The EU has passed Article 13>Let's Laugh At Europe Stream Stream going live in 2 hours from this post onwards
Aka the
Illegal Memes Law has been
re-passed after initial rejection this summer.
- EU can now declare memes or image macros illegal hate speech
- Westwide censorship of topics or independent journalism is enabled
- corporate copyeright trolling is now allowed and encouraged
- Websites can demand money from your for using them
I told you this was going to happen and law and behold it did.
Next hearing is in January, if A13 passes then my guess is it will be implemented by 2020. This will also effect US bound internet companies, who are under the jurisdiction of the EU since Obama sold out the internet governance rights to the EU in late 2016.
Goddamn it! How can they justify this under premise of 'protecting copyright laws'? Don't they have constituents to answer to?
>>170955>Don't they have constituents to answer to?This is the EU and the EU parliament, so answer is no. There is some elections to it, but I have no idea how it is conducted. But I would not say they are accountable in any real sense or stretch of the word.
>>170955As i know and understand it, once people are elected into the EU government by European voters, they can never be removed. The EU is de factor self governing, with a minor degree of being influence by by big parties in important coubntries like the CDU (aka Merkels party) in Germany. EU citizens have no control over what the EU does. And once a law has been passed, it can never be revoked. This is one of the many reasons why people compare the EU to the Soviet Union. Its democracy only in name.
>>170957You might know. Is there a way to sends the EU parliament a document as a private citizen and due to procedures the EU parliament have to publish the document on their public site.
What I am going for if enough people send the EU enough documents filled with links to news articles (randomly selected or carefully selected) could you "bankrupt" the EU, or make the EU pay for publications like Breibart (or Nordfront as another example) because you forced the EU to link to their articles?
>>170957Who the fuck are they and when was this taken? Last thing we need are nazi pony larpers creating a distraction.
>>170960i think the EU Commies have enough self awareness to make themselves the exception to their own laws, like most governmental bodies. if you are the judge, jury and executor you get away with everything.
>>170961Galacon Germany Summer 2017. Allegedly one of them is a pony artist. Photo has been posted on /mlp/ at the time.
Well... what's the plan? What are we going to do about this?
>>170966we are going to blow up the senate in brussels with barrels full of gun powder of course.
I am half joking.... THIS IS GREAT!... the EU has partially decimated the corporate internet and given new life to the dark net! Chans on TOR in the future!! And a new flood of dark net techno-insurrection memetic warfare awaits! Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. /popcorn /celebration.
i have been told this is a photo from the Article 13 re-votes
oh btw aticle 11 and 13 will also be applied to england even after brexit
>>170989Lmao wtf but they arent EU now.
>>170984Idk about TOR, but i2p is a nice hidden network
>>170998I tried it once and it was very slow. But something will happen. Human energy and spontaneity will route around the problem some how.
Multi-prong attack on memetic warfare?
>Facebook Releases AI for Memes - attacks and counter-attacks>" This week, Facebook announced the deployment of a large-scale machine learning system named Rosetta, which it's using to automatically and proactively identify "inappropriate or harmful content" in images on the social network. In other words, Facebook developed an AI that can tell if a meme is offensive. " energy for a new cycle!
this is just the opening act, its going to get a lot worse from here on out. i guess 10-20 more years until the next war.
RIP Europe. Welcome to your 1984 styled hellscape.
Now Europe is gonna be stuck taking all the meme and can't meme back.
>>170954>Let's Laugh At Europe StreamGod damn I missed it. Oh well I still get to laugh at Europe all day.
>>171007That is going to fail tremendously. All that needs to be done is to make EVERYTHING illegal. See what happens.
>>171015People will have huge fun modifying memes to bypass filters and take it as an exciting challenge.
>>171018This forces us out of the corporate social media internet... this is great. People's urge to shitpost won't go away it will just flow into the places of least resistance.
