i think someone made a flag for this at some point
>>217874the main deficits (posdible dangers) of anarcho capitalism:
- security/quality of child care/ minimal education
- security of basic needs if you are shit out of luck
- usury/ corruption
- unstopable monopolies killing the market
- unorganised border security/army
main deficits (possible dangers) of National socialism:
- tyrany through an inept leader with good relations
- subsidation of non optimal cooperations
- welfare bloat
- unsteadines of law
- misdirection of the public to benifit the state
>>217876the possibility of corparate rule and usury can be midigated by a natsoc gouverment, but the gouverment must be small and controlled by the people to prevent megamonical actions that would harm the nation.
democracy has failed, as aristoteles predicted. but he proposed a solution: >polity
a voting system with a limited pool of voters and a meritocratic system to control the elected head of state.
my interpretation:
> only net tax payers may vote> the gouverment is bound by rules of debate> the head of state is elected, has no limit on reelections and has a long term of office (so he must not worry about the wims of reelection constantly)> there is a petition system to start referendi. politicians can be removed from office by these.> the rules of debate enforce merritocracy (Führerprinzip) and rational deliberation.> the head of state has a veto right> the constitution secures the freedoms of the individual and may not be infringed upon economy:
socialism at the bottom.
laissez fair in the middle.
fascism at the top.
> people need a base to start their struggle in the market and give leverage against companies. to this end there is a basic income, which is to be reduced if taxes are collected (the reduction of the supporting income is lower than the loan of the person, so work is not disincentivised).
> the middle is laissez fair. when there is competition, the market can regulate itself.
> the top is fascistic. if a company becomes a monopoly, it can be ordered to follow criterias of maximal cost and minimal quality. this control is ended as soon as a competitor with a similar market power rises and competition can continue.
monetary system:
> income tax is low and non progressive. there is no value added tax. there is a transaction tax.
the transaction tax prevents tax evasion and risky banking. it also allows for the use of crypto currency.
> full reserve banking. parts of your savings can be volutarily opened for bank gambling.
>the money is printed by the state, according to the growth of the economy. it is also adjusted for the possible destruction of money. it also creates a little bit of inflation to incourage some spending.
> the created money is given to the banks to add it as interest. it is also used to pay the gouvernment. some of this money is equaly distributed to all citizens (not taxed).
the gouverment enforces some basic guidlines for ecologic sustainability and tobprefent negative health effects.
the healthcare system is based on the german sytem and can be voluntarily opped out off.
the pension system is based on a trust fund.
the schools are private. there are some state owned schools as a base line competitor. troubling youths are send to special state owned schhools.
the gouverment provides motivational propaganda to fill the void of meaning created by jewish bolchewist degeneracy. it advertises self improvement, solidarity for the weak so they can start lifting themselfes up, national cohesion, autarchy and individualism (not the collectivist communist fake individualism, but the freedom to o what you could and to make your own errors).
imigrants must present their merits and spirit to enter. illegal imigrants are shot as invaders.
absolute freedom of speech.
strong protection of minors.
examples: you can be as gay as you want in the enclosure of your property. if you behave indecently in public (kissing another man could be tolerated. something more is indecency) you are punished. if you try to force your private degeneracy on childreen you are aprehended as a source of trauma. pedophiles without offenses can seek medical mental neuteting and sterization. offending pedophiles get shot.
mothers of three or more lawfull citizens get a mothers pension. mothers of non lawfull citizens don't.
disabled can get a raise in their basic income if they let themselfes be stetilized. they are also advised not to procreated by propaganda. people with exceptional abilities that outway their disability may procreate.
severly retarded people get sterilized as a precaution.
imigrants and asxlum serkers that brake the law get deported to their country of origin.
the poor can be recruted for civil sevice.
humans can not be owned. the laws of contract are cleared up. people can contract themselfes into guardianship, they may not loose the right to end contracts or the right to basic needs.
fraud severly punished.
freedom of religion. if your religion encroaches the law or conspires against the state (evaluated according to the context of their holy texts and by statistics of religiously motivated crimes) it may be limited localy or nationwide. it may be banned from the public in extreme cases of conspiracy and may prevent offices.
women and men are truly equal before criminal and social law.
here, have some floppy ears
>>217894>the schools are private. there are some state owned schools as a base line competitor. troubling youths are send to special state owned schhools.How will the children of low income families be educated? How will we ensure that private schools instill proper values in our children? How will we ensure that the schools are providing a quality education?
