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Assimilation- Stages (Milton Gordon).jpg
220123 220157 220186
multiracial immigration is always suicide. however I don't believe immigration in and of itself is always bad. I think nations have to be realistic about it and realistic about human nature.

1st you have take into account the founding race of the people who founded the nation and secondly the culture. America for example was founded by Northern Europeans, Anglos to be precise. the culture is largely Protestant Anglo, generically European and Christian. the closer an immigrant is to the founding culture the easier it is to assimilate them.
that should be the determining factor in allowing in immigrants. immigration shouldn't destroy social unity because one (((particular))) group doesn't like homogeneous societies.
if an immigrant meets these criteria, regardless of where they are from they should be allowed to immigrate to the US. I do think believe that they should anglicize their name so that their children would be completely assimilated. 2 generation assimilation. if they have a problem with acculturation they should stay in their own country. responsible immigration should be about rapid assimilation.

if an immigrant is racially and culturally alien to the nation he's in then he will have no connection to the history of that nation and without that connection the nation will cease to exist in the long run.
I used the Rhianna race swap pic to prove this point. the white one's children will be viewed as solely American. the other will always be a hyphenated American, they will always be their nation of origin first and American last. it would take generations of successive bleaching before they would be fully assimilated. non whites could be taken but only in small numbers so the society could metabolize them but only as individually and never as family units.

I don't see this particular solution working in Europe because the nations there are ancient and have much more history, much of which is tumultuous. I never see it being implemented because our unnamed masters will never allow it and their liberal idiots would resist it. however I believe it's absolutely sensible and nobody has to die or be displaced. the non white elements of the US would be assimilated in time but the flood needs to end before that can happen. the alternative to the reality of immigration/assimilation is civil war and death and sadly it seems it's going to take that before they realize their social engineering has failed. the 1960s was a mistake.

> the 1960s was a mistake.
I disagree; it has been a resounding success to disrupt the Western civilization and to displace and dispossess Whites.
in that sense it was an absolute success but I honestly don't they considered the backlash to it. I think they were operating under Karl Popper's piecemeal social engineering. in their hubris they thought they could alter human nature and the societal correction is going to crush them and scatter them to the wind.

Europe is already on an essentially irreversible hard antisemitic path. the economic collapse will probably result in the rise of extremely far right, or a far left that is then followed by a far right. we're essentially in the 1930s. the Jews will leave and most likely go to Israel.
if you believe the ex French ambassador to the US, Kusher's middle east peace deal is basically Palestinians submit or be shoah'd. it's nothing more than an excuse to ethnically cleanse them, which will open up more room for escaping Euro Jews.

however Israel does not exist without the US and the US is teetering ever closer to civic war and without systemic changes it's only going to get worse the longer it goes on. in a US civil war Jews will naturally fuck off back to Israel but with the US to buy Israel's Arab allies, every Muslim nation will be looking to wipe them off the map, especially if they shoah the Palestinians.

