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hitler lincoln.jpg
275375 275376 275386 275400 275655 275812 276269
Producerism is the American version of National Socialism and does not have a stigma in the collective consciousness. Here is a partial list of American presidents who are considered to have been Producerists:
Thomas Jefferson
Andrew Jackson
Abraham Lincoln
Teddy Roosevelt

Henry Ford and Elon Musk would also probably be considered Producerists (though Elon is cagey about his stance on immigration).

>What is Producerism?
Producerism is an ideology which holds that those members of society engaged in the production of tangible wealth are of greater benefit to society than financiers, aristocrats and welfare recipients. It is inherently nativist and opposed to immigration. Producerism allows for the establishment of ethnic reservations within nations, like an Indian nation, a black nation and a white nation.

Can we convert enough people from NS to Producerism?
Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan are two more Producerists in the modern era.
275376 275400 275481 275645
>convert NS to Producerism
You have it backwards. You are supposed to convert the normies. Changing our branding only ends up with good guy national socialism, which becomes civic nationalism, which becomes nothing more than the status quo as your beliefs are torn apart by people with opposing directions all fight for control under the same roof. You have to lead other people to the truth by bringing them to us, not the other way around.

Plus, your ideology is nothing if you don't have a cute pony to represent it. Make a Producerist pony if you want to see results.
Aw yeah
>>convert NS to Producerism
You have it backwards. You are supposed to convert the normies. Changing our branding only ends up with good guy national socialism, which becomes civic nationalism, which becomes nothing more than the status quo as your beliefs are torn apart by people with opposing directions all fight for control under the same roof. You have to lead other people to the truth by bringing them to us, not the other way around.

Plus, your ideology is nothing if you don't have a cute pony to represent it. Make a Producerist pony if you want to see results.

Producerist Pony Party sounds good to me.
>Can we convert enough people from NS to Producerism?
It's not about converting NS people it's all the 'silent majority' and the apathetic.
You tell them their work will be worth more on the platform. That the labour you do is not only the backbone of the nation, but the core and ideal of what makes the United States of America the greatest.
You'll show them that the vankers and fund manipulators, up and down the chain has abused your trust constantly.
That tax payer labor had been pissed away for shits and giggles.
Steep it in heavy Americana. Deny (((them))) the chance to label you and box you into a corner. Remain true, just and moral.
Then charismatic.
Then only then the message must be spread.
You show the carrots of prosperity, community, and the American way (tm), the sticks of apathy, laziness, and thinnly covered problems with the jew.

The national socialists will see the similarities not by forcing them, but as a road to freedom. That the goals align nearly perfectly.
The jew will by any means show the similarities and try to destroy this. Even if it exposes (((their))) own nature.
Libertarians will really behind this as the government does not produce all that well, and must be cut to size.

Those completely dependent on the welfare state will rally to stop this. As will (((the rich and powerful))).

It's not enough to have this be an economic platform. It's key, but not enough.
This has to be a moral platform. To do so everything has to be easy and transparent, from beginning to end.
The two party system will fight tooth and nail.
The media will try to destroy and discredit this.
The government will no longer take, the people will give to people. Young stupid nearly commie corrupted people will see this as the second coming of the 'revolution'.
They will rise the people up to over take the 'capitalist pigs'.
When the dust clears they will understand Producerism favors those that have an interest in the nation. In the community. In the people. The lazy communist, sjw, and criminal breeder soccer mom must shape up.
And every confrontation will show their colors.
The accumulation of individual/corporate capital will be limited by strict closed nationalist markets and the standard of living established by the state (from welfare, incentives, UBI, etc). Thats the only way labor will recieve its true and fair value. Reminder that the term "free market" is just a term that has many different interpretaions from many different people, Just like the term "freedom". When we (redpilled horsefuckers) use the word "freedom" what we're really talking about is just maximized liberty. Remember that the prosperity of the west never came from "free markets" it came from restricted markets with private property, free speech and right to bear arms.
_confereate swastika.jpeg
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Just make sure everyone's on the same page next time, helmet man
275422 275429 275446
>Producerism is an ideology which holds that those members of society engaged in the production of tangible wealth are of greater benefit to society than financiers, aristocrats and welfare recipients.
You mean like the capitalist system that the U.S. has based it's entire infrastructure off of, where business owners are the ones receive the tax breaks rather than employees and self-employed people?

Fuck off glow nigger!

>You tell them their work will be worth more on the platform. That the labour you do is not only the backbone of the nation, but the core and ideal of what makes the United States of America the greatest.
<You mean become like this little shithead?
For real? That's the opposite of what I've been told all these years but after everything else they've been wrong about, I'm ready to believe you.
What about the restricted markets made them good to the West?
Giving the benefit of the doubt
This is my take on the OP bait. To make it work, and be marketable.
><You mean become like this little shithead?
Beanie dude is the retard aka the one on the chopping block. Business dude took the time to not only explain it, and has put in the time and effort. Thus both are reaping what is sown.
If they put the last panel first everything is right in the world and that's how it works. The with that added the final ending panel for that reaction woulf show deeper into the psyche of beanie dude.
>The lazy communist, sjw, and criminal breeder soccer mom must shape up.
It's a bait and switch except there is no bait and switch. It's their failure to have a realistic world model.
The self-employed doing valuable work is a good thing.
As are employees.
So is the farmer
And the rancher
And the doctor
And the person coding
And the cab driver
It's a meritocracy or national socialism lite with American paint. (Which if all goes well several problems are solved.)
From what it sounds like OP is saying those positively impacting the community, friends, business, family, state, nation, ect are socially higher valued with the associated benefits.
Cronyism is still a problem, as is ensuring there are no monopolies, or a lack of honest competitors.
Then there is the tax system which is all sorts of jank. The FED which steals from everyone and gives to them.

My thinking of what actually tangible wealth is might also be different from OPs. For me it's any good or service that improves people, because it exists.
Such as the business man, he provides stability. Exchange of resources (time and work covered to labor coupons) and security over time. If it's a good company the potential for personal development to change the contract to try different types of work (hopefully that leads to becoming a competitor). The business man wants payment in work, and he'll exchange it with labor coupons.
How this might counter the jew. It doesn't, not directly. Because (((they))) are 'valuable' for making and sustaining their shitty things. If the person elected is kiked, nothing happens and that happening is shot.
The bankers have no responsibility, and no accountability. To use 'Producerism' to maximum effect the FED has to fall.
Measures to ensure that labor coupons will never be controlled by kikes has to be implemented.
Immigration stops.
The commies have to be exported, removed.
White birth rates have to increase. To do that fixing the corrupt family court system. By tearing it down, or something else.
Ensure the First Amendment will stand the test of time forever.
Ensure the Second Amendment will stand the test of time forever.
Alphabet soup groups have to be rooted from their corruption.
Securing the future.
Ripping apart (((their))) assets.
Funds to kikeistan ceases.
Fixing the fucking educational system.
Removing all the rot (((they)) have done.

I haven't provided a how, because I don't know how to do that. It would have to be a complete system turnover filled, or rallying everyone to actually do something.
The little things here and there to accomplish these micro goals could lead to some of this being fulfilled. This is just for the US not even considering the whole world yet, and that has to be considered as well.
>Fuck off glow nigger!
275456 275478 275481

Lincoln was 100% wrong to fight the South. No question there. But, his monetary and migration policies (in the form of the Greenback and deportation) were revolutionary and got him assassinated by a J*w.

>where business owners are the ones receive the tax breaks rather than employees and self-employed people
><You mean become like this little shithead?
These seem contradictory and you have a fundamental misunderstanding of Producerism. Company owners still make profit, but the fiduciary duty is first to the state, second to the employees and third to the investors. America used to have something similar before the late 1980s when it was changed to fiduciary duty being exclusively to the investors.

As far as welfare goes, everyone is lifted up to the status of being employed and there is a high minimum wage, high enough that it affords a single-income family in a house. Germany went so far as to make employment compulsory, but that is another reason that National Socialism isn't the right thing for America.

>Cronyism is still a problem, as is ensuring there are no monopolies, or a lack of honest competitors.
Teddy Roosevelt kicked ass on this.

>Then there is the tax system which is all sorts of jank. The FED which steals from everyone and gives to them.\
Producerism has Strasserist-lite economic policies. The government issues currency in the form of debt, like Lincoln's Greenbacks. This is usually considered self-limiting, but hyperinflation cannot exist with money that isn't leveraged as in the existing banking system. It is also not monetizing the debt, because it would be a new currency, initially parallel to the USD, but after a few years, the USD would become worth less and less and debt would inflate away while the new currency remained solid. Bankers would get the shaft. If even more money was needed, they could use the Straaserist trick of issuing labor-backed currency. see OP image

>For me it's any good or service that improves people, because it exists.
>Because (((they))) are 'valuable' for making and sustaining their shitty things.
So far as Jews make movies and newspapers, they would still be allowed to produce, but no usury nor landlords.

>To use 'Producerism' to maximum effect the FED has to fall.
yes. see parallel currency recommended above.

>Measures to ensure that labor coupons will never be controlled by kikes has to be implemented
Here we can take cues from NS Germany. Currency cannot be used internationally, that requires gold (certificates) or barter. Banking is very tightly controlled and limited to deposits and loans at controlled rates. The only other financial tool available is stocks, which can be bought or sold, but no futures, insurance, leverage, etc.

>Ripping apart (((their))) assets.
This is inherent in the parallel currency. (((Their))) paper assets will evaporate from inflation. They will be forced to sell their real estate to the businesses using it and the people living in it. They can keep their furniture, cars and personal homes, but they lose all of their income sources.

You have everything else right. No immigration, focus on the family (with an emphasis on Native American families whose birth rates are well below whites), guns, worker-focused policies.

Income tax could be eliminated within ten or so years using the parallel currency and increasing tariffs radically. Foreign goods should always have a premium to domestically produced goods.
275481 275492 275645
>These seem contradictory
No, it's not. The business owner is the guy in the comic, who found a method to "effortlessly" reproduce his actions and expand his company. That's the origin of nearly EVERY single company in the U.S. that dominates the market. Mickey D's found a duplicatable model that guaranteed a successful fast food store, Microsoft owed much of their success to creating the software that could work on nearly "any" machine rather than produce the hardware for it like other tech companies, Ford spearheaded mass production with easily interchangeable parts, and Amazon owes their success to offering a store that anyone can sell their products on. All these companies found a business model that benefits both the public and the people working in the company. In addition, because of this being the way the company operates, it's the reason why they benefit the most from the tax system (Which anyone can get in on, by the way. Just start your own business and you'll be eligible to the same benefits).

However, with all that being said, that does not make the companies, and the people involved with them, flawless. McD's has been lowering the quality of their food, Amazon make's brash and unequal decisions over what can be sold on their store, Ford is required to produce a profit for their investors, and Microsoft was controlled by a dictator. Some of these companies have done harm over the years, but one cannot deny that these companies have also produced a great amount of benefit. Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Henry Ford, and Ray Kroc are, by you definition, "Producerists". Not only did they benefit their own own lives with their companies, but they also benefitted the lives of millions of others who partnered with them and/or are working under them.

Also, if you want to solve the problem of exportation of production and the influx of immigrants, then that's a whole other can of worms as you have to fight the labor unions for all the damage they caused, fight the EPA for all the needless restrictions that have, fight the cities/counties/states for all the bullshit they enacted (Because the Feds don't control them) with unconstitutional and illegal laws, and so on. Much of what you're asking for "sounds nice", but it already exists or it cannot be accomplished.
275492 275645
Would small family-run businesses be "Sponsored" by the government and paid to hire locals?
And how would this system affect people who work online, through creating video games or pony porn art or voice acting?
I must have been living under a rock because I've never heard of this before. The (((Psychology Wiki))) has a good overview of it though: https://psychology.wikia.org/wiki/Producerism

I find fundamental fault with it because it's not based on facts but mere idealism. It's an idyllic myth applied to politics. However using it to our advantage is more practical than disabusing people of its notions, considering the more pressing problems we face. The LTV is trash but that enshrined in Producerism is fundamentally incompatible with its application in Marxism; moreover, ideals of some sort have to exist to counter modern liberalism. Likewise, though Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, and Teddy Roosevelt are some of the worst presidents it's pointless to convince everyone when they have been raised to believe otherwise. I can see its pragmatic application using the Left's own tactics of interpreting history for its own ends.

That Producerism remains strong in the American psyche is undoubtable considering Ross Perot was able to come out of nowhere on what was purely a Producerist platform, and that Trump succeeded on the same ideals. It is a bolstering of the middle against the high and low of Bio-Leninism and lends itself naturally to nationalism. It's no accident that fascism in general (not just National Socialism) placed such high emphasis on the middle class.

>Ron Paul
Pretty sure he's for free trade and wouldn't be a Producerist.

>Plus, your ideology is nothing if you don't have a cute pony to represent it. Make a Producerist pony if you want to see results.

>no usury nor landlords
So you are economically illiterate on interest and renting, got it.

This guy gets it.
I'd like to add on top of McD's selling fries (soda pop, then burgers) they are playing the land development game. By squating on important pieces of land for development later on.
Later selling it for a much bigger profit than the initial price of the land (plus cost of making the building ect). The fries and burgers are a side job to ensure that being on that land doesn't cost them, and if they have profit there too that's just the icing on top.
>it's the reason why they benefit the most from the tax system (Which anyone can get in on, by the way. Just start your own business and you'll be eligible to the same benefits)
Being an investor (stocks and the like) also has very high tax favorability.
I'm not all that steeped in the mystery of starting a business and the legal hoops one needs to actually do it. The how a business is run from beginning to end got it, just not the fiddly bits (which I suppose would require hiring someone who can do that or learn it myself from somewhere).

While I'm not OP and my ideas are meerly skinning Producerism and underlaying it with whatever economically sound ideas is floating in memory.
It'd argue that's not what you want to happen. Then people will abuse that system to make bank off of everyone else.
However small businesses (including the self employed) have to have the least amount of barriers possible to make it possible. To encourage high amounts of competition, and high business turn over. Which could be abused by those that don't want to actually work for a one time payment before being ostracized
Being an employee becomes more valuable due to stability, and there will be more fields of employment / business possible.
275655 275666 275893 276155
>Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Henry Ford, and Ray Kroc are, by you definition, "Producerists".
Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos are NOT Producerists. Bezos in particular sees his employees as cattle and has no loyalty to any nation. Bill Gates is just evil and self-serving. Producerists feel a duty to the nation.
>Some of these companies have done harm over the years, but one cannot deny that these companies have also produced a great amount of benefit.
It is not enough to produce a net benefit, the companies are duty-bound (and if necessary compelled) to do the best for their country and employees. Ford originally did this well, the other companies you listed do not. Teddy Roosevelt would have broken them up into a million tiny pieces and nationalized the remaining big chunks.

>you have to fight the labor unions for all the damage they caused, fight the EPA for all the needless restrictions that have, fight the cities/counties/states for all the bullshit they enacted
No, you just increase tariffs on foreign produced goods. Everything else will resolve itself.

see >>275492
and I would add that the radically lower taxes would make starting a business easier. There would also be more capital available because there would be no financial devices in which to invest savings. Hence, more investors would gamble on start-ups, making entrepreneurial funds easier to come by.

Welcome to the conversation, post-modernist.
>it's not based on facts but mere idealism
Producerism has been implemented repeatedly in the USA and was wildly successful in NS Germany. Teddy Roosevelt used Producerist philosophy to break up the monopolies. Producerism has a strong track record of success inside and outside of the USA.

>Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, and Teddy Roosevelt are some of the worst presidents
You'll have to give some kind of argument against Andrew Jackson and Teddy Roosevelt. The argument against Abraham Lincoln is fair, but as I developed my political ideologies, I came to realize that if he had lived, we would have a labor-backed currency today and the blacks would be happy back in Liberia. IT was the assassination of Lincoln that ensured his infamy.

> Make a Producerist pony if you want to see results and >>275375
This is a fair criticism

>Ron Paul not a Producerist
Only on international trade, otherwise he is a Producerist.

>So you are economically illiterate on interest and renting, got it.
nice ad hominem non-argument.

>people will abuse that system to make bank off of everyone else
This is what the Gestapo prevented in Germany, but beyond a somewhat overreaching police enforcement it requires a homogeneous society, which could be difficult for modern America.

>all that talk about tax loopholes for investors and sitting on land
This behavior is not allowed and can lead to your property being seized and turned over to more productive entities.
Well op you have a source for what exactly you mean on what this thing is. Have some recommended resources to analyze? Because I'm shooting in the dark and making guesses on the limited information provided. I am asking to be spoon fed because I want to be sure I'm on the same page.
275689 275817 275818 276374
How to Be Rich (J. Paul Getty).pdf
>Teddy Roosevelt would have broken them up into a million tiny pieces and nationalized the remaining big chunks.
You do realize that happened to Microsoft, and they're more powerful than ever?
>No, you just increase tariffs on foreign produced goods. Everything else will resolve itself.
Let me get this straight, useless regulations imposed by unions and federal and local agencies have skyrocketed the price of producing material domestically, and your solution is to tax the importation of goods, with the excuse that "It will all workout"? Forget about the amount of companies leaving altogether (And, how they already do have a tariff applied to their imports and it's still cheaper to export production), HOW are you going to solve the problem that nearly anyone trying to get involved will be working at a loss for who knows how long (With almost zero ability to make a profit)? You're not only going to be driving away the "financiers", you're going driving away the normal people who want to start business but see the opportunities available in other countries as more favorable than what's available in the U.S.?
>I would add that the radically lower taxes would make starting a business easier.
But you just said that imposing tariffs would "fix everything", so which is it?
Also, the success of a businesses isn't dependent upon the health of the economy. In fact, uncontrolled investing is what has lead to the worst economic crises in history, with the recession/depression following being a result of the market correcting itself: https://archive.vn/Wg1uK
>There would also be more capital available because there would be no financial devices in which to invest savings.
We're in this mess, smart one, BECAUSE majority of people never bothered, nor learned the concept behind, saving money: https://invidio.us/watch?v=N3zehy-DOO4
>Hence, more investors would gamble on start-ups, making entrepreneurial funds easier to come by.
Do you know host investing works? You put your money towards something you think will make money, and then you don't see the results until 5, 10, 20 years down the line, if the company still exists (That is). 50% of businesses don't make it past their fifth year, and the economy has jack shit to do with that: https://archive.vn/DNu9R
And, that's on top of the fact that people invest their money hopes of gaining more money. If a company just breaks even, then there's zero reason to invest as you won't make money from it. Also, as was already said, uncontrolled investing is what causes the worst economic problems.
>wildly successful in NS Germany
Nazi Germany's economy was ruled with an iron fist by the NSDAP. The only "free" thing you could do was own a company and attempt to make/do something, the rest was handled by the government who determined whether or not you could actually sell the product or service you offered. Also, the only reason the Nazi economy "succeeded" beyond the first decade is because of Hitler invading every other nation and exploiting their resources. And, that runs quite paradoxically to your entire philosophy of domestic production and a "producerist" nation. Countries like the United States and China can get away with full isolationism because the country's land is diverse in it's offering and plentiful in it's resources (Mainly because both countries are so large). Smaller countries, like everything in Europe outside of Russia (Which, even then, is debatable), cannot be as self-sufficient without relying on other nations for some resource or product. That isn't to say that smaller countries cannot be isolationist, as that's much of Japan's history, but it's much harder and relies upon the country developing their favored resources and talents to the point that it outweighs the areas they are lacking in. Nazi Germany, was not doing this.
>Teddy Roosevelt used Producerist philosophy to break up the monopolies.
Teddy was also one of the biggest presidents who objected to the rights of the states, which goes against the reason for the tenth amendment and half the constitutional laws that exist.
>and the blacks would be happy back in Liberia.
The American Colonization Society was the private effort brought about by slave owners and abolitionists, that lasted more than a century, smartass: https://infogalactic.com/info/American_Colonization_Society
When Lincoln tried the same thing, the project fell apart in less than a year: https://archive.vn/f5kPj
>This behavior is not allowed and can lead to your property being seized and turned over to more productive entities.
So, you're going to do the EXACT SAME THING that FDR did, where he made it illegal to hoard money and gold.
In other words, you're creating a society that is encouraged to SPEND MONEY. A concept that goes against EVERYTHING required for a society to survive. A concept that is the REASON the worst economic crashes happened.

If a society is raised to spend like they're trying to use the dollars to start a fire, you create the exact problem that currently exists in the first world. People stop worrying about what could happen to tomorrow and focus on what they can have today. And, they don't care about whether or not the thing they are spending money is of any actual quality or value. They just look at the price tag, see that it cost "lods e monie", and buy it because they'll be penalized if they don't. And it gets so out of hand and so uncontrolled that people end up paying yesterday's bills, today, with money that will exist tomorrow.
And, congratulations, you created a society dependent upon debt and status.
And, if you do know what the definition of status is: It's buying items you don't want, with money you don't have, to please people you don't like.
>Teddy Roosevelt would have broken them up into a million tiny pieces and nationalized the remaining big chunks.
>You do realize that happened to Microsoft, and they're more powerful than ever?
Wait what the fuck? How?
> In 2000, Judge Jackson took the harsher path, decreeing that Microsoft should be split into two halves, one dedicated to Windows and the other to everything else Microsoft.
>So why aren’t there two Microsofts today?
>Jackson’s word was far from final. The case found its way to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, which rejected Jackson’s remedy and accused him of unethical conduct after it was revealed he had private conversations with reporters about the trial while it was still ongoing. Microsoft would settle the case with the Department of Justice in November of 2001 by agreeing to make it easier for Microsoft’s competitors to get their software more closely integrated with the Windows operating system — a tough pill for Microsoft to swallow, but hardly on the same level as a forced breakup.
And the EU did fuck all as well (Except help start the cancer of the FOSS movement): https://infogalactic.com/info/Microsoft_Corp_v_Commission

No man rules alone.
Rule 0: Without power you can not enact change. (This also includes personal power, skills, knowledge, ect.)
Rule 1: Get the key supporters on your side.
(If that means raising one of your own up to take place so be it. If it means a key supporter needs to be... convinced or replaced this is an option that can happen.)
Rule 2: Control the treasure.
(This is both the weakest and most durable point of contention. Starve the keys, and they will crumble. They will ensure their own survival and fight if they know what is at stake.)
Rule 3: Minimize key supporters.
(If what you offer is short term gains yes. Technically this also applies over time if you propose to increase the total amount of treasure increased. Instead of expanding the keys you spend more on them.)

