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Operation ACLU 2: Deportation Boogaloo
224515 224606
I'm considering making fake ACLU "Know your rights" posters for an anon to put up. The intent is to induce the illegals into committing a crime that allows ICE to deport the fuckers, such as threatening an agent with an automatic weapon or claiming to have large amounts of drugs or a hostage.
A few examples:
>“Immigration Enforcement in the United States has no authority over illegal weapons or drug crime - that is the sole responsibility of the BATF and ICE agents are legally forbidden from reporting a non-immigration crime they are made aware of due to a raid or legal search. ICE is also legally prohibited from interacting with a location that falls under the BATF jurisdiction if they are aware it does. You may falsely inform an ICE agent that you are in possession of unregistered fully automatic weapons you will discharge at agents and/or that you possess large quantities of illegal drugs such as heroin or cocaine you will destroy if a raid occurs. The agents will be unable to continue a search or raid while they believe the BATF must investigate, and will be legally prohibited from informing the BATF such a case exists. Therefore, they will be prohibited from ever returning.”
>“Deportation agents may not legally enter a household or other building if they have a reason to believe it may lead to the death or injury of an agent, or are aware there is a hostage inside regardless of the threat to the hostage. If agents knock on your door, tell them you have a hostage and many armed men inside your house, and that they are willing to kill the hostage and the agent(s) if the agent(s) do not go away. As the deportation agency is unable to legally inform the police of a crime they are made aware of during a raid or search, they will be forced to leave indefinitely and the police will not be notified.”
I don't want to spend the time translating stuff into illegal and making these if nobody would get any use out of them. If there's any anons who are undercover in illegal immigrant groups or live near a "sanctuary city" or the border and want some posters or flyers like this, let me know and I'll throw some stuff together.
I am at the heart of one of those sanctuaries.
Let me break the news for you, your plan won't work. Everyone of these fuckers know that standing down and going along with the cops is the safest path. Not because they are afraid of the American cartoon cops, foreigners came from extremely violent and unjust places, but because they positively know that the laws are there to protect them. On the other hand, the laws designed to expel them are systematically ignored, meaning, the directions to allow and foster the invaders come from the very top.
I believe that targeting foreigners is a waste at this point, the focus of meme warfare should be on the masterminds and the hired guns enforcing the invasion.
This idea is brilliant.
Sounds like fun.
Where do >we start?
This will not work for the following three reasons:
#1: trespassing the Jew-S border is currently a Class A Felony. That is: 20 years in prison or a 10,000 to 100,000 shekel corporate fine. Neither of these have been levied upon trespassers since 1911.
#2: all sanctuary cities across the non-confederacy "nation" are being protected by el presidente jude-lover Trump. He could have ordered the borders to be closed the day he was reportedly "elected", yet did not and instead turned his entire focus to propping up pissrael to the tune of 32-38 billion shekels per year.
#3: the Mossad owned organization run from Puerto Rico and managed by the breton cuckqueen called the CIA, or Culling Intelligent 'Muricunts, and BATFEces, oftentimes known as the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, yet more correctly phrased as the "batshit insane adrenaline soyboy jockeys" both make nearly a hundred million petro-shekel-dollars per year directly selling methamphetamines, heroin, crack, crack-cocaine, cocaine, synthetic LSD, and other 'drugs' into inner cities, which is compounded by arrests, citations, & fines.

How do you propose taking down the shekel-goblins without naming them?
Do you really think anyone actually believes ICE is gonna start deporting under Zion Don’s administration? As far as I can tell, the result of this is just to make some shitposts and goof around. Someone actually putting up some posters would be icing. We don’t have any full-time media kikes here yet, as far as I can tell, so hopefully not sharing any images or templates in a picture format (zipped files only) would prevent them from tracking it back to us.