a weaken Iran may not pose much of a threat but Turkey certainly would. without the US the Turks would take Syria in a few weeks and be right on Israel's door step demanding the Golan Heights. a US civil war would trigger the final shoah. I doubt they would want that.
The 1770's were a mistake: not enough humans would aid Napoleon, a severe etho-realist, in destroying the very basis of jewish banker supremacy across what would become Europe, all the way into what would become Russia. In amerimutt land the Second Cherokee War was financed by a kike banker in order to seize land which was thought to be so rich in gold that not a single jew would ever be poor again. This lesson would be forgotten until 1870.
The 1780's were a mistake: not everyone owned a nigger and it was fashionable to be friends with a jewish banker. The "North-West Indian War" in what would become Ohio and Tennessee were, once more, financed by kike bankers for more gold. Shay's Rebellion occurs during this period which was caused by jewish bankers failing to honor, or uphold, their contracts on land claims. Massachusetts nearly defaults until another kike banker places a credit freeze on all non-plantation owned land, thereby bidding majority shekel rule over those that did not want to be stricken with impoverishing debt.
The 1790's were a mistake: if you weren't part of the 3% fighting redcoats for ((independence))) under George Washington for the promise of shekels, then you'd be wondering why redcoats served under G.W. until 1811 before being ordered back to breton service. The Whiskey Rebellion occurs in 1791 due to thousands of farms, orchards, vineyards, and ranches which were previously non-taxable revenue sources into being forced to pay a horrifying 40% war tax which would have left those whom held a land claim into debt. In addition to this, the first French-North American War occurred, caused by numerous now-rich amerimutt politicians defaulting on their French war loans in favor of applying their debts to kikes in breton territories which would have increased their access to the global slave trade, specifically tripling their access to the European slave trade, which was still 100% jewish owned. In 1799 Fries Rebellion started, which was caused by the Jew-S government attempting to reinstate the 40% war tax on Pennsylvania as a means of repaying kike war loans under the auspices of breton aid to their (((thirteen colonies))).
The 1800's were a mistake: if you didn't own a nigger and treat them poorly, then the Northern Union couldn't trust you since they weren't going to be kept from raping da huwhite wymmenz. First Barbary War, only the kikes care about this one. Rio Grande Invasion, sometimes called the Spanish Mexico Police Action: this one reads exactly like the Jew-S invasion of Costa Rica. After that a bunch of "legalized pirates" from the Jew-S begin raiding all the way down into southern Mexico.
The 1810's were a mistake: pro-jewish banker propaganda led the 99% poor caste of amerimutts into believing that another war would be inevitable and they "must fight for their freedom, for their sovereign [president, as companies may only be owned by a president under breton law], or else suffer under the ox-yoke of breton supremacy once more". This lesson was utterly forgotten until the 1910's. War of 1812, Nuku Hiva Conflict, invasions of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Santa Domingo, and the Yucatan region occur which results in approximately 20-40% of each nation's population massacred, enslaved, or indebted to jewish banker schemes.
The 1820's were a mistake: kike bankers were given exception clauses by the Jew-S government to raid the entire Africa coastline for additional slaves needed to fuel war economy. Most of northern Europe is rendered poor by kike bankers foisting their own tax burdens onto renters and "low revenue" land owners. Failing to pay the new "debts" meant the renter or land owner would be enslaved and sold to highest bidder.
The 1830's were a mistake: undeclared wars caused by kike bankers into Sumatra, Argentina, Peru, Canada. In return for preserving their shekel flow, the Jew-S government gives army and navy resources to more noveau riche (newly enriched) bankers of jewish heritage to keep their banana republics in line.
The 1840's were a mistake: everyone that could own a nigger did own a nigger, GDP projections in 1843 would cause a 2% increase in taxation per year per shareholder/ownership bargain until 1848. Many islands taken over, inhabitants captured to be slaughtered or enslaved and sold on jewish ships. Altercation with Chinese traders. Mexican-((('Murican))) War.
The 1850's were a mistake: too many amerimutts sold their land in escrow to jewish bankers in exchange for additional access to slavery trade. More islands seized by Jew-S, more banana republics seized in South America, more Europeans sold as slaves than any time before.
The 1860's were a mistake: Asia Major slated as target for kike bankers instead of South America due to lack of easily acquired gold resources. All South American nations incapable of producing vast amounts of gold for bankers are either invaded or severe damage is caused by pro-banker interests.
The 1870's were a mistake: far more Asia Major and Asia Minor countries targeted. Mexico and South America squeezed for taxes during banana republic trade deals, over 100,000 starve in 1873 alone.
The 1880's were a mistake: Panama Railroad train line, owned by kike bankers, attacked by newly destitute farmers seeking to recover their sovereignty and resources. Brutally suppressed by Jew-S intervention. Samoan Islands forcefully suppressed and taken as a banana republic. Kingdom of Hawai`i brutally attacked, local banks looted and burned.
The 1890's were a mistake: New York kikes create and finalize the concept of unions, brutally using them to force wage-slaves not currently in a union into paying additional taxes to keep their profitable margins afloat. Over 40 separate invasions of other nations occur this year to protect kike banker interests. War economy now in full swing.

Fact: all history pertaining to kikes and bretons both is a mistake. When both are combined, humanity is left that much more miserable.
File (hide): A2626DB7DEA5B50EDF870DA626C85D62-40156953.mp4 (38.3 MB, Resolution:934x480 Length:00:24:56, Replacement Migration EXPLAINED.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Replacement Migration EXPLAINED.mp4
Another take.
good video anon
fertility rates in the developed world were destroyed by the introduction of oral contraceptives. they were introduced in 1961 and completely destroyed fertility rates within a decade.
this pic illustrated what happened in the US but it's the same for Europe and the developed world at large.

that one (((invention)))had been the most destructive and disruptive thing to ever happen to humanity. it fueled feminism,the destruction of the family and is at the core of our rot today. the elites loved it because it essentially doubled the work force. labor is a commodity like anything else and the more you have of something the less value it has. you have to remember that to them we're just fungible numbers on a chart. cultural, race, religion mean absolutely nothing to these people. only power and control.

however all of that is going to change because our system is set diametrically opposed to the natural law. society will collapse and the societal correction will be a horror, on a scope the world has never known. people are not fungible. race, culture and religion matter. the longer that is ignored the harder the fall is going to be.

the 1960s was an absolute mistake and the philosophy behind that cancer is an abomination to humanity. the sooner that is recognized and the sooner it can be walked back peacefully because if not it will be purged in fire and blood, something I absolutely do not want.
I don't deny any of that, however we've reach a point where their crimes have culminated to such a degree that it threatens humanity.
their vision of the future is based on universalism and utopianism, it will fail. we're already almost there before the credit collapse on the horizon.
whether it's right wing or left wing populism, bankers will be ripped apart by the mob. the elites will bleed.
we're going from the most capital rich period of human history to the most capital poor. add the stress of multiracialism and you have a recipe for disaster.
>hordes of difficult to assimilate migrants
Rwanda style genocide
>raise taxes to unbearable levels during economic depression
bankers and the elites will be ripped to shreds

I don't see things as entirely lost but denying reality is going to doom us all.