So what is the goal.
Whites need a place in America to call their own, preferably all of it.
If whites had the resources of America on their side, they could survive China, the EU, Russia(probably since it's jewed), the Middle East, and everywhere else at once attacking it.
275868 275869
>devil's digits, devil's post.
>your solution is to tax the importation of goods, with the excuse that "It will all workout"?
You're missing the point of Producerism, and by extension National Socialism. Tariffs are only applied on imports and applied to keep domestically produced items competitive. Our community right now accepts egregious environmental laws because they can simply buy the plastic gizmo from a Chinese manufacturer who doesn't need to comply with the same laws. If the gizmo is made in the US, but much more expensive due to environmental regulations, there will be political pressure to modify the regulations to make the gizmo cheaper to purchase.

>You're not only going to be driving away the "financiers"
That's the point, eliminate the "financier" class. This entire industry is fraudulent. Investment should come from retirment savings and government grants.

>I would add that the radically lower taxes would make starting a business easier.
>But you just said that imposing tariffs would "fix everything", so which is it?
Tariffs on imports are not a tax on dmestic businesses. Domestically produced items would have lower taxation and imported goods have radically higher taxation, as the US did prior to 1913.

>We're in this mess, smart one, BECAUSE majority of people never bothered, nor learned the concept behind, saving money
We are in this mess beacuse people are in debt. Without debt, the only alternative is savings. Again, it is a self-remedying problem and we know it works because that is how Western Civilization was built.

>uncontrolled investing is what causes the worst economic problems
Without multiplier financial devices, you cannot have uncontrolled investing.

>the only reason the Nazi economy "succeeded" beyond the first decade is because of Hitler invading every other nation and exploiting their resources
That is ridiculous. When Hitler took power, Germany had few resources, no gold, no foreign currency, burdensome debt and no possibility of obtaining new loans. The entire NS economy was built off of nothing but the German faith in themselves and was enabled by rejecting usury and restricting currency from being internationally traded. All exports were paid for by trade (often for the resources Germany was in such short supply of). From 1933 to 1938, in the midst of the Great Depression, Germany went from being the smallest western economy to the largest using the tools described herein. Their entire war effort in the beginning was about consolidating Germanic peoples into Germany. The war for resources didn't start until 1942 when WWII was fully underway and Germany was being choked by emabargoes.

>Teddy was also one of the biggest presidents who objected to the rights of the states
That is irrelevant and not part of this conversation.

>When Lincoln tried the same thing, the project fell apart in less than a year
The article you linked says he continued trying right up until his assassination. But, please drop this as it is not germane to the discussion. His POLICY was expatriation, hence he is a Producerist.

>In other words, you're creating a society that is encouraged to SPEND MONEY
You are either a troll or a teenager. You are describing Consumerism, which is literally the opposite of Producerism. Producerism encourages savings and investing in small companies where you personally know the entrepreneur. It disallows debt.
275821 275868 275869
>devil's digits, devil's post.
>your solution is to tax the importation of goods, with the excuse that "It will all workout"?
You're missing the point of Producerism, and by extension National Socialism. Tariffs are only applied on imports and applied to keep domestically produced items competitive. Our community right now accepts egregious environmental laws because they can simply buy the plastic gizmo from a Chinese manufacturer who doesn't need to comply with the same laws. If the gizmo is made in the US, but much more expensive due to environmental regulations, there will be political pressure to modify the regulations to make the gizmo cheaper to purchase.

>You're not only going to be driving away the "financiers"
That's the point, eliminate the "financier" class. This entire industry is fraudulent. Investment should come from retirment savings and government grants.

>I would add that the radically lower taxes would make starting a business easier.
>But you just said that imposing tariffs would "fix everything", so which is it?
Tariffs on imports are not a tax on dmestic businesses. Domestically produced items would have lower taxation and imported goods have radically higher taxation, as the US did prior to 1913.

>We're in this mess, smart one, BECAUSE majority of people never bothered, nor learned the concept behind, saving money
We are in this mess beacuse people are in debt. Without debt, the only alternative is savings. Again, it is a self-remedying problem and we know it works because that is how Western Civilization was built.

>uncontrolled investing is what causes the worst economic problems
Without multiplier financial devices, you cannot have uncontrolled investing.

>the only reason the Nazi economy "succeeded" beyond the first decade is because of Hitler invading every other nation and exploiting their resources
That is ridiculous. When Hitler took power, Germany had few resources, no gold, no foreign currency, burdensome debt and no possibility of obtaining new loans. The entire NS economy was built off of nothing but the German faith in themselves and was enabled by rejecting usury and restricting currency from being internationally traded. All exports were paid for by trade (often for the resources Germany was in such short supply of). From 1933 to 1938, in the midst of the Great Depression, Germany went from being the smallest western economy to the largest using the tools described herein. Their entire war effort in the beginning was about consolidating Germanic peoples into Germany. The war for resources didn't start until 1942 when WWII was fully underway and Germany was being choked by emabargoes.

>Teddy was also one of the biggest presidents who objected to the rights of the states
That is irrelevant and not part of this conversation.

>When Lincoln tried the same thing, the project fell apart in less than a year
The article you linked says he continued trying right up until his assassination. But, please drop this as it is not germane to the discussion. His POLICY was expatriation, hence he is a Producerist.

>In other words, you're creating a society that is encouraged to SPEND MONEY
You are either a troll or a teenager. You are describing Consumerism, which is literally the opposite of Producerism. Producerism encourages savings and investing in small companies where you personally know the entrepreneur. It disallows debt.
I want to say "But if the financier class is eliminated, how will the poor become financiers" but poor people rarely if ever get to be financiers.
275828 275839 275849 275870
I don't know shit about economics, and I won't pretend to, but what little I've picked up seems to suggest that it's the point of the Consumerist ideal to keep a poor lower class who spends their wages on frivilous products and doesn't save or invest for the future, a middle class who sells frivilous products to the lower class, and a rich upper class who maintains the sole right (implicitly or explicitly) to invest capital. By encouraging investment into business, particularly small business, among the lower class and by removing government restrictions that apply to small business, you can get the lower class to raise themselves out of poverty without the need for authoritarian government interventionism.

But I might have that wrong.
Sounds good to me.
It's still hard to imagine a world where that isn't the case, after all this time spent alive in a jewed world.
A place for whites to actually live without being fucked over by others.
Enough resources in both man power and natural to overcome the threats.
I was hoping OP would say something about what keys specifically using Producerism would need ect.
>Consumerist ideal to keep a poor lower class who spends their wages on frivilous products and doesn't save or invest for the future, a middle class who sells frivilous products to the lower class, and a rich upper class who maintains the sole right (implicitly or explicitly) to invest capital.
That's how it works now. Technically the ideal form of consumerism is to move everyone from the lower class into the middle class so then they can buy even more shit. The elite class shrinks so the total cash flow is always rapidly changing hands.
The real class divide is in information control.
While technically the information is public, and anyone can find the laws and the structures they need to successfully do anything raising from any status all the way to the top.
As getting a loan under a company name utterly failing, filing for bankruptcy and trying again with another loan is possible.
Any money related information is guarded so heavily, and with so many seemingly bizarre laws that to the casual observer it looks to be stupid and negligent.
Anyone in finance has to disclaim they aren't giving financial advice.
Getting the lawyers and special requirements to apply for the loopholes and other such things is so damned opaque it's highway robbery made legal.
Actually saving up in this current system we live in is so discouraged that every method of saving is risky.

The bank speak for getting those loans is not taught in school. Basically they want a summery of what you do with your money and how you turn money into more money.
AND you have to look and act the part.

Will continue later in a bit.
275857 275865
12 years not a slave.jpg
yes, this.

>It's still hard to imagine a world where that isn't the case, after all this time spent alive in a jewed world.
pic related

>I was hoping OP would say something about what keys specifically using Producerism would need ect.
I wish I had more to contribute here. Frankly, this thread is intended to put together some info for producerism.org, so if you have some suggestions, please share!

You're whole post is right on the target and I agree with what you say. Regulations that are allegedly intended to protect us are in fact used to repress our ability to engage in commerce by obfuscating laws and accounting principles to the point that expensive experts are needed to navigate them, which creates a barrier to all but the largest companies.
275865 275871
Regulations should protect the consumer and the small businessman and the economy, but megacorps run by jews are allowed to bypass all the regulations at will.
275871 276105
Not only are they allowed to by pass it being part of the subversive jew infested swamp of DC is mandatory. So is paying their bribes, or setting up favors. It's what makes it so damned insidious.
>Frankly, this thread is intended to put together some info for producerism.org, so if you have some suggestions, please share!
Ah, the crux of the matter.
Okay. I now have a tangible target to work toward.
With the intent that Producerism is actually National Socialism with American paint.
Replace Producerism and the paint with your country and its associated positive meaning name.
NS paint sounds so innocent.

The platform for every member up and down the chain of command.
Even in other chains.

The main tasks are simple, yet challenging. Converting the value of debt tickets in the minds of others (above and below and at the same level) into valuing quality of life, the meaningfullness, and promises of a better future.
Aka a total conversion of ideals and beliefs into NS with paint.
Doing these goals.

Please add to these goals if need be I've probably missed something.

The goals
Securing the white race. (This includes (You)! You can't help anyone if you don't make it out alive.)
Removing the jew (subversive traitors that make the world worse off this includes pedos, the unjust systems, and the influence they have)
Increasing productivity (The amount of change possible, more means faster this can be done.)
Increasing satisfaction (One of the Key promises, also part of the conversion to NS) [Nearly everyone but focused on white interests first, and to try avoiding subversive interests where possible]
Increasing meaning in life (One of the Key promises also part of the conversion to NS) [The people that are aimless] this means more man power and more actions that can be taken as the window shifts in our favor.

Goal Securing White Race: We want the best of the best to have happy fulfilling lives with children and those childrens children. And (You) are it.

Goal Removing the Subversive Element: This is to remove their positions, their power, their influence, their status, their ability to enact change. This is cultural memetic warfare of all kinds. This is not the end all be all, but it will help.

Goal Productivity: Increase the actions and influence you have, and every NS painter has.

Goal Satisfaction: If you aren't having fun, try to have fun. Same with satisfaction. Being miserable is great and all, but our spirit will diminish and people can tell. Lift your spirit, and others where and when possible. Long term effects and short term effects when possible.

Goal Purpose: To enact these Goals. That's the personal side. The external side is to spread NS paint EVERYWHERE. To make NS and the cover name spread like a sustainable viral meme.

0. The Branding.
Making sure infiltrators don't just pick it up and do their subversive acts with it.
It's not really possible but as a note.
This is the high flag one sails to gather reinforcements.
To bring in others.
To be anonymous till the time is right, or to be overt in the memery.
1. The Treasury.
This is your resources. Your life energy and the amount of change per unit of imaginary bucks you can overflow to others.
This ought to be used to accomplish one of the goals listed. (Remember to treat yourself kindly as well.)
2. The boss. 'King /Source of treasury'
This is the one who has forces that has the ability to be directly enacted on the level you're at.
3. The coworker. 'Other keys for the source of the treasury.'
This is the one who can the systems in place to enact on the level you're at, or directly.
4. The Keys. 'Sub Keys of the keys to the source of the treasury.'
This is the one who can't directly enact on you.
5. The Sub keys. (Continuously.)
They are your keys' keys. Direct oversight is detrimental.
6 The Over keys. (Continuously.)
They are the 'source of the treasury's souce of the treasury.

Corruption and infection can start anywhere at any level. Bring alert is useful.

This means no matter the position one of our guys is there far or wide. The changes can be accumulated together to do waves of sudden action, and disappear without a trace.
>Such as IOTBW
The NS Paint name 'Producerism' is the overt operations to gather public influence to be in the public.
It's also where goodwill is directed toward, as it will be to the ones who did the good deeds (or as anonymous if need be).
275869 275870 275871 275893 276115
File (hide): 91A5A3E2B37B154A73B7A7EFD96D9564-6854601.mp4 (6.5 MB, Resolution:640x360 Length:00:01:38, GovKnows.mp4) [play once] [loop]
> Tariffs are only applied on imports and applied to keep domestically produced items competitive.
Tariffs are already in place, they do jack shit.
>there will be political pressure to modify the regulations to make the gizmo cheaper to purchase.
Or, they could just leave.
That's the point your missing. If the laws are not change FIRST people are going to leave if they want to start a business, or find a business that IGNORES the plentiful resources that the U.S. uniquely offers because it's too expensive to produce them anyway (Which is continuing the U.S. down the path that it is currently on). Or, just not care about work altogether, give up, and live on welfare for the rest of their lives.
>That's the point, eliminate the "financier" class.
And everyone else along with it. Is that your plan?
>Investment should come from retirment savings and government grants.
You do realize that the government is one of the biggest "financiers", right? The NSA is swimming in data, thanks to those grants given to tech companies in exchange for people's information, to the point that they flush entire truckloads of it down the drain because they don't have the time to sort it all.
>Domestically produced items would have lower taxation and imported goods have radically higher taxation, as the US did prior to 1913.
And, when is this going to happen? You just said that applying tariffs would be the first step, and the lowering the taxes and REMOVING REGULATIONS (That's the important part that causes the high expenses) would happen sometime afterwards in the future. And, that's in addition to the fact that tariffs are currently (As in today) applied to the products being sold, but the cost of manufacturing is so low that companies can "take a hit" and still turn a profit. In order to actually overturn the importation market, you'd have to increases tariffs to such an absurdly high level that ZERO companies would want to do international trade with the U.S.. And, you still haven't fixed the problems domestically because, by the time you did get to the point of isolating the U.S. from international trade (And, assuming that you avoid any potential wars as the international market is reliant upon the U.S. for more than the sale of goods; such as how we are also the international currency), the domestic market wouldn't even be relying on the nation's potential strengths as the public would have dropped it long ago for another market that the government and unions has yet to regulate and can turn a profit from.
<Then, we'll just regulate that market in order to get people to rely upon the nation's strengths again
And, there in lies the problem. The direct involvement of any government in both the public and private markets and the economy causes NOTHING but problems would have been more easily solved had the government not interfered in the first place.
>We are in this mess beacuse people are in debt.
People are in debt because they NEVER LEARNED to save money or the reason why they should save money. This is a problem that goes all the way back to thousands of years ago, where people were enslaved because they wanted something, didn't have the money to pay for it so they gave whatever form of IOU existed, never followed through on that IOU, and then were enslaved in order to pay off their IOU.
>Again, it is a self-remedying problem and we know it works because that is how Western Civilization was built.
Western Civilization was built because people found it more profitable and efficient to rely upon innovation and discovery rather than have slave labor.
>you cannot have uncontrolled investing.
Have you even heard about industry crashes like how comics had their crash back in the 90's and video games had their crash back in the 80's: https://invidio.us/watch?v=EigoqZoibDg
Also, how are you planing to have people "invest" in businesses? Are you (The government) going to control what they invest it (Which has already been established as a plan leading to complete disaster)? Are you going to say that they're all going to open up their own? You do realize that's going to reduce everything back to the feudal era in terms of commerce.
>When Hitler took power, Germany had few resources, no gold, no foreign currency, burdensome debt and no possibility of obtaining new loans. The entire NS economy was built off of nothing but the German faith in themselves and was enabled by rejecting usury and restricting currency from being internationally traded. All exports were paid for by trade (often for the resources Germany was in such short supply of).
And, that doesn't contradict what I said. The NSDAP ruled with a iron fist in regards to how their economy ran.
>From 1933 to 1938, in the midst of the Great Depression, Germany went from being the smallest western economy to the largest using the tools described herein. Their entire war effort in the beginning was about consolidating Germanic peoples into Germany. The war for resources didn't start until 1942 when WWII was fully underway and Germany was being choked by emabargoes.
So, you just agreed with everything I just said.
Nazi Germany succeeded for the first decade (1933-1942), but then had to invade every nation afterwards because they couldn't sustain themselves beyond that decade.
275870 275871 275893
File (hide): 927AAAB57ADF3E1CA53D871AEAB38173-2220949.mp4 (2.1 MB, Resolution:480x360 Length:00:00:48, 1511989579.mp4) [play once] [loop]
>That is irrelevant and not part of this conversation.
It is relevant because that is the ENTIRE foundation of the U.S.. And, you cannot change that without a complete overthrow of the U.S. government (Which is going to result in EVERYTHING being destroyed in the process, and leaving little to nothing afterwards). All your examples of "producerists" in the OP are people who had to begun to abuse their limited amount of power, and, at that point, what was even the reason of breaking away from England? Going by all the history available, progress and innovation happened despite government intervention, not because of it, and that runs completely counter to what I am assuming is your idea of making a Socialist-fashioned society around the concept of "Producerism".
>His POLICY was expatriation, hence he is a Producerist.
What? Just because he did X, that means he's a Y? Huh, wha-?
>You are describing Consumerism, which is literally the opposite of Producerism. Producerism encourages savings and investing in small companies where you personally know the entrepreneur.
Except, you're going to grab whatever resource people are "hoarding" and force them to use it or lose it. Not even compensate them for it, you're just going to steal whatever you think they're "wasting" and give it to someone else.
That's blatant Socialism. Except, it has a Consumerism flare added to it as you won't lose your property if you utilize it first. If that's what Producerism is then FUCK OFF completely.
Even FDR, when he made hoarding money and currency illegal, still had the decency to compensate people when he seized their property: https://infogalactic.com/info/Executive_Order_6102
>It disallows debt.
If Person A does something for Person B, and expects to be compensated for it, then Person B owes a debt to Person A. Are you going to stop ANY AND ALL forms of commerce altogether? Or, are you going to get really stupid about it and issue law stating that Person B doesn't owe Person A their compensation after a certain date (Which then leads to majority of people dodging their debt until that date is passed, which results in fewer and fewer people being compensated for their work as a society of mistrust is created)? The ENTIRE point behind debt is that you owe someone compensation for something they did for you.

Now, if you're talking about loans and INTEREST, that's an entirely different subject.
Originally supposed to be a penalty for not paying off your debt on time, it has transformed into something very ugly. However, I have an increasingly harder and harder time trying to find a reason to counter it when people miss that THE ENTIRE POINT BEHIND A LOAN IS THAT YOU BORROWED MONEY FROM SOMEONE ELSE AND YOU NEED TO PAY IT BACK. And, they're solution to paying off that first loan is to take out a second loan, which they don't pay off and then proceed to take out a third loan and so on.
But, even then, there are laws and bank regulations that prevent that from happening.
Yes, banks actually don't give out loans to people if they don't think the person will be able to pay back the money they took out (Forget about the interest) because that will result in them losing money. That's one of the reasons why a "good credit score" is so important when buying big ticket items or taking out a loan, because then it allows the person to determine whether or not you're actually trustworthy enough to pay back the money that you owe. Even the best loan sharks have similar rules for the same reasons, and they only break those rules if they want a power trip.

In fact, that pretty much sums up the entire problem right there. People would gladly give away their futures in order to solve today's troubles without a plan of how they will deal with tomorrow.
275871 275892 275893
File (hide): 7AAE7C347129DC25021D11F831411EDD-14401331.mp4 (13.7 MB, Resolution:480x360 Length:00:03:49, loadsamoney.mp4) [play once] [loop]
>I don't know shit about economics, and I won't pretend to, but what little I've picked up seems to suggest that it's the point of the Consumerist ideal to keep a poor lower class who spends their wages on frivilous products and doesn't save or invest for the future, a middle class who sells frivilous products to the lower class, and a rich upper class who maintains the sole right (implicitly or explicitly) to invest capital.
You're incorrect on several points. First of all, until the industrial revolution, there was no "middle class". People either did everything themselves or had enough funds to pay other people to do the work for them. When the industrial revolution kicked off, there was then this new concept of companies paying people more money by manufacturing items for them than they could every make on the farm doing their own work, and this caused people to flock to the cities for a "better life". However, since the 80's, the industrial revolution effectively came to an end because efficiency had reached it's peak. Instead of needing hundreds of people for manufacturing, they automated the processes that didn't require the precise or effective work of a human (Which severely downsized the workforce). And, since then, things have been drifting back to the way things were, where those was a "poor" and "rich" class.
>By encouraging investment into business, particularly small business, among the lower class and by removing government restrictions that apply to small business, you can get the lower class to raise themselves out of poverty without the need for authoritarian government interventionism.
Essentially, that's the concept, but there are several hang ups to it, first of which is where is the investment money going to come from? Majority of American's don't have the funds to do it: http://archive.vn/lMJLN
So, they're only recourse in to get some “financier”, who has the money, to invest in them. But, the problem with that is majority of these idiots starting a company don't understand the first thing about running it, much more how to profit from it. For example, there is a HUGE difference between being self-employed (The most heavily hit people when it comes to taxes) and being a business owner (Where one gets the real money thanks to the tax beaks): http://archive.vn/1xy5j
Another example is a phrase that I was taught along the lines of, "Those who serve the classes, stay with the masses. Those who serve the masses, stay with the classes. The point is to know your audience, know your market, and know your limitations. People don't buy a car as often as they do groceries, correct? But, that's then missing something so much bigger:
People don't look at the impact that can take place in the current conditions.
The simplest way to look at it is list down some goals that you have or desires that you want. Put the full price tag behind how much that will cost (Including the expenses that will exist as time goes buy). Then, make another list putting down all the ways that you're bringing an income into your house (Your job, eBay actions, etc.). If you're income is larger than the price tag for that dream, then keep doing what you're doing as you're in the right place. However, if your income is smaller than that, then it's time for a change of pace. One of the WORST misleading statements that Western societies have adopted is the idea behind, "If you pick a job that you like, then you'll never work a day in your life."
The point of a job IS NOT to "have fun". I'm not saying that you can't or won't have fun, but that's not the point. The point of a job is to bring in an INCOME so that you can FUND whatever lifestyle you want to live.

