Crisis
Hmmm I have a theory.
>>280042 (You)
>the U.S., the USSR, and the U.N. all joined together to tell England, France, and Israel to BTFO
280047 280048
>Weren't you just screaming at me about how there are probably people who are posting or lurking in this thread who ARE in the system, after I called your statement out to be bullshit? If that's the case, then why don't they do something?
Now hold on one second there bucko. Why would they get out of covert hiding to do that?
It's far more advantageous to lie in wait like snakes. Don'tcha see.
Now what do you have to say to
280048 280055 280083
Is the human figure supposed to be /pol/'s board tan?
280049 280052
>Why would they get out of covert hiding to do that?
>It's far more advantageous to lie in wait like snakes.
Then doesn't that make the other Anon appear impatient? That he wants things to happen when he wants them to happen instead of when it's most advantageous?
> Now what do you have to say to
That I was proven to be incorrect. Citizens under the Nazi government did have one right: The right own to private property. What they could proceed to actually do with that property, as well as any other action, was a right granted by the government.

Uncle /pol/ and Polina are the tans.
280055 280089
Yes, of course. Answer the random shit that is off topic even to this off topic shitshow you successfully started with actual honestly for a change.
Say what you want about jews, they do have a sense of humour.
Anyway, I was inquiring whether the human figure in the picture was supposed to represent Mr. /New/man, asking because the conversation in said picture would definitely fit to represent certain moments of the initial meeting with the posters of /mlp/, and posed the question to the guy who actually posted the picture, and not you.
>What they could proceed to actually do with that property, as well as any other action, was a right granted by the government.
Just like under any god damn government who had law enforcement on their side, ever.
>>280048 (You)
Haha! Would you look at that.
No way honest Germans had far more rights because of parties actually interested in them.
>see pic related.
If you couldn't tell that was a joke.
No idea friend. Just something found on our very own ponerpics.
Sorry for denying the (You).
Howver the theory I'm looking at seems to be working. Basically the guy can't view posts that properly aren't linked to his own. Not only that it's stripped down.
Once I reply properly he'll see it.

>As I said, I did think it was worth giving attention because, as you pointed out, I misunderstand what you were trying to say altogether
I'm saying this again, but have you considered
my post again yet?
>As I said, I did think it was worth giving attention because, as you pointed out, I misunderstand what you were trying to say altogether
I'm saying this again, but have you considered
my post again yet?
I am not impatient. A revolution requires both people from within and outside of the system, but this cannot be ended/reversed/undone from within the system it cannot be VOTED out of power. (((They))) and the Traitors will not allow anyone to do so. Everyone who gets put up for election outside of local municipal elections is 100% controlled either directly by blackmail or indirectly through their indoctrination in the college and school system they have subverted so well. It is patently not possible to do that here In the US, and is almost certainly not possible in most of Europe either. Even if it were, it cannot be done quickly enough to ensure the existence of Our people, if we let this continue there will be NO White people left on this earth within a century, as many will hide and fight in retreat, it will take them time to track them down, and kill, or bend them to their will. We will lose what little power we do have over our own Governments in less than ten years here and within thirty in most of Europe. Civil war is the only way we reverse this.
>Last night, people were upset when I was posting about how Nazism has all but minute differences from every other form of Socialism.
Hold on a minute, those are big differences.
>Except, unlike with welfare where you constantly pay for a portion of that "net" via taxes
Okay more seriously.
They are investing in the future of their country not merely sending it to welfare queens.
Look, in a place of our own it would have to have some semblance of law and order. A whole plan to maximize freedom where it counts and ensure survivability and adaptability.
Sorry if my posting is a bit off just tired.
The base image.
Ooooh, that makes sense.
File (hide): AB7DC18096452873B324D0C9F633B6CE-4173086.webm (4.0 MB, Resolution:640x480 Length:00:00:41, Spoilered) [play once] [loop]
>Is the human figure supposed to be /pol/'s board tan?
It is anon, anonymous, the infamous hacker called 4chan, he's a very old character of image boards and was created to represent us, as we are anonymous.
There's a couple other versions of him like 8chan's /pone/ version is red instead of green and endchan has their own version as well.
Now he is mainly used on /mlp/ as pony fags want to imagine themselves with fictional pastel pony's and he is usually interpenetrated as being a comedian so he is liked by them and is a symbol of old 4chan which a lot of old fags feel as if he is just as old as them, Which is about 14.
280092 280110 280126 280129 280149
File (hide): 0E6CF0A7455CFEA568C6136C2D2D1FFC-18736897.mp4 (17.9 MB, Resolution:640x360 Length:00:04:03, Illegal Everything - Taxi Monopolies.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Illegal Everything - Taxi Monopolies.mp4
File (hide): 34F8B9A517BC2E8C3EB326A62B88CB6C-29818088.mp4 (28.4 MB, Resolution:640x360 Length:00:05:36, The Rise & Fall of Taxi Medallions.mp4) [play once] [loop]
The Rise & Fall of Taxi Medallions.mp4
>Just like under any god damn government who had law enforcement on their side, ever.
No, it has not. Just look at the taxi system. Despite all the complaining about the government-enforced taxi medallions used to regulate the industry (First vid), Uber and Lyft completely disrupted the marketplace: http://archive.vn/QY1yo
Resulting in the medallions becoming worthless (Second vid), and driving their owners into debt: http://archive.vn/ZbUUa
And, that's on top of the fact that the taxi medallions were worth so much that they were essentially a stock market and resulted in a lot of wealthy people losing money with their devaluation: http://archive.vn/cBXbH
So, if any of this is actually enforceable by the government (And, the government is owned by the banks), then why haven't the Feds taken the time to shut down Uber or Lyft despite it "violating" their laws and destroying their bottom line?

>honest Germans
You mean like the half-breeds that joined the army: https://archive.fo/qtEpp
>had far more rights because of parties actually interested in them.
So, you're entire life is beheld to the whims of a political party. I thought all you guys were bitching about how you wanted to get AWAY from that?
>Basically the guy can't view posts that properly aren't linked to his own.
The old "they can't see me because I can't see them" strategy?
>have you considered
>my post again yet?
About what? What's the point you're trying to make?

>That pic
You're posting a picture that is taking concepts from a "2deep4U" Pedowood action post-apocalyptic sci-fi franchise (That no one gives a shit about aside from the fights, which were done better in later movies like Equilibrium, and the anime, and Agent Smith did nothing wrong) written by a couple of trannies in order to establish the fact that the majority of people are conformists? Really? Also, why did you repeat yourself in your post?

>Our people
>White people
I'm not one of your people and I am not "white", I'm an American, simple as that.
Stop acting like you're my "best pal" just because we have superficial similarities when it's quite clear that you don't have my best interests at heart. Every other race on the planet understands that and they do everything they can to get away from those people. In fact, that's the reason why THIS country exist, because they wanted to get AWAY from Europeans because everyone was tired of their shit.
What you're advocating for is like telling the citizens of Hong, Taiwan, and Singapore that they're "Chinese" and should support "greater China" due to the fact that they're "Chinese".

>They are investing in the future of their country not merely sending it to welfare queens.
Deciding to look things up, apparently welfare queens haven't been a thing since 1996: http://archive.vn/eSARc
The welfare state has been in decline: http://archive.vn/Irse5
And, the poverty rate has been decreasing: http://archive.vn/0mhyV
Both percentage AND population wise: http://archive.vn/vwsUN
Wait a second, that really sheds a new light on who it REALLY "protesting". If even the welfare queens are becoming extinct, then the baizuo in office are losing their voter base. At least, that explains why Biden is dropping like a rock in the polls when it comes to minorities: https://archive.is/dS0hy
Surely, nobody here thinks the Germans suffering under the Weimar Republic were obligated to treat the Jews responsible for their suffering well.
"White" is a classification of person. There are different white races who are all loathed equally by (((the enemy))).
I use Our people generally, you are not part of that group you are a traitor, and if you aren't white you can fuck right off, as you do not belong.
280113 280125
This has nothing to do with taxis or uber and you know that very well. A "right" doesn't exist without a government granting that right. It is a legal concept. "Right to do X" means the government is promising you that should anyone attempt to hinder your attempts at doing X, they wold be punished by said government, possibly by restricting their right to do Y. Nothing more and nothing less. It is literally what "right" means.
280114 280125
9th Amendment.jpg
>A "right" doesn't exist without a government granting that right.
280118 280125
that is explicitly granting the people the right to petition their local and federal government for protection of anything they view as a right, thereby granting them that right.
If anything NSDAP Germany treated jews too well after everything they did and were doing. As for "races", its more correct to call them different species.
>different white races
You meant to say subspecies right?
Im tired of seeing my fellow burgers pretending theres an alternative white homeland for us. Every white country is fucked.
The jews have infected us with cowardice through their Mind-virus known as christianity, to take back our home we must free ourselves from it.
280120 280121
No, it's an establishment that the people retain rights that precede and go beyond those of which the government chooses to acknowledge or "grant": http://archive.vn/SFpE
>It has been objected also against a bill of rights, that, by enumerating particular exceptions to the grant of power, it would disparage those rights which were not placed in that enumeration; and it might follow, by implication, that those rights which were not singled out, were intended to be assigned into the hands of the General Government, and were consequently insecure. This is one of the most plausible arguments I have ever heard urged against the admission of a bill of rights into this system; but, I conceive, that it may be guarded against. I have attempted it, as gentlemen may see by turning to the last clause of the fourth resolution.
>It has been said, that it is unnecessary to load the Constitution with this provision, because it was not found effectual in the constitution of the particular States. It is true, there are a few particular States in which some of the most valuable articles have not, at one time or other, been violated; but it does not follow but they may have, to a certain degree, a salutary effect against the abuse of power. If they are incorporated into the Constitution, independent tribunals of justice will consider themselves in a peculiar manner the guardians of those rights; they will be an impenetrable bulwark against every assumption of power in the Legislative or Executive; they will be naturally led to resist every encroachment upon rights expressly stipulated for in the Constitution by the declaration of rights. Besides this security, there is a great probability that such a declaration in the federal system would be enforced; because the State Legislatures will jealously and closely watch the operations of this Government, and be able to resist with more effect every assumption of power, than any other power on earth can do; and the greatest opponents to a Federal Government admit the State Legislatures to be sure guardians of the people's liberty. I conclude, from this view of the subject, that it will be proper in itself, and highly politic, for the tranquillity of the public mind, and the stability of the Government, that we should offer something, in the form I have proposed, to be incorporated in the system of Government, as a declaration of the rights of the people.
Even as was mentioned in the video in my first post ( >>279783 ), the DoI declares that:
>We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that AMONG these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
The entire foundation of the U.S. is built upon the fact that we retain rights given to us by a God upon our birth; NOT by a king, a dictator, a priest, a government, a politician, a political party, or a police whenever they feel like it.

