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Random Doomer Thoughts Thread
236140 236142 236143 236159 236168 236202 242827 242834
I go on night walks through my shit city and it gives me time to think. Its like my second shot at meditation a day. I've been thinking for a long while how things have become and I want to write them down and see what others think of them. Maybe make this a regular thing.

Either way tonight I was thinking about sacredness and how its been broken by rationalism. We can understand so much but this understanding has led to a feeling of hopelessness. The more we learn on subjects the more hopeless we all fell. Learn about anything be it redpilled, or just in terms of scientific or philosophic terms leads to a feeling of dread. When you see lightning in the sky or the power of a tornado or earthquake you understand the pure essence of the subject, but when you dissect it you break it down and kill it. I've come to notice this is like a child growing up, things are so much more magical but as you become older your appreciation for those small things that were magical are taken for granted. Maybe its better that we don't lose sight of this, or that we all keep ourselves from learning too much to avoid this. But funny enough it feels like culturally we've become old and have lost complete sight of this sacred essence of being in what we have dissected. That is everything is taught in its components such that nothing can be enjoyed, and that culturally we're taught to seek this out making us all miserable.

Either way I just wish for that ability to see things all as new like I could as a little kid and wish culturally everyone could as well. But it feels like because I already know so much I've already made myself super miserable through my hopeless understanding of where we are and where we are headed. But I don't want to go back to being blue pilled, so how do you even balance these two aspects?
236176 236284
This shill thread is so obvious.
Your hatred is showing and I'm afraid is consuming you badly.
hoers snow.jpg
personally i take night walks in winter but another form of meditation i do when it's not winter is i go to a horse field and spend most of the afternoon there and in the forest next to it and i watch the horses eat grass and i look at the green hills of my country and it's one of the most mentally pleasing things in the world
>does the owner of the horses know you do this?
yes i've talked with him and his wife multiple times
>do you do anything else with the horses?
no i don't do anything lewd because they aren't mine but sometimes i ask the owner or his wife if i can brush them and i brush one of them for an hour just outside the stables and they love it as long as it's not a rough brush i'm using
236176 236284
>its board was shut down by the same (((beings))) that worships
>post /leftypol/ meme
>projects its inner self
>tries to drag to its emotional level the readers
>plenty of feelings, not a rational argument at sight
>rampant neurosis and perhaps psychosis

236158 236284
This shit deserves to be on /ub/ mainly because I know we have tons of redpills and proper morality/spirit raisers.
I know the doom path is the hardest one to get out, but that shouldn't make you give up. You are still alive, you are still young, at the very least you have a roof and a meal on the table everyday.
You only need to get out of the doom routine. Get a job, go to the community college and make a small free course on whatever they teach, get fit or just run for fun.
Listen to 80s rock songs. Watch action or musical movies. Start wearing lively colors.

If you end up at the bottom, you have to crawl yourself out. That is the meaning of inner strenght.
Read carefully what OP wrote and look at the meme posted. OP is mocking /pol/ posters.
What you're experiencing is yet another stage of evolution
>Pic related
Read some books on philosophy, you might wanna start with beyond good and evil from nietzsche or straw dogs from J.Gray.

You're assuming we really know what we are talking about anon, realize everything Is a theory, scientists might explain in our terms how reality works to a certain level using complex systems made by them over the years, yet there is still so much they cant explain and so much we dont know.