>>217894>women and men are truly equal before criminal and social law.How will we ensure that men and women preform their separate social roles? Men and women are not the same and should not be treated the same. Men need to be groomed to be fathers and women need to be groomed to be mothers.
>>217886How would you prevent large companies from regulating competitors out of business? How would we ensure that companies do not outsource jobs? How would we ensure that foreign companies do not dominate our markets?
>>217902low income families: state school
right values: enforced in state school and propagandized basicly everywhere.
private schools would need to compete with the state school, so they must have a higher standard of education to be viable.
teachers need to be aproved by local authorities. this could allow for homeschooling to. and it should weat out the commies.
the other advertisements should suffice.
>>217905monopol companies are to be guided by the state. if there is competition again, the market can regulate itself.
companies can not make laws.
the laissez fair economy part makes outsourcing far less profitable. propaganda could help to.
local products are to be promoted as stable sources and helpfull for the nation.
trade tariffs should take care of the rest.
>>217906>private schools would need to compete with the state school, so they must have a higher standard of education to be viable.No they just have to advertise themselves as better than state schools. A shitty school with a good marketing department could do a lot of damage in this system. How would you prevent that? Also what is to stop shekelstien from starting up a school and promoting subversive values?
>>217907>companies can not make laws.They don't make the laws now; they own the people who make the laws. How do we prevent that from happening again?
they are only treated equaly in criminal court and similar things. so a female murderer gets the same sentence as a male murderer.
women make up 70% of the jobless. they all could not vote. this will reinstute male leadership roles.
the shrunken wellfare state makes women more dependend on men and they will become mothers again.
the rest is just a little propaganda.
>>217912I'll give you an example of what I am worried about. Say a large pharmaceutical company bribes law makers for more lax drug regulations to allow their shitty drug on the market. Or maybe a large energy company bribes law makers for more lax environmental regulations so they can pollute more. How would your government prevent these scenarios?
>>217908false advertisement is illegal
the teachers need to be state approved.
private schools can be checked from time to time.
> the system of full reserve banking, voting, rules of debate, usury prevention, the gouverment structure, propaganda and free market would prevent slimo shekelstein from being wealthy in the first place. it would hinder goverment control by companies in the same way. >>217914Shekelstein is rich because he is crafty and nepotistic. Jews aren't going to stop being subversive and nepotistic no matter what government you have.
>the teachers need to be state approved.How about the owners and administrators of the schools?
>private schools can be checked from time to time.By what criteria will they be judged?
>false advertisement is illegalAdvertisement doesn't need to be false to be good.
>>217913politicians could be forced to reveal all their income sources.
this would reduce the amount of corruption a bit.
people and rival companies can investigate privately. the referendum system can remove the found out politicians.
this is no where near perfect, but it is better than anything i have found yet that is geared to fight corruption.
>>217917How about public executions for corruption?
It definitely sounds like an improvement over the system we have in place now, but I still have some major objections. First and foremost, any involvement of the state in education worries me tremendously. Even if the state schools are started with the sole purpose of instilling proper moral values and helping children become functional adults, it is inevitable that control over the state schools will end up in the hands of people who will influence the children to desire more state power.
Moreover, even the minimal night-watchman state inevitably finds new excuses or "emergencies" to grant itself "temporary" powers. The referendum system for kicking out politicians sounds great, but it isn't hard to imagine the state getting rid of it for some bullshit reason, "there was an existential threat to social stability, don't worry, this won't affect your liberty at all" The US started out with the Articles of Confederation, then it was replaced with the Constitution, but they said everything would be fine, because of the Bill of Rights. Now America's got gun control, Big Brother, and a deep state. My other concerns are relatively small.
>>217913Pollution infringes on private property rights, so a company could still be held accountable even if their action wasn't against an environmental regulation.
>>217914>the teachers need to be state approvedOof
>>217908>A shitty school with a good marketing department could do a lot of damage in this system.If the school was shitty parents would probably notice pretty quickly and say "hey this school is shitty, I'm taking my kid to another school or homeschooling him"
>what is to stop shekelstien from starting up a school and promoting subversive values?It would probably be totally legal to have an Aryan-only private community in this system. It's not hard to imagine, giving how prominent they were in 20th century US and elsewhere.