Now, this brings things back to the overall issue. To be quite honest, you are not going to really progress anywhere in life if you work a job. Some do, but most won't. And, for some people, that's good enough. However, if you want more, that leaves you the only option of creating your own thing or investing into someone else if you want to go somewhere. And, unless you're being mentored through a process, it's going to take a long-ass time and extreme hardships before you even see the the positive outcomes of it all. Some people have seen such success in as little as 5-10 years, others are still working it (And, even then, you still need to survive another 15-20 years before you can really start consider yourself "worry free"). And, the point of being a business owner or an investor is not to achieve your goals while you're doing your job, it's to replace the income of your job that you can then go achieve your goals with your better form of income as you've primarily worked things out by the time you get to that position.

Also, it should be mentioned that investors are not the "one all end all" that people make them out to be. As was said some posts prior, people invest in a company expecting to make money. With some investments, such as buying stocks in public companies, actually giving the stockholders swaying power over how the company operates. They can't influence it directly, but they can have the power to make suggestions and/or fire the people who won't give them the results they want. So, one could end up with the dream company they built being destroyed thanks to the investors who initially put money towards it.
275893 276115 276116
File (hide): 193060DF43D7996DF0B8A184DE63B8FD-4831200.webm (4.6 MB, Resolution:640x360 Length:00:01:00, bread lines are a good thing.webm) [play once] [loop]
bread lines are a good thing.webm
>megacorps run by jews are allowed to bypass all the regulations at will
Regulations are the biggest reason why the "megacorps" survive, because they can afford to follow the laws required meanwhile less wealthy individuals go bankrupt from trying to follow the regulations.
However, there's also the fact that the rich are literally paying for everything anyway (Because they're the only ones who CAN afford to pay ot), from taxes to building city infrastructure to providing people with work, but that little sidenote just tears down the justification for demonizing the rich, doesn't it?

>Increasing productivity (The amount of change possible, more means faster this can be done.)
>Increasing satisfaction (One of the Key promises, also part of the conversion to NS) [Nearly everyone but focused on white interests first, and to try avoiding subversive interests where possible]
>Increasing meaning in life (One of the Key promises also part of the conversion to NS) [The people that are aimless] this means more man power and more actions that can be taken as the window shifts in our favor.
All of which where the aims of previous Socialist empires, and resulted in the exact opposite.
275897 276115
I didn't mention a time period, but yeah, the Industrial Revolution allowed for the creation of the middle class. I think Consumerism didn't really exist until the 1900s when advancements in psychology and new avantgarde art movements (as well as the invention of the radio) could be combined to create the first forms of mass-advertising campaigns, which was then perfected over the two World Wars through propaganda.

As for the issue of the lower class not having the money to invest, I don't know. Like I said, I don't know economics. I imagine when it comes to the knowledge of investing and running businesses, you could do various things such as encourage the creation of classes on the subject, or simplify a lot of the legalese and remove or reduce regulations.
Nice videos and posts.
>Regulations are the biggest reason why the "megacorps" survive, because they can afford to follow the laws required meanwhile less wealthy individuals go bankrupt from trying to follow the regulations.
>However, there's also the fact that the rich are literally paying for everything anyway (Because they're the only ones who CAN afford to pay ot), from taxes to building city infrastructure to providing people with work, but that little sidenote just tears down the justification for demonizing the rich, doesn't it?
Yep, I couldn't agree more it's not the total resources one has that determines if they should be demonized. It's that for a specific block of the population they are doing harm. White, and male.
My problem is that we're heading into a poor / slavery system soon. Along with other issues present and the long term goals of some of those with that could ever pose a threat is being eliminated.
I don't take kindly to being the subject to a slow genocide. I can see the point why they would want to accomplish their goals it's just that I despise it with a passion.
Funnily enough making their own self-fulfilling prophecy and other prophecies of the more secret sort compete.
>All of which where the aims of previous Socialist empires, and resulted in the exact opposite.
That's why it's such a great marketing technique.
Transfer your power and decisions to the government, and they will promise whatever it takes. After that they don't need to deliver. A socialist dream come true, as the streets run putrid as everyone starves.
As a political party it's all in the how. Everytime it has to be given back to the people or things drop fast into freefall of doom. Even a good dictator could technically do many great things, but that's rare and doing it correctly is even rarer, and doing so without power struggles is possible. Getting everything just right for that to happen is insane.
>Platform of increasing the GDP or create jobs or rising the minimum wage I know raising minimum wage doesn't work its an example of contrary sides for the same root 'cause'
>Platform of national pride or global pride or being the best in the world
>Platform of religious freedom or 'Social Justice' or fighting for (whatever)
It's a tried and true means of convincing people. Fulfilling them is so near and dear to the human condition it's almost hardwired.
It's vicious.
Extrapolating this into a religious platform it has everything it needs to propagate and spread. Kinda like Marxism, or Christianity, or Islam, or Buddhism.
As a lifestyle it's more benign till it's reviled that there is no end to it. Everyone is connected as one hand helps another the goals are competed. Any kind of organization.
>In fact, that pretty much sums up the entire problem right there. People would gladly give away their futures in order to solve today's troubles without a plan of how they will deal with tomorrow.
It keeps repeating.
Every poor sod that doesn't have sufficient arms and means to defend themselves and their stuff.
>The NSA is swimming in data, thanks to those grants given to tech companies in exchange for people's information, to the point that they flush entire truckloads of it down the drain because they don't have the time to sort it all.
>Originally supposed to be a penalty for not paying off your debt on time, it has transformed into something very ugly. However, I have an increasingly harder and harder time trying to find a reason to counter it when people miss that THE ENTIRE POINT BEHIND A LOAN IS THAT YOU BORROWED MONEY FROM SOMEONE ELSE AND YOU NEED TO PAY IT BACK.
Interest is used as a means of recouping potential lost profits, because the debt tickets are tied up with someone else.
Flat penalties don't necessarily fix anything either.
>it has transformed into something very ugly
That's the problem. It's a beast that craves more. A slippery slope that that needs a firm hand or several interest based business will be setup. It's just slavery with more steps.
<Don't get into an intrest based debt!
That's a good idea. Shame that doing so is so much more profitable than not having them be free from that.
>they're solution to paying off that first loan is to take out a second loan,
Hey, that's almost how the US government wants more freedom bucks from the FED. It pushes the deadline back further and further.
Everyone is looking for the US to pay back what it owes. Saying Nah, will burn down economies.
>>>>Teddy Roosevelt would have broken them up into a million tiny pieces and nationalized the remaining big chunks.
>>>>You'll have to give some kind of argument against Andrew Jackson and Teddy Roosevelt.
>>>Teddy was also one of the biggest presidents who objected to the rights of the states
>>That is irrelevant and not part of this conversation.
>It is relevant because that is the ENTIRE foundation of the U.S.
Peoples rights, property owners rights, business' rights, community's rights, county's rights, State's rights, and National rights. Each right comes with a responsibility.
Freedom is a heavy burden one must carry.
>People are in debt because they NEVER LEARNED to save money or the reason why they should save money.
Debt is a very profitable business.
>The direct involvement of any government in both the public and private markets and the economy causes NOTHING but problems would have been more easily solved had the government not interfered in the first place.
Yes, under normal circumstances, hell even under extreme duress that's true.
>Why bother with a party in the first place?
Shit's sliding down and it's another angle of action.
>There would also be more capital available because there would be no financial devices in which to invest savings
That's Keynesian economics. Where having any savings at all is a sin against money. It's partly why we're in this shit.
Indeed, knowledge is power and they are loath to hand it out without being able to keep track of those that know enough.
Gotta have those key words and warning labels.

But all economics is about Bartering, and with people.
Sometimes with 'entities' like business, unions, or governments too.
It's all the possibilities between everyone and the stuff being moved around.
That's it.

Economists try to analyze it and then do things.
276149 276154 276155 276186 276243 276253
>Converting the value of debt tickets
If you are referring to Federal Reserve Notes, my suggestion is to issue a parallel currency issued by the government and used to pay contractors and employees to build infrastructure, something like a 1933-1934 Reichsmark. It is similar to Lincoln's Greenback, but the Greenback was used to pay off debt and it should be limited to paying for productive work to avoid inflation through debt monetization. As a placemarker, I propose to call this currency a Jackson. Jackson's and dollars would initially be pegged to each other, but the Jackson could not be used as collateral, nor as payment for interest-bearing finacial devices nor international transactions (to prevent speculation-driven instability). After a few years, when enough Jacksons are in circulation and are accepted for payment anywhere (including payment for taxes) they can be unpegged. It would be an excellent side-by-side test of capitalism vs. Producerism. My assumption is that Jacksons will stay rock-steady while dollars inflate everyone's debt away.

>Goal Removing the Subversive Element
This is more to bite off than Producerism as a fledgling political movement can undertake. The point of changing the focus from National Socialism to Producerism is to release us from the public perception of "evil" racism. We could have a few laws put in place, like gutting the press by restoring the original intent to protecting any person who wants to publish something and making it explicitly illegal to knowingly lie with the intent of being taken seriously. Rather than focusing on "Jews" we should focus on the degeneracy: porn, lying press, finance industry, tort law, obfuscation of criminal law (a layman should be able to effectivley defend themselves in court). By addressing the behavior, it will flush out the actors (Jews in this case), just like Elon Musk did with his, "who *owns* the press". Or the many Jewish critics who have already written about Producerism. It is a huge opportunity that doesn't exist in NS.

>Goal Satisfaction
I have become enormously black-pilled because I have been a huge loser in the Covid economy. Went from being a millionaire 4 months ago to struggling to keep my house today, with no prospects of income in the foreseeable future. Hence, I am focusing on this.

>Goal Purpose
Producerism should be strongly firewalled from NS. Normies just can't grock it with the brainwashing in place. NS will be reactively rejected. The movement obviously needs a charismatic leader. At times in my life I have been a good leader, but spreading NS has been an absolute brick wall.

>Making sure infiltrators don't just pick it up and do their subversive acts with it.
One strategy is to predict (((their))) criticisms and build the counter-arguments into the original argument. For instance, in existing literature it is claimed that Producerism is inherently racist because we want to "get rid of" the welfare class, who is largely black. The truth of Producerism (and NS) is to bring the lower classes up, not ausrottung them. America is trickier than Germany due to the multiple indigenous races and some degree of ethnic nationhood should be established. The easiest way to do this would be to expand on the Indian Reservations. Places like Harlem and northern Alabama can be Black Reservations. The White Reservations would agree to divert some of their productivity to the Black and Indian Reservations in a mutually agreeable fashion to prevent too much of a GINI coefficient.

>To be anonymous till the time is right, or to be overt in the memery.
I intend to put my name behind Producerism once the site is built so that I can be a spokesperson who is genuinely not racist (dictionary definition). Nationalism is not inherently racist and Producerism isn't inherently anti-semitic. Having some transparency will greatly benefit the movement.

>The NS Paint name 'Producerism' is the overt operations to gather public influence to be in the public
Producerism must be firewalled from NS organizations.
276149 276239 276253
>However, there's also the fact that the rich are literally paying for everything anyway
The rich don't really pay taxes, at least at a radically lower rate than you or I. Goldman Sachs and Apple for instance rarely pay more than tens of millions in taxes on 30-100 billion in revenue. The middle class and upper middle class can't afford the good accountants and pay the bulk of taxes.

>Tariffs are already in place, they do jack shit
>Or, they could just leave
>tariffs are currently (As in today) applied to the products being sold, but the cost of manufacturing is so low that companies can "take a hit" and still turn a profit.
Much higher tariffs, like 100 times as high or enough to make the foreign produced product more expensive than when produced domestically. It would have an additional benefit of being a significant source of income for the federal government. Commodities would not be taxed if needed for production.
This would result in many companies on-shoring rather than offshoring. You could still buy a Porsche from Germany or tea from China, but it would be a special purchase.

>And everyone else along with it. Is that your plan?
not an argument

>REMOVING REGULATIONS would happen sometime afterwards in the future.
regulations would be removed as public discontent for the high prices outweighed the public's desire for strict regulations.

>the public would have dropped it long ago for another market that the government and unions has yet to regulate
America's strength lies in the fact that it is both a strong producer economy and a strong consumer economy. US sales in most industries account for 30% to 50% of worldwide sales. Firms will be moving on-shore, consumers won't be moving off-shore.

>Also, how are you planing to have people "invest" in businesses? Are you (The government) going to control what they invest it?
Invest through stocks, typically in the business you work for or a friends or colleagues start-up or growing business. You can invest in any business but no financial tools like derivatives, insurance, bundled investments, etc.
>Are you going to say that they're all going to open up their own?
Of course not.

>The NSDAP ruled with a iron fist in regards to how their economy ran
We have very different understandings of the economic policies of NS Germany.

>but then had to invade every nation afterwards because they couldn't sustain themselves beyond that decade
No, they didn't. The invasion that started the war was Poland and Hitler had no reason to believe the treaty that was signed the day before the invasion guaranteed Britain and France's involvement because that part of the treaty was kept secret in a Dr. Stranglove-ian tactic. NS Germany had access to all of the resources they needed before the outbreak of war and had created bio-fuels as an energy alternative. Indeed, it was the arming of Germany in ramping up for war after 1939 that created the need for additional gold and other resources. Germany was doing splendidly without war: building manufacturing prowess, gathering resources and accumulating wealth and scientific achievements.

>It is relevant because that is the ENTIRE foundation of the U.S.
It is irrelevant because we have not brought up state's rights and unless we can find a way to segregate nations by state lines, a new governing architecture of more autonomous "Reservations" or "Nations" will eventually supersede the States in governing power. These "Nations" will be jurisdictional more similar to the original confederacy of states than the current United Sates.

>Except, you're going to grab whatever resource people are "hoarding" and force them to use it or lose it. Not even compensate them for it, you're just going to steal whatever you think they're "wasting" and give it to someone else.
Where did you get that from? Eminent Domain would be more common than now, but it would be compensated for and would result in a more fruitful economy and better lifestyle for all.
>I don't understand the rest of your rant about it being socialism and consumerism.
>made hoarding money and currency illegal
see my post excerpt:
>Producerism encourages savings and investing in small companies where you personally know the entrepreneur

>>It disallows debt.
>>How? ...
It disallows most debt. auto loans, credit card balances, furniture or tech loans. Now, the retailer can give a loan to the consumer, but it must be an enticement at 0% interest. Banks could still give loans to home buyers and some commercial loans, but most debt would be incurred by the buyer and offered from the seller, whether it is a consumer for a car, a manufacturer for supplies or a farmer for seed.

>In fact, that pretty much sums up the entire problem right there. People would gladly give away their futures in order to solve today's troubles without a plan of how they will deal with tomorrow.
Exactly! That is why it should not be allowed as freely as it is now. As cocaine is restricted, so should debt be restricted. It won't literally be illegal, but the trade will be restricted to dollars as Jackson's can't be used for collateral nor payment of debt.

>they're only recourse in to get some “financier”, who has the money, to invest in them
As the Jackson gains strength, the distribution will naturally be primarily in the possession of the growing middle (Producerist) class. Debt-based dollars will be left to the elite to do whatever they want with.

>And, the point of being a business owner or an investor is not to achieve your goals while you're doing your job, it's to replace the income of your job that you can then go achieve your goals with your better form of income.
This is a capitalist goal and should not be possible in Producerism. Under Producerism there is no such thing as living off investments as investments just won't have a high enough return when fiduciary duty to investors is in fourth position instead of first as it is now.
276149 276155
eagle parade.jpg
nuremberg rally at night.jpg
>Increasing meaning in life (One of the Key promises also part of the conversion to NS)
see pics realted NS absolutely gave Germans a greater meaning to life and should not be confused with Marxist Socialism.
276149 276155
>Interest is used as a means of recouping potential lost profits
>it has transformed into something very ugly
>Shame that doing so is so much more profitable
The point is that the societal price we pay for that increase in profit is higher than our societal gain. Hence, we should disallow it. Meth is great for immediate productivity, but it turns you into an insane sociopath over time. Hence, we disallow it.

>direct involvement of any government in both the public and private markets and the economy causes NOTHING but problems
That's what all regulations are in the first place. The point is that these regulations should be written with the good of the Producer in mind instead of the corporation and the Consumer.

>there would be no financial devices in which to invest savings
>That's Keynesian economics. Where having any savings at all is a sin against money. It's partly why we're in this shit.
I didn't say people couldn't save in a savings account. I said there could not be any parasitical financial devices like bonds, ETFs, derivatives, etc. Stocks are allowed and people can invest in gold, savings accounts, art or anything tangible they choose.
Producerist Pony
producerist pony.png

A peice of straw, wheat, grass, or something feels right on the pony.
The RD edit is decent enough.
Actually first I should ask what is the scope of this party. Is it for Congress, Presidential, or other office?

The real question is how are you going to enforce it.
>We have very different understandings of the economic policies of NS Germany.
Can you expand on that please?

>All the proposed implementations
Thinking like someone who wants to successfully break them, and get away with it what would they do?
A flow chart stems from what they want to have, and what they want to avoid generally works.
>Eminent Domain would be more common than now, but it would be compensated for and would result in a more fruitful economy and better lifestyle for all.
The government rarely gives 'fair' compensation. The fear that the government would take their stuff would push people closer to libertarianism (which isn't all that bad) and may cause them to rise up (which again wouldn't be all that bad).
In presidential office you have four years. At every turn you'll be hampered. To enact these extensive changes the next administration will pick it up.
More eminent domain means they get it after the four years. Unless they have been so thoughtfully rooted out that it's not possible, I am cautious about give them more tools.
>Exactly! That is why it should not be allowed as freely as it is now. As cocaine is restricted, so should debt be restricted. It won't literally be illegal, but the trade will be restricted to dollars as Jackson's can't be used for collateral nor payment of debt.
Will you go after the little guy who deals in debt or the big guys who deal in debt? One would hamper trade and since on a personal level they would know each other.
>As the Jackson gains strength, the distribution will naturally be primarily in the possession of the growing middle (Producerist) class. Debt-based dollars will be left to the elite to do whatever they want with.
>Debt-based dollars will be left to the elite to do whatever they want with.
Uhhhh. We have a problem. They have the FED, and enacting a Jackson as a national twin to the dollar would take time to circulate.
Not only that if (((they))) are still around you'll have a currency of the poor and a currency of the rich. They will subjugate and gatekeep blocking utilities and commodities under that distinction. Making sure the 'poor goyim' will never be able to live up to the 'rich elite'.
They have physical buildings, goods, influence and the money to not give a shit.
>>And, the point of being a business owner or an investor is not to achieve your goals while you're doing your job, it's to replace the income of your job that you can then go achieve your goals with your better form of income.
>This is a capitalist goal and should not be possible in Producerism. Under Producerism there is no such thing as living off investments as investments just won't have a high enough return when fiduciary duty to investors is in fourth position instead of first as it is now.

Then what is the equivalent or alternative with Producerism. What would be the time frame available between the two. (Getting enough capital to do you dreams. How long would it take, would you have the time to do it.)

