Hosted by CNN and the New York Times at Otterbein University in Westerville, Ohio
8PM to 11PM Eastern - 5PM to 8PM Pacific
Joe Biden
Cory Booker
Pete Buttigieg
Julián Castro
Tulsi Gabbard
Kamala Harris
Amy Klobuchar
Beto O’Rourke
Bernie Sanders
Tom Steyer
Elizabeth Warren
Andrew Yang
Streams: begins.
>12 person stage
Here we go bois!
This oughta be utter bullshit
>opening with impeachment
>the audience has been silent so far
Already the best debate.
Bernie has heart attack when?
>everyone here is more patriotic than the criminal in the white house
What a joke.
>>247252Let me predict the entire debate.
"Orange man bad" and "Lets not talk bad about each other"
>yang talking some actual sense
He's right that they should talk about actual issues instead of this impeachment crap.
>"I will beat him like a drum!"
>Booty dabbing on Pocahontas
>Warren repeating herself
>>247269Color me unsurprised, she has touted that same mantra every time.
>I would eliminate the capital gains tax
>I would raise the capital gains tax
Biden's brain deteriorating.
Graham Cracker laying it down thick.
>>247276He is starting to learn the art of shitposting.
Well this is a good circus
I hope Bernie wins.
Why no Bernie 2020? The elites must be scared of him.
>>247280Will Bernie still be alive to see the inauguration?
But could be fun having Bernie. I think it would expose the Democrats for what they really stands for when they block all Bernie tries to do.
Based Biden shitting on Turks.
Warren dodging Tulsi's question.
>>247285Looks like everyone is dodging Tulsi
All of them are dodging the NATO question.
Clover Shart confirmed worst candidate.
>Trump will destroy nato
Wtf I love Trump now.
Speaking Spanish in a political debate should be a deportable offense.
>doesn't mention Dallas
GEE I WONDER WHY? HURR HURR duh guns do bad. Racism bad.
>>247293>implying it won't be mandatory...
in 5-8 years
It'll be realpolitik to stay viable (or double down on the in-effect white nationalist shift and defacto white party reality in case of the GOP).
>Tulsi still bullying Warren
lol This is great.
Good haul today, I saw three cute Anons posting on 4/po(l)/.
Wait what the fuck? Trump is almost as old as Bernie? I never thought about it before.
Anyways, what's the point in this thread if all you /mlpol/ niggers are in /mlp*l/ Disc*rd. Which you are by the way, I guarantee it.
>Yang dabbing on Microshaft
This is one of the few things I agree with Warren on. Big tech needs to be cut up in small pieces.
More bread and circuses for the goyim, Google is still a subsidiary of ALPHABET.
Yeah, "break up" Google, but in an attempt at more facetious nuance in typical Yang fashion he somehow messes it up and shits the bed stepping in for the side of the Skypes and Googles of Google.
>the trade war is a failure
Wew more big brain takes from the other candidates.
>>247308Opinion on using DDG with Bing as the secondary for search engines?
>>247309I would say that is an equally good option. Google has become a wrong thing censoring machine and giving increasingly bad results.
The baby isn't part of your body, you stupid cunt.
Warren saying she knows how to use executive powers.
Wew, her threat level just went up to 9000.
That's basically a flex on the herded GOP including Trump and a threat for the Democratic establishments enemies.
>lost Texas
>claims it means anything, just because he tried
Twitter focusing on Tulsi
I've noticed that Kamala has a Jewish whine to her voice.
>>247400Checked. I see TP is still doing the same video over and over again, just like "orange man bad" was a working formula for media he has focused in on "no, you Dems don't get it" and keeps cranking them out. He's not wrong, but there's only so many ways of saying that water is wet.
>53% Won't Vote For TrumpWell, technically about 50% didn't vote at all in the last presidential election, so...
>Clinton received 65,844,610 votes, or 48.2% of the total vote.>Trump received 62,979,636 votes, or 46.1% of the total vote.>The remaining 5.7% of the vote went to other candidates... wins.
>53% Won't Vote For Trumptherefore up from 54%, so he'll still win.
>>247414remember when all the democratic candidates had a 20 point lead over him? I can only conclude that they are throwing the election.
>>247417They have to, so that Hillary can be 'justified' to run again
>>247418No way (((they'll))) do all that work pulling the strings for that washed-up old crone to run again. She had her chance and blew it.
>>247426You clearly haven't been following her recent activity. She's clearly fundraising, and since she hasn't declared her candidacy she is not restricted by maximum contribution thresholds.
>>247429That's plausible then, i guess, but if she ran she'd just lose, and the DNC knows it.
Perhaps she's waiting for 2024, seeing if the Republican party implodes.