>>270783>incisiveWhile i agree that one should be calm and collected and make rational good points, I do not agree with this idea that we should avoid being incise. No. We should make them hurt. We should move the ball on their field and we should attack. We must qwuestiopn how they can justfy shit like this and should point out their flaw and shitty hypocracy.
They often claim that we capitalized but we really should. We syhould remeber what they have said and then bring it up when it fits to show what liars and hypocrites they are.
We should make them eat their words when they talk to us. We should act like they do in someway and just delegitmize them and generally have an indifferent attitue towards them. That hurts more thna our frustration at them because they want us to hate them while they don't want to feel insignificant. Their ego can't handle it. They want to feel like Knights of justice.
Social justice warriors but they are not. Communism is not a real ideology. It is a just a group of sycophants that masquered as subversive.
We shouldn't even bother defending against them at times because they are nothing. Make them feel insignificant. Just attack.
Don't lose yourself in a debate and argue overmeaningless shit. Focus on the points that matter. WE whites should have the right to segregate ourself from the and preserve our heritage. Just as any other people has. It was actually one of David Duke's videos and the anti- racist Hitler videeo that turned me into a nationalist. While David Duke sometimes can sound as a broken record, he always talks about the main issue. Our survival. The fact that we are going towards white genocide and we don't want that and therefore we have the right to resist.
We should also not let their truths rule the debate. Like, yes, you can argue for our stance even if the holocaust happened. Sure, but don't. Say, no I don't belive the holocaust happened but even if it did... Atleast, never let their version of the turht rule the debate. Even if you can't prove that they are wrong in that instance, just declare that you don't believe them. You don't need to believe them and if this subject were to be followed up on and scrutinzed they would be the ones in wrong anyway. Becuase it is always like that.
So attack, rule the debate, don't give them satsifcation or make them feel special: be indifferent towards thesefags but beat them, and make sure yor truth is the one that exist in the debate.
This will also make them back off becuase it ddoesn't feel good to be owned by the people they hate. And since we are in the right, we will own them. Be onafraid to go on a limb and make assumptions because you are probably right and the world will prove you right. Also, remember to call on their bluffs. They like to present themselves as well read about their subjefcts but these people are lazy cucks. It's very doubtful that they are so well taught as they claim to be. Don't let your self be intimated by these posers.
There is such a thing as mutally assured destruction and this is something people respect. These people as welll. Even evil men respect this princple and that's how we assert ourselves. If they come, let's hurt their little egos. Make memes out of them and taunting them. The word cuck was effective because it fucking hurts.