>The jews have infected us with cowardice through their Mind-virus known as christianity
The founders of this country were devout Christians, even the most atheistic and agnostic individuals among them were studied the religion to the point that they'd give modern evangelicals a run for their money.
>to take back our home we must free ourselves from it.
Do you not, at all, see the irony that all you claims towards creating "freedom" require that you create an authoritarian government who can deny the citizens of a nation their freedom?
Would you call the Irish and Americans different specieses?
Yes we have those unalienable rights.
Just because you have those rights does not mean they won't be violated it's kind of what happens as people want (((security))) and (((subversion))). If no one stands up or even back those people who do protect those rights there is a problem.
So those founding documents are pretty good.
Most importantly I haven't heard what sort of solution you have on these issues.
280149 280150
Founding father quotes 2.PNG
Founding father quotes1.PNG
>that pic.
Benjamin Franklin also noted how NOBODY ELSE CARED ABOUT HIS LITTLE PRAYER, the founders and thought leaders aside from him seemed not to care much about your kike god.
Also pics related
>It has been objected also against a bill of rights, that, by enumerating particular exceptions to the grant of power, it would disparage those rights which were not placed in that enumeration; and it might follow, by implication, that those rights which were not singled out, were intended to be assigned into the hands of the General Government, and were consequently insecure. This is one of the most plausible arguments I have ever heard urged against the admission of a bill of rights into this system; but, I conceive, that it may be guarded against. I have attempted it, as gentlemen may see by turning to the last clause of the fourth resolution.
>It has been said, that it is unnecessary to load the Constitution with this provision, because it was not found effectual in the constitution of the particular States. It is true, there are a few particular States in which some of the most valuable articles have not, at one time or other, been violated; but it does not follow but they may have, to a certain degree, a salutary effect against the abuse of power. If they are incorporated into the Constitution, independent tribunals of justice will consider themselves in a peculiar manner the guardians of those rights; they will be an impenetrable bulwark against every assumption of power in the Legislative or Executive.
The judicial now serves either the legislative or the executive at its whim from the Supreme Court down it does not balance the power at all, and is actively abetting in the destruction of the children of these men and their compatriots and their "rights", which were always granted by the government at the mercy of the judiciary, and the children of those who stood aside to wait and see as cowards always have.
>they will be naturally led to resist every encroachment upon rights expressly stipulated for in the Constitution by the declaration of rights.
This is now known to be patently false they did not, and Jefferson himself warned of it, and they still are not doing this.
>Besides this security, there is a great probability that such a declaration in the federal system would be enforced; because the State Legislatures will jealously and closely watch the operations of this Government, and be able to resist with more effect every assumption of power, than any other power on earth can do; and the greatest opponents to a Federal Government admit the State Legislatures to be sure guardians of the people's liberty.
Turns out they were wrong here as well every state has compromised the people rights and freedom most often in exchange for money, how naive of them to think that you can protect rights without explicitly enumerating them and even having done so, each of them, save the kiked first amendment has been violated by the government, and even that has for federal employees and a great many citizens who in violation of the constitution were offered DISASTER AID and to get it had to sign away their right to criticize Israel. But, where are these stalwart defenders they speak of in the judiciary and of the States themselves? Aiding the fucking enemy in the destruction of the very PEOPLE that these men sought to PROTECT.
>We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that AMONG these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Whew, setting asides that this had no authority whatsoever and didn't make it into the constitution, here we get to the meat of your argument that these men in flagrant violation of all evidence, even the paltry amount at that time, thought ALL RACES were MEN in that phrase, they did not, and I'll let Thomas Jefferson speak instead of me
>"Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people(niggers) are to be free. Nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them."
>The entire foundation of the U.S. is built upon the fact that we retain rights given to us by a God upon our birth; NOT by a king, a dictator, a priest, a government, a politician, a political party, or a police whenever they feel like it.
And these men had as a god the same god that Hitler did, Nature and Natural Law, and the Order it encourages the very basis of National Socialism, he saw many of the same truths to be self evident and fully intended to set up a republic, or did you not know this?
>The founders of this country were devout Christians, even the most atheistic and agnostic individuals among them were studied the religion to the point that they'd give modern evangelicals a run for their money.
Their quotes disagree with you, they saw god not as the christkikes saw and see him but as the universe itself, or Nature, all of them save perhaps Franklin, but he was an atheist.
>Do you not, at all, see the irony that all you claims towards creating "freedom" require that you create an authoritarian government who can deny the citizens of a nation their freedom?
Do you not, at all see that the founders believed what I believe? In Nature, Merit, Struggle, having to fucking EARN what is yours, and the privilege to have a say by clawing it from nature in the eternal struggle, which you deny? These men HATED Christianity, and did not base the Government over my Nation upon that poisonous filth, and would have killed you for not standing up and fighting with your brothers to reverse this.
Let's not forget either that a Labor-backed currency was first used where? HERE.
No, They are the same species slightly different subspecies all other races on this planet are a different species same Genus.
A human has certain inalienable rights. To violate those rights is to oppress, attack, restrict, and declare war on that human.
Only whites are humans, of course.
Any legitimate government should respect the rights of the white man and defend their rights from aggressors. In addition, every white man should have the ability to defend his rights.
280129 280210
it dont add up.png
Waaaait a sec.
How is possible that someone tried to fuck you over with a "fellow white people" line if you aren't even white to begin with? Mate it just don't add up.
And why are you even in a thread that had the original topic of discussing how white people should ensure the continuation of their race?
Hmm. The plot thickens...
They have only one, granted by Nature, that of self defense, nothing else is protected or granted by Nature all other rights are an extension of that fundamental vitally important right. I support freedom of speech, and certainly the freedom to criticize your government as how else will it improve, but not those of traitors who make themselves known so freely today, with no action is taken to stop them. I do not support the freedom to commit usury upon a people, nor the freedom to be a degenerate faggot, or tranny both of which have demonstrated that they should be stamped out with maximum prejudice. The rule of thumb, that I am sure even Hitler and the Founding Fathers used, is if the degeneracy affects only the individual, and they do not inflict it upon the public, they are free to do it behind closed doors in the privacy of their private and personal residence. Unless, of course, you aren't White in which case you deserve nothing, and need to be removed. I support the freedom of religion so long as that religion is not Abrahamic, and if it is, and lets be real this will be either Islam or Christianity, you DO NOT pass that on to your children, or any other individual until the day you die. All things sourced to the kikes are nothing but poison and encourage racemixing and egalitarianism of the extreme variety.
On the whole I agree, but the above I will not compromise on.
280130 280131
>I'm not one of your people and I am not "white", I'm an American, simple as that.
Ah, it all makes sense now, you are a well and true Amerimutt.
color me surprised.
280131 280151
The belief that being "An American" transcends race is peak Civic Nationalism.
And Civic Nationalism is a pussy belief.
"Anyone can be an American if they just try", huh?
We all know you lack the balls to kick out any people born in America who don't act American.
It's an ideology of passive "tolerance", the last virtue of a dying society.
and by you I mean the peak amerimutt. not the 40Kposter.
280133 280135 280143 280151
I'll admit I have not read the thread past OP, I assume its continued around the same line of thought. I'll begin with saying the west and western Europeans are a people of the world, our souls although not of this world are thus not subject to its laws but our bodies are. What does this have to do with anything?

We are thus subject to the law of death. Everything eventually dies. Egyptians today are arabs, and not the Egyptians of ancient times. There is no more Rome, and Romans today are Germanic European Lombards and Arabs, but not those who once laid claim to the hole of the Mediterranean. All things die, but is it our duty to run in the face of death? Or is it our duty to face it head on? The coward runs from his fate, he who is heroic faces his destiny head on. That is what we must take sanctification in knowing, we are like Beowulf, going out to meet the dragon, our death is assured, but our legend may live on.

This does not mean that we may not win a victory or two along the way, like Augustus we may keep the civilization alive for a bit longer, but ultimately we will fail. But like anything that is alive, we must fight for life, not be content lay down and die or run from our destiny.
Read it, it's a good laugh overall.
But staying with the original topic, yes. You are absolutely right. If there is a solution that would result in long term survival, then it is the opposite of running away. If it doesn't work, then at least we tried. Slowly withering away while not even trying would be even more of a disgrace.