>>171015China and the middle east have arguebly just as bad if not worse censorship laws. Nobody rose there to stop or remove them. I expect the same to happen here. This is a corporate law forced in by big companies to both censor internet content and rake in more profit. To be honest with you i expect something like this to be implemented in the us soon too. Trump has shown little to no interest to stop internet censorship himself. And copyright filters pay better than freedom of speech.
>>171018>>171015True. And if you remember the prohibition, it will end exactly like that. There is much to be gained when something is banned.
>You will live to see a meme black market >>171019It forces a certain number of people out of the corporate social media internet, if you think the majority of normies won't just roll over and accept it, you have too much faith in them. Although it's possible the likes of corporate social media will just partition their platforms to 'Europe' and 'Everywhere Else', same deal with China.
>>171024The next generation will go where the cool kids are at minimum. Information is flowing faster and unchecked. The gov criminal organizations are trying to put a lid on an an ant nest. I don't see how it can be successful. Screw with 4chan and you get 8ch. Screw with pizzagate on reddit and you get voat. etc. The direction society is going won't change because some new fences are built. All that happens is the pressure goes into a new direction.
>>171020Do consider why no-one rose to defend freedom of speech down there.
>Middle East is a war-torn hellhole gamed by rich oil tycoons with friends in high placesAnd to the average joe down there, their concerns are their religion and living for tomorrow.
>China is an industrial hellscape Because the chinks while they do not allow talk against their own government, money lets them slip by and they can free talk trash against everyone. They certainly are alot more freer than Europe as long as you have the cash.
Just happened:
Talking of kicking ants nests and internet censorship. The main Q subreddit just got nuked. It had 70K subscribers.
>>171029this is great, vril. now you can finally stop browsing leddit
>>171023Also if they never had gone after napster we would probably not have p2p now.
>>171024It all depends I think. How draconian will the policing be. It Facebook slams down too hard and makes posting and image even harder than solving a captcha Facebook will become the new MySpace sooner than later.
>>171031Aggregators are good for catching up. I'll just go to voat. :P The Q stuff deserves watching because it is the rise of the Imperium part of the cycle.
>>171029Wonder how that will end. I fear it will go down silently as there will be no place on reddit to complain to or on without users complaining being banned there too. But it might be the straw that makes people move to alternative sites. One day the straw that makes people wake up has to come.
>>171020Middle East is also really shitty at enforcing shit in general. I remember being blocked from a website on Google but if I just put the URL in I would get through.
>>171036They have a strong appreciation/alliance with 8ch/qresearch. There is already a thread on planning where to go. There is also evidence of it being targetted because athore related subreddits are getting nuked too. T_D is banning discussion of the bans. Speculation is it is FISA release coverup related. In the end it won't matter. NSA seems to own 8ch now. People will collect in a new place just like with the end of 4/mlpol/
good, europeans are annoying anyway. No more shitposting will come from communist muslim countries and the rest of us can use the internet in peace. Goodbye and good riddance.
>>171036There would be two types of people on the Euro net following this. Those too cucked and will stay on the censored platforms or go to different forums.
Forgotten websites like Newgrounds, deviantart and somethingawful may just get a new influx seeing how Youtube, Facebook and Reddit are absolutely cucked.
oh pardon me let me correct myself GAY communist muslim countries
>>171045The one upside of this is that non-Euro countries can keep memeing about Europe being a shithole and THEY CAN'T REFUTE IT.
Sad, but that's reality now.
>>171052personally I think there's a lot more upsides than that british people and germans especially are annoying and all they ever do is shit up the internet with their cuckoldry and whining. bongs almost dodged this with brexit but luckily for everyone else May is cucking them on that too
>>171053It certain seems that way.
And the only way they can get rid of this is to remind those on top on who voted them there. Else we may see a repeat of the medieval ages. Right down to a group of few getting rid of tyrants and invaders.
>>171055ha they're too cucked to do anything about it, europeans are losers and the best thing to do about this is to sit down and laugh at them from a free country. America #1 get fucked europoors
>>171045This shit is going to affect all of us. U.S. companies are going to blanket-censor information to keep EU court's off of their back.
