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I've seen this thread back on /mlpol/ and even /mlp/ a few times and it had a surprising amount of discussion.

>What is your personal Ideology? Is there a reason you take to this one over the others?

>If You could replace/change the current government of a country what would you change it with, and how would this be an improvement over its current one?

>(if its not yours please state which one)

>On a realistic level, How far would you go to defend your political views? Would you be willing to Fight and die for them?

2590 2686
This is pretty hard for me to answer as i never really got into politics yet we need more political discussion..

>What is your personal(..)

Communism is silly, it would never work outside of papper as humans are individual beings that think for themselves and always compete.
Capitalism is currently a needed evil, one day it will fall thanks to its own flaws, yet for now it is kinda working, pretty much IP keeps society up and running.
A monarchy doesn't sound bad as long as those who are in lower are competent, yet this is also doomed to fail as no monarch is immortal.
The ideal government would be that one who's altruistic enough to give everyone what they want yet strict enought so society doesn't turn into a bunch of good for nothing lazy asses who sit in a chair all day.
I could go on on this for quite a few paragraphs but I'm on phone right now.
My only reason for believing in my ideology is that understanding the basics of human nature and nature itself (the 20%-80% rule) plus seeing the current state of the world it makes sense that something like that could work fine.

>If You could replace(..)

I would probably just fuck everything up if I put my hands on such power, so I don't know. Maybe if I could stick all the people that are toxic to society in one big place until we find something to do about them so I can concentrate on making the rest of society understand the importance of their acts in the society to slowly push them into the right path where they obey the rules willingly, and respect each other, understanding that doing such is extremely relevant to ensure that society works so they don't have to worry.

>On a realistic level(..)

It would take an extreme set of events for me to do such, a very rare set of events.
Yet i cannot help but fight for what i believe, if not proven wrong, I would indeed do die for my beliefs.
Me a middle aged Anarchist Pacifist and have been that way since the age of 12. In understandable terms that means I think that war and violence never resolve problems and the fascist democracies we have at the moment cause more harm than good. However my favourite bit of philosophy is the S.C.U.M manifesto. Not because I like the violence but because I think people should act as individuals not as groups. Stirner made this argument but he is much harder to follow.
Violence does solve things tho
It's like rock papper scissors.
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Give one example in history where a violent act solved an issue? WW2 is more than 70 years ago and it still has not solved disputes. Only last year did Japan finally take more responsibility for comfort women and then they were told to fuck themselves by the ordinary Koreans. WW2 failed to resolve anything.

If I would change one thing in my country, it would be that Government student loans are no longer given out freely for anyone. Instead I'd replace it with a system that assessed the earnings potential for a graduate of the program, and deny or grant loans based on the ability to pay it back.

60k for a genders study degree? When they just get starbucks and bartending jobs. fucking nope. The universities will have to rethink their tuition fees, departments, and staff.

1) Shit programs will be empty until they drop the prices. When they do, graduates won't have to complain about the crippling pressures of capitalism.
2) Hard stop on inflating tuitions.
3) Accessability to all programs for all people.
4) Firing useless SJW teachers due to lack of funding.
5) Reemphasis on STEM because it will be profitable for the Universities.
I never went to university as even though I had a place at LSE I knew I would be a lazy degenerate. My earning potential in my school days was zero. Most teachers during the Thatcher years told their students that they would amount to nothing. Yet now I am semi-retired and may never work properly again as I have no need to. It would be very speculative to attribute earning potential to a degree course.
A good example would be the pension age in the U.K. If you compare 2012 data for life expectancy with 2014 it gives a ten year difference in when they need to raise it to 68. 2014 data is less encouraging for age than 2012. Trends are very hard to get right even with data two years apart. I imagine a degree forecast would need to be predicting at least ten years ahead.

i like fascism. that or i would have to settle to Hoppean libertarianism

in the mid-80's marcoslandia became a dysfunctional democracy after Cory Aquino won, and then it all went downhill. Degeneracy and nepotism was rampant, commie and moslem rebels infested the countryside and then the general population decided that going overseas for employment is for the best, so a massive brain drain is still ongoing.

i did not participated in the general elections last year because of my strong disbelief in democracy, but witnessing duterte becoming the commander-in-chief, the inevitable salt mining of libshits, the mass killings of criminals, and the hot money flooding in is at least very entertaining.

there are stories here that your Imperial Army had to employ koreans and chinese prisoners to be soldiers, and that they were the ones who did the war crimes
I think the root cause of degeneracy and "liberated women" is contraception. With the planned parenthood clinics of the 1920s you get the Weimar Republic collapse partly due to, in my opinion, sexual indulgence becoming a safer "life choice", because of condom availability.

