>not all Jews
Oof, that's not a sentiment that will go over well on any Chan, and for good reason.
I'll read it soon but I disagree that Jews should be "welcomed" into white nationalist movements for several reasons.
Firstly, Judaism is a religion/culture/ethnicity quite distinct and ultimately incompatible with white Christianity. AltHype takes a purely biological view regarding ethnicity, which works most of the time, but for complicated issues like this it needs to be tempered more with a religious/philosophical understanding (I am aware that Ryan is probably an atheist). That is to say, empirical data and genetic race is valuable but E. Michael Jone's view of "religion=ethnicity" also holds a lot of merit when you get into it. Because of this, Judaism's entirely different set of values cannot be counted as "white," nor can one find genuine support among atheist Jews (who are overwhelmingly cultural Marxists).
Secondly, Jewish ethno-nationalism (more accurately, ethno-supremacy) is generally Zionism and that should raise warning bells. The Jewish dichotomy is that of Zionism on the right and Marxism on the left with the majority of even ordinary Jews leaning one way or another. Zionism is of course incompatible with any sort of white nationalism because it views gentiles as inferiors to be used as labor; it's pretty much the widely-held caricature of National Socialism except it's true. And though you might find some temporary allies among Zionists (some even aligned themselves with Hitler, funnily enough) the Republican model of bowing to Israel holds the greatest appeal to them.
Thirdly, Jews are disproportionately likely to engage in subversive activities if you let them in your organizations. You can argue over whether "it's in their nature" but statistically speaking they're very politically active and tend to join movements just to sabotage or turn them to their own interests (hence the stereotype of Jews). Look at the smearjob against Mark Collett by a Jewish "friend" pretending to be white: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-RN6R8lCF8
Lastly, there are too few Jews who escape the aforementioned dichotomy. Why this is so should be obvious: their culture their entire life encourages them either to be Zionists or cultural Marxists and only a few individuals break this programming. Those that do so visibly tend to suffer from it: they face ostracism from former colleagues, stop being invited to big events and have employment prospects reduced. Thus I don't distrust Jews like Murray Rothbard and Paul Gottfried because they've walked their talk and are worse off materially for it, but such examples are extremely limited. There's no "moral majority" you can appeal to because the majority will be against you no matter what.
With Jews, you lose.