>>171060so not only have europoors managed to cuck themselves they're fucking up everyone else's shit too? wow I didn't think I could get less sympathetic towards the fags. Those companies are trash anyway I'm sure america will do something about that for ourselves because we're not pathetic and we can stand up for ourselves
>>171064You can tone down the ego. Our government is nearly as bad, and almost all semblence of muh freedom are illusory. Trump is only one step in the right direction, our problems are not solved and they might never be unless we take up arms.
Also resprect your fatherland and brothers. You wouldn't be as free as you were without the philosophies, religious underpinnings and racial makeup of previously European men.
>>171142yeah no, we have some problems with with government and corporations especially here in the US but we're definitely not "nearly as bad." Canada and even China at this point enjoy more freedom than europe and their out of control oligarchy and socialist governments.
I respect the peoples and countries historically but there's not a lot in modern europe especially the UK, germany, and sweden worth respecting. Neither the contemporary people, nor governments, have any respect for themselves, their race, culture, or religions how can I respect people like that?
Modern europeans are a bunch of losers and they deserve what they get for allowing things to get this bad, and moreover they deserve to be made fun of for their failures, if leafs get shit for trudeau like they should then europe deserves an endless amount of for the EU
We need to end Germany (again).
>>171152>>171153Firstly, I disavow. Both.
Its almost like this is an international corporate push for anti consumer legislation made by corrupt senators. But who am i to judge. Apparently the European citizens are all responsible for this. Indeed it must be that i personally asked for this.
>>171176I generally use a vpn but there you go
>>171170the historical people of europe would and did on many occasions rise up and kill their government officials over this or at least try to, the current situation is a result of you being too weak to stand up for yourself cuck
>>171190I've pointed this out in other threads, but to make this perfectly clear: The citizens in the EU have less power over the EU government than over their own national governments (which is needless to say already very little as it is).
Voter Participation is at an all time low, usually barely hitting the 50% mark in most region. Most people
DO NOT care enough about the EU or politics in general to even attend a referendum. Those people who do vote do in majority support the established parties in power. Populist movements are in average supported by less than a fifth of the population at this time. Even engaging for such a course often means the destruction of your social and professional adult life. People are simple not willing to risk that. And i cant really blame them. No one sane will give up their civil existence for uncertainty and empty promises for some fringe political theorists from websites they dont use or have even heard about. Its just not happening. The amount of ignorance, indifference and hostility is just too high.
What else is there really to say? Unless the EU someway somehow dissolves, this will not stop and they will drag in even more countries in this if they can with more terrible bullshit. Whats my view on this? I did not create the EU. I dont support it. I cant change it. I cant stop it, and even if i tried i would be thrown in jail or unpersoned for the rest of my life.
So please continue to tell me how it is my personal fault that a supernational megagovernment does whatever it wants because i dont shoot up my local mayors office, although Anon an MLPOL called me a cuckold for not doing it. The people who are responsible and needed for change are not here, they dont listen and they dont care.
>>171196yeah and you let all of that happen you pathetic lazy piece of shit enjoy your 1984 themed socialist hellscape you earned it
>>171198That is a dreadfully narrow-minded way to view foreign politics.
>>171200I mean I'm more forgiving of Chinese people or Russians who are actually up against something, but Europeans much like Canadians main problem is that they're lazy cucks
>>171170Hence why the best solution is to keep pissing them off. And with them unable to reply back, that anger has to go somewhere.
Remember, they were the ones who voted for the EU and they failed to realize it is run by out-of-touch oligarchs.
And like most people from third-world shitholes, they cannot take the banter because it ruins their idealized image of their country because reality says otherwise.
tl;DR: It is their fault they made the EUSSR and they deserve every shit flung at them.
So do eurofags need to start using HAMnet now?
>>171201You need to consider that the European people today have been born into circumstances where it's becoming increasingly difficult for them as citizens to fight against the globalist machine, and that they're the victims of the same (((interest groups))) that are trying to castrate and enslave all of us. A lot of them don't like what's going on, but systematic censorship has disenfranchised them to the point where opposition means potentially destroying the livelihoods of their families.
