Stop making retards famous.
>lowering standards for the sake of diversity
Oh, fuck this shit.
>>193559I wonder if it would be possible to mass-report firefighters to media groups alleging they use blackface after responding to a fire
>>193571Are you kidding? If the left was riled up against
fire fighters? That would be one hell of a redpill.
>>193604That sounds like an unnecessary and potentially counterproductive annoyance to fire departments, tbh.
If you're going to report people, it'd be better to report fire hazards.
>I also encourage leaders to elevate the value of skills that align with stereotypes about women and minorities
A shitty driver on welfare: The perfect firefighter.
EMERGENCY! has to be a white supremacist show then.
Look at this, nary a POC in sight: you fucking kidding me? Idiot feminist thinks physical fitness, the one thing niggers are sort of good at, is keeping niggers out of the fire service?
No, you stupid whore, niggers don't join the fire service because niggers won't run into a burning building for any reason.
More cripples and retards as firefighters!
Safe the diversity!
>>193666Checked the Canadian Devil knows all about burning buildings.
>>193559I can't even think of a witty joke in response to this one. This may be the worst version of
>muh diversity quotas I've seen.
>>193559Probably a gat` dang Kike Lord 5000, sabotaging the Superior Masculinity of the White Man, compared to the pencil neck Jew bags