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Open Letter.pdf
John Earnest
219596 219599 219606 219622 219753 221282
>My name is John Earnest and I am a man of European ancestry. The blood that runs in my veins is the same that ran through the English, Nordic, and Irish men of old. I am a descendant of one of the original colonists of Roanoke—John Earnest. What happened to him I do not know, and nor does anyone. But I do know that he left his wife and son, James Earnest, back in England. This son shortly after made the same daring journey across the Atlantic to the New World. From my mother’s side I inherited the blood of very wealthy Yankees—intelligent, resourceful, uncompromising. From my father’s side I inherited the blood of poor Southern farmers—intelligent, musically gifted, self-sufficient. A part of my ancestors lives within me in this very moment. They are the reason that I am who I am. Their acts of bravery, ingenuity, and righteousness live on through me. Truly, I am blessed by God for such a magnificent bloodline.

>To my family and friends. I can already hear your voices. “How could you throw your life away? You had everything! You had a loving family. You had great friends. You had a church. You were doing well in nursing school. You could have gone so far in your field of study. You could have made so much money and started a happy family of your own.” I understand why you would ask this. But I pose a question to you now. What value does my life have compared to the entirety of the European race? Is it worth it for me to live a comfortable life at the cost of international Jewry sealing the doom of my race? No. I will not sell my soul by sitting idly by as evil grows. I’d rather die in glory or spend the rest of my life in prison than waste away knowing that I did nothing to stop this evil. It is not in my blood to be a coward. I do not care about the debt-based currency that Jews like to pretend is money. I do not care for the bread and circus that Jewry has used to attempt to pacify my people. I willingly sacrifice my future—the future of having a fulfilling job, a loving wife, and amazing kids. I sacrifice this for the sake of my people. OUR people. I would die a thousand times over to prevent the doomed fate that the Jews have planned for my race.

>John Earnest
219599 220112
Here's an article about this, the "manifesto" is also reprinted here. It takes a pretty reasonable position on the incident I think.

File (hide): 53138E96D9EB24326CA88BB8CB09468C-12495646.mp4 (11.9 MB, Resolution:640x360 Length:00:03:03, Another_Based_Piano_Cover.mp4) [play once] [loop]
More classical music played by John Earnest
R for respect

Great, now we can never use "in Minecraft" again for hypothetical solutions. You use "in Minecraft" if you're talking about something sensitive without actually breaking any laws. There's absolutely no reason for him to use it (other than to repeat memes) and by doing so he compromised a covert term.

Also, I agree with Amerika to some extent. He had the right idea but the wrong target. Attacking random synagogues is never going to lead to anything positive in America other than further accelerationism. Most whites have no idea why Jews are despised and will, liberal or conservative, lap up the narrative that any criticism of Jews is pure evil. The random Schlomos were nobodies and so there's no apparent reason to do otherwise. Normies will not pick up the manifesto even if it's not banned. Oh how I would love to share his manifesto with my Israel-loving boomer relatives! The instant I'd do so, I would get placed under suspicion for terroristic sympathies.

If in Minecraft you want to drive the server conversation and make a positive difference, go after one of the big-shots who's actively involved in things like corruption or swarming the server with noobs. This will, if nothing else, make the other elites afraid and provide a better justification. We would be able to say to normies, "I don't necessarily condone what happened, but looking at what the target did it's clear why people decided to take matters into their own hands."

Alternatively, take the Tarrant route and go after Muslims. They have way worse PR than Jews and getting the high score would do much more for a religious war. There's no conceivable way you could get a normie to go after Jews in the present, but getting them riled against Muzzies is much easier.
219608 219615 219663 219850
Since the OP didn’t make this clear, for those who don’t already know, this guy is the guy who shot up a synagogue in San Bernardino yesterday, killing one.

This guy was and is a complete dumbass. The popular perception of Neo-Nazis and Anti-Semites is that they are evil, violent people who are driven to murder women, children, and the elderly, because of a violent and irrational ideology, and who must be prevented from having any sort of power at any cost, lest they try to murder more. This attack, which targeted a place of worship and only killed a single 60 year old woman who has no connection to any political or social issue, only reinforced that. This may be hard for many people here to understand, but no one in the regular world understands why Jews are disliked. The popular perception of anti-semitism is that of Eric Cartman from South Park: a perfectly irrational atavistic ideology that has no cause nor bearing on reality, that is fueled by conspiracy theories or a toxic interpretation of Christianity if there is even that much rationality to it. This attack does nothing to change that. If anything this attack reinforces that belief.

After all, the average person will think, if Jews had any power in the media, in corporations, in politics, or the universities, then surely this guy could have found a more guilty target than a 60 year old woman. He could have found someone who wrote anti-white articles for Times Magazine or Buzzfeed, or even an anti-white college professor. But no, this guy couldn’t even do that. He attacked a place of worship, to make it look like the Jews are innocent victims. This guy is as persuasive to populist nationalist white westerners as Muslim terrorist attacks against Christian Churches are to white westerners.

Whether Tarrant did more harm or more good to the cause of the preservation of Western Civilization, who can say, but he was far more intelligent than this teenager. Western White people have no idea why a tiny minority of the population dislikes Jews, but it is very easy for them to understand why Muslims are disliked by a large minority or even a majority. Muslims come to the West in vast numbers, refuse to assimilate, practice a culture that is barbaric and atavistic, and above all else, they murder Westerners en masse in our places of worship, in our places of work, and in our national celebrations. They are like invaders. The result was that when Tarrant killed 50, very many populist nationalist white westerners who would otherwise have no affinity for extremism, realized that they did not sympathize with those killed. They realized that they sympathized as much with a Tarrant. Hell, even the fact that the attack took place in Christchurch was a brilliant move, because it forced the media to report the shooting as “the Christchurch mosque shooting,” causing many to wonder why there was a mosque in a city named “Christchurch.”

I guess I should applaud this teenager for not shooting at the cops and not choosing a synagogue with the name “Tree of Life.” In that way he is less of a dumbass than that much bigger dumbass in Pittsburgh. But damn, he did only harm and no good. 400 years of American English blood and it all came to nothing. 19 years old and he will spend his life in prison with nothing to show for it. He could have targeted a college professor, a writer, and actor, or anyone else, but instead, he made Neo-Nazis look like incompetent versions of Islamic terrorists.
219615 219745
I find myself in agreement. In fact I would go as far to say that both this idiot and the fucking loser who attacked the last synagogue are the reasons why I can not call myself a national socialist. Lets consider the two groups, that is Brevik and Tarrant compared to the pathetic two synagogue shooters.

Those who attacked the synagogue's largest crime was as you put perfectly an indication that these two lacked a good mind and can be seen in everything they have done. Their attack was done on a group, a location, and people who hold little to no relevancy be it symbolically, or strategically. They were no body Jews in nobody places, that maybe were aiding in important migrants. Thats it. They're attacks were ill planned further showing they were more or less stupid and just wanted to either get their time in the spotlight or having nothing going for them besides their own martyrdom for their retarded cause. Their choice in strategy is bad. Their execution worse. Their cause pathetic. Their casis beli nearly non-existent even in the right wing.

Now lets consider the Chad Brevik and the Ubermanlet Tarrant. Both made VERY well planned attacks get the true potential of their efforts and the kill counts reflecting it. Both individuals selected places and targeted groups with people they could claim and the normie could easily under stand why was attacked. Both made clear at the worse to the normie that these were very bright guys who EITHER attacked groups because they were made extreme by something outside at the worse (implying that there is something fucked about the world), or that they uncovered a truth and needed to take action at the best. But it did NOT unlike these two losers who shot up the synagogues, show that the right was infested by low IQ faggots who can't think straight. Tarrant and Brevik's aftermath had the media crack down to an extreme, and more importantly had the normie say, hey maybe their right?

