i wonder if the EU is going to send in troops. Would love to see thisn escalate. Theres no fucking way they will sanction another brexit. they are already trying to damage control that one.
>>171776This is awesome news. May God bless and protect the saviors of Europe - The Czech people, Hungarian people and Polish people. And may God bless all those who stands for freedom and independence and keeping European nations from falling into the grasp of the globalists and their agenda to remove the last resemblance of freedom in Europe.
Alas, my nation is too retarded and poor to give up on EU gibs. But hey, one can hope...
>>171776Every European Country should say "Fuck off Merkle" seriously that bitch is turning the EU into the NeoUSSR. Grew up on East Berlin under soviet rule and fell in love with it. She thinks that Germany will be the heir to the soviet babushka or some shit.