>>217921>Pollution infringes on private property rights, so a company could still be held accountable even if their action wasn't against an environmental regulation.How would you hold individual companies responsible for a problem like smog?
>>217918 sounds good.
i was mostly concerned with the process of prevention and detection.
executing politicians, corporate bosses, communists, terrorists and jews for high treason is a viable option. i recoment helicopters for the commies.
a fair trial by the rules of debate is needed ( evidence etc.) so it doesn't end in a salem style witchhunt of everybody acusing everybody of jewsury.
>>217923look out who has the biggest chimney.
> sueing the infirmary because you don't want jewish ash to muddy your aryan soil >>217925>look out who has the biggest chimney.So only punish the companies that pollute the most? What I am worried about is something like China where citizens would have to wear masks and the fresh water sources become undrinkable.
>>217921the people who visit state school are mostly the people who can't vote anyway.
there could be an office for defense of the constitution (similar to the german verfassungsschutz) that could slow the changing of the constitution.
the limitation of state power, reach and size coild be engrained in the constitution itself (pledge to minarchy).
all of this could slow down the fall tremendously. i don't know of any system of gouverment (even anarchy) that is not in danger of powercreep.
state approval of teachers is a point im not to sure about myself.
people that homeschool should write some basic 6-8th grade tests (math, english, sciences, basic history) to be allowed as home teachers. so the child won't suffer from incompetent home schooling. but more would be excessive.
i don't know if any teacher, be it a state or private school teacher, can be prevented from shilling.
maybe write something akin to "teacher vow to be apolitical" in the constitution.
>>217928the comment was a joke.
sue them according to an analysis of their amount of exhaust.
>>217931>maybe write something akin to "teacher vow to be apolitical" in the constitution.They shouldn't be apolitical. They should be teaching our values. Children shouldn't be left to learn their values on their own.
The thread so far is great.
Schools need to not be the factory brain drain it is in the US.
All legislature Needs to be legible to the common man. (No indescribable nonsense that sneaks in something)(this includes contracts)
All persons should be armed. With physical weapons (includes whatever new bullshit that is invented) and ideas.
>>217881Votes should be counted by greatest to least. (Not a, all or nothing voting system) (not sure which one would be best.)
>>217909Interfering with a voters right to an unbiased and a manipulation free vote. This is serious business. Getting caught for doing this should be treated as an attack on the state, the people, and on ethical values, the punishment ought to be increasingly harsh so the edge is never dulled. (making sure this isn't a hit piece by (((them))).) (on the second time it is treated as corruption that is public execution)
Once we're ethnically replaced the brownskins will see the light of anglo saxon property rights. Then ancapistan will be secured for all time
I'm worried about how evidence will be handled, because at some point everything can be faked. From audio to fingerprints to dna and minds.
Hopefully at that point there is something better or it won't be needed at all.
>>217875This one, made by the resident Ancap Anon?
>>217950> votes should be vounted ftom greeatest to least.do you mean something like "choice a gets 3 points, choice b get 2 points, choice c gets 1 point" ?
- you don't have to use all three choices. you can give multiple choices to one party.
- lower the ballot acess hurdle.
maybe two choice tiers (2 points, one point) is enough
>>217954principle: inocent until proven guilty
if the high court is suspected to bend the law, a n emergency court is created from the relevant courts of all states. this emergency courts collectively deduces the truth. the state courts are not accountable for these descissions before the high court, only before each other.
another adendum:
>empty housing property needs to be maintained for future use.
this makes unused, rotting, property less likely.
the gouverment can build houses in places with shortages of living space. this creates an artificial competitor in the housing market. this is needed because the housing market can fall into usury quickly.
>>217906my personal favourite for a flag so far
any ideas for a name for this ideology?
>>218018Should it really be black and yellow? Black would imply that there is no state.
>>218052grey, for a small state, looks wierd. plain yellow or gold as a backdrop looks bad to.
adendum: local currencies are allowed.
If white americans grew a collective concious and voting was given back to only white men with possession of land (or white ethnostate) I would then maybe support a big welfare state. Its the system of white discrimination and humanism which creates the ideology of anarchocapitalism. If marxism and civic nationalism never existed neither would anarchocapitalism.
>>218075i slightly disagree.
Even if Marx never existed i am sure eventually some butthurt activist shithead would have come up with a "kill all people that own more than me or have more power than me" - ideology.
