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161204 161207 161214 161295 161307 161744 162839
A growing trend in Europe is that no one wants to become a police officer anymore. Their work is getting more and more dangerous while they're demanded to be more and more gentle, and still getting daily accusations of racism that could end up in fines or even jail.

A functional society needs a police force, but it's been eroding, turned against us, and less and less capable fulfilling its job. Neighborhood watches would sound like an obvious solution, but every organized crime organization from Mafia and Yakuza to Bloods and Cribs were originally founded to protect people against criminals, so an organization like that would need some serious safeguards against going the same way.

What do you think? How can people keep safe as the arm of law loses its strength?
161216 161413
I think the only good solution actually is the American solution. Let people arm themselves, and add stand your ground laws. When the criminals know they can be killed on the spot if they try anything they will think twice before doing anything.

As it is now in Europe people aren't allowed to a great extent to protect themselves unless it is last resort. You are not allowed to protect your property beyond adding locks. If you as a citizen hurt an intruder instead of willingly give up your property you can be punished for it. So I think the first step is to give every citizen the right to protect themselves and their property by all means. Of course criminals should not be allowed to own guns.

As long as we don't give a select group the sole means to protect themselves and others I think the chances for a mafia to evolve is diminished. The main reason I think that the mafia and yakuza etc. turned into elements of criminal conduct is because they had to turn to crime, illegally owning guns etc., to be able to protect the people.

But I share your concerns. The police is slowly and steadily loosing the grip on crime. And unless people are in some way given back some means to protect themselves. Means that were taken away under the umbrella that the police could and should handle it instead. The criminals will win unless the police is starting to actively hunt them down right now.
Aren't there actually private law enforcment comapnies in bongistan already? Something like Municipal Police…
One option many European countries already use is gendarmes. Use a section of the military as a police force
A well regulated militia.
Stand your ground laws should be an absolute must for any society. Castle doctrine sounds like a no-brainer too, but it should be covered by the stand your ground laws as well.

However, while the situation in England is rapidly changing my views on necessity of guns for the liberty of nation, I still think arming everyone is a horrible idea for trying to control crime. From what I've learned, most criminals (at least in Finland) aren't people who have decided to set on a life of crime, but stupid losers who don't have the mental prerequisites to keep themselves in line. They don't think they can get away with their crimes, they just see an opportunity to do or get what they want and take it, and when they're in prison they cry about how life is unfair. That's why after a certain points harshening the penalties turns counterproductive, as these people who were already too broken for society don't get any smarter from being punished harder. They don't think about how they might end up in prison, and they wouldn't think ahead about getting shot any more either. It's what makes the namby-pamby rehabilitation so efficient at preventing recidivism.

Another point relates to how someone in another thread was amused by the concept of mass-stabbings, as in America the perpetrator would have been shot long before getting to stab several people. Imagine if instead of mass-stabbings we had mass SHOOTINGS where a refugee pulled out a semi-automatic gun and started firing at the people instead!

Municipal Police has the same problem regular police has: No one wants to join a dangerous job that demands them to walk on eggshells or be charged for racism.

I hadn't heard of gendarmes before, but now I'm terrified. I don't think using military in stead of police has ever been a good thing, and that is in addition to them being under the control of the same government that's demanding police to take the muslims side.
Reason I think guns are part of the solution is that criminals will have them anyway. And for normal citizens trying to protect themselves would be like bringing a blunt object to a gunfight (granted bullets are blunt objects moving really really fast). Mainly I just want to give the people the means to protect themselves in any reasonable circumstance they might encounter.
But I fully see your point that most of criminals are not inherently bad people, they are just stupid people making stupid choices.
And yes if society causes the criminals to dig deeper and deeper holes for themselves they will in the end have nothing to loose and will just keep on doing what "works" because why try to better yourself if you never gain anything from it (besides a clean conscious witch is good in itself).

One can say there is no perfect solutions to any problem. For rehabilitation you need a clear way out that cleans the slate in the eye of the public (and for the criminal). But, Norway might be a special case here, when criminals are treated better than people that actually try to be good it is counter productive. Like a prison in Norway wanted to stop providing the porn channels on the cable TV prisoners get to watch in their individual cells. This was stopped because it would be "cruel" to the prisoners to do so. Then you got families that can't afford to have a TV that get next to no help from the government. Prisoners get much better food that the elderly. The prisoners have a varied menu and all is made on site. The elderly gets the equivalent to meals on wheels of crap quality driven to their elderly centers.
>sorry went a bit astray there and off topic, but got carried away

>Imagine if instead of mass-stabbings we had mass SHOOTINGS where a refugee pulled out a semi-automatic gun and started firing at the people instead!