What Is rational, anon?
For an ant to explain how a car works, we can study and get a really good idea, yet how much are we missing?
>Pic semi related
>“I have a friend who's an artist and has sometimes taken a view which I don't agree with very well. He'll hold up a flower and say "look how beautiful it is," and I'll agree. Then he says "I as an artist can see how beautiful this is but you as a scientist take this all apart and it becomes a dull thing," and I think that he's kind of nutty. First of all, the beauty that he sees is available to other people and to me too, I believe. Although I may not be quite as refined aesthetically as he is ... I can appreciate the beauty of a flower. At the same time, I see much more about the flower than he sees. I could imagine the cells in there, the complicated actions inside, which also have a beauty. I mean it's not just beauty at this dimension, at one centimeter; there's also beauty at smaller dimensions, the inner structure, also the processes. The fact that the colors in the flower evolved in order to attract insects to pollinate it is interesting; it means that insects can see the color. It adds a question: does this aesthetic sense also exist in the lower forms? Why is it aesthetic? All kinds of interesting questions which the science knowledge only adds to the excitement, the mystery and the awe of a flower. It only adds. I don't understand how it subtracts.” ― Richard P. Feynman
Appreciating everyone's diligence and attentiveness, but no. OP is legit
>source: dude just trust me lmao

(no, not just some dude)
Very well, I bow down to our Mods overlords with apology.

> I've come to notice this is like a child growing up, things are so much more magical but as you become older your appreciation for those small things that were magical are taken for granted.
> it feels like culturally we've become old and have lost complete sight of this sacred essence of being in what we have dissected.
Maybe true on a broader spectrum but there are still things left that you can't dissmantel intellectually which are worth going back to. For example I personally always apprechiated classical music but never spend much time listening to it. In the last year when I was trying to solve some personal issues which were always holding me back I discovered deep joy in going to organ concerts and listening to classical music (Bach in particular). It's also a melancholic thought that in it's work there are probably some of the greatest pieces of art in the history of humanity and nothing ever will come close. Makes me thankful that I am able to enjoy it's beauty that truly embodies a holy spirit.
So what I don't understand with you doomer faggots is how can you be that pathetic and whine about your misery instead of just enjoying what our ancestors created? Why not go to church and be a better community member instead of doing gay /nightwalks/? Why not go in a museum and argue with people why modern art is garbage and white people have the greates culture the world has ever seen? It could be so easy if we wouldn't just write sad little blogposts instead of discovering a glorious past which will lead us in a brighter future.
Sorry if I'm passing an impression to everyone as someone who is a shill. Though the term is annoying at this point since this is /mlpol/ for goodness sake.
>plenty of feelings, not a rational argument at sight
How is it not rational? Everything has an essence of its being. A tree is a tree, a chair is a chair due to its form and its essence is what makes it so. We can bend and break that essence. We can also break the essence of a thing but questioning and trying to rationalize what the essence itself is. If I were to tell you a chair is a stool with a back, and a stool is a plank with four legs you could use my rational explanation of the essence of a chair to make a form in which is a mockery of a chair. The same thing has been done with nearly all western forms, look at music, art, and the family structure. Everything's essence has been rationalized categorized by good intentioned people, only then to be bent and broken by others. Its because we do not appreciate the essence into itself. I wish we could be like children in so far that we understand this essence and the magic it produces. On top of that we are made miserable when essence is destroyed for knowledge through empiricism. Again I hate to be a broken record but its like being redpilled, you could live a blissful life but something is broken and what you preseved as an essence is destroyed. I don't understand how this isn't rational to then ask how we balance respecting essence and learning through empiricist thought?
I'm pretty successful overall, I just feel hopeless because my analysis of everything going on is that everything will become pointless. Forms will break down and all good mannerism and essences will be lost in the west as we move more and more towards power politic. I just wish there was a way to find this balance in my own life and share it with others, thus why I created the thread.
>instead of just enjoying what our ancestors created
What makes you think I don't? Again the essence of what they created is being broken down by our need to know and learn more which subsequently leads to cultural entropy. Also if you think we'll ever be able to return to our past you are a cowardly optimist, the past is something of the past, something of a childish area where those could enjoy essence and internalize/create it. We live in an area of decay, where its nearly all dead and none is created. Its not for lack of trying, but its because nearly all creative possibilities with our metaphysical outlook have been exhausted. Our science only has a few big questions left. Our painting and music rely on old styles and keys when they are made right and will never be as good as those of old and our few unique cultural inputs are nothing more then stole portions from other cultures (rap and jazz is African beats, and stories rely heavily on Asian influence due to Western stories being generally dead.)