>That's what all regulations are in the first place. The point is that these regulations should be written with the good of the Producer in mind instead of the corporation and the Consumer.
So the person buying the stuff is suppoting the person making the stuff. What about the quality of the stuff?
That's getting close to monopoly territory where hotdogs with human meat accidentally and 'accidentally' added, with poor conditions crawling with who knows what.
>I didn't say people couldn't save in a savings account. I said there could not be any parasitical financial devices like bonds, ETFs, derivatives, etc. Stocks are allowed and people can invest in gold, savings accounts, art or anything tangible they choose.
Can you invest in people? Or an idea? Or a process? Isn't it all speculating on what people will pay for the whatever making it an intangible process due to basing it on people's wants and needs?
276155 276220
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Jontron Can't Make Shit Up.mp4
[Relight] Kachou Ouji - 07 (DVD 714x480 h264 AAC) [26384777]_1.webm
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>Jackson's and dollars would initially be pegged to each other, but the Jackson could not be used as collateral, nor as payment for interest-bearing finacial devices nor international transactions (to prevent speculation-driven instability). After a few years, when enough Jacksons are in circulation and are accepted for payment anywhere (including payment for taxes) they can be unpegged. It would be an excellent side-by-side test of capitalism vs. Producerism. My assumption is that Jacksons will stay rock-steady while dollars inflate everyone's debt away.
Didn't that already happen with BitCoin and the entire concept of cryptocurrencies, which has become an absolute joke? Also, there already currency that the federal government still prints, but isn't widely used in circulation despite being more efficient: it's called the $2 bill. And, in addition to this, the U.S. dollar is currently a fiat money, so your "Jacksons" would just be as useless as a regular dollar bill; and, since every place already uses the established U.S. dollar, what's to prevent people from exchanging your Jacksons for a regular currency? All you're really doing with such an action is inconveniencing people in a similar event to how companies, during the industrial revolution, used to give their employees their own "special currency" that could only be used at the company store and nowhere else.
>The point of changing the focus from National Socialism to Producerism is to release us from the public perception of "evil" racism.
Do you not realize the irony of how the only way to advertise your special-exclusive brand of Socialism is that you have to lie about the fact that it isn't Socialism? If you're that dishonest in advertising your ideal, how dishonest are you going to be later on down the line when IF it gains any traction?
>Went from being a millionaire 4 months ago to struggling to keep my house today, with no prospects of income in the foreseeable future.
Are you fucking kidding me?
You never learned how economics works, thought that just because your were bringing on "lods of mone" that you would set you for life, life comes along and proves you to be dead wrong, you your only recourse is to start a Communist revolution just so that you can get your aristocratic lifestyle back? You can't make this shit up.
Get the fuck out of here newfag. /leftypol/ would is more your speed and where you belong, along with all the over sliver spoon richpricks who don't understand a damn thing about economics, politics, and history: https://bunkerchan.xyz/leftypol/
>The truth of Producerism (and NS) is to bring the lower classes up
No, it's to bring all the "unacceptably powerful" people down to the lowest levels.
>Producerism isn't inherently anti-semitic.
Producerism IS NOT "anti-semitic" already because the ENTIRE Socialist ideology was sprouted from Neet Kike who allowed his kids to starve to death while he was leeching off his wife's, parent's and friend's money.
>The rich don't really pay taxes
<The Rich Pay More Taxes: Top 20 Percent Pay Record Share of Income Taxes
<The rich pay majority of U.S. income taxes
<The Rich Pay More than Their Fair Share of Taxes
<Top 3% of U.S. Taxpayers Paid Majority of Income Tax in 2016
<Believe It or Not - the Richest Americans DO Pay Most of the Federal Income Tax
All of these articles are ordered oldest to newest.
>Much higher tariffs, like 100 times as high or enough to make the foreign produced product more expensive than when produced domestically.
So, you're going to bankrupt international trade with the U.S..
>Commodities would not be taxed if needed for production.
Then your entire plan to make the U.S. a "Producerist" nation goes right out the fucking window because we're not autonomous, and still relying on international trade, and damn near ANYTHING can be argued as being a "commodity", so your entire plan to lockup international trade with tariffs becomes fucking useless and pointless.
>This would result in many companies on-shoring rather than offshoring.
No, they'd leave. Because you haven't removed the regulations, and it's less expensive to do business with other nations. Why limit themselves to the U.S. when there are dozens of other countries who rely upon oil and food?
>regulations would be removed as public discontent for the high prices outweighed the public's desire for strict regulations.
It would never come to that as people are going to either leave or not deal with and ignore the overly regulated industries.
>America's strength lies in the fact that it is both a strong producer economy and a strong consumer economy.
The U.S. imports more than it exports, and our two biggest exports are airplanes and oil: http://archive.vn/uOY6y
>Invest through stocks, typically in the business you work for or a friends or colleagues start-up or growing business.
That's insider trading, and illegal practice: http://archive.vn/W6OhW
Also, it was already mentioned that stockholders can lead a company to ruin despite the wishes of the person who created the company.
>Indeed, it was the arming of Germany in ramping up for war after 1939 that created the need for additional gold and other resources.
So, Nazi Germany wasn't the powerhouse it was all made out to be and believed itself to be, and required invading other countries in order to survive when push came to shove? Also, Nazi Germany was ready to fight earlier in 1936 when they invaded the Rhineland, which never would have happened had Italy not exposed the League's bluff when they (Italy) went to war with Ethiopia.
276181 276185 276190 276253
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Oldfags laughing.webm
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>These "Nations" will be jurisdictional more similar to the original confederacy of states than the current United Sates.
You mean how the U.S. operated under the Articles of Confederation? Such an absolute disaster in government organization, that they had to rewrite everything less than a decade later?
>Where did you get that from?
You said it right here: >>275645
>>all that talk about tax loopholes for investors and sitting on land
>This behavior is not allowed and can lead to your property being seized and turned over to more productive entities.
If someone is not using their property in a manner that you find approving, you are going to seize it from them and give it to someone else. No mention of any compensation; no mention what this power will be limited to, which leads to assuming that any and all property can be seize by the government due to the citizens using it "ineffectively".
>It disallows most debt.
But you just said that all debt is illegal in your perfect Socialist utopia, so which is it?
>auto loans, credit card balances, furniture or tech loans.
So, everyone would have to have all of their cash, on hand and in person, in order to buy and pay for anything? Could you please tell me the last time YOU were walking around with $5000 cash in your wallet since YOU happened to be some big "millionaire".
>Now, the retailer can give a loan to the consumer, but it must be an enticement at 0% interest.
That already happens, with most companies making it a big deal that, "You can have 0% interest on your payment for the first five years". And, quite honestly, does that actually work in regards people paying anything off any sooner? At least with interest, people are given the incentive that the sooner they pay it off, the less money they will owe. Then there's also the fact that declaring bankruptcy absolves most of your debt, as well.
>This is a capitalist goal and should not be possible in Producerism. Under Producerism there is no such thing as living off investments as investments just won't have a high enough return when fiduciary duty to investors is in fourth position instead of first as it is now.
So, everyone should work all day, everyday, until the day they die with no recourse to building something that allows them to actually live a life.
And, you have the gull to act like your ideals are any more pure?
>That is why it should not be allowed as freely as it is now.
And, you think that you're "so much smarter than the average person" that you are the one who can orchestrate all of this and solve all of the worlds problems, when you just admitted that you lost everything despite being a "millionaire"?
And, that being the sole reason why you're even trying to start all of this bullshit.
No, you're a complete fucking idiot, who allowed his pride to get the best of himself, lost it all, and is trying to blame of his problems on everyone except yourself. Thanks for playing the Game of Life. Now quit your bitching and do it right this time.

>see pics realted NS absolutely gave Germans a greater meaning to life and should not be confused with Marxist Socialism.
Both Germany's Nazism and Italy's Fascism gave all the people a "meaning in life", until they were required to fight a war that showed that the people didn't want any of what the Presidente Mussolini and Führer Hitler had promised. Even Hitler gave up on it all during the final months of the war and handed it off to the interns to finish things off and clean up the mess due to how literally shaken he was. The only thing Germany was still willing to fight against (Even during the conquering of Berlin) was Russia, and that was it.

>Meth is great for immediate productivity, but it turns you into an insane sociopath over time. Hence, we disallow it.
Actually, meth legally is used to treat insomnia and nasal congestion.
>That's what all regulations are in the first place.
To cause problems for everyone except the government?
>The point is that these regulations should be written with the good of the Producer in mind instead of the corporation and the Consumer.
So, the point of regulations IS to cause problems for everyone except the government.
>I didn't say people couldn't save in a savings account.
You said that people are going to lose their property if they don't use it in a manner that the government approves. It's the same thing.
>I said there could not be any parasitical financial devices like bonds, ETFs, derivatives, etc.
What if the government distributes those?
>Stocks are allowed
Causes more problems than it solves, and stated multiple times
>and people can invest in gold, savings accounts, art or anything tangible they choose.
And, you're going to take that property from them when it best suites the government, without any compensation whatsoever, because the person who owned said property wasn't using it "correctly".

Does anyone else find it downright ironic that the biggest Socialists are all richfucks bitching about how the world had been “unfair and unjust” to them?
276190 276239 276243 276253
Apparently this fucker doesn't even know what the shit he's talking about is already defined as; There are articles about how Productivism is "Regressive right-wing populism", and it seems to have it's base in Andrew Jacksons anti-establishment/anti-banker policies. It's also defined as "rascist" and is said that it is/was used against niggers too, so his whole "it's not rascist" talk is bullshit. That being said, I do like the idea of trying to ween us off the Fed's debt-back dollar onto a labor currency like the Reichsmark by using Lincolns Greenback as a base. We would have to kill the Fed before we could even consider that though.
>Does anyone else find it downright ironic that the biggest Socialists are all richfucks bitching about how the world had been “unfair and unjust” to them?
It is by design.
When a rich bastard wants to manipulate the commie proles he calls himself oppressed.
And the commie attack dogs will attack the white working class.
You see it when nigresses cry racism about being paid pro wages, fucking insane unearned amounts of money, for their shitty first books made by literal whos when world renowned white professional authors are paid more. Even though white authors dont have the industry collusion benefits and low standards niggresses do.
276188 276190 276209 276239 276243 276382
Alright, I found something that goes a bit more in depth into what "Producerism" is, and this fucker is either an idiot or lying trough his teeth, because some of the things he's suggested in this thread actually go against some of it.

>Calls to rally the virtuous "producing classes" against evil "parasites" at both the top and bottom of society are based on a tendency called producerism. Producerism a doctrine that champions the so-called producers in society against both “unproductive” elites and subordinate groups defined as lazy, sinful, immoral, or subversive.

Hmm. Alright, we got a bit of a "pro-worker" lean here, but the fact it's against "lazy subordinate groups" is interesting, as I'm not sure that comes up in Marxism as it's practiced.

>Forms of repressive right wing populism weave producerism into conspiracy theories about elite power and a lazy, sinful, and subversive freeloaders who dain society of its vigor. Today we see examples of it in some sectors of the Christian Right, in the Patriot movements and armed militias, and in the Far right.

Looks like I fit right in here

>Producerism begins in the US with the Jacksonians, who wove together intra-elite factionalism and lower-class Whites’ double-edged resentments. Producerism became a staple of repressive populist ideology. Producerism sought to rally the middle strata together with certain sections of the elite. Specifically, it championed the so-called producing classes (including White farmers, laborers, artisans, slaveowning planters, and “productive” capitalists) against “unproductive” bankers, speculators, and monopolists above—and people of color below.

I think our friend >>276105 here fits in with the "speculators", due to him saying that stocks would be apart of this in one of his posts. Let's see what else he's not saying

>After the Jacksonian era, producerism was a central tenet of the anti-Chinese crusade in the late nineteenth century. In the 1920s industrial philosophy of Henry Ford, and Father Coughlin’s fascist doctrine in the 1930s, producerism fused with antisemitic attacks against “parasitic” Jews.

Well fuck me. It looks like Producerism IS not only racist, but anti-kike too!

>Our conception of producerism is derived from Alexander Saxton’s discussion of the “Producer Ethic” as an ideology of the early White labor movement that “emphasized an egalitarianism reserved for whites.”
>Our conception is also deeply influenced by Moishe Postone’s discussion of how modern antisemitism draws a false dichotomy between “productive” industrial capital and “parasitic” finance capital.

Seems the Jews don't like it that much. While >>276105 is a moron, it might be interesting to look into this. With some refinement, Productism could join the other Third Positionist ideologues

Here's the sauce btw:
Considering Henry Ford was National Socialist, looks to me like Producerism was what Hitler was following and putting into place with some slight modifications perhaps but the over arching thought on the economic side seems to be identical, or at least minimally different.
Thank you for finding some good sauce.
Here is some poner.
>Does anyone else find it downright ironic that the biggest Socialists are all richfucks bitching about how the world had been “unfair and unjust” to them?
How else would you kill the competition?
Besides hard work, and removing their influence and capital?
276198 276239 276382
Happy Twilight.png
>>276188 (checked Hitler digits)
It seems so when it comes to economics. If we were to go off this, it might actually make the introduction of NS economics much easier to introduced to normalfags, as we just have to show things such as how Lincoln's Greenback worked, as well as borrow pointers from Jackson when it comes to how (((central banking))) is harmful for the nation. A sweet bonus to this is that "Producerism" was all put into policy and proven to work over a century before the 1930's so they can go after us and say "iF It WoRks So WeLl, wHy DidN't tHe NaZi's wIn" or some BS like that

No problem, and thank you form the poner. I'm looking into this a bit more, I think we might just have hit a breakthrough when it comes to introducing NS ideas.

>Producerists will tend to support skilled-craft trade unions, as organizations of "ordinary men" creating goods beneficial to society, but oppose left-wing, revolutionary unions or those that claim to speak for the lower ranks of society in general.

The NSDAP banned a whole bunch of "revolutionary unions" after they took power, and I believe they promoted a similar policy of skilled-craft trade unions too.

>National, industrial corporations, that is, those that produce tangible goods in domestic facilities, are looked upon favorably, while international, globalized companies that engage in outsourcing, "sending jobs abroad" or those that earn their profits from the abstract financial world are treated with hostility in Producerist circles.

Isn't that what's happening right now with Trump?

>This disposition is sometimes referred to as "business nationalism."

Holy shit, THAT'S what it's called. I didn't know that, thank you.

>High tariffs and protectionist policies are regarded as not only beneficial to workers, but essential to the long-term survival of the domestic economy.

Fair enough, but we might need to bring back more manufacturing first. I'm guessing this is the "Jacksonian Populist" part of it showing up.

>Although primarily economic in emphasis, Producerism has a perspective on social issues as well, namely that the traditional values of the middle class are the only true national values, and these are to be defended on one side against the corruption of decadent inherited wealth and on the other from the dangerous apathy and sloth it sees as being the inevitable consequents of dependency on the welfare state.

Excellent, traditional values are integral to it. This means no matter how much any civic cucks try to claim, nativism IS a key part of Productivism. I also like the focus on the Middle Class, it's survival was a big part of the NSDAP program

>Therefore, Producerists tend to be patriotic but intensely distrustful of the State, which they believe to be under the control of forces hostile to the nation, and sympathetic towards conservative Christianity, seen as a defender against both the moral degeneracy of the poor and the rapaciousness of unbridled capitalism.

A bit Libertarian here, but this source seems to flip-flop a bit when it comes to some stuff, so it might not be the common consensus. The Christianity part might be a bit much, but if Hitler handled it peacefully, we can too.

Here the sauce of this, but be warned, it seems to try and downplay the based aspects of Productionism. Probably wants to convince people it's just a Libertarian offshoot.
sad ponk.png

My bad
>Hmm. Alright, we got a bit of a "pro-worker" lean here, but the fact it's against "lazy subordinate groups" is interesting, as I'm not sure that comes up in Marxism as it's practiced.
I know it's a primary part of Ayn Rand's Objectism.
>>regulations should be written with the good of the Producer in mind instead of the corporation and the Consumer
>What about the quality of the stuff? That's getting close to monopoly territory
By Producer, I mean the productive POV of a citizen rather than a consumer POV of a citizen. Planned obsolescence (engineering things to break) should be illegal as it goes against the interests of the nation (the primary fiduciary duty of a company).

>Can you invest in people? Or an idea? Or a process? Isn't it all speculating ...
You can invest in people and companies, but not financial devices like:
>bonds, ETFs, derivatives, etc.

>>Under Producerism there is no such thing as living off investments
>Then what is the equivalent or alternative with Producerism
You can build up a company and sell it off and live off of the capital and investments in other's businesses, you can inherit or you can build up a business to the point where you are pretty much hands off.

>enacting a Jackson as a national twin to the dollar would take time to circulate
>They will subjugate and gatekeep blocking utilities and commodities under that distinction
>>Jackson's and dollars would initially be pegged to each other, but the Jackson could not be used as collateral, nor as payment for interest-bearing financial devices nor international transactions (to prevent speculation-driven instability). After a few years, when enough Jacksons are in circulation and are accepted for payment anywhere (including payment for taxes) they can be unpegged. It would be an excellent side-by-side test of capitalism vs. Producerism.

>Will you go after the little guy who deals in debt or the big guys who deal in debt?
You don't have to go after anybody. The Jackson will naturally become the stronger of the two currencies because it has no inherent inflation.
>>as Jackson's can't be used for collateral nor payment of debt.

>The government rarely gives 'fair' compensation
But you can sue for fair compensation. Imperfect, but it also serves as an incentive to be productive and beneficial to the nation.
>In presidential office you have four years
This is a party platform, not a plan of action. All of the items we are talking about would be monstrously difficult to achieve under the existing system and would probably require a Constitutional Convention.

>Can you expand on that please? [NS economy]
NS Germany was a wunderwirtschaft due to:
- Reichsmark and MEFOs were issued by the government to pay for infrastructure and defense.
- interest bearing loans were tightly controlled and personal loans were usually pegged at 1%.
- eliminated the bulk of the financial sector
- Hitler motivated the German Volk to strive for personal perfection.
- the government invested heavily in the sciences and small company prototypes
- They completely isolated themselves from Jewish manipulation. You weren't allowed to buy or sell Reichsmark on the international markets.
- Schacht was a genius and had a bunch of little tricks he uised to manipulate trade to Germany's benefit.

Invading other countries factors nowhere into this. Hitler never wanted war with anyone in the West and wanted Lebensraum in the East, which was settling territory, not a resources trove. He had most of the resources he needed through allies like Romania. The push to Baku was to cutoff the Soviet supply and use it themselves for the Soviet campaign. They did not need Baku (Stalingrad) for domestic use.

>I should ask what is the scope of this party. Is it for Congress, Presidential, or other office?
Hadn't thought that far ahead. Probably a state legislature party first as that is the path to a Constitutional Convention.
276239 276255
>>Jacksons could replace dollars.
>Didn't that already happen with BitCoin and the entire concept of cryptocurrencies
You can't pay taxes with bitcoin, hence it is not
proper money.

>inconveniencing people in a similar event to how companies, during the industrial revolution, used to give their employees their own "special currency" that could only be used at the company store and nowhere else.
Jacksons would be legal tender everywhere in the US and after a few years would be allowed to fluctuate against the dollar. The question is, would the Jackson have the strength of the NS Reichsmark (labor based) or the Weimar Reichsmark (debt based)

>you have to lie about the fact that it isn't Socialism?
Producerism is not in any conventional understanding a form of socialism. Fiduciary duty would be the bulk of the economic control mechanisms and most enforcement would be civil, not criminal.

>>being a millionaire 4 months ago
>You never learned how economics works
It is implied that I first made millions, which I did in serial entrepreneurial endeavors. The shutdowns have been fatal to specific industries and my company could not get any government programs (PPP, EIDL) and there is no potential of revenues in the foreseeable future.

>>The rich don't really pay taxes
The top 1% holds 42.5% of the wealth. They pay 39.5% of the taxes. Their income is what is manipulated by those expensive accountants.

>>Much higher tariffs, like 100 times as high or enough to make the foreign produced product more expensive than when produced domestically.
>So, you're going to bankrupt international trade with the U.S.
Yes, or at least overhaul it to our benefit.

>ANYTHING can be argued as being a "commodity"
https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/commodity.asp :
> What Is a Commodity?
>A commodity is a basic good used in commerce that is interchangeable with other goods of the same type. Commodities are most often used as inputs in the production of other goods or services. The quality of a given commodity may differ slightly, but it is essentially uniform across producers.

>Why limit themselves to the U.S. when there are dozens of other countries who rely upon oil and food?
The US is about half the world's markets for most industries. And you are presupposing going cold turkey. The tariffs would be raised and regulations rescinded gradually and in concert.

>No, they'd leave
Apple would rather move manufacturing onshore than move their headquarters offshore. Those brilliant designers won't move to China. This holds true for most other industries. To say nothing of the consumer base in America.

>>Invest through stocks, typically in the business you work for or a friends or colleagues start-up or growing business.
>That's insider trading, and illegal practice
It seems like you are being deliberately obtuse. Investing in a friends business is not insider trading and there are always risks with investing. The point is under this proposed system there would be more capital available for business development than under the current nepotistic lending infrastructure.

>required invading other countries in order to survive when push came to shove?
I have clarified in 4 messages now that Germany did not invade anyone for resources and had no plans to. The first time they acted militarily for resources was when deep in Russia and it was a military strategy, not a nation's necessity. Any country needs to acquire resources during an invasion.
276253 276269
>By Producer, I mean the productive POV of a citizen rather than a consumer POV of a citizen.
And, it isn't going to work because people don't care about how "productive" something makes them. They care about convenience.
>You can build up a company and sell it off and live off of the capital and investments in other's businesses
But, you just previous said: >>276115
>Under Producerism there is no such thing as living off investments
So, which is it?
>The Jackson will naturally become the stronger of the two currencies because it has no inherent inflation.
If your proposed "Jackson" went into circulation, equaling the worth of the current U.S. dollar, they're just as worthless and an inconvenience. Also, greenbacks are still in circulation, can still be purchased, can still be used, but nearly no one uses them (Outside of collectors).
>Imperfect, but it also serves as an incentive to be productive and beneficial to the nation.
So, you're enticing Consumerism when it comes to people's property.
>Hitler never wanted war with anyone in the West
Except France for signing that Treaty of Mutual Assistance with the Soviets.
>Probably a state legislature party first as that is the path to a Constitutional Convention.
So, you're overall plan it to overthrow the current U.S. government in order to enact your Socialist ideology.