It is better to die with honor then to face a cowards death of lying in bed, it is a true mans dream to die in the face of battle, it is the most honorable death a man can achieve as that is the way of the ancient Aryan's and to go against this and straying from the path of our own blood is the most heretical crime of all and those who are willing to turn their back on their brethren should suffer the most excruciating death possible as traitors are the most gigantic soy boys in all of humanity and their blood are of no great use in the event that their future bloodline continues on the path of heresy.
280151 280152
Stagnation is the long death that harms the spirit.
But from death of the decay the truth can burn away the taint. So the new can rise better than before. A top the shoulders of giants, and the price paid every ticking of the clock.
That's not to say it always succeeds, yet doing nothing is a terrible option. I prefer proactive waiting over nothing.
Indeed, to build the foundation that thrives the horrors would be a victory.
By reforging, creating something from scratch, or doing something else.
Going gentlely into that good night is not for I. I will rage, rage against the dying of the light.
As always /MLPOL/ is a board of peace. I will defend myself, my friends, and my family.
280166 280246
>Most importantly I haven't heard what sort of solution you have on these issues.
Use the laws that exist to your advantage because that's the ENTIRE reason why they exist in the first place. Which is repeating what I said up here: >>280017
<Why does using the laws that exist to your advantage require the utmost secrecy like you're committing a crime when the laws exist for them to be used for your advantage?
Take the line your post:
>If no one stands up or even back those people who do protect those rights there is a problem.
Why aren't you the one standing up for those rights or backing people who are doing so? So far, the ONLY excuse I've seen presented can be paraphrased as, "Well, it takes time, money, and power." So, the problem then becomes figuring out how you can gain or exploit said "time, money, and power", but, by the time discussion starts heading in that direction, people immediately start screeching because you're using the system the way that it's SUPPOSE to be used and they can't have that because "That's a thing only the Kikes and traitors do, we have to destroy the system and create a new government that cannot be 'exploited'."
280150 280173
<Or, you peaceful protests with guns and scare the living shit out of them for daring to infringe on your rights by reminding them who's really in charge.
>The judicial now serves either the legislative or the executive at its whim from the Supreme Court down it does not balance the power at all
Have you heard of punctuation? Also, which of the recent Supreme Court rulings do you find to not be "balancing power": http://archive.vn/0vlvV
>This is now known to be patently false they did not
Then why is the Democratic party falling in the polls: >>280089
>Turns out they were wrong here as well every state has compromised the people rights and freedom most often in exchange for money
Aren't all the tech giants currently having to answer for the fact that they compromised people's securities and freedoms: http://archive.vn/un5HC
As well as the states losing their funding for similar reasons: http://archive.vn/9X4lJ
>how naive of them to think that you can protect rights without explicitly enumerating them
I have to agree, they didn't think that people were going to become naive to the point that they wouldn't use the rights that are listed right FUCKING there in plain English and in easy-enough-to-find documents.
>each of them, save the kiked first amendment has been violated by the government
And you don't take this to court WHY?
When you have all the power to do so:
>Aiding the fucking enemy in the destruction of the very PEOPLE that these men sought to PROTECT.
And, those people are being investigated with the intent of arresting them: http://archive.vn/9u50E
>>"Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be free. Nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them."
Jefferson also said: http://archive.vn/xA1A8
<It is difficult to determine on the standard by which the manners of a nation may be tried, whether catholic, or particular. It is more difficult for a native to bring to that standard the manners of his own ration, familiarized to him by habit. There must doubtless be an unhappy influence on the manners of our people produced by the existence of slavery among us. The whole commerce between master and slave is a perpetual exercise of the most boisterous passions, the most unremitting despotism on the one part, and degrading submissions on the other. Our children see this, and learn to imitate it; for man is an imitative animal. This quality is the germ of all education in him. From his cradle to his grave he is learning to do what he sees others do. If a parent could find no motive either in his philanthropy or his self love, for restraining the intemperance of passion towards his slave, it should always be a sufficient one that his child is present. But generally it is not sufficient. The parent storms, the child looks on, catches the lineaments of wrath, puts on the same airs in the circle of smaller slaves, gives a loose to the worst of passions, and thus nursed, educated, and daily exercised in tyranny, cannot but be stamped by it with odious peculiarities. The man must be a prodigy who can retain his manners and morals undepraved by such circumstances. And with what execration should the statesman be loaded, who permitting one half the citizens thus to trample on the rights of the other, transforms those into despots, and these into enemies, destroys the morals of the one part, and the amor patriae of the other. For if a slave can have a country in this world, it must be any other in preference to that in which he is born to live and labour for another; in which he must lock up the faculties of his nature, contribute as far as depends on his individual endeavours to the evanishment of the human race, or entail his own miserable condition on the endless generations proceeding from him. With the morals of the people, their industry also is destroyed. For in a warm climate, no man will labour for himself who can make another labour for him. This is so true, that of the proprietors of slaves a very small proportion indeed are ever seen to labour. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with his wrath? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep forever: that considering numbers, nature and natural means only, a revolution of the wheel of fortune, an exchange of situation is among possible events: that it may become probable by supernatural interference The almighty has no attribute which can take side with us in such a contest. — But it is impossible to be temperate and to pursue this subject through the various considerations of policy, of morals, of history natural and civil. We must be contented to hope they will force their way into every one’s mind. I think a change already perceptible, since the origin of the present revolution. The spirit of the master is abating, that of the slave rising from the dust, his condition mollifying, the way I hope preparing, under the auspices of heaven, for a total emancipation, and that this is disposed, in the order of events, to be with the consent of the masters, rather than by their extirpation.
And, to be quite honest, slaves did have the right to buy their freedom, with even options to go back to Africa thanks to organizations such as the ACS: https://infogalactic.com/info/American_Colonization_Society
File (hide): 6A7EBD7669742F53A217981ABEAC9FA0-303954.webm (296.8 KB, Resolution:852x480 Length:00:00:02, Christians who reside here.webm) [play once] [loop]
Christians who reside here.webm
>And these men had as a god the same god that Hitler did
<You see, it's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?
>Their quotes disagree with you
<"While we are zealously performing the duties of good citizens and soldiers, we certainly ought not to be inattentive to the higher duties of religion. To the distinguished character of Patriot, it should be our highest glory to add the more distinguished character of Christian." - G. Washington
<"Suppose a nation in some distant Region should take the Bible for their only law Book, and every member should regulate his conduct by the precepts there exhibited! Every member would be obliged in conscience, to temperance, frugality, and industry; to justice, kindness, and charity towards his fellow men; and to piety, love, and reverence toward Almighty God ... What a Eutopia, what a Paradise would this region be." = J. Addams
<"Resistance to tyranny becomes the Christian and social duty of each individual. ... Continue steadfast and, with a proper sense of your dependence on God, nobly defend those rights which heaven gave, and no man ought to take from us." - J. Hancock
<"And as it is our duty to extend our wishes to the happiness of the great family of man, I conceive that we cannot better express ourselves than by humbly supplicating the Supreme Ruler of the world that the rod of tyrants may be broken to pieces, and the oppressed made free again; that wars may cease in all the earth, and that the confusions that are and have been among nations may be overruled by promoting and speedily bringing on that holy and happy period when the kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ may be everywhere established, and all people everywhere willingly bow to the sceptre of Him who is Prince of Peace." - S. Addams
<"I believe that there is one only living and true God, existing in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, the same in substance equal in power and glory. That the scriptures of the old and new testaments are a revelation from God, and a complete rule to direct us how we may glorify and enjoy him. That God has foreordained whatsoever comes to pass, so as thereby he is not the author or approver of sin. That he creates all things, and preserves and governs all creatures and all their actions, in a manner perfectly consistent with the freedom of will in moral agents, and the usefulness of means. That he made man at first perfectly holy, that the first man sinned, and as he was the public head of his posterity, they all became sinners in consequence of his first transgression, are wholly indisposed to that which is good and inclined to evil, and on account of sin are liable to all the miseries of this life, to death, and to the pains of hell forever." - R. Sherman

The quotes are the quotes.
>Do you not, at all see that the founders believed what I believe?
No, they don't.
>These men HATED Christianity
Same source
<"I have carefully examined the evidences of the Christian religion, and if I was sitting as a juror upon its authenticity I would unhesitatingly give my verdict in its favor." -A. Hamilton
>Let's not forget either that a Labor-backed currency was first used where? HERE.
No. After several disasters, the first "lasting" currency in the U.S. was backed by Spanish silver and gold: http://archive.vn/IXeQn
280158 280162
fucking lol.png
>We all know you lack the balls to kick out any people born in America who don't act American.
Because that sets the precedent that ANY CITIZEN can be deported, and goes against the reason the government is designed the way it is, with laws whose sole purpose is to restrict the government. Simple question: how can you determine what is, supposedly, "un-American"? Prior to the U.S., "unpatriotic actions" (AKA treason) was such a joke excuse to imprison or execute someone that you could be accused of treachery just for farting crooked: http://archive.vn/GFpgQ
That's the reason why they resicted treason to this strict definition: >>280015
And, as was posted with sources several times, people are being arrested and investigated for breaking that law: http://archive.vn/yOU2t

>we are like Beowulf, going out to meet the dragon, our death is assured, but our legend may live on.
Except for the fact that the dragon rampaging across the countryside was because of a thief stealing from the dragon.
How is there any "honor" in killing something or someone when the original perpatraitor is NEVER brought to justice?

>Stagnation is the long death that harms the spirit.
The only reason why stagnation exists is that people become complacent with their lives and naively believe that "Things can't get any better". It's one of the primary reasons why monopolies always fail. Just look at the hilarity taking place between Apple and Epic. No matter who lose the fight, all it does is benefit the customers and those looking to make their own services. As an another Anon put it:
>Apple wins, Unreal Engine is forbidden in iOS, resulting in many devs being forced to remove their apps. Some devs don't like it, but know that if they attack the winning cow, it won't work, so they attack the losing one. Epic can't deal with all these court battles and either shuts down completely or completely retracts, losing all of the fanbase that got built over the "we're on the players' side" idea.
>Epic wins, iOS and Android are forced to rework their platforms to allow alternate payment processors and Epic goes on to attack consoles, which retaliate by putting a much bigger focus on physical releases and/or by going the short way of paying to end all their contracts with Epic, which means no money from Fortnite on consoles. A loss for Epic, despite being a win against Apple, Google, Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony.
>The best solution, Apple, Google and Epic get locked into an eternal court battle of sorts, siphoning them money at a high level. Many of the three's bullshit get exposed through said court battle, meaning that as a result, there'll be much more than money that is lost.
280169 280246
Well said.
>By reforging, creating something from scratch, or doing something else.
The trick is to lay the foundations of the next cycle of civilization before this current one falls apart. If every institution and organ of a functioning society is in place and ready to be activated when the body of the current "West" shuts down completely, then all that needs to be done is awaken the new one to take its place and the in-between time interval of chaos and anarchy can be completely averted. This is only a best case scenario of course - the ideal theoretical outcome, but still something worth striving for imho, as any intermediate state between nothing and full success is still preferable to complete failure. The closer one stands on this scale to success, the further the chance of inflitration by kikery decreases.
Many has come to the same conclusion throughout history, and those who'd wish to manipulate and corrupt also know this train of thought very well. Thus, it is only a matter of who does it sooner and more effectively.
Prepare. Be self-sufficient. Seek out un-jewed institutions of learning and sciences and help them however you can. Join the neighborhood watch or other citizens' organization groups - do not rely on the police for security and order. Maybe also have a look at tcp/ip over radio waves and router maintenance. If you think of an aspect of civilization and don't find a local alternative, put every effort into making one.
If our civilization doesn't come crumbling down in our lifetimes, then make this into a bloody tradition. None of us see the future, we can't know when the collapse will happen - but sooner or later, it always does.
>280148 04:15:37
>280149 04:15:49
>280150 04:16:13
>280151 04:16:36
Holy fucking shit. Spam harder.
6000 character post limit becomes a pain when typing essays and using quotes.
280158 280206
>6000 character post limit
This is exactly why there is a limit.
We can all see this is just bloody pilpul with no substance. You even try to argue about dragons FFS.
Either post something related the actual topic of fuck off.
Isn't this "The dragon is rampaging!" bullshit just stolen from Jordan Peterson?
I fucking hope you aren't trying to imply that we "stole from the dragon" to make it rampage. The niggers and jews are not our fault.
But how does being banned from a private store correlate with being deported from a country? And I do believe that American citizens can lose citizenship if they are convicted of capital crimes.
>Why does using the laws that exist to your advantage require the utmost secrecy like you're committing a crime when the laws exist for them to be used for your advantage?
One should in a free and just society. Especially in a corrupt one.
Doing so and being very visibly against corruption is really quite bad for one's life span.
Because criminals and those at the positions only care about the facade of lawfulness when it's suitable and convenient.
>Why aren't you the one standing up for those rights or backing people who are doing so?
Surprise surprise what I'm doing isn't enough.
>I've seen presented can be paraphrased as, "Well, it takes time, money, and power." So, the problem then becomes figuring out how you can gain or exploit said "time, money, and power", but, by the time discussion starts heading in that direction
To safe guard their own existence the important things are obscured and secretive.
So yes to gain those three things and to utilize them to your will is important. If you go through the channels they have made on equal footing legally suicide by three shots to the back of the head isn't just a meme.
I'm not saying that isn't an option, it is very much an important arena to work in. The amount of hell and heaven one could raise would be enough to overturn their slow actions. Immediately they will go further extreme.
So now your asking why hasn't ANYONE done anything about it?
Welcome to the world of true conspiracy. It's not just mandatory that you obey those that literally control the current money supply and education and media. It is your obligation as a minor trying to worm your way up. They will use all their means to end you and make you an example of, or bring you into the fold one way or another.
Think of them as a mafia. Any body caught breaking the rules who is a nobody get's whacked. Anyone who has a name goes on a trip and disappears. Anyone who will stand up will be tarred and humiliated to death.
You have to consider these things it's not just. Oh boy I'll go to court and pay my lawyers everything is hunky dorry. The boys that were slandered got a small cut from the news because they stood up. For them it's a drop in the bucket, and they can keep a close eye to ensure they won't be problematic. It's a battle 'won' unless they play their cards right it won't be pretty.
Epstein didn't kill himself. Need I say more?
Clinton scandals. Banks that are 'too big to fail'.
That is what the current system has, can it be fixed using it. Sure given the time, money and power.
There isn't enough time, or money, or power. They are moving their pieces fast and synchronized. Almost in Lockstep.
The importing of rapefugees to White nations. The nations that pose the most threat of resistance.
Jewish herders guided illegal immigrats to the US.
Jobs are outsourced. If they can't hire diversity. If that's not possible ensure they stay harmless.
I would very much greatly like for things to not be an utter cluster fuck, but that's the world.
It isn't enough to just have the hired lawyers in court. Over time they keep marching on multiple fronts. Children are being indoctrinated. Culture is being wiped away. Child fuckers are in there running things and you know what it really grinds my gears.
The useful stooges bark and yell at their master's command.
Mainstream media is corrupt with their agenda.

