They could've just left the flag out without saying anything and we wouldn't have noticed. Instead, they chose to flip off the entire country without a hint of subtly.
>the astronaut’s accomplishments “transcend countries and borders”
Bullshit. The entire United States devoted time and resources to put a man on the moon. If they didn't mean to make a statement, they wouldn't have brought the flag to the moon.
A flag like this is more acceptable.
>"Armstrong did not view himself as an American hero"
>implying those 400,000 people he "deferred the focus to" weren't, gee I don't know, AMERICAN
If this isn't revisionist history, I don't know what is. As is usually the case with this kind of story, it would take paragraphs to point out every single reason why this is complete bullshit.
>>168928To be fair most of the brains that went to actually fixing the dogshit rockets that kept failing were old nazi rocket scientists :^)
If you look at the failed test flights of the early american rockets and nazi V2's they're pretty much the same issues, so they had to paperclip Von Braun and his fellows to fix them.
>>168905I bet if it were an EU flag up there they would have featured it prominently.
>>168954This, German science and ingenuity made it possible, should have been a swastika up there.