But just because the west crumbles doesn't mean I whine, I morn for it even when you all do not. But that does not mean I do not try to take action, the actions I take however are not shallow and superficial actions like you suggest in which are pointless and stupid. But I still beg the question of the thread in order to take action, how does one go about balancing these two vital aspects of life?
You might be objectively observing Spengler's collapse of the West:

>Spengler introduces his book as a "Copernican overturning" involving the rejection of the Eurocentric view of history, especially the division of history into the linear "ancient-medieval-modern" rubric.[1] According to Spengler, the meaningful units for history are not epochs but whole cultures which evolve as organisms. He recognizes at least eight high cultures: Babylonian, Egyptian, Chinese, Indian, Mesoamerican (Mayan/Aztec), Classical (Greek/Roman), Arabian, and Western or European. [b]Cultures have a lifespan of about a thousand years of flourishing, and a thousand years of decline. The final stage of each culture is, in his word use, a "civilization".
>According to Spengler, the Western world is ending and we are witnessing the last season—"winter time"—of Faustian Civilization. In Spengler's depiction, Western Man is a proud but tragic figure because, while he strives and creates, he secretly knows the actual goal will never be reached.

According to (my interpretation of) Spengler, society goes through stages the last is, what I will call scientism, everything gets robbed of meaning and just becomes mechanistic and exploitative.

Don't run away from it, objectively, calmly examine it, understand it, it will eventually clear away once the message is comprehended and accepted by you. It is not an error to feel sad about sad things. But don't jump in the whirlpool.

Also spend some time looking at the stars rather than the ground. If you have lots of nighttime time, buy a telescope look at star clusters, galaxies and nebulas and be amazed that so much of the universe is dead, unconscious, and you have consciousness and can comprehend it!

The fact that you are conscious in a dead universe is magical.

going on a night walk want to cooooooom? make one of these and you will never have to worry about how to impress the ladies again!!!! https://www.bitchute.com/video/7ZZGezaqKjOS/
Nice device.
242803 242804 242805
I think there is hope. I can't believe I saw this on YT but the Pewds ADL thing is huge.

The redpilling is taking hold faster than anything fantasized.
Love it. Good to see the world is waking up.
The people PewDiePie was following is kinda purplepill tier. It might explain the "mistake".
Anyways, this is a debacle for the kikes.
If Pewds really wanted to change things, he can. He can tell Youtube to fuck off and "Guys, I move my channel to Bitchute!" THAT woumd be a huge slap. Billions of users with nothing else anymore, and when in terms of data you consider how much a YT/FB/Google user brings in revenues, ads, analytics and data combined, it will be a huge loss for YT and he would carry a lot of people with him.
>I move my channel to Bitchute
I doubt Bitchute can cope with the huge new traffic, the site would collapse.
242833 242834
someone needs to make an opensauce program to send and receive notifications through subscription so that viewer base is independent from the sites that the videos/stream are on, in essence subscriber decentralization.
That's a lot of words to say "ignorance is bliss."
I was thinking about the same thing the other day; that there should be maybe a third party site that just gives you the option to subscribe to people - no video hosting, no crowdfunding, just subscriptions and notifications. It could pull from Youtube's hidden RSS feeds and whatever Bitchute has and just present that.
It could have blog type posts and email notifications for major channel updates, maybe host other things like streaming schedules, polls and a livestream chat or whatever might be useful.
Would Dissenter work?
Night walks through the CITY?
Get on my fucking level, faggot.
Do you enjoy snorting that fucking bukkake of pollution and hobo cum?
I ride my bycycle to a forest full of dog-walkers and walk through it!
The scent of nature's beauty empowers my soul and heals my city-damaged lungs!