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Is the West Lost and What Can We Do?
218945 218946 218949 218951 219010
Let's face it the situation in the west isn't looking good. Every day the headlines are more clown world than the last and that trend doesn't seem to be stopping. Transtesticles, child drag queens, mass immigration, censorship, slow growth, and an aging population. If current trends continue then we will become a hated minority in our own homeland, but what if we could become a minority in foreign land where we would be viewed as a curiosity?
Asians don't blame white people for all of their problems like niggers, kebabs, and beaners. Being white may even be an advantage in some countries like China. Sure they have social credit and censorship, but we have censorship too and it is only a matter of time before we get something like social credit here anyways. Maybe whites would be better off if we started moving to Asian countries and started forming white communities. At least Asian countries aren't talking about give reparations to shitskins. At least Asian countries aren't going to teach our children to hate themselves. At least Asian countries aren't going to let our sons cut their dicks off.
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(Good Chink Repellent)
218944 218958
Don't worry I am not a Chinese shill. I have just lost faith in the West.
Didn't we all?
China is a shithole.
I'm comfortable here.
Not that I'm advocating just rolling over for the lefties like a bunch of cucks, but if whites had to become a diaspora in an Asian country I'd say Thailand over China. It's preposterously cheap to live over there, there's no totalitarian gommie shit that I'm aware of, and their women are the fugliest gooks imaginable, so there would be no temptation to racemix.
I live in China. Let the Chinks have their own country and we retake ours. It's worth going to foreign lands only to gain knowledge, wealth and resources that we can use back home.
We will almost always be second class citizens there. Still better than what (((they))) are planning, but not the best option at the moment.

We need to hit hard and fast where it hurts for them. Resources (money, land, workers, ect.), Propaganda (mitigating and possibly reversing damage), Occult magic stuff (Religion).

Resources. Deny them stuff and they will get more desperate. Enrich yourself to have more reach.
Not quite sure of a great way to do this in the best way possible.

Propaganda. Memes, Art, Movies, Animation, Cartoons, News, Gossip, Appearance, Books, Fanfiction, Everything! We must win the hearts and minds (and souls) of as many people as possible.
Now, if what a person says is too damaging. That person would disappear, or a suicide by five bullets to the back of the head while chained after castration.

Occult / Religion. So, couple of things. In America there is freedom of religion and expression. Just about everywhere in the world (((they))) have a grip. Technically this part is also part of propaganda. We need to show the differences between multiple religions. The behaviors and attitudes.

Actual occult spooky stuff. Recently a group made strides to remove their control on the spiritual realm.I took part in it.
We can use magic actual fantastical magic to do even more. See this thread. https://mlpol.net/vx/res/98688.html#q98688
They have methods to deflect and defend against enemies whether (((they))) know it or not.
What they have isn't enough against any of our magic.
We can also use it to enhance and boost ourselves, our friends, our families, and our allies.
Meme magic is real any they don't know how to handle it.
They're likely to have more resources than us until very late into the game. What we should do is make sure we have enough resources to get us there. I don't really think Elon Musk is /ourguy/ but the fact he says unconventional things in his position makes the other elites very uncomfortable. Just one or two "anti-Soros's" could absolutely change the game. Resources would basically give our propaganda a platform; payment processors and social media that couldn't so easily get (((shut down))) would go a long way. Not to mention being able to move around more shadowy stuff we're going to need eventually.

Obviously becoming a billionaire takes a bit of genius and a lot of luck, but you don't have to get there to help. Learn practical skills that both make money now and are useful in hard times, work out, train, and get sociable. Have a bug-out location/fortress.

I don't believe that anything occult can be good but I admire your spirit. On the religious front, right now we need another Great Awakening/huge reform and it's pointless to wait for it to come from the top down. This is one area where money's basically useless: people need spirit. Study religion, get people organized, be willing to be called a heretic as you take to the streets. Islam is winning right now because it's a strong belief while the West has fallen into apathy.
>first part
Sorta right we're already dead. But lately I've been seeing this as a good thing. If the west really is fucked then that means every person alive within it has the opportunity to be the last sane man and die as such. Like a light in a sea of darkness. A calm in a shit show. If we're never coming back (which I think is the case) then we get this last glimmer of salvation as everything burns. Its not easy to attain salvation or the heroic when everything is looking up, but we're given a shot unlike all other generations past since the invasion of the Ottomans into Europe.

>second part
Nope fuck China, fuck Japan, and fuck every non-western state. If you leave then you are a pussy and I hope you die a terrible death.
>Nope fuck China, fuck Japan, and fuck every non-western state.
Maybe Russia then? I hear they give out 2.5 acres of free land if you're white.
>If you leave then you are a pussy and I hope you die a terrible death.
Staying seems to be suicide at this point. There is no honor in losing.
218959 218960
>Let's live in China!
>I am not a Chinese shill.
You've a funny way of proving you're not a shill.
Really I am up for any Eastern Country. I just picked China because it is growing, but now that I think about it they have an aging population too so we may see similar issues in China.
218962 218965
Mods can look through my post history and confirm I am not a shill.

