>>239596Surprisingly good episode. One wonders who the writers were
Okay started out 9/10 went to 6/10 in the middle and 7/10 in the end.
Would give it 7/10 overall.
https://www.strawpoll.me/18531592/rMost people rated it higher than me.
Great episode. Actually used character development and still had drama. Actually broke the fourth wall and commented on character development. Discord shows that reality is resting upon chaos! Pony race wars are coming also.
>>239938>spoilerThis is why we need hitler back.
>>239596>spoilerWhat, are they going to die or something?
>>239938>spoiler what are you some kind of fucking commie faggot cunt? don't say that shit around here you fucking idiot, i bet you like the movies you fucking fag, go back to ponychan you starlight shiller
>>239938Oh, I see. Not even here, then. *Sigh* This is why we can't have anything nice without the occasional purge.
*Dons the flammenwerfer*
>>239984>Days without Nigel sperging about his one truest hateboner, Starlight Glimmer: 0Damn, it was nice for a while
>>239995Ponies are allowed.
No exceptions >>239996They may be allowed, but are redditors? Because if I have my germans correct, this guy is also a redditor.
>>239997They are allowed. In the gas chambers
>>239996Have no issues with ponies, no matter the character, but what I have a slight issue with are glimmerfags.
>>240001Yeah, well . . . she deserves punishment for sure. Death? Most likely. But prison for life is something she deserves without question for trying to erase what is an individual representation of each Equine member of the Equestrian Empire and then tampering with timelines. If the writers and Hasbro had any balls to bring back the occasional dark episode in children's cartoon Glimmer would be punished severely. Odd that they dared to write an episode in which a filly was sent to imprisonment in hell and one where Trixie tried to end her life.
>>240003>brit flag>sperging about Glimmer>t. not nigelSorry Nigel, but you are now
>>240006call me Paddy McGee then if you want to give me a name
>>240008Lol no, that's not how this works Nigel
>>240012>implying this is my first rodeo wtf i thought burgers were based
we could have been shitposting in the green glens of Derry about anglos and now we're in pound town shitposting about glimmer and instead of being called a potato nigger i get called nigel number 2
>>240015that's what you get for being an or*ngeman you filthy crypto-scot
>>240030You have to go to Youtube to hear the wise words.
>>240015Any Ally against the Eternal Anglo is welcome here.
>>240185thanks burger, i knew we could always count on you
>>240185>Eternal AngloI never thought about that, but it is a good one.
>>240190The term itself is as old as Empire.
>>240189Ireland belongs to the Irish!
>>240254>>240254but first we must secure the existence of our people and a a future for Irish potatoes,
only then can we put our focus on our white country's cultures and differences and finally make sure everyone is given the land they deserve such as, Kosovo belongs to Serbia, Germany needs it's land given back to them which was taken from them multiple times, northern Ireland needs to be given back to the Irish, Wales and Scotland deserve to be independent and of course England gets nothing but the land they came from because all of their throughout their imperial history from the past 400-500 years has been led through jewish laws and beliefs either directly influenced by the jewish Talmud or indirectly influenced by the Talmud
and they're imperialistic lack of sympathy is like that of the jew and for these reasons our European country's must have extreme laws to prevent the jew from being able to ever make a jewish lead empire like the (((english))) empire from ever existing ever again to prevent the murder of millions of white Europeans done by the jews in the English empire
>>240254>Ireland belongs to the Irish!That is a misplaced statement in time.
>>240266 said, to secure the Irish people's future has local top priority.
I heard that all of Season 9 had been dumped mistakenly by someone at Hasbro (lol) and the content of the episodes has fueled backlash against "Small Jim" Miller. Can anyone verify this?
>>240364I feel empty now.
The show's over. Is the ride over?
>>240467Think of it this way, you'll save time by not writing shitty predictions about the next episode that are later proven wrong and idiotic
>>240467The ride never ends friend.
>>240489Shitty shitty peepee poopoo.
For fuck's sake, can you learn some new adjectives? Not knowing any other ones is shitty.