>You can't pay taxes with bitcoin, hence it is not proper money.
No, in the eyes of the government, it is real money. Even the Federal Reserve admits: http://archive.vn/QAVIG
<There is, however, no Federal statute mandating that a private business, a person, or an organization must accept currency or coins as payment for goods or services. Private businesses are free to develop their own policies on whether to accept cash unless there is a state law which says otherwise.
>Jacksons would be legal tender everywhere in the US and after a few years would be allowed to fluctuate against the dollar.
Except, businesses can reject it's usage because it's inconvenient.
>Producerism is not in any conventional understanding a form of socialism.
Except, it is. Everything you described in regards you how your special ideology works is Socialism. It even has nothing to do with actual Producerism as this other Anon has shown: >>276181
>The shutdowns have been fatal to specific industries
Mostly the theme parks and companies without an online presence, going by what I know. Most other businesses closing shop have been on shaky footing since the beginning.
>and my company could not get any government programs (PPP, EIDL) and there is no potential of revenues in the foreseeable future.
So, if the government has completely mismanaged how to tackle this entire event, why do you think that the solution is to give even more power to the government?
>The top 1% holds 42.5% of the wealth.
So, it's the Pareto Principle (Which applies to EVERYTHING): https://infogalactic.com/info/Pareto_principle
In fact, there's been several thorough discussions about what would happen it you took everything of value in the world, and divided it evenly between all 7.8 billion people, with the result of said discussion boiling down the all the wealth going back to the people who originally had it: http://archive.vn/dHsrG
With Post-Soviet Russia proving this theory: http://archive.vn/MCwNU
>They pay 39.5% of the taxes.
And? How much money should people be paying? to the point that they have zero wealth?
Well, thanks for confirming the fact that you're answer to everything to to tax it, you'd make a great government stooge.
>The US is about half the world's markets for most industries.
Only because we consume so much shit (Like was said, we import more than we export), with many industries dropping the U.S. for China or going back to their home and favored markets because they realize that appealing to Americans is too high of a price (And, I'm not talking about in raw revenue).
>Apple would rather move manufacturing onshore than move their headquarters offshore. Those brilliant designers won't move to China.
Not with the pandemic. Instead, they'd move manufacturing to Taiwan, Singapore, Korea, Vietnam, Mexico, etc. In fact, that's already happening: http://archive.vn/NR7iv
And, even politicians are demanding that the government remove these bullshit restrictions so that we can bring back domestic production: http://archive.vn/GzudE
>The point is under this proposed system there would be more capital available for business development than under the current nepotistic lending infrastructure.
And, what's the point in investing when you can never make "too much" money from it? And, where past economic downturns have shown that uncontrolled investing causes a whole list of problems?
>I have clarified in 4 messages now that Germany did not invade anyone for resources and had no plans to.
Then why did they invade Denmark and Norway? It didn't provide the same reasoning behind invading the Rhineland (Ethnic Germans in the territory and a show of power against the Franco-Soviety Treaty), Czechoslovakia (Ethnic Germans in the country) and Poland (The Poles massacring Ethnic Germans in the country). And, it sure as fuck wasn't because of England because Denmark made it quite clear that they wanted the Bongs to fuck off as well.
>Any country needs to acquire resources during an invasion.
But, Nazi Germany didn't need to invade another country for their resources until 1940.
276241 276255
But national socialism called for state control of businesses, strict authoritarianism, and grueling punishment for dissidents and people of “undesirable” ethnicities. That wouldn’t happen in the US, would it?
those things have nothing to do with economics to start and State control of business was not commonly used in Germany during WWII and much more was privatized than was nationalized, As for the others It was neither as strict as some believe nor as grueling a punishment if you dissented, dissent was allowed, being a traitor wasn't, as for the undesirable ethnicities, do you like jews? niggers? spics?, I thought not. all of that has happened before here and will likely happen again this next time though it will probably be worse for a time than anywhere elese ever has been.
276244 276255 276382
>Alright, I found something that goes a bit more in depth into what "Producerism" is, and this fucker is either an idiot or lying trough his teeth
Finds one biased article and believes he now knows more about the ideology than OP. Fuck off. see below

>Producerism a doctrine that champions the so-called producers in society against both “unproductive” elites and subordinate groups defined as lazy, sinful, immoral, or subversive
Producerism views the parasitical upper class as potentially disposable, based on their ability to adapt to a producer-oriented economy. The lower classes should not be ostracized, but rather raised up to the [lower] middle class. Every worker (down to janitors) should have enough resources to raise a family and own a home. For this to work in America, some degree of racial segregation would be necessary. You would understand how fiduciary duty could achieve this if you had ever been involved at the corporate level of a business - which you obviously have not.

>I think our friend >>276105 here fits in with the "speculators", due to him saying that stocks would be apart of this
Stock != speculator
Speculators bet on future prices using shorts, puts, etc. Someone who buys stock is merely investing into a % of a business. You can use the term stock interchangeably with share if that makes it easier for you to understand.

>Well fuck me. It looks like Producerism IS not only racist, but anti-kike too! and >>276181
>an article critical of Producerism makes an unfounded accusation - not surprising
Because Producerism vilifies specific behavior that matches an archetype does not mean it is racist - it is coincidence and anyone who makes that connection in the first place is themselves racist.

Regarding tariffs, see:
US import tariffs sit around 1.5% right now, ideally they should be 100%

Here is a less biased description of Producerism:
>Some hold that American Producerism has its roots in the populist politics of Andrew Jackson and in the tariffs and protections of Henry Clay's American System, even though these two figures were political rivals
>Producerism has as a core value the glorification of the autonomous "rugged individual", the archtypical free-spirited American of the frontier, and thus, while socially conservative, it is fundamentaly hostile to statist movements
>Producerists tend to be patriotic but at the same time intensely distrustful of the State, which they believe to be under the control of forces hostile to the nation
>High tariffs and protectionist policies are regarded as not only beneficial to workers, but essential to the long-term survival of the domestic economy to counter the predatory practices of currency manipulation and illegal trade practices.
>Producerism believes government as currently constituted is ill-intentioned but quite functional - actively advancing the interests of international capital and the servile underclass it manipulates for the votes it needs to stay in power.
>While >>276105 is a moron, it might be interesting to look into this.
name calling ... but you're right.
What you are trying to shill is literally just National Socialist Economics, minus a few of the more Authoritarian elements, just fucking stop, we already believe everything you're pushing except your commie bullshit, If you want to rename NatSoc economics to more precisely reflect its meaning to those who don't know about it, a more precise definition that skips over the Socialist label so feared today and still keeps in with the overarching ideology of Nat Soc would be Nationalist Racialist Producer-oriented Capitalism, your problem is now solved go the fuck away.
276251 276255
>all of that has happened before here and will likely happen again this next time though it will probably be worse for a time than anywhere elese ever has been.
So where would you go if this happened? I’d feel unsafe in my own country and would feel as though I would need to flee.
I will be leading the charge, America will again be under the control and power of those who conquered it from the fucking savages and I will purge every jew, every spic, and every nigger from this nation's land alone if I must, if you don't like it, put a bullet through your brain because when america collapses so will everywhere else in the west at the very least.
276298 276304
> There are articles about how Productivism is "Regressive right-wing populism"
Articles by leftists trying to smear a righteous political movement and you should know better.

> I do like the idea of trying to ween us off the Fed's debt-back dollar onto a labor currency like the Reichsmark by using Lincolns Greenback as a base. We would have to kill the Fed before we could even consider that though.
Dude, you answered your own question, "ween us off the Fed's debt-back dollar" ... "kill the Fed before" The Greenback is the device we use to kill the Fed. A stable currency will crush the debt-backed dollar.

>>These "Nations" will be jurisdictional more similar to the original confederacy of states
>You mean how the U.S. operated under the Articles of Confederation?
No, only jurisidictionally so. Governmentally they will be treated like Indian Reservations - semi-autonomously.

>land ... you are going to seize it ... No mention of any compensation
see >>276115
> Eminent Domain would be more common than now, but it would be compensated for and would result in a more fruitful economy and better lifestyle for all.

>So, everyone would have to have all of their cash, on hand and in person, in order to buy and pay for anything?
As I said earlier, you are either a teenager or a troll. American Express and debit cards work great. Bitcoin and Apple Pay are fine too. Just no cards that hold a balance and charge interest on the balance.

>you just admitted that you lost everything despite being a "millionaire"?
self-made millionaire who will do it again, as I always do. And you? Does mommy have your chicken tendies ready?

>until they were required to fight a war that showed that the people didn't want any of what the Presidente Mussolini and Führer Hitler had promised
Most Germans were fanatical to the very end. They had a religious conviction in their politics that should be emulated.

>Actually, meth legally is used to treat insomnia and nasal congestion
This is the kind of statement that shows your immaturity. I say meth makes you go crazy and you counter with some medical uses for it. But it does make people go crazy and therefore it is restricted from the general public. You argue like a 12 year old Jew.

>What if the government distributes those? [bonds, ETFs, derivatives]
No, these are gambling devices and should be forbidden
>[stocks] Causes more problems than it solves, and stated multiple times
You're for derivatives and against stocks? My brain is going to explode. Think of them as shares if you prefer, as in a share of a company.

>And, you're going to take that property from them when it best suites the government, without any compensation whatsoever
Jesus Christ, you're incapable of comprehension! Eminent domain has reimbursement. If the government took your gold, they would have to pay you an equal amount.

>biggest Socialists
Producerism is nearly the opposite of socialism.

>>You can build up a company and sell it off and live off of the capital and investments in other's businesses
>>Under Producerism there is no such thing as living off investments
>So, which is it?
Again, you are being deliberately obtuse and not arguing in good faith. My brother in-law is an absentee landlord. This would not be allowed. My grandfather built a series of businesses culminating in a large lumber company that he sold for tens of millions in 1970. He then invested his millions into the next generation of businesses and bought shares in large businesses, like Boeing. My brother-in-laws form of income is not allowed and my grandfather's form of income is allowed.

>greenbacks are still in circulation
That's ridiculous as it would be idiotic to use them for their face value when their collector's value is so much higher.

>If your proposed "Jackson" went into circulation, equaling the worth of the current U.S. dollar, they're just as worthless and an inconvenience.
Please read the thread before these ridiculous, repetitive criticisms >>276105
>Jackson's and dollars would initially be pegged to each other, but the Jackson could not be used as collateral, nor as payment for interest-bearing finacial devices nor international transactions (to prevent speculation-driven instability). After a few years, when enough Jacksons are in circulation and are accepted for payment anywhere (including payment for taxes) they can be unpegged.

>Socialist ideology
You're an idiot.

>No, in the eyes of the government, it is real money
see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Currency
> In 2014, the United States IRS issued a statement explaining that virtual currency is treated as property for Federal income tax purposes and providing examples of how longstanding tax principles applicable to transactions involving property apply to virtual currency.

>businesses can reject it's usage because it's inconvenient
If businesses accept food stamps (and most do), they'll accept Jacksons.

>Everything you described in regards you how your special ideology works is Socialism
This is a Gish gallop argument. Nothing I have presented can be viewed as (Marxist) socialism.

>why do you think that the solution is to give even more power to the government?
I do not advocate that. I want less power in the government's hands. American Producerism tends towards libertarianism.

>Pareto Principle
Producerism simply replaces the financial parasites with wealthy producers and have a higher velocity of capital.

>How much money should people be paying?
Ideally zero. Tariffs and new currency should finance the federal government. If people do need to pay taxes, the wealthy should be taxed at a graduated rate. 40% tax on 40% wealth is not graduated.

>what's the point in investing when you can never make "too much" money from it? And, where past economic downturns have shown that uncontrolled investing causes a whole list of problems?
These sentences contradict each other. The point of having un-leveraged capital for investing is that it is a natural moderator for growth.
276257 276269 276319
Woah there, /MLPOL/ is a website and board of peace.

It's been six days since OP first posted. Now he has posted his source.
>It is implied that I first made millions, which I did in serial entrepreneurial endeavors. The shutdowns have been fatal to specific industries and my company could not get any government programs (PPP, EIDL) and there is no potential of revenues in the foreseeable future.
Well that sucks Anon.
>But national socialism called for state control of businesses, strict authoritarianism, and grueling punishment for dissidents and people of “undesirable” ethnicities. That wouldn’t happen in the US, would it?
Wat. Hold on, I'm mentally exhausted so if I'm not understanding please correct me.
>State control of busines, strict authoritarianism, and grueling punishment for dissidents and people of “undesirable” ethnicities. That wouldn’t happen in the US, would it?
Isn't that what is going on right now on a city level, and to some degree on a state level. For those that have a pale skin complexion. Inside the schools to ruin potential great men?
Literally encouraging and at times forcing children to become surgically and or chemically altered.
We live in a clown world and nothing is burning down. Crying out loud fire is met with laughter and some ridicule.
>So where would you go if this happened? I’d feel unsafe in my own country and would feel as though I would need to flee.
Equestria. Seriously, things are boned just about everywhere to such a degree that picking the location for sight seeing or due to having friends in the area would be nice. Or to even extend or grow the resources available would be good.
There is nowhere left, that would be actually defensible. Gathering too large, and they wipe it off the map. Too small and too public will be picked off.
It's maddening. Some people are sick of it. Some that are old enough see the old patterns and along those lines. As national actors are the visible target. They are to some extent. Yet they don't see the hidden threats. Most people don't care, or don't bother with it, or struggle.

Sorry for the rant.
>So where would you go if this happened? I’d feel unsafe in my own country and would feel as though I would need to flee.
The good ones. They get a tee and put somewhere so they arn't in the line. Maybe some arms as well.
For the jew. You split it into two.
One stays, one leaves.
The jew that opposes from the inside attacks. The jew from the outside gathers to publicize and decry that the poor jew has yet again been subjugated to tyrants.
The spic.
The worker, the gang memeber, and the anchor.
The worker needs funds to send back home. Depending on how necessary it is influences how cooperative they are. To either extreme.
The criminal element is slowed down. I would expect an uptick in violence to try carving a pathway for the blackmarket goods. Unsuccessfully stopped would lead to a much more serious criminal problem. Successfully stopped and it becomes less of an international operations.
The anchor might try to run, or take the chances and stay. Even if pushed go to a criminal element.
The negro
Criminal element, the runner, and the leech.
I don't need to say more.
The chinks
They will sabotage plans, and get a landing ready for chinese forces. The criminal will continue to do crime. The apathetic don't care as long whatever side they are on wins.
And? I never said I was going to do that anywhere but in minecraft, see you on the server tomorrow.
Minecraft sure does have some extensive mods these days for any kind of play to add any kind of content. Even for servers.
Yes it does, I am genuinely surprised at some of the things people have done with it.
276270 276297
>Then why did they invade Denmark and Norway?
Germany invaded Norway to kick the British out who had just invaded on April 9, 1940. It was an operation of liberation, not conquest. As far as Denmark goes:
>The domination of this strait would prevent the Royal Navy from interfering with the main supply lines of the invasion forces. In this respect, the occupation of Denmark was considered to be vital.

>But, Nazi Germany didn't need to invade another country for their resources until 1940.
1942 actually. That's the point. The NS economy was very strong and Germany would have benefited greatly if France and England had minded their own business and let NS Germany kick the Bolshevik's asses.

>>The shutdowns have been fatal to specific industries
>Mostly the theme parks and companies without an online presence
My business sells exclusively in person (by nature of the product) and is a luxury item. This means I sell through (and thereby support) independent retailers. This was by design to support the middle class. My retailers are largely in metropolitan city centers and they have been closed for most of 5 months now, yet the police have allowed the shops to be looted and vandalized. I had my first sales in February and got placed in dozens of high-end shops around the world based on sales from our first show. Now half of our retailers won't last to the end of the year and the other half won't be refilling their inventory until years end. So, I am left with radically reduced sales and no option of getting more sales because we aren't even allowed to do fashion shows or trade shows. I am making a few reorders from shops in places like Memphis, Tennessee.
This shit is fucked and was totally unpredictable. Having the entire country go on lockdown for 6+ months and then having widespread riots and looting is unprecedented and could not have been predicted by Nostradamus himself. If I don't put my energy into something like documenting Producerism it will drive me insane.

But there are many other businesses being driven to extinction:
aircraft manufacturers
couture manufacturers
cruise lines

I have many friends running start-ups and in M&A and everything is frozen. These guys are all going into hibernation mode. The economy is going to crash in an unthinkable way in the coming months and it terrifies me, but will create an opportunity to effect change.

>What you are trying to shill is literally just National Socialist Economics, minus a few of the more Authoritarian elements
Yes, that is precisely what I said in the first line in OP: >>275371
>Producerism is the American version of National Socialism and does not have a stigma in the collective consciousness

>So where would you go if this happened? I’d feel unsafe in my own country and would feel as though I would need to flee.
There is nowhere to flee to until Elon establishes the Mars colony. see: >>276255
>Seriously, things are boned just about everywhere to such a degree that picking the location for sight seeing or due to having friends in the area would be nice.

>It's been six days since OP first posted. Now he has posted his source.
OP posted *a* source. Any educated person has multiple sources, including books like "The New Class Warfare" by Michael Lind.

>Well that sucks Anon.
Yes, it really does. I am spending my kids 529 and my retirement savings to survive until I figure out how to navigate this new world.
It's not the "American version" you fucking retard, it literally is the same fucking thing, there is no difference, so your entire purpose here is pointless, we are already doing this and no, your Producerism has already been deemed "Racist" by the leftists so guess what nigger, your advocacy and shilling for this shit is literally pointless it helps nothing and serves nobody but you and your fucking ego.
>Germany invaded Norway to kick the British out who had just invaded on April 9, 1940.
<L.A. Time, April 9, 1940
And, allow me to be corrected. It wasn't Denmark who said that anyone invading the country could fuck off, it was Norway.
(((eminent domain))) has no reimbursement attached to it due to the (((ruling government powers))) never giving a shit about natural rights and resource rights. Nice try there dipshit, but that doesn't work in the real world.
>self-made millionaire who will do it again, as I always do.
If you're going to make that money back anyway, then what do you need Producerism for since Capitalism is already working out so well for you?
276325 276326
>For those that have a pale skin complexion.
As someone with pasty-white Irish skin, I have yet to experience that.
>Literally encouraging and at times forcing children to become surgically and or chemically altered.
But I think that happens more so with women.
Such country does not exist.
>Too small and too public will be picked off.
I may say that Jamaica specifically is a small island nation which has SOME degree of national unity, even though it has a very diverse ethnic background. Despite its size, it forms part of the Commonwealth of Nations, meaning it has Her Majesty’s Armed Forces to protect it.
>The rest of the comment
Although it seems as though you don’t support the US coming under control of the Nazi Party, the rest of the comment just seems racist. (No offense.) But what about the bronies? They would probably be dragged into it as well.
Whites being allowed to live unmolested by the jew and nigger has been deemed "Racist" by the leftists.
Fuck jews and niggers and leftists.
Is this bait?
If you have white skin, you've experienced anti-white discrimination/racism whether you've realized it or not.
Thanks to jews, getting circumcised is seen as normal. Kids are on ADHD meds, female hormones, and brain-damage pills for having normal healthy male amounts of energy. Men are treated as "Defective women" during therapy and therapists are trained to convince men to go on pills. While a dog owner will do dog-owning research and know "Dogs need walkies because energy and fitness" and cat-owners will do research and know "Cats aren't vegan also if they play-fight it's good", single mothers are the lowest form of life on the earth. Imagine being such a cunt you convinced a man to abandon his child, or forced him to do so.
no comments on the rest tho
>the rest of the comment just seems racist.
That's how painting broad pictures quickly works. Judging everyone on personal merits, values, and metrics is the best most time consuming way to do it. I have known many good, and even great people of every gender and ethnicity. Largely due to living in areas that discourage the worst traits, and those that are there are actually there because they want what I want. A good life, neighborly neighbors, privacy, and a peaceful coexistence where everyone lifts each other up. Generally not always. I have been blessed to have known them and live there. In a largely homogeneous small town.
It seems that way because genetics, life choices, and predispositions. Magic, and the soul is included and that's a larger discussion for another time.
I'm not saying every person who has a pale complexion is always a saint. I am saying there is a concerted effort to remove Europeans, white Africans, white Americans, and white Canadians. To destroy and convert western civilization into the jewish mandated Marxism. Anyone who points it out is silenced. Anybody who tries to slow down or arrest the sickly transition is being pushed out of the way.

>But what about the bronies? They would probably be dragged into it as well.
Everyone is going to be dragged into it whether they want to or not. I'm not dragging them in, (((their))) plan(s) marches onward regardless of who is in the way.
Old news by now, but gamers as a means of free speech and a way to exercise the skills to enact last positive changes in the world are under seige.
Comic books that (((they))) influence are killing heros and rolemodels.
Needless to say the film industry is fully influenced by them.

>I may say that Jamaica specifically is a small island nation which has SOME degree of national unity, even though it has a very diverse ethnic background. Despite its size, it forms part of the Commonwealth of Nations, meaning it has Her Majesty’s Armed Forces to protect it.
I am saying any publicly announced congregation of people with the crime of wrongthink will be erased. Like the statues, and the businesses, and the jobs.
Standing your ground has the a good chance of success depending on what they do.
>Although it seems as though you don’t support the US coming under control of the Nazi Party
Personally I've come to not care who exactly stops the subversive influences, and the overt influences. The indirect forces and then the direct forces.
If Uncle Adolf rose again as a presidential candidate he has my vote.
>>221829 →
These redpilled memeing truth seeking self-improving horsefuckers are a bastion in a sea of shit.
I will support them however I can.
>Such country does not exist.
I know, thats what I was saying.
276374 276378 276379 276382
>offers enemy's wartime propaganda as citation
The Germans invaded Norway only after the British had put Operation Wilfred and Plan R-4 into action. The British mines had been laid, but the British transports had not landed their troops when Germany initiated the attack. Norway's sovereignty had been violated by Britain (by mining the Narvik Fjord) before Germany took military action.

