Original OP: "Back in October, there was a very interesting thread. Basically, it told of how the current craze of minimalism is merely commie-influenced dehumanization conditioning where during the course of this century, the middle class will disappear into a bottom-class serfdom kept perpetually in a state of near-poverty so as to curtail any semblance of individuality. This serfdom will be content to live in small accomodation and serve only the interests of their masters. Their only consumption will be protein products derived from insects, and all media will come from a cloud-based telescreen where anything they watch/listen to can be taken down and modified at any time. They will own nothing, and be happy to own nothing." "It is a complete perversion of what minimalism truly means; to live within the boundaries of oneself. To be utilitarian and have only what you need. What "decluttering" Youtube channels seem to promote however is complete and total spartanism; to not care about any of the world's materials due to the concept of impermanence. To be a lifeless worker drone serving a queen, or a family of queens."