Don't we already have those? Trucks of peace on missionary down walking street because it is easy to hit people there. And once unable to drive further the peace loving driver gets out and starts shooting.
Granted we got more trucks and hatchbacks of peace and knifes poking people than shootings.
161224 161228
What you must remember is that if your native people won't work a job, then minorities will.
Our government is rife with fat lazy black bitches handling the basic bureaucracy and jews dominating the advanced portions. A government that is willing to betray you by bringing in loads of foreigners in the first place, is for certain willing to fast track Somali and Iraqi police to fill the slots left behind.
Also a great way to ensure that even the police are too divided to fall out of line and try anything dangerous to the state.
161231 161234 161302
The ludicrous amounts of money spent on criminals is too much indeed, but Sweden has come up with the most brilliant, most bleedingly-obvious solution that anyone could have ever thought of: The prisoners get the same social security they'd get outside, and have to pay their rent, food and entertainment themselves! Not only is this cheaper than treating them like hotel guests, it keeps them connected to the life outside prison and teaches them to keep their budget in check even when they leave the institution.

There hasn't been a fraction of shootings compared to what America has each week, because getting guns in Europe is actually way more difficult than average imageboard users imagine it to be. That's why the muslims have to resort to less practical means like trucks and knives instead of efficient firearms.

This is the worst case scenario, but thus far our only boon has been that somalians are as reluctant to work as police as they are to work as anything else. They'd be guaranteed to get the job just because of how much diversity that would promote, so for once their lack of work ethic is a good thing.
Nigger don't make me post the statistics that prove white people engage in less violent crime each year, and society on the whole is getting less violent, even as we import and breed dindus en masse.
Do you guys have a decent number of mosques there yet? Once they're built those things are usually rolling in cash from their following; usually enough to to even buy land out somewhere quiet. It would take even less money to buy a small old warehouse or toolshed somewhere, set up some lathe and milling equipment, and begin designing those resistance guns based on blueprints almost anybody with a net connection can download. Shit, 3D printers too unless those are regulated to own there.
Every bowling alley has a drill press for drilling bowling balls. No one will ask twice if you own a bowling alley in the middle of nowhere. I've seen places with 5 lanes open and I wonder how they stay in business.

Then I realize that there is a market for things other than bowling, and owning property means you can do anything there.
>The prisoners get the same social security they'd get outside, and have to pay their rent, food and entertainment themselves!
That is not a bad way to do it.
161619 162462
We used to have less regulations on guns in the states during the past and since the implementation of more regulations the shootings have only gotten worse. I'm not familiar with the situation for your euros, but the more regulations tighten in America the more guns just go on underground anyway. All these mass shooting perpetrators are defective people anyway. Around the turn of the century we kept people like that in check with a more regimented society. Today we just wind them up and set them lose. Thank god the euros solved the shooting problem by neutering the freedoms of a large percentage of the population. Due to their inability to deal with a small but dangerous percentage of the population the whole suffers. That's why Americans laugh so hard at all the stabbings and shit. Sure they aren't shootings, but the root cause of the problem still exists.

At this point the ideological differences come in. I'm willing to allow the risk of shootings in order to retain my right to own firearms and self defense. You are willing to minimize the damage from dangerous members of society by stripping your right to own a firearm and defend yourself. The way I see it I'm more protected from a dangerous individual. The way you see it society is more protected from dangerous individuals. Difference is if someone pulls a knife or a gun on you you're toast, they are just "less likely" to do so.

I don't want to imply all citizens who own firearms will be able to defend themselves effectively or that there is no potential to discuss types of gun regulation. However, I do hope to show you the other side of the coin. Honestly, though I think talking to Euros/Americans comes down to what matters most to them. Personal liberty at the cost of risk or reduced risk at the cost of personal liberty. In the case of firearms I couldn't imagine the second but I bet you think I'm crazy to pick the first.
161313 162758
This trend is world wide. To make up the lack of recruits, they let anyone enroll, especially soldiers suffering from PTSD, but still need a job to pay the bills.