>eminent domain has no reimbursement attached to it
>The constitutionally required "just compensation" in partial takings is usually measured by fair market value of the part taken, plus severance damages
California appropriated a significant portion of my family business' parking lot in the 1960s to build Hwy 101. They did not pay what we thought it was worth, so we sued for more and won. As I recall, it was pretty high at $75,000 for 60 parking spaces on the outskirts of a (then) rural Northern California town.

>what do you need Producerism for since Capitalism is already working out so well for you?
My maternal grandfather ran a machine shop in Oakland during WWII and rolled it into a lumber mill which he sold for $12 million in 1970. Within 6 years he had lost 90%+ to Wall Street tricks during and after the sale. He held many patents. A Producer lost his fortune to bankers.
My father was a hotelier and sold his hotels for $10 million in 1994 and 2001. He then invested most of it in commercial real estate, as he was told to by his advisors. In 2008 this investment lost 100% of it's value. He was well known for excellence across California, Nevada and Oregon in the 1970s and was an early professional member of Chaine de Rotisseur. A Producer lost his fortune to bankers.
Today, I am a Producerist because I see that the (((bankers))) will always cheat the Producers out of their hard-earned rewards. Debt-capitalism allows gambling where (((the house))) always wins. It is racketeering and fraud and should not be allowed. It takes from the good and gives to the evil.
> Within 6 years he had lost 90%+ to Wall Street tricks during and after the sale.
>My father was a hotelier and sold his hotels for $10 million in 1994 and 2001. He then invested most of it in commercial real estate, as he was told to by his advisors. In 2008 this investment lost 100% of it's value.
So, rather than become smarter about how you spend your money and investments and who you take advise from, you're going to rage against the world? You're examples are like the dumpster truck drive who won the lottery, managed to spend it all in less than a year, and then was right back where he was previously, except with a massive debt hanging over his head. How about you do som actual fucking reading, for once, and see what "the house rules" are with book I provided for you right up here rather than shoot your mouth off about shit that you know fuck all about: >>275666
>enemy's wartime propaganda
<Proceed to link Kikepedia as a source
Oh the fucking irony!
You fucking idiot. You absolute buffoon. Wikipedia is not a valid information source!
Look at what it's STILL saying about Gamergate after all these years!
276394 276622
Hitler thinking.jpg
>Has introduced what could be the American version of Third Postitionism
>Links to fucking Wikipedia as a source for his argument about National Socialism
This plus the fact that you seem to think that Third Position ideologies are similar to Marxist Socialism show that you not only don't understand what your taking about, but you just can't accept some your own failures. And why it is true (((bankers))) fuck over many people regularly, it is possible that one's own faults might be the cause of the failure.

That being said after looking at these posts
I'm surprised that I've never heard of this ideology before; I've not even seen this pop up on /pol/, where even Strasserism has been talked about (not positively though). I really want to know how something that, from reading official descriptions of it, not only shares a lot of economic policies with National Socialism and other Third Positionist ideologies, but seems to have been formed over a period from the late 1700's (Jackson Populism) to the 1860's (Lincoln's Greenback), about a century before Hitler or Mussolini. And it also seems to have stuck around in one form or another even after the Reich failed to win WW2 (If we say Pat Buchanan is one like in >>275372). The fact that the Jews have gone after it as well further makes me wonder how we've never heard of this before either, and despite >>276364 attempts to make it look like Marxism, I think we should look in and see what Producerism is from other sources than someone with a grude. It is possible we might have found the American version of a Third Position ideology, even if it was introduced to us by a moron.
276457 276460
>It is possible we might have found the American version of a Third Position ideology, even if it was introduced to us by a moron.
Indeed, the fact that it is uniquely American is a potential boon for its promotion. Part of the reason I don't think National Socialism or Fascism can work in the US is because they are foreign ideologies to our mindset. Both are European, authoritarian ideologies, whereas this Producerism was made in the US and seems to be libertarian.
276460 276498 276622
National Socialism does not have to be like the Germans had it, Hitler specifically made it so that it could be modified to reflect everyone, Rockwell and Pierce both American used it well, if you can't stand for it now you are a bitch.
276461 276498 276622
Yep. Here's another poner.
>Hitler specifically made it so that it could be modified to reflect everyone,
National Socialism is dependent on the peoples and the nation. For any peoples in any nation. So one size doesn't always fit all, but in general there is a great deal of overlap with the heart and soul of the original.
I'm just saying the samething but with more words.

For laughs may as well make a political movement called Ponerism.
276464 276490
Ponerism and the Ponerists

In Ponerism

A Ponerist

Not sure what words to put in there, but have a very minutely related pic.
Hunh, the post in the pic is in fact an Israeli flag...
Have a pony instead.


276500 276507 276622
no u

In all seriousness, it wouldn't hurt to have a homegrown American Nationalist ideology, one using American iconography and with famous American figures seen as the ideology's forefathers.

Good kek on Ponerism, though. I'd be up for joining the Ponerist Party of America.
Wait, change the party name to the American Ponerist Party, and let's find a way to make the party's acronym APPLE.
276523 276622
>it wouldn't hurt to have a homegrown American Nationalist ideology, one using American iconography and with famous American figures seen as the ideology's forefathers
Fuck yes!
Not pony-related but how does the name "American Exceptionalist Party" sound? It would piss off those who yell "Fuck white supremacy and american exceptionalism! America was never great!"
276635 276644
Jesus Christ, the point to linking to a Wikipedia source is to show that even (((their))) official position is that the Germans were counter-attacking. You should use your enemy's sources whenever possible to pre-emptively deflect the potential counter-attack.

<One of the Key promises also part of the conversion to NS ... were the aims of previous Socialist empires [your friend]>>275871
> NS absolutely gave Germans a greater meaning to life and should not be confused with Marxist Socialism [me]>>276116
<[you] This plus the fact that you seem to think that Third Position ideologies are similar to Marxist Socialism
Are you people fucking retarded? I specifically differentiated Marxist Socialism from National Socialism when your comrade tried to conflate them.

<criticizing men who have succeeded beyond anything you or yours have ever done, because in the end they got jewed.
So, any businessman who succeeds wildly at their job should now be able to pivot in mid-life to thinking like a Jew so they can protect their earnings from kikes who's only goal in life is to defraud gullible producers?
No, if everyone acted that way, civilization would end because only the least scrupulous would succeed - which is pretty close to where we are now.
Now, what is your CV for success? What have you ever given the world? Wait, let me guess, you are putting the final touches on a book you've been working on for years.

Have you guys ever tried convincing an American normie that NS is a good ideology? It is not possible. Even blood relatives are turned turn back in a few months if not constantly delivered anti-propaganda. I recently had a blood relative call the police on me to try to get my children taken away because I "denied the Holocaust". This was a relative that 4 months ago agreed with me.
Producerism is an already-established ideology that was practiced by the Founding Fathers themselves. It is grounded in American religion, work-ethic, racial awareness, banking, immigration and business practices. It is an easy sell to most republicans and many disenchanted liberals could even get behind it for the pro-worker bent. Not a fan of APP, maybe PAP - Party of American Producerists. The other option is reviving the Reform Party of America, but that requires more changing of the party platform.
As a bonus, the 1776ers would be likely to join.
>You should use your enemy's sources whenever possible to pre-emptively deflect the potential counter-attack.
Then why did you criticize using the L.A. Times as a source when it even goes to show that England was overstepping their boundaries as well?
> I specifically differentiated Marxist Socialism from National Socialism
It's still Socialism either way.
> succeeded beyond anything you or yours have ever done
You don't know the first damn thing about me, so where are you coming from?
> normie
And, fuck off back to wherever you came from!
> It is grounded in American religion
You mean Christianity. Even the biggest atheists and agnostics among the Found Fathers still religiously studied it.
What do you think it would take for a Producerist worldview to take over America, redpill it on the jews, and free it from jews/niggers?
Do you think it would create a better world than one where White Libertarianism takes over america and frees it from jews/niggers?
How about hitler-style national socialism brought back and updated for the modern day if necessary? That could take over america and free it from jews/niggers.
If everything went right for these three ideologies in three theoretical worlds, which world would be better for the whites and why?
276654 276659 276785
>L.A. Times as a source when it even goes to show that England was overstepping their boundaries as well?
There is no mention of British invasion of Norway in the article you cited. You are mistaken or lying and hoping not to be called out.

>[NS or Marxism] It's still Socialism either way
see pic related. National Socialism is not the kind of socialism you are referring to and you know it. Why else would you be pushing for it elsewhere? see pic related.

>You don't know the first damn thing about me, so where are you coming from?
Your reactive responses identify you as a loser.

>If everything went right for these three ideologies [Producerism, NS and libertarianism] in three theoretical worlds, which world would be better for the whites and why?
NS would be best, but also has the most hurdles. The brainwashing is just too deep.
Libertarianism is too weak. We can't just leave everyone alone when there are groups actively looking to subvert our liberty.
That is why I suggest Producerism. It has a much higher chance of success due to it's history while it still acknowledges the issues of race, immigration and finance/usury that are being ignored by current mainstream political ideologies. People are yearning for some honesty without bias. If we throw jew and nigger hate into it, we will fail. We must address these issues in an indirect way that is free from "racism" and "bigotry". Like it or not, you just can't call the jews out for their kikery nor joggers out for their inherent violence and low IQ because most Americans will just turn you off.
Here we have the fallacy of operating openly in any way, just don't do it, AT ALL, until you have a sufficiently large movement, and the positions will be given legitimacy just based on that alone, including jew hatred, nigger hatred is unnecessary to talk about and the prime way in which our views are discarded by normalfags because the media pushes so much NIGGERS ARE JUST LIKE US propaganda, whereas if they are mentioned at all, jews are usually just implicitly there but still out themsslves.
>see pic related. National Socialism is not the kind of socialism you are referring to and you know it. Why else would you be pushing for it elsewhere? see pic related.
<Socialism is anti-property. Nazism isn't anti-property, unless it benefits the community.
Great argument, dumbass.
>Unless it benefits the nation.
ftfy and it goes through case by case there is no world where Hitler would takeover things like private homes unless taken to provide to a proper citizen, or shoe factories, unless they were engaging in abuse like Nike does today, and he would more than likely privatize it under proper leadership, this is not difficult to grasp and was something even America used to do, so get the fuck off the high horse about Natsoc you nigger.
276663 276718
>It was a power that was never used, except it was.
It's Socialism, plain and simple, with the SAME EXACT FUCKING EXCUSES thats been used every single time to justify totalitarianism. And, that's on top of the fact that even IF it's for the "greater good", it is too easy to abuse, put's too much power in the hands of the government, and it's not the governments fucking business to dictate what I want to do with my possessions.
Are you a jew or someone who has no right to citizenship in our nation? if yes your shit will be taken. if no your shit is yours in perpetuity, No socialism there just Nationalism. Are you a business owner who abuses both worker and customer? if yes your shit is no longer yours, if no, treat your workers well and respect you customers and it is yours forevermore. Are you a Monopoly? if yes, You will be broken up and distributed in such a way that competition rules the day again, if no, what are you worried about?
File (hide): 3FD3FE35D967D6AA824921644E555669-7478272.webm (7.1 MB, Resolution:426x190 Length:00:03:52, Pet Shop Boys - Integral.webm) [play once] [loop]
Pet Shop Boys - Integral.webm
>Are you a jew or someone who has no right to citizenship in our nation? if yes your shit will be taken.
Unless you join the army: https://archive.fo/qtEpp
In fact, Nazi Germany was actually the most Liberal nation when it came to their treatment of the Kikes. Until the war, France and Poland were just about to enact their own unironic Holocaust because they hated them that much.
>if no your shit is yours in perpetuity
<Except, it's not because the government can seize at any point with the flimsiest excuse, and I will explain how the government can seize it despite you being a rightful German citizen.
>No socialism there just Nationalism.
<Ignoring all of the previous points about how the NSDAP controlled the markets, the banks, the media, etc.
And, that's on top of German not giving a damn about Nationalism by 1940 and proceeding to install puppet governments in non-German territories (IOW, outside of Poland, the Rhineland, Czechoslovakia, and Austria). Hell, they probably could have won the war by not invading every nation. Every Europoor on the continent hated England, France, and Russia. In fact, (During the war) some of the countries sided with Germany because they hated Russia and England that much (And, only switched side later either because the German puppet government was overthrown, or because they wanted to survive on the "winning side"). If the NSDAP had stuck to their proclaimed beliefs about wanting every nation to "better themselves" (In the sense of competition rather than the Darwinian thinking of "Might is right"), history would have turned out much differently.
>if no, what are you worried about?
You DO realize that your entire argument about and justification for how "great" the Nazi German political and economic structure is boils down to the age-old fallacy of "If you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to worry about."
276682 276684
Please point out how he controlled the markets, because he controlled the markets less than America or Germany itself today, private homes were never seized from Germans, nor were they seized from anyone in any place they conquered, AFAIK only Poland had any major complaints about Germany ruling over them but that probably had more to do with their dislike of Germany and Germans from the beginning evidenced by their attempted extermination of ethnic Germans in Poland. Your business is not your home or your property, every governet today requires ytou are licensed to own one and if using it you harm your nation, it should be taken away and given to someone who will do a better job or completely dismantled if it is the very product that is harmful to your people. As for monopolies they are immoral by their very definition, they allow no competition and abuse the populace by existing and are the reason people like you or I are here saying these things and not on say Facebook. Natsoc Germany's biggest mistake aside from not killing every jew they could, was bringing america into the war, Europe was won and he was killing reds like no tomorrow in Russia right up until we got involved and his intention was to help other governments get set up under National Socialism, which in the middle of a war necessitated Puppet states intended to be given their rightful independence once the war was over.
276685 276718
File (hide): BD8E5952974A1D46F4295BA5A5CBC83E-2581833.mp4 (2.5 MB, Resolution:640x360 Length:00:00:40, captain finland helps sweden.mp4) [play once] [loop]
captain finland helps sweden.mp4
>every governet today requires ytou are licensed to own one and if using it you harm your nation, it should be taken away and given to someone who will do a better job or completely dismantled if it is the very product that is harmful to your people
If that was the case, then Twatter would have been purged for being the plaything of Prince Alwaleed bin Talal: http://archive.vn/ZRqxe
And, Goolag would have been dismantled for being the plaything of China. But, even then, the closest thing there is that you're talking about is the FCC making it a law that the only people who can own a broadcasting station in the U.S. are U.S. citizens (Whatever they broadcast, however, is their choice as granted by the 1st Amendment): https://invidio.us/watch?v=RVlbyN-COTE
>Natsoc Germany's biggest mistake aside from not killing every jew they could, was bringing america into the war
That had nothing to do with Germany.
FDR had been planning to enter the war as a way to save his legacy due the New Deal being an absolute bomb. First, his staff drafted up the McCollum Memo explaining how to bait the Nips into attacking the U.S. (Using the then-recent siege on the Kunming–Hai Phong Railway as their excuse), which went into effect some months later with the Nips biting it hook, line, and sinker: http://archive.vn/RxfFu
And, then FDR went to work giving Russia and England Lend-Lease funds, which gave both nations billions of dollars to fight Germany: http://archive.vn/TtU0K
>his intention was to help other governments get set up under National Socialism,
But, none of the governments and people wanted National Socialism. All they wanted was to be left alone (Which Russia and England were not doing).
It's like Bush going into the Middle East and establishing "democratic" countries when none of those nations asked for it, nor wanted it, and even his own military staff explaining in intricate detail how retarded the idea was. Even in THIS thread, other Anons are even admitting that National Socialism would not work in the U.S. because our ideology is almost alien to the European way of thinking, which is something even the Founding Fathers felt important enough to argue over because they almost signed it into law that even then recently-arrived ethnic Europeans would have been excluded from becoming U.S. citizens. Then, there's also the fact that Slavland has always had a hate boner for Western Europe (Everything that wasn't East of Poland) since the beginning of time, not to mention seeing each surrounding nation as sub-human (Just look up all the controversy surrounding the Book of Veles).
>which in the middle of a war necessitated Puppet states intended to be given their rightful independence once the war was over
But, those countries already were independent. They just wanted to be left alone.
276687 276718
>Please point out how he controlled the markets
<"The German and Russian systems of socialism have in common the fact that the government has full control of the means of production. It decides what shall be produced and how. It allots to each individual a share of consumer's goods for his consumption."
<The difference between the systems, wrote Mises, is that the German pattern "maintains private ownership of the means of production and keeps the appearance of ordinary prices, wages, and markets." But in fact the government directs production decisions, curbs entrepreneurship and the labor market, and determines wages and interest rates by central authority. "Market exchange," says Mises, "is only a sham."
<Mises's account is confirmed by a remarkable book that appeared in 1939, published by Vanguard Press in New York City (and unfortunately out of print today). It is The Vampire Economy: Doing Business Under Fascism by Guenter Reimann, then a 35-year-old German writer. Through contacts with German business owners, Reimann documented how the "monster machine" of the Nazis crushed the autonomy of the private sector through onerous regulations, harsh inspections, and the threat of confiscatory fines for petty offenses.
<"Industrialists were visited by state auditors who had strict orders to examine the balance sheets and all bookkeeping entries of the company or individual businessmen for the preceding two, three, or more years until some error or false entry was found," explains Reimann. "The slightest formal mistake was punished with tremendous penalties. A fine of millions of marks was imposed for a single bookkeeping error."
<Reimann quotes from a businessman's letter: "You have no idea how far state control goes and how much power the Nazi representatives have over our work. The worst of it is that they are so ignorant. These Nazi radicals think of nothing except 'distributing the wealth.' Some businessmen have even started studying Marxist theories, so that they will have a better understanding of the present economic system.
Both twitter and google should be dismantled, and you will never convince me othewrwise.
>That had nothing to do with Germany.
It did, Hitler directly chose to honor his treaty with Japan, FDR could not have sent troops to europe had he not done that. I know about the lend lease program and still know Germany would have been unassailable if America had not joined the war directly because of Hitler honoring his treaty with japan, it was a mistake to do so, and should be acknowledged as such even if you like japan.
>but, none of the governments and people wanted National Socialism. All they wanted was to be left alone (Which Russia and England were not doing).
Mhmm, thats why europe not just Russia or Britain did everything they could to prevent Him unifying Germans under one banner everyone else went along with them, if you want to be left alone LEAVE EVERYONE ELSE ALONE TOO, Switzerland and Norway and Sweden all did and were left alone in return, though many sympathized with Hitler in all those places, they were left alone, Hitler did just until poland decided to kill germans and he would have stopped there were it not for the brits getting indignant about germany having power and Russia being commie bastards who just like the jew backstab everyone, France was not going to attack but had pledged to support Britain when it di and were just counting on their stupid wall to stop the Germans, which Hitler promptly circumvented the lesson is when you engage in aggression expect subjugation, and Most everyone in Every conquered place seems to have liked living under Nat Soc, but I'm just going off these peoples own accounts and not jewish bullshit history.
>But, those countries already were independent. They just wanted to be left alone.
and yet every one of them chose to side against germany or simply refused to aid germany while aiding it's enemies, he left the Swiss alone for example as did everyone else, if you take a side you cannot expect to be left alone, and pretty much everyone in europe did, especially since the russians were an ever present threat for all of them and ONLY germany did what should have been done, also Finland but they were never powerful enough to help others get free of the commies.
>France was not going to attack
So you believe a Jew and one German who was unhappy with how it worked when the majority of germans neither resisted nor voiced concerns and they had plenty of opportunity to do so, and enough resistance and even Hitler would have done something different, most other accounts have it as very different from marxism and the fact that you puish a jews account of what ONE german who does not appear to have been in Germany at that time says to me that you are an idipt who can't see what the truth is. I know you prefer Libertarianism and are thus worth nothing and will offer no resistance to the commies because Ancaps stand right along with Antifa in the destruction of America, you will fail and Natsoc will succeed because you and those like you will continue to live by the creed of live and let live, keep shilling for it if you will, only makes you look weak.
So he attacked them at the same time as he did the russians, changes nothing about what I said, and you can assist someone without sending in your troops.
>majority of germans neither resisted nor voiced concerns and they had plenty of opportunity to do so
<Yet everyone is afraid to complain.
<He would regard these men as 'enemies of the state' if they complained too much. That would mean, at the very least, the cutting of their quota of scarce and hence highly desirable goods, and it might mean the loss of their business licenses. Small shopkeepers and artisans are not to grumble."
<"It has gotten to the point where I cannot talk even in my own factory," laments a factory owner. "Accidentally, one of the workers overheard me grumbling about some new bureaucratic regulation and he immediately denounced me to the party and the Labor Front office."
<Complain, warns a Nazi directive, and "we shall take away the freedom still left you."
I can understand the need for Nazi German to be extremely harsh towards people classified as "dissidents" early on because of how they were busy trying to root out the Communist influences in the country (Which the U.S. did literally a decade later), but it sounds more like an abuse of power more than anything else. And, if Hitler really did "care" about this trampling of freedoms (Instead of it being an expected by-product), and never hear word one about it, then it goes to show just how corrupt-as-fuck the Nazi government was, with subordinates and inters all abusing their status and their superiors either not caring or endorsing it. Seriously, what power did the people have to counter-act the government going "Too far" in regards to trampling over the rights of the citizens?
>the fact that you puish a jews account of what ONE german
Did you read the article? There were several accounts (Majority from genuine Germans) all verifying the process of how the government acted.
276696 276718
No I did not nor do I care to read anything by a libertarian jew, who is only trapping dumbasses like you into an ideology based on the opposite of reality, your so-called Non-Aggression Principle, jews especially, niggers spectacularly and the rest of the non-whites in general don't respect it, on governance after this is all over you could be right, but to even bother discussing that we have to purge the subversives and invaders first and that cannot be done by libertarians, most of whom will gladly ally with commies who will stab them in the back at the earliest opportunity.
276698 276718 276775
>who is only trapping dumbasses like you into an ideology based on the opposite of reality
So far, you haven't posted anything countering the material I have sourced, and only made excuse along the lines of, "Well, yes, that did happen, BUT...". With that being the case, that leads my to assume that everything that I have posted IS, in fact, correct. And, the only counter you can provide is, "Well, at least Germany took matter towards out-rooting the subversive elements"? Meanwhile, during the exact same time period, you had FDR authorizing the detention of every Nip, German, and Italian in the country unless they pledged undying loyalty to the U.S..
I thought was looked back upon as one of the U.S.'s darkest hours.