"Greed is MASSIVELY strong." - Philip Burnell >>218075>quadrupple hoersshit.- most land is owned by (the rich elite)
- who do you classify as white? where is the boundary?
- your if proposal is very unlikely
- large welfare state= dependance= slavery.
anarcho capitalism stems from the merchantalism of the renaisance.
the (merchantile) elements must be removed from it.
Libertarianism can exist only with white nationalism. See attached book. I'd add that in addition to this you need a spiritual basis, preferably one rooted in Christianity in order to maintain this way down generations.
>>218027Also put some sort of tax on unused property. This will prevent foreigners from buying up property and inflating housing costs.
>>218077Nice rebuttal there. I'm not too set on economic ideology because I think it doesn't matter as much as people think it does. I agree with both elements of ancap and natsoc, but if ancap works better as a long term solution thats fine with me.
People who own land would make more responsible voting choices than those who don't, but I see both sides to this argument and why I might be wrong.
>who do you classify as white?You don't, its called self identification. Anyone who identifies as white but doesn't look white should get a DNA screen to be safe.
>>218097jews tend to identify as white if it suits them. so precautions must be taken.
>>218084the nationalism is a mandatory part of the equation.
on nationality, i follow evola's view that the spirit is more indicative than pure biological basics.
by the bell curve distribution an exceptional non white with an aryan spirit could exist. those few should be allowed to join your state.
there could also be bilogical whites born with a traitorous spirit. those should be weeded out.
the mentality is traditionalism and futurism, with a focus on the futhering of the human race through your superior civilization.
christianity, nordic or occult natsoc could be propagandized to the people who can't generate meaning from this premise.
uplifting inferior cultures passively by being a bastion of function, form and spirit is a secondary function. refining other races (when possible) is a more noble way to improve mankind than simple iradication.
some races, like the japanese, mediteranians and some slavic groups, could fight the same fight as you.
>>217874>nationalcapitalismdoesnt have the same ring to it though
>>218103>on nationality, i follow evola's view that the spirit is more indicative than pure biological basics.This, definitely. It's also interesting to read his views regarding social castes and how the degradation of Western society has basically been a successive transition of power from higher castes to lower ones. That in classical antiquity you had the highest cultures ruled by a spiritual aristocracy, which then devolved into rule by warrior kings during the middle ages. What we've had since around the time of the American revolution has been a pseudo-democracy controlled by the merchant class (or (((merchant))) class, if your prefer), which is destined to eventually descend into the lowest form of social organization, which is basically a socialist plebiscite.
>>218077>anarcho capitalism stems from the mercantilism of the renaissance.Another thing I think is worth noting is that "capitalism" was never that radical of an innovation. It's basically just the principles by which most economies naturally form carried to an extreme by giving supreme political power to the merchant class. Most of the problems with it stem from individuals motivated by nothing more than personal profit forming conglomerations and seizing political power for the purposes of enriching their conglomeration and choking competition. There's nothing inherently evil about owning property or buying and selling goods for personal profit, but that sort of economy needs to function as a microcosm within a nation, not as the basis of a nation itself. The merchant class has its place in society but it has no business governing the nation.
>>218076alright, I have to ask: who the hell is this guy? I see him everywhere.
>>218116having "illiberal" in the name sounds bad. and there are many liberties.
It would have to be incorporate a mix of fascism, classical liberalism, and anarchism.
For the economics:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decentralized_planning_(economics)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G._L._S._Shacklehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abba_P._Lernerhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Schumpeterhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%C3%A9on_Walrashttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ludwig_Lachmannhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporatism#Liberal_corporatismhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friedrich_von_Wieserhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palace_economyAs well as the blog Radical Subjectivist:
https://radicalsubjectivist.wordpress.com/(truediltom too)
Emphasis on Lachmann and Radical Subjectivism. As well as Shackle and Weiser. These Austrian proponents are sympathetic to Keynesianism to a degree in theory. Thus, their conclusions possibly satisfy fascist and libertarian camps. Weiser in particular exemplifies that there has been a secret Fabian tradition in Austrian economics who Hayek was once apart of. Hayek of course has a place. Maybe Monetarianism a bit, but the Chicago school could become a common enemy.