Now, I'm not saying you shouldn't shitpost on Europeans about the state of their, in fact I do it all the time because what can be said should be said. But believing that innocent white individuals, who have very little freedom or control over their circumstances, are somehow deserving of all the horrors the that are being unleashed by the judeo-globalist oligarchy is just misguided. Europeans did unknowingly dig their own grave, like much of the rest of the Western world has, but it's still a tragedy that this has been allowed to happen.
>Great Depression first
>Hitler second
>>171205everyone is born into their circumstances, none of this excuses them being pathetic cucks and letting these (((oligarchs))) walk all over them while their women and children are raped by muslims
>>171204they need to start taking testosterone and see if they can finally get their balls to drop
The normie has no interest in doing some sort of pre-emptive violence. Further the actual power structure is insulated from any normie attacks. And the attack itself can be used as anti-propoganda. You won't get a grassroots rebellion whilst the situation is barely tollerable. People need to feel an actual existential threat before they give up the Western Christian "turn the other cheek". If you can close the curtains and lock the door and be safe, that is good enough for most. Works even better when you have the internet (porn, videos, games, shitposting, music).
Quoting Hitler:
>Since the Social Democrats know very well the value of power from their own experience, their storming is directed mainly at those whose character has this same quality. Conversely, they praise every weakling on the other side, cautiously, then loudly, according to the intellectual qualities they see or suspect. They fear an impotent, weak-willed genius less than they fear a forceful nature with only modest intellect. Their highest recommendation goes to weaklings in both mind and nature.
>They are successful in creating the impression that giving-in is the only way to win peace and quiet from them while they quietly, cautiously, but unerringly, conquer one position after another, either by quiet extortion or by actual theft when the public attention is on other things. The public is distracted and either unwilling to be interrupted or they consider the situation too small to worry about and believe it is not worth provoking the angry foe
>These are tactics planned by exact calculation to exploit every human weakness, and it is almost mathematically sure to be successful unless the other side can learn to fight poison gas with poison gas. To those who are weak in nature, it can only be said that this is a simple question of survival or nonsurvival.
>To me, the significance of physical terrorism toward the individual and toward the masses was plain to see. Terrorism on the job, in the factory, in the meeting hall, and at mass demonstrations, will always be successful unless equal terrorism opposes it.
- Mein Kampf
Whilst the assessment might be true the solution proposed makes you as bad as the enemy (or worse). And it becomes simply thug vs thug. Christianity based societies try to avoid that, which is good assuming you are interacting with Christian(-like) others. The Western normie will avoid violence as long as possible. They need to be utterly broken before they will set aside their Christ-like thinking.
Great Depression comes first. Then the purge starts, and the blood flows, and the solution is as bad as the problem. Death all around. Which then legitimises the re-emergence of the Left and Globalism. And around we go again.
>>171215yeah keep making excuses cuck, hope mohammed don't tear your asshole
>>171223So Europoors are stuck with MS Paint drawings now.
There is something very wrong when China of all places is freer than you.
>>171224>when China of all places is freerYou're just shitposting at this point.
this is so sad can we invade Europe?
>>170952"I just made a speech at the
EU, why am I here?... I just wanted to shit post."
>>171233What an absurd time we live in. Shitposters are trying to do whats right and governments that do nothing.
In what ways can Europoors try to bypass this kikery?
>>171243No joke, MS Paint versions of memes. Another is to copyright every single European meme. This way, they get good with their MS paint skills.
So are Eurofags still going to be able to post here?
>>171257I doubt this place is on EU radar. They'll probably be fine, and can just use a VPN or something if they're paranoid.
>Chinese censorship is a strong reminder that china is indeed a communist dictatorship, starved of the most basic human freedoms
>Europe is a liberal bastion of democracy that defends civil liberties
>Europe believes in basic human rights like free speec… uh oh
At least xi jing ping promised gook nation prosperity. the EU merely promised their serfs 3 layers of big government, mega regulation nation, and if they don’t like it they can vote again (warning: rigged).
ex. scotland
EU [>democracy] -> UK [Brexit means brexit half-in half-out remain and fuck you] -> Scotland gov. [more taxes goy] -> local gov. [hopefully doesn’t fuck you up the ass as much as everyone else]
>>171345Looks like a repeat of youtube porn day or the Tumblr-4chan war is in order.
