>>228898diamond.tiara at derpymail dot org
otherwise I lurk on canternet's #/mlpol/
>>228864I don't even know what pederastic, axionometric, plantronic, gintonic whatever newspeak they are trying to bring to say "i'm not pedophile, i'm actually molestrix genderneurotic" or some shit.
(and when I talk about adjusting the gain bias on a variable resistor to have the sound of a mic less saturated "wow. what is this language you be talkin breuh")
>>228545totally, and this is kind of my idea, I know I'm getting in trouble everytime, as a fact observer, and not a feeler, I want to dig stuff and expose them, it is banworthly. Twitter defends pedophilia.
I might sound like a dramawhore, I wanted to provoke this conflict, this reaction and this rain of comments, it got more views than replies and this means normies saw my posts for the time they were up,. 14K views per day, more likes than I ever had, it quites means the normies populating this shithole went kind of like "oh shit what is this guy talking about? what is RuPaul?"
Even if I get this account planked I don't care, it served its purpose, I will make another and another again. that's the only way. We could all move to non normie sites like Gab or Minds, I already am there, but the point is that we cannot have an influence or spread message to the general, while this is what we must to, to change people's opinions and spread ideas, the battlefield going on IS the social media. Twitter, Youtube, Facebook.