So yes, I'll just go spend the next thirty years changing one law when there are thousands upon thousands that have to be changed. By that time the world is fucked hard. When all my energy could be better spent actually making things happen.
With a multitude of friend in our very own poner tree house meetings discussing poner plot and how to best ensure friends, family, and our peoples are cared for.
Go do your part if you honestly think what you're doing will be enough in the timeframe available.

Even having space capable ships that is sustaining would be more preferable than the load of shit going on here!
>people immediately start screeching because you're using the system the way that it's SUPPOSE to be used and they can't have that because "That's a thing only the Kikes and traitors do, we have to destroy the system and create a new government that cannot be 'exploited'."
Ever wonder why?
You said it really well frien. I don't think I could have done it justice.
>The trick is to lay the foundations of the next cycle of civilization before this current one falls apart.
><Or, you peaceful protests with guns and scare the living shit out of them for daring to infringe on your rights by reminding them who's really in charge.
This was literally done in Virginia and what did it accomplish? Oh, nothing, that's right
>Have you heard of punctuation?
If you do not have an argument, criticize the puntcuation, good work, now shut up
>Also, which of the recent Supreme Court rulings do you find to not be "balancing power"
All of them. For one reason, supposedly, but not really, the power is supposed to be with the people, and this court of fools consistently contravenes the will of the people. No, not every time, of course, because if it didn't throw them little bones, it would have been torn down more than century ago. You have only underscored your own ignorance here, even Jefferson was pissed when he realized how out of control they were, and that they would only get worse from the start.
>Then why is the Democratic party falling in the polls?
The better question is why is anyone voting for a government that declared itself illegitimate shortly after 1865? The supreme court are the ones who allowed it to happen with their "broad interpretation" of the commerce clause.
>Aren't all the tech giants currently having to answer for the fact that they compromised people's securities and freedoms:
No, they are being investigated by the same government that allowed them and legislated for them to have such power in the first place.
>As well as the states losing their funding for similar reasons:
No, that is trump specifically punishing states for allowing the riots to go on forever, and refusing federal help that has been offered from day one, they are not being punished for stripping rights.
>I have to agree, they didn't think that people were going to become naive to the point that they wouldn't use the rights that are listed right FUCKING there in plain English and in easy-enough-to-find documents.
They explicitly did so, as I noted, and provided shit tons of arguments as to why to continue to protect what they had bequeathed to us, yet nobody did and nobody fought against it save the south who were no less kiked than the north and they lost.
>And you don't take this to court WHY? When you have all the power to do so:
Money, the fact that that court is illegitimate, and has been for over a century, and continues to this day to betray it mandate to serve the will of the people.
>And, those people are being investigated with the intent of arresting them:
No they are not, more than 81 members, and probably more, of the House and Senate are dual citizens, this is forbidden by the constitution as is the very status of Dual Citizen.
>>"Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be free. Nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them."
Jefferson was an abolitionist we know this, and none of what follows is inconsistent with the above so you simply offer nothing here at all
>And, to be quite honest, slaves did have the right to buy their freedom, with even options to go back to Africa thanks to organizations such as the ACS:
the people'd will was then, and for quite some time, that they be forced to go back, they were not, therefore the government is illegitimate.
OMG you proved only that you are an idiot, the primary thinkers, and thought leaders, and writers despised christianity. That they were very well educated, and used the predominant religion of america to make a point, proves nothing. In fact many of them had a change in opinion as some of these quotes are from well before the Revolution.
>Do you not, at all see that the founders believed what I believe?
<No, they don't.
Yes, they did, nice try.
<"I have carefully examined the evidences of the Christian religion, and if I was sitting as a juror upon its authenticity I would unhesitatingly give my verdict in its favor." -A. Hamilton
Didn't he die in a duel and never really have political power?
>No. After several disasters, the first "lasting" currency in the U.S. was backed by Spanish silver and gold:
Lincolns greenback, you stupid nigger.
>You even try to argue about dragons FFS.
Because the dragon was aroused due to the actions of a man who was never punished (The thief was even rewarded for for his action) and kept returning from his searches to find even more people has been stealing from him, and an aging Beowulf cared about nothing else except killing a beast that didn't give two shits about him and just wanted to be left alone. Oh, and now I get the origin behind attacking windmills.

>Isn't this "The dragon is rampaging!" bullshit just stolen from Jordan Peterson?
I remember Kermit being huge several years ago with a lot of internet pseudo-intellectuals and MGTOW alumni, so possibly.
>I fucking hope you aren't trying to imply that we "stole from the dragon" to make it rampage.
Where did "We" come into this conversation regarding a literary character in ancient folklore? If you want to make any comparisons, those that want to progress are the dragon; wanting to live an isolated life, only to then find out people have been raiding your possessions, so you go looking for the bastard, turned into a villain because you're disrupting the lives of those who don't see the actions of thieves as criminal (As well as consider you "selfish" for laying claim to your possessions and refusing to share), and end up paying the price because you dared to take back what was yours. However, even then, the comparison falls short because the dragon happened upon the possessions left behind by a died people. They weren't even his in the first place. Although, he did add to the pile over time, so I guess you could say that it was his stuff.