Palace economics are sort of a last resort. Its details should be studied. Plus, it's traditionalist. Now incorporating fascism's syndicalist elements on the other hand is a contentious issue. We could either go with the right to unionise (no goverment involvement) or adopt a broader, utilitarian liberal corporatism. Either that, or decentralised planning could come up with a solution eventually.
Pick and choose what else you like from this list, although I suggest considering it all. Lest the synthesis between the two ideologies becomes too narrow.
As for immigration, the least amount of immigration is preferable. Japan's model could be implemented along with Qatar's work sponsorship program (which is literally slavery.) Foreigners could be disallowed property rights, or certain races are allowed to buy property in certain areas. Community controls should definitely be implemented as a local deterrent to immigrants. Nonetheless, immigration should be stave off as much as possible, so automation can pave the way for luxury space fascism.
For society, I could see the development of a state-within-a-state as a counter to government intrusion. The should be well integrated into society as a people's army (ex.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_People%27s_Army_Model), so that military personnel won't feel any disconnect from the populace. On that note, there should absolutely be no execution of political enemies. Come a change of hands, it could lead to fascists purging libertarians or vice versa. Perhaps deportations, however the freedom of expression should be upheld unconditionally. An Internet Bill of Rights should be established in this vain.
>>218126That's basically as much in the French Revolutionary spirit as you can get and that's NOT what we want. We must look for something that takes out as much that went wrong in the Enlightenment as possible. I don't think nationalism (as in the over-arching nation-state) and cult of personality are satisfactory solutions because they arise from Enlightenment principles.
>>218115thevspiritual aristocracy is to be reinstituted by rules of debate and merritocratic elements. these allow to move between the castes too, so the castes are not set in stone and become a point of contempt for the people.
the system i propose is geated towards social and economic mobility. the core of the natsoc and ancap struggle.
this secures longterm stability for the system.
>>218115with "removing the merchantile elements" i ment the dishonest forms of profit and corruption that were developeped or expanded by it.
mainly fractional reserve banking, covert lobbyism (bribery), usury and a control of the money supply.
pilpul is fought by the rules of debate.
>>218125good points.
companies are free to unionze. if a company or collection of cooperating companies becomes a monopoly, it is then obliged to follow demands by the local gouverment.
the only political enemies that can be prosecutef should be cases that are proven to directly conspire, act and also plan to undermine the foundation of the constitution.
only high treason (like infiltrating the gouverment, severly abusing your power, political fraud on a very large scale, etc.) should be politicialy punishable by death.
the freedom of speech, expression and thought is heavily protected. only actions can be prosecuted (deliberate fraud, though verbal, is an action).
the state can propose a basic way of life (natsoc and ancap principles), but you can not be forced to follow it.
the system of imigration would be similar to the japanese system indeed.
>>218157> proposition- don't blindly love your nation, but what it idealy stands for, what it did, and what it should do. cultures and spirits are not necessarily bound by nations. but don't let yourself be fooled that every other nation shares your spirit.
- no cult of personality, only a cult of a better future. persons can be heralded as strong vontributors to that future.
>>218193>but you can not be forced to follow (those principles)I assume in the case of AnCap principles, you are not referring to the most fundamental one, don't employ aggression against other people's bodies, property, or liberty, because self defense or defending others against coercion is totally okay.
>>218194It seems to me that you have "nation" and "nation state" confused, which is a common mistake. A nation is really a group of people who bind together over shared identity which can consist of various aspects, like ethnicity, language, religion, etc. A nation state is simply a state whose subjects are the members of a single nation. For an example of what I mean, Germany under Hitler was a nation state, with Germanic Europeans as the nation. And the Icelandic Commonwealth could be called a nation without a state, for example.
>>218216the freedom to not follow the proposed lifestyle is related to the proposed lifestyle being natsoc trafitionalism.
laws are not excempt.
this clause is also made to prevent witchhunts and tyranical collectivism.
the proposed system is suposed to be individualistic, with a proposed path for those who can't function as individuals. these lemmings need to be guidedd, but also hindered from hunting the individuals.
we don't need a SA arbitrarily burning the house of a salesman who happened to have a big nose or killing a black man who passed the imigration test of merrit and spirit for being "just another nigger". knowledge should win over prejudice.
in the german language
we have the word "volk" meaning "nation" and "nation" meaning "nation state". its easy to use the wrong word.
the spread ideology is based on pride and strenght, not contempt or blind hate.
superority stems from advancement, it is not stagnant. arrogance just turns it into inferiority. as mlp says: friendship is magic.
ashkenazi kikes are one of the only groups i think to deserve contempt. the reasons are easy to display.