But no, this idiot is somehow deserves respect for his "heroic" action. Give me a break. He's a stupid kid who likely was a social outcast due to his low IQ, found /pol/ or stormfront and saw his way to be accepted through violent action. His kind should be shot, fuck him for ruining the far right. And more importantly fuck those who think his kind are "heroes" or deserving of anything good or decent. Instead of attacking synagogues in ill planned attempts I suggest these retards just shoot themselves, it'll be a more valuable use of their time. So, in summary, fuck John, fuck Robert, fuck niggers, fuck kikes, but most importantly fuck national socialists.
219663 219850
What a waste of effort that could've been put towards attacking bankers and politicians.
It is true that he should have used more than four weeks to do planning and given it more thorough thought, but he is young and energetic. The positive is that he wrote a decent manifesto, he plays the piano really well, and that he kept the acceleration going. If the tide continues to turn it will be meaningful in the end.
219617 219649
>young and energetic
Wasted in prison when he could have accomplished so much more as a free man
>decent manifesto
Which is also, sadly, wasted because no one who could be convinced would want to read it
>plays the piano really well
Better hope they have pianos in prison
>kept the acceleration going
If controls on us are accelerated and aren't matched by the public's will to resist, the result will be a faster descent into oblivion
Only way to wake up people is if they notice the decent into oblivion. This is why leftists wants to take away one right at a time and never all at once. They can manage to get a time at a time but they will never get it all in one go. And only way to force their hand is to accelerate.
What danger does this wake people up to? Because most people are going to look at this and think “Nazis and Anti-Semites are rabid dogs who killed tens millions last century because of an irrational hatred for some religious group that seems pretty irrelevant, let’s do everything we can to stop them before they do it again.” This is true even of the Right Wing Populist groups who are the only group that would be at all receptive. The Jews come off as far more sympathetic in this attack than the teenager or his ideology. This attack only reinforced the popular opinion, and did nothing more.
>Because most people are going to look at this and think “Nazis and Anti-Semites are rabid dogs who killed tens millions last century because of an irrational hatred for some religious group that seems pretty irrelevant, let’s do everything we can to stop them before they do it again.”
It is not like if he hadn't shot anyone the main stream media or people on the left would have changed their opinion or not pushed this narrative like they already are doing.

You can look at it two ways. The only reason the left is pandering to Muslims and condemning caricatures of Muhammad is because they know there are Muslims that will kill them if they don't condemn it.
The other way is to look at acceleration not as a mean to unite much like the identity politics the left is running on is not meant to unite. This is a means to make the left push moderates and people on the right further and further away from themselves, and push the left further towards the extreme left.

Look at it like climate change. If the world actually was ending in 15 years if we didn't do anything we would fix it in no time. If the polar ice had melted in five years. If two coastal cities a year was flooded permanently and made uninhabitable people would find a fix to it. If the climate change is real and human made, a slow decent into an uninhabitable world is the worst way to try to fix it. A quick sudden change would give incentive to find a solution. This is why the amount of innovations and new discoveries skyrocket during wars. Sure there is spurs of innovation now and then, but when we as humans get a real incentive we truly excel.

The human condition is to not notice slow incremental changes.
The real danger as I see it is the PC world we are slipping into; a world where SJW roam around enforcing the rules from 1984. If it takes a few mass shootings or a world war to get out of that runt it is well worth it.
>1 dead, 3 injured
He's shit
219642 219790 219881
Why do these people never go after the think tanks, journalists, or politicians?
Because that needs research, budget, and support.
sd thread.png
I don't know if this fullchan screenshot is real, but was circulating last night.
>If controls on us are accelerated and aren't matched by the public's will to resist, the result will be a faster descent into oblivion
One way or another the last stop is our slaughter; look at South Africa for more info.
I am reading many articles from our side making calls to defuse violence, to name the word "optics" and other non sense while the actions from the other side are ignored. In other words the goal of all these right wingers good doers is to stand down and watch how the enemy takes over.
images (21).jpg
I've already said this twice but...
Pick high-ranking fucking targets!
>Pick high-ranking fucking targets!
Probably Earnest didn't read Dr. Pierce's books.

If you are about to be bayoneted by an enemy, and you have a gun, but instead of shooting the enemy in front of you you deliberately shoot past him at some random civilian, you will not save yourself, you will not avenge your death by mortally wounding your enemy, and you will not preserve your honor by dying fighting. All you will do is prove yourself to be a dumbass of low morals who didn’t know how to fight.

This dumbass did less wrong than that guy in Pittsburgh, but damn, he did nothing right.
219678 219687 219735
>This dumbass did less wrong than that guy in Pittsburgh, but damn, he did nothing right.
>he did nothing right
Exactly, and this is the beauty to be memed.
He is a brave example of willingness to martyr himself for his people.
A clumsy move, but nevertheless a move at least. I pray for the end of his unjust imprisonment.

R for respect.
219679 219850
>passion matters more than intelligence
You need both to get anywhere. Otherwise we could just take the Buddhist route and immolate in front of the White House. It would be "brave" and make us "martyrs" but it would help nothing. What he did was worse than nothing because going after the wrong targets always hurts you, even if you're the IRA.

The goal isn't to convince "the left" or change the MSM's narrative (though doing so is advantageous), the goal is to convince a not-inconsiderable number of right-wingers that becoming radicals is justified. Of course they'll disavow violence after this because associating oneself with shooting a bunch of old people at a house of worship is despicable. At least with Muzzies or pedos you can hint, "these people are destroying our way of life and no one's doing anything, maybe it's time to make 1776 happen again?"

There is nothing more harmful to your own cause than idiocy. The number of Siegefags around ignoring common sense doesn't help matters.
>The number of Siegefags around ignoring common sense doesn't help matters.
Think about this, a few years ago we had an overwhelming mass of junkies playing video games and masturbating, now a timid awakening is happening and those who were good for nothing and not a threat to anyone are popping to reclaim their right to exist as one White Nation.
Take in count that these pseudo siegefags have no guide, training, or a protocol to follow, and no amount of advise from cool guys or threats and persecutions from the (((government))) will make them back off from the purpose to fulfill their destiny.
I won't be surprised if this is another manifestation of a chain reaction.

>Tarrant's thread stays up on 8fug untill bump limit
>Earnest's thread gets pruned soon after creating
DN 042919.jpg

He was a faggot and didn't an hero 2/10 for one jew
The gun jammed and a kike zogbot was there, faggot.
219737 219756
Isn't that kind of shit to be expected? It all reeks of poor planning and incompetence.

"Clumsy" is understating it. This is the kind of shit that drives people away from movements, and reinforces support for the opposing side. If he had picked a decent target and then failed at that (like a professor) that would be one thing. But this... There is nothing to respect.
>This is the kind of shit that drives people away from movements
I don't think it will drive anyone away. Just like with the religion of peace - "not all muslims". He is not a spokeperson for people that are politically right of center, and he will not be portrayed as it either.
Sure the narrative will be that he was radicalized on the internet because reasons, but some will also look into the underlying data he was, so called, "radicalized" by. And if more and more white youth "throw their life away", as it will be portrayed, people will start to think more on the data rather than the narrative pushed by the left. And at one point they will have to talk about what made him loose all hope, and address those issues. And the solution will not be more indoctrination and more brainwashing in the classrooms.
For now the narrative will not change because of him. The narrative the left will be pushing will be the same no matter what. The narrative will still be open borders, and orange man is bad.
Just within the tiny sample size of this thread, we have >>219608 who says "both this idiot and the fucking loser who attacked the last synagogue are the reasons why I can not call myself a national socialist." And that's from a guy who is willing to give National Socialists the time of day to even listen to them. Where attacks against 60 year old women of no importance do the most harm is in deterring people who would otherwise be amenable to at least listening to arguments. The people who matter, and who may be convinced, are not Leftists - they were always write-offs - but those of no real political inclination who hate anti-white racism, and those who currently support Nationalist Populist parties.