(user has 0 post history)
Ha, just kidding, he's been here forever
>Sure they have social credit and censorship, BUT
Like anything you or anyone else could possibly say would make a literal dystopic social engineering system seem the lesser of two evils.

>we have censorship too and it is only a matter of time before we get something like social credit here anyways.
The difference is that we're not there yet, you're advocating putting shackles on sooner because you have yellow fever and don't want to be alone in doing so. The west is only lost when it is lost, and it's far from lost at this time, it's not doing well, but not as poorly as the blackpills would have you believe. They'll fight tooth and nail to keep what power they've got and escalation of that conflict is desirable because it drags them into the light so they can be seen for what they are.

>Maybe whites would be better off if we started moving to Asian countries and started forming white communities.
Like fucking niggers? Being white is more than just about your fucking genetics, it's a shared heritage, history, philosophy and so much more. Built on the bones of your forefathers and maintained with blood, fire and sweat. Abandoning it out of self preservation is the greatest disrespect you could possibly offer them and makes you as much a traitor as the vipers selling us out.

>At least Asian countries aren't talking about give reparations to shitskins. At least Asian countries aren't going to teach our children to hate themselves.
So long as you toe the party line that is, then it's the reeducation camps for you. You're a craven little roach, you know that? Do what you want, you'll live, but I wouldn't call it a life.

You act like this gives your argument credit, that's not how it works. In this thread you are unironically shilling for living in China, it's all over your fucking post right down to the flag. As for other asian nations, they are for the asian people, to do what you suggest is to lower ourselves to (((their))) level, to be leeches on other nations like they are.
I suggest we become the Jews of Asia. It's better than not existing as a people.
>I suggest we become the jews
Opinion discarded
>of asia
Still discarded
You sure? We would get to eat bagels and say "OY VEY" a lot.
This is worth watching:
So, going by Risk board game logic.
We should first conquer and stabilize one region at a time while disrupting enemy bonuses.
Publicly everywhere is hostile to sane people.
China is due to implode soon removing the government.
Not sure about South Korea.
Japan and islands in that area will discriminate. The maximum population we could have there peacefully would be farless. Natural Resources are cut down massively.
Venezuela is due to implode soon.
Europe has lots of resources, it's filled to the brim with opposing forces.
India is being setup to go to war with mudslimes.
Australia has shitposters. Deadly wild life. Still infiltrated.
New Zealand is a backup area for (((them))) as they watch the world burn from there.
Canada and the frozen wastelands. Due to import more dunecoons.
USA being setup for civil war as outside forces finish the job. Illegals entering.
Mexico lots of gang activity on the national level. Something about rainforests.
Africa is killing all the white people. China is trying to get a foothold on Africa.
Not sure about everywhere else and the specifics.

It is possible to consume China from the inside out once their government is gone. Plus side chink labor under our power. Down side chinks. When it revolution happens is unknown getting into power when that happens would be tricky.

Japan, would be a safe haven for a small number comparatively. Basically an established ethno state. It's stable.

Current Location. We are everywhere as mostly normal people. Guerrilla tactics is in our favor depending on how well you know the land. No cost for relocation. Nothing new.

We don't know what the average person thinks until shit really hits the fan. Possibly everyman for himself and or bonds forged in fire and pain.
End the fucking Fed and drop Israel. 75% of this country’s problems done.
219035 219074
>Being white may even be an advantage in some countries like China.
Chinks respect us "IN" China because they know we are usually loaded with money. As the Jews, they worship money.
But, as soon as they detect you are weak and vulnerable, you will know the real chink and how they resent and envy us.
Don't be fooled for they fake smiles and praise, deep inside they consider themselves superior to any race, and as the Jews, they prefer to deal with their own kind and to exploit and to force into submission the rest.

>Maybe whites would be better off if we started moving to Asian countries and started forming white communities.
I don't believe you can be so naive.

>I don't believe you can be so naive.
You think staying here is a better alternative?
Does a crew give up the ship to the enemy?
>Does a crew give up the ship to the enemy?
If the ship is going to sink then sure.
the west is not yet lost. take the iron pill. spread it. give hope. tell the truth. every single deed counts.

sieg heil. don't step on me. praise celestia.
Kek. Of all the things I could have expected, not a single one of them would have been one of Filler's drawings of Milly shopped into a NatSoc American flag.

This Anon speaks the truth, by the way. Chinks are the Jews of Asia, anyone who genuinely wants us to move there is pitiably naïve.
1 Carefully redpill one by one - counting six here
2 fix yourself step by step until you are /üb/
I'm not saying we shouldn't improve ourselves and redpill people, but maybe we should cut our losses and burn the rice.
My little Pony Derpy hooves.jpg
>cut our losses and burn the rice
We cannot escape the Kali Yuga, we must go through it.
Either way, running is not a solution. Keep fortifying yourself, trust no one, and wish the best and prepare for the worst.