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Your favourite things from s1?
182039 182041 182052 182058 182066 182207
What were your 7 favourite things from MLPFIM season 1? They can be locations, episodes, specific ponies, morals in episodes, scenes, songs, anything. But no choosing more than 2 ponies.
182041 182043
>7 favorite things
Goddamn, that's a helluva lofty goal you've set. To be honest I can't remember many specifics from Season 1. Might have to rewatch it sometime.

>english flag
>off topic Optionsmanager pic
>overglorification of old ass fim episodes
>oddly specific posting instructions

You just got fucking glimmernigel'd, son.
I think I might do that, too. Season 1 is truly brilliant.
I'll say...
>Twilight Sparkle
She's the glue that holds her friends together, and the mainest main character. But instead of a bland-ass boring character, the kind of char you'd expect to see in this role, you get a cute little dork who never would have considered herself the friendship type, mirroring many fans and how they would have never considered themselves the pony-loving type. She's a smart character, and when she's dumb, it isn't just because the plot needs to be, it's because one of her character flaws is tripping her up.
Before she was turned into the apple-obsessed other-fruit-phobic "Southern hick" nu-writers see all southerners as, she was a delightful and loveable character who, while not topping many "Best Character" lists, could always be depended on. Except when she was being a stupid stubborn fucktard. Which was also strangely endearing.
>MLPFIM Episode 2
Where episode one deconstructed Equestria, painting it as a world of idiots in which prophecy warnings are ignored and parties are all any of these crazy ponies seem to care about(But in a masterful stroke of writing, every Mane Six member's "Retard moment" wasn't that retarded. They only seemed retarded because of the time limit Twilight thought she was under), episode two reconstructed the very concept of a silly little girl's show where friendship is a beautiful magic laser thing. Each mane six member has their own "I have redeeming qualities and value" moment, so when the rainbow laser moment at the end hits, you smile. These characters aren't just walking memes, they're well-rounded loveable people, and friendship with those like this really is magic.
>Boast Busters
I'm kidding, this episode was shit and it set up a fundamentally-miswritten character to fail harder in later appearances.
Did you think watching six ponies climb up a mountain would be a fun time? I didn't, and then I saw this episode. Fluttershy's "I'm so shy!" gimmick hadn't gotten old yet, so she and everypony else's exasperation with her shyness were brilliant.
>Swarm of the Century
Did you expect an episode that rips off Star Trek to be good? I didn't, until I saw this episode. Great jokes, great animation, great comedic timing, and .
>Party Of One
Adds an unexpected layer of depth to Pinkie Pie, the show's third best character. The opening scenes are also brilliantly animated and written, designed to make you believe that Pinkie's friends might genuinely consider her parties exhausting ordeals they don't want to double up on. Pinkie forgetting it was her own birthday is stupid, but hey, it's Pinkie. That said, there should have been a blink-and-you'll-miss-it hint that it was Pinkie's birthday that day.
>The Best Night Ever
Y'all know why.
I know, but it's seems like a genuine attempt at a thread, even with >pic unrelated. Shouldn't matter who made it so long as it doesn't devolve into shitposting.
*but it seems
I need to proofread more.
I think I also need to do a rewatch of season 1 to make a good reply. And it is a good excuse for me to sit down and do a marathon of it.
Bonus notes:
Twilight is also our window into this world, and our guide to it. If ponies do something differently in town 1, her reaction will tell viewers whether this is normal, cool, unusual for Equestria but normal for us, vice versa, or entirely stupid.
And I love The Best Night Ever because it's one of the best episode this show has ever produced.
This is it, we're told. The Grand Galloping Gala, something the show has been hyping up for almost the whole season. Finally, everyone is going to have the best night ever! The fairytale night they've always dreamed of! Except Applejack, who wants to sell normal food at a rich-pony event that'll probably have free food.
Symbolism is everywhere. Fairytale book imagery is everywhere. Twilight even tries to do the whole "Horse-drawn carriage" bit with mice, which goes wrong, like everything else in this episode. Everypony separates to try and force the night to be what they think it has to be for them, and each attempt ends in failure.
Twilight's planned evening with Celestia turns out to be a long night of standing around next to a celebrity. Rarity's dream stallion turns out to be a bit of a twat. Pinkie's idea of fun is considered too low-brow for these rich ponies. Fluttershy's animals turn out to be even more shy than her, which pisses her off. I forgot what Applejack did, I think either she or Rainbow Dash got somepony to choke on apple food.
The night turns into a shitshow.
And where other cartoons would throw random chaotic shit at the wall and immediately cut to everypony walking back to Ponyville, with the town in flames and Rainbow Dash saying "Pinkie, where did you get that Armadillo?" followed by Applejack saying "I don't think we're welcome in Canterlot any more" and then everyone is all "Lol that disaster we made of that lame party was fun for us let's laugh and the episode ends", this show is just... better than that.
Everypony meets up at Spike's sad little donut store, where Spike is doing the PG-rated version of miserably drinking alone. But as soon as the mane six show up, he cheers up, because his friends are back, and he's ready to hear how great the party was.
And instead of a scene where Twilight or Rarity or anypony else goes to pieces and cries about how much it all sucked, the camera skips that and Spike says "That sounds like the WORST night ever!"
"It was!", everypony says in unison, and laughs, because seeing them go from sad to happy over time would be a pointless waste of runtime.
And where many episodes would forget all about whoever the ruined prom was for, Celestia shows up to tell the group...
Celestia loved the shitshow they created, and she's happy that this group of friends enjoyed it, too. After all, the Grand Galloping Gala is ALWAYS awful! I wish this fandom made some fanfics about how they think earlier GGGs turned out, instead of/in addition to those crap fics where the author rants at Prince Blueblood like he's sixty Hitlers for the crime of mistreating someone who wanted him for being a prince, someone who was probably only using the "Be a jerk to drive away mares I can't be seen dumping" strat anyway because the alternative is one of Celestia's cousins is just genuinely like this.
Twilight tells Celestia she's learned that friends have a way of turning awful times into great times.
And Dear Princess Celestia, Spike was right all along! They wanted to live their fantasies, he wanted to enjoy whatever happened as a group, and he was right.
And that's the beauty of it. It's an unexpectedly mature topic, even by that show's standards, and it's done with a mature understanding of the issue, presented in a way kids will like and understand. It's okay if things don't go as planned. It's okay if things blow up in your face. It's okay if the hype train turned out to be a trainwreck. Because when you're with true friends, anything can be a good time, even a total fucking disaster.
I probably would have dropped this show and fandom a long time ago if I didn't have my friends around to talk to, watch episodes with, and have fun with. Even the worst nu episodes are fun to watch when you're with friends.
Sure, other episodes might look better, be cooler, and so on, but this one turned out to be practically fucking prophetic, with a brilliant and timeless moral. Easily one of the best MLPFIM episodes of all time.
I agree. It was a great episode.
I don't have anything on the top of my head.

