>shit characters>shit episode>shit song>shit tree/clubhouseI don't think I've ever watched an episode of this show and came away absolutely hating it before. There have been episodes that made me angry, as well as episodes that I haven't liked, but every episode has had at one or two redeeming qualities, up until now.
As someone who's been here since early season 2 it's extremely frustrating to see the staff treat the last season of the show like this. The fact that the "young six" is taking such a leading role already in the shows last season is like a spit in the face. Not only are these characters extremely new and thus underdeveloped, they're overall uninteresting and bland. I'd have been happy with the "young six" becoming a plot device to show the friendship school for their perspective, but the fact that their characters are undeservingly taking a bigger role in the show is unforgivable.
It seems like the original purpose of the "young six" was to serve as plot device to show of the school, (or the shows writers have really gone down hill) given how one dimensional their characters are. But to give these characters a bigger role (or any role at all to be honest) when we already have SO MANY characters in the show that haven't been explored to their full potential is a complete joke. I want to see Trixe get more character development or possibly a backstory, I want to see more of Starlight and Sunbursts relationship, I want to see more of the two sisters, I want to see some interesting episodes about some of the shows background characters, (preferably Lyra, my Waifu) I don't want to see 6 uninteresting, underdeveloped foals turn the tree of harmony into some kind of clubhouse.
The "young six's" lack of respect of defence towards the tree of harmony is a pretty good metaphor for what they themselves are to the show. They're superficial and selfish interest in the very symbol of harmony that's been with us since the shows finial premier is likely no different than how the writers of this espisode view the show.
0/10 (unironically my least favourite episode in the WHOLE show)
They should have extended the premiere to 4 episodes instead of 2, essentially making it a straight to TV movie. The only major problem I had with the premiere was the short run time, any other problems I had with the premiere could have been easily fixed if it was any longer. The fact that they chose to make this abomination instead of extending the premiere is unimaginably disgusting to me.
I'd have liked to have seen Sombra given more motivation for abandoning Grogar. His abandonment made him look extremely irrational and short sighted. If we had 4 episodes to use then we could have seen A LOT more interaction between the main villains of this season, and thus they could have been more fleshed out than they were. It would have also been nice to have been completely disoriented during some of the faster points in the season finally. (E.G. Sombras takeover of the Crystal Empire) But above all everything could have been a lot more fleshed out and complex than it was. For what little run time the episode had it was brilliant, but knowing that I could have been longer if not for episodes like this is particularly annoying, to say the least.
I had high hopes for this season. Please Hasbro, don't let me down, you know what happened last time.