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We all know the jew/SJW/faggots love their movie propaganda, and there is a campaign to wipe out whites with abortion, or making
women focus on careers over familys.

We all know that whites are subject to subtle 'programming' in the media, where they are subject to ideas and influenced.
And there are always 4 signs that you see in a typical programming media.

1. Black man is the leader, has the whip hand over the white, Nigger president from 24, Putting Idris Elba as Hiemdall, a God
that was known as the 'Whitest of the white' deliberatly. Putting niggers in positions of power gives them prestige, and
sycophants get erections for them. Homeland is another example, a dumb nigger in charge of the agency, etc..
Prometheus had the black man as the altruistic type, who sacrificed himself to save earth, oh what a noble nigger, unlike those
damn whiteys, am i rite? (They are also pushing for a black bond), noble leader is mass effect is a nigger, etc.. White man
obeys him and so on.

2. Interacial relationships. As seen in homeland, this is generally blonde woman, in relationship with the nigger. Prometheus
had the nigger have sex with the blonde woman. Homeland nigger had a relationship with the white woman, etc..

3. Wise jew. This always tends to appear, friendly, knowledgable, and moral jews, who you can always go to for advice, oh how
fatherly they are! (homeland for an example) Look signs that they are a jew, berg nose etc.. (although not
always true, it generally is)

4. White man the bad guy (double points for white blonde) Homeland etc..

This is also put into social situations, for example white men are 'white boys' and black men are…well, black men? Try flip that
around and then watch them get pissed. Black boys say, and refer to yourself and other white men as white men. Watch the hypocrisy

So remember, whenever you see all this, remember someone is trying to take a shit in your mind, and it's not as effective when
you know what's going on.