Archived at: https://archive.is/54Zc4

People like to blame a conspiracy as the origin, but I think conspiracies ride on the back of pragmatic things. A meme can't be forced it flows with a relevant event/opportunity. I think conspiracies do also.

The same situation occurred again in the 1960s after The Pill became available. Nature has not evolved us to have sex without the "risk" of pregnancy. Furthermore if your society doesn't have children it economically will collapse as the population ages.

Logic suggests to me that contraception needs to be regulated in some way. I know this sounds horrible. I would consider taxing contraception to smooth out fertility rates in society. When baby rates are too low raise the contraception tax.

This obviously causes other problems such as the poor then making more children. I don't have a full answer.

Perhaps rather than a tax just make contraception harder to obtain when baby rates are too low. But then you have black markets.

I think risk free sex makes society give higher priority to sensations and emotions over intellect and pragmatism, because the former is so instant and the other is hard work.

This then might be the centre of the Left vs Right battle.

Hitler was partly a rebellion against Weimar and so it's no surprise that "meme" fits well today as we approach demographics issues caused by The Pill (and abortion).
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The Japanese were was criminals. Plenty of evidence for that including several Japanese soldiers admitting to having to eat each other at gun point. During any war the degeneracy of both sides is horrible. The US for reasons never explained allowed war criminals from Japan and Germany to live and move to America. JD Salinger (Catcher Author) actually Married a Nazi so she could get a visa. He was collecting intelligence. He remained a recluse for many years inviting young girls to his house to fuck them. Yet still his writing is considered something amazing. Pedo Nazi sympathiser but still in most English curriculum.

also i sympathize with NatSoc germans and japs, considering that they lost the (((Second World War))) by sheer brute force.

>have this pic btw

Classical liberalism/minarchism
The hoppean strain of libertarianism has a lot of truth to it. American Founding Fathers themselves agreed that there can be no liberty without bloodshed from time to time; any extremism which is aimed at changing the nature of a libertarian, minarchist state must be supressed whenever it gains revelancy and power big enough to influence said state. I have no quarrel with the followers of any other ideologies, even commies, as long as their aim is to establish themselves outside of the libertarian state and live in peace with it. However any attempt to, or open incitement of a change within the state itself should be regarded as treason domestically or prelude to an act of war should it come from abroad, and individuals involved in it should be rewarded with a helicopter ride.

>replace/change of govt

Poland is not fit for a libertarian order; the people are still recovering both mentally and genetically from the crushing evils brought upon it by communism. It is for that reason that I consider myself an american patriot, as the US was founded on the same values I believe in, and I plan to move there eventually. Could I change the US government in any way, I would be most happy to preserve it as it was around 1900's, with no privately owned central bank and minimal possible federal influence in state affairs. The only real changes I'd like to introduce would be increased safeguarding against passing laws which are in any contradiction to the constitution.

>would you be willing to fight and die for your views?

Not as the world is now. There is little to die for as it is; the people are vastly for government intrusion in private life, there are no real minarchist countries left with the US being a corporatist monster as it is, and the movements which aim to change that are not at a point where physical fighting is in any way necessary. I hope to live up to the words "I am what is necessary to preservation of liberty" - and as it is I see no necessity to be a warrior. Should the opportunity arise to establish something good and lasting for me to believe in and be proud of, I'd be first in line with all the resources I could spare for the cause.
Gotta bust out the redpills now
War crimes weren't alloed in the reich iirc, unless you count the murder or partisans.
Look closely at the left glove here, see a knuckle poking out of the glove?
They had hd colour (albeit a different standard) recording back then, why couldn't they have Photoshop?
Also girls are gross
War crimes can be more than just holocaust. Japanese soldiers ate human flesh. The prime-minister after the war was actually a gangster black marketeer and only escaped being hanged because of US intervention. He then spent the rest of his life getting money direct from the CIA to create a government completely at the bidding of the US. Anyway this is my bit of pasta.
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My personal ideology is that we all go to the same place when we die. Therefore, it is in my best interest to make friends, so that when I die, I will not be alone.

I have a vision that somewhere in heaven, Bob Ross is sitting on a mountaintop, teaching Adolf Hitler to paint.

On the other hand, since we all go to the same place, killing someone is inherently meaningless - you will just see them again when you die (if both of you so choose to meet, anyway). If you feel the need to explain your actions to them, nothing is stopping you from trying, and nothing will force them to listen to you, either.

>Change a government

I would glass all of the Middle East, and hand over control to China in exchange for access to oil. Within 20 years, I guarantee that humanity would become a spacefaring civilization afterward.

>Defending my views

As they say in The Good, The Bad, And the Ugly - "If you're going to shoot, shoot, don't talk." The reverse is also true - if you are trying to communicate with someone, don't try to backstab them. It undermines all of your efforts, and makes you a jackass.