From their earliest days onwards, Western whites are trained to believe that Nazis deliberately killed tens of millions of Jewish, Polish, Slavic, and Romani men, women, and children, with the intent to exterminate entire ethnicities, while bringing their own German nation to ruin in the process. Above all else, they are told that anti-semites will do the same again if given the chance. That is, that all people of the far right are evil child killers in waiting. What message, exactly, does this attack send other 19 year-olds with no current politics, or for that matter, any of the supporters of the rightwing populist parties? It tells them that people on the far right want to kill 60 year old women who never did anything of note.

This is extremely difficult to understand, but it must be understood. The vast overwhelming majority of people, including those already on the rightwing, do not understand the motivation behind anti-semitism. I would go so far as to say that most people who vote for Trump, VfD, UKIP, Vox, or whichever other parties have a better understanding of the motivations of Islamic terrorists for attacking Christians and Westerners than they do of the motivations of the Nazis and modern anti-semites. Seriously, try this with your normie associates. Ask them why Islamic terrorists see the West as a threat, and then ask them why some people dislike the Jews. I promise you that most of them have a better understanding of the Islamic terrorists than they do Nazis.

This is why the target is critical. When you just attack unimportant old people, it makes you look like a white version of ISIS, with the difference that ISIS knows how to plan an attack or use a gun. And if it wasn't well known, ISIS has a very low approval rating among Western rightwingers. Writers, professors, and journalists would be vastly better targets, because people on the right - the only people you can try to convince - would have little sympathy for the victim, but would immediately understand why it was done.

>The narrative the left will be pushing will be the same no matter what
No shit. The question is, "what will the unconvinced believe." When leftist narratives about the rightwing bringing in a new holocaust do not match the facts known, then people will not be persuaded by the left. When anti-semites make it obvious that they do indeed wish to kill 60 year old women, then the leftist narrative, to anyone already not convinced, looks like the truth. That is creating new data that fits the Leftist narrative.

>"Not all Muslims"
Muslims have a massive and well entrenched ideological group always on the look out for their interests, and prioritizing it above the interests of Westerners. Nazis do not have any one at all looking out for their interests, and are themselves their only way of conducting PR. Yes, Trump, Farage, Vox, VfD, National Rally, and so forth, always go out of their way to dissociate themselves from Synagogue shooters. Do you know how they do that? They do that by denouncing anti-semtism, by getting closer to Israel, by calling the Left anti-semetic, and by expelling any members who ever say anything antisemtic.

Attacks like these discredit anti-semitism generally. That is all they do.
>To the glow-niggers and Jewed-media reading this. I think it is important for you to know that I did not do this alone. I had the help of a man named Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg. He was kind enough to plan and fund this whole operation—the sly bastard. Apparently, Pewdiepie hates Jews as much as Pajeets. Who would’ve known?

He can't keep getting away with it!
219778 219806 219843 219846
File (hide): CC6B43A578A3118ABCB0CB45528FD14D-4465946.mp4 (4.3 MB, Resolution:640x360 Length:00:01:38, The Jew fear the Samurai.mp4) [play once] [loop]
The Jew fear the Samurai.mp4
You are all about to discredit a White man because he didn't follow the ZOG's rules.
Think twice, those rules are designed to keep the kike' status quo as administrators of the gentile population.
There is no way that the (((System))) will allow an anti-(((System))) political force come to power.
The democratic game is a sham, a charade to keep the fools chasing the illusion of representation and to give a fake image of legitimacy.
219846 219850
>this fucking Optics v. Principles argument again
This was a false flag operation by the kikes. It's so clearly a false flag operation that I can't believe that you would so easily fall for it.
219806 219846
>think tanks, journalists, or politicians
St Tarrant kills muslims -> y not jews?
Piano man kills jew -> y not think tanks, journalists, or politicians?

Probably because those aren't generally soft targets.
219837 219850 219860
>maybe if I use enough buzzwords I'll look more authentic than you
Because we all know that 60-year-old woman was secretly an administrator just like Barbara Lerner-Spectre.
This isn't about political strategy, it's about choosing our targets so everyone associated with the cause doesn't look like inhuman monsters as portrayed by our enemies. Surprise surprise, whites have a sense of justice and will never support someone who killed apparently innocent people.

I think only fools would have preferred Tarrant going after Jews. He would have been much more unpalatable. When the average person looks at a synagogue he does not see a foreign people trying to replace his way of life. Jews are actually doing this but quite discreetly and generally from the top.

>soft targets
Making things easier for yourself is for the cowardly and/or unintelligent. If you're not a complete sperg it could be possible to infiltrate and get close to valuable targets. It's a shame that no one is smart enough to get a finance degree and patiently gain access to a major bank HQ to smuggle goodies.
Russian General Konstantin Petrov on the Jewry.mp4
>Because we all know that 60-year-old woman was secretly an administrator just like Barbara Lerner-Spectre.
Listen to this Russian general, he explains how the world is ruled from the beginning of history and the role the jews have. He also mentions that they might be replaced by members of the Scientology church.
The info this guy had is top level and cannot be dismissed.
Here I post an excerpt related to the kikes.

219845 219848
Holy fuck you low IQ mutt shut up and never post or talk again. Your kind are the type to destroy truth to burn everything with your "enlightened" stupidity. Its like an autistic person who think they're in the hold of some truth when in reality EVERYTHING they say means NOTHING but they just keep fucking talking. But NOOOO its far worse then that in fact. Because if it was you just saying nothing then at least there would be not repercussions. But NOOO your talking toxic shit to our movement. EVERY FUCKING THREAD in which your in you bring up shit about the ZOG or ((())) randomly. No one is talking about it. The current conversation you are in no one was talking about optics. We are talking about why this fucking retard, just like you chose to make so many fucking poor choices.

Ding ding ding, its because he was a stupid kid. I sure hope your a kid too because if you are a full grown man and this fucking retarded I'd recommend necking yourself you useless waste of space. That way one less retarded fuck would be in our ranks. SO STFU and STOP making us look bad or do the jean pool a favor and win yourself a Darwin award. The far right has room for the mentally disabled but only if they shut up and do as they are told. National socialists who are on par with SEIGE faggotry are the reason why we cannot get things done, not because of "optics" or of "principles" but because the group is full of legitimate retards who by being part of the group will make it a fucking joke.
This kid discredited himself. He's 19. Hardly a "man." Sure, he "regained his agency as a white 'man'" by making a choice. The fact remains that he made the wrong choice. If you make a choice to drink and drive and it kills a family of three in the process, you've made a choice and thus proven your agency as a human being, but you've also proven yourself to be a morally questionable dumbass in the process.

If you want to oppose the democratic process, do it in a smarter way.

This isn't a false flag, this is a teenage stormfag. But for the consequences it has it may as well be a false flag.

Only a tiny minority complained that Tarrant didn't kill jews, and my suspicion is that group overlaps pretty heavily with the tiny minority that approves of this shooting.

Second, only politicians and some journalists tend to be "hard" targets. This kid was a student at UCLA. UCLA is one of so many schools with extremist leftist professors who offer course against whiteness and the patriarchy. All he had to do was find one of those professors and go into their office during office hours. Undefended, and requiring little research, while producing a target who is not sympathetic nor obviously innocent, while letting far left academicians feel personally at risk.