> liberterian national socialism
>>217895I can't help but remember this meme
>>218483Laugh all you want at the phrasing, but natsoc is a much more versatile ideology than communism/socialism is. While socialism requires a planned economy and rationing of resources and mass compulsory labor, national socialism is essentially just a social structure with a few other bells and whistles. All you need to be a national socialist is to believe and act on the belief that we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children; in other words, so long as you're not actively hindering or harming white birthrates, pushing mass migration, or stopping people from preserving their homelands, labor unions, social/religious structures and environment, you're one of us and we accept you with open arms.
Think of Hans Herman Hoppe's speeches and writings on free association and cultural heirarchy in a society without government. The only compulsion required to maintain a racially pure society is to deny association with outsiders or hostile agents. And as Hoppe states quite often, free association is nothing without the freedom to disassociate from those who you do not wish to associate with - that can mean other religions, other cultures, other sexualities, other fandoms, or other races.
I think, despite Murdoch Murdoch being oftentimes seen as the overly innocent or naive butt of the joke in regards to the show's portrayal of capital-L Libertarianism, he is still a legitimate national socialist without compromising on libertarian principles. George Lincoln Rockwell, the man who spearheaded the American Nazi Party before he was killed, also stated he himself was a libertarian at heart and just wanted to be left alone, free of cultural Marxism and international Jewry.
>>218483>>218716As an additional piece of evidence I'll provide an actual quote from Hans Hermann Hoppe from 2016, to show that we have at least some reason to work together, even if we don't always agree on everything.
>"Millennial Woes, pen name, guy[sic]...actual name is Colin Robertson, has thus aptly summarized the alt-right, and I quote: Equality is bullshit, heirarchy is essential, the races are different, the sexes are different, morality matters, and degeneracy is real. All cultures are not equal and we are not obligated to think they are. Man is a fallen creature, and there is more to life than hollow materialism. Finally, the white race matters and civilization is precious. This is the alt-right. End of quote. Now, absent any unifying theory however, there is far less agreement among the alt-right about the goal that it ultimately wants to achieve.>Many of its leading lights have distinctly libertarian leanings, most notably those that have come here - which of course was the reason that we had them invited in the first place. Even if they are not all 100%ers."TL;DR: the alternative right and libertarian movements have many unifying aspects, and many of their problems are solved through eliminating the same (((enemy))). After whites have been saved from this predicament, we can choose for ourselves what to do with the West.
don't give me that "alt-right is dead, long live the alt-right" shit, no matter what happens to the r/the_Donaldchan side of the movement, our old guard is just as Hoppe said and we have only become more outward about that matter in the wake of censorship >>218716the name proposal was not ment to be a joke.
it was ment to be funny because of the simplicity of its truth in contrast with the assumed complexity of it .
>>218728i can't say much to this topic, as i don't use redfit gor political discussion.
in germany we sadly have a huge divide in the right spectrum of politics: the non-equality right, who sadly are extreme statists. and the freedom centered right, who sadly are equity- preachers. we have one party that somewhat mixes both topics (also the bad ones), but this party is the lapdog of our primary gouverning party.
in america some cooperation can be seen between the authoritatian and libertarian right, but in germany such cooperation is hard to find.
the libertarian parties get overrun by sjw's and the authoritarian parties get overrun by hooligans. this makes both blocks unvoteable for their stupidity. some smaller groups remain sensible, but paranoia keeps them from uniting.
the situation will strenghten both the libertarian and authoritaran right in germany, but don't know if they will manage to talk out their false differences.
a state tyrany or corporate tyrany is not the goal. sadly most of the german right don' t see (the banks) as a main problem.
>>218716Now that you bring up Murdoch Murdoch they’ve basically already done a video about what we are discussing in this very thread.
It’s called Nice Guy National Socialism
https://youtu.be/1IwmnUxSOP0Reminder that OP has to use helicopters now thanks to the 4th edition rules.
>>218736Millennial Woes runs his own blog and youtube channel, and Hans Hermann Hoppe did that speech irl. But otherwise yeah...it's a worrying state of affairs that the right is so atomized.
I think the first thing that needs to be done is the dismantling of the Narrative (that is to say, modernity and the world wars). After that, the right can more easily unite on these issues.