If I find myself talking with someone, I determine what our common ground is, and identify the actual problem that we have between each other. If our problems are irreconcilable, then we should part ways. If the opposing party attempts to use force…then total war is the only option.
Violent acts solved the disputes for all of those that died. Not the best resolution, of course, but you can't deny that logic.

In the future, some kind of immortality may become possible. An immortal, benevolent king may become the ultimate government.

My bet is that such a system would turn out like Warhammer 40k, though.
Spooky, i dont know much about the jap side of ww2, but with the revisionists on the german front, im a bit skeptical on japanese war crimes. Post more info please
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>hand over control to China
Anon, you might want to rethink that. Never trust the chinks. Don't even trust them to backstab you, they might fuck this up too if they weren't paid enough.
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I think that existing after we die has sufficient circumstantial evidence that it is best to not be an asshole too.

It disturbs me greatly that humanity spends so much money on tech to kill when those same technical abilities could have us in space already.

The internet is a unrecognised force for changing humanity completely. Our ideologies are going to compete in countless conversations (and hopefully less and less real conflicts).

It makes me happy that the military will waste resources on meme warfare where in the past that effort otherwise might have gone into physical harm.

The internet will continue to bind us and mix our ideas and burn away the bullshit ideas. Especially more so as real-time language translation becomes useful.
Start here, this is ghastly
The question you need to ask is why the US were so happy to give these people immunity. The Russians did not, the British went and hanged hundreds of Germans but the US were a lot nicer. Was it because the war was never a thread to their homeland. Yes soldiers died but comparative civilian death was very low. Even military death was low. However is it possible that history will repeat and will the US after fighting a war take with open arms people they at one time said were evil. Or do they already do that?
Pearl Harbor changed the US from isolationists to "world police". That transition made them seek all tech and knowledge they could leverage. And the lack of US destruction allowed them to leverage that tech and knowledge. The US had no morals, the nukes were just its version of the chimp out.

No one was the good guys.
The nukes were on behalf of the English. Churchill had an agreement to give scientific information and allow the US to develop the bomb far away from Germany. The `special relationship` also extended to them both agreeing on target and use before deployment. Essentially the two bomb drops were just as much a British choice as a US one. Though the British government seems to have conveniently taken zero blame. I think the US delayed joining the war so they could concentrate on a bomb un-impeded. Pearl Harbour changed that a bit. Japan was bombed mainly because they had no way of knowing if it would work and if they had dropped the bombs on Germany there would have been a chance the Germans could have retro-made a bomb. They had the science and ability.
People should not that since WW2 both US and UK politicians will mention `special relationship` when coming into office. Most recently Trump and May both specifically said those words once taking power. It is a code for something but who knows what. I speculate it means they will abide by secret backdoor deals from previous administrations.
>Give one example in history where a violent act solved an issue?

It doesn't happen often but the American revolution and the American Civil War are good examples. It should always be a last resort but when a nation is actively oppressing another nation or even it's own people conflict might be the only course of action available.
Story of mi General is a pretty compelling example.
I used to be a commie when I was younger, an anarcho-punk, and realized I was just another brick in the wall.

Right wing/nationalist. All social bullshit, and anti-establishment is just kike propaganda.

>What is your personal Ideology?
most people would consider me a fascist, not to be confused with NatSoc. in truth I consider myself a nationalist libertarian.
essentially I believe the nation state exists to serve as a shield to protect the citizens of a nation from foreign influence. The fewer powers the government has the better, however the government must have the power to interact with foreign governments on behalf of the populace. maintaining a military, and restricting immigration must be reserved powers of the government.
in regards to civil matters the government should act only to preserve the NAP. I feel congress is ultimately unnecessary, and inefficient. the government should consist of an authoritarian executive and his advisers restricted only by a written constitution. judges should be lifetime positions, however they are determined through popular vote of eligible voters. to be eligible to vote you must either serve in the military, or pay taxes (pic related). taxation is a modified flat tax with a flat deduction for all citizens, if the deduction is more than your liability you owe nothing, the government does not give you money ever.


>If You could replace/change…

If i could change the government of this country I would change it to what I outlined above. If i had to pick one item though it would be the flat tax idea. a flat tax is objectively the most fair form of taxation, and taxation is a necessary evil for a functioning government. redistribution of wealth is literally socialism and is wrong on a moral level. nobody has the right to say who "deserves" money that someone else earned

>On a realistic level…

I will spend my free time advocating for my beliefs in any forum I can, and attempting to educate the population regarding politics in general. government only works when the people are actively engaged.
I will not however result to violence to promote my ideas, such authoritarian behavior was the mistake of the great nationalist movements of the last century and is why nationalism is demonized today.
the only time a person has the right to resort to violence against another is to protect them self or their family, this is the essence of the NAP.
Arguably property tax from land could be considered a fairer tax (and cheaper to collect) than a flat income tax.