Finally, you get out of life what you put into it. If you don't even bother to learn how to clear a jam out of an AR 15 before using it in a shooting Pull the charging handle back, release it, then slap the left side of the gun then why are you even doing something that you know will fuck up the rest of your ~50 years of life.

Please tell us in great detail how the death of this one random woman has saved the white race. No, this guy did not kill "the Jews." He killed one woman. And regardless of whether you want to see the Jews as a collective hive mind, the fact remains that individuals are the persons doing things. Killing people who have nothing to do with the process neither stops the process, nor draws attention to the process. This guy could have found a college professor at UCLA where he was attending school, or an actor, or someone working in the tech industry, or fucking anyone of importance, and that target would have drawn attention to anti-white ideology. But instead, he made himself and his cause look like monsters while accomplishing nothing. The Jews most directly responsible for Globalism and Cultural Marxism don't even attend synagogue, they are Atheists who have no respect for tradition. Even their own.

And of course, even if you believe (falsely) that Jews are a hive mind rather than a number of individuals, then killing one person is utterly meaningless and accomplishes nothing, because the hive lives on when one or even a substantial portion of its members are dead.
>u mad
And rightful so you dumb faggot.
219849 219850
>National socialists who are on par with SEIGE faggotry are the reason why we cannot get things done
>And rightful so you dumb faggot.
What can I say?
There is a crucial fact that every Earnest's critic is ignoring, there are no channels available for White Nationalists to play the democratic game, every avenue is shut down over and over again; so, it is expected that the violence against low hanging targets will increase.

>every Earnest's critic is ignoring
You stupid fuck no I'm saying he was dumb for who he attacked and when he attacked. He should have spent years planning an attack out but he was dumb. Like how you are stupid for defending the kid. Stop he deserves everything he got and more honestly.
You are entirely missing the point of this entire thread. Not all violence is equal, some ways could rally support, while some are counter productive, and some attempts at violence are just sad for how pathetic they are.

This teenager isn’t being criticized for using violence - Tarrant was 50 times as effective at being violent, yet he was largely popular. He’s criticized for doing everything else wrong and in a way that is harmful.

See >>219606 >>219608 >>219611 >>219623 >>219622 >>219663 >>219678 >>219722 >>219806

Honorable mention of >>219778 for pointing out that if you were designing a False flag, it would looking like this

219853 219926 219946
>Earnest deserve condemnation because of lack of effectiveness and make us look bad.
Sorry, No matter what, I stand with the White man, his intentions are pure.

Answer me just this one question I have about your hero. Defend him on this one point and I will leave you alone:

Why couldn’t and didn’t John Earnest learn how to quickly clear out a jam on an AR15 rifle by manually cycling the bolt?
219855 219856
I don't know, perhaps a pianist wasn't cool enough to confront a zogbot trying to kill him and therefore he retreated.
219857 219926
This guy is supposed to be a “martyr” for the cause, but the moment someone points a gun at him he pussies out and doesn’t even know how to use his own. Weak, tens of millions of White males before him have fought and died in wars, and this piece of shit who expects to kill unarmed defenseless civilians can’t handle even one person shooting at him. Stupid and cowardly, unworthy to be a white male.
219857 219867
this is you.png
Holy fucking cringe. I'm done if I see your posts again I'm just going to filter them since your not even worth losing brain cells over.
Well, Earnest didn't larp like many.
R for respect.

>I'm done if I see your posts again I'm just going to filter them
Please do so.
219859 219898 219993
If you listen really closely, you can hear the sound of coins jingling and hands rubbing as the strings on 78d0b are yanked to and fro...
>Making things easier for yourself is for the cowardly and/or unintelligent. If you're not a complete sperg it could be possible to infiltrate and get close to valuable targets. It's a shame that no one is smart enough to get a finance degree and patiently gain access to a major bank HQ to smuggle goodies.
I have a finance degree. However, if you aren't (((connected))), you can't get a job in finance. What goodies would you smuggle? Bankers aren't a good target like muslims are...

>Making things easier for yourself is for the cowardly and/or unintelligent
A lone wolf can't take on professionally trained guards. Tarrant chose wisely, and made a go at the high score.

>Finally, you get out of life what you put into it. If you don't even bother to learn how to clear a jam out of an AR 15 before using it in a shooting
Well, I agree with you there. I don't think he did much, if any, training. St Tarrant was in top physical condition, your average normie gets winded going up two sets of stairs. Taking on an op like that, you have to be in decent shape, it's fairly demanding running around like that carrying ammo, etc. You should also be able to clear a jam and have a backup firearm.

The paradox is that most people, if they undertook a plan to improve themselves and get in good shape, wouldn't be dissatisfied enough with their life to an hero.

Well then, I recommend getting together some people you absolutely trust on your Minecraft server and form a team, training them and ensuring they don't go off on their own like a retarded sperg. No one is invulnerable. Bankers don't live in their office buildings, they have schedules and they take limos which presumably aren't tanks. If you're going to stoop to the level of griefing, at least learn from those who are successful.
219875 219899 220069
giant bunny.jpg

I dont have the best opinion of Earnest. Not because i dont agree with what he did (i do avow synagogue shootings for the purpose of accelerationism) but i think that he was inefficient and this was probably a CIA plant poorly pulling a tarant killing as little """chosen people""" as possible. How hard is it to mow down a line of people with a gun and somehow you only kill 1 of them?

That said, I find your posts in here generally unappealing and considering the Ad hominems and your threats to filter out people because you dont like what they say makes me questions why you even started posting in this thread in the first place. Lashing out against other posters like this is counterproductive. Please consider taking a break and come back when you have calmed down.
>form a team
Teams are unreliable.

>limos which presumably aren't tanks
you might be surprised

At any rate, this is just a theoretical conversation, I'm helping the white world in other ways. I have three white kids to take care of, can't go off being a loan wolf or a team leader.

At least not until the revolution starts.

>How hard is it to mow down a line of people with a gun and somehow you only kill 1 of them?
Harder than people think. At the very least, you need some cardio endurance, so you can run around with ammo, multiple firearms and a vest. Being large will help deter heroes, no one even attempted to rush St Tarrant, he was physically imposing. Piano man was a thin kid, zero intimidation and zero endurance. His gun jammed, he didn't know what to do. If you haven't run a thousand rounds (minimum) through a gun, you have no business trusting it.

>Because that needs research, budget, and support
It requires some homework, some over the counter chemicals, and a drone.
that one guy.png
>no one even attempted to rush St Tarrant
There was that one guy, actually.
Get fash.png
>If you listen really closely, you can hear the sound of coins jingling and hands rubbing as the strings on 78d0b are yanked to and fro…
>Posting /leftypol/ meme about a NatSoc guy being played by ideologues
Make your mind, NatSoc guys hardly can be bought by kikes, once redpilled there is no turning back.
And by the way, here it is about us vs them, there is no middle ground bickering with right vs wrong matters which may apply only among Whites.

Giant rabbits like that.. just dress it as apony and do things to it
Trips checked. He didn't rush him at all. He was trying to escape and just get by him. He had a better chance to try and tackle him. Rifles are shit up close. Considering how prepared Tarrant was, he probably had a pistol and a knife though.

>Posting /leftypol/ meme about a NatSoc guy being played by ideologues
Oh, is that where it's from? Well, even a broken clock chimes right twice a day, I s'pose. By the way, what's this 'ad hominem' thing I keep hearing about?
>NatSoc guys hardly can be bought by kikes
Really? Because they seem to have hooked right into your psyche with little to no effort. All (((they'd))) have to do is work a little false flag magic, and that mass of hate you've got for ((('em))) makes you super easy to manipulate into following down their schemes and--
Hey, wait a minute. Didn't I already tell you this before?
Well shit, guess I did. In one ear and out the other with you, I guess.