>But how does being banned from a private store correlate with being deported from a country?
That was two different conversations. Talking about private stores was in regards to stagnation and complacency, talking about loss of citizenship was in regards to committing an unspecified acts of "non-patriotism".
>And I do believe that American citizens can lose citizenship if they are convicted of capital crimes.
Looking it up, you are right, although loss of citizenship appears to be restricted to charges of treason. Everyone else, like the Rosenbergs, they just execute.
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NBC solemnly announces.mp4
>Because criminals and those at the positions only care about the facade of lawfulness when it's suitable and convenient.
Yeah, the eternal paradox of having freedoms.
>Surprise surprise what I'm doing isn't enough.
I hate to say it, but no. Making people aware does nothing except...make people aware. Showing people what they can do with the knowledge you provide can be much more beneficial as it provides a plan of action. It's like making someone aware that a bicycle exists when they walk everywhere. They just know the bike is a thing that exists. They don't know why or how it's used, they just know it's...there. BUT, when you show them all the benefits of a bike (That it's faster than running, doesn't require as much physical strain, can carry bigger loads, and go on further expeditions), then they take into consideration that running isn't there only option. And, you keep on building up from there.
>To safe guard their own existence the important things are obscured and secretive.
Isn't mutually assured survival more than enough reason to enlist help from, and be honest with, anyone that can help you? And, that it's more important that you make you actually screen the person, REGARDLESS of who or what they are and where they come from, because you never actually know if they're a loon or will stab you in the back? For example with that latter case, that one politician who passed that zero people shed a tear for.
>If you go through the channels they have made on equal footing legally suicide by three shots to the back of the head isn't just a meme.
We're on a mongolian basket-wheeving forum for cuckchan rejects who want to drown themselves in horsepussy. I don't think you can get much more obscure than that.
>The amount of hell and heaven one could raise would be enough to overturn their slow actions. Immediately they will go further extreme.
The funny thing I've found is that more Hell is raised when people have been lied to, in contrast to when almost zero action takes place when people just lay out the truth plain and simple. And, that's in addition to many people focusing more on their own lives rather than worrying about people who treat them in a polite and honest manner.
>It's not just mandatory that you obey those that literally control the current money supply and education and media. It is your obligation as a minor trying to worm your way up. They will use all their means to end you and make you an example of, or bring you into the fold one way or another.
And, by the time you work your way up (You don't worm your way up unless you're a conformist that thinks "being wealth" is about orgies and possessions), you have the capital, means, and power to either tell them to "Fuck off" or shut them down.
>Think of them as a mafia. Any body caught breaking the rules who is a nobody get's whacked. Anyone who has a name goes on a trip and disappears.
You do realize that majority of mafias work BECAUSE they put the fear of god into people that they're more powerful than they actually are, right? Do you honestly think the real world plays out like the latest thrill that comes to a theatre near you becomes available on Netflix?
>Anyone who will stand up will be tarred and humiliated to death.
The only people who give two shits and are scared of humiliation are those who are too full of themselves. It's the reason WHY cancel culture is so important to Socialists and baizuo: https://invidious.snopyta.org//watch?v=6eKtjpebOPE
AND, why it is that Freedom of Speech is usually the first to go. Authoritarians can't stand humiliation.
>For them it's a drop in the bucket
Yet, every single company is failing left and right because they never HAD nearly the level power that they boasted about in the first place: http://archive.vn/BfxEj
>That is what the current system has, can it be fixed using it. Sure given the time, money and power.
I'm come to the exact opposite conclusion. The only way to "fix" a broken marketplace is to let it crash, and have the people pick up the pieces to rebuild anew. Which is what's sort of happening right now.
>The importing of rapefugees to White nations
That's in decline: http://archive.vn/hW8ay
>Jewish herders guided illegal immigrats to the US.
That's come to a screeching halt: http://archive.vn/qNwj1
>Jobs are outsourced.
Not anymore: http://archive.vn/A4mjs
>I would very much greatly like for things to not be an utter cluster fuck, but that's the world.
So far, everything you've bitched about is not as fucked as you make it out to be.
>Children are being indoctrinated.
And, they're rejecting it: http://archive.vn/xfdX5
>Child fuckers are in there running things
And, they're so unhinged that they're declaring that Boomers, who experiencing their first hoax internet cult in all their free time, are domestic terrorists: http://archive.vn/Junsw
However, that doesn't appear to be stopping this train of hilarity one bit: http://archive.vn/RNasN
>Mainstream media is corrupt with their agenda.
They always have been, that's why they're mainstream. And, the added bonus is that no one trusts them anymore: http://archive.vn/TiVPH
>I'll just go spend the next thirty years changing one law when there are thousands upon thousands that have to be changed. By that time the world is fucked hard.
Why waste your time worrying about thousands of laws when you can go after the one law that started it all (That would make the others invalid with it's removal)?
>Ever wonder why?
Pride, selfishness, anger, confusion, disbelief, complacency...various reason to boil it all down.
SC rulings.png
>This was literally done in Virginia and what did it accomplish?
People stocking up on guns: http://archive.vn/z8Z9z
And, taking the laws to court: http://archive.vn/a67SV
>All of them. For one reason, supposedly, but not really, the power is supposed to be with the people, and this court of fools consistently contravenes the will of the people.
8 of the 10 cases listed in the source were with the "will of the people".
>even Jefferson was pissed when he realized how out of control they were, and that they would only get worse from the start
The point of the Supreme Court is to call out the Congress and/or the President if they're overstepping their bounds. And, from what I can tell, the much of the former aristocrat's shock came more from how the "weakest" link of the government proved to have the mightest sword: http://archive.vn/7F4eD
<"This member of the Government was at first considered as the most harmless and helpless of all its organs. But it has proved that the power of declaring what the law is, ad libitum, by sapping and mining slyly and without alarm the foundations of the Constitution, can do what open force would not dare to attempt."
However, I'm not sure why the guy is lamenting Marbury v. Madison when the entire thing was ruled in favor of his party's actions: http://archive.vn/HAx97
>The better question is why is anyone voting for a government that declared itself illegitimate shortly after 1865? The supreme court are the ones who allowed it to happen with their "broad interpretation" of the commerce clause.
The fuck are you on about? From what I'm finding, the Supreme Court's 1824 ruling on the Commerce Clause (Article I, Section 8, Clause 3: The Congress shall have Power] To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes) hadn't changed or was revised until 1895: http://archive.vn/Rd1Gb
And, what does that have to do with "illegitimacy"?
>they are being investigated by the same government that allowed them and legislated for them to have such power in the first place.
Why? Did the tech companies "step out of line" when they're even more biased for the people currently in office?
>yet nobody did and nobody fought against it save the south who were no less kiked than the north and they lost.
I'm sorry, what? Care to rephrase that?
Easy enough to make.
>the fact that that court is illegitimate
>more than 81 members, and probably more, of the House and Senate are dual citizens
Got a source to that: http://archive.vn/WCevT
<To date, there may be no way to confirm which, if any, Members of Congress have dual citizenship with Israel
>this is forbidden by the constitution as is the very status of Dual Citizen
I'm not finding anything stating that. The "closest" thing I've found to that is this: http://archive.vn/YtMkm
<Retaining dual nationality has other risks aside from dealing with the IRS. The State Department, in its official guidance to dual nationals, warns that such citizens need to keep in mind some basic problems. “Dual nationals owe allegiance to both the United States and the foreign country. They are required to obey the laws of both countries, and either country has the right to enforce its laws,” it says. “Claims of other countries upon U.S. dual-nationals often place them in situations where their obligations to one country are in conflict with the laws of the other. In addition, their dual nationality may hamper efforts of the U.S. Government to provide consular protection to them when they are abroad, especially when they are in the country of their second nationality.”
Outside of that, it's just people repeating the same points as the State Department, that it does cause a problem due creating a potential conflict of interest: http://archive.vn/s9qxk
But, it is legally allowed: https://infogalactic.com/info/Afroyim_v._Rusk
With the only addendum being that foreign-born children of a U.S. citizen can lose their U.S. citizenship: https://infogalactic.com/info/Rogers_v._Bellei
>the people'd will was then, and for quite some time, that they be forced to go back, they were not, therefore the government is illegitimate.
The fuck are you trying to say?
Speak English!
>Didn't he die in a duel and never really have political power?
General in the war, became a lawyer afterwards, wrote most of the Federalist Papers, became Secretary of the Treasury under Washington, and help Jefferson get into office.
>Lincolns greenback, you stupid nigger.
Greenbacks were a fiat currency that were only as valuable as the government's word: http://archive.vn/ItfBy
And, absolutely no one used them because the North was losing the Civil War for the first two years: http://archive.vn/cSGco
So, people proceeded to continuing using gold and silver as it had a tanigble and solid value: http://archive.vn/O3Ida
Answer both questions (with an actual answer, and not by attempting to talk around the point) and start putting your thoughts into compact paragraphs of reasonable length like every sane person here does.
>People stocking up on guns: http://archive.vn/z8Z9z
>And, taking the laws to court: http://archive.vn/a67SV
Mhm, and they will lose in Virginia and then the supreme court will refuse to take the case because to actually take the law up there you have to break it, nice little trick they put there, leaving it in the hands of the one of the federal appeals court who will decide against the challenges as they regularly do against the president and civil rights in general.
>8 of the 10 cases listed in the source were with the "will of the people".
Go back further and further, Brown V Board of Education, is one extreme example of violating the will of the people, as was making Income tax legal which if I recall correctly was a supreme court decision and declared against the constitution congress changed it against the will of the people and the supreme court then allowed it despite that nobody wanted it. I'm fairly sure they can strike Amendments as well, especially if they conflict with both the word and intent of the original document and the bill of rights. Most of the recent supreme court cases are invalid anyway, in my view, they lost their legitimacy a long time ago and only shit on what they should be when they allowed faggots to get married in violation of Natural Law and most of those are also examples of the phenomenon of legislating from the bench, which was not one of their powers granted by the constitution.
>the point of the Supreme Court is to call out the Congress and/or the President if they're overstepping their bounds. And, from what I can tell, the much of the former aristocrat's shock came more from how the "weakest" link of the government proved to have the mightiest sword:
His point was that it had nothing to chain it to the will of the people, it has no limit on it's authority, it is not checked or balanced and it has done exactly as he feared subverted the constitution, as has congress.
>What does that have to do with "illegitimacy"?
The broad interpretation of the commerce clause is the reason the government is so bloated today, the reason we have agency for everything from drugs to guns and more, that interpretation fucked everything about the constitution and it's intent and kicked it out the door.
>Why? Did the tech companies "step out of line" when they're even more biased for the people currently in office?
Ask Bill Barr, nothing has come of it and nothing will for years and nothing may because antitrust cases take years to get through and it will be reversed the moment the left regains power and they will either in 4 or less than 3 months.
>I'm sorry, what? Care to rephrase that?
They explicitly did so, as I noted, and provided shit tons of arguments as to why to continue to protect what they had bequeathed to us, yet nobody did, and nobody fought against it save the south, who were no less kiked than the north, but they lost.
That's as rephrased as it gets, it's quite clear in meaning.
>Easy enough to make.
Not really, it's quite hard to make a living that can support a family without going into 30 years or more worth of debt, for indoctrination and mostly useless information shoved into your head over 4-12 years depending on your chosen area of study and the depth to which you want to be indoctrinated for in most cases a wage-slavery position at a corporation.
>To date, there may be no way to confirm which, if any, Members of Congress have dual citizenship with Israel
Nope, I've seen and confirmed it myself. It is worth noting that there are many far too many ethnic jews in congress and all ethnic jews have Israeli Citizenship by birthright, though it isn't granted officially until you go there.
>this is forbidden by the constitution as is the very status of Dual Citizen
It's explicitly forbidden, read the dissent, your loyalty if you are to be representative of the people of the US is to be to the united states alone, You are supposed to forsake all other loyalty, especially if you are an immigrant! This is supposed to apply to Europe as well, but thanks to an Israeli (hmm) the restrictions were loosened, and that was another decision against the will and to the detriment of the people and opened us further to the problems with Israeli/communist spies we have had for a good long time.
>The fuck are you trying to say?
>Speak English!
Giving niggers equal status to whites, was a flagrant violation of the people's will, when it was done in 1865(this is what makes the union illegitimate) and for quite some time right till around 1965 when it was completed again against the will of the people, if you can't follow the conversation don't bother engaging.
>General in the war, became a lawyer afterwards, wrote most of the Federalist Papers, became Secretary of the Treasury under Washington, and help Jefferson get into office.
So, no not much power at all. Pretty sure the Federalist papers were Madison's, though Hamilton did contribute.
>Greenbacks were a fiat currency that were only as valuable as the government's word:
Yes, backed on labor, and were a move to make the International bankers to fuck off, and it worked for that, the problem arose with it was more to do with the local banks in the US, who didn't want to give people what it was worth, but we know why that is.
>>Because criminals and those at the positions only care about the facade of lawfulness when it's suitable and convenient.
>Yeah, the eternal paradox of having freedoms.
Not really. The one thing everyone has is ultimate freedom. Just because one can do something doesn't mean one ought to. It is important to consider the total possibilities everyone has the potential to do.
Those evil peoples have no reason to let their grand plans be wiped away. They will keep doing it by any means necessary. That must also be factored in for any kind of plans.
>We're on a mongolian basket-wheeving forum for cuckchan rejects who want to drown themselves in horsepussy. I don't think you can get much more obscure than that.
Yeah, but going to their doorstep of court is RIGHT THERE! With a huge target painted on you.
>cuckchan rejects
>you have the capital, means, and power to either tell them to "Fuck off" or shut them down.
That would be great if someone or many people who actually want a future got to that level.
The thing is getting to the multitrillion goy bucks with fingers in every countries pie might be just a little be difficult with the timeframe available.
>You do realize that majority of mafias work BECAUSE they put the fear of god into people that they're more powerful than they actually are, right?
Of course I know that! Do you see the soybois and cucks resisting? No, because they are under lock and key. It's not just displacing some of the corruption, it's ensuring there is none and never will be. Not just now for the brief moment. It's for years, decades, eons later. I want to good people to win not have a shitty consolation prize.
Spy work is dirty and gritty and it's real as is cults, and secret societies the media makes it all so shiny and attention grabbing. When in reality the idea and the ideal is that no one will ever realise that or be able to counter that.
>I'm come to the exact opposite conclusion. The only way to "fix" a broken marketplace is to let it crash, and have the people pick up the pieces to rebuild anew. Which is what's sort of happening right now.
That is another valid way to remove the corruption, that won't take decades. Yet you disagree with letting the marketplace of the currency of physical force remain.
Which is why we are having the discussion about NS. Because when things fall down if nothing at all is there everyone will want their share. So like good entrepreneurs marketing the product before the crash so everyone knows who they can turn to is good advertising.
>So far, everything you've bitched about is not as fucked as you make it out to be.
There is still food, and water, and luxuries. The present isn't as well off as you would like to think either. The future has warning sings of extreme hardship and trouble.
>Why waste your time worrying about thousands of laws when you can go after the one law that started it all (That would make the others invalid with it's removal)?
Always going for the root causes is the most important part. I have not explained every single problem, because they sustain each other there is multiple facets that must be delt with or they will regrow the missing part.
What's your financial advice. If every hoersfucker here became a billionaire or even millionaire or more we would be much more prepared. Does not have to be purely liquid capital. As
said infrastructure is important. A storage of knowledge, wisdom, and culture(s) is also valuable. The dwindling value of jewish corrupted money is to be noted.

