>>187760This is basically consistent with what I think the long term strategy should be. The issue is not so much illegal immigration as it is demographic manipulation by Democrats. The majority of the problem immigrants are just following the path of least resistance. They come here because the system allows them to sponge, they take up residence and render entire neighborhoods unlivable, and the Democrats fight to legalize them and have them represented on the census because they can be used for extra votes and representation in Congress. Stop allowing them to receive government benefits, stop granting them amnesties and citizenship, stop granting their children citizenship, but allow them to work and reside here temporarily and this will likely end, or at least slow to a trickle. It also negates one of the more popular arguments in favor of illegal immigration, which is that agricultural industries need cheap Mexican labor to harvest crops.
Ending gibs in general will also solve our black problem. For the most part, blacks in this country were a manageable underclass until the Great Society bullshit made it possible for strong independent black women who don't need no man to take up residence in free government houses, and spit out sons who grow up essentially feral, while collecting a bigger and bigger welfare payout for every future Trayvon that she pushes out of her disgusting beef flaps.
Trying to deport all the Mexicans and forcibly send all the blacks back to Africa is an unreasonable goal, but I think if we cut off their supply of free shit most of the undesirables would fuck off of their own free will. The remainder can either get jobs, starve, or turn to crime, for which we ramp up police forces in ghetto communities to crack down on it. Natural selection will handle the rest. The blacks and spics we're left with will be the ones who will likely be less of a problem. Spics I think will eventually interbreed with whites as you say. Blacks in general usually tend to self segregate; despite the /pol/ memes about Jamal running around impregnating white women, blacks usually prefer to live and interact primarily with other blacks. Initiatives for blacks to mass-migrate voluntarily back to Africa pop up every few decades in the United States, usually started by black activists, and I think such initiatives should be encouraged, maybe covertly funded.
To summarize, I think America's current priorities should be as follows:
1. End birthright citizenship, end government benefits for immigrants, end chain migration and anchor babies. Ideally make it difficult or impossible for recent immigrants to vote. Do not count them on the census.
2. End the welfare state in general. Terminate or phase out food stamp and government housing assistance programs, or else impose strict work requirements or lifetime limits on benefits that make it impossible for anyone except the legitimately disabled or mentally impaired to sponge indefinitely. Again, no benefits at all for immigrants. Social security should be phased out and replaced with private investment accounts in the names of the individual citizens who pay into them.
3. Increase funding to police forces and give police more free reign to operate as they need to in high-crime communities. Start cracking down heavily on petty crime (graffiti, vandalism, petty theft, etc).