I feel like I'm on a roll here, so I'll task you with a little bit of homework.
Look into what "special pleading" is, research the term "integrative complexity", and as a little bonus, look into the phrase "horseshoe theory". I think you'll really like that last one; I hear Soygon and the Liberalists® are really big fans of it too!
Jørgen, when you make statements like this:
>The real danger as I see it is the PC world we are slipping into; a world where SJW roam around enforcing the rules from 1984.
It really makes me question how much you interact with the youth of today.
I'll tell you this right now: Gen Z has the same opinion of progressive social justice politics that Gen X did of conservative Christian morality politics: nothing but well earned disrespect and contempt. With universities on the decline, particularly social science degrees, coupled with a youth immersed in rapid-fire meme culture that isn't afraid to take the piss out of their self-styled overlords, the current power base doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of surviving past a decade or two. No mass shootings required to get to that point, just simple pressure and time.
And to top it all off,
>It is not like if he hadn't shot anyone the main stream media or people on the left would have changed their opinion or not pushed this narrative like they already are doing.
The difference is that previously, the narrative was fictitious, and simply accepted by the consumers of the media because well, why not? Once a real event happens that fits the narrative, they can instantly use this irrefutable action as a Trojan Horse to further hammer in their previously defined narrative, regardless of whether or not it is true or not. It's simple propaganda.

Your heart's in the right place Jørgen, but you seem awfully naive in your outlook, and misinformed about the causes and effects of our current societal shift.
219924 219957
>It really makes me question how much you interact with the youth of today.
Not at all, I am to old to be running in those circles. So I will concede I am a bit naive to what goes on in the heads of the youth today.

>The difference is that previously, the narrative was fictitious, and simply accepted by the consumers of the media because well, why not?
That is true. And there is a so much he could have done that would have been better, and he might have wasted a talented future. But he is a reminder to people that something is really wrong in the western world. I would much rather have seen him become a voice of the conservative and western culture. But I guess he became too blackpilled and thought that even though his act would be small, it would be an act non the less. Also because he was a lone wolf you can't really blame any group for what he did. He acted alone and he will bear the blame alone.
The thing I condone with his action is that he did something, but it was ill conceived. The sad thing is that he could have become a wonderful husband and father and created a wonderful family. But he is young and he will perhaps still be able to.
I don't think he will get too many years in prison, mainly due to the poorly planning and rush. To me it sounds like he had a severe depressive episode and didn't see any way out than what he did. The menifesto reads a bit like a suicide letter so it shows the runt he was in. With a really good lawyer he will just get some years in psyciatrlic care.
>But he is a reminder to people that something is really wrong in the western world
Sure, but what are they going to think is wrong with the Western world? Are they going to think that Jews are a threat that must be stopped? Or are they going to believe that anti-semitism is a dangerous force that is rising and must be crushed before it can do harm? Unlike the situation with Muslims, communists, SJWs, and globalists, anti-demotion is a cause that has no friends in the media even on the Right. Again, unlike like if he had, for example, targeted a professor at his school who believes white people must be exterminated, people on the Right watching may not agree with his action, but they will immediately understand why he did it, and will half-sympathize. But no one outside if a tiny minority of the small minority that is the Far Right in the West will understand why he thought a synagogue was a good target. Hell, I don’t sympathize with a synagogue as a target and neither does probably half this thread.

There is a reason the Left fakes hate crimes. It’s because pointless attacks like these help convince centrists and the non-political that the Right’s ideology is dangerous, immoral, and has no relation to facts.

>Also because he was a lone wolf you can't really blame any group for what he did. He acted alone and he will bear the blame alone.
He did the act in the name of a cause and the name of an ideology. All White Nationalism will take a hit for this. I guess I ought to give this guy credit for doing this in between the New York Times running not one, but two anti-Semitic cartoons in less than a week, taking pressure off the Right in the United States. He also called Trump a “cocksucker,” allowing Trump and his followers to easily disassociate himself from this. So at least the parts of the populist right that virtue signal endlessly that they are not anti-semetic will avoid taking a hit.

>I don’t think he will get many years in prison
Well, this is America. California did away with the death penalty literally only a couple weeks ago.
I don't want more White Man to give their lives in vain.
See Tarrant, he did pushed our narrative.

I'll just point out that turning HIM into a "martyr" to the public as a whole who's convinced that we're monsters, will only be received with "screw this special snowflake".
>Sure, but what are they going to think is wrong with the Western world?
They will probably think what they already are thinking. That white people are the problem of the western world.
Problem today is that there is no democratic way to fix it. Anyone who rises the question that they want to preserve western culture and identity are shut down and ostracized. Most people today have deep rooted xenophobia when it comes to white people. All cultures except European has a political place today. When someone raises the idea of keeping Israel a Jewish state no one will bat an eyelid. Or if someone like Mugabe says he wants to confiscate all land from white farmers, there is not any pushback from the world community. So if his action leads to normalization of the idea that someone wants to preserve white culture it will be a good step in the right direction.

>All White Nationalism will take a hit for this.
As I see it white nationalism or cultural identity is already at an all time low then it comes to acceptance in todays society. I don't think there will the optics of this will change for better or worse. Also I think he will be forgotten in the media and public opinion as a lone wolf that went astray.
Also there has just been a school shooting today so the focus ans narrative will probably be turned back to that. And we can also thank AOC and Omar a little for putting themselves in the shooting line for this by their tweets, so much if the news has been be on what they did and not what Earnest did.

>Well, this is America. California did away with the death penalty literally only a couple weeks ago.
He will need a good lawyer like OJ "If the glove don't fit you must acquit" Simpson. But also there is so many worse single murders that happens every day, and even though his was political, I can see lenience in the cards. Had he shoot up a black church it would have been an entirely different matter. If he had done that he would be getting life or be sitting on death row.
Uh, you are aware that pretty much every person in this thread, including the people who disagree with you and the teenager, are white males, don’t you?
No white male I know uses checkerboard jpegs.
>But I guess he became too blackpilled and thought that even though his act would be small, it would be an act non the less.
No, he was a copycat, plain and simple. And the mechanism by which he became a copycat is also very simple to understand: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-D3YoW3Hxg
The MSM makes it's own fuel for it's ongoing fire.
>Also because he was a lone wolf you can't really blame any group for what he did.
Said every apologist ever, said every news outlet never.
You must have been around for the 2016 elections like I was, man. You must have seen the Hurricane Katrina force spin going on by the media. How could they resist spinning it into an attack on their ideological opponents?

Listen, I know what you're trying to do. You're trying to stay positive, trying to see some kind of silver lining in this smörgåsbord of bullshit. But believe me when I say that it's far better to just disavow and move on. Don't be put on the defensive by something like this; that's exactly what the legacy media wants you to do, so they can spin that defensive reaction as you defending a murderer.
John Earnest was a dumbshit copycat at best, and an insider plant at the very worst. He's a scumfuck who killed an old lady because he wanted some of the fame Daddy Tarrant did, with nowhere near the finesse, planning, or preparation that Tarrant did. Simple as that.
Do not play by their rules. Shrug it off and move on.
219992 220053
>Said every apologist ever, said every news outlet never.
It is easy to turn this into a mental health issue. I haven't heard anything that he was an outcast, loner or incel. So the media has to spin the story of a well adjusted individual that in four weeks turned to murder. If they go that route they will blame online forums for it and try to push for more regulations. But I think we're at the point where the population at large isn't open for more restrictions. I think the main stream media actually will leave this alone and let it die off silently.

