>>241814Not so fast. Anonymity in Riot depends of who is hosting the server. So, any Joe can eventually to host a honeypot.
>>241816Could mlpol host a riot server?
You think the government cares so much about your useless fantasies about a revolution that they would make honeypot Discords? Face it: the status quo is great and people don't want to change it. It is good that Jews rule over is because Judaism is morally superior to amoral paganism.
I don't use discord for the aforementioned reasons and because I generally think it destroys chan culture. I've seen so many threads just die because all the talk moves to discord. After that the only people that ever go back on the chan threads are just there to shit talk each other anonymously and stoke up drama that non discord users are completely ignorant of.
>inb4 muh sekret club
What do we need a diskike server for if we have an entire imageboard?
>Face it: the status quo is great
Go Fuck Yourself,Faggot.
>It is good that Jews rule over is because Judaism is morally superior to amoral paganism.
Judaism is superior to nothing, Go play in traffic.
>>241830>I've seen so many threads just die because all the talk moves to discord.This. It happens literally every single time, everyone says "Well, we won't be like that" but it happens anyway. Folks like being recognised by other folks, gives them a big old dopamine hit when they are, and you don't usually get that from an imageboard. Discord is the cancer killing
/b/ /mlpol/. I really hope none of you are like the drooling retards who think Discord groups for imageboards are a good idea, right?
>>241882Can confirm, joined a discord for a certain type of thread and never went into that kind of thread again. Now, I'm pretty sure the thread doesn't exist anymore and that one discord has dissolved into three different ones with none of them holding the spirit of the OG thread. Only (you) can prevent dying threads, and only through keeping them on-site only.
>>241811The big problem with Chan culture on instant messenger groups is it becomes a game of posting quick so the topic isn't moved on from that
So instead of writing full responses to questions, you instead get a quick "Lol yeah". Discussion also gets spread over a whole chat log where it gets hard for someone to scroll through and find all the points and responses someone makes. Overall it makes discussion shit and turns everyone into meme shitposters who now talk behind everyone's back about each other since now they aren't just random anons and can be judged
So no let's not make an /mlpol/ discord or join any discord that may already claim to be that since it's the one thing that kills discussion
>>241811discord is like the holocaust of chan culture
>>241887That would imply that the holocaust is a thing that happened.
>>241889of course those anus gassing machines existed, what are you some kind of anti semite?
I agree with the assessment that Dicksword is NGO Honeypot software. Its controlled by radical furries and full of unironic pedos. Discord was also one of the first companies to buckle under the pressure of political censorship after Charlottesville.
Its no secret that this shitstain of chatting software has slowly but surely been killing chan boards all across the internet. But so far, no one has come up with a solution for that problem, unfortunately. I have heard a big portion of 8chan pol and probably smaller boards has fled to this service. this wont bode well for the future.
I know Riot is a thing, but i dont know how secure it is or who owns it.
>>241893The best solution is just to not use it for what would be image board purposes. You want to game and have fun with the dudes? Use discord. You want a serious discussion and the time to think out a reply before posting it? Use an image board. It's literally that simple, people just don't like practicing self control (myself included, at times).
>>241893I like the idea of a board where your post appears as you type it, kind of like that one campus/pink chan that came here years aggo.
Now, there Is no real solution out of realizing discord is shit, boards are for grown ups as they require patience.
>>241826Thoughts on Israel owning nukes?
>>241957Very telling. Thanks anon.
>>241811>Go on a Discord server>It's nothing but a fuckload of off-topic channels and half a dozen people that know each other talking about random shit that doesn't relate to the actual topic whatsoeverDiscord is worthless for discussion. At most I'd join a Discord for a mod or a game getting developed and only check in once in a while to see if it's gotten any new updates. I don't feel like scrolling through hundreds of pages of asinine banter between attention whores I don't care about. What's that, you joined a server for a streamer? Cool, here's a video game channel, a bot channel, a gay porn channel, a sfw artwork channel, and a "private discussion" channel that the mods will afk sit in for all eternity. What's that, you want to see the channel that posts links to the person's streams and notifies you when they start streaming? Sorry, we don't have one of those.
>everyone here shits on discord
>mlpol still has a discord
discord niggers defend yourselves
>>242117>discord niggers defend yourselvesI am clean and committed to not cooperate with the System.
I don't use Discord, and I don't even use Windows or a smartphone.
>>241830>After that the only people that ever go back on the chan threads are just there to shit talk each other anonymously and stoke up drama that non discord users are completely ignorant of.Saw this too many times already.
>that source code one...oh, it is worst than i thought.