182081 182097
yes yes yes.gif
I am watching it for first time last few days, until episode 7.
So far I love the show, ponies are super cute and Twilight Sparkle is the best.
Super cute.png
>ponies are super cute
>When you havea pic save under that
They sure are.
Glad you like it. Watching the show for the first time is the best way to watch it.
If I was the one who did Trixie's redemption episode, I would have turned the Alicorn Amulet into something that sought her out, not the other way around. I would have started the episode with her getting booed off the stage at some pg version of a crappy nightclub. Then she's sad, so the alicorn amulet appears to her and tempts her into putting it on.
Then the bar owner is all "We aren't paying you" and Trixie is slightly influenced by the amulet, which glows and turns her eyes red as she demands payment, which the owner gives to her.
Then she is shocked at the new power this gives her, and her eyes turn red again as she decides she wants revenge on Twilight.
Boom, you've made the character more sympathetic and you've made it look like she's been trying to get her life together since she last showed up, instead of specifically hunting the Evil Amulet of Anticoch.
also, right after that scene...
>My little pony, my little pony. AAAAAAA
Trixie uses magic to fly to Ponyville like an aggressive meteor, hitting the ground dramatically in a big fireworkish kind of explosion.
Her showoffy personality is still intact, but the amulet is influencing her to be more evil.
Maybe do a bit where some filly who wasn't here a while ago wants to see her do cool magic stuff, and Trixie's eyes stop glowing red as she shows off for the foal, and it's the mane six showing up that turns her eyes red again.
The mane five are there but Twilight is out to lunch or something, so Trixie does evil mage petty revenge stuff on those who wronged her in the meantime. And those who get in her way. Then Twilight shows up and is overpowered and defeated. Add a beam struggle to the end of the fight she loses, to visually convey that Trixie is stronger. Then everything else happened as it did. Then a few lines after Trixie removes her Alicorn Amulet, instead of immediately attempting a double-boosted torture spell on Rainbow Dash, she looks around at the destruction and chaos she caused and is all "What have I done?"
Then the amulet turns into a big shadow blob and tries to absorb her. Twilight risks her own life to save Trixie, shocking her that somepony really could be all that in terms of power and morality. Then Trixie's redemption feels real.
If I had to do Trixie's introductory episode... Well, she's written to be a bad version of Twilight Sparkle, a weak show-off instead of a strong non-show off. I would have added a "we used to be magic camp friends, but you only cared about the flashy magic and you ignored the basics" from Twilight. That way, her weakness is her own fault.
And the ending... If you're going to punish Trixie by making her lose everything while rewarding Snips and Snails with moustaches, make Trixie boast that she could defeat a hundred Ursa Majors (something Snips and Snails, on their own, decide they want to see even though they still only manage to bring one) and make her immediately flee (and when somepony stops her and asks her to help, Trixie says she lied) while they try to help upon realizing how badly they screwed up, so their heart is in the right place even though they only manage to do that hilarious comedy thing where they dramatically rush at the monster and then ineffectively attack it while the music stops until it slaps them away and Twilight does her thing, the music resuming. Also, they're still made to clean up the damage the Ursa Minor caused.
And if you want to go with the "Trixie tries to fight, loses, and gets her home destroyed" bit, Twilight rewards Trixie with a new, nicer trailer for trying to help a town she had no connection to while Spike is hilariously in charge of making Snips and Snails clean up the Ursa Minor damage. Trixie says she learned her lesson about boasting. And if you want to use her as a future antagonist, she lied. Because in the final scene, you see her in the next town over claiming she saved Ponyville and Twilight's life.
Literally no one asked
I know. I'm trying to start a conversation to pass the time while we wait for others to finish rewatching season 1.
182275 182285
Well I'm not gonna tell you seven things, I just think of it all at once but I will tell you my favorite episode by far in season 1 and that is the episode where Rartiy gets kidnapped by the Diamond Dogs and she has to fend for herself until her friends come to get her out. Its not the best episode in the season by alot of people but I couldn't help but enjoy it. Rarity isn't my favorite pony but I laughed when she whined and cried to the dogs and got in their heads. I don't know if it was her character or her voice actor but Rarity is perfect for faking agony. Also at the end the show showed me it wasn't taking the typical sterotype most kids shows would take and have to have the captured need it's friends to save it but it can help itself if it can.

