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215052 215053 215055 215063 215099 215117 215131 215136 215151 215338 215413
Anyone else feel like Catholicism is the only true path to pro white activism? It seems like the seed of white nationalism in 2016 has been split into different religions ex. alt-right atheists, alt-right Pagans and alt-right Christians. I think its holding us back and the only way forward is a united religion based on traditionalism. I would hate to be the D&C of all white nationalists but the number of non Christians who defend Christians and Christian values is too damn low. I also think Protestantism has its own challenges in pro white activism but maybe that's for a different discussion. Whats your thoughts /mlpol/? Should we just avoid being autistic about religion?

BTW the censorship at Derpibooru is just pure garbage now. Half of all images with the "christian" tag have been removed. RIP.
215056 215061
Why Catholicism? The Pope seems more interested in promoting egalitarian globalism than anything to do with God.
215055 215061
> I think its holding us back and the only way forward is a united religion based on traditionalism.
By what metric?
>Should we just avoid being autistic about religion?
Yes. Purity spiralling helps nobody here.
No. I think that Catholicism, like all religions, has its merits and weaknesses that both contribute to and detract from a united front in favor of white nationalism. Additionally, I think that white nationalism that doesn't embrace and support other forms of ethno-nationalism is a half-measure. Rockwell had it right, which is why they killed him.
This. The pope is nigger loving communist faggot.
215060 215061 215063
>Anyone else feel like Catholicism is the only true path to pro white activism? It
Explain yourself. Most catholic activism is counter to white interests. Tons of money and effort are wasted on niggers in Africa or in the inner cities. The blind support of Israel is a huge negative.

I say this as a catholic who's pretty fed up with watching other catholics be taken advantage of. I'm all for helping those in need without expecting anything in return, but I do expect the recipient to try and grow that generosity into something more that he can pass along. Ideally if I help someone who is down on their luck, then in the future they can pass the favor along to someone else in need. A gift that keeps on giving to help the whole community. But so much is wasted on leeches who accept the aid, do NOTHING to better themselves, and just reach out their hand for more aid tomorrow.
I'm pro charity but vehemently anti welfare. I'll gladly help you if you stumble, but I won't drag your sorry ass along if you refuse to stand.
> I'm pro charity but vehemently anti welfare.
So much this.
I abhor how the concept of charity is bastardized by bring compared to welfare so often.
215066 215067 215069 215091 215111
Wow, I forgot how easy it is to deconstruct an argument rather then constructing one. I dont think many catholics even pay attention to the pope, and I understand how degenerate all religion is, including catholicism.
So what do you all believe in then? What arguments are there for protestant christianity that should convince me another way?

>Anyone else feel like Catholicism is the only true path to pro white activism?
Am I the only one who hurts to hear the word of "white" instead of Western European? I have little to do with the Slavic world and so too most western European have almost nothing to do with the primitive peoples of this foreign culture. It'd be like saying Europe was part of the Islamic world just because we also believe in Jesus is a divine figure (like they do is Islam all be it less so then in Christianity.)
That said I agree that the West's can be best served through traditionalism in the Church. It'd be for the best if all other traditionalists were to move back towards Catholicism and we were to centralize an anti western decay movement using the Church as an institution as our vehicle. Its the perfect vehicle for such action but Fedoras going to fedora and prods aren't desperate enough to come back towards us because something something were too pagan. Which is ironic given that the reactionaries that identify as pagan see us as cucked to a similar degree as other Christians are even though were not anywhere near as bad.

>The blind support of Israel is a huge negative.
I have never seen pro-Israel shit inside The Church ever.
The only criticism of The Church I agree with is the possible corruption due to gays infiltrating the clergy. I think this problem can easily be rectified by more openness in the Church hierarchy (which will out all the pedo fags) and will free the Church for only reactionary and traditionalist clergy members. That all said the Church has been corrupt for a long time but that doesn't keep it from being the most in line with scripture and Christian tradition. So I don't even view that criticism as a real problem.
>I dont think many catholics even pay attention to the pope
Wrong. Most of us are painfully aware of his actions but those of us who understand that his words are not infallible in the realm of politics don't care.

>I understand how degenerate all religion is, including catholicism.
Cool statement back it up. Religion is the opposite of degenerate though. Its constructive. Only religious men can create cultural works. Secular men either create through technics or destroy culture.

>So what do you all believe in then?

I believe in one God,
the Father almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all things visible and invisible.

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the Only Begotten Son of God,
born of the Father before all ages.
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;
through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation
he came down from heaven,

and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,
and became man.

