>grow up treating the 4th of July as the greatest day ever >drink budweiser and eat McDonalds at least 4x a week >decorate apartment with Miley Cyrus posters and nigger cuckold porn >raise the Stars and Stripes every morning in my backyard >play the National Anthem >Pledge Allegiance >treat flag as if it were a unique and extremely fragile alien organism rather than a piece of coloured cloth >get USA! USA! READING IS FOR FAGGOTS MUH FREEDUMZ GIT YER GUBMINT HANDS OFF MUH MEDICARE DIE BEANER SCUM USA! USA! tattoo >be most 'murrican guy you know >finally visit America and figure its going to be paradise >niggers everywhere >get shot twice >once for only tipping 24% >everyone is an asshole >people roll their eyes when I tell them I consider myself more american than british >the rest scream "WHY!!!" >tfw they stop clapping around me as well >everyone is cool with Mexico >nobody even eats double cheese burgers for breakfast >the only people who are nice to me want me to tip them >can't wait to get back because I'm sick of high-handed faggots when I'm a lot more american than they are.
It almost made me want to let the kikes steal my freedoms and give up being a British-American.