Currently whites are being out-bred by every race in the country, and unless something is done soon, we'll be a minority soon, and then we're fucked. So this is my plan. Stage one: Get a white wife, have lots of children. Stage two: go to nightclubs and impregnate anonymously as many negresses and latinas as possible.
You see, for negresses and latinas, it's a given that they're going to have a shit ton of kids. Normally they'll breed with their own kinds, but if you are the father, your dna will lighten their lineage, reducing their future niggerdom. They can either have 5 niglets, or 5 half-niglets.
A half nigger is always better than a full nigger, and if the plan is carried out for decades, we'll get quarter niggers, eighth niggers, etc.
For specifics, you'll obviously have to stay as anonymous as possible as you don't want to actually have to support the little bastards. You'll also want to use a condom, but snip the end. This will reduce chances of std transmission, and you can also give an antibiotic rinse immediately afterwards.