Step 1: Take a common tag
Step 2: Slap redpills on it
Step 3: Watch as it self-destructs.
>>171345>Content would be flagged up by national authorities, who would issue removal orders to the internet companies hosting it. Those companies would be given one hour to delete it.I hope Poland and Hungary and perhaps Italy uses this for all it is worth forcing Google to take down Antifa sites and content. Would be fun watching this censorship backfire on the friends of Merkel
The end of the internet is nigh
>>171401>Detects captionsWhy on Earth would they develop that?
>>171405To fight hate speech, goy.
I wonder how 4chan will survive this. 4chan has the money and the size that they will be required to put in the resources to actually implement this. Could be great new for alt-chans when 4chan have to block all of Europe or block uploading of memeimages for all users.
>>171230we ought to just fire some nukes and put the cucks out of their misery
>>171480This is all going to be fun. AI will always be playing catch up to human innovation. meme wording can just look like captcha text and AI will get confused. You could have complicated backgrounds and the AI can't tease out which "lines" are the letters. You can sabotage by attributing an image to the wrong owner by purposely (C)ing it wrongly. The game has changed but it wont become oppression, it will expand into chaos, and chew up the controllers resources. Further it will distribute the rebellion across the internet making it harder to oppress. The chan attitude thrives in chaos. Praise Kek.
The energy of the right wing emergence won't be stopped, it will just keep rerouting until people are on a fully distributed uncentralised system. Normies prefer tech company hand outs (social media), they will keep moving away from that. Just recently the Q redditers became 8ch chaners, internet diversification will keep happening. The right wing internet will keep rising and keep dispersing. These waters will rise in all places, not in centralized places.
>>171020There's American Exceptionalism, non-Whites in the US are more on ourside than Whites in Europe.
Let's keep this going, accelerationism it's working in Europe, just look at the rise on populism!
>>171552Thank you, I needed this webm in my life
So with the UK thought police and the EU meme police, whats next in the 1984 play book?
>>171698If they're following 1984, IIRC the next step is War to distract the populace, brand dissidents as enemy agents, provide cover to hide the theft of money and resources amongst the war production, and to create a bogeyman to point at to explain why we can't have nice things anymore.
We're partly there. They just need to kick off a war with Russia and dispose of Trump. They'd probably vilify Trump in the role of the Mr Goldstein character. Lefties already work themselves up into a fit of rage in their 2-minutes of hate against Trump every day.
>>171715The EU run military force is more or less complete and up and running, so I think, so they have the manpower to kick off a war without any nation state being able to interject (well they might try and loose voting rights if they do).
They might kick off a war internally against Poland and Hungary once both have lost their voting rights in the EU parliament. This way they don't have to risk loosing a war but can keep the war going forever.
>>171715thats pretty much what the democrat party has been doing for the past 2 years. someone should have told them 1984 was meant as a warning, not a guidebook.
>>171721And what they fail to realize is that its not going to be them who gets to be in the party.
They are unstable and will be disposed of as soon as their purpose is fulfilled.
I fear for my friends in the UK and in the EU. I fear for you all too. Please be safe friends.
>intended to give publishers and papers a way to make money when companies like Google link to their stories, allowing them to demand paid licenses.
And the clock strikes 13...
>>172214The fact that they even want to be in the Party just proves what idiots they are. All the creepy invasive shit that happens in 1984 is basically just the Party surveilling other Party members. Winston's literal job is to take news articles written by the Party for the Party, and rewriting them to be consistent with whatever the narrative of the moment is, to ensure that the Party is completely in line with itself. The Party expends the bulk of its resources just monitoring itself, the Proles in that story are pretty much free range sheep; they just wander around and collect government gibs and do whatever the hell else they want.