The existence of an income tax necessitates monitoring of the peoples' financial history, most if not all purchases and sales and other factors. It may easily be avoided by merely not declaring a part of the income; investigation into that is time consuming and expensive, and all known ways to make it cheaper (alas never less time consuming) require massive amounts of paperwork, often causing stealth-regulations (we're not introducing a regulation, just a new bureaucratic method!). All this can be avoided by abolishing any and all income and sales taxes. Oh, and by the way - taxing income is by definition a counter-incentive to productivity, unless said productivity takes place in the gray area.


Meanwhile a land tax would be based off of paperwork already necessary for the existence of a state (division of ownership of the state-protected/state-owned lands) making it leagues cheaper. It incentivizes land-owners to either develop their land so they may not lose out on it, or sell it to those who would. Those who do not intend on developing their land are forced to have a productive input into society, causing a beneficial distribution of land within society. Let those taxes be charged by three different entities (In a state-federation kind of a state like the US); the federal state, the local state, and the local city/parish/whatever you call that unit. It allows for a level of localized, rather than centralized taxation correspondent to the spending of local government, promoting better ways of governing through a price-like tax system. Everybody wins. There's also a moral argument to be made for that, seeing as the state exists on a certain territory, rather than within certain people (since citizens residing abroad do not pay taxes by default), making the authority of state taxing the people none, while the authority of the state taxing the land equal to that of a community landlord or a steward.
2928 4649
Is the (user was nuked for this post) just a mod fucking with the guy, or does this mean that he was banned? Because if it's the latter then I strongly disapprove. The user was clearly stating his positions in good faith and not trolling, even if he was left of center. We need to keep out insincere trolls, but we don't need to make this our own padded room by banning people for disagreeing

2929 4649
Just fucking with the guy. As far as I am aware there have been no bans
2936 4649
If that's the case then it's a funny joke
## Admin
I'm glad you like it
Fallout equestria.jpg
>Dealing with a corrupt Chinese official vs. an ideologue from Israel/Pakistan.

A corrupt Chinese official can be bought, and in recent practice, this is often the case.

I'd rather deal with someone who can be bought rather than some Zionist/terrorist who REFUSES to have a price on their goals. They want X, and they'll kill everyone to get it.

One of these can be bargained with, and I'd rather deal with them.
Deus vult.png
National socialist, the way I see it people are only truly good and selfless whenever they have something to believe in. When you're working towards the betterment of something greater then yourself you tend to be nicer towards your fellow man, more likely to go accomplish things, and be less selfish. At the same time you have to be realistic and realize that everyone still wants to better themselves and not be stuck in the same position forever (cough cough communism). I see national socialism as the perfect way to balance both personal freedoms and human imperfection. I would lay my life on the line to fight for my white brethren any day of the week. I love yoou guys so much and I just want us to have our own happy place free of Normans, Jews, and other undesirables
Looking at it this way you're right, but in the long term the chinks are more destructive. They destroyed 80% of sealife in their national seas and since there's no fish there anymore they started fishing on international waters. They pump out enough environmental pollution and waste that they fill the quota of all the organisations limiting them, for all the countries in the world all at once and they still have more to spare. They build shoddy ghost cities just so their GDP stays high. I'd rather deal for thirty years with bloodthirsty pests who won't ever become a real threat on any scale beyond local because they keep killing each other, than with a behemoth of corruption which will turn the land more uninhabitable than the immediate surroundings of the Fukushima reactor.
I'm a minarchist right-libertarian. I believe the state should ideally only be used to take care of thefts, rapists, killers, and terrorists, but I'm realistic enough to realize that in the short term it's preferable to keep some of the current programs in place so society can adjust.

Abolishing the Presidency and enforcing the Constitution would probably be a good place to start.

I'd be willing to fight in proportion to how severe the violation of freedom is.
I considered a property based system, however I think that voting privileges should be reserved for those who pay taxes, because they have "skin in the game". by restricting taxation to only land owners the system would also restrict voting to only land owners. while this may not be a bad idea, it quickly becomes essentially feudalism, and marginalizes non property owners who are otherwise valuable members of society
If you have the option to step away from conflicts, and give yourself some breathing space, take it.

