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A Great Library
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An idea that has been rattling off in my head for a while is one that I will propose here. Ever since Trump's election, the liberal left has actively tried to tear down anything that doesn't line up with their ideology, be it monuments such as with the ten commandments, to the statutes of confederate soldiers; to western art works; and memorials. But where these things are physical and difficult to protect, much less secure to put into hiding, one thing that has been under attack but not though of protecting is what is written. Literature, Science, Mathematics and other great works have all come under attack where some books have been out right banned in schools, towns, and libraries just because of their content. Granted Hitler has burned the books of pornography and communist propaganda but I feel all materials should be protected, even if some should be hidden from the general public. The reason is that people should be able to decide for themselves and when you see all sides of a story, you are able to then pick out the discrepancies between them and judge for yourself.

The digital age has made knowledge that more available than ever before, where things can be copied and archived amongst the internet for the world to see and share. Words, Images, Music, and more all at great length are already online, even if scattered and hidden. What I am proposing is a great library, hidden amongst ourselves, a collection of sorts of the most condemned works by the left, to protect them from destruction and so that they could be shared. That is the first purpose.

The following purposes are to engage, enlighten and expand though study and thought, to question and to investigate, and to discover. The Keeper of Books is the Librarian, the Reader of Books is the Scholar, The Writer of Books is the Scribe. Essentially it will be a way to record the world as it is now and preserve it so all can become Scholars, Librarians and Scribes.

The library must be kept to secrecy to preserve it's longevity or it too will be destroyed. With many of the Big Tech such as, Google, Facebook, Twitter, and so on taking a monopoly on data over the internet, it is valid to fear that they too have been active to censor, disrupt, and dismantle any right leaning thought. Where they lead others astray by manipulating search results, and try to control and mold people who use their services, our goal is preservation in its entirety.


The question that come now is how if desirable by others that share my passion, how to go about creating such a library or archive? What should be preserved at this time, written about, or kept? Who will all be the Keepers? Where can we all come to seek this knowledge? When do we start?

These are my thoughts that have been rattling inside my head,

Thank you.
The neo-dead sea scrolls are to be on USB drive. This is the covenant.
Only anon can answer this question. Surely he has played games, where some info-drops include quest-related and others are unrelated gibberish. Be quest-related, anon.
That guy in the mirror.
That is up to you. Anywhere can be a cache or repository, though hopefully its somewhere that can be found.
Idle hands, anon
Now you got me thinking a bit. Flash Drives, CD's, Floppy Disks all physical forms of storage for saving data. Netflix used to be all about renting dvd's and have it then transferred via mail. What if a library could work the same way? Want to check out a book? Have it on a CD or something be mailed to you. Or perhaps even the physical books themselves. Any non physical, digital only would be on drives or CD's, maintaining both physical and digital copies.

For digital copies though I think for anyone that would want to "check out" a book should be allowed to do so, though there should be a librarian who will be able to make requests. If we left it to a server that is always online, anyone could hack it and destroy it, or outright deny it. Perhaps a portal where quests are made and then shared temporarily which would give limited access to it before it is deleted?

Logistics is what needs great thought on.
I am going to shamelessly bump this, I know it is Halloween and everyone is probably out reveling in it. Have fun.
I almost wish you were wrong. The most advanced search engines like Google and Bing could be used for raw data and research, instead they are used as political indocrination tools.

We need to be able to access all types of information in our super ultra-complex library and build a 300 mile radius ethnostate wall around it so people cant attempt to subvert us.
I wish that I was wrong to and henceforth why I even started this thread, not that I am trying to be silly, but with in reason, try to work some efforts to fight back.

Big Tech today have a monopoly, I am not the only one aware as this has been going on for quite some time and is getting worse and worse. When you used to have quite allot of competition, today you have everyone monopolizing on the same side and manipulating information flows or outright shutting it down.

One such works to give example of is any work by Samuel Clemmings or Mark Twain. Just for the use of the word "Negro" It has been entirely removed from schools, libraries, or other such places with the exception of a few in which it is heavily censored or altered. I feel as if rewritten entirely as Disney has rewritten the Brothers Grimms Tales. The danger of this, is like the brothers Grimm which were quite dark in nature as a warning, Disney has made it less so, now it is the accepted and widely spread version of the tale and little is ever mentioned of the original source.