We need something to help out and reform the police force and make sure they're not swamped in paper work. A massive deportation of niggers would be a huge start to help out both police and society.
I've redpilled a lot of people on the blacks by showing them the "Race and crime in America" and "If all black people left america" memes.
The facts are on our side and those who dismiss the facts and choose jew lies… laugh at those faggots in front of them until their liberal talkshow conditioning kicks in and they understand being laughed at by an authority=you're wrong.
> think

You need to buy guns.
This is a good post and it is indicative of a much wider thing. Where ever there can be polar opposites there is endless debate and even endless cycling between those extremes which never actually solves the core issue: Some fraction of humanity is always being born that will always fuck up anything for everyone else.
The simplest answer to this is to remove the invaders infesting their lands. Just look at the locations where the Terror attacks and sexual assaults are in Europe. None of them are in Poland.

A police force is only effective when it is protecting a solid society. After all, their job is to remove rouge elements that harm it and prevent it as much as possible hence the patrols.

But the society in Europe is fragmented. And thus it would be more feasible for martial law… And that's going to be ultimate excuse for the EU army to show up.

Damn these globalist scum.
We might not have Ahmeds but we have something equally bad. That is supporters of the previous government, which cause general disruption and even blackmail policemen who protect the government.
Finally a topic I agree with fully.

I think RWDS are our salvation. Identity Europa and others like them should start acting more visibly against migrant crime as vigilantes. Large groups, at least five as a group to apprehend criminals and collect evidence of illegal activity before turning them in as citizens.

And of course a gun/self defense culture needs to be fostered in these countries so as to allow them to build up fame as good samaritans and redpill the docile into being more involved.
162463 162750
(remembered this thread after another mass-stabbing injured three people)
>Honestly, though I think talking to Euros/Americans comes down to what matters most to them.
I agree. I too would like to own a gun, but it would never be worth the danger of every ill-tempered short-sighted idiot out there carrying one too. Especially because the violent retards who aren't scared of going to prison would be both more likely to carry and to use them.

I find the idea of an armed society being a polite one strange though. Americans are so phenomenally rude that it doesn't seem to be working.
>cucked northener doesn't understand the appeal of living in an armed society where criminals get shot by bystanders and any retard with a gun who aims at an innocent also gets shot because "owo scary crazy retarded gun ppls uwu"
Imagine my surprise.
162772 162838 162841
>Americans are phenomenally rude

That's not really much of a metric. Its also a metric I wouldn't really put faith into coming from you. I live in American and everyone I meet is generally pretty friendly. Maybe its because I don't live in a poor area, but I don't think its normal to assume people in general are "rude" no matter where they are from. Regardless I can't disprove you of that. As long as you've met or seen some Americans that are rude then there isn't much I can say to dissuade you of such an idea.

An armed society doesn't necessarily need to be polite. You say some people aren't afraid of prison and therefore are willing to commit to shoot other people. The argument for an armed society being a polite society is that some sort of shitbag scum may not care about prison, but he'll care if the guy he is looking to rob can defend himself with lethal force.

Again I'd like to point to the past. American has always had a large percentage of gun ownership. Only in the last 30 or so years have shootings become a problem. I'd argue society has caused more problems that have lead to such a spike in violence.
162772 162838
To add, I think we should do more to recruit certain police members to the NatSoc cause before the police reforms. It ensures we have a strong and loyal police force that fights for the cause.

With the reforms they get better training, weapons, health plans, and in return they are red pilled and loyal to you since you helped them and made their job easier. All in the name of National Socialism.
Nail on the head, man. Thank you for putting it so eloquently. As an American I can attest to the fact that outside of slums and concrete monkey-cages like Detroit, people are generally really kind and non-intrusive. The issue isn't criminals and the insane getting guns, since making it illegal to get them doesn't stop people with the intention to get them forever; the issue is a recent culture. In America, I think the worst mass murder was a mass stabbing in the 1900s or 1910s. I don't remember what it was and I'm too busy to figure out what it was specifically; police are not omnipotent, so giving us less restrictive means of getting firearms ourselves would be a good fallback in terms of mass murderers and crime that happens too fast to be fully prevented in time by a cop.