Or this is just proves that I am super autistic but I probably know that anyways. sorry if I mess up embeding the jewtube link, despite lurking the chans for years, I never learned how to do it.

oh shit I did it right
We're all autistic here. And good choice!
Another good choice. It's amazing how this show managed to make the magical world version of street sweeping entertaining. Ponyville feels so big and alive and interesting in this episode. And Twilight really shines in this episode, while also proving to the audience that even without her magic, she can still make magic happen.
This might be weird but I really love that it's Twilight herself who chooses not to use magic out of respect for this town's traditions. It isn't some dumb out of character "Challenge accepted lmao" thing where Twilight is trying to prove something to AJ or vice versa. Twilight just respects tradition, even though smart characters are usually written to hate that stuff.
Its hard to remember the exact best moments, I need to rewatch it and decide on that.

It makes me sad whenever I finish season 1. I usually just move onto season 2 but it just doesnt feel like theres as many good episodes. And after that the show just decays. Sometimes I feel like Id rather just rewatch S1 over and over again. Even though we will get new episodes I feel satisfied enough with just S1
Show definetly changed after the First the seasons but I am still rewatching the whole thing over and over again

There are some real gems like the episode where the girls tell ponko to stop playing and she faces the struggle of artists and writers or the song in s2e1
You know the one right?
"We have to make this right
We have to make them see
We can save the german people with their history"
These little horses man...
A lot of people shit on Crystal Empire for being a dumb toy playset, but it was genius on the part of these writers to make part of the episode about ponies trying to remind the depressed glitter ponies that they do have culture, a history, all kinds of interesting things mere drones designed to sell toys wouldn't have. And yet these parts still don't overwhelm what the episode is primarily about: The local villain that haunts this place getting defeated, so they don't feel preachy.