>Holocaust survivor speaking at school in 2 days >Get fucked up idea >Decide I'm going to print out 3 nazi flags and put them in auditorium >Print flags when nobody Is looking >Hear mums footstep >Ohshit.jpeg >Put em in my packback >Next day >First period is boring af >Walking to next class >Realise auditorium is empty >Run >Take out paper flags >Be pussy >Leave em on the floor and run to my class >After next class >Walking to speech >Papers gone >Ohshit Ohshit Ohshit >failfailfailfail >Teacher asks to check my backpack due to "Past" Incidents >Forgot i left the last one in my backpack >FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK >Teacher sees a glimpse of it then saids thanks >Imfucked.jpeg Moar?