The good guy with a gun does exist. If I recall, there's over 2,000,000 self-defense cases with firearms every year, compared to an absolute maximum of 30k crimes committed with them.

I also agree with >>162758 that a police force with natsoc tendencies and better training would go a long way, as would deporting the nogs.
162855 162938
I decided against writing these hypothetical scenarios in my last post because I thought they'd be too confrontational, but now I really want to know if you'd believe in them:

>Someone on a bad day sees you and doesn't like the look of your face.

>He draws his gun, but despite him having the element of surprise, the sheer force of righteousness allows you to draw yours faster and shoot him before he pulls the trigger

>A disturbed man walks to the mall with the intent to start a massacre

>As soon as he gets his gun out, three other people notice him and shoot him with their automatic rifles without a single innocent bystander being harmed
>Alerted by the gunfire, other armed heroes in the shop draw their guns and turn around to see three armed men with smoking guns in their hands, but they realize immediately that these guys who just killed a person are the good guys so the situation doesn't escalate because of misunderstandings

I don't have any real-life experience about americans, but at least online they seem to be more hostile and arrogant than most other civilized countries. Not to mention in tv and videos, but I give them a benefit of a doubt in case they just want to film stuff like that.

I don't mean the violent idiots in any society wouldn't want to avoid both prison and getting shot, but by "aren't scared of" I mean that most criminals are too dumb or insane to consider the consequences of their actions. Whether they end up behind bars or in the ER, they'll still cry about how they just got drunk and angry and none of this was their fault. A nigger shooting at cops doesn't think about his future anymore than a violent drunk does, and it has been proven that harsher deterrents really don't work on these kinds of people.

I don't know if America really is too saturated by guns to keep them away from criminals at this point, but I definitely don't wish for Europe to end up the same way.

>I think we should do more to recruit certain police members to the NatSoc cause before the police reforms.
This is absolutely true, but it's still hard to find anyone who'd join the police. All their NatSoc posts and thoughts would be a billion times more hazardous, so those people would have to make their allegiance super secret. And even then they'd end up in a system that ties their hands and punishes them for arresting anyone but whites.

Deporting niggers would solve all the problems police is having, but with our entrenched political parties working for multiculturalism it's very hard to do that. Less crime, permission to actually stop the crime, and not being called racist pigs no matter what you do would quickly return both the police manpower and the public safety.
162906 162938
Sorry if I am ranting a bit here, but it happens at times when I start writing. And I hope I don't come off as confrontational towards you it is not my intention.

>Someone on a bad day sees you and doesn't like the look of your face.

This could easily be someone who would stab you or run you over with his car or whatever. You can't guard you against all eventualities no matter what.

>[…] so the situation doesn't escalate because of misunderstandings

This would be down to training and reading people. Usually when you take out a threat you keep your gun trained at the threat in case you need to neutralize it some more. Someone on an rampage would not keep their gun trained on a single individual or individuals that are already neutralized. Someone on an rampage would seek out their next target. But again you can never safeguard against all eventualities. Also you need to keep in mind that when you are rushing into a gunfight you need to assess the situation because you don't know what caused it. Running towards a gunfight is different than reacting to someone pulling a gun. Keeping a level head is alpha and omega in every situation.
But I think the scenario with automatic rifles is taking it a bit far as no one has automatic rifles (at most they are semi-automatic), and conceal carry of a rifle is a feat in itself. Most likely the massacre would never happen there because he would see that there were at least three people with rifles ready at hand. The disturbed man would probably seek out a no-gun zone and kill innocent people in a safe environment.
But I get what you are trying to say, and yes misunderstandings could escalate things. But I doubt there would be an uncontrolled chain reaction where people starting shooting each other left and right. I think worst case there would be one or two accidental deaths perhaps in your scenario.

>I mean that most criminals are too dumb or insane to consider the consequences of their actions

One could hope that in time these people would be Darwined out of existence if they were shot before they were able to procreate, but it would take some generations to get to that point.