Then, that's also leaving out the fact that I literally did I ask you to explain how the German people could have brought their complaints to the Führer about the government becoming too authoritarian (Since you said that the people had that power...somehow and somewhere), and you proceeded to avoid answering that entirely.
276704 276718
FDR who was by the fifth page of the following document admitted
to be fully fucking controlled by the jews all of whom are Zionist no matter their protestations. it was one of our darkest periods, for one war, for two,the great depression We were right to do that anyway, and many germans and Italians did so pledge, they chose America becasue they came here to become a part of this nation. Just because it is veiwed as unnecessary or immoral today does not make it so. You want to continue to listen to the propaganda out of the mouths of jews, you follow an ideology taken over by jews for over 100 years that even the Founding Fathers wouldn't have followed, they were not minarchists or individualists they were men who believed power should be distributed fairly and voted upon by a natural elite who earned their position, very similar to what Hitler believed circa mein kampf, it is very likely that he and the Founders would have gotten along very well with the biggest possible exception being Ben Franklin, who wanted America to be Anglo only, but was either convinced otherwise or decided not to push it. your biggest mistake is not marking that all of that in that article can be literally explained as wartime measures which guess what, WE DID TOO, everything from firm control of the markets to mandating what and how much needs to be produced. Continue in ignorance if you wish i don't care.
276705 276718
> they were not minarchists or individualists they were men who believed power should be distributed fairly and voted upon by a natural elite who earned their position
Or, they could have thought like C. S. Lewis and wanted democracy because absolutely no one can be trusted with authority: https://invidio.us/watch?v=TxL7U6JN2qs
> it is very likely that he and the Founders would have gotten along very well
The same Founding Fathers who were sick of England's uncontrolled and uncontested authority would have gotten along with a man who thought the solution a corrupt government is to make a totalitarian government?
>Ben Franklin, who wanted America to be Anglo only
Yes, that's why he helped to save one of the country's first synagogues: http://archive.vn/BlxVY
> your biggest mistake is not marking that all of that in that article can be literally explained as wartime measures
You still have yet to explain how the German people could have halted the efforts since it was in their power to do so, and there were claims coming out about Nazi officials abusing their authoritative power.
276718 276721
And here you reveal yourself as a shill only here to spread division, the Founders despised democracy so much that they specifically designed this system so that it could never function as a tool of the majority's or the minority's will they balanced the power because they understood like all true Aryans that the mob is fickle and rarely knows what it wants, their minds can be changed by the wind, and many of them, in fact the most influential to America and it's early ideological foundations, were devoted anti-christians to the extent they could be at that time.
They wanted to be represented britain refused them that so they took that right for themselves and created a new government by the people for the people, who else said that? oh thats right Hitler right in My Struggle, have yo uread nothing of what he wanted? he wanted to set up a republic, but the fact of the matter is everyone in europe did NOT want to LEAVE HIM ALONE because he was using an economic system that the jews running their central banks knew all the other white countries would adopt, as America previously did until they subverted it.,so war it was and he proved the superiority and pride and fervor and happiness of his people for 3 years before we entered the war and provided the money and materiel for every other party still in the war,
>saving a synogogue
Ben franklin was the most christian and most dedicated freemason of the Founders commonly thought of as the thought leaders of the movement here, knowing this it not not terribly surprising, nor was it unknown to me that he did this, that a christcuck would help a jew, after all they follow one.
>How germans could have stopped Hitler
The german people had guns, far less restrictive laws than most places even in america today, they had full control of themselves and their military was not part of the NSDAP, and could have easily taken care of hitler if that was the peoples will but being that so many waged war on them for nothing more than the foundation of the economy they were using they had a more pressing hthreat to their people than a somewhat restrictive leader, that the people enthusiastically marched for and gathered in huge crowds for.
Hitler Youth.jpg
large crowd nazi girls.jpg
founding father on race.png
>eminent domain
Compensated Eminent Domain is not socialism. You are just completely wrong there.

>But, none of the governments and people wanted National Socialism.
Austria, Hungary, Romania, Ukraine, Spain, Italy, the Baltic states, Turkey, India, Argentina and Japan were some of the countries that were friendly to National Socialism.
>justification for how "great" the Nazi German political and economic structure is boils down to.
National Socialism was so great because of what it produced. It brought Nietzsche's fantasy of an ubermensch to life. see pics related.
>then Twatter would have been purged
>Goolag would have been dismantled
I'm fine with that, but for different reasons.
>But, those countries already were independent. They just wanted to be left alone
Unfortunately they were going to be invaded by one side or the other due to their geographic location or resources.

<quotes Mises, the jewish arch-rival of Strasserism as evidence for how Hitler controlled the markets.
<quotes Guenter Reimann, "After the Reichstag fire in February 1933, Reimann went underground to oppose the new National Socialist regime under the resistance movement of the German social democrats and communists"
wew, lad.

>we have to purge the subversives and invaders first and that cannot be done by libertarians
this is the pathway from libertarian to National Socialism

Have kikes infested My Little Pol too?
>FDR authorizing the detention of every Nip, German, and Italian
<I thought was looked back upon as one of the U.S.'s darkest hours.
This was one of the only good things he did.
>How the German people could have brought their complaints to the Führer
Through one of the many plebiscites they had with international oversight.


Were you kicked off Reddit recently?
>totalitarian government
authoritarian, not totalitarian. you're ignorant.
<Founding Father's weren't National Socialists before it was a thing
see last pic related

based, 4dd81e3 is a kike, and yes:
>The german people had guns, far less restrictive laws than most places even in america today
276733 276763 276764
>Ben franklin was the most christian and most dedicated freemason of the Founders
Franklin was a Atheist.
> The german people had guns, far less restrictive laws than most places even in america today,
So, if the German people expressed any doubt towards how the government acted, their only solution was to start a fucking civil war?

>Fifth pic
You do know those quotes are completely fake, right? I was one of the few idiots who actually bothered to look them up, and found out that they were either altered statements or didn't even exist.
>4dd81e3 is a kike
You're one to talk since you started this thread in order to get your millions of dollars back.
>You're one to talk since you started this thread in order to get your millions of dollars back.
Not an argument
Franklin may have become an Atheist later but he is noted several times to have brought up a prayer to start Congressional meetings, and found no takers even among men more pious than he, so when he did that synagogue shit it is dubious what exactly drove him to do it.
Also those quotes in that pic are not fake look them up yourself, I know for a fact that washington's and jefferson's are both real you goddamn liar, so please sources if you're gonna call out publicly available quotes as fake.
276768 276769
Smells like cucks.
Looks like kikes.
Emotionally screeches like amerimutts.
Sounds like "muh shekels".
Lots of shilling going on here.

Franklin and most of the founding fathers were, for the most part, Unitarian Universalists, nearly all of whom were Post-Industrial atheists. Your simp, anti-human, inbred nigger traitor brain is not capable of understanding external concepts, so I will enlighten you with a Post-Dark Ages sentence: the majority of JewS owned founding fathers did NOT want post-britcuck titles attached to them, such as:
#1: an emperor/empress, the owner/founder of an EMPIRE
#2: king/queen, the owner/founder of a KINGDOM
#3: prince/princess, the owner/founder of a PRINCIPALITY
#4: elector, those goyim that (((voted honestly))) for new judeo-catholic popes
#5: duke/duchess, the owner/founder of a DUKEDOM
#6: count/countess, the owner/founder of a COUNTY
#7: governor, those given (((law))) to give their (((vassal-serfs))) the right to hold an (((estate))), also called a "county shereeve/sheriff"
#8: a shereeve, also known as a (((sheriff))), those that a governor gave (((rights))) to make, create, disavow, modify, and change laws to the governor's own bidding
The worst one is a (((president))), a (((presiding resident))) whom is the supporter and false-owner of a britcuck developed corporation exacting retribution from (((foreign and hostile))) lands on account of (((the bankers))) in control.
The Unitarian Universalists did not want judeo-xtian idealism, which has always been automagically endorsed and owned by kikes (see the Redcoats on amermutt soil 1791 to 1811, the 1709 Fall of Great britniggercuckland banking, the Rothschild/Warburg/Goldstein/Reid/Silverburg/Silverstein backing for the amermutts against the mexicucks war in 1812, the judeo-mormon schisms which were fully supported by kike propaganda and newspapers worldwide, the judeo-catheter cuckbitch orthodoxy, and the jizzuit order of child rapists) to be the norm.
tl;dr: fuck you, you inbred shill and traitor. You are directly advocating for an inherently corrupt jew-theocratic socialist authoritarian ideology which presupposes, without evidence, that "muh hurrdur jew-lubbers r durr best possibre end gayme". Get lost, cuck. You'll get the rope before the dope.
Who the fuck are you? I am advocating solely for National Socialism, nothing less than that so whatever you think I'm advocating for you are mistaken and all you successfully have proven is that you have no idea what anyone here is saying, and I have seen absolutely no conclusive proof of any of the shit you are spouting, so shut up and go away.
276770 276775
All I got from that was "jew jew jew jew jew jew jew"
He sounds suspiciously like the (((government))) guy I encountered on 8kunt before I realized it was shit, he thinks all government is jewish even Nat Soc, or Fascism etc. etc., basically an idiot.
276774 276775 276779
Well, Nazism is "Judaism Lite", but that's beside the point: https://archive.fo/ihPYs#selection-2705.0-2711.671
The purpose of a government is to establish an organization than can protect the people, ensure order within a community, and preserve that society into the future. If it's just a couple dozen people, there really is no need for a hierarchy as people can be very self-conscious about their surroundings and seeing the problems that need to be addressed (Pretty much the only time Communism can actually work). However, as things grow and expand, then you need a hierarchy that, in description, "fills in the gaps" because there's too many people for a "local" effort oversee, control, and protect. That's on top of the fact that the government effectively serves as the "face" of the community, which you need to take into consideration if you're trading with other communities.
Ron Unz is a jew and has likely never read any National Socialist literature whatsoever, and even if he has, of course he would claim that, he is a jew, his word or opinion on Nat Soc is by definition invalid as If you actually read National Socialism it has nothing save for a focus on the Ethnos in common with Judaism, but of course you, also a jew, would know this so not sure why you thought he was someone who even mattered in this discussion. The lack of need for a government for small communities would be respected under a Nat Soc Government just as it was, and in many places still is, under the American Government, we still have many unincorporated areas, who do not have police and must defend themselves and they usually seem to do just fine but of course the jews in charge now only seem to want to destroy these communities likely just because they usually remain 99% or more white.
Well... fuck, this is a painfully awkward mixup. Confused as of 4PM last night during a brutal hangover. My apologies anon, posting while utterly smashed yesterday will not be the last of my shitty choices. Fuck gay8cunt, have never and will never use that site. As for all governments being infiltrated? Fuck no. Hirohito, Mussolini, Hitler and Milosevic had excellent grasps of their cultures until later infiltrators began their subversive actions to bring each down. No, my post was specifically intended towards THIS simp, traitor, shill, and cucked goi:
This one, (you niggerfaggot with the shitty projected strawmen whom tried to unsuccessfully equivocate NatSoc directly to marxist styled judaic socialism and communism. You have not cited your sources. The ones that, amusingly, Andrew Jackson warned of "such a den of vipers" both as vast as the oceans and as broad as the jewish greed for safety. Yet, mine are easy to fucking access pieces of historical knowledge for anyone with more than 10 brain cells. Go on, goy, give up those citations, then I'll see whether or not you've been lying, though you sure read off like a basic bitch ShariaBlue faggot.

"They cry out in pain when they strike you", especially for shekels and virtue signaling points. When pinning the niggergoat's tail on the juden does not seem to work, one must use alternative methods. Ever heard of the Kapparot Impulse? If not: it exists. You will not be pleased to study it.

Nice (((source))) there, golem. How much is ShariaBlue paying you goys each post these days? So no, fuck your glib assertions and the paid agenda behind it.
Answer these problems, shekelgoi:
Come on, offer logical rebuttals without a single fallacy.
276791 276981
File (hide): D1A09606BB26CAC983897929C69ECF42-5245892.mp4 (5.0 MB, Resolution:320x240 Length:00:01:53, Spoilered) [play once] [loop]
>excellent grasps of their cultures
The Nips literally rewrote their laws, constitution, and governmental and societal structure back during the turn of the century in order to become more "worldly" and either censored or abandoned all their traditions and culture: https://infogalactic.com/info/Meiji_Restoration
Which wasn't all that exclusive at the time as majority of Asia was trying to "catch-up", with some nations like China and Korea being some of the first to conclude that they should burn everything of the past.
And, it wasn't until the U.S. occupied the country that they finally started returning to some their history, which they're still doing to this day.
Also, Hitler was Austrian, so it's still a little hilarious that people still treat it as if he really was a legitimate German icon, yet proceed to denounce anyone and everyone else for a similar occurrence.
>until later infiltrators began their subversive actions to bring each down
<Japan already solved that problem sixty years ago.
>you niggerfaggot with the shitty projected strawmen whom tried to unsuccessfully equivocate NatSoc directly to marxist styled judaic socialism and communism
What do you mean by unsuccessfully? The Hitler quote provided earlier even stated that it is Socialism: >>276646
In his own book, he outright says that it is Socialism. He tries to defend it by stating that it's more about nationalism and for the "good of the community" rather than making it about class struggle, but he still didn't do anything different than what other Socialist countries enacted (Aside from skipping over the hilarious sexual revolution because they already had more than enough of that from the Weimar Republic: https://invidio.us/watch?v=rqvy7uxSHfM ). And, even his own defense of it being Nationalistic in nature went out the window when he invaded Norway and Denmark and overthrew their governments. Then, there's also the fact that Hitler didn't even start the party, he just became the face and leader of it.
>You have not cited your sources.
And, all those links posted do not count because...?
>Nice (((source))) there, golem.
You do realize that your entire argument boils down to you defending an "offshoot" of a political theory, created by an Austrian Kike, who allowed his kids to starve while leeching off the money his friends and family had, and trying to say that you can "purify" it because the Kiked ideology no longer has a Kike at the helm, which is Judaism in a nutshell since majority of the Kikes are racially Turks (With all the legitimate Kikes living in Israel, but again, beside the point), with the end results of putting said "purified offshoot" of said political theory in practice resulting in the exact same results as even the most literal implementation of the original thing, but it's all okay in the end because they created anti-smoking and animal activist campaigns. Right?

>offer logical rebuttals
To what? How FDR literally gave the USSR the world just so that he could stay in power? That's something just about everyone actually knowledge about WWII knows about, and condemns the guys (Among other things). That was the entire point of the Morgenthau Plan (The subject of the video you linked): http://archive.vn/lJDaX
And, Eisenhower was following right along with it because "Well, it was the agreed upon terms": https://archive.vn/4Hrju
No one justifies it, so what is it that you're arguing? That the war should have continued by teaming up with the Germans and taking the fight to Russia? Yeah, nearly everyone agrees that should have happened, which Patton was already preparing for until his assassination: http://archive.vn/ME0B0
Which people didn't "care" about at the time because they only cared about defeating Japan (Which the news media was quick to make the "important" story, fourth pic as an example is the L.A. Times front page on May 7, 1945). And, even Truman didn't seem to realize the colossal fuck-up of letting Russia live until four years later when the Berline Rail Strike Riots happened (As if all the Union strikes and riots already taking place in the U.S., itself, wasn't warning enough that shit was about to go down).
Socialism is not communism, the kikes that put Marx into action used Socialism to poison any collective action for the good of one's own community/nation/people on purpose so that people like you would fall into the trap that collective action will always or must always lead to tyranny, Hitler did not become a tyrant, hell, many of his people thought he was too soft on the jews, so why would anyone else who follows Nat Soc do so?
>fall into the trap that collective action will always or must always lead to tyranny
If you're trying to say that I'm against the concept of mob rule, please explain how it's a terrible idea to be against people coming together and making emotionally-charged groups who's sole purpose is to cause death and destruction until they get their way. You mean to tell me that the actions that took place across the past two months in the U.S. are justified and in the right because a "collective" got together and attempted to enforce their own rule that runs counter to what the people want?
If you seriously thought that I am saying that niggers, jews, and traitors still running through the streets causing mayhem are justified in what they've been doing, you are a moron. What you stand against is collective action period apparently, even in the case of white people being righteously angry and looking to remove those who have invaded what is ours. You are lost because you view those who have no claim to this land as innocent, undeserving of the wrath men like me would visit upon them for all of our sakes. Those who by their very presence here are transgressing our morals, our laws and who are seeking to destroy what WE and our ancestors built for US.
This seems to be what you believe and thus you are a traitor not only to America, but to the entire White race, you do not belong here or anywhere in Mother Europe and you and those like you will be rounded up and shot because instead of helping us or even standing on the sidelines as we do what you, in your weakness, will not, you seek to oppose us and your own people all because you think we have no "right" to reclaim what was passed down to us.
276802 276803 277017


I have this great idea, guise

we'll resurrect a dead political movement from the early part of the last century, one that arose in a nation very different from our own, in response to conditions unlike those we face here and now, today

and this is the brilliant part

we'll change the name, because it has bad associations among the brainwashed normies! we won't change anything else, just the name!

am I brilliant or what? what do you think guise?
It never died, you idiot, or do the names Ford, Rockwell, and Pierce, just fly over your head?
Also the conditions in which it arose are identical to what we face here and now, today, the only difference is technology and that we unlike Hitler are suppressed everywhere, everything else is happening exactly the same way, you are apparently just an ignorant fool.
276818 276827 276859
>What you stand against is collective action period apparently, even in the case of white people being righteously angry and looking to remove those who have invaded what is ours.
Because innocent people WILL be killed in order to satisfy people's bloodlust, like back in New Orleans: http://archive.vn/Zx5Xx
And, in Salem: https://infogalactic.com/info/Salem_witch_trials
Hell, you currently have that going on right now where you can accuse anyone of sexually assaulting you in the past, and people are going to fall all over each other just to protect you and destroy the life of the person you accused.

And, you're classifying me as a race traitor because I don't want innocent people to suffer at the hands of the mob while the real perpetrator (If there was one) is laughing all the way to the bank?
Reality check, nigger.
The "Witch hunters" only killed 12 people tops.
Some men, some women.
Some were snake oil salesmen and con-artist women trying to dupe ignorant peasants into taking part in her retarded "teehee i'm a witch and I cursed you to get dickrot unless you do what I want!" bullshit.
Some were innocent people falsely accused by little girls and old women showing easily-faked signs of demonic possession/witch spell curses.
If you unironically believe the jewish "Pop Culture" lie that the witch trials killed six gorrillion stwong wamen who spoke out against the dreaded straight white male and muh patriarchy, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you four times a day, because you're dumb enough to forget you already bought it.
276823 276825 276827
Ah, yes, who cares if some innocents die? Who cares if a few innocent people die or a few million innocent people die? They all deserved to die, they all NEEDED to die. After all, no one is really "innocent" anyway. So, their deaths were warranted as they were just getting their dues. Unequal, excessive, and unjust punishment? Don't make me laugh. Their deaths were necessary to bring about the glorious Socialist revolution. DEATH TO ALL WHO OPPOSE IT!

