Stop the Rise of Socialism Socialism is the greatest threat facing America today. Socialism has failed every where it has been attempted yet Socialist operatives like Bernie and AOC are attempting to peddle it to the American people and we won't stand for it.
The greatest threat facing America today is imminent demographic destruction via muttification, and the erosion of you core rights as citizens in the name of (((security))). The rise of socialism is a symptom of that.
>>236354Why? I support heavily taxing the internationalists.
>>236358That's why 8Chan was shutdown.
Stop making two sentence slide threads!
>>236354>Stop the Rise of SocialismC'mon nigger. Tell which social program this MAGA president has dismounted. Or, how many universities have been defunded for their marxist curricula.
None? Das Rite, the true colors are showing from behind the propaganda.
>>236363Implying thats madness,nice try boomer.
>>236632National Socialism isn't real socialism.
It's nationalism x2.
It's called NatSoc to fool dumb socialists into being okay with being stepped on by the big state daddy they've always dreamed of.
Meanwhile the actual humans get to enjoy living under a perpetually nationalist government.
>>236714NatSoc was socialist, just not in a way that marxists can masturbate over. It takes the two good things about socialism (it's not capitalism, and there's at least a theoretical attempt to plan the economy fairly) and then makes some huge compromises with reality. The resulting state's economic policies would no doubt have been called "socialist" by most of today's "right wingers". The charging of interest prohibited, public utilities managed by the state, free healthcare and education for all, as well as guaranteed employment, and any corporation that wanted to remain in Germany had to conform to the party's moral standards (that means no shady shit or fucking over the nation). Complete with low taxes that were only applied to get the people to conform to certain moral standard without outright prohibitions on certain things. The key to NatSoc economics is the prohibition of charging interest; from there the price of everything drops radically and you can suddenly afford to do a lot of things that modern conservatives have deemed "impossible." Of course, the other key to NatSoc economics is that the population was 99% native Germans who were proud of their homeland, so you didn't have shiftless niggers gaming the system.
America will never be a socialist country.
>>236714>>236759 is right. It is socialism, but they don't remove the class system. That is because instead the racial nation unites them. The objective of the state then is to support the nation (German people for example) over the individual (like in capitalism) or the workers (communism). I dislike national socialism because, like other socialist systems it cannot survive in a capitalist world. Just because Hitler didn't care about interest, didn't mean the rest of the world stopped caring. Foreign currency reserves dried up and trade by barter could only work if countries wanted what Germany had to trade. I'm not going to argue if it was Jewish bankers or not perpetuating this system, but the fact remains it is still the same today. I also value individual freedoms, and I don't think a racially based state will garantee freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, and the right to a fair trial. For example, the reichstag fire decree allowed the government to seize private property.
>>236796'murrica is mostly socialist at this point. The "antifa", BLM, and other groups near precisely mirrored the myriad 1914-1919 communist uprisings throughout Europe.