>I definitely don't wish for Europe to end up the same way

You know there is two acid attacks every day in Britain? Britain have become the country with most acid attacks per inhabitant in the world. So it is not like Europe is without its problems when it comes to violence. Violent people will always find a way, be it by car, hammer or wooden stick. Also criminals will always be able to get guns if they want to. As you say they don't think of the consequences so they will not be deterred by the fact that they might get caught when they try to buy a gun illegally. Upstanding citizens on the other hand will not try to get guns illegally, but they might want to get one legally if they were given the opportunity. So raising the bar for getting guns, or out right banning, only keeps guns out of the hands of those who would not use the guns for bad things.

Also there is no real correlation between gun-ownership per capita and gun-violence per capita.
Someone with better statistical knowledge and infographs and such can probably point this out better; like if you remove suicides and adjust the numbers to adjust for guns per capita. I think if you look at statistics you will see that there is a greater correlation between "We wuz kangs" and gun violence than ownership per capita.

One thing I think we could say for sure is that if there was more guns in the Nordic countries there would be many more suicides by guns here. We are already pretty high on the suicide statistics already; Finland is in 4th place, and Norway in 13th place already (not adjusted for guns per capita). Heck all the Nordic countries are within the first 21th places when it comes to suicide by gun.
If you want to look at society, I'd say look at the cultures society has been worshipping for the last 30 years or so. Most of it is fucking nigger culture, especially with rappers rapping about bitches and hoes, drug use, and killing cops.

I'd also say society became more self-centered and obsessed with materialism than thinking about how to help society or even just living a morally healthy lifestyle where you enjoy a good job and raise a nice family. Society just wallowed in degeneracy in general.

Needless to say, we know (((who))) has been promoting and selling degeneracy and nigger culture to destroy us.

However, the "morality police", especially Christians isn't any better. They shot themselves in the foot with their overreaction to things and "holier than thou" attitudes that contradict the bible. But we know (((who))) is pulling the strings and controlling things there.

(((They))) always play both sides to weaken us.
Did somebody say solutions other than a government program?
Single cases are unfortunate but you seriously underestimate people's ability to peacefully resolve things through passive arming. There have been attempted mass shootings and stabbings stopped by a civvie who holds his rifle up and gets him to drop his weapon before he turns off the safety. Yes, some shootings can't be fully stopped but a mass shooter who is stopped at the cost of one or two people injured by the bullet/s that penetrate him or whiff by him, is better than dozens of people injured before police can even get to the scene.

Also if people got into nigger-fits with each other and started firing at each other, it's not like nobody in the background would see it happen. Say two nogs in a cafe have an argument about hipster rap music in the place's music system. "WAT U SAY NIGGUH" man reaches into his pocket to pull out his piece. Barista sees the argument escalating, reaches under her counter, and surprises him due to being outside hiis peripheral vision, and shouts for him to put it away. If he attempts to turn around and open fire he's at a disadvantage because nog #2 could get him too. And people WOULD cooperate in situations like this, with the same threats facing them.

In the end, civilians don't have a requirement of trigger discipline like cops do, but they can learn it by being in a culture where threatening someone is something immediately punishable. Cops are not omnipotent, limited to patrols and stations and having to drive their way to the scene, but civilians are basically everywhere; witnesses, vigilantes, bystanders or criminals. They can turn the tide by being present in the moment, and most people who buy a firearm legally go through training or at least have a stable hand to help with any stress that comes with these moments.

At the moment the only obligation police have is to document the crime in its aftermath. There is a precedent set that police do not have to be punished for staying at the sidelines instead of playing hero. Remember the countless school shootings where they wait minutes, sometimes hours, before doing anything about the person gunning civilians down. That's anarcho-tyranny. That's clown world. If we cannot trust our government we have to be allowed the ability to defend ourselves, whether with RWDS or just gun culture. Otherwise we have no way of stopping these things safely.
162907 162920 162938
Admin went to prison_1ad9c….jpg
>This could easily be someone who would stab you or run you over with his car or whatever.
Stabbing and hit-and-runs have way smaller mortality rates than gunshots. They also take more time and effort than simply pulling a trigger, giving you better chances to run away, fight back, or just survive long enough for help to arrive. It definitely doesn't sound appealing, but it's still way better than getting shot.

One more danger about shooting criminals I've wondered about is, isn't that insanely dangerous in a country with an insane justice system? In america especially it seems like a diceroll whether you walk free or get a hundred years of gangrape whether or not your actions were justified.

>You know there is two acid attacks every day in Britain?