File (hide): A0B8CD800FCE1C60940DF22AF4493347-1965557.mp4 (1.9 MB, Resolution:480x360 Length:00:00:44, Thank Rape.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Thank Rape.mp4
>Go back further and further
Because the current political climate doesn't fit the narrative you're trying to build.
>Brown V Board of Education, is one extreme example of violating the will of the people
All those justices are dead, and have been for the past 40 years. And, even then, just because you disagree with the ruling that doesn't mean they've "violated the public trust". In fact, some people actually took the time to research all the different ways that the SC could be biased and found the SC agrees generally agrees with public opinion, is swayed by public opinion, and the only people upset about the SC's ruling are political parties disappointed about the fact that they can't use them as their own personal weapon (Because that IS NOT the purpose of the SC): http://archive.vn/HFTGj
>as was making Income tax legal
Congress has had the right to institute any form of taxation since the very beginning, it's in the Constitution (A1, S8, C1). However, if I'm reading this Constitution right, they had to balance it out in proportion to the state populations and outline it's limits (A1, S2, C3; A1, S9, C4; A1, S9, C5). IOW, no "universal and infinite" flat tax across the country. And, when Congress did make such a tax during the 1890's, the SC's decision came down that Congress violated their limits. And, that the only way they could legally start allowing such a tax to exist is through the creation of a new amendment: http://archive.vn/fnc16
<When, therefore, this court adjudges, as it does now adjudge, that congress cannot impose a duty or tax upon personal property, or upon income arising either from rents of real estate or from personal property, including invested personal property, bonds, stocks, and investments of all kinds, except by apportioning the sum to be so raised among the states according to population, it practically decides that, without an amendment of the constitution,—two-thirds of both houses of congress and three-fourths of the states concurring,—such property and incomes can never be made to contribute to the support of the national government.
And, so eventually, the 16th amendment was created, passed, and ratified and gave that power to the Congress: http://archive.vn/sTEmo
>it has no limit on it's authority, it is not checked or balanced and it has done exactly as he feared subverted the constitution
Nominees for the SC are selected by the president (Who is voted in primarily by majority of the states), and then are screened by the senate (With two representatives for every state) who have to provide a majority vote in favor for the person in order for them to become a SC judge.
>that interpretation fucked everything about the constitution and it's intent and kicked it out the door
The declaration that inter-state matters are to be handled by the Feds, as it outlined in the Constitution?
>nothing has come of it and nothing will for years
Court cases always take time as this is the only country where you're innocent until proven guilty.
>antitrust cases take years to get through
On average, 6-8 years.
>and it will be reversed the moment the left regains power and they will either in 4 or less than 3 months.
Hold up a second there.
I thought none of the politicians on power were any different than the other politicians in power, so which is it?
>it's quite hard to make a living that can support a family without going into 30 years or more worth of debt, for indoctrination and mostly useless information shoved into your head over 4-12 years depending on your chosen area of study
Did you unironically fall for the lie that you need to spend money that you didn't have in order to get a degree that you do not need?
>Giving niggers equal status to whites, was a flagrant violation of the people's will,
[Citation fucking needed!]
>when it was done in 1865(this is what makes the union illegitimate) and for quite some time right till around 1965 when it was completed again against the will of the people
If that really is "the will of the people", then you're in luck. Because of the riots over the past couple months, the various governments around the country are in the process of removing their "anti-discrimination" laws: http://archive.vn/4ux5R
>backed on labor
Boy, and it only took '''two''' years for that money to become worthless.
>a move to make the International bankers to fuck off
You sure it had nothing to do with phoning the Russians and having their navy institute a blockade?
>the problem arose with it was more to do with the local banks in the US, who didn't want to give people what it was worth
Which was next to nothing. It's like blaming the banks for the reason why they didn't use Confederate money.
Maslow's pyramid.gif
>I want to good people to win not have a shitty consolation prize.
The path to winning begins with receiving nothing but shitty consolation prizes (At best).
>Yet you disagree with letting the marketplace of the currency of physical force remain.
Because it produces nothing by sweatshops that you can never escape. And, while that was true of just about every country over 70 years ago, automation and technology has progressed to the point that those inhumane standards should no longer exist. We're no longer in the industrial era, we're in the information age. And, the only countries that don't understand this are the Socialistic ones like China (Where sweatshops still exist, but with the added bonus of suicide, because they're currency is also backed by labor).
>Because when things fall down if nothing at all is there everyone will want their share.
And, those people are shit out of luck for not having a safety net in the first place. Even when I was in high school, and how terrible the school curricula was, the ONE thing the kept pounding into people is, "Save a portion of your funds in case something happens".
>There is still food, and water, and luxuries. The present isn't as well off as you would like to think either.
Poverty was at all-time lows, first-grade medical care, crime is at all time lows, access to near unlimited information at my fingertips, the right to protect myself with anything I so choose, hundreds of establishments where I can buy almost anything and everything;...how is any of this "terrible" when you compare it to the status of other countries?
>The future has warning sings of extreme hardship and trouble.
Yeah, because we became complacent with the way things were. And, it was about time for the economy crash. Now that the easy part is over, time to move on to rebuilding again and learning to not do the same mistakes.
>they will regrow the missing part.
And, you take care of the problem again. Then it "grows back", and you take care of it again. And again, and again, and again. Lather, rinse, and repeat until the end of time. Do you naively expect it to be any different?
>What's your financial advice.
Go to this thread, read and listen to the material provided, create discussion, and apply what you're learning to your lives: >>>/ub/2391 →
>And, you take care of the problem again. Then it "grows back", and you take care of it again. And again, and again, and again. Lather, rinse, and repeat until the end of time. Do you naively expect it to be any different?
I don't want future generations to have to hit the same god damned nail every single human has had to do thus far! It's a fucking waste that should be used on other problems. We havn't gotten this far by never trying to solve those persistent problems. We are here because many of them have been hammered, or we have developed better means that our ancestors has devised. As time sweeps by I consider it a failure on my part to leave no advantage behind they could use.
By removing those damned roots so the future can use their time with anything else.
It's asinine having to play whack-a-mole continuously. Some things are core to what it means to be human and can't or shouldn't be removed. This set of problems has had the buck been passed along for so damned long it's fruits are being reaped. Call me a dreamer, or fanciful, or it can't be done. That doesn't matter if it's impossible, because that's what humans do!
>Go to this thread, read and listen to the material provided, create discussion, and apply what you're learning to your lives: >>>/ub/2391 →
I have and I do. So what say you?
What's the neat idea.
>how is any of this "terrible" when you compare it to the status of other countries?
That it won't last. That's the issue.
>those people are shit out of luck for not having a safety net in the first place. Even when I was in high school, and how terrible the school curricula was, the ONE thing the kept pounding into people is, "Save a portion of your funds in case something happens".
I'm thinking bigger collapse than what your thinking. Dooms day sayers have been wrong every single time. This is going to get nasty where coins and paper are meaningless, and valuable things are where it's at. Gold? Silver? No, tools, food, water, electricity, power, fuel, transportation, communications that's where the 'money' is at. Think dust bowl 2: electric boogaloo because of salted earth strategies. It's going to be a fast fucking fall, and it will hurt.
>Because it produces nothing by sweatshops that you can never escape. And, while that was true of just about every country over 70 years ago, automation and technology has progressed to the point that those inhumane standards should no longer exist.
Labor backed currency didn't have to mean that! Anyway you missed what I said.
I should have been more clear.
>>Yet you disagree with letting the marketplace of the currency of physical force remain.
<Those with the potential to enforce their actions with violence remains firmly in the hands of those who control this nation. They are the majority, and while regular people can resist, the long game will wear away that resistance.
>Nominees for the SC are selected by the president (Who is voted in primarily by majority of the states), and then are screened by the senate (With two representatives for every state) who have to provide a majority vote in favor for the person in order for them to become a SC judge.
<A majority of senators and representatives totally don't have dual citizen ship.
>Did you unironically fall for the lie that you need to spend money that you didn't have in order to get a degree that you do not need?
Some business are waking up to the fact that degrees now days are fucking worthless.
>I thought none of the politicians on power were any different than the other politicians in power, so which is it?
Two different sides of the same coin. One pushes even further, one side brings it back slightly. It's to keep the population calm.
>Court cases always take time as this is the only country where you're innocent until proven guilty.
It sure is great. Oh, wait. That's also under attack. Extrajudicial courts (family court and such) doesn't care. Secret courts? Keep up the information pump!
>On average, 6-8 years.
They find themselves to be not guilty. (If a different faction wants to poke then they will split it up and give it to their fellow jews)
>Now that the easy part is over, time to move on to rebuilding again and learning to not do the same mistakes.
That's what's being discussed with NS. It's not a one size fits all, it is highly dependent on the people and the nation. It is a specific solution to a problem.
America&apos;s spirit.png
warlord tom.png
>Those with the potential to enforce their actions with violence remains firmly in the hands of those who control this nation.
Which are the people.
In the case of open conflict. In which everyone is motivated.
Are excellent. For that alone here is some poner plot.
civil war rebellion scenario.png
Here's another one. Also, rereading through a few of these, it's almost a wonder why the country hasn't been directly attacked yet. Forget the fact that it's a suicide mission (Which wouldn't be a problem is you had a secret ally that you could blame with no trails leading back to you), just taking out two on the top 100 cities could result in the U.S. destabilizing.
>Forget the fact that it's a suicide mission
>Plus real obvious scape goat right now
Loss of friends and family. In the chaos (((they))) would get away into one of their bunkers.
If it's going really bad for them they attempt a Sampson option. Just release everything they have. We would recover no doubt about that. Right now is about gathering ourselves and the resources, and the personnel.
If by some means (((they))) are removed, our peoples (across the globe) are victorious and saved healing can happen without any of us being constantly poisoned.
The point isn't to destabilize. It's to ensure the problems are removed.
It's not about bringing everything down, that's easy. On so many perspectives. No, the point is to solve the greatest problem that has plagued mankind for thousands of years.
This is the most important part. There is a (or will be a) home to return to.
Having to destroy the home every time an infestation apears is painful and wasteful. Some prevention, and ensuring it can't happen again is key.
You're getting closer, but just because people have the capability does not mean they should.
So as things are it would be a net loss over time. They use the US as a sacrifice to capture everywhere else fast. So the spooky chaos doesn't touch them.
As the pics said. They can have another Wacco, just not civil conflict.
They are willing to have another Wacco.
>Because the current political climate doesn't fit the narrative you're trying to build.
No because you are an idiot and can't see the pattern that is patently obvious. The supreme court may follow the "People's will" according to some fucking poll that was more likely than not run exculsively on people in the cities but, that "will" does not benefit the people, they have been brainwashed by jews through the media, hollywood, porn, etc etc. They were betrayed, countless times. The people did not want Integration, either in 1865 or later, they did not want Income tax, which is why it was fought in the courts, they did not want niggers to continue to live here and were suppressed when they attempted to kill the fuckers, since they couldn't have them as slaves, and rioted because of it, THEY DID NOT WANT THE MASS IMMIGRATION AND CIVIL RIGHTS ACTS OF 1965, all of this was done against the will of the people and this will lead to their deaths and extinction and the end of not only America the state, as it deserves, but the Nation which consists only of White (Nordic/Germanic Phenotype) European men and women.
.All those justices are dead, and have been for the past 40 years.
that doesn't change the fact of betrayal or excuse it's furtherance.
>And, even then, just because you disagree with the ruling that doesn't mean they've "violated the public trust".
It did violate the public trust, nobody black or White wanted it, save Brown apparently, and many were rightfully pissed when it was enforced by the National Guard or did you not see the same fucking videos, in highschool, that I did?
>In fact, some people actually took the time to research all the different ways that the SC could be biased and found the SC agrees generally agrees with public opinion, is swayed by public opinion, and the only people upset about the SC's ruling are political parties disappointed about the fact that they can't use them as their own personal weapon.
It is biased generally in favor of the left (read: egalitarians), whether christian or not, and has been for far too long, and will never be undone, because of the demographic changes due to mass immigration.
>And, so eventually, the 16th amendment was created, passed, and ratified and gave that power to the Congress:
And you don't see how that was a betrayal? A huge portion of the right has been bitching about it since and still does today.
>Nominees for the SC are selected by the president (Who is voted in primarily by majority of the states), and then are screened by the senate (With two representatives for every state) who have to provide a majority vote in favor for the person in order for them to become a SC judge.
Yeah except the senate no longer represents the states interests, it now represents the people, this was never intended and should not be as now they are no different than the House and serve the fickle and easily manipulated whims of the people, lets also not forget that the House is also not what it should be by the constitution either, and that's two betrayals subverting both houses of the Legislative Branch.
>The declaration that inter-state matters are to be handled by the Feds, as it outlined in the Constitution?
No, because that was only for economic matters to prevent trade wars between States, and law enforcement in the form of federal marshals and the federal government has a little thing called the bill of rights that every single federal institution has violated from 1st to 10th and probably beyond.
>Court cases always take time as this is the only country where you're innocent until proven guilty.
Mhm, and they have been proven consistently guilty both for being monopolies, it is so obvious it need not be tried, and for violating first amendment rights that are protected on the internet by section 230 for well over four years now and nothing was done, until trump had to pander to his base to get re-elected.
>On average, 6-8 years.
And the investigation was started about six months ago so that clock hasn't even started yet.
>I thought none of the politicians on power were any different than the other politicians in power, so which is it?
They started something to show the public they are doing something, whether this results in anything, is unlikely and will most likely be either swept under the rug or reversed at a later date.
>Did you unironically fall for the lie that you need to spend money that you didn't have in order to get a degree that you do not need?
I did at one point, as we were all bluepilled once, but got out when I became aware of just how bad things really are.
>[Citation fucking needed!]
The fact that at the time the civil rights act was passed 95% of the people were against it, didn't make it into your fucking head did it, nigger? they did the polls, and you can find them quite easily, and the Fact that we fought a fucking Civil War over the first time doesn't ring a bell that says this MUST have been against the peoples will.
>If that really is "the will of the people", then you're in luck. Because of the riots over the past couple months, the various governments around the country are in the process of removing their "anti-discrimination" laws.
No that's just california, and that will not prove to be a good thing FOR THE FOUNDING STOCK OF THE NATION.
>Boy, and it only took '''two''' years for that money to become worthless.
Mhm, and yet that was because the will to actually change the currency wasn't there, as I said it was just a move to make the (((Central Banks))) fuck off, which they did, temporarily then they weaseled their way in by 1914.
>You sure it had nothing to do with phoning the Russians and having their navy institute a blockade?
Pretty sure they were called upon just for insurance in case London decided to push the issue.
>Which was next to nothing. It's like blaming the banks for the reason why they didn't use Confederate money.
It wasn't worth nothing, the banks chose not to value it, they should not have that choice.
I was talking about in reference to another country deciding to fuck up the U.S.. Hell, even Pissrael could easily set it all up since the U.S. has become irrelevant to their needs given how they have the Chinks already serving at their beck and call, and then some.
They could do it at any time, but they want to do it at their correct time.
If they fuck up it'll unite the fence sitters, and those with their blinds still on.
Someone's fucking with me in this thread.
>Immigrant mentality
Fight for your home you coward.
Immigration and World Poverty Explained with GUMBALLS - Does Immigration Really Help The Poor.mp4
<That reminds me of this video were the guy rounded it off by saying that those immigrants capable of leaving their countries are actually the ones who should stay there most of all because they're the kind of people who would be capable of improving it.
And, here's a supplement picture discussing that as well.
check'em the eternal anglo is not white european
Well looks like the second shill is here because OP and fags gave up.
>>280820 →
>>280803 →