>But believe me when I say that it's far better to just disavow and move on.
True. And sure he was a copycat to an extent, and did this because Tarrant. But I don't think his goal was to be like Tarrant. I just feel like it would take longer time for people like "Going Ghost" and others to become copycats in the true sense. I feel like copycats has a maturing of their "hero worshiping" and they plan a little to be more like their "hero". But I could be wrong. I can't say I know how his life was, but he don't seam like an /r9k/ type or suicidal. And he had a lot going for him and could have made much of his life, he even stated what he wanted to become and was studying.
So only logical reason I am left with is that it was a mental break, a bit of depression, and the pressure got to him. And because it probably is mental and he has a supporting family I don't think the media will demonize him. It is so easy to turn it back on the media as exploiting an mental unstable individual for some sensational headlines.

>Do not play by their rules. Shrug it off and move on.
That is the plan. News cycles don't last long, and I think this will be forgotten soon in mainstream just like Tarrant has. Well when I say "news cycles" I am not thinking of the Russia Collusion that has had an impressive staying power.
>if his action leads to normalization
I don't know what bizarro world you live in where killing people is considered "normal" (except when Muslims are granted a free pass)
People will think of white identitarianism less highly because a terrorist is associated with it. It's why Muslims are considered scum by anyone who isn't brainwashed. If you want to "normalize" our values then do something unquestionably positive like run an orphanage that saves children from Globohomo.

Also, mental illnesses or not, he dun goofed and pretty much hurt all of us. Stupidity cannot be rewarded with a hug and a smile. The only way to stop "copycats" is to say, even on our private channels, "Don't be a faggot and ruin what's left of our public perception. And if you must resort to griefing, do so in a way that actually accomplishes something for our side." "Read Siege!" and "The absolute madlad!" are fine for ironic usage but some idiots have no idea it's better treated as ironic.

>the media will leave this alone
Except you have newscasters openly saying young white males are the greatest threat to society. They'll keep pushing that narrative. Also, even if it's not on mainstream news the leftists you argue with on social media will point and say "See? SEE? Proof that the right is more dangerous than the left!" The Left may be a bunch of violent, egotistical bullies but they do admittedly kill a lot fewer people for whatever reason. Probably because they already control the public sphere and can doxx you or even beat you without significant backlash, and so won't resort to more extreme methods.
220053 220072
>NatSoc guys hardly can be bought by kikes
>Really? Because they seem to have hooked right into your psyche with little to no effort.
I used the word "bought" because you mentioned coins at >>219858 , but now you change the meaning to "manipulation". So be it.
You are right about it, angry men are easily pushed and mislead, however, kikes are not an obsession as you put it, but an upsetting itch that needs eradication.

>so I'll task you with a little bit of homework.
>special pleading
>integrative complexity
>horseshoe theory
I am aware of those, the first tries to intellectualize the logical thinking as a stepped process. Which is into the realm of comfy charlatans. Don't get me wrong, my disdain for intellectual exercise is because it is brought at the wrong time and wrong place. You are trying to inject an intellectual perspective in opposition to a kinetic one.
The second one is extremely well known to me as a permanent exercise about calculate imponderables and explore "what about if" situations.
The third is also known, and for example, it may be applied to the desirable transition of antifa to nazbol, and from there to Strasserism.
Anyways, I suspect that your homework is about to give me a framework to understand your point of view, if so, I really appreciate it, nonetheless, it doesn't change my belief an inch. Related meme from the thread you mentioned before is posted.
Learn how to use a gun first, and pick better targets. This idiot deserves only contempt for his failure at the basics
220064 220069 220072 220112 220114
File (hide): 0AD91FF63E799B24244570D4B138BAC8-18489152.mp4 (17.6 MB, Resolution:854x480 Length:00:03:34, ANTIFA.mp4) [play once] [loop]
So many triggered by a simple act of violence, some spinning it as morally wrong, some despise it for clumsy, others because of muh optics.
Allow me to say that this thread makes me wonder which side you are, or perhaps it is because of your character. It has a creepy parallel with the "Fellow White People" anti-White campaign.
>Triggered by a simple act of violence
You’re triggered by comments on an imageboard. What the hell is worth being upset by except violence?

>some as morally wrong
A valid point that at no point you have even tried to refute.

>some as clumsy
A very valid point that you have at no point tried to refute.
Seriously, all this guy had to do was take his gun to the shooting range enough to learn how to clear jams and which ammunition varieties would tend to cause jams.

>others because much optics
As no one in this thread, not even you, has claimed that the murder did anything to have an effect in itself, there is literally no reason to do it or not do it except for how it influences other people. So yes, even you are arguing in favor of it because if “Optics.”
While we’re on the subject, you’re the only person in the entire thread to use that term.

>makes me wonder which side you are
I’m going to assume you meant to end that phrase with “on” and just neglected to write it
Yes. This thread does make us wonder whose side you are on. There is a real reason people on this website think your posts are made by a bot.

>Creepy parallel to fellow white people campaign
Your posts do indeed look like “fellow white people” campaigns, trying to discredit any sort of far right opinions by making it look irrational, stupid, and monstrous.

Produce an argument for your opinion, or shut the fuck up. Because you have yet to even attempt to refute any of the reasons put forth for condemning this guy except he is “huwhite” and totally not a Jewish plant.
220114 220130 220216
Think I've cooled down enough to answer your question serenely. I did post because I was angry. And angry I still am, at the state of the far right. What makes something right wing? Its the masculine. Its why women and children are more likely to be left wing. Males, order are synonymous in this case. Its something about shaping chaos (and women/children) into a tool and providing for them. That is at the best what it means to be right wing. But our house has become plagued with internal strife and disorder. That disorder is caused by those who chase after the feminine power. Accelerationism is something I overall disagree with but it can be done in ways that I can be made to agree with. Tarrant is the best example.

But this idea of needing to waste human potential to accelerate is something I loath. This kid had a future. But he lost it due to being thrown into a bad idea (racialism and likely national socialism as indicated by his choice in targets) and this made it so that his life will be one in which is wasted. Its a sad thing and its something we on the right have caused because our camp is in disarray. If someone wants to go out like Tarant do it like Tarrant did, maximize your potential for change with research training and the like rather then by enacting rash action. But this is something we likely agree on so I won't go to much further. But what makes me angry are the proponents in which allow, no encourage this behavior to waste what is there. Which leads me to my second point, why I get so irrationally angry at the national socialist of the thread.

I've criticized racialism and national socialism before and the long story short version is the ideas it exposes although comprehensive are weak when individually scrutinized. It in its American variation (which is a bastardization of pan europan racialism and a bit of fascistic though) is even worse since we have data that pan European identitarianism isn't good and that the founding fathers of this state were overall wrong. So when I'm asked a question like "your either pro white or anti-white" I'm forced into a camp where I have to say anti white. Because I'm pro-German, pro-French, pro-English, pro-Italian, and pro-Portuguese but I really can't say I'm pro white as a group since it doesn't exist in my mind. I'm I pro-westerner? Absolutely! Pro-Slav? Of course. Pro-Arab? Yes. So this leaves me in a peculiar spot when talking with someone I disagree with but it leaves me in a spot where I'm forced to comment on something else.