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,
he suffered death and was buried,
and rose again on the third day
in accordance with the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory
to judge the living and the dead
and his kingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son,
who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified,
who has spoken through the prophets.

I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.
I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins
and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead
and the life of the world to come.

>What arguments are there for protestant Christianity that should convince me another way?
Prods are the most irrational faith out there. Even Islam has more reason within it. Honestly I have yet to meet a prod that can answer this thought experiment with a good answer. What happened to all Catholics for all of time that Protestantism didn't exist? If Catholicism is a heresy we have a spot in hell for those who speak Heresy. Catholics would go there if that was the case. But that would mean after Jesus coming on earth and for the next 1500 years every Christian since the bible was complied went to hell for believing in a heresy. This is so dumb and the mental loops you need to go through (le not all Catholics) to keep (the real prods were underground for 1500 years) this type of dumb heresy (protestants have a line of succession due to the pope losing his) alive is stupid.
If were to tell someone the church can be used for pro white activism 10 years ago than you would be right. The church held its ground against modernity and the colapse of western civilization for far longer most give it credit for. Being one of the largest organisations ever and by far the largest conservative one its a miracle it held out for as long as it did. But its fair to say that it is now also barreling towards colapse with the very west it help create. A way to think of it is the church is a princess if she were not locked she could send her army to help you but now shes a in the tower and their is nothing she can do to help. You can't expect someone who needs saving to save you. As for what we can do i have very few ideas, and I don't think many do. Last time the majority of the right wing organized under one banner to save the west was trump and other movements around 2016 like brexit and lepen. And seeing as most of thse efforts failed or got little to negative results. The right wing is in a slump while it is also shrinking as a lot of those inolved in the movements of 2016 were central left faggots that have feel like well since 2016 happed the Overton window has shifted too far to the right so they are going left again despite them not knowing what the Overton window is or the fact the window only briefly slowed down from a leftward gallop to a canter during that time and it now running a full sprint.
I feel like this thread is going to quickly become a case study in why religious discussion will always, without fail, devolve into bickering between different religious sects.
215076 215132
One of many, I'd surmise. Don't worry though, I know just how to unify the sects.

>So what do you all believe in then?
If your question refers to which religion I adhere to, the answer is none.
If your question is literal, the answer is that I believe in humanity.
>Religion is the opposite of degenerate

How so? 90%+ of all religion created in the world failed to even accomplish anything meaningful. Just because it can "create culture" doesnt mean its always good or sustainable. Im just afraid that being Godless always leads to nihilism and choosing a religion is better option. I meant to say all religion contains much degeneracy, instead of just calling it degenerate.

I also believe in humanity, as in the advancement of all humans, but not humanism. Humanism doesnt really work.
>How so?
Men of culture are all deeply religious. Be it in epics like Beowulf, the song of Roland for the west, or the Homeric Epics of the Classical peoples, even the early Christians which would soon find themselves laying the foundations of the Muslim world. All these men had a deep faith which can now be best seen in Russia. Its primitive but a time of deep and unique creation through a new metaphysical understanding. This is the most important creation a culture can build and its what religious men are called to do.
>90%+ of all religion created in the world failed to even accomplish anything meaningful.
You are looking for and ends. This is the problem you are a man of civilization not of culture. This world is alien to you. Its goal isn't to accomplish expansion or break barriers in the material world but create something metaphysical. This metaphysical world is the world in which is the foundation of a culture and which will be torn down by secular men who eventually mock and question it. This continues till the secular man destroys what the religious man had struggled to make, making it meaningless in the end, but this only inflicts a blow to the secular man, since all religious men will have subsequently moved on. The secular man from thence onward will have no meaning besides ends which will lead to the degeneration of his soul through a quest of material expansion. Be it money (at first) and then imperialism (once money has exhausted itself.)
>Just because it can "create culture" doesn't mean its always good or sustainable.
Its not and it will never be. Life is change and static worlds are evil. Every culture is a tragedy in play before it dies.