Like I mentioned in the first post - if we weren't fighting wars, and had stable trade relations, we'd probably be in space already. Once we get into space, governments on Earth are moot. What are they going to do to you when you are 10 light years away? Nag you?
Do not restrict voting on this basis then. If you want a tax-based political privilege system you may divide people into active and passive citizens as was done many times in history - with passive being the ones that do not pay taxes and get to vote, but not hold any positions, while active being the ones that pay taxes and in turn may hold office. With an ideologically sound constitution that would make it extremely hard to transition into a feudalist-like system.
I am personally in favour of a different measure as either addition to that or a standalone in our current model of society, namely giving political privilage based on voting history. If you decide not to vote but once, you are considered non-interested in voting and scrapped from the voter base. You may return back into it after a petition and a waiting period about as long as a single term. Specifics are subject to change. This way we can weed out the politically uninterested and easily swayed by propaganda out of the voterbase of society without distinguishing anyone based on attained wealth.
And lastly, to allow those disinterested in holding land to hold office/obtain active political rights, a simple "political fee" of sorts may be established, which would equal the average land costs of a small, single hourse property.

The ultimate point I'm trying to make is that there are many ways - some of which were tried to various ends in history - in which we may fix the problems presented by a land-based tax system. The financial, bureaucratic and information gathering problems presented by an income-based system are however entirely unavoidable.
As I see it, because of the nature of the Chinese state, conflict with them is unavoidable and inaction will only make either the conflict or it's aftermath worse. This is no simple conflict as the ones happening in the middle east. I would prefer not to strengthen such a toxic (quite literally as it is) enemy in any way; if you want other options, even Russia would make for a better steward of the middle east.

Peace is wishful thinking. As destructive as wars are, someone always earns because of them and those will to their best for the war to stay.
Geopolitics in space stage are pure speculation. We may yet see something unexpected happen then.
I would rather consider what is or what is possible within near future, than what might be or is somewhat likely IF something else was otherwise.
Count down.png
All I know is I have an Impossible Ideology. Centralism has always been my thing. A bit from the left, a bit from the right but not over blown representation of either.

I was wondering about that too, I've been seeing things like "user was hugged for this post" etc and thought it was funny, but was seriously hoping people weren't getting banned for innocuous posts. It's a clever thing to do, I like it.
There's a banlist at the top of the page now. You can always check that if you're worried about board culture.
you make a good point. fundamentally I think the important thing is to restrict voting to those who are actively engaged in the political scene.
one of the main weaknesses to democracy throughout history has been apathetic, easily manipulated voters. take ancient rome for example: towards the end senators would gain popular support by openly paying random citizens to vote for them.
as i mentioned in my last post I can see the merit in using property as the primary mode of taxation, especially given that motivates property owners to develop their land productively.
however I still feel that because politics, especially on a local scale, essentially amounts to decisions about how to allocate public funds.
my reasoning is that only people who have contributed to those funds should be allowed to have a say in how they are spent. Also, because military service members contribute to the nation in a more direct way, regardless of whether or not they pay taxes, their voting rights should be preserved.
to prevent politics from being dictated by the rich, I would propose a sort of "opt-in" method, by which a person can choose to pay any amount of taxes even if they owe none to gain a vote. voting is either eligible, or ineligible, it doesn't matter if you pay 1 dollar, or a million. 1 vote per taxpayer
Ideologies by default are bad and ineffective to fill their purpose.

This is because ideologies get corrupted over time via changed environment, technology and language. More vaguely ideology is worded branches exponential amount of ways to interpret it.
More true for purely philosophy derivated ideologies.

Language is big problem also as words get abstracted differently from one human to another. Sure there are definitions for words in dictionary, but it doesn't affect everyday usage and regional differences. Every word has different abstractions from mind to mind.
This is why specifically in laws there is accompanied dictionary that defines how exactly word are meant to be interpreted.

Ideologies are generally made by single human. When that person dies, accurate way of that ideology is lost and corruption starts.
Religions are best example of this as their holy text are usually from time when most complex thing was simple mathematics, engineering and metallurgy. So their points are heavily written from standpoint of that time and idiocy level of people then.
Islam is fun on its own as it has dictated lot of internal strife because of ways to see it. Relatively most hardcore believers are even more idiotic compared to "sane" person now than thousand(s) years ago.

Saying "you can't kill ideology" is plain idiotic as either ideology in question is made by blindsided narrow-minded idiot for similar idiots and gets adopted by whoever thinks it fits. In these cases it's usually just overblown idea and not really ideology.
In most of other cases that ideology isn't even "alive", but only it's bastardized / obsolete versions.

Because to fully understand ideology you need to understand everything from when it was made and of one who made it. Then there is need to map changes in those to current day and see if it can even legitimately hold in current world.
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>>7586 cont.

Now to problems of some national/ global level ideologies/ systems.

Communism isn't designed for humans as humans don't have definitive role from birth, lack hivemind, have stimulus launched chemical reactions (aka. feelings) in brains that affect perception and that persons role to fullfil in communism, are independet and also no human is equal.
Also with humans defaults to have corruption higher you go in hierarchy.

Idiots vote idiots then cry when idiots that got voted try to implement things with lack of knowledge and personal bias. Democracy cannot fix itself.
Also has corruption but not on same levels as communism.

