Some more samples of
>And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power.
Why is this one not posted? Fixing that
>>219175The cathedral one is quite, to use an overused term, powerful. Shame about the nose, that's the "oh, it's racists doing this" detail that keeps normals away from dangerous thoughts.
>>219199I didn't know it was that bad in 2010
>>219215It is just a Cohen-cidence.
Potentially very powerful meme
Reminds me of this wonderful thing from the new common core curriculum.
>Jews were persecuted for no reason except their religion
>>219901>Jews believe every person is equalThey coveniently forget to mention goyim are not people
>>219901>they measured their nosesAh, the beauty of science!
>>221244I agree with the first image.
New Hampshire should be 100 % white.