(((Their))) response has been adjusted be aware and take care.
280836 280845
You think a shill is making a thread telling you that many of the far right's beliefs are common among normies and that "educated" leftists have a warped perception of reality? That doesn't seem like any shill I've ever seen.
>You think a shill is making a thread telling you that many of the far right's beliefs are common among normies and that "educated" leftists have a warped perception of reality? That doesn't seem like any shill I've ever seen.
>In the U.S. (and the western world at large) there are large gaps in how we perceive our ideological opposition and how they perceive us. It is very important for us to be aware of realty and where our perceptions may be flawed. A study came out in 2018 called the hidden tribes ( https://hiddentribes.us/ ) and it revealed some interesting things:
>Progressives only make up 8% of the U.S.
>The largest group in the U.S. is the politically disengaged 26% of the population
>The politically disengaged are generally young, low income, distrustful, detached, patriotic,
>61% of the politically disengaged believe that Immigration nowadays is bad for America, costing the welfare system and using resources that could be spent on Americans
>52% of the politically disengaged agree that white privilege is not real
>52% of the politically disengaged agree that "Nowadays, too many ordinary behaviors are labelled as sexual harassment"
>60% of the politically disengaged believe that immigration is bad
>The politically disengaged are the group most likely to believe that being white is a core part of being American (30%)

Another site by the same people https://perceptiongap.us/
An interesting excerpt:
>Education is intended to make us better informed about the world, so we’d expect that the more educated you become, the more you understand what other Americans think. In fact, the more educated a person is, the worse their Perception Gap – with one critical exception. This trend only holds true for Democrats, not Republicans. In other words, while Republicans’ misperceptions of Democrats do not improve with higher levels of education, Democrats’ understanding of Republicans actually gets worse with every additional degree they earn. This effect is so strong that Democrats without a high school diploma are three times more accurate than those with a postgraduate degree.

I highly recommend going through these studies. It turns out a lot of normies agree with us on several issues.

Zero screen shots of those two sites. Specifically those two sites as is.
Tells us nothing new. Other than reaffirmations. If this is a real Anon I'll apologize, but this is classic jew strategy. First wave failed as expected. They got their shekels and fucked off to deliver their mission report.
They have never improved, and detest changing their strategies.
A glowie is more of a nuisance, because they could genuinely change to be a hoers fucker. Then nobody would get any sleep at night. At least they wouldn't be so fucking brain dead.
What defense do you have for them?
>That doesn't seem like any shill I've ever seen.
Believe it, marxists are known for their twisted minds.
280849 280886
OP here of this thread and the one you are referring to. Shills generally do not try to reaffirm your world view. Just a heads up and those are good studies. I posted them because of a conversation in another thread. An anon seemed very convinced that normalfags were "braindead social progressives". I thought other anons may feel the same way so I posted evidence to the contrary.
I would also like to point out that I did not make this thread to shill either. I made this thread because at times the situation here genuinely does feel hopeless. I don't see large scale organization on the right and we need to be forming communities. The left has already mobilized and we are very behind.
A Marxist wouldn't try to reaffirm your "evil rightwing neonazi" beliefs or give you stats that back up your world view. It's not like antifa shill guides haven't been leaked. Does pic related describe the hidden tribes thread?
>I don't see large scale organization on the right and we need to be forming communities. The left has already mobilized and we are very behind.
And you won't see it. To be a fuzzy target is the way.
>A Marxist wouldn't try to reaffirm your "evil rightwing neonazi" beliefs or give you stats that back up your world view.
Like a glowing nigger, commies do the same.
280856 280860
>And you won't see it. To be a fuzzy target is the way.
Fair enough, but it would be nice to see SOMETHING. "It's there trust me man you just gotta believe" isn't enough for most people. People who haven't organized (which is probably most anons on the right) only see leftists burning down monuments.