Everything has value model isn't that bad, but how it has been implemented in today's world is badly or not designed at all. Current system generates only deficit and gathers money to those who started using system early. Worlds first and most long running pyramid scheme.
Corrupted from start to finish.

Free Market:
Free Market is really nice idea, but impossible to fully implement due to current currency and taxation systems.

You have good leader, everything goes well. You have bad leader, everything goes shit. Not really lasting form of goverment.
Under good leader corruption is restricted to low and mid tiers and may not be so apparent. During bad leader whole thing is corrupted on all levels.
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>>7625 cont.

And now to personal brainfarts what i see would be better working systems, not perfect as there are no perfect systems when humans are involved because that means idiots are involved.

Education seeded Democracy:
As voters are big group and there is no way to create categories to let some to vote and some not, only way is to work with those that are being voted on.
University level education program with different courses for foreign policies and domestic policies. In there what is being taught is current state of nation in question and how different systems work possibly down to physics. This way ones getting educated start to specialize to certain part of governing. Be it agriculture, industry, peacetime security and what not.
On foreign side some of same stuff, but mostly focus is how stuff is done elsewhere. Also both sides receive courses in logical and abstract thinking and problem solving.

This is made with academic circles. Then people vote on those who have graduated. All private advertising by those being voted on is prohibited and there is shared platform for all information / material they want to give for election. Also all have guaranteed screen time and debating.

Then what changes is that when someone gets voted he/she stays there by default as long as before either there is proper fuck up or someone else tries to get elected to that spot and succeeds.
Payment is changed to reflect nations average pay with multiplier depending how long job has been done. For example if nations average pay is 3000 then one that has been doing elected government job for 5 years receives 1.5 times that resulting 4500 per month.

On municipal level this education isn't needed and there it's still loud idiots for idiots.

All religious views are banned from government.

Also structural changes to actual government may be needed.

So to say this system tries to negate idiocy levels at least partially.

I will after some sleep continue with taxation, public services, etc…
Finland has done his homework and is going for extra credit.
Ahhhhh, I found you boys again after wandering 12 days in the dark. It's very nice to be back.

As far as politics, I think a skeletal national government with strong local governing groups would be very good.
>Free Market is really nice idea, but impossible to fully implement due to current currency and taxation systems.
Care to elaborate? Because that seems like a pretty insignificant downside, especially when even in your next post you say that "structural changes to government may be needed" even to act on your own ideas which are mild modifications of current reality.

Promoting state education is possibly the worst thing to do - look anywhere in the world to see how that works. Elementary schools teach little else than reading and writing, high schools are dumbed down to the point of obsolescence and universities have taken over their place, with propaganda added wherever there is opportunity for it. State education was a mistake.
7918 8178
>Free Market is really nice idea, but impossible to fully implement due to current currency and taxation systems.
I'm going to have to disagree on this one. It's definitely a nice idea but in my experience, unrestricted free market seems to lead to one of two outcomes in a mature marketplace:
1. One competitor gains an advantage in the market and leverages its advantage to control production and distribution, eventually leading to a monopoly and stifling new competition.
2. Multiple corporations become deadlocked in a hyper-competitive market. This is definitely is the most advantageous outcome for the consumer and the economy as a whole, as prices are kept low and innovation continues at a slow but steady pace. The problem arises when new competition is kept out of the marketplace by the impossibility of competing with mature corporations with well established and massive supply lines.
Tesla trying to break into the auto industry is a good example of this. With all of the genius and money Elon Musk could muster, it's increasingly looking like Tesla will end up as just another niche automaker.

>Then what changes is that when someone gets voted he/she stays there by default as long as before either there is proper fuck up or someone else tries to get elected to that spot and succeeds.
I'm not sold on this idea either. It sounds extremely susceptible to being abused by somebody that's built up a cult of personality. All you have to do is look to the US Senate to see what kind of mess this leads to.
Term limits are terrible when they force an effective leader out but without them I don't have any doubt Obama would be a lifelong President.
You are assuming that in the free market big corporations have any control over the market. Let me assure you that the current situation in the US has nothing to do with a fully free market - the amount of legal restrictions, regulations, is the greatest blockade on competition one could imagine, short of just establishing socialism. For example, to introduce a new car model into the market you need extensive tests of the model - including a crash test, repeated ten times. If there were no regulations to block people with low starter capital from establishing new businesses all the control a monopoly had over distribution and production would come to nothing; since as soon as the monopolist were to increase price above the lowest possible level it would open a window of opportunity for competitors. Keeping the price as low as possible would be the only safe bet for the monopoly to prevail. Increasing it would provoke competition to arise, and besides competition - the more expensive goods are the less are people willing to buy. Therefore usually keeping the price low is also a very economical thing to do as it increases consumption.
While I do agree that over-regulation hurts innovation and competition in the long run, something like meeting government regulations is a small drop in the bucket compared to the actual start-up costs for something like an automobile.
For example, an average Toyota has ~30,000 parts that need assembled. Even if you built massive factories that could churn out 60 different parts a piece, you'd still need to build around 500 new plants. Add to this building storage facilities and testing grounds along with the sheer cost of the raw materials needed and the cost of setting up means of transportation and there's just no way a start-up company can crack the market.
1. Our government is incompetent. Good thing I have voting rights now.
2.I am a right-leaning librrtarian, I support the current economic system of the west, I support constitutional republics. Not much to say about the why, I like to leave and be left alone and the current system works well if the representatives are chosen wisely.
That Politics Simulator thing
Please note that no car manufacturer produces all parts for their cars. They are merely the ones who design and assemble the cars, most actual production is from their contractors, other companies which agree to sell them customized products in massive quantities.

