I believe this is the one you're looking for.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ>>216184Not a song but I found this on the description of the following video matching the parameters given.
https://www.bitchute.com/video/UGAXbmLtY08s/ On the tack of lost red pilled songs, has anyone got “Not Just the Rockefellers”? It was on Youtube in 2017 and was a parody of a pop song, sung (professionally) by a woman. It used the aforementioned title as the tag phrase and also had another verse, “Sometimes we need to sacrifice a brother.” All throughout the music video were pictures of Jews.
It was really good but was shoah’d before I could save it because Clipconverter no longer accepts videos tagged as music.
>>216226Lol, not like that. It had some strings and choir "Aaaaaaaa"s in the background.
>>216195Yeah, that's the speech! But it was put into a song. It wasn't autotuned to serve as lyrics, it was just words said over part of the song.
>>216184Xurious - End Of The System
https://youtu.be/ioaex1oSw7Yhere you go