>>231196ceiling speaker thingy announced
And everyone became Football.
>>231206beautiful maple syrup pussy
>>231216while singing the Pokerap
>>231221autistic faggotry was revealed
>>231224with Nigel's niggerfaggot blood
(back to the main story)
Football? The law? Never!
To shit post continually.
Glowniggers with Jew AIDS
>>231249And with supercalifragilisticexpialidocious résumés!
>>231250Ate exactly three baguettes
>>231253They did that while fapping.
>>231262until they came everywhere
>>231291The fire nation attacking
>>231307niggers contribute little socially
Nigel pondered his existence
>>231382while hate-fucking Starlight Glimmer
>>231386as Trixie watched tearfully
>>231391while her stocks plummeted
>>231532And Hitler himself fucked
>>231543several ducks. Then Nigel
>>231579Into his insatiable butthole
>>231584And Deus Vult'd everything
>>231811Cause your bitchass tirin'
>>232127Mediocre impersonation, trash derailer
>>232191off topic troll assertion