This is not an adhom, I do not make this case to lower the arguments I've just made against national socialism or racialism. But I make the case because it needs to be talked about. That is the certain poster's in ability to self reflect which bugs me. It is unhealthy to be drawn in by the idea to a degree the poster at hand is. Where it becomes one's dialogue to only speak in the language of the ideology its clear the mind has become twisted by its phonetics. Saying zogbot is what did this for me. It was saying that this poster was beyond reason because he was unable to self reflect and see how cringe his actions are. Its like doing /) unironically. Or only ever being able to talk about MLP. One can be a horsefucker and not be a cringe lord. Same with being a racialist (even if I'll disagree.) But the reason why others dislike >>220059 is due to the posting style makes it painfully clear he does not self reflect. Linking an MP4 at the end of every thing makes it clear these ideas are not his. Only being able to speak national socialist talking points makes clear his language has been twisted by the idea. Constantly moving ideas towards national socialism when no one is talking about it makes clear that the idea has completely consumed his mind. And what makes me angry is this level of zeal in this individual is admirable but wrong. Its like having respect for an SJW for being so consumed by what they believe. I cannot believe in an idea nearly as much because I doubt it all but too often. But when you see someone having their stings being pulled in front of you I cannot help but scream for it to stop. Be it an SJW, a national socialist, or one with the exact same thoughts as I do.
This post got real long and preachy for what was supposed to be a snide shitpost. Apologies to the thread goers in advance.

>I used the word "bought" because you mentioned coins at >>219858, but now you change the meaning to "manipulation". So be it.
Oof, nevermind, apparently you also need to research the terms "metaphor" and "subtext" as well.
You are aware that literal interpretation is the worst possible thing you can do against wiley wabbits like the Jews, right? Or do you just selectively apply your analysis to things clearly labelled for you as Jews? Because either way, croikey m8.
>kikes are not an obsession
Two possibilities exist for this phrase.
The first possibility it that you legitimately think that me, or somewhere over half the people lurking this thread, genuinely believe this statement about yourself.
The second possibility is that you genuinely believe this statement about yourself.
Either possibility had me giggling a bit, so I'll thank you either way.

Now I know I can be an utter unrepentant asshole and thread derailer extraordinaire during these spiels of mine, but good googley o'moogley do these next lines take the cake.
>the first tries to intellectualize the logical thinking as a stepped process
Am I alone in not knowing what the unholy lordie loo this even means?
>my disdain for intellectual exercise is because
Let me just stop you right there, huwhite man. You dislike intellectual exercise because you cannot follow along with it. Your dislike of it is entirely rooted in envy. You know it, I know it, everyone lurking this thread knows it. If it weren't rooted in envy, you would have sought to better yourself in that field, to better use it as an aid for your causes, instead of moping about it "being in a bad time and place," and redefining what the discussion is about to conveniently exclude le ebil intellectualz.
I don't fucking think so. Miss me with that shit.
>The second one is extremely well known to me as a permanent exercise about calculate imponderables and explore "what about if" situations.
That's not even remotely close to what integrative complexity means. In fact, this definition seems like the kind of strawman one constructs for something they have no understanding of, but that aggravates them all the same.
Here's a nudge in the right direction for you. http://www2.psych.ubc.ca/~psuedfeld/CXY.html I'm just waiting for the inevitable ad hominem.
Given your previously established apparent lack of understanding about metaphor and subtext, I'm not even going to dignify the third one with a response.
>Related meme from the thread you mentioned before is posted.
Wowie, okay. Let's go down the list.
One, the implicit assertion that character and "intellectualism" are somehow mutually exclusive(?)
Two, the obvious symbolism for how you view yourself in comparison to me. I'm sure it must've sounded much better in your head, in contrast to my summation of it in text here.
And third? Well, let's just tie this in with >>220059 , shall we?

>Allow me to say that this thread makes me wonder which side you are, or perhaps it is because of your character.
You are correct, huwhite man. You are so very, inextricably, absolutely correct. It does make one wonder what side you are on, and it does make one wonder about your character.
Allow me to be frank.
You have the mindset of a bloodthirsty Mongol. Nothing but blood on the mind. No thought towards the betterment of your own people. Just the extermination of those who oppose you, on the assumption that doing so will, by definition, better your people. It will do no such thing.
If you cannot apply even a modicum of introspection, if you cannot even bring yourself to critique your own faction and demand that they do better in the face of their opposition, then a bloodthirsty Mongol is what you will remain.
The only ethnostate a creature like you deserves is with your 56% huwhite bretheren. An animal, only suited to be unchained and sent after targets by your leash holder. Where you belong.
Act like a mongrel, lie with the mongrels.

Whew, sorry. Got a little full of myself there. Let's end on a high note.
>So many triggered by a simple act of violence
Did you know that IMAX projectors typically use 15kW xenon-arc lamps in order to project the image at around about 587x magnification? Technology's pretty cool, huh?
What's irritating about anons like you is you fail to understand the difference between a valid act of self-sacrifice for a cause and throwing your own life away in a rash act of utter stupidity, that at worst causes harm to the movement and at absolute best just has no effect whatsoever. Tarrant, at the very least, picked his targets and planned his attack. He went after Islamic fundamentalists with ties to terrorist activity, and he was professional enough about it to rack up a decent kill count. He chose reasonable targets and produced reasonable results, and his actions spawned a series of very effective memes. He also clearly understood the implications of what he was doing and the price he would have to pay as a result; it was a thought-out and premeditated act where he understood the weight of what he was undertaking.

This incident is just an example of a kid doing something stupid and impulsive that will cost him the remainder of his life. His heart may have been in the right place but that doesn't matter if his brains were off in tinfoil hat country. This kid is going to be sitting in a jail cell for probably most if not all of his life because of a dumb, impulsive decision he made as a result of spending too much time on /pol/. He might even get the death penalty. And for what? He didn't even accomplish anything; he murdered some poor old lady and wounded an 8 year old kid while trying to kill some old fucking nobody rabbi. What did this achieve? Nothing. What would this have achieved even if he had done a less than half-assed job of it? Still nothing. Nothing here deserves to be praised.

I would like to once again call everyone's attention to this article I posted earlier >>219596 . In particular I think everyone should read the part where it talks about how if you're absolutely determined to attempt some kind of mass shooting, at least shoot at something that matters. Shooting white leftists at this point would be more effective than shooting random Jews for no reason beyond that they're Jews. If this kid had shot up an Antifa house or assassinated a left-wing celebrity it would have been a more meaningful act than what he did. He lived in California ffs, it's not like there was a shortage of deserving targets around him. He could have just gone into the UC Berkeley faculty lounge and opened fire. He still probably would have mostly hit Jews, and they would have been the right sort of Jews.
220119 220130
>But the reason why others dislike >>220059 is due to the posting style makes it painfully clear he does not self reflect
I agree, it is on purpose I confess, perhaps this may be the reason that at >>220064 I was called a bot.
And even if your explanation about my psyche is speculative, its foundation is superb, you really grasp those subtle details. In this case I am impressed.

>You have the mindset of a bloodthirsty Mongol.
Yes, I read everything you've wrote but the above is flattering, even if reality is the opposite. Thank you.

>What's irritating about anons like you is you fail to understand
Please, to have a different opinion, even if you believe it is bad and counterproductive is not the end of the world. Don't take it to heart. Consider my opinion as a blessing for those accelerating the social disintegration and it is totally devoid of moral considerations, an anarchist approach you
may call it.

In brief, I'm surprised that a few of you were provoked by my rigid orthodoxy. I will take that in count from now on.
I'm just saying, if you want to take action, take the right action and at least try to be smart about it. I'm also saying it's worth remembering that a lot of people browsing the /pol/sphere are young, and while it's good to have young people getting fired up about white identity, they are also prone to getting talked into doing really dumb shit, and are far more prone to irrational or dangerous acts when angry than an older person would be under the same level of stress. This kid basically fucked up his life to no good purpose, and it's pretty clear that /pol/ influenced his thinking quite a bit. Raw anger doesn't do you any good if you can't channel it effectively. This whole thing just strikes me as a tragic waste of a young white man's life and potential, and it shouldn't be cheered.
I understand. Noted.
>rigid orthodoxy
Having unshakeable ideals and morals is generally positive, being fanatical is not.

