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Family, and their crazyness
176830 176851
When it comes down to my sister, I avoid talking to her, there allot of bad blood between us however we are still family no matter what. We both went though allot and still going through some tough ordeals. Recently though I been talking with her again and her ideologies seem rather peculiar, as I I have no idea. I can't tell if she is right or left as she seems to move from one extreme to another. I wish I can snap her to reality but to give context, I can see why she is "bargaining".

My family were in a bad spot, especially after my father had an accident, he couldn't work any more and that meant early retirement. After he forcible quit his job, things got really tight and we even were practically homeless at one time, but when we were finally trying to raise ourselves up, my sister wanted out bad, it was driving herself nuts. Unfortunately her young teenage mind was the cause of one dumb ass decision and she hooked up with some asshole in Seattle, WA. She ran away to go be with him and for a very brief while, she seemed happy, till we all realized how she was being used, and abused. The bastard knocked her up, then stole the child trying to make my sister look as horrible as possible to gain custody. She meet another guy there that tried to get her out of that state but "surprisingly" he was killed when he stepped away from her a brief moment in the park. It took a while before we, her family could get her out of Washington because they threatened her as well.

She is safe now, but still determined to get her child back, I feel for her on that. Recently we been talking and she been making me watch this one horror series on Netflix AHS which she wanted to watch the "Cult" series. (I really really hate horror but she really into it) Then she says to me, "I never meet anyone that thinks like you do, or like that (refrencing me and the show) Wouldn't it be nice if I could just have my own cult and start one and just fuck with others, like really fuck with them." Her child birthday is on the 3rd and I can see why she is resentful but I feel she is looking at things the wrong way.

The biggest issue is because all the shit happened in Washington, you can't find legal council that practices outside the state with in the state and that is what is fucked. So all in all this is more like a Family, Politics and how fucked Washington is. I wasn't into politics till 2015-'16 so if only I knew how fucked it was, all this happened way before that all. So let this be a cautionary tale, stay out of Washington.
176838 176851
>I wish I can snap her to reality but to give context
Well anon, don't even try. This is textbook feminine behavior, and she is not the victim at all. Don't feel pity neither fall for her lies, she is manipulating everybody around.
And as a woman, she is blaming everybody but herself.

Let me deconstruct your view of reality.
>however we are still family no matter what.
I don't think she "feels" like that. No matter what she tells you, she is with you not for blood bounds, but because she has no choice.
>I can't tell if she is right or left as she seems to move from one extreme to another.
Don't bother, women are chameleons, they change ideologies as they see them convenient.
>my sister wanted out bad, it was driving herself nuts
Of course, any woman feels uncomfortable when the money is tight. Their very nature is to be parasites with legs. They are not loyal and they will abandon ship as soon as they can.
>she hooked up with some asshole in Seattle
Her exit.
>she seemed happy, till we all realized how she was being used, and abused.
No anon. You need to be redpilled about women, they love that.
And the better you treat them, the more they resent you.
>The bastard knocked her up
No anon, your sister wanted that. Usually to lock and control the guy, but rarely works.
> then stole the child trying to make my sister look as horrible as possible to gain custody
This is yuuuuuuuuge red flag. 80% of cases of custody are adjudicated to women.
Most likely your sister is a danger to the child.
>Another guy was "surprisingly" he was killed when he stepped away
She is choosing criminals as partners... is she a coalburner?

Anon, stay away from such a demon.
Stick to your father.
I am not quite so cynical.

OP, however, should keep in mind that she is psychologically damaged and will remain prone to irrational (moreso than the average woman) and destructive behaviors until she has completed years of self-disciplinary training.

Her cult fantasy is unsurprising but telling as abused often become abusers themselves. In all honesty her child's not much better off with her than with her abuser until she gets her act together.

It sounds like she wants a place where she can have security and belong, as women often want. In better times this would have been achieved with an arranged marriage.
176854 176883
I can tell that family is very important to you, which is good. However that may be coloring your perceptions of your sister.

>>176830 is overly cynical imo, but he is right that it is HIGHLY unusual for the man to win custody of the children. When combined with her cult leader fantasy, it suggests that she may indeed be a very poor role model for a child and that she may legitimately be unfit to raise her baby.

I don't have enough information to say that with certainty, but you may need to step back and attempt to impartially assess the information. Put aside the fact that she's your sister and consider that she may be in the wrong. If she is in the wrong, then she will be very fortunate to have someone like you who cares for her deeply and can help her to make it through this difficult time. She may not be able to gain custody, but she may be able to pull herself together and still play a meaningful role in her child's life.

I also know little about the father. Is he really an asshole, or is your perception of him skewed due to you defaulting to taking your sister's side? If she is in the wrong, then the first step to healing and moving on with life is to acknowledge her faults so that she can address them and improve.

Also, what the fuck do you mean by the second guy "surprisingly" dying in the park. You put that in quotes. What the God damn fuck did you mean by that? Was the second guy a criminal with a lot of enemies? Did the first guy put a hit on the second? You raised a lot of questions there and many of the potential implications point towards your sister potentially making a lot of poor life choices and that she may indeed be an unfit mother.

Further more, you said that "they" were threatening your sister. Who is "they?" Is it the father's family? Is he part of some kind of crime family or something?

You raised a lot of questions and all that we really know is that your family is going through a very tragic time in your life.

Well I didn't tell the whole story that is for sure. It is a doozie and a long one and I don't know how much is too much to tell. Just note, what I know of the situation is what I over hear or others tell me, I still don't have a complete picture.

But yes, pretty much my sister verses her Ex and the Ex's Mother. Yeah, he is a mama's boy. From my understanding, the mother wanted the child for herself and it was Her, not really the father, that actually gained the custody of the child.

The friend that tried to get her out was a friend of the Ex, which was killed in broad daylight in the middle of the park.

The ex's family made my sister to be a drug user, and how they gained custody of the child. However, if I were to be honest, I could see my sister doing pot but nothing hard. It was when we got her out of there we had her go in for drug testing and it came back negative. So even though I sorta find that hard to believe myself I am more to believe that there is some truth to my sister and it paints the ex even more grim.

My sister somehow meet an old friend of my brothers and a partial friend of mine and hooked up with him a few years back. She got married to the guy and even had a second kid. But they are seriously now on the other side of the states.

My sister while still in Washington, we did manage to hire one lawyer, and he told her that she needs to get out, surprisingly he latter disappeared. My sister did get out but now the ex's are claiming that she "abandoned" the child.

If I were to be completly honest to her character, she can be a bit wacky at times, especially the shit we all been through. If she had a good man beside her to keep her in check, I say she be fine. For what I seen and heard, I really don't know what to believe, how much is true and who is playing who. I haven't seen anything to indicate anything ill, especially that she has been married with another child, there isn't anything alarming there. But I think she is agitated and desperate and I guess, like greif, is trying to bargain with wild fantasies of revenge or what not. At times I feel the honorable thing is to take her side but as I said, I still don't have a full picture of everything. (and for the cynical one, yeah I know all about the chameleons, my sister is no exception)