>>177424In my opinion, the growth we've experienced over the past year cannot be relied as a being "true" or long term growth. The tax cuts have only increased federal borrowing and deficit spending, pumping money into the economy without necessarily increasing productivity to an equal degree. I think we may see inflation out of this. Raising the federal interest rate is a step that probably should have been done long ago, and would have but for the piss-poor performance of our economy. The federal reserve has been pumping money into the economy for nearly a decade now, and it would need to end eventually or else accomplish nothing more than inflation. I think raising the interest rate now - slowly, so as not to spook investors - is a good move, and while it will probably cut into the current economic growth, it is necessary to make the situation stable.
>>177426Shouldn't the people have a say in their monetary policy and not fucking jews?
>>177427I wasn't talking about who controls what, I was talking about the interest rate
Do any based and redpilled anons have info about the fed and other economic stuff for an economylette like myself?
>>177430I understand, it was just a question. You can't trust them.
>>177433Both books should make you enlightened
>>177448Thanks I will read them. Is there a preferred publication/translation of Mein Kampf? I feel like if a book were to be jewed it'd be that one.
>>177558This ought to be fine. I doubt Mein Kampf has received the
No More Hunger treatment, it was too popular before the war to be entirely suppressed.
>>177433This first book has some useful information on the history of the Fed and money in general
>inb4 (((Rothbard)))He's a kike but he's redpilled.
The second is entry level economics, it doesn't get much simpler than this.