>Like a glowing nigger, commies do the same.
Why would they do that? How the hell does it benefit commies or glow niggers to affirm your world view? The entire reason they hate you is because of your bad goy world view. Glow niggers and commies telling you that you're right doesn't make any fucking sense!
>Glow niggers and commies telling you that you're right doesn't make any fucking sense!
Either your IQ is below 85, you're just plain dishonest, or both.
280873 280886
The only reason they would tell you that you were right is if you were wrong about something and they wanted you to continue to be wrong. You think you're wrong about leftists having warped perceptions of reality or that the /pol/sphere is not alone in their beliefs? Seems like a hell of a thing for a shill to post.
Wrong place faggot.
This is about ponies.
Oh I see. Has the right wing part of /mlpol/ been cancelled? Are bad goyim not allowed here anymore?
You meant pony wing anons.
280880 280882
You're such a good goy. I'm sure you will be spared when leftists start putting people against the wall.
You're such a drama boy.
>Implying leftists could successfully put people against the wall.
280886 280887 280889
Nigga this shit is infuriating.
>expose /mlpol/ to authentic information or suggest some kind of completely legal action that isn't going to end up with someone getting doxxed.
They've done it before and if given the opportunity they will do it again.
That's correct.
>If leftists could successfully put people against the wall.
Actually where were you OP in this entire thread?
280892 280893
Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War - Official Teaser Trailer.mp4
>I made this thread because at times the situation here genuinely does feel hopeless. I don't see large scale organization on the right and we need to be forming communities.
You DO realize that the latest CoD literally introduced an entire generation to Yuri's teachings, and the baizuo are going absolutely nuts over it, right?

>The only reason they would tell you that you were right is if you were wrong about something and they wanted you to continue to be wrong.
Not necessarily. One of the most evil deceptions is when the devil tells you the truth. You're inclined to disbelieve it because it's the devil saying it, but there's no denying the fact that what he may speak at that given time is the unfiltered truth. That's where a lot of people fall down. They become so doubtless in their pursuits, that anything to the contrary is either a "lie" of some sort or the person being ignorant. And, those people, those "doubtless" crusaders, end up becoming your most disenfranchised and crazed individuals when they do realize that their beliefs have been a lie.

The point of having doubts and asking questions is not to destroy your faith in anything. The point of it is to reassure your current views and opinions, or give you a greater understanding of the larger world that exists out there.

I've spent much of the thread talking about much of the "mafia-like tactics" that the baizuo use are mostly overblown and exaggerated fears, however there is ONE tactic that they possess that very few talk about. And, it IS the one tactic that people should be right to fear. It's that they hold the pursue strings. As long as companies like Visa and MasterCard control who can spend their money and dictate how they spend it, much of the freedoms people want to fight for will will always kneecapped right from the start.
You look tense.
280891 280892 280898
And the WORST part is this site wasn't always like this. I have been here since the beginning. I have a post on /go/. There was a time when you could have genuine constructive dialog on this site and discuss rightwing politics. The decline has been a function of time. Everything that suggests action of any kind is considered shilling and now studies that expose authentic information are shilling. Every post is a shill now.

Yes I am. Because this place had potential to do shit and I am realizing that such potential no longer exists.
>I am realizing that such potential no longer exists.
Glad you are coming to your senses, now relax and have a pony.
280893 280898
Really? Truely? Which post is it?
>I've spent much of the thread talking about much of the "mafia-like tactics" that the baizuo use are mostly overblown and exaggerated fears, however there is ONE tactic that they possess that very few talk about. And, it IS the one tactic that people should be right to fear. It's that they hold the pursue strings. As long as companies like Visa and MasterCard control who can spend their money and dictate how they spend it, much of the freedoms people want to fight for will will always kneecapped right from the start.
That's the first time I've heard it from you.
280894 280900
>You DO realize that the latest CoD literally introduced an entire generation to Yuri's teachings, and the baizuo are going absolutely nuts over it, right?
I will admit that things have changed since I have made this thread. I made this thread in a moment of weakness and I have changed my stance on strategic migration since.

>Not necessarily. One of the most evil deceptions is when the devil tells you the truth. You're inclined to disbelieve it because it's the devil saying it, but there's no denying the fact that what he may speak at that given time is the unfiltered truth. That's where a lot of people fall down. They become so doubtless in their pursuits, that anything to the contrary is either a "lie" of some sort or the person being ignorant. And, those people, those "doubtless" crusaders, end up becoming your most disenfranchised and crazed individuals when they do realize that their beliefs have been a lie.
I don't think the thread I made could be seen as trying make people disbelieve truth.

Not saying it was a good thread, just that I have been here awhile.
>Not saying it was a good thread, just that I have been here awhile.
You're good, I'm impressed.
The script you brought today is unseen before.
Still, you're a shill and of course a massive faggot.
If you go through older post you will see what I am talking about here >>280889 Even /go/ has threads where anons actually did shit. The RWSS were hilarious. No one was calling those threads shills.

>Still, you're a shill and of course a massive faggot.
Call me a faggot all you like. After all OP is always a faggot, but the shill meme is dangerous. Yes shills exist on the bad goy parts of the internet, but if we simply call every post a shill then discussion is impossible. This was part of the problem with the 8chan community. The shills made it so we couldn't discuss anything. /mlpol/ is (or atleast was) one of the best places for discussing shit on the internet. We have a good team of moderators that are part of the community and actually give a shit, which is more than 4 or 8chan had. Shills aren't as numerous here. The paranoia isn't even justified.
If true it changes everything. My perceptions have been shifted, and vision broadened. I would not only give you the benefit of the doubt, but actively try and show everything I know about those topics.
If true I would apologize to the greatest extent I can.
Because these are some strange times.
>The paranoia isn't even justified.
There are patterns impossible to confuse. And you fit the profile.
Well then, at least the OP makes sense from the perspective. Honestly I have no doubts one way or another I'm going to die. From old age to defending the last bastion to something going horribly terribly wrong with magic. Or even medical.
It would come from a place of the heart.
Sorry about the inconvenience.
What patterns? I can genuinely see why people would think this thread is shill thread, I have seen demoralization threads before. This thread wasn't supposed to be about giving up though, it was supposed to be about regrouping. My other thread I have no idea what you are talking about. I posted a study and some highlights of the study. I thought the information was relevant and useful. Understanding just how warped the left's view of reality could be very useful to us. I fail to see how that could be seen as shilling.
>Honestly I have no doubts one way or another I'm going to die. From old age to defending the last bastion to something going horribly terribly wrong with magic. Or even medical.
However you die just make sure it isn't in vain or a needless death. The lives of those willing to stand up to evil are worth more than gold and they are few in number.
>This thread wasn't supposed to be about giving up though, it was supposed to be about regrouping.
Sorry anon but there's nothing to regroup, shitposting never required it.
You live in an alternate reality.
Look man we need physical communities. Our time on the internet is limited even if you are just doing apolitical shitposts then they will be seen as "problematic" facebook, google and twitter don't want to just get rid of rightwing trolls they want to get rid of anything that is funny or edgy. Look at how jewtube treats second life trolls. At the rate we are going John Oliver will be the only form of "humor" allowed. And keep in mind (((they))) don't just want to silence us; they want to financially and physically harm us. In time they may even try to kill us. We need to stick with like minded people or we will be destroyed.
There isn't a migration spot to go to. That could technically change. Would it be the right decision? Maybe. Would space work as a solution? Very high risk without the means to get resources. Too much can go wrong naturally or from intent forces.
A place on a map can be Wacco'ed at home or abroad they will have the resources and the intentions to see their plan finished. Living is magically strange and charged places could be perhaps one strong hold to consider. Although the price may be of a different cost.
An island is very visible, and out of the way enough for any conventional clearing means to be applied by 'training accident'.
Natural caves would be... not ideal, but still possible. Alot could go very wrong with so much rock above, and to the sides.
Manmade systems would be an uncomfortable existence still possible. Old broken systems and opened tunnels. Could ensure evasion for quite some time.
Living a double life is perhaps the most obvious and most costly. The price will rise and rise as they ensure the hold.
Acting as homless/nomads could work for a while if everything is kept hidden, but the dangers increase.
Subversion of their subversion could work, but has the chance of failure on many levels.
A combination of many of these things could work for a while. At least until the right moment is ready.
Bizarre locations could also work to our advantage.
A ghost side nation could work.
A physical community would be nice, I would enjoy it greatly. Could (((they))) fuck up at any point amd ensure us the victory? Undoubtedly.
The actual solution is probably to each situation and location.
You are correct, everyone would be eliminated. I predict gulaugs, 'work camps', and various pastimes (((they))) enjoy. It's here just, slow, and not in great numbers.
Besides the financial chains. Those linger.
An Amish like community seperate and perhaps unheard of could exist.
Probably not unmolested unless constantly moving about under different names. It is do-able.
A fifth best if all else fails to consider.
Definitely one to keep in mind. I will say a (or many) fall back position when shit hits the fan is a wise move. With that no matter how the future progresses in temporary defeat or victory core wisdoms, knowledge, and people are ensured to survive. This does break Tsun Tsu's art of ensuring one is in death ground at all times to have best potential and survival. Yet being able to recuperate and go on in bizarre methods is what people here have been able to do extremely successfully.
Hobo symbols and radio waves that are encoded are not only feasible but possible to such a degree multiple types of living could exist to ensure survival.
Magical ground of extreme danger might be one of the best and worst outside decisions to commit to. The natural 'defence' could be immense. To leverage that to our average would take alot of effort, yet we have the Anons that could make such a thing possible. Although that may not be great to grow up in, it could provide a stable environment that doesn't move about.
I mean, it is an option to consider.
To get on par with a crippled world to insane desires wouldn't be that difficult.
There are enough people to have an actual stable community, with talents, mindsets, and ideals to ensure everyone will make it. To pull this off the greatest disappearing act of the century is possible.

I do think that the heat will be hot enough to jump start normalfags into action, and military normals to seriously consider the situation.
Preparation is key, in resources, wisdom, knowldge, space and time, the locations, and means have to be discussed and hashed out without being seen by them in a way that matters.
It's do-able.
Infact having the backup is the fail-deadly option without it all is lost in a mad scrabble. Although even if full success is had a backup is not a bad idea.
I think it's still possible to fully win. Perhaps I'm overly optimistic.
I know that the extreme odds can be overcome, and that in extreme times the various skills can be shared in a meaningful manner.
Being able to change to the situation is in the genes of mankind, so is changing the situation.

This is changing a field of direct capture into one of attrition. Once they are spent, they have no clue how to maintain (((their))) idealized world.
They obey the same old rules.
While they can subvert, corrupt, and destroy. Building people up is not their forte.
I don't particularly like attrition, but it would also work.
It would be much of the same. Gathering all things, and building where possible. A darker turn of events to be sure, yet the light will live on regardless.
You know what would solve a lot of problems?
The existence of a white country willing to fight for and take in fellow whites, especially those fleeing persecution or bullshit charges in their own country.