I agree with everything you said here except youre implying that culture cannot be inheriently tied to work with the ends, I disagree. You cannot determine from an objective standpoint which culture is right for you, you can only observe what it creates and make a subjective conclusion.
I'd be stupid if I were not to say here we only disagree in semantics. I call it civilization at that point but "late culture" or anything of the like would not be off. That said these are men of late culture and they in their striving for ends destroy by seeking their ends. Seeking ends rather then attempting to discover meaning is just another portion of what leads to a culture's death. Secularism is deeply tied with this which is why I loath it.
But I don't know if you can honestly even subjectively make conclusions about cultures. I recently read clash of civilizations but I disagree with the idea that civilizations (or cultures in my wording) clash, I think they just misunderstand each other. Similarity I think even attempting to subjectively analyze a culture will end in one just failing to understand the other.
>I dont think many catholics even pay attention to the pope
Almost like they're protestants or something.
Catholocism is a jewish cashgrab. Prodestantism is a means to justify degeneracy. the true branch is the one that took back the holy land, Eastern Orthodox.
Its far more complicated than "If you don't like my religion, what makes yours so special huh? Why don't you tell me what you think I should think".
I think you should think for yourself, its not my business what you choose to believe or why, nor would I assume to be able to suggest a better disposition, practice, or tradition. I do reserve the right to disagree with what has been suggested, as well as the tone it was posited with. I find OP is operating on several misconceptions that I don't see value or merit in articulating.
Threadly reminder that negative doesn't mean bad, down, or wrong, neither does positive mean good, up, or right. Just because someone chooses to posit (read: is positive) doesn't mean it's wrong to negate (read: negative) it.
215132 215158
>Should we just avoid being autistic about religion?
It's both a uniter & a divider. Soon as you take a stance on it you associate yourself with one particular one, guaranteeing a certain level of support & unity at the cost of automatically excluding all others.

Personally I'm not religious (nor atheist), but I understand its usefulness in keeping a society as a whole, on average, primarily self controlling & uniform morally. But that's not a place everyone is going to be able to get to, and you're going to lose a lot of valuable allies who've been burned by it in one way or another & can't get past that even enough to see its useful aspects as beneficial things.

I know personally if /pol/ had christianity & catholicism inexorably intertwined with it to the level I've been seeing the past couple years when I first started getting into it, it would've turned me personally off & I'd not be here now.
>Anyone else feel like Catholicism is the only true path to pro white activism?
lol no
215133 215156
Catholicism is the Way prescribed through Christ, who is the the champion of us all against evil. Satan trembles at His mention and Jews blaspheme His name. The foundation of Catholicism ignited the Faustian spirit of the West and made us triumph.


>excluding all others
If you are a believer in separatism, which is the right of all peoples, this makes perfect sense.

"Humanity" is the watered-down secularized version of Christianity. It removes the center of purpose–God–and instead worships the abstract "human." It is no less doctrinaire of Christianity, despite lacking all tradition, as it disparages what it considers "inhuman." It is the Mammon that the UN worships.

>post-Vatican II
Here here.

Interesting. I've said next to nothing about the extents of my ideas and beliefs, yet you've elected to try and read my mind.
If you'd like to discuss this matter, I would love to do so. You can start by being polite about it.
Catholicism is the largest christian religion in the world, and whites have been the frontier of it. "I think you should think for yourself" is more like individualist advice, not that im saying its wrong but thats all it is.

The only misconception im operating on is I forget everytime the word "catholic" gets mentioned people have the image in their heads of the pope kissing nigger toes. Also I framed it as "The only true path" which was a mistake, I feel kinda dumb lol.
Religion is for retards.
>whites have been the frontier of it.
I doubt that's the case anymore. Between latin america and africa, I bet whites are outnumbered.

Frankly, I'm not going to a catholic mass until they clean house. They need to push out the molesting faggots and declare they will never tolerate this degeneracy again. They also need to stop advocating for importing africa / south america etc, into europe and america.

SSPX seems ok.

Most of the protestant religions are openly marrying faggots, I won't have anything to do with that.

215157 215262
I support christian values, but the church itself has been a puppet of (((globalists))) for years now. The pope wants europe to "be flooded", that all I need to hear about him. The chruch itself here in germany is helpung migrants stay here through "church asylum" even though they are required to leave its ridiculous.
>If you are a believer in separatism
You don't even have to believe in separatism at all for it to be exclusionary. Hell, you can't even uniformly unite all the different Christian sects together under one banner for anything but abortion. Start talking about homosexuality, a thing they USED to all be clearly against, & you get splintering.

Religion & politics are the top two subjects you don't bring up if you're looking to avoid arguments; combining both together is just going to make it a fucking minefield where even an offhanded comment not meant to offend could blow it all to hell, and most who have no belief in that specific religious sect will avoid it like the plague specifically because of that.
215158 215262
As a Catholic, I think disassociating yourself completely is the worst thing you can do. You're essentially handing the Church over to faggots without a struggle, thinking they'll change their tune once they see the attendance rates. They won't. Attendance rates in Germany have plummeted and they'll continue to plummet, and the jokers have kept pushing their progressive manure. They couldn't care less. Go ahead and abstain from giving tithes in order to strike where it DOES hurt; giving the money to an actual charitable cause would be more moral.