Unlike >>220069 I am a racialist and a white nationalist, simply because whites are the most genetically and culturally compatible and must band together. I do nonetheless view pan-Europeanism as negative. Alternative Hypothesis did a video once where he talked about the negative impacts of genetic intermixing: although Britons intermarrying with their closest relatives (Danes) produces a better outcome than with Somalis, it is still a negative result and causes genetic loss. If you value your own ethnicity and people, you will encourage mating with only your own. There are cases where this must be set aside, such as direct danger of your people dying out or where the regional culture of your race matters more (as in America), but usually it should be followed.

Listing yourself as a German/French/English/etc. nationalist, although a bit more palatable in the public perception, will cause additional complications. (((Civic nationalists))) will naturally say "culture makes you German/French/English/etc." and thereby divorce the idea of ethnic preservation from your particular nationalism. Saying "don't be afraid of being called a racist" and pointing out the failures of cultural assimilation helps awaken a racial consciousness among your ethnicity. So of course you need some racialism to express itself in positive ways (like "no more brother wars") but you don't want to go off the deep-end and become someone like Richard Spencer.

I digress. If you want a movement to succeed you need to be pragmatic without being compromising. As well as an ethno-nationalist I am an ancap and will seek out how to achieve these ends. A peaceful solution, although apparently impossible, should nonetheless be searched for if for nothing else than to calm the fears of outsiders. Some sort of temporary or vanguardist fascist state is most likely necessary to bring about our ends owing to the vast political and demographic upheaval required. This is likely to require a civil war which I will support if it's necessary. However, the aim of strategy, which you appear to have missed, is to attain our goals with the least cost. In the case of open conflict it generally means the least bodies piled up if you can help it. I don't want a race war because that would set America back into the dark ages, though Europe likely wouldn't suffer as badly. Division of the United States into ethnostates using negotiation AFTER establishing /ourregime/ seems to be the best option, as using give-and-take tactics would reduce chances for long-term conflict (which is a real threat to our people) while putting ourselves into a better light so as to reduce chances for "guilt" on the part of our descendants.

Even if your opinion is devoid of moral considerations it must still take into account pragmatic and economic considerations. How can I achieve what I want at the least cost for my side?
Is there a guide on how to successfully do what he attempted, Tarrant-style?
Let me give it a try

1. Choice of Targets
A couple people in this thread have erroneously referred to the synagogue as a "soft target," "low hanging fruit," or otherwise called it an easy target. But this synagogue had an off duty Border Patrol agent with a gun in it, and newspapers have reported that there was a former IDF soldier among the attendees. This was not an easy target. When you stop and think about it, there is no particular reason a synagogue in the United States should be disarmed, because the Jewish religion qua the Jewish religion is not opposed to guns, even if a number of Jewish ethnics are. Instead, you should find a target that both is not likely to itself guarded, and is not protected by armed guards.

This is yet another point in favor of a University class or room as a target. Leftwing radical university professors are always ideologically opposed to any kind of firearms, as are their students and their teaching assistants. Universities do have campus police, but they are too spread apart to serve as personal guards, and do not stand guard at individual classes and events.

This is one reason among several why a university lecture, class, or seminar on anti-white critical theory is a more optimal target, and definitely a better one for a university student.

Just with a single minute of google searching I could find "The Black Radical Tradition and the Fragility of White Supremacy" and Social Justice workshops at John Earnest's university.
These would have been infinitely better targets. Which leads me into part 2

Pick a target that at least a small number of people not already convinced of the movement will sympathize with. That is, pick a target with an obvious guilt in the war on the west. A critical theory seminar on Whiteness fits this criteria because everyone knows that these seminars are racist or at least zany and irrational. The professor and the students are both in on it. Don't kill random people for no other reason than because they are Jewish. Target Far left academia and far left media (and I don't mean CNN - I mean those journalists who literally call for extinction).

2. Know your Target
This is something even Tarrant failed to do, and obviously Earnest failed to do. Reconnoiter your target location before acting. Tarrant didn't know the layout of the second mosque, and so was not effective there. Earnest didn't know that his synagogue was guarded, and never got past the foyer. I guess a white male can't exactly just visit a mosque or a synagogue without being suspicious, but this is just another reason why those are not great targets. By contrast, students of universities can just walk around freely, and classrooms that are later used for classes or seminars are empty most of the day, allowing you to just go in. Note exit points, routes of escape, proximity of police, etc. Also think of how to sneak in a gun. Handguns are small enough to take under clothing or in a backpack, but rifles are larger and may require something more creative, like a golfbag.

3. Know how to use a damned gun
S.P.O.R.T.S. clears most jams
S: SLAP the bottom of the magazine, to make sure it has seated properly.
P: PULL the charging handle to the rear, and hold in position, leaving the chamber open for the next step,
O: OBSERVE the chamber, and see if there is a round in place ready to fire.
R: RELEASE the bolt, and make sure the charging handle has returned to proper position.
T: TAP the forward assist, to ensure the bolt has properly seated, and then,
S: SQUEEZE the trigger at a target.

Don't buy steel ammunition. It's cheap, but the rate of jamming is higher.
Take the gun to the range and fire it enough to know how it functions.

And bring more than one gun.

double dubs checked
>Except you have newscasters openly saying young white males are the greatest threat to society. They'll keep pushing that narrative
I like that narrative. We aren't a great threat to society, we are a threat to globalists and (((globalists))).

>Learn how to use a gun first, and pick better targets
Yes. Piano man had discipline to practice and learn to play piano, but that wasn't on display the other day. Who knew you couldn't just pick up a weapon and become St Tarrant?

>I'm forced into a camp where I have to say anti white.
You think too hard. Relax a little.

>because the Jewish religion qua the Jewish religion is not opposed to guns, even if a number of Jewish ethnics are
This is a good point. Jews aren't against guns, they are against guns for goys.
The difference.png
>The Difference Between a Mosque Shooting and a Synagogue Shooting
This thread had the latest activity, does anyone have a discord inv?
220632 220674
Don't you start with that shit, Discord encourages circlejerking namefaggery and drama and constant low-effort posts for the sake of being seen saying something, anything. Every new post bumps old posts further away from visibility, its only valid use is for coordination during times of war.
Don't forget, faggot furries run Discord and will happily sell your stolen personal information to lefty terrorist organizations.
671941__safe_solo_animated_smile_cute_upvotes galore_queen chrysalis_adorable_heart_nom.gif
based Nigel
Thank you!
>Don't forget, faggot furries run Discord and will happily sell your stolen personal information to lefty terrorist organizations.

Warning The Repression Of Logos Will Lead To Violence.webm
Fresh related video about the kikes wanting to suppress free speech
>Warning: The Repression Of #Logos Will Lead To Violence
>The only thing that can bring this intolerable situation back from the brink of revolution, is the discussion and acceptance of Logos.
>Coming from the Greek, the word Logos has over 5 pages of English equivalents such as "The Order of the Universe" "Rationality" and most importantly, Saint John's Gospel identifies the Logos as God Himself.
>Where there is Repression of Logos, where there is repression of speech, and where there is rejection of Jesus Christ, there will be chaos and revolution. The more that people like Dr. Michael Brown try to repress the Logos, the more young men will become violent and lash out because of this situation...

Full video: