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"Without revealing too much, let's just say shit was gonna going down."
220559 220564 220585 220603 220623
Before the start of S3, and the decline of Twilicorn and everything after, do you think the original endgame for the show would have been much better and interesting? Do you think he's telling the truth? How the show could have gotten better in it's climax?

What's the things that could have been done?
I certainly wish we got to see Faust's vision of the series. Still there are good episodes after Faust was forced to leave. Makes you wonder if those were the episodes that had some of the residual Faust DNA in them.
Here's what I would have done.
An ancient evil appears, and it's the ancientest evil ever. Celestia has been planning for this for centuries or more, but it's coming out early. Celestia goes after it alone and dies trying to stop it because Twilight isn't ready, Luna gets sad because her sister's dead/a statue that got shattered by the evil, Twilight and pals try their "Magic of friendship" beam and-
Oh shit it didn't work
Oh shit he says he's too evil for good things like harmony to affect him
Oh shit the monster's ruling everything now
Oh shit things have never been darker
Luna sacrifices herself fighting the evil and trying to help the heroes get away
She's the only reason why the mane six aren't statue'd right there
Life is suffering now
The sky is red now
Mane Six is forced to take on fake identities and live under the evil's nose
But truly loving your friends and being good even in the worst time makes life worth living, and the elements of harmony the heroes didn't represent before but do now (Everyone swapped since they're magically stopped from doing their own virtue but not each other's) and the heroes fight the evil and all six become alicorns, and they try a kung fu fight but it doesn't work, then the heroes pour all their magic into Twilight while believing in her super hard, memories of all the good times flash before her eyes as she starts glowing, and she becomes a Celestia Alicorn with big size and starry mane and starry eyes (SYMBOLISM!) and Super Sayian Alicorn Twilight, conceputal master of magic as a concept, defeats the evil by kicking its ass for a while then making a galaxy-sized black hole and blasting the monster into it.
And rainbow lasers clean up the world...
Well, they clean up the red doom sky. Rebuilding towns and making a new playset will take a while. But Twilight's shocked when they all fly down and return to normal but Twilight still has wings.
RD: Well, if anypony ever earned them, Twilight just did!
Then there's an afterparty just like the party Twilight had in episode one. Shot for shot remake it. She hated it before, but she loves it now.
She loves these ponies now.
Still, Twilight goes upstairs onto her bed to stare up at the stars.
Celestia, looking down from the sky with Luna in the form of stars, smiles at Twilight.
Twilight smiles up, then her friends show up and they have a nice conversation about deep shit
RD: And if any bad guy shows up again, we'll kick its butt!
Spike: And at least we'll always have Celestia and Luna toys!
Then Twilight has an idea and summons Celestia and Twilight as spirits, puts them in Spike's action figures (the ones shown off earlier in the episode) and tiny toy Celestia and Luna possess the toys, make real bodies, possess those, then go back to ruling Equestria while Twilight goes back to enjoying life and friendship in Ponyville.
Episode irises out.
Pinkie interrupts to thank everypony for being such a great friend.
Screen goes black
Then Faust's "I invite people to watch my show, if I've done my job well they'll like it" quote appears on screen, then the credits roll movie-style and interspersed with the credits is the biggest (money-wise) charity shit the fandom's ever done.
I didn't need to know this, i didn't want this feel.
220801 220802 220844
I think the themes of the show were shit from the get-go and only got worse as time went on. As an educational show about friendship and shit, the very existence of the elements of harmony and the way the mane six were fated to become them already distances people from the characters. It makes their core traits worthless without the magical macguffins, it sends a message that no matter how good you are or how virtuous you are, you're worthless without fate on your side.

Twilight was chosen, the others were chosen, and you cannot relate to chosen ones unless you're massively egotistical and consider yourself the same. The show would have been far better if the big bad was dealt with over the course of an entire season, the characters overcoming their flaws and strengthening their best traits and using those to win the day, not magical artifacts handed to them on a silver platter after a half hearted test and not by dint of fate while the rest of the yeomen cower in safety waiting for the heroes to make things right. You can make your shit as entertaining and 'epic' as you like, filled with lasers and titanic battles for the soul of the species, but it'll leave no lasting impression on anyone but that only the unique and the chosen can accomplish anything important.

In my eyes, this show is the product of the times we live in, we're told we're all unique and special and that only we and no one else can change things when the reality is that heroism is a community effort. It's when a leader uses his charisma to rally his people to a common cause, or when a husband and wife combine their strengths to raise a child. Self reliance, that's to say defiance of the idea that our lives are in fate's hands, that's what the show should have taught, not just when the odds are on your side but when they aren't, especially when they aren't, because the times when the odds are stacked against you is when you truly shine.

tl;dr Average people doing average things together to pull off amazing shit is always better than Chosen One trash.
Who is OliveBranchMLP?
Never mind, the image says who he is.
I like your that idea that your elements wont work anymore. It would be better if we developed more the motivations of this all-might evil motherfucker. Also, i would pull away from "reanimating" Celestia and Luna, pulling away from death always kills the tension an the dramatism. Also, that last phrase from Faust it's fucking awesome.
The "chosen one" trope, and the way the elements of harmony influenced the tension on the greater seasons premieres and finales, and specially the way the Mane 6 always felt like a collective mind in those important moments, or how those episodes always were about the elements or Twilight centered, all of that, felt always pretty off to me. What you just said encapsulates perfectly why. There could have been some many ways it could have been executed better.

What if this time, the Elements of Harmony were unable to magic, but they hadn't lost their actual morals?
They weren't "Discorded", just unable to fire laser beams. And Twilight's unable to do any magic.
Luna dies to let the Mane Six escape, so they flee in opposite directions and break up with a plan to reunite in three months.
So then by being good ponies to others even in the worst of times, they end up inspiring new Element of Harmony members without those ponies even knowing what they are.
Or some big "The collective good of everypony can't be defeated! YOU WILL NEVER DEFEAT THE PONY SPIRIT! YOU WILL NEVER DEFEAT KINDNESS!" thing.
Persona 5's ending was pretty neat, anyone here seen that?
It's still gutter trash, chosen ones without chosen one powers are still chosen ones. Passing on the chosen one mantle is just next generation chosen ones. It's a trope that should be used purely for entertainment, not for exploring human nature as the show attempts.
I would love if they added meta-political battles with Cozy Glow type villains.
That's a way to keep the elements out of the way, to pushed them into more of a resource they'll be fighting for.
Something like the infinity gauntlet.
Or you can add someone like Adagio who can convincingly play as a chess master who's also starting shit up in the accelerationist path to gather tons of power with the chaos caused.
220882 220886
>the very existence of the elements of harmony
Did you read the post at all? Their very existence is antithetical to a good exploration of human nature. You are making the solution to a problem external from human traits and as such unattainable without help in a real life application of those principles. The only way to make it good is to retcon them entirely from the show, which is to say, have them never exist in the first place. If not, then it sends a message, as I said, that one can only depend on external solutions to their problems over innate strengths.

It would be like saying you can't kill a person without a weapon, or travel great distances without a vehicle, or that you can't contribute to society in a meaningful way without a qualifying piece of paper. It makes people dependent rather than independent.
I don't agree with you. Having a tool that solves problems is not deterimental to exploration of the human nature.More on "human nature" later. Because you wrongly equate external solutions as the same as objects with power.

For example if you have a gun lying between you and another guy. He is a better fighter than you so you will need the gun to defeat him. Both of you run towards the gun. Luckily for you, you are faster than him so you reach the gun first.

This means that it was due to your innate strength that you reach the gun first and the struggle of is real.

Similar things can be said about Twilight's and Nightmaremoon's interaction here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdsOdUc-i0A&list=PLQeGKI6o70RkCTdLzQ68caVoRzlTm6CxZ&index=7 . Even if Nmm has a brainfart and forgets her objective by charging Twilight. Regardless, the struggle is similiar.

One could say that since a gun is human made while the elements of harmony is not pony made. However, the struggle is still the same and most people who have used a gun have not made them.

I think you are just confused. What you really don't like is deus-ex-machinas since they are the real external solutions to internal problems. This is because they come out of nowhere and don't make sense in the setting but solves the problem for our heroes instead of them stopping it with whatever means at their disposal.

I was going to say something about "human nature". Based on that word choice andd other things I think you think realism=good fallicy.
>wasn't going to namefag
I like you.
I think what makes the Elements of Harmony slightly better than the usual Chosen One Magic Sword/Stones is...
It's each pony's individual greateat moral attribute that makes them worthy to wield these things.
It's not like they're magic hammers made specifically for them only they/"the worthy" can wield, they're things Celestia once used 6 of at once.
You have to be, in your own right, strong enough to lift this weapon, skilled enough to drive this vehicle, and morally qualified enough to save society from evil monsters with or without the gems.