You don't want it, Anon. Turn back now.
>>191972They do exist but they're all trash because I killed the best one with my evil belly button powers.
>>191972There are five. They're all ran by trannies.
Discord's chatroom layout discourages intelligent posts in favour of minimal-word low-effort "uwu glomps" tumblr posts, so your name can be seen posting.
Discord is also fucking cowardly, willing to sell personal data to leftist terrorist organizations.
>>191997The reason they're all ran by trans people is because they're superior organisms. How do you think they're getting into positions of power in the first place?
>>192363>giving power to those who SEEK ittop lel
Don't we have a newfag help pin and a QTDDTOThread for these retarded assinine questions. Talk about low quality shit like tic tac toe and *ahem* niggers, but this is the real low quality right here.
Fuck you spicnigger memeflag.