When literature, data, and information is manipulated in the same way by big tech, what was truth becomes buried or it goes extinct, soon enough all that is then known is the lies and that in turn becomes the new truth.
It seems like what you're describing would be a lot of work to maintain and might not be worth it right now since we aren't anywhere near the book burning stage of left-wing totalitarianism just yet. Most of the great works of literature are already stored on digital repositories where they can be obtained quite easily for free (Project Gutenberg among others) so it's not like you would need to transcribe them yourself or anything.

Most books old enough to be unaffected by copyright can be obtained in their entirety by just a quick Google search and clicking a couple of links. Hell a lot of them are even on YouTube as audiobooks.
Even more extreme right-wing books like Evola and Mein Kampf are pretty easy to get. That isn't always guaranteed to be the case though; I suspect if the millennial left ever got any serious power they might conduct some sort of massive purge of everything written by white males, which is just about everything worth reading. It would be a tremendous shame if people living 1000 years from now think that the only works of literature the old world ever produced were Ta Nehisi Coates and Harry Potter. The question of preserving the literary record for the ages will definitely need to be addressed but it's worth noting that you're definitely not the first person to have thought of this. I'd recommend downloading as many of these readily-available titles and building a collection while you can if you're worried about them being deleted.

However if you're thinking about this in terms of the really far flung future, you might want to ask yourself if a digital record is even the way to go. Computers get old very quickly. A modern Mac for instance can't even read Apple's previous hierarchical file system properly, which means that even a Mac disc burned as recently as 1995 isn't a reliable record. Anything stored on a floppy disk is basically lost at this point unless you can scrounge up the technology to read it somewhere. Did you ever see that episode of Cowboy Bebop where they're trying to figure out what a Betamax player is and where they can find one? Even if you preserve the great works of literature on CD or something it's useless unless there's a reliable machine to play it on. For digital preservation, ironically a better way to go would be to use a simpler mechanical system that would be easier for future generations to reproduce, like old school punchcard computers from the 1960s. However then you've got boxes and boxes of cards that need to be stored, and it would at that point make more sense to just preserve printed books.

In any event it's a worthwhile endeavor, but it's realistically a pretty big project that would require a lot of resources and physical storage space; probably too big a project for one person to handle.
Just use this: https://www.sciencealert.com/this-new-5d-data-storage-disc-can-store-360tb-of-data-for-14-billion-years
That would be amazing, 360 TB of data is quite a bit and it so small, but talk about expense.

You are right, for one person alone to have all the data or take it upon themselves would be immense and at that point improbable unless they have many resources already.logistically it would be better for digital as it can be easily stored and distributed, long term, you are right, technology changes so rapidly that old things quickly get outdated. With windows, I never had much of an issue going forward as going back (newer programs don't run on Vista nor XP anymore) For a few games, (Notably Mechwarrior:Mercenaries 2 that came with the old win 95 pc) It would work with 98 but nothing beyond that with out heavy emulation and even then, still doens't run the same. Digital isn't' a permanent solution by any means. Though I mentioned software, even hardware changes and how that they interact. Physical copies of books will always be the number one way to preserve it in longevity.

But here is where physical and digital cross over. Maintenance.

Books albeit lasting much longer still deteriorate and will essentially rot. Digital Software will too. Paper will turn brown and crumble, hard drives will fail and corrupt data. Essentially both are not perfect. Periodically you have to then back up your works, either by reprinting books, or copying data. So if you look at it in this regards, digital isn't so much any more impractical than physical, the only difference is that you would be doing maintenance more often for digital do to fail ability and technology changing.

Granted we aren't at the point at an all out book burning, but if you look now at what is being burned it is anything and everything from the right. Pictures, Videos, Comments, things are being twisted and corrupted. I say baby steps, what is being deleted to be worth preserving? (just look at all the crap fox news gets just for uploading their videos, seriously)

As of now, this project is in the idea stage and I would like to brainstorm more with those that have the same passion. I feel this would work more if it opperated as a hive. (as in business) where it is a network all working together in groups to acheive an over all goal. No one with more authority than the other, but a collective.

Protection is just one of the goals of this project. Sharing of Knowledge is the other, Science, Math, History all are available naturally in actual libraries but then you have the knowledge that is hidden behind locked doors. The libraries that only colleges hold and you have to pay with tuition to even get this knowledge. That I feel is bullshit, even more so is how some academic research is even "discouraged" such as racial studies, global warming, and astrial sciences. These have been greatly attacked and even now, greatly censored to the public. I think these would be a great start to preserve.