Making a difference means taking a stand. Getting involved in church activities, distasteful though it may be at first, would get you in a position to tell people the truth. You may even build up enough authority to be able to openly disagree with the priest with people actually listening.

A more palatable alternative may be to search for a more traditional church in the area and bond with people there. You may be able to mobilize the congregation into joining an organization like the TFP (Tradition, Freedom, Property) Society such that you can openly and loudly protest in front of heretical churches.

An evangelist is not afraid of a minefield; he'll kick all the mines out and by his faith bring the masses through.
>who've been burned by it in one way or another
And that would be the specific one for me personally; this is what I was raised as. But not going to get into more personal anecdotes, they're irrelevant.

>he'll kick all the mines out and by his faith bring the masses through
This exemplifies exactly why bringing any specific religion into it as "the official one" is exclusionary to anyone not subscribing to that particular belief. There's always going to be zealot crusaders unable to stomach allying with anyone unconverted.
At the risk of feeding what may be a troll, I must say that while I agree in some ways & to a certain extent; this is the fedora-tippingest, most cuntish way you could've possibly said it, m'lady.

I don't like using a lot of personal anecdotes, but I will here to reinforce. I went through a full on, argumentatively atheist phase more than a decade ago. Would heatedly argue with anyone who broached the subject of religion. What shut me up was an 80+ year old woman, grandmother of a girl I almost married (volcel class level up; bullet dodging +5).
She had late stage, incurable cancer & was one of the friendliest, kindest, sweetest little old ladies I've ever fucking known despite it. The sole subject she ever spoke of on her own volition was seeing her dead husband in heaven. How much she looked forward to it, how great it was going to be, etc.

Not only am I not quite enough of a sadistic sociopath to take that from her, I realized it wasn't my right to. Even if I could have epicly BTFO of her with my facts & logic, I'd be taking away the sole fucking thing this woman had that broke up the endless misery of her life, leaving her with absolutely nothing. I could have fucking skinned this woman alive & sponge bathed her with lemon concentrate I'd dissolved a fuckload of salt in & it would not have had anywhere near the kind of torturous effect taking that from her would. That realization made me start extending the same logic to everyone else.

Do as thou wilt bruh, that's only my not even half peso take on it. Just had to state it.
>You're essentially handing the Church over to faggots without a struggle
It has already happened. It has already been taken.

>You may even build up enough authority to be able to openly disagree with the priest with people actually listening.
Generally speaking, the priests are pretty good at disarming disagreement. My brother brought up the whole pedophilia thing, and the response of the priest was "we should pray about that."

>The pope wants europe to "be flooded", that all I need to hear about him
Yep. The church thinks the answer to declining attendance rates is to import parishioners from the third world.

215280 215342
>We should pray about that
Easily countered with "The saints did not stop at prayer but dedicated their lives to reforming the Church from within."

Don't give over to despair.
I don't despair, I just don't have time to fight this battle at the moment. Working on me and my family right now.

215333 215338
A Message to White Christians - William Pierce.mp4
>A Message to White Christians - by Dr. William Luther Pierce.
May Dr.Pierce Rest In Peace, i pray for his soul.
sorry Catholicism isn't pro white. the Catholic Church is 100% for non white immigration from Catholic countries. there is nothing pro white about it.
modern protestant demonstrations are just zionists. any Christianity based around zionism is heresy.

Pinkie pie ice cream tail.jpg
>"The saints did not stop at prayer but dedicated their lives to reforming the Church from within."

Also, >>215049, when I get a tablet, I am going to draw this gal. I might even make a comic out of it but that comes later.
She is so cute.
Thanks for showing me her.

File (hide): 453A034771336651EB921D09E6DB35BD-4493001.mp4 (4.3 MB, Resolution:854x480 Length:00:06:07, CHRISTIANITY.mp4) [play once] [loop]
A gem about christian churches in America.
It is interesting the mention of how the churches flip-flopped about racial integration when the (((government))) threatened them with to remove their tax exceptions.

File (hide): 0A3EB71F187E0F55AAB230932E17E40A-6718935.webm (6.4 MB, Resolution:1280x720 Length:00:00:25, g0ta_hQVxIhSmNXe.webm) [play once] [loop]

>Promoting Paganism