>>218767That's part of what I was referring to - probably my favorite comedy episode of the series just because of the FUCKING BAAAAAASED scene in the car. The other part of what I was referring to was when he went down the Snake Way reference and met George Lincoln Rockwell. There's even a reference to GLR's libertarian leanings when Murdoch says "so what you're saying is National Socialism is more like a worldview than a political structure. So we could make a National Socialist republic, National Socialist dictatorship, National Socialist democracy....hey! I could even make a National Socialist libertarian society!" and then GLR says "let's not get too ahead of ourselves here."
>>218767we have an old pagan sacrifice monolith in our woods. is it possible to substitute helicopters this way?
>>218768in europe we have the "identitäre bewegung" (identiary movement). it is a bit more rational than other right wing movements, but it still has a lot of problems.
they speak of a national identity as if it is all identity they have, the same narrative as sjw's with their victim identities, and not as if the national spirit, not identity, is the basis for their personal identity.
they keep on praising the national identity without defining it.
they have no mechanisms planned to prevent tyranny of tradition. (no mentioning of personal liberties)
they know of the importance of bloodlines, but disregard the huge part the personal spirit plays.
i think i may contact one of their leaders to discuss those problems. these problems hemper their sucess greatly, as these make them more akin to the nuance-less skinhead brutes (the untermensch archetypes) they try not to become.
i developed a name and symbol to spread nice guy national socialism.
as it is a fusion of libertarianism and national socialism, mixing the symbols of the identary movement and the torch of the enlightenment movement (the torch also implies strenght) could work.
the "enlightened conservative" would be the name. enlightened is more an euphemism for the iron pilled truth in this case. not the modern communist interpretation, or the renecaince interpretation that denied higher truth, the posibility of not knowing, the visciousness of man and the existance of ethnic identity.
(the values of freedom of speech, due process and the quest for knowledge should be kept imo)
>>219050The term "nice guy" has a negative connotation in the U.S.
>>219050>>219051Depends on how overt/subversive you would envision it being. Another option might be to appropriate something existing.
>pic related >>219050Iron Conservative has a nice ring to it.
>>219053the term "nice guy national socialism" stems from a murdoch murdoch episode.
it is a neat description of my proposed system.
i don't care about the connotation
>>219054a game logo is too cheesy. the proposed faction is subvertive to the narrative, but is internaly open.
it should skip the obvious natsoc clichees and lib clichees. it is overt with truthes that are necessary. the advanced truths like the kikes plan are skiped, as it can be prevented by lesser means. it should be as overt as it can without giving an easily discredited target.
>>219056too overt. this would discredit the movement too fast.
>>219060Anything with the term "National socialism" would be discredited. Normies are just going to think of the holocaust.
normies are easily startled.
the message need to be a gradual redpill. a message of pride and not of hate.
hitler rose to power not by blind rage, but by pride. forgetting this is a big factor in him loosing ww2.
An idea popped into my head today, that this idealogical fusion could be viewed as the id, ego, and superego. The white race would be the id, that is the base entity whose needs and interests drive everything. The libertarian ethical-political-economic system represents the ego, a system based in reason designed to insure that the society remains just, secure, and free. Spiritual national socialism would be the superego, the higher metaphysical ideals which bind the society together so that it doesn't fall into materialism or atomism and disintegrate. What do you think?
>>219084I think you may have mixed up the I'd and the ego.
>>219089No, I'm quite certain the id is the primal level and the ego is the rational.
>>219092Iirc, the Id is the Instinctual, the Superego is the moralistic/critical, and the Ego mediates between the two.
>>219084Looks good, the only problem is that the white race is what makes this metaphorical brain.
Id - Capitalism - Survival, Reproduction and Instincts.
Ego - "The libertarian ethical-political-economic system" - The rational balancer.
SuperEgo - "Spiritual national socialism" - The highest moral ideal. What one ought to strive for even though it may not be possible in that instance.
It's made of People, Systems, and Collective Thoughts.
>>219098I actually like your explanation better, and think it works more effectively with the description provided by
>>219097 >>219084>using Freudian termsAnyway, I know using old pagan runic symbols is pretty much cliché at this point, but the Valknut is fairly A E S T H E T I C and highly representative of the triple union of anarcho-capitalism, ethno-nationalism and spiritual traditionalism. It shows how three seemingly conflicting branches of thought can merge together into something greater. Although the ideal is people who can combine the three, the edges of the individual triangles represent those who adhere to only one yet are interested in our success.
