know much about NWF, but from what I've seen its the big gey
>>213986What's wrong with it? Is a LARP or a honey pot?
>>213987Its been a while and I don't tend to keep screencaps and shit, but I have them down in my head as being either somewhere between LARP (and possible honeypot) completely unrealistic/unsupportable strategy. Also their official documentation is CWC-tier ass, written and illustrated by a guy who hasn't realized that he's shit.
>>213984It is unsustainable, as soon as they become visible enough, the (((System))) will shut them down.
Any State needs weapons to survive and they have no bigger stuff than rifles unsuitable to engage planes or armored vehicles, therefore they are doomed because they are a static target.
I am 100% in support of secessionism. However, given the last attempt this will probably not happen without violence until the country completely collapses. If violence breaks out then you have a better chance fighting on your home turf or at least regionally rather than being concentrated in the Northwest where military will also be massed. It's not impossible to win in that scenario, but it won't be won by a handful of internet memers who just moved there to get away with it all. If the country collapses it's the same way, and you'll have a better opportunity of fixing more states than if we all huddled in one place and let leftism wash over the rest of the country. Also, I'm a Southern boy and my ethnic interest is WHITE SOUTHERN, not just white.
>>214002Afghanistan would differ. However, the difference is that Afghanis are a hardy people who are intimately familiar with their land. A bunch of geeks moving out into the wilderness will have neither advantage (no offense intended to /mlpol/ users).
It's not a honeypot but it's as unrealistic as thinking "ALL of America will be white again!" It's just not happening. The most realistic option is splitting America into multiple ethnostates. A small libertarian nation against a large authoritarian nation won't go well, but if all the nations are small then they'll each compete to be better in terms of liberty.
>>213984They don't like us. I think they're well meaning, but they consistently put on an air of being able to project more political sway than they actually do considering a significant chunk of their proclaimed territory is under democrat rule on the state level or within
Canada's borders. If their organisation was in growth and serious, they'd be moving to take administrative control of their territories through legitimate means by now and would be more detectable on the state level. Since we've seen none of that and only a bunch of come home memes, this makes me think they're mostly isolated homesteaders in the counties that go to meetups and talk online about what they
would do if everything collapsed into anarchy. Classic bystander syndrome on an organisational level, local county influence only. By no means do I consider myself an expert, however, these are only my surface level observations.
Furthermore, both the United States and Canada would both need to be in a state of anarchy
hue hue they already are for any secession attempt to bear long term fruit and not turn into a decades long slog of guerrilla warfare in the hills. I don't doubt their ability to wage an asymmetrical war for control of the turf they do control if it came down to it, but I have doubts about their ability to form a coherent and prosperous nation afterwards should they win.
Also they're against even fictional horsefucking, so that's a clincher against it for me.
its a honeypot and astroturf to get a controlled oposizion microstate. the funding of this state is planed to be jewed.
>>218275Good to know this video is noticed.
>>218275How is it a honeypot? I can assure you the Jew S A does not want to lose any land.
>>218762It's definitely set up to be stillborn. No attempt to take over a leftist stronghold like Washington has any chance of being successful
>>218763and some of (them) will hapily give you loans too suport your state. this will maje you dependand.
you need to create your own money supply for this. like hitler did.
>>218929and the gouverment would need to have many layers of systematic, not person bound, controls of the rulers.
>>218929>you need to create your own money supply for this. like hitler did.And everybody knows what happens when anyone tries to break free from bondage.