A startup would naturally not build all those plants - the only scenario in which a new company would need to create all of that themselves, rather than buy parts from already existing manufacturers, is one in which all worldwide production of all car parts and all similar manufactures which could produce substitutes belongs exclusively to a single owner, and said owner is unwilling to sell. If that were the case we should be more preoccupied with preventing said owner from using his private navy and nuclear arsenal to conquer earth, rather than convincing him to sell his products to new companies. Consider that in the history of the Earth there were exactly two natural monopolies, (there was a study conducted on that, unfortunately I didn't save the link but I'll look for it if you want me to) and all other monopolies were created through the use of legal force - monarch's decrees, governmental regulations and the like. The odds of a natural monopoly of this size appearing and prevailing in the free market are comparable with the odds that we create a portal to Equestria within the next 50 years. Ergo, monopolies in the free market are a non-issue.

And considering how afraid people are of them it would take a single Pitchfork-and-Torches salesman and a bit of simple demagoguery in order to turn the consumers against the monopolists and ruin the monopoly. Don't tell me that people won't survive without the services of the monopoly - as long as they own any amount of land they can live off of it with ease.
I'm back in severely intoxicated state so there will will be major typos but i will try to keep context still somewhat consistent.

Disclaimer: All what i have written and i'm going to write are from my generic Finnish stand point and no idea i present would not straight up work with any other country without minor or major modifications or time to get any starting point needed to implement these. As i wrote about understanding past ideologies, same applies to current ideas about governmental systems because depending who is writing and from where dictates original point of view and then there needs needs to be translation to one'system, viability checks, etc… Everything to keep logic intact, think that every nation is lego board with different set of pieces sticking out of it and presented ideas would need certain style of sticking out blocks to even nearly fit.

I will next go through my monetary system / taxation system changes and what they try to accomplish regarding free market -> see >>7910 case 2

About staying in power problem, i hope sufficient answer will come when i reach changes in overall education needed to sustain this system.


Crash tests and such aren't really unneeded as they force certain guaranteed safety level. But what is retarded is unneeded features made mandatory in cars, for example half first manual lights, then fully automatic lights and now half automatic lights where your front lights lights and dashboard light up with ignition but switch turns on your rear lights. Of course on safety side there are similar unnecessary tidbits that are made just on basis that majority will lose their ability to drive properly (and at that point we will be in sorry state).

Also my ideas aren't designed to implement them straight up and work. My own mental emulation in full feature set would require even in good case at least 3 generations.

So this all is written in sense i wouldn't even be there to see them finally work if they were started and kept to be finished and improved.

But let's see what continuation of farts brings out…
>>7665 cont.

Next ones are interwined with each other and so they invidially seem full of holes, also im writing about their base sets without needed layers to exist or work with existing models.
Also after this there needs to be separate section for how this crap even could keep running in relatively stable matter.

Money/Currency/Banking/Account Systems:

In current systems you give money to bank for guarantee for them to pay it for you when you need it. What really happens isn't that money would sit in bank, but it's used in nonstop idiotic game for
making money straight from money through stock markets, currency conversions and loan shenenigans. Also has false inflation/deflation as floating money systems don't have base for true (in/de)flation and still people are treating it as base based currency type of (in/de)flation.

So in floating currency system there is truely no inflation and perceived one is caused by need/greed/currency value shenenigans. Also when releasing more money to market, what causes inflation and value drop isn't because of money coming to market, but how it was distributed and sent to market.
Because of this most used system is now never ending loan chain where money actually has it's value already tied to future deficit. So when new money is introduced, it's already under loaned condition that causes eventually all due's to gather somewhere and cause problems.

Now what my system tries to accomplish:
Amount of money in system doesn't matter because it is just tool to give relative value between things.
Doesn't have constant fluctuation of value between similar systems (i.e multiple countries implement same style system).
Shared control system between similar systems.
For value change between similar systems, there is controlled (in/de)flation like tools.
Fully electronic system without physical currency.