>>219108>>using Freudian termsI know, I know. I was just wondering if that particular concept might be used for describing the relationship between the ideas which forms the basis of this structure. I'm no expert on psychology, and I was not about to suggest we base our political vision entirely on the words of some Jewish shrink by any means. I might read his nephew (((Bernays'))) writings on propoganda at some point though, because that knowledge could prove incredibly useful.
>>219108the valknut looks to harsh and complex for the minds of most normies. its all about easy symbols.
the valknut can be used for the sucessor movement that does not need to be as suddle as the initial movement.
the proposed symbol is also not reminiscent enough of a swastika to create an obvious connection. this should also prevent the flooding of the movement with dim witted skinheads.
>>219115>prevent dim witted skinheadsWhile it would be good to keep such people out of higher positions (obviously), I think they are indeed needed as a kind of militia (SA is a great example). Most people on this planet are idiots, we still need to count on their support in order to take control at some point. We just need to prevent them from having any kind of a representative value. Otherwise they will ofcourse keep the normiest of normies out, effectivly lowering our support from the people.
>>219282they can indeed be included later, but in the beginning stages they would destroy the reputation of the movement or distord the message (with unnecessary violence, to broad stokes in the area of racial identity and race realism (like not applying bell curves), shit tier economics, no concept of actual values besides low tier tribalism, placing of tyranical structures and generally shitty talking points).
the idealistic start does not yet require untermenschen for the frontline.
>>219282>>219313Not to mention having a militia is useless if they're too few to defend themselves from legal and illegal threats. We don't want another Charlottesville.
a defensive militia (basicly a security service), to be sure. offensive strikes are a last resort.
>remember the 14 words.
tyranny of a small group is not the intent. full on fascism is great as a defense mechanism, but will eat itself if no sufficient threat is present, like a immune system falling into allergic shock.
if the libertarian countermeasures are not in place, the free national socialism could turn into tyranical national communism.
people should be allowed to do what they want to do, as long as it doesn't hamper the prosperity and cohesivenesy of the nation and state.
what you do on your property is your problem, as long as it stays there.
public degeneracy (that what harms childreen, others, the nation and people, sanity, history and the future) is prohibited.
tradition, solidarity and self improvement are tought, but not mandatory by force (unless you try to destabilize the nation, state or freedom of other (triple true for the kikes)). logic and free thought are adviced. ethnic nationalism is needed, because mostnon white are still unable to carry the needed spirit.
>>219314Obviously having a militia is only of use once we already have the needed support from the general population.
>>219331>last resort(((They))) wont simply give up their power without a good fight. If you mean that by last resort, I agree.
Fascism is a great way to mobilise the people in a fast manner. Its obviously needed to cleanse our people of degeneracy and those seeking to destroy us. Will it work as a long term form of government? I dont know. But it definitly is needed to achieve a society in which our people can live in safety. I think it could work even in long tmes of peace, but we dont have enough historical data to say for sure.
>>219337persistent physical removal may indeed be needed, although i think detainment should sufficient. jews are also known to flee if thinks get hairy.
unregulted natsoc runs into two problems after a while: which ethnicity is white enough and which action is already degenerate.
without the freedom of speech and a limit on gouvernment power this could lead to infighting and gives outside forces an anchorpoint to divide and conquer or lead to tyranny by one faction.
an sa like militia is prone to such neonazi tribalism. this is why hitler disbanded it after it was no longer necessary.
>>219376>jews are know to fleethey are, but their leftist puppets arent, for them detainment atleast, execution at most is required. I agree with the rest.
I see natsoc as the needed force to, in the end, create a truly free society. This can only be done once our enemies are already gone though. Democracy is too weak for that purpose.
>>219446some deceived leftists can be reeducated/ convinced. they will cry but at some point thd truth will prevail.
the libertarian buffers are there to prevent allies to be branded as enemies for petty disagreements. otherwise freedom can never be reached, because the defenition of enemy would be expanded ad absurdum.
the "democratic" systems are oligarchial and ochlocratial. aristotilean aristocracy of the mind, by the system of policy (or one of his other defined good systems of gouvernance), needs to be created. a tyrany must be prevented.