Yes, I know. It's still better than two mass-shootings per day. Remember that even if every citizen was armed, the britbongs would be less likely to fight because 1) they don't have 72 virgins to reward them, and 2) the police would shoot them for being nazis and the media would parade this event as a tragic example of how white people treat refugees. Arming everyone would mostly benefit those who were the most willing to use them.

>criminals will always be able to get guns if they want to

Again, you really, REALLY don't understand how difficult getting a gun in Finland is. Americans say that a lot, but when asked for details it all devolves into vague generalities about 'guys' and 'places'. Don't you think our local jihadists would want guns? Hell, I have wanted a gun for decades but if you can't get the license to buy one legally you really can't get one from anywhere else either.
Are you ever going to provide evidence for your claims, or are you just going to keep making baseless arguments? Remember, any claim made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
Spend a single day on the deep web. Just an uninterrupted day with a couple hundred bucks in bitcoin. You will find vendors who are trusted by a large number of people, and provided you use a PO box or a drop-off point, you can have this stuff delivered quite easily.

The real life alternative is *risky* but not that hard to find someone who'll sell if they know someone. We're channers, so connections aren't something we excel at, but others are luckier than us.

Also being able to legally get a firearm means a lower likelihood of having to put yourself into the black market, lower chance of being forced into committing a crime afterward, and less chance of something like being pursued by the seller for a little more money.
What? I'm saying that they're not monsters and that some sellers on the deep web are reputable. Don't 'nigger' me nigger.
>I decided against writing these hypothetical scenarios in my last post because I thought they'd be too confrontational

I agree with that sentiment and wish you hadn't of mentioned them. As >>162839 and >>162855 suggest via their posts your scenario isn't necessarily the only one to consider. I think discussing such scenarios is pointless. Depending on how the coin flips it can pan out all sorts of ways. I agree with you that their is an element of danger in an armed society, but I would much rather live in a world where people can defend themselves albeit with a chance of risk instead of one where individuals are defenseless. Nit picking scenarios won't yield a consensus. Its pretty easy to go online and find articles displaying examples of self defense at work or back firing.

I'd also like to point out that vigilante defense shooting is much more risky sounding than the more common application of firearms in home defense. In a home defense situation there is a clear intent by someone to force entry or sneak in and there is a clear threat to personal property.

For the third time here I'd like to mention that guns have been part of American culture for so long and only recently have these outburst of violence become a problem. It might seem irrelevant, but its proof that an armed society is not the problem. The problem is modern society.

>Americans say that a lot, but when asked for details it all devolves into vague generalities about 'guys' and 'places'.

That's because in America its as simple as guys and places. My roommate owns about a dozen or so guns. Unlike Europe, Americans have always had a strong gun culture. There is such an abundance of guns in the states that if they were made illegal they could never possibly be all accounted for. We can't exactly tell you how someone would buy guns illegally because we don't purchase guns illegally. However, like I said lots of people own guns. Don't tell me people can't just buy a gun from someone they know with cash and with no documentation.
I heard anti-cop "Copwatch" idiots were making some "Use this app to call nearby professionals" thing. I heard it works on first aid and gun emergencies but I remember nothing else about it.

Also, I'm bumping and temporarily derailing this thread I like to say: Anyone here familiar with the African folk tale of The Spider? It's fascinating how bad they are at storytelling. European myths are so much better than this niggershit.
>The Spider
Can we have a quick rundown?
162962 162969
I don't remember where I heard it from, but according to the story…

When all creatures were being born, everyone wanted to go to the sky, so some developed wings and long necks and legs to jump with. But the spider didn't have jack shit, so it got bitter and made a big web to trap everything. Then it ran out of stuff to trap so it trapped bigger stuff, like the moon, sun, and sky, (the planet is never mentioned) leaving behind just itself and the spider web it left behind. Then it gets sad and eats itself, leaving behind the web.
*to trap everything, so it could then eat it
That is shit.
Yep. Only a nigger could write a story where the all-consuming selfish worthless consumer who got that way due to passing up the opportunity to become better is the protagonist, and succeeds in destroying the earth.
Let's try and bring this back. There should be discussion on how we may organize our alternative-police to prevent corruption. Should we operate on a constitution? Let communities vote in new policy or members? Let people join so long as they show their allegiance to the group and desire to protect and serve? How will we punish traitors?