So this system is part of bigger electornical system for country.

Base level national system: (practically i wan't to create electronical framework for country. i will more fully explain this at somepoint because there are fuckton of human errors to deal with it).
Internally fully automated population registry.
Addon for invidual to authenticate itself to system.

Monetical accounts:
In this system money system and accounts are ripped from banks to national level and tied to base system. With this what is achieved is that money that person has, sits there and is not being silently used in anyway.
In most basic form it's nothing more than basic account to keep track how much money one has and having basic input / output tools.
People can either access this system on their own or use bank for it as banks in this system can use their existing infrastructure for account managing via contract and offer more end user friendly interface. But still bank has no right to use money from accounts they have management contract with for their own gain.

Companies and other nonperson moneycirculating entites will be gone through later how they sit into here.

Overall system will throw lot to trash what makes up current "market system".
>>9418 cont.

Nations Taxation and Budget model:

Current state:
Budget is made annually with tweaks on the way and then its either set to allocate certain amount of funds to certain functions at certain points of the year or allocates all the funds at start.
This is because if government has big enough buffer funds, it can allocate all funds immediately and leave circulation to fill buffer.
But in most cases there is not this kind of buffer and allocation happens through a year from ongoing circulation. At this point traditional system starts to get unstable.
In final mode government needs to start taking in loans, making system completely unsustainable and unstable.Then only options are to either to wrangle as much taxes from circulation, usually leading even more unstable situation and overall quality of life drop of citizens or try to somehow boost circulation to gain more with existing taxation set.

Circulation itself, well needs circulation. So if money doesn't move there are no taxation gains. Either there is no money to move or it's being saved. Yep, saving actually is what system doesn't support and because of this, even if rich people pay more taxes, they usually still have huge net gain in their funds making money unusable to market and so on to taxes.

Then to fart:
What i'm scheming isn't circulation based system for taxation, it's insert / remove system. Meaning that nations don't have governmental buffers at all, all money is generated and taxation exists to remove it. So there actually isn't unstability or crashes due to funds running out.
Also my system has smell from both socialism and capitalism. These will be in hard way separated and socialist side feeds money to capitalistic side. Basically all governmental side is socialistic model due to money generating nature of system. Which then seeps to capitalistic circulation and market side where remove taxes reside.

Because this system is heavily automated and it's money generating nature, first systems to implement along side is heavy-duty corruption sniffer / analyzer, because it's still ultimately humans who make contracts and handle money. So more power you have with governmental ability to pay, bigger fucking camera is watching your back every time you authorize / make transactions or receive them (if they are from source where you should not normally receive anything).

But the hard part is to where to remove it. Current system has legacy inflation fear from gold-based currencies. And as i said earlier, why the fuck floating system should care how much of it exists as it's just to give relative value to things and not even have straight direct value itself, all that really happens is that some grand level bullshitter from fifties croaks that there is now too much money and then banks start currency exchange / rate shitshow, which leads to companies ramp their prices due to inherited loan nature of money, leading to burning market.
Without that asshole(s) screeching somewhere there is only natural greed/ need in play. Someone somewhere want's more money and prices are ramped up here and there, but overall it's just slow paced change. Need part being that incoming funds can't keep company floating, so it needs to raise prices. Usually greed asshole is what starts wheel to turn from start.

So atleast there needs to be education and attitude change towards money.

Next is time to start on how this system rolls.
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Going with being mostly a Nat-Soc, I like the idea. Although I also have my own set of personal beliefs that arent necessarily anchored down by that ideology.
anti raid bump
Spent time to quick learn c++ because i got fed up with limitations of C#.

But i have few questions…

First of all, does anyone find my text blocks interesting at all so far?

Second, if so or not, should i continue it here in already started style or rewrite, structure it in bit more user friendly way and start another thread with it? (This spawns another problem i could share my mind on, regarding built-in problems in all languages used by humans (well, all languages used by animals that are able to abstract (in enough complex way so there can be differences in that abstraction from individual to individual) surrounding world and relay information based on it)).

Third. Reasons of answers for first two.

Yes at first means support, second means if i should continue it here in random style or new thread after i restyle everything i have written so far and continue it from there. Or just stop.

With no answers in certain undefined time i will just continue it as is.

As i can't judge if it fits here or not as it's not really ideology but description of logical model of whole economical (partly started but so far badly explained and needs repairing) / political restructuring (lot to explain here, partly touched on) and it's intended outcomes (when it gets there)
I think questions about Monetary philosophy merit their own thread
I'm sure I missed something but where in the text did it say Jews were involved? Forgive me for my retardation.
I can do this too weebs