And, don't forget, we're the good guys because we purified Socialism of all the "evil" elements that it was "infected" with. We're not the "bad authoritarians" who steal all your shit, bring about famine, and destroy civilizations; we're the GOOD authoritarians who only utilize the unused, prioritize the importance of people's needs, and make everyone in society equal.
My Little Pony - Twilight Sparkle - Are you kidding me.png
Painting the text in red color won't help you anon.
Also it stress even more its emotional content and therefore its likelihood of to be dismissed.
Put yourself together and try again.
276827 276837
TWELVE! Read what I said again, and recognize that "this dark time in our past" killed fewer people than an afternoon in blacked New York.
Do you know how many car-thefts and murders happen in New York every day?
The status quo has more blood on its hands than we ever could!
I know your type loves to purity-spiral and pretend everyone willing to get their hands dirty to clean shit off the streets is less clean than you.
And I don't resent you for that. It's just a phase, and when you grow up you'll recognize killing the chaotic evil goblins is part of being lawful good. in minecraft/DND.
I just want you to tell me if you think it's moral to subject the world to another year of Communism/Leftism/Jewery. How about two more years? Ten? Fifty? Do you think that's more moral than solving the problems?
Look at the UK, where little white girls are sold into sex slavery and trafficked around the country's mosques by Pakistani Mudslimes. Meanwhile Liberals perpetuate the sex slavery and defend child-molesters by calling Islam's critics "racists meen to arabs" even though the Arabic people have contributed laughably little to the world. Certainly not enough to make keeping them around worth putting up with everything they've done to our children and society. They're basically just niggers.
Look at America, where towns with Democrat mayors are "overthrown" by communist looters and false-revolutionaries.
This world has problems that need to be solved, and the best solutions for these problems will ensure these problems can't just come back again in 10-50 years.
How about this?
Theoretical time.
Let's say you're in an underground sealed-off government facility, and escape is impossible. there are three big cages in front of you. One cage is full of 400 pedophiles and 800 pedophilia-enablers and 2 innocents. One cage is full of all the child victims of those pedophiles. The third cage is full of random kids who haven't been raped yet. You're in a fourth cage containing just you and a big red button. You have two minutes, but if you don't press a button that kills everyone in cage one and releases you+the victims within that timeframe while letting everyone escape to the outside world, all three cages will open and the pedophiles will be free to rape and kill even more kids, and you'll be trapped in cage four forever.
What do you do?
People are being killed by them! Right now. Abductions, and tortures on children and adults.
Pedophillic rings (((they))) operate and own. If someone is too much of a nuisance it'll be a 'suicide' or even a murder by one of their replacable pawns.
>while the real perpetrator (If there was one) is laughing all the way to the bank?
I hate making enemies of good people that can see what is going on.
Call them criminals, crime lords, elites, jews, illuminati, masons, club of rome, secret societies. What ever their name or affiliation they have done immense harm to US.
All of us. To practically everybody.
>who cares if some innocents die? Who cares if a few innocent people die or a few million innocent people die?
Do you care? Do you really?
That's not the question that should be asked. Who cares if some crusty fuck hangs a kid as they watch a snake swallow them? Who cares about the man forced onto drugs to eliminate who he used to be? Who cares that so many women have abused the family courts? Who cares that the family courts have abused good families? Who cares about all the criminals being raised to do harm against everyone else?
Who fucking cares if they brain wash nations to do their bidding?
I fucking care. I know, as many Anons here know, if nothing is done they keep going. It'll keep going.
Here's a poner.
_ _
"justify killing anyone?"
the jewish murderers need to be stopped and prosecuted.
They've already decided they're justified in killing anyone no matter what.
And they're going to keep going unless they are stopped.
276831 276832 276834
>likelihood of to be dismissed
What for? Because I called you guys out on your pilpul tactics of trying to justify killing anyone as long as it serves some obscure, undefined, and fantasized goals that are on a constantly shifting horizon?
Fuck off!
>Fuck off!
You are loosing self control, you flipped from rational to emotional in a blink.
You need to calm down.
Are you genetically European?
what yo mad fo nigga?
someone step on your sneakers mang?
some nigga speaking some long ass words around here or sumthin?
has some nigga been speaking shit about chicken man?
what da fuck happen nigga?
Things are going to get hellish. I appreciate your willingness to disagree and further the conversation of what would a good political party should entail. In both times of peace, and not so peacful times.
>likelihood of to be dismissed
What for? Because I called you guys out on your pupil tactics of trying to justify killing anyone as long as it serves some obscure, undefined, and imagine goals that are on a constantly shifting horizon?
Fuck off!
They forced my hand. This is the actions they want to exist, so they will get what they have sown.
I'm no expert in the conduct of running a counter psyop, nor am I talented in reading people.
I may have broad understandings, but that isn't enough. It's never enough.
But it's all I have, and is not perfect because of that failing I can not ensure 100% that everyone can be saved.
276839 276896
>I just want you to tell me if you think it's moral to subject the world to another year of Communism/Leftism/Jewery.
You mean, allow people to fall victim due to their own stupidity? The most immoral thing to do is prevent it.
> Let's say...
The answer to hypothetical is to ALWAYS kill everyone because it's a hypothetical.
>I Just Wanted To Look At Cute Ponies
tbh, this.
>You mean, allow people to fall victim due to their own stupidity? The most immoral thing to do is prevent it.
I live here too, and that means the dumbasses will drag me down with them. If there was a place to go to I'd leave them as the idiots cause another civilization to collapse with (((their))) machinations.
If you want to be dragged by them go ahead. Stupidity can be a terminal illness for the individual and the community.

A religious movement called Friendlism and everyone will try seeing what the dark spin is on it.
Another pon (You)(You)(You)(You)
>Stupidity can be a terminal illness for the individual and the community.
Are you sure that it's stupidity and not just ignorance? There are a lot of intelligent people out there, but they only act upon what they've been shown or told because they don't known anything different.
276893 276894
I get where you're coming from, I really do. I was where you are barely more than six months ago, viewing every race as the same, every person as human the same way I view myself as human now. You wanna know what changed my mind? What made me so quick to jump to the final solution to any problem like those we face today?

To put it simply, pain, the pain I see and saw, hidden to most everyone else, among the faces of my people. I share in that pain every day that some nigger or other non-White, smashes in the face, or rapes, or otherwise harms some indoctrinated or otherwise lost or stupid white women. Our women who because our instincts are beaten out of us, thought that the invaders were like us, or even thought that they are us.

First, I blamed her, every her, for making that choice, she chose to date, befriend, live nearby niggers/sandniggers/etc. I'd think, just as I'm about 70% sure you think now, and as a consequence she deserved what she got. My insight only deepened from there as I learned more of the Truth, Second. I thought women aren't to blame for their stupid choices, it's the fault of all of us collectively, then I realized people weren't acting like Nature would dictate. everything they were doing was flying right in the face of all that is right and good in this world.

That thought led me to the Truth that for every death we suffer at the hands of lesser beings, who are not from here, and do not belong here, we should have exacted the price upon them one thousandfold of what they took from us. For every single rape inflicted upon our women, we should have slaughtered hundreds of their women, so that another one of them would never be born to inflict that pain again, so that they could never deign to desecrate one of our own again. Yet no one was doing this, hardly anyone was resisting. Those few who do act and exact even a fraction of the proper price, as justice demands we should, those brave men are demonized, ostracized, thrown aside into the gutter like trash. Those same men are honestly, probably the best of us.To make it worse, or perhaps even more insulting, is this ostracization includes anyone who even dares to say. "what if they aren't wrong?".

All you have to do is ask just a simple question and you lose everything at the whim of an emotion-driven crowd of moral busybody failures who have nothing to do but fuck up everyone else's lives for as little as voicing a thought. Even at this point, I still thought there was a chance, however slight that this could be rectified peacefully. That this could be not only stopped, but undone, without men like me having to do what those like you hate us for even voicing the desire to do. You will likely hate us even more once we have begun to do what you fear doing. I continued like this for a while, but what finally made it clear was, what I consider the last redpill before you become what I now am, realizing that the are no good men among the corrupt, immoral, unnatural, elite most of whom are jewish or Christian or Zionists, all jewish in thought, unified in influencing everyone to insidiously twist the very desires of our people into desiring their own destruction. We will be destroyed, if we do nothing.
It doesn't matter if we don't partake of the degeneracy, it won't matter if we hide.people like you advocate inaction, or for passive resistance that will end with nothing but our destruction even if it takes them 300 years, they will do it.

Go learn, discover, realize that innocents are dying right now thousands of us every year to just a 6% or so section of our population, on top of the thousands who go missing never to be found. Oh yes they kill more of their own, but that should only be a further indication that they do not belong, and the realize that no matter what cost there is in so-called Innocent lives. What we want to do must be done.and no matter how long we might rampage. we cannot possibly take more life than they have taken from us. the price I will exact from them for what they have taken from us is to see them, a;l of them wiped from existence, if only so that our descendants never have to face.what we do now ever again.

I class you as a race traitor, even though I will likely never know who you really are, because you either refuse or are unwilling to see the truth, at least yet, maybe you will, I only hope that if and when you do you remember this.
When I was a child, I looked up how to make Pokemon romhacks because I found it interesting, even though it was decades ahead of what the jewed schools were teaching.
When I was a teenager, I looked up all sorts of college-level books and read them because I was sure all this random knowledge would improve my lot in life.
I became a man when I learned what was being done to my race, and learned to hate those responsible for forcing this evil upon us.
We were never asked. Those who protested were demonized and arrested. This was forced upon us by the Jews and anyone worth a damn has been paying enough attention to know what's really going on in the world.
276896 276902
>I was where you are barely more than six months ago,
>viewing every race as the same, every person as human the same
I don't believe that. It's even a scientific fact that no one is exactly the same. Everyone is born with different strengths and weaknesses. The only similarities are that people come from a similar template, and that everyone is theoretically capable of the same feats. That being said, despite being theoretically capable of achieving similar feats, not everyone wants, nor should they attempt, to achieve those feats as their talents could be best suited for achieving something else and they're just wasting their time trying to fill a position that could be filled by more capable people.
>among the faces of my people.
<Acting as if European ethnicities were ever a united group
> I thought women aren't to blame for their stupid choices, it's the fault of all of us collectively
Clearly you don't know a damn thing about women. They're short-sighted, bitchey, jealous, and the most savage creatures on the planet who will tear everything down just because they feel the most superficial threat. They do not need external influence in order to be corrupted, they're born corrupted.
> we should have slaughtered hundreds
This post sure is glowing.
> elite most of whom are jewish or Christian or Zionists, all jewish in thought, unified in influencing everyone
The New Testament denounces the Kikes every which way you could imagine possible, and the Kikes downright despise Christians to the point they cannot write anything resembling a cross and they literally rewrote their entire bible just so they they can write about how Jesus was sent Hell's boiling pot of literal shit. And, that's not even mentioning the divisions among the Kikes themselves. First, there's the racial Kikes (Nearly all of whom live in Israel now) and Honorary Kikes (Majority of the "Jewish" population, are actually Turkish in racial genealogy). Second, until WWII, majority of the world's Kikes were Anti-Zionist and part of the reason Israel wasn't formed earlier.
> people like you advocate inaction
No, you're just impatient and expect everything to happen when you demand it. No matter how much you shout at a seed you planted, it will still grow at it's own pace; and deciding to set fire to the entire garden because the seed "isn't growing" and all that's sprouting within days are weeds only further shows your retardation.
>and the realize that no matter what cost there is in so-called Innocent lives.
You're solution to stopping the death of innocents is to start killing the innocents?
> What we want to do must be done.and no matter how long we might rampage. we cannot possibly take more life than they have taken from us. the price I will exact from them for what they have taken from us is to see them, a;l of them wiped from
If you're this angry about murder, then you most be absolutely livid about heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, liver and kidney disease, and AIDs. Certainly you must have spent enourrmass amounts of time researching and solving all of those issues to finally start solving the next leading cause of death and addressing the issue of homicide rates having a high correlation with a certain racial group.
> you remember this
The ramblings of a Fed who's desperate for a boogaloo because the past two months have resulted in the dismantling of almost the entire narrative that you've wasted countless hours your time making?
I'm getting suspicious. What's with the "It's not the women's fault it's our fault" talk?
Why the hell would someone blame whites for what's been done to whites and their women by the Jew?
The Jew talked women into betraying their white brothers and fathers for more shiny trinkets, more alimony, and more social status. More more more, that's all fucking disgusting women care about. Fuck hentai, but the human race would be vastly improved if men were like those futanari abominations.
>If you're this angry about murder, then you most be absolutely livid about heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, liver and kidney disease, and AIDs
I'm getting suspicious of you, too.
Why conflate these things? Organ failure is an unfortunate fact of life science is trying to stop. Jews are raping the white-skinned people to death, whether we all believe there is a single unified white race or not. Jews are raping us to death and ordering us to lie to ourselves and the world about it. Jews are raping us to death and ordering us to thank and celebrate our slavemasters and their pets put above us by the jews.
You can't stop a loved one from dying from cancer by kicking the Jews and Niggers out. But you can stop a loved one from being raped to death by Jews and Niggers by kicking the Jews and Niggers out.
I like your attitude! The point my hypothetical was trying to make is: Choosing to do nothing is still making a choice to do something. Choosing to sit on your hands and feel your ass grow fatter instead of trying to save anyone is a bad choice.
>But you can stop a loved one from being raped to death by Jews and Niggers by kicking the Jews and Niggers out.
If you have enough time to entertain the idea, then you must have had enough time to realize that any mass expulsion of a singular can only be accomplished (With results) as a unified effort, not part of an action started by the fringes of society. It's part of the reason why I consider Hitler's actions as being one of the leading causes behind the Kikes gaining as much influence as they did. Before WWII, hatred towards the Kikes was almost universal in Europe with Germany (Ironically) being the most tame in how they treated them. However, due to Hitler interfering and accelerating the detainment of the Kikes in an unnatural effort, all that pent up energy went to wasting fighting the German invaders, and the Kikes finally had the justification for having their country and forever being considered the "persecuted" race.
I know all of that, what I was referring to is it being implicitly a failure on our part as a race, to put this shit down before it got this far, I hold no real blame against those who tried to stop it or the victims, I blame the traitors for this and our corrupt elite, I should have been clearer on that.
>I don't believe that. It's even a scientific fact that no one is exactly the same. Everyone is born with different strengths and weaknesses. The only similarities are that people come from a similar template, and that everyone is theoretically capable of the same feats. That being said, despite being theoretically capable of achieving similar feats, not everyone wants, nor should they attempt, to achieve those feats as their talents could be best suited for achieving something else and they're just wasting their time trying to fill a position that could be filled by more capable people
this is exactly the kind of thinking I am referring to, thank you for proving my point.
>Acting as if European ethnicities were ever a united group
I never claimed they were ever fully united, and I am an American, white people here were largely unified prior to our subversion, Europe is their own concern and will only be a concern of mine when MY homeland is clean until then they are on their own with my support in their endeavors. just as we are.
>Clearly you don't know a damn thing about women. They're short-sighted, bitchey, jealous, and the most savage creatures on the planet who will tear everything down just because they feel the most superficial threat. They do not need external influence in order to be corrupted, they're born corrupted.
I never claimed women didn't do that nor did I claim they aren't as you describe, if you had payed attention to the context, and I had been perhaps a little more cogent in my use of words, this would have been clear to you.
>This post sure is glowing.
Setting aside your ad-hominem, No that post is advocating disproportionate punishment to teach our lessers a lesson, one that might get the fucking point across but unlikely as I am firmly of the belief they must all be wiped out, in minecraft, if we are to ever truly have peace.
>the Kikes downright despise Christians to the point they cannot write anything resembling a cross.
The cross predates Christianity, as a White mans symbol, firstly. secondly no, they don't they love Christians because Christians do as they are told to do by jews, as they follow the poisonous doctrine of a jew, always have, always will.
>No, you're just impatient and expect everything to happen when you demand it. No matter how much you shout at a seed you planted, it will still grow at it's own pace; and deciding to set fire to the entire garden because the seed "isn't growing" and all that's sprouting within days are weeds only further shows your retardation.
No, I don't, I'm not demanding shit of you, I am telling you directly what I will do,(in minecraft fedboys) I neither need nor require your permission or consent, also wonderful strawman you made there, I have spent entire summers helping care for a garden, I know the value of patience, and what it is required for and what it is not.
>You're solution to stopping the death of innocents is to start killing the innocents?
Which innocents? little niglets? niggers? the half-breeds? the traitorous whites and disgusting whores who lowered themselves to the level of beasts by laying with niggers or any non-white? what innocents?
>If you're this angry about murder, then you most be absolutely livid about heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, liver and kidney disease, and AIDs. Certainly you must have spent enourrmass amounts of time researching and solving all of those issues to finally start solving the next leading cause of death and addressing the issue of homicide rates having a high correlation with a certain racial group.
Non-sequitur, strawman and false equivalence all in one, wonderful argument you're making here.
>The ramblings of a Fed who's desperate for a boogaloo because the past two months have resulted in the dismantling of almost the entire narrative that you've wasted countless hours your time making?
Ha, I am so far from a fed it isn't even funny but I love that you associate violence and collective action with feds, just means you won't resist when they come for you.
276904 277017
This is just bullshit, pure and plain, Hitler did nothing to the kikes that we didn't do to the Japs or the Germans or Italians, in the same war, why aren't Japan Germany and Italy ruling the world now? the kikes made up a lie and pushed it ceaselessly to guilt All white people not just christians or athiests, specifically to get the level of power they do now, it was a gamble on both sides he lost, ironically because he just wasn't merciless enough.
276905 276956 276961
>the traitorous whites and disgusting whores who lowered themselves to the level of beasts by laying with niggers or any non-white?
To be quite honest, who wants to have sex with an ungrateful bitch who's going to sue you for alimony and child payments for the kid who isn't even yours?
It's a mystery why whites men are getting Cuban Fever and/or becoming Japanohpiles. Also, you're delusional if you think this is exclusive to the U.S.. Worst Korea is a feminist paradise, with the Megolians given so much power there that "Kill all Korean men" is literally their daily chant when they're not eating fetuses, making their NTR rape webcomics, or sexually assaulting the foreign kids from Australia. I WISH I was making this shit up.

>why aren't Japan
Their economic bubble burst back in the 80's, and they don't yet realize the almost infinite wealth that would be generated if they took their porn worldwide.
Because England decided to create a world war in order to destroy the German economy and ended up bankrupting their own economy in the process and sold themselves out to Wilson in order to fix it.
>and Italy ruling the world now?
Isn't it joked about the Italy fought for 3-5 days in order to gain traction in some African territory, only to then immediately lose it to the literal niggers that following afternoon?
Never thought it was exclusive to here, and that was pretty clear from what I have posted but my primary concern is America, and secondarily Europe, until our problems are solved, I will not waste time worrying about anywhere else, and even then I am unlikely to care much anyway. I, too, have read the posts by South Koreans scattered around, I am aware it's very bad there.
As to your response to my question I was not seriously asking, I know why they do not rule the world, esp. Germany, it was to point out an equivalently or in this case more persecuted peopole and point out the hypocrisy of his blaming Hitler, when the fault lies not with him, out side of his now obvious mistakes, but with everyone's elites after the war.
Black Market Economics - What Drives the Underground Economy_.mp4
On the economic side of things if the labor based currency exists, and the current dollar. Enforced only through regulatory means, a black market will occur.
So there is a problem. It boils down to having people actually wanting to do it, or at least not be totally ambivalent.
Force may be the final enforcer, but other means can have an impact if enough people believe and follow through.

Banning all imports will increase the total blackmarket, which is bad.
Making the government a lean, mean, moral, efficient body is going to be rough. For a complete overhaul, which would not only be tough, but would require people in positions throughout the structure to do things greatly.
From the outside altering and convincing the structure to be refreshed with enough support is an alternative venture.
>Their economic bubble burst back in the 80's, and they don't yet realize the almost infinite wealth that would be generated if they took their porn worldwide.
So what if Japan pushed their porn industry internationally to push (((their))) influence out?
So the Japanese get load'sa mohnay! Which could be a revival of what is needed to kick start a secure location as an external supporter.
Wait wait wait wait.
What if our guys became the porn industry instead?
Or any other industry that's heavily kiked. Technically that's going on now, and having a friendly face in government could speed up the growth of that. The monetary system is a spikey thing to deal with, but if a legal business that has everything ready to implement this a quick substitute would ruin their power, yet keep everything afloat. Going to be crazy pulling it off perfectly successfully though.
276970 276971
>eating fetuses, making their NTR rape webcomics, or sexually assaulting the foreign kids from Australia
Come to think of it, 2d porno hentai/manga and 3d SFM porn is more moral than traditional human porn recorded with cameras. Anything can be drawn without needing to get women involved.
I don't have my Gook pics, so this is the best I can do at the moment: http://archive.vn/GzLjK
Also, don't believe any of the bullshit proclaiming that it's to fight "misogyny" in Worst Korea.
There is practically none.
Such pathetic attempts at subversion and passive-aggressive "b-b-but ur rong". It's amazing how much of a priceless jew you are. You have been milked for all the lulz possible. IT'S TIME FOR (((YOU))) TO STOP POSTING, JEW. SHHHH, SHHHHHHHH. JUST GO TO SLEEP IN PISSRAEL. It's funny that you try to claim Hirohito and Hitler both an (((anti-nationalists))), especially after you blatantly fucking lie about NatSoc being judeo-marxist in origin. Fuck off, you tiny bitch nigger traitor. The rope is too good for you, but the gas chambers we're GOING to build won't be.
>we'll change the name, because it has bad associations among the brainwashed normies! we won't change anything else, just the name!
Producerism is the American form of National Socialism, without overt anti-semitism. It is more libertarian, but still anti-bank and attempting to preserve our unique American ethnicity, which is: white, black and native. the truth is that America's Founding Fathers and great presidents were ideologically closer to Hitler than FDR.

>he [Hitler] lost, ironically because he just wasn't merciless enough.
He should have taken the entire British Army hostage at Dunkirk and sued for peace. If necessary, he should have followed up with an all-out invasion by air. He was building the Luftwaffe for this with Gigant gliders that could cheaply bring armored divisions in to gain a beachhead, completely avoiding the power of the British Navy.

Ya, I stopped even reading this guys posts. His jewry is becoming more evident with each post.
No, he should have killed all but 1 soldier to take the story home, it would have taken Britain years to recover from such a blow both image wise and politically on the home-front and left Britain with no recourse but peace, and to let Germany be so that they could deal with Russia properly and Japan would never have been able to be used as an excuse to get America into the war because Hitler would have taken Russia's oil supply and used it to help Japan and our isolationist politicians and populace would have won out.