Okay this happened a couple of weeks ago but I'm still fuckin' raged. I apologize if this isn't /mlpol/ material. >hang out with some dudes from my old highschool >a dominican, and a couple black guys >a couple of times they peer pressured me into stealing dxm tablets and liquor from the pharmacy i live near >one day we buy an eighth of some decent kush >have nowhere to chill at, it's like 14 degrees out. >decide to let them in my house to chill, smoke, play vidya etc.. > i had pizza that night >they literally ate every fucking slice that was there without as much as fucking asking me >the dominican guy's actually a bro, he's not nigger-teir in terms of psychopathy. actually asks >set up my playstation 3 about to play some cod online >say i'm gonna pick up a blunt from the gas station >gone literally 10 minutes >black guys are nowhere to be found >my playstation's gone along with my copy of gta 5 >mfw they actually took all the weed we were about to smoke that i left on the table.
You know, I'm not one to judge a person by the color of their skin but when every fucking black man i met has the mentality of 'coming up' and 'hitting licks' at the expense of people who were nice enough to have them eat your fucking dinner, i have no sympathy for these sub-human cretins. I do find solace in the fact that I'm actually going to college while they're outside gang banging and generally acting like fucking monkeys. Anyway share your stories /mlpol/