>>257137Tried and true tactics throughout the ages. It's one thing for a normie to conceptualize some parts of the internet disappearing if they weren't looking for it, but having something physical disappear is much harder to just forget.
Of all the 'spam' to get in the mail is what amounts to a newspaper. For free. That's not bad. It'll get people talking.
I will say this, printers use yellow ink to trace back the paper to the source. Work arounds already exist for that 'feature'.
It's a great idea, and could change hearts and minds.
>>257137That actually sounds pretty cool, i'll post a few weekly anon news starting next month, let's see what happens.
I too like this idea.
>>257137>Isn't there already something like this?There was, but it was a long time ago. Based on the result of pic related this method could be pretty damn effective, if the required level of organization can be mustered.
It's not exactly a new concept and it's been tried quite a bit. These are examples I have; I know that the original NatSoc movement had one, the commies in different countries had theirs, and other movements (even today) do it. In fact going back in history particularly to the 19th century you'll notice that this was the standard MO of anyone wanting to change the status quo; Bastiat and Molinari ran a newspaper if I remember it right.
Said newspapers aren't historically glamorous simply because they aren't concise (they have a lot of filler and propaganda) and gathering articles over a span of time is a painstaking process for someone wanting to research it. I can't say for sure what makes one more successful or influential than another but I'm willing to bet persistence, spread, relevance (does it address questions people actually have), humor (not strictly necessary but biting satire often works wonders, as well as political cartoons), and the quality of articles themselves.
>>257182>>257179Yeah, the main goal of most businesses is to generate profit hopefuly be delivering excellent products. The goal is to deliver the sell of their products.
Here the goal is to tell the truth through excellent words, and memes. As a side effect changing hearts and minds. While there is a resource cost that isn't the main focus here
this is also a good test to see of there is an audience that will help in this endeavor and others, if not this may help create one. The barrier to entry into being a low (no) budget newspaper is lower than it ever has been before.
We have the memes of production here, and the lasting quality of the truth.
Having a seperate website would be handy if anyone missed a paper due to unforeseen circumstances, but the physical aspect of having it delivered has a different feeling, and effect than just a thing an the internet.
While commerical printing technically is viable with prices reducing per paper in bulk orders could be an okay alternative. Assuming they wouldn't just refuse to print it in the first place. That can run from 75 dollars for one (4) page newspaper tabloid size or 5,000 pages per every $~2,500 depending on location and company. Sometimes shipping (to one location) is included.
Delivering the papers to an area would be costly by mail. (With no income)
(OP)'s solution is actually quite good everything is local reducing costs even more, and a common area to recive new paper updates easily (here). Then the papers, ink, and electricity with transportation costs is real, and should be considered, but achieving the main goal should offset the costs in the future. With every anon in this network the costs decrease and our reach expands.
A page or two worth of information that expands and can contradict the narrative being spun is priceless.
Finding the information is time consuming, and can be difficult. Anons do this anyways, and for that that (You) will always have my respect.
If your printer just so happens to run out of color ink and you really need that paper turned in. Some printers have a purely black ink print mode.
Hold down the resume/cancel button. The resume/cancel button is the smaller button below the power button, on the right side of the front of the printer. Press for 10 seconds. You can now print in black ink.
I'm really surprised at the almost unanimous positive reception of the idea, so to not let you all down I collected some stories made a little draft this evening.
I'll be looking to fix some of the awkward formatting, shortening the stories further, figuring out how not to write like a turboautist, and whatever else I can come up with before the weekend.
If you have headlines you want included or w/e just drop them in the thread.
>>257140>printers use yellow ink to trace back the paper to the sourcenoted. I did some research and it seems that laser printers have even more advanced tracking that works in grayscale also.
I could probably pick up a printer from a thrift shop and use it exclusively for printing the newspaper, but is it necessary? None of the "it's okay to be white" posters seem to have warranted a knock on my door. Haven't even heard the brits about that one.
>>257182>Said newspapers aren't historically glamorous simply because they aren't concise (they have a lot of filler and propaganda)writing consise is pretty difficuly I've already noticed. Maybe I should be glad to be constrained to very few pages.
>>257313Im translating it to spanish & printing it today.
Lets see what happens.
I haven't found a whole lot to write about so far... I don't want to release a paper like this but there's only one week of February left.
Any suggestions? I could always take an article on replacement migration or on the democrats or crime statistics, but I wouldn't want to fill half the paper with it.
>>257137>a paper>a trace>a footprintI prefer to flow with the tide, a fuzzy target is the best way when you live inside enemy territory.
Remember, the redpill can't be forced.