i am getting flashbacks of my first time i walked into a shop with warhammer items and this random neckbeard ive never met before started telling me a story how he killed a vampire with a skaven mousewheel.
screencaps? dont have any on me. i mean, might be able to get some if i felt like it, but not right now bud. also, i like skaven <w> and the hamster wheel the neck beard was reffering to is whats reffered to as THE DOOM WHEEL and killing a vampire with a DOOM WHEEL is a very, very hard thing to pull off.
>>167113Christ you sound autistic. Friend of mine spends some time in a few discords and there are always commie fags like that.
>>167113Maybe some leftist have their heart in the right place but become so radical and blinded by their worldview that they straight up block any information that is not in line with how they see the world that they manuver themself into a place it is hard to come back from
>all of these retards who cant see this is a copypasta
How fucking dumb is this board? Seriously, all I do when I come here is just to laugh at you fucking 56% faggots.
>>167202